A Very Long Video on Persona 5 - RamZaes

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all right everyone the heist is going down at 6 p.m. two nights wait what time 6:00 p.m. to night what 6 p.m. 7 p.m. yeah sure anyway after we steal the diamonds make sure you invest with them wisely this could gather us a lot of interest interest my ass [Music] that's comedy well I think most of you saw this coming a video one persona 5 yes my first ever persona game which was released in 2017 on the ps3 and ps4 the game that took so many years to make to shake off those similar looking visuals from the previous ones and oh boy does this game look good now unlike before I actually have a physical copy of the game so let's go right on in oh the color is red not blue or yellow that's nice why is it so so much we get the usual preamble saying this game is an original story areata but this time we can reject the contract I see it kicked me back to the title screen are you for real so we start out in Vegas where it seems like our main protagonist is a faith and just look at how proud he is his job seems to be the distraction for the gods while our totally mysterious buddies sneak away I'm a distraction and one thing you will notice straightaway about this game is that there sure is a lot of jumping we then made some gods and start a battle but I'll get into these mechanics a little later on we easily beat them and have to sneak our way through the casino to find the exit but we are then surrounded and caught by the police who give us a nice bump on the noggin and oh my this game is so much more intense than the previous ones we meet the interrogator who forces us to sign a timeshare plan and of course we give our name Zeus RAM oh wait it's westernized now wait what we then get interviewed by a prosecutor who asks us way too many questions but we then start to hear a mysterious voice geez thanks for telling me straight up that this game is gonna mess with me she then tells us to start from the beginning of the story which of course involves a train shot it's always trained and then we get another flashback inside this flashback Oh what now which shows are saving a lady from this bald dude right oh well this ain't gonna be pretty for us after arriving at the station we walk onto the street only to see a weird app on our phones oh man I knew I shouldn't have had that mac and cheese yesterday cheese following our little trip we then arrived in our new hometown where we go to find the house we will be staying in for the rest of the year after three hours we find the place which is a coffee shop run by our new daddy so Jerome he takes us upstairs to show us our new room this is your room yeah sure thanks buddy after some tidying up we go to sleep and somehow awake back in jail oh man not again but Dirk worried this is the new Elbit room yes first it was an elevator then a limo and now this run by the man with the big nose Igor but instead of one assistant it's time it's these lovely two people he tells us the usual that this is out destiny you need personas to win the game is unfair mac and cheese is bad for your health and so on we then wake up and oh boy it's time for our first day of school well not really since everyone is scared of us and as such daddy surgery Modi has to escort us to school since everyone is worried that we will assault someone again because apparently pushing someone away from their crimes crews over your entire life since he was some high up politician and this is such a big theme for the game every single person you meet has this impression of you that you are a criminal and don't really look at the circumstances of what happened that night anyway we meet the principal in our teacher Miss kau wakame a totally normal teacher no secret life for anything just really hates her job geez and well that is all for now we go back tomorrow for our first official day but all is not well in persona 5 land because there seem to be these crazy accidents of life where a person just shuts off entirely but I'm sure that this won't affect the plot of the game at all so the deal for us to live here while Daddy surgery goes out pimping we get to sleep in his shop I guess it isn't all too bad I mean he comes back in the morning to give us breakfast curry for breakfast where's my freaking mac and cheese that's it I'm outta here yeah dang kids these days and so begins the first day of school oh well not really because we got a first experience authentic Japanese life that's right time to spend two hours lost in the train station why is this so hard oh yeah man this sure is a weird crossover so after we leave the train it starts to rain and we have to hide out under the shelter where we see this girl getting picked up by the square-jawed PE teacher from our school mmm good morning and then here's the old Pissarro best male friend 3g real and as such starts a new trend in this game where anytime you meet a friend the screen trips out on us and takes us back to say because Daniel criminals aren't meant to have any friends well good thing Ryoji is a bad bad boy I mean look at how much he swears for real real it's for real so we walk to school with him but uh no seems like that app from earlier did something to us and we arrived in medieval times with a castle standing in place of the school naturally we barge right in and find that we ain't in Kansas no more I wonder how many viewers will get that reference but it seems like we are intruders and get thrown in you guessed it jail again see what we learned that this castle seems to be ruled by a creepy-looking version of that square jawed PE teacher who has horrible fashion sense mm and I guess well he hates our guts yes hates me of all people and he sends these God thinkers to kill us okay yes it is please help me very well that I will give you uh her son Hey we beat his henchmen with our smooth looking persona which is a manifestation of our heart by the way so a lot karma she'd are in and try to find a way out but instead we find this thing I think he's a cat don't call me a cat yeah okay buddy a talking cat that's unacceptable whoa jeez calm down I got Delhi dairy really did talk unacceptable he says he knows how to escape so we should free him so he can help us out and we go and do that by which I mean we run off and escape and leave the cat all alone yeah we arrive back in the real world but somehow I've missed a half day of school this of course annoys the staff including all square jaw it seems that his creepy creepy yourself is different to the real him so he doesn't know about that earlier encounter enough they're getting lost in this game yet again we go to our class with our totally normal average teacher who hates her job boy this sure seems like a nice school so miss kau akan he tells us to stay out of trouble and avoid that Ryoji kid cuz he's got a mane reputation and you haven't dyed your hair back to black either wait that's dyed hair holy moly you sure are bad to the bone real but seriously these two probably have the best friend interactions out of all the previous persona games for me as ruiji is the only one who talks to you and sees through the rumors plus well everyone at school hates both of your guts and I gotta say he's probably one of my all-time favorite characters in all of us oh no wait wait back at school the next day Ryuji wants us to try and go back into the castle again and the steps for doing so involved saying these key words Kushina Shu gen Academy Castle mac-and-cheese those words relate to the person in question and we go back to the other world with a snazzy new outfit you like it we need Morgana again who will help us for some unknown reason now Ryuji wanted us to come back here to find some students who were being held captive that he noticed briefly last time and oh boy so the thing with karma schita is that he is scum a former Olympic medalist who used his privilege to coach the volleyball team and would assault the students constantly to fill his desires hence why he imagines the high school as his castle he is able to do whatever he wants at school tents the principal loves all the winds he brings home the students here however aren't real this is all in karma she does head but it shows how he actually treats the students in the real world oh man I never wanted as a fader villain as badly as him I think that's one thing persona 5 did extremely well the opening boss and themes are so great at setting the entire tone for the whole game but since we are bumbling students come a sheet of traps us and starts beating us up and he reveals that he was the one who actually brokerage is like on purpose got away with it and Ryoji has had to deal with that pain ever since and holy moly you will patria g seems to have it covered yes in a very persona like fashion he awakens is whatsup persona and now we got three members to our party oh yeah I forgot to mention that Kat Morgana he can fight he has a buff persona he's also a cat yeah so we win because oh boy he's strong but karma shooter brings out a fake n that girl from earlier that he controls and he is still too strong for us so we gotta go regroup once again remember changing into this [Music] well Ghana tells us that he also had another use for us and wants to investigate these worlds to find his real body because he honestly believes that he ain't a cat but well since he is a cat we can just leave him so we then talked to Ryu G and become best friends and you know what that means that's what I'm talking about and as such it whisks us back to say trust V you will see this happen a lot in this game we then eat some food and tell Ryu G about our plight of being wrongly accused as a criminal I was arrested for stealing some mac and cheese what just hearing your story makes me angry we then cut back to that girl and from earlier who is talking with her best friend Shiho who is also on the volleyball team with that Blake looking student from earlier this is the last straw for Yugi and he asked us to track down all the volleyball team members to interrogate them to get them to confess on the horrible things calm Ishita has been doing we do manage to find that one student and almost get him to talk but yeah you know what happens karma shader comes barging in it's being listen everybody knows principal parents they all know at our wits end with no one able to hear our pleas who should come to our aid why they cat of course the cat's talking yes this is how Morgana looks like in the real world you're a chance yeah but it's no time to be joking around Ryu gee we gotta listen to the cat I am NOT oh yeah and what he tells us becomes the driving force of the game so by going into a palace we can access a person's darkest desires now what would happen if we erase those desires there are these treasures in the palace and if we remove them the person would lose all of that horrible desire stop that being said they need other desires to even live and as such doing this might actually kill karma shooter but no complaints here I've been waiting to take this dude down for a long time and now this all leads to a boiling point when we over here n who was being forced into a relationship with karma Shido that if she doesn't do things for all pentagons jaw Shiho would lose her starting spot on the team ie blackmail and sees us and confesses it all as she is not the girl that everyone sees she's only doing this relationship thing for her friend but doesn't know what to do now and well it looks like she refuses his demands and as such some really horrible things happen to see her as a consequence of karma she does lust this breaks Anne's heart as she feels that she's at fault and after Ryoji confronts karma Sheeta again to the point of almost thrashing him he straight-up says we are getting expelled and that we assaulted him now since the school loves him so much there's nothing can do unless I hope you are all able to see how amazing this first boss setup was with this game we now have our time limit being the expulsion getting through with the school board and in that time we got to go into his palace and steal his treasure to get him to confess to his crime since no one else will believe us Morgana dubs us the Phantom babes phantom thief's and we go back again to steal his treasure and however sneaks in as she wants revenge for what happened to a friend and will do anything to get back at karma shado but Wow rule we push her out since we don't want her getting involved but I'm sure you smart VOE you will know she's gonna sneak back in well garner then gives us code names to help us out in the dungeons Joker skull and Mona hey Mona Mona and in we go and however who is sneaking in gets captured by the shadows and we go in to savor this farce been a real pain in my ass oh yeah well captive she has to come face to face with how karma she de sees her as and rightfully so this infuriates her to the point where she awakens her persona and we beat the crap out of a literal monster on a toilet anyway karma she runs up and we regroup in the real world where we tell and the whole deal I really am talking to a cat yeah and she joins the team as our fourth member what a girl she's captured my heart dude this all leads to the final showdown with all hexagon jaw but first we got a prep so the free days you have in the real world involved meeting confidants who after leveling up give you benefits in the dungeon and I gotta say you have to do these since some benefits are so helpful especially in the late game examples of these confidants can be the back alley doctor who will sell us cheap healing medicine if we let her trial drugs on us or we meet the gun shop dude because apparently buying toy guns in the real world turns them into actual guns in the other world but after studying our hardest in school we can do a lot of different activities too many to even cover in this one video but it's things like going to the shops taking a bar doing laundry doing pull-ups at home make coffee with Daddy and so so much more doing these things level up one of these five stats and higher stats means more confident ranks that are unlocked now I know I said persona fours overall main cast was my favorite out of the three but persona 5 social links overall I easily the best each person is so unique and their mini story is so engaging it really is in your best interest to at least level up the confident party members you use the most but make sure you do all this before your dang cat can tell you to go to bed yes the game throws out so many things for you to do but stops at all with this dang cat yeah now parallel to this you have the dungeon crawling as in the things you got to do before expulsion this is the time limit you have been in those remaining days you must clear the palace and reach its treasure and as is tradition the magic blue door also appears but unlike the other two times they actually invite you in and here you can fuse your personas although it happens a bit more differently than usual yeah Igor is a sadistic a little slow and so in doing this let's see get stronger personas now how do you get a persona well everyone has one but being a main character you can acquire more and all of this is done in the battles where after knocking down all of the enemies you hold them up with your weapons here you can interrogate them to either give you money items or join your team and let me tell you just pay attention to this thing in the top-left it gives you hints on their personality if you want to answer them correctly to recruit them and if successful they will join you if not you can do an all-out attack now to even knock over the enemies you have to have a type advantage thankfully if you press r1 it will automatically swap out your persona for the one that has that move and as for the dungeon-crawling it is way more detailed than the previous personas the dungeons are all vastly unique with differing mechanics puzzles and monster types you can also press a button to hide from the demon because when their back is turned you can do a surprise attack that gives you the advantage in battle and then you have though weapons now like I said these are toys but here they turn to all manner of deadly stuff and it really is neat seeing each character get their own weapon like Morgana getting a Bart Simpson slingshot these are separate attacks from the normal and special moves that sometimes can stun the enemy depending on the type and as usual you have the normal attacks and the special ones that use SP which only refills with items are exiting the dungeon for the day and this can be done from the safe rooms which act as checkpoints anyway finally once you do all this you can make your way to the throne room to secure a route to it meaning you have now completed the dungeon and then if you're a person who does their assignments early you should have some free time till the cutoff date this date is where the game asks you to send a calling card which lets the palace owner know you're after their treasure thus making it visible to be stolen Ryuji gladly does this for us real and it freaks out karma Tschida who sets his palace into overdrive secure mode this means his treasure is now visible for us to steal and so we go and do that yeah and it's huge oh yeah yeah although of course it ain't that easy as commish ADA stops us which then starts the boss battle yeah that sure is a boss now the bosses ain't too hard as the game gives you hints on what to do just know that when it says the boss is staring at someone or something in particular make sure you guard that party member on that turn anyway a new mechanic is sending a teammate to do some crazy things off to the side to end the battle while you distract them and you can choose whoever you want but obviously you're not Anson's commentator is so intent on her go who Ryu - you can do it so he done do it he's shadow now is not one to give up it tries to flee but and isn't having any of that and corners him into giving up finally after all the heartache he gives up and hands us the treasure saying he will confess to all of his crimes we don't have long though as the palace collapses around us since we got rid of the distorted desires and back in the real world all we can do is hope that he confesses and welcome Ishita doesn't turn up to school the next day instead placing himself under suspension and so we wait and wait and wait until finally in that magical month of May an assembly is called where karma Sheeta confesses to all these crimes and is arrested and well that's our job done I gotta say oh the animation game player all vast improvements from before and the character models are probably my favorite looking ones out of any game the presentation is so stylish the music absolutely amazing and with these adorable dorks it's no wonder this was my favorite game in 2017 if you ever wanted to get into persona I would highly suggest this one as a great first game and so now people start to take interest in these phantom thieves from that calling card because we claimed that we could change his heart and it actually worked who are these mysterious heroes and well we got ourselves a gold olympic medal which is what his treasure was the real world naturally we decide to sell it and spend the winnings on our big buffet and I gotta say I love this scene so much there's just something about the sirna and food that's just so wholesome this is also where we can name our phantom feeds and I chose this one for no particular reason but anyway food crap you're totally right we only got an hour to eat man bard melted my best seriously only meat now where should I start cake hey galleries where's our share I didn't really know what you want these fried bananas preserved eggs and some kind of beans hmm it's like a media explosion in my mouth wait a minute this ending feels familiar oh no I remember all that food talk no no no no I'm not getting hungry again please no reviews over see you next time [Laughter] now for this artwork I need you to make the most magnificent pose you know all right [Music] oh wow hey it's been a while so like with Xenoblade there is another part to this beforehand but I can do a summary of it for you all so this hot guy beats up a bald dude while high on mac and cheese then makes friends with two Blondie's in a talking cat and they all share one brain cell to mentally destroy a pervert by dungeon-crawling through his mind all before stuffing their faces with meat honestly speaking that all sounds absurd it's hard to believe that this is even worth listening to oh don't you worry prosecutor it's all true but if you want more details check the card description or can comment so anyway after stuffing ourselves at the buffet we head towards the elevator where this bald man looks our way wait a minute this is that same guy who reported us to the police as cronies or psaltery you gee how rude so after a successful mission we then agree to continue doing this line of work changing able people's hearts as now we have our own fan website because that dude who has beat up earlier is the owner of it and named it the fan site what are you looking at the usual site but at the moment we don't actually know who to target because we need to know which celebrity will get us more recognition man this actually sounds like a youtuber trying to work out which trendy things to talk about the gut views good thing I'm talking about a two year old game there there but we have more important issues to deal with so we have an exam judging by that reaction I'd assume you're going to struggle this time too it's not like you're any better oh you're good at is English I'd rather die than me better every subject even your Japanese is questionable at best Ryu Chi this doesn't really work with the English table a real now while this is going on what's questionable is whether you're really even a human good comeback huh which includes us absolutely destroying these mac and cheese burgers to increase our guts these things start to change at school as the principal is under pressure to find out why his star teacher suddenly confessed so he blackmails Makoto naegi I mean nojima the school council president to spy on us the most suspicious Bunch and see what we're up to and first she bans the rooftop of the school meaning we also have to find a new hideout t-thanks difficult but before that one new big aspect of the game is now open to us me Mentos mementos and mentos Morgana tells us of this underground palace which was created from the public's distorted desires ie it's a randomly generated dungeon to help us a level up between palaces you get these requests on the fan site where people just want to change someone from doing something wrong and traverse the dungeon in a bus wait how did we get a bus Morgana yes we ride in moaña what now I know online a lot of people don't like this place but as usual with my wacky tastes I in fact love it it helps break up the linearity of the game with some creepy dungeon aesthetic oh and by the way don't think that because it's optional means that it's optional the hell is that no spoilers but just to make sure you spend a good amount of time here each month I mean I don't know why people don't love this dungeon when you get to do this after we struggle with our tests we finally get introduced to the next character by showing him trying to creep on n ah you've got to be kidding me don't worry he's just a starving artist wanting to use n for modeling okay that doesn't make it sound any better so this is Yusuke a very socially awkward person who is studying under the great artist matter ami he asked and to be his model for his next work okay and to make her decision after seeing just how great of an artist his master is by going to his exhibit well I mean hey free tickets a free tickets and all right we head there the next day and see that his master is really good at odd shocking I know and he somehow managed to excel at a lot of different art styles indeed this is all very interesting and when we head back to our hideout which for some reason is a walkway in a train station a public walkway No well anyway we actually see posts online bad-mouthing matter army that he plagiarizes and that he abuses students shocked we decide to pretend to accept the modeling job for and and head to use gays in his master's house since they live together as his sorta was adopted by him we hopefully then can ask you say what's the deal with the abuse of rumors and so we arrived at his place is our gang then confronts Yusuke about the rumors are you serious he reluctantly pushes back our questions and instead shows us the cyber repainting one of his master's greatest works which inspired us K to even continue our undeterred we instead just stand awkwardly outside his house and try to use the Metaverse app to see if his master has a palace seriously these goofballs really aren't good at thieving I mean you see I could just pull back the curtains and just see us sulking about are you serious well guess what mater Amma does in fact have a palace a big fat old Gordy museum filled to the brim with people using our thief's get-ups we sneak in to find out what mater Amma actually thinks of his students which we then learned a shocking truth that he views all his students as tools so you see the reason he was able to get good with so many different art styles was because he plagiarized the students arts where they would make the art and he would take the credit while offering them a chance to make it in the art world Oh No so back it out totally secret hideout give me these four really are Dumbo's they discuss trying to trick you skate into revealing wise hiding the plagiarism by getting air to accept the modeling gig so back again we go just awkwardly waiting on the side while you skate tries to dodge our questions he instead is more focused on painting and and reveals his true goals I will put my heart and soul into creating the best nude painting ever what man these artists people sure are crazy I'm glad I'm not an artist so you escape puts the offer again to end to model alone with him tomorrow while we get tidbits that the only reason he's defending matter are may is due to owing him his life and how he was the only one who cared for him after his parents died well buddy if you ain't telling us the truth guess we gotta go and raid your masters mind to mentally get him to confess no wonder say doesn't believe Joker when he tells her these things it's unacceptable so in we go now I said before the palaces are very different to each other unlike earlier persona games as with this museum aesthetic the enemies are now security guards there are laser trip wires everywhere and the whole place just feels like a stuffy real-world art museum and I loved it and after a while we reach a dead end with this huge locked door resembling a peacock roadblock we head back to the real world where Mona tells us that while we were waiting with Yusuke last time he snuck around and found this peacock loved or the darkness so you get to the point to open this door in his palace we need to somehow make matter I may see that this door is unlocked in the real world that's showing to his mind that the door is unlockable yes this is complicated I know Oh correct which then means Anne's got to accept his offer for the modeling job so that while he's distracted Mona can sneak in and open the room while us two guys are in the palace waiting to go through and so she accepts the nude modeling job you're a sly one and right and through some horribly adorable bad acting from her she manages to get you stay near the room when all of a sudden matter ah may comes home Mona however snuck around and unlocked it to all and needs to do is make Motorama visually see his treasure locked door has been open we cut back to the boys what did you see and the lock breaks open meaning they can sneak through to the checkpoint let's go however back in the real world we see exactly what was in the room and it's a whole bunch of the saiary paintings mutter ami seeing no option to dodge us guys questions tells him that he's been struggling with his own art after the real saiary was stolen and so he had his students make the art for him to sell and keep his prestige alive while he recovered Mona however is wise to this nonsense and finds the real Saori painting still here not stolen at all yes this is the one artwork that keeps Yusuke going and so seeing through his lies and after mother ami calls for security he runs off to Anne and Mona accidentally jumping with them into the Metaverse they land near eug and joker [Music] I'm reporting you to the police who then bump into the shadow madara may the evil one who rules the palace I mean I can tell you he's evil just look at his hair it just exudes powerful energy energies incredible he then reveals his plan to you skate that he hid the real art to sell fakes for money it was all about money and welcome to him he didn't care about the art all this lies getting exposed and furious Yusuke the kid who looked up to the man who took him in the man who painted Saori the reason for his artistic existence and thus awakens his persona we then battle his security while matter AMA please after which Yusuke tells us his backstory how he thought of matter ami as his father and that he looked after his mother before she died that amount of affection is why he denied all those rumors of him stealing art even though he knew it was true deep down but after telling him that we are the Phantom babes who changed people's hearts he begs us to let him join as this is the right thing to do to make matter ami confessed for his crimes we agree and now we got this socially awkward tender boy you skate on out Abe by the way what is this a cat but it's talking and so with a new party member and new big deadline being his art exhibit we have to once again traverse the museum to steal his treasure now the further we go we see more unique aspects of a dungeon with some really cool unique visuals such as these paintings we run into or the staircase area with color-coded doorways but eventually the group finds their way to the treasure which unsurprisingly is set up like a heist movie behind glass and laser wires regardless we now have completed the dungeon but as we like to do our assignments early we got plenty of time before the deadline so that we can have fun being a Japanese high school student yes I'm watching a movie with my cat but why but as the deadline approaches we the mac and cheese squad send out the calling card to mater ami to materialize his treasure so that we can steal it and thus all the pieces are in place for us to steal the treasure no shadow matter ami stops us that was so unpredictable he brings out the treasure to taunt us which is the actual real painting of say Ori which has a baby in it and reveals to us that in fact Yusuke smother painted it as a self-portrait meaning that little baby is Yusuke the reason why it was painted over in the real worlds one was that matter ami as the businessman wanted to hide the baby to create some mystery to the painting thus jacking up its price and then to further enraged all he reveals that use-case mother who was very sick at a seizure in front of matter ami and not just that but he just stood there and watched her die so that he could steal her works and then adopt the baby Yusuke who he assumed would have similar artistic talent to the mother and then steal all of his artwork once he was older all in all just a really horrible human being the dumped hairstyle hard down ok and thus begins the boss battle matter rom a transforming into four paintings which is honestly very unique and interesting for a boss battle something which you'll see a lot recurring in this game so the way the battle works here is to defeat the paintings to then expose matter are made and with the special attack like with Ryu G in the first dungeon I used use gator smear egg all over his so-called earth thus allowing us to defeat him Madara maiden sniveling and defeated begs for his delight Yusuke agrees only he confesses to his crimes in the real world this all plays out like in the first dungeon however Madara may asks us what happened to the other person the one in the black mask it seems like someone else wearing a black mask visited this very Palace and made contact with matter ami but for now we know nothing of this and make our escape with his treasure which is naturally the real sale repainting and this is all done in the open in front of everyone in the station and thus begins the waiting for Madara Mae to confess so what can we do well we can almost die out the doctors get rough and sweaty with our bro make some coffee with Daddy or what now go shopping with an or meet up with Ryu G at school okay buddy what do you want wait wait wait wet wet wool wait you want me Mishima and you all go call our maid together well I didn't realize that my room was that dirty and so yes they call a maid service we all gather in Ryu G's house and when the doorbell rings these Stumbo's get cold feet leaving us all alone with the maid yeah no no I don't want to go to jail okay but of course our two friends make so much noise outside which causes the Mei to identify them and then us because what whoa wait wait our teacher Miss kau akame the one who hates her job you're a maid providing services also by the way this opens a new confident skill and you need this for one of the best benefits in the game oh yeah no I'm serious as I alluded to earlier in the evening you can call upon her with the phone and she comes in your room to clean and uh sleep from exhaustion I'll get it to it a later on because honestly her storyline is actually really interesting as you learned why she's working two jobs one is a teacher and the other as your maid so to help keep this quiet and quite frankly she still wants to do this to get some money from you you can keep calling her to clean your room and in return she lets you skip class in school sound good I guess that's fair I also find it amusing how it cuts back to say and joke is like I don't really have to tell you my teacher was asking money from me to clean my room but after a few more days the TV's turned on with a sudden press conference of Madara Mei confessing to his crimes however the news broadcast this time mentions how the police are now investigating these so-called phantom thieves from the calling card and that's perfect for us because look at that exposure so when we meet our back at the totally secret hideout why are you bringing this up all of a sudden when what DNA some police officers come sniffing around we were just discussing I gotta admit and faked terrible voice acting is adorable so we win and change the heart of another old man and well honestly to me this chapter in dungeon kind of felt a bit more rushed than the first one and I guess the whole art stealing thing isn't as morally bad as what the perv was doing but I still love you Skye as a character and a party member and the museum dungeon was still pretty fun to explore but I think kind of the reason why it was a bit rush is because they were introducing a lot more elements to the main plot because as the group now after that close call with the officers to maybe get a little worried about their hiding spot you know what maybe just maybe we should change it up before someone no wait I forgot about the student council president your ass is mine [Music] let's taste a bit bland oh you're probably lacking sodium well your dear sister has made you salty mac and cheese what do you do whoa very good viewers before we discuss the why food you should know that there's a feet are watching this video okay no not really but there are two videos before this one and they sort of explain the whole premise of the story so if you want to know how these sexy people managed to reform society click the card description or pin comment but I guarantee you can easily follow along even if you don't want to so after we break into an artist mind destroying his face and getting him to confess on national television we then celebrate that a socially awkward painter who wanted to paint us naked has now joined our team yeah okay maybe watch the other parts no complaining but we shall press on as we now have you skate on our team have defeated master matter ami and got the Phantom babes more exposure in the public eye and it would have all been perfect if not for the well a little issue of the student council president so while we celebrate by our running in the rain and renting some DVDs to watch at home wait a minute she sounds familiar oh don't you dare stop talking like that old creep we see at our school some students are getting threatened and blackmailed by an external force and of course Popo what places flyers around the school telling everyone to ask Mikoto for help with the matter putting more pressure on her to both find the Phantom thieves and now this other group yeah okay buddy we get it her sister is amazing I can do everything I need to rub it in on this poor girl and then I guess randomly our class gets invited to a local news TV station to look around and be part of the crowd sure you know about commercial breaks well those are actually sponsor related product placements let's get any more obvious but instead of being in the crowds we get roped in to do some manual labor no blinking out you gee I know I know I gotta be a good boy right hey don't worry about that you are the goodest boy really and well guess who decides to make the introduction all rights this little boy catchy cake what are you talking about Oh am i mistaken I thought I heard something about delicious turn tricks well that was weird it's never gonna get popular with that kind of hair though you don't get it we then see that the pleasant boy is actually a teenage detective a first for the persona franchise and gets interviewed by the crew as he is on the hunt for the Phantom thieves you know mac and cheese is really bad for your health you know you're absolutely right god I hate him so much right now really someone else could help them we wouldn't be doing stuff as the Phantom thieves to start with you're being way too loud who cares hey you're really just gonna keep eating and eating those things all by yourself sorry just ate the last one you guys are too laid back so Mikoto tries to get on our trail which causes an - angrily hit back at her because you know she is the student council president she should have known what karma Sheeta was up to and we slowly see all this hate build up over time on Mikoto so much is expected of her from her sister the principal and her classmates but no time for that because we got to do the traditional celebrate destroying an old man's life with third party yes sorry I didn't include it in the other part but okay everyone what food should we eat wait wait you scare what why do you have your luggage with you oh yeah he's homeless now well fine guess he can stay with me but remember don't you even try talking to Daddy or he will kick you out fine a girl too on China it's a nice name you got a boyfriend I saw every single game I play has some horny old dude sure let's just blame him for all this horniness anyway we get all worked up when suddenly looks like our artist is a little bit hungry I haven't eaten anything since yesterday yep gets the candy get the veggies anything with meats fine by me yeah fight okay bring the meat quickly down my stomach's already we haven't finished our meal no what about the porridge or even udon just leave it for next time and so while all bloated we decide to discuss our life stories Ryu G tells us are his best boy with tales of his single mother who looks after him and he just wants to make his mom happy why that's a good boy there's such a good boy such a good boy then we finally tell our story to everyone how by us trying to save that girl from Baldy he instead holds some incredible amount of power in society rushing the police and ordering the girl to tell them that we assaulted him so pretty much due to him we have that on our record lmao life ain't too bad eh all this food good friends and a talking pet cat a n more Garner's whole dealio so you know how he keeps saying he's not a cat well he does really believe that as he sure his memories of him being a human a locked-down deep in me Mentos which gives us the reason to keep exploring it but like I said it's optional but it's not okay what also around this time we see more Makoto and her sisters home life very rigid no parents say has to do all the work trying to progress herself up in society being disappointed that her sister is starting to idolize these so-called phantom feeds and what are these phantom thieves up to right now all dudes are taking a bath together what do you think about on and as a girl I mean ah that's not what I meant come on can't you act a little more like a guy our age sorry mate as an actual adult I have to go for the older women explain yourself after a little part-time job we see Yusuke still living at our home thank you for the coffee that's it get the heck out of my house and thus Yusuke was homeless once more anyway we get called into the presence office where she reveals Ryu G wait he's calling me right now she tells us she knows we the Phantom babes and to meet her on the roof with the others where she drops the bombshell so the Japanese mafia what are you talking about are extorting the students and she says if you don't want your identities revealed go and prove your justice by taking on the head mafia guy and get them to change their heart yeah sure okay why not what's the boss's and then nobody knows so the boss's name is nobody knows and he's our next target I knew you were gonna say that and because we talked to Makoto for like five minutes the old spinning effect comes in meaning she's now a confidante and this means se gets a little annoyed we involved her sister in this bringing up my sister to upset me are you it seems there's no limit to your duplicity what so firstly we don't know how nobody knows it looks like and the best way to find out would be to interrogate the blackmailed students who we then find out have been forced into drug-running by his mob gee everyone sure looks to blackmail right now but aside from that they actually don't know who the head gangster is right wait there's the reporter yeah so I kinda skipped over this in the last part but there's this journalist who was sneaking around trying to work out all these mental shutdown cases and finds us since we go to karma sheet of school well we got her card so I guess we can meet her else oh by the way I just thought I'd mention yes we still keep requesting cow akame and she mentions how her sister is really sick which is why she needs the money but this levels up her rank meaning we can now call her to make coffee for us ie it's stuff that helps you in the dungeon while we do our thing oh so that's what you meant by maid services I I thought jerk so we look for the reporter in this glitzy street and see this fortune teller and don't worry we'll get back to her and then in this bar we find the reporter boots so in exchange for more info on the shutdown's she tells us nobody knows named and did something boring like kaneshiro my name was so much better for him and after noticing that Ryoji wears pink underwear hell are you talking about we opened the meta verse up and try to find his palace and guess what it is all of shibuya yep the whole city because he feels that he rules over the entire place with his mafia and other people are walking ATMs subtle what we then see the actual main palace and of course it's a floating UFO but with no way to reach it we head back the game then cuts back to that dinner sisters when Mikoto tries to prod to say into our thoughts on the Phantom thieves as they seem to be doing the right thing just like their dad did this angers say who has been doing everything she can to get a decent life for her and Mikoto after their parents death right now you're useless to me all you do is eat away at my life this breaks makoto's heart that she does not want to seem useless and after hearing that we need to speak to the karna Shira dude she rushes out trying to do something reckless we chase after her and see her getting into a car with the mob as she keeps her cool with us open saying how she will find him by just directly meeting the dude we follow the car to getting a taxi and arrive at the big big boys club seems he's kidnapped Makoto and then takes a photo of us with all this booze and drugs lying around to use for blackmail J at least smile for the photo guys hey cat then with some floozy he somehow loses 3 million yen saying it's our fault and that we owe him back in three weeks he does this as we obviously can't pay it back so then eventually Makoto be forced to sell herself to the Mafia oh no you don't we're gonna stop your terrible misdeeds we then decide to take Mikoto with us to his palace because she might be able to help us and she has the usual freak out saying Morgana but guess what what to access his UFO Bank a ramp comes down for her and she is now kinda Shiro's customer meaning he believes that he owns her hence the palace recognizing her presence and in we go where we speak to shadow kaneshiro ah you know better Ramaiah at least had a different exaggerated hairstyle all you got is a dirty stache Ken Oshiro however corners us after we tell him we're gonna steal his heart and that he will kill us but keep Mikoto alive and then use her sister as part of the deal this finally gets through to the useless Mikoto and thus she gets her persona it's a boy so her persona is notable because she becomes the next healer apart from Mona and she's really tough like really really tough do you want to get smacked yes please yeah so she busts us out of there to regroup at the good ole exposed public walkway and I guess welcome to the team tomorrow we're gonna explore the dungeon but now it's nap time also the game keeps really pushing Morgana storyline here I'm wanting to find out who he is so just keep that little tidbit tucked away for later dear viewer okay oh so I guess it's time for the fortune-teller girl and she tells us our fortune you know the usual gonna save the world and then die for mac and cheese overdose you know same old same old but to get even more luck we need to buy this $100,000 magic lucky stone okay anyway back again we go and since we gave you skater nickname Fox we gotta give her one any objections this dungeon is probably the most fitting for the phantom thieves an actual bank yeah we're robbing some dudes heart now so the start is the usual Bank front and then the further we go it gets more maze like with safes and codes and security cameras yeah they aren't that hard to dodge also in case you noticed but and lying there we can change outfits these are the generic three ones but don't worry I cave in later on the playthrough but yes this palace has tons of puzzles and passwords meaning you got to spend time looking around for the code or you can just look up the code online the skipping elements and enemies and cheating the game what and eventually we make our way into the center of the bank to find the treasure meeting it's time to kick back and be a Japanese high school student ah is that alcohol Joker oh it is explain yourself it was a mac and cheese flavored beer that's unacceptable so we then send the calling card to Cantor she wrote sending his pallet into lockdown and thus making him visualize his treasure for us to steal let me go and do that but guess what yeah you smart viewer he of course is standing in our way but like you're just a man with the mustache what harm can you do to Alfa Surdas he's a fly man well that's not too bad of a hard-nose he's still got a moustache oh that said you're going down buddy now with this fight it's a little more straightforward by which I mean we fight him on top of a giant metal Pig so when he charges up just god your characters and the gimmick in this fight is that instead of sending a teammate to do a cool move we toss some pig food out and well it distracts the pig yeah this boss was a bit lower quality than before and thus we defeat Kaneshiro he exclaims we live in a society yada yada but also that we aren't even using our vine crawling powers to its fullest potential unlike that person in the black mask seems like that other person is causing all these mental shutdowns we saw earlier and the way Morgana what are you doing and so while the palace collapses we drive out but like remember UFO and so we crash to our doom in the real world are you alright is yours cracked as well isn't it supposed to be though Oh same oh god I just straight-up died [Music] and so we have the real world treasure a solid gold briefcase with a stack of money real the money's fake third hurry we can still have our banquet by selling the briefcase funny and thus begins the wait for kaneshiro to change his heart well what can we do how about we go fishing with best boy and best girl or we meet another confident if Fumito go ah shogi player ie a girl that would have been really cool of being a phantom thief but oh well maybe next time but anyway Kaneshiro quietly confesses to his crimes to the police and turns himself in and since this is the mob we took down everyone online goes wild at the idea of the secret phantom thieves saving them yes and it's quite a big deal really yes it is you guys are now famous real God these two are so dumb are you for real and we see Mikoto happy she found some friends even making up with n who both agree they should have done more to stop karma Tschida but we also see her sister now a little annoyed that she didn't get to capture the mob guy thus missing out on a promotion no so that concludes this chapter honestly apart from the mediocre boss in its battle I actually really loved the whole part way more than the last one it finally feels like a lot more pieces are falling into place and this dungeon build-up didn't feel as a rushed as before and Mikoto as the healer and nuclear bike girl new killer became one of my most used party members from here on out so in conclusion whoa what what is it Yusuke oh you want me to see your newest artwork alright fine I guess I can spare some time to see my goodness this is horrendous no one in the country would even want to look at the oh it's in a museum and you won first prize yet you still aren't even happy jeez is every single member of this group that's socially awkward I mean surely no one else can top this right wait what's that over there oh it's just a squid oh no she's a kid down [Music] oh boy you sure do love playing splatoon don't ya well I guess I gotta give in here she is the newest phantom face all right he said click randomly on the screen to get the previous part in common you know the drill by now continuing on after we got a literal Queen to join our party we get some little story rumblings to the SIU director Sony Internet user skyrim is underrated sans and undertook no complaining we saw him sneakily taking phone calls to someone and after defeating the mafia he then mentioned how he is aware that his boss is unhappy that we are gaining fans by trying to reform society and that to defeat us he will try to make it look like we are the causes of those mental shutdown cases and not that other user in the black mask and after referring to his boss as future prime minister we cut back to Daddy soldier oh hey check the ingredients in the fridge a what now it sure is buddy yeah and so the whole gang just barge right in as before we can celebrate another job well done we as the Phantom thieves who go to school have to study for exam [Music] sweet vocabulary and long sentences to me please yes I see I see my ass when it comes to you your Japanese is questionable too but while studying the two goofballs can't resist thinking about food and talk about how we should do another buffet like the first time hmm a buffet but Mikoto reigns in her children to study yes ma'am and so we reached the dreaded high school test oh my goodness I don't even speak Japanese how can I just add anything of his test it's all about Japanese history why have you forsaken I got in the top ten by the way and then I guess to celebrate the exams being over we go to what some fireworks that's enough how could you so those are the kinds of girls you like Ryuji yes ma'am and after those rainy shenanigans and seeing a girl who will never been the story again no complaining we finally jump into the main plot where it seems that a rival hacker group called med jet is now calling us out like those YouTube videos that get away more views than anything I ever made that L say we get this text message from a person called Alibaba who then says Olli I know you're the Phantom thieves well that was fast what do we do more good now they know who we are get dirty cat Alibaba says however if we can steal a person's heart for them they will take care of Majid for us so we then tell the others could this just be a prank no that's terrible we then decide to finally move our hideout from expose public walkway to way our home gee thanks for the warning I didn't even get to clean up first good evening is that a new face I see it's nice to meet you - got a boyfriend he's something wrong call me boss while there Sergio tells us that we have a letter addressed to us what the hell's going on here at the same time we see Oh miss nijam ah interrogating dirty hmm it seems like she is looking for someone back at school we now get more text from Alibaba saying how they will tell the police who we are if we don't help them out but like we need the name of the person to break into their mind and they tell us that it's Futaba Sakura but wait a minute night isn't that the same surname as you why did you know about that I'm going home and later on we see se come back again and tell him that he's now lost custody of his daughter if he doesn't help them out sort of blackmailing him into something about her so again with the gang back on the public walkway geez they really like doing all this stuff in public eh not really but doubtful but where we then get more text from Alibaba and we respond that we need to meet Futaba in person to be able to like go into their mind but as soon as that's mentioned they quickly go low though those is just the prank bro don't worry about it okay that aside the Blondie's finally free from the story worries decide to spend the money we got from selling the gold briefcase on a big fancy sushi dinner because sushi is a delicacy in Japan the best method is to fill yourself on ginger before beginning to eat sushi that is my master technique you don't need to do that this time actually definitely don't do it okay did I mention how she is one of my favorite voice actresses while that's being planned we cut to say and the pleasant boy who is now her assistant and that she is getting more and more stressed at the phantom thieves still are messing with people's minds and how this other hacker group to start it up again out of nowhere and I only mention this because you really should keep this in mind she's getting a lot more angrier and stressed as each day goes on but we then get the trademark eat food to celebrate destroy weighing a man's mind and the flounder is out of this world dextra I don't see any prices listed here daddy Judith what rubbish and after we leave the restaurant what look it's mr. sketchy himself coming in to say how the Phantom babes suck and also how about we'd make a great team if we work together let the fandom say that and I guess the final straw to push us to do something with Alibaba is that Majid suddenly announced if we don't reveal who we are to the world they will orchestrate a huge crash to the Japanese economy and that's no good I mean wait that's great because anime figure prices would be so cheap to import leap so now we all decide that something is suspicious about Big Boss and to question him on this Futaba we should take more Garner's food to him as a present to give us a reason to talk to him randomly out of the blue we arrive and no one's home but it's starting to rain and they baguettes unlock well I guess we don't want to get wet so in we go and well what are you doing in my house are you two dating yes oh it's just a joke I'm not actually dating your sister I'm dating my teacher you what I guess this is finally too much for the boss by which I mean a bunch of teenagers has broke into his house and he decides to finally tell us the whole dealio so Futaba was raised by her single mother who really loved working but she still loved her daughter very much however one fateful day she died leaving Futaba all alone who herself for what ever reason blames herself for her mum's death and surgery as a friend decided to take care of her as his own daughter we apologize for prying and decide to see Futaba has a palace and yep she does it seems that she was in fact Alibaba in the first place and wanted us to save her from her own personal trauma I guess we might as well help her out and in turn help Big Boss so we go over again to get her to let us into her palace and after a little interrogating we get the code word as tomb and enter it into the Metaverse app and thus we arrive at futaba's palace which in my opinion might be my favorite palace design in the game up there with another future one yes oh no this is a controversial opinion oh no Rameses loves me Mentos he loves pyramids he loves the older women here we get set up outside which doesn't have much for now except this uh useless slide don't be ridiculous so we go inside to see shadow Futaba who after reaffirming that she killed her mum tells us to Lal get the heck out we then decide to come back later and the game cuts to the real Futaba who is constantly plagued with these voices blaming her for our mother's death I guess now the game wants you to prepare before going back in but I'm like oh and head straight in without planning hush - I told you I'm not good at these games sorry old man so we explore the pyramid which has a bunch of puzzles and trick rooms just like the real Pharaoh's tomb and also our swimming geez the way it works is you have the main hall stairway and you move along this - you reach a blocked area then you go sideways till you get to a second floor upon where you solve an actual puzzle that shows a slideshow of the events surrounding the unfortunate event then a laser shines through it unlocking the next door and you continue on and on we do this for a while till we reach a slightly different door that resembles futaba's actual room and this could be like with matter are may as now she needs to open the door physically in front of us in the real world so it opens here plus while we're at it her shadow comes in to tell us that we are near the treasure and that we should give vatapá our calling card to visualize it for us to steal d are roughly nice for a shadow unlike the perv hair disaster and fly man what she then appears in futaba's mind in the real world taunting and goading her as if the question why she's trying to hide herself from the truth and that if she doesn't accept it she will kill us in the tomb I take back what I said about you being nice then and so we meet Futaba in her room ello she hides in the closet but and presses on saying are you sure you killed her your mother would never neglect you after what boss said it doesn't add up and then we need to see you yourself to open that locked door as we leave she reads the calling card and so we head back in again for the boss battle after these are mini enemy in between which irritated me to know and because there's no safe point after them so you can't battle the boss at full health and I hate it so much so we reached the tomb with a treasure inside but just as we enter look it's a giant monster with her mother's head isn't that fun monster so this boss is unique because I made we can barely hit her we struggle with this for a while while blocking her high-rise move and at the same time Futaba actually enters the palace herself because we kind of let slip on how to get in and she manages it after running away from some more dark thoughts and so after some other things Futaba makes it near the top meeting her shadow who confronts her with the slideshow and tells her not to hide the memory open it up and truly remember what happened that her mother never hated her and she almost remembers when she hears the monster scream and rushes to the top but of course the monster blasts all this hate at the top of the leaf her mother had for her I guess I should also mention that her mother's work was on cognitive / science the study of cognitions I either stuff we're doing her work was very demanding and Futaba had believed she hated having a baby taking up her time but we say no that isn't true so juror said she was a kind mother to you and we then see the hallucinations of men in suits telling her all these evil things including about her mother's death her shadow comes in for the final saved saying why do you think your mother died the way she did all because of a note but who told you what was on the note some men in suits would your mother ever say those hurtful things that was on the note those men in suits were the ones who manipulated you all along planting those bowls memories on you leading to how you were feeling now Futaba finally seeing through the lies stands up in awakens her persona UFO so like how is she gonna help us she made an ink gun now why would it ain't got help as her we can use it to shoot the monster covering her and ink thus weighing down the feathers so she's too heavy to fly oh yeah yes something like that so as you'll see later Futaba takes over Mona's job as the Navigator ie the person who tells you when to guard what weaknesses the enemy has and so on she also will randomly drop buffs and stat bonuses to the party in battle so for now we can finally attack the monster defeating it gangster-style and find out oh wait like you just entered your own mind that's a bit bad hey hey wait where are you going okay she just left but now her perlis is collapsing thus we escaped in mirna wait a minute did did Mona just reveal he has interior leather damn boy I didn't know you were padded out I'll say yes he opened his button we jumped in but the point is that we drive away safely what a handful so after making it back to the real world we check up on Futaba who like died or something no I'm kidding she likes to sleep a lot so no worries now while we wait for that then you know for her to stop major doing major things we have so much free time oh my goodness the Soviets things to cover here personally some highlights was that I went on a boat with Yusuke as he painted other people without the permission then ordered them around yes KY art is just so weird we also have enough money to now buy that fortune stone from earlier and instead of giving us amazing fortunes into the future it dissolves cuz it's salt yes we got scammed but I don't worry there's some hilarious and adorable shenanigans I'm not kidding when I say she's third best girl we have her as a confidante well hello sir then cutting to say who's like dude how are you so lucky what is your secret hey that's easy i watch this youtuber called Ramses you might have heard of him that's unacceptable Francie's we also go fishing yeah Amit I'd spent a lot of time here and I guess out of nowhere Futaba actually leaves her house for once it's a prising big boss and she tells us that she will finally take care of old med jet so she goes and does that and on the next day med Jets website is hacked their evil plans to crash the market cancelled and member details a leak all done by good old Futaba and while we go upstairs with our new buddy we see on the news well Jay look at that it's mr. Baldi who is running for prime minister this politician seems quite promising good David he's gonna be Prime Minister and say meanie ok Futaba since we don't actually know that much about you let me ask you a few questions okay what do you think of mac and cheese secret okay do you like any cheese products I refuse to answer how foolish then I guess to help build our relationship with her we decide to go to the beach and have the days leading up to it with more time to get to know with each party member to try and help her interact with others and you better believe I'm gonna bait you but not putting the beach episode at the end here so we go and meet through tava in her natural habitat oh ah anyway how about instead I bring up the old teacher mr. cow akame as now we have leveled up with fortune lady giving us access to a shrine where at a cheap price no we can pray for a higher chance to increase confidant pranks when we next meet that person you better believe I speed ran this with Miss kau akame so we learned that instead of her sick sister the real reason she needed the money she's doing all this maid work was due to a problem at her older school there she was forced by the principal to convince a student who got low grade to transfer to another school so you know to make the school not look bad but in fact the student had lost both of their parents and was working three part-time jobs to live so instead she personally tutored him the principal found out and told her to stop teaching him or resigned Calva commie bus stop tutoring and while on the phone telling him that she had to stop teaching him he was making a delivery in the rain and unfortunately died in a car crash then his adopted relatives blamed her for his death and threatened to sue her unless she keeps paying them as an apology but they kept increasing the payments until she was so overworked she got hospitalized and then even in hospital they come to visit not to cheer her up but demand more money and we then learnt they however were using her money to live the fancy life and even were using the students money back then for the same thing thus since he died they didn't want to give up the fancy living so they started to hound her for money they then show up at surgeon academy and threaten cow akame that they will reveal to the school what her second job is if she doesn't pay up and thus this is aware mementos comes in as you see it isn't just some mindless dungeon-crawling and while we do get the occasional request on the fan side to take down a small evil person sometimes it leads into the confident storylines with us now going there to defeat their relatives thus making them change their heart and also I want to mention mementos actually seems to be opening up more the faster the fan site grows and the more requests and popular we get what and so they stop with the money and Calico me finally quits her maid job to fully focus on being a teacher and hopefully you can see why this was my favorite storyline in a non party member confidante yes I know this dude is a fan favorite but I never actually noticed him to way late in my playthrough so dad our reward for rank 10 is special massage so this is why a lot of people will tell you to go for cow akame first you know if you want to maximize your efficiency in the game because this allows you to call her at night removing your exhaustion meaning you now have another segment in the day to do more activities with other confidants yeah you hear that Mona my teacher says I don't have to sleep and thus we have our first rank 10 confidant which means you know what this means [Music] I'll say yes they baited you the beach episode would be next time where we will see you shouldn't annoy a girl with an axe last time on beef sir no oh yeah that's right oh no it was all her idea I had nothing to do with it you're not lying are you no very well jeez yes this does happen in the game what's the matter oh no mr. sketchy I'm just confused thank you no it's because in the previous parts I told the wonderful viewers that I linked the other parts in the description and pen comment and yet I didn't but no one made a mention of it so no I won't be doing that this time even as these clickable thumbnails flash on screen I definitely won't link anything in the description in comment oh yes nothing in the cards real alrighty so with a calico me in jail and now Futaba on our team we decide to head to the beach to get the shut in some old natural sunlight yes don't worry I wasn't gonna skip the beach episode agreed [Music] so after losing monetization on the video we decide to unwind and relax at the beach you just don't get it do you really when a girl's in a swimsuit she wants to look as slim as possible oh yeah by the way keep an eye on Mona he gets a little bit more irritable this episode but no the beach wasn't just for fanservice or finding out the Yusuke likes lobsters wait a minute kiss me you fool at the end of the day we see futaba's resolve as she wants to officially join us not to reform society but to find out who killed her mother as she is sure that her mother was looking into this mental shutdown business and some group kept her quiet by killing her through a mental shutdown we agree and she gives herself the nickname Oracle so coming back home we see Morgana and say yeah he's been having a lot of these dreams showing his crazy self in mementos which is why he keeps begging us to further explore the dungeon but no time for that as now that boot Arbor is out of a hole big boss takes us out for dinner with his adopted daughter and son yes I think Futaba is your sister not your lover I'm sorry to all you food table a waifu fans I'll curse you she it check please well good to know the big boss is still his usual self 120,000 yen a hundred thousand and I guess summer vacation is over and we have to go back to school oh no wait how is she back already let's see we've just gotten back from jail but starting next Monday is this school trip yeah yeah so I don't know if this is accurate or how common it is because the developers wanted to use Atlas's funds that a holiday overseas that's a huge jump in logic in so many ways but the school has a trip to Hawaii yes high school gets to go overseas with no reason right after their summer holidays man why are you so lucky you can speak English right that's amazing huh but I guess being back at school means we got to do our phantom thief's job as now a lot of people are noticing us and the fan site has been flooded with requests wait no what did you say just check this baby in don't tell me just did this baby in but I'm not comfortable going that far oh is futaba's gonna do something amazing again no of course not ah anyway we are back on the exposed public walkway please stop I know you all share one brain cell but there are people right behind you at least stand up using the laptop know the group discuss how instead of targeting one guy maybe they should look into that person in the black mask the one who has been killing people with mental shutdowns we remember that Mikoto sister was investigating them and so Futaba gives her the hackers deus ex mark in a USB that will somehow hack everything on a laptop if she plugs it in but before she goes home to do that we cut back to principal pulpo what this seems a bit stressed that his boss is now cutting him off for failing to find the Phantom thieves what a nothing really oh nothing important happening okay next scene seriously why does this keep happening what a lot of the second ears this year happened to be unique what don't worry so it seems like Mikoto will be joining us on the school trip and I feel I should mention that because these dude ain't in the same grade no and in us we are in the same class ug same grade but in a different class Mikoto is in an older grade futaba is younger but home-schooled and you escaped from another school it's just a good reminder because it often does feel like they are from the same class at one school but anyway Mikoto goes home to her sister's laptop and downloads the important files yes and somehow getting the important files very easily she goes to Futaba zoooom with the others as the inkling takes a look at it while we discuss how fun Hawaii will be Yusuke however at a different school we'll also be going to another city since well apparently every Japanese school takes them on a trip around the world I believe it's Los Angeles that makes no sense at all here comes some interesting data so we pretty much learned that se was correct in thinking that their shutdowns are related to the cognitive stuff that we've been doing and is getting hot on our heels who Taba seshu of analyzed all the data by the time we get back from our trip Moana however gets all angry that she's getting all this praise and I'll explain my thoughts on this spoiled boy later on what did you say yes here we go to another country boy I sure can't wait to explore it in depth and spend many hours there I think that was sarcasm why don't we take a group shot before we take off let me see let me see so off we go we then get to a hotel and say no it's Mishima the dude who runs our fansite did you know that mac and cheese is the number one cause of early deaths of teenagers what are you the king of random facts then is it okay if I room with you oh geez fine but no weird stuff okay I know you idolized me and all but that please just be normal okay like and she's normal be like an I wanted to eat pancakes anyway back at our room Phantom aficionado website fansite for short oh yeah even the game agrees that he's forgettable and has to remind us his role again I'm sorry fans of him I just find them so gory true oh wow president of a company called Okumura foods is rising very quickly at the rankings ah buddy we're on a holiday please calm down I need to keep an eye out for that cow commie she has it in from he ever since I put her behind bars exploits their employees anyway Ryoji saves us by barging in because his roommate brought their GF to their room and then Anne comes in saying her roommate went to her bf rude while taking her key and locking her out and so after playing some cards ryu g has to sleep on the floor me this is such a fun trip oh yeah I forgot it's is gay he somehow lands in Hawaii instead of LA ah classic Yi's gay agreed anyway on the Saturday we have the most dreaded choice who do we hang out with in Hawaii well I'm definitely not going with kau akame since she no she found me I don't want to the felon tasting the local delicacies is an absolute must on vacation please no stop you just got out of jail fine god I think I'm craving a beer a beer a beer well I know she has bad taste and that's good to change people's hearts Oh everyone loves shrimp and so on the romantic Beach of Hawaii calloc ami holds us at knifepoint to spend some time with her I'm worried that you're lonely wait is that a head cop just kidding this trip was so bad why can't I spend it with my friends why can't I spend it with my friends wait what time just rewound itself yes quickly Ryu G just get me out of here so us three go are looking for our Hawaii waifu's who are here are some there sorry we don't take too kindly the onions but who cares about them because I have found the best one bird why is he so precious this is absurd and thus ends our trip in Hawaii where we spent plenty of time asking people about the Phantom thieves and find out that yeah our group is mr. worldwide also back in Japan the principal gets mental shut down by the black mask person and dies so yeah yeah we go home he's been influenced Futaba tells us that says research indicates one dude as a beneficiary from all the shutdown's since a lot of people who died were rivals to his company that being the Okumura group and in addition to this his name has been the most requested on the fan site reaching quite surprising high numbers the group argues amongst themselves as some feel this is getting a bit too much that they didn't expect the group to be this popular it's kind of overwhelming while others want to keep pushing the boundaries and well Morgana lets out his pace some teen you are he gets fed up with us for no real reason and that we don't care about being babes and we don't value Morgana services to their group and yet fear runs away I can't believe this no I'm not kidding prosecutor this happens all in the space of a few hours of gameplay no I mean the bit about the talking cat oh that would you believe this we Simona walk past no unimportant then suddenly is dying to a palace of robots am I seriously playing the same game anyway the group decides to check out the Okumura group who by the way own that burger shop that we frequent yes we have been funding him this whole time and so we head to his head office this is huge so as you know by now we have no tact about acting out in public and start blabbing about palaces and such when mr. sketchy comes up thus we enter a kumaras palace a factory of some sort with robots is that oh yeah right I would have put in an oompa loompa meme here but thanks YouTube copyright so we wonder further in looking for Mona since he's most likely run off trying to show us what he can do without us but instead we get roadblocked and who should appear but Mona and some girl hey tell them to fall off the horse I mean your name is beauty thief no it's the DVD check out girl I'm sorry I never returned my copy of B gases XXX xxxx Oh pay the fine anyway we see her opening the roadblock but our big group run scared at the sight of some harmless robots and we flee to the real world so it looks like Mona is teaming up with this mysterious girl we have never seen before but Mikoto thinks that she goes to our school and so we scour the yearbooks and bye dad yep she does and guess what they used to tell who that girl was it's so fluffy yet so this is Haru Okumura yep that daughter of the dude we're trying to take down I guess well since she is at our school we should try to talk to her really good outfit let's not talk about that she refuses our health as Mona awakened her persona and together they want to reform her dad and she is worried that the Phantom thieves aren't really doing the right thing according to what Mona told her we then see her and her father Ray Romano that's you already get up right who tells her that she has to be nice to some politician's son to help his company ie he's marrying her off for some company synergy what we then decide to stake out in mementos since Mona really loves the place and apologize to him Ryuji however just literally opens his mouth and Mona does two 180s and drives off so we chase him down gee isn't this fun persona gameplay everyone yes after baiting us he and Haru escape into the real world where she is then confronted by her forced crazy fiance body weight that sounded like Smash Mouth oh maybe they are in the alley oh it's just Mona and and dude wait wait what the heck are you doing to her you won't forget your faces we take Haru back home and Mona finally admits to his wrongdoing and says he might not be a human and that's okay but he still wants to be part of the team thus resetting the status quo so a lot of people will say that this is easily the worst section in the entire game that little bit we just saw how Mona does so many 180s his neck would break all too hastily force the introduction of Haru into the story and give her some purpose don't get me wrong I don't like the spies that fiance dude in the situation and how he forces himself onto her but the way the game handles Morgana's little fit here kind of ruins that a little bit anyway Haru says that she won't keep quiet anymore and wants to help us change her father's heart so maybe he can be a better dad and stop that forced marriage thing the others leave for their homes but Haru stays over with Futaba and the next morning has breakfast with us what's going on here you brought over another girl you got a boyfriend please I'm eating breakfast over here Haru however when she gets home finds her dad incredibly angry as the fiance told him what happened and says you will be forced to live with him in a few weeks bad news for her but this becomes our deadline to reform the CEO and so we head into his palace which we realize is on the moon somehow and going further in we come up against the shadow Okumura on so many levels he brings in his version of the fiancee to have his way with her here and this enrages Haru to finally awaken her true persona as before Morgana our work some weak one in her that did no damage you're too late no she's been noted thus we have her on our team giving her the nickname noir and we head further in I will say I did like the whole premise of a factory on the moon but it kind there was a bit too big and confusing especially with these portal bits yes it's cool to fly in space no it's not cool to get lost here so we find the treasure and exit to get ready to give him the calling card now as you know we finished early so I guess it's free time Oh fine I'll spend some time with you calico me oh yeah all right we discussed the finer works of Picasso can we please go and fine I'll go with you on the ferris wheel I am having so much fun anyway we get Haru to give her father the calling card to make his treasure visible for us to steal however it seems like he was expecting it and immediately goes to the police to tell them about it and that it will happen within the next day Haru tells us about this and I guess we still have to go through with it to stop the whole marriage thing geez so we go back in to steal the treasure but as with every single time before you would think these dumb birds would expect it by now he removes the treasure to his UFO and as we corner him he fakes forgiveness and trapping us and telling Haru and Moana to join him Haru finally stands up to her father and says he shouldn't misuse your company like that fully treating your workers for profits and also Mona jumps in like I fight for my friends and bought Simpsons his remote control freeing us thus starting the battle and I guess the gimmick here is that there's a timer just to add a little spice to the battle but we easily win and he says he will call off the wedding Moana however pushes him to reveal who the masked person is and he admits yes he did call in requests to them to take out his competitors with mental shutdowns however with the palace lapsing we conveniently have to leave before we find out who it is harue asks us if we should bring him with us but Mona reassures her that her father will be fine as he is still alive so nothing will happen to her real world dad the person is a black boss I just can't be good really so we escape and begin to wait for him to change his heart now I won't go into too much detail here but we just spend more time with confidence or level up our personality to talk to them some more it honestly can be a bit repetitive to some people at this point that this is all we do between palaces and also unfortunately to fans of the other confidants I won't be able to go in depth as how I did with Cao akame I mean it is a 90 hour game I have to cut corners somewhere but for reference these were my favorite confidants and also we managed in this time to get Reggie to rank 10 who thanks us for helping him so much after you know he kind of dragged us into the car mashita thing and best boy becomes best bro meaning his persona levels up so yes there is a gameplay reason to ranking up your teammates to level turn hurroo calls us to the rooftop to help us water plants and we say the school festival should be the big celebration for changing her father's heart and her joining our team Haru well you know she's rich says well no get some money you poor people and books out the entire Disney I mean destiny land for us to celebrate no I'm not kidding we got the whole park to ourselves but of course we don't get to explore it at all and with perfect timing there is a live stream of mr. Kumar's apology so we tune in then door well everybody that was exceedingly more creepy than anything in the entire game so far jeez I'm so sorry Haru and well despite him apologizing before he reveals who the black mask person is he dies something that's never happened before for us Haru is questioned by say about this and although she keeps quiet the police inform say that they found our calling card in the principal's office and back with Futaba she actually finds out that someone hacked the fan site which is why Okumura is named skyrocketed to the top of suggested people to reform it seems like the person that siu guy was calling all this time was orchestrating the whole thing to get us to change mr. CEOs heart who works for him and thus making the person in the black mask kill him so as to say kill two birds with one stone as now say is incredibly close to catching us believing that we are also the principal's killer and online everywhere we are getting blamed for that CEOs death as every day we play we see the poll that was slowly rising through the whole game drop dramatically as the public's perception of us is now changed we are apparently killers a game then cuts to say showing how she wants to bring us in four justices say and then cutting back to future say in the interrogating room while getting more dizzy from the drugs we see her question us for the big one as to why our next major target a person we aim to reform was miss naeema herself my name is [Music] what is it akechi are you feeling okay hold on a moment have my deepest thanks I must disagree know what wait I can't understand really very well I see delicious pancakes yes that time Hey [Music] it's delicious pancakes oh well guess it's time to return to the series I don't even know why I bother I'm in the last video just look at what I had to do all because they can't tell that's not skin and then they are out here telling people I stopped uploading unless they hit the Bell I think why me no complaining ok gum I'm sorry and pachinko ah yeah so anyway last time we got the fluffy Haru on our team but unfortunately her father died to the mysterious person in the black mask and now the people behind the scenes have used this to tell the public that we killed him someone tampered with the fan site and is manipulating the public to turn everyone against the Phantom feeds now as we know mr. SIU director is pretty much the guy doing all of this obeying orders from his boss and now he gives say charge of the case to arrest someone as the Phantom feeds say accepts this with vigor as she believes this will be the one thing to get her the promotion she worked so hard for however since we are school students we have to do high school things for the school first of all and Mikoto asked us to help count the student votes as to who will be the special guest for the festival first place is girl I can't see I mean it's the same in real life too what what are you staring at your phone like that for oh are you going through a breakup damn it dude I don't have any breakups I mean sure this means I'm dating like five women now I mean was it six anyway just stop interfering so back at our headquarters which by the way thank you for not using the walkway anymore all right Mikoto says say told her that she's investigating us but has been quiet on the details and to counter this that we should in fact probably ask a catchy for info as he was her partner and we can use the cover of him being a guest at the school first of all makes sense and after a few more days at school we returned home to see honey I'm home what already yeah you're back awfully late Goro seems to frequent our coffee shop because he just the loves daddy's coffee I'm happy I could see you wait are you talking to me or the pancakes over there precisely and so it's the school festival where police are all around us a is investigating heavily so it would probably be best to lay low by which I mean eat food yeah what else will the goofball is going to do anyway so we enter a a maid cafe to eat summer TACA TACA attack attacker frank what is this script are these kids speaking English I don't need these exotic Japanese food that's it I'm calling the meatballs so through some awkwardly localized dialog I trust me this scene does not flow well in English we order a Russian roulette meatballs where one is extremely spicy gee I wonder which one it is Oh everyone's all here I can't see what are you doing here hey we're a dirty eat that you didn't pay for it it's fine I'm fine does he sound broken to you my stomach serves you right you little condom so akechi did agree to come to our school and give a speech to the students delicious pancakes delicious pancakes delicious pancakes Mikoto presses him for answers and he boldly states you know what I changed my mind The Phantom thieves would never kill anyone else oh whoops here's a fake phone call Mikoto please invite your buddies to the backroom I need to speak with you all about something oh I'm sure it's fine nothing to worry about okay okay no jokes he is what he showed okay like yes kay so catch he has proof that we visit the meadow verse by yusuke literally getting Faneuil snapped and so deduces that we are the fans and babes he says he was aware of that world a month ago when the app mysteriously appeared on his phone and that he is sure we didn't kill a kumara as he says that the person in a black mask did it and almost died trying to flee from them also I guess since he reveals that he's been to the meta verse he can now understand Moana and not just hear the angry meowing meow a catchy then wants to make a deal with us he won't turn us in if we help him stop the police and wrongly convicting someone as he overheard them saying that they don't care who it is they are going to make a scapegoat be at fault for the murder just to save face and as such ruin and innocent persons life we decide to think it over and randomly get a social link with them no way well everyone leads though the game's audio decides to randomly not work and this weird bloom effect comes in I'm sure this is nothing important and there's no reason I'm drawing attention to it right now precisely we then cut it daddy serger oh who was watching the news which brings up the calling card and we say that he seems to have snuck into Futaba zoooom and found the one we sent her then after her intense emotion of saying we cut back to Joker for the after-school festival party thing but don't worry nothing major happens in it then I guess to pick up the tone again we see the SIU director threatened to take say off the case if she doesn't hurry up and arrest someone putting an immense amount of pressure onto her alright fine game we get it it's serious time now but look I'm home let me relax end dammit so what is this a birthday party invitation Oh what now so Futaba breaks down saying how we are the Phantom thieves and that we helped her but also how her mum was murdered that there is more to it than what surgery thought he however is a cool and understanding dude as you can see from his clothes and doesn't turn us in but it's still worried that we put his daughter in danger the group then has like a two-minute fight as they get angry with each other at going for bigger targets and losing sight of their goal to teach rotten adults a lesson while not caring about the fame I mean you saw how crazy Ryu Jie was in Hawaii going nuts over the Hawaii women because in Hawaii so we say a few words yeah those words yeah and everything is normal we won't give in that easily because I guess you could say we some sort of phantom thieves now alright that's the end of my recording on to the next one no no wait wait wait wait where did the rest of October go okay don't panic you make plenty of save files I'm sure the recent save file is closed we see the next day that that bold dude from before has been ramping up his speeches as he gets ready to run for prime minister using our bad name to gain popularity but this politician seems pretty amazing pancakes then comes over to pitch his deal again to us also stating that we should change say his heart as due to all this pressure and such she is bent on accusing anyone for the crime to get the result she needs for the promotion and as it so happens she does have a palace as noted by Makoto akechi then says he will aid us in this and won't report us to the police if we disband afterwards meaning this would be our final heist we all seem to agree and we'll scope out seis palace tomorrow and I guess perfect timing we go back to the present with her in the interrogation room in me believe you know say still doesn't believe us but is getting very very close to it as she does recall a catchy acting different around the time he told us he got his persona so I guess telling her about the bit of changing her heart should be the final push we need to convince her to believe us anyway in the past we call Futaba for a favor Morgana needs information on say to help inside the palace in case anything unexpected comes up I can look up more you know stuff like her repertoire of underwear and then Morgana asked her to look into something else but but again the voices are gone and the bloom effect is back precise to the next day we arrived at the courthouse which should be where her Palace is pancakes however whips out his brand new iPhone 69 and this amazes Futaba it was like technique remember and also socially awkward luckily akechi doesn't mind and we work on finding the keyword for the palace it must be a casino candidate I definitely see psy sonamoo in me and so we enter the casino which kind of looks at odds with every single other building around here still looking normal range then as usual since pancakes is joining our team we have to give him a nickname perhaps chorus who will be best for me mate that's Japanese I told you before this is an American video game why not go with crow instead well I mean pancakes would have been better but okay great we go in and see crows outfit which takes inspiration from a certain someone at Winston with a wire but who cares about that because I finally bought one DLC but persona 5 dancing outfits which are my favorite ones that are not even in the dancing game really anyway we sneaked around columns alley and are spotted by shadow say she's like mate are you even phantom thieves if you want the treasure make your way to the top and she teleports to an elevator leaving us stuck down here pancake says we need to find a membership card to enter as we should treat this place like an actual casino until mr. naked leopard man appears over don't worry pancakes here unsurprisingly is very broken oh I can't wait for him to carry us in the late game I concur now then with that I guess it's a good time to talk about the palace and how the music is absolutely amazing my favorite song into Sona v but uh the dungeon is really long like really long so the way it works is that each floor has one gimmick to move on like here is to find a keycard but ahead it's like play these mini games to win coins to get enough to enter and so on we do that to the final floor well we can't enter because we don't have a reservation and like before with matter it's one of those things where in the real world say you need to see us in the courthouse to let us into her Metaverse oh and I didn't come up with this idea pancakes did cuz you know he's an actual detective you really are an ace detective and so we see her at her job she spots us and now we can head to the final floor with shadow SE and after some mini bosses we reach the treasure spot and head back to send a calling card now I want to bring this up because here is really where it becomes apparent at how repetitive some days can be since the game now gives you so much time to level up the confidence as you are now reaching endgame I guess if you don't have too many favourite characters this can be seen as tedious for some not for me however me some highlights of my time would be finally starting and confident growing weed with Haru and maxing out she hires confident wait a minute she has a Texan accent [Music] anyways we send the calling card and go into a palace in me but surprise surprise she hides the treasure as every single other person is done before calling us over to battle on a roulette table okay now it's spinning so the gimmick for this fight is that say spins the board and the screen will say bet your health or SP etc you then pick where the ball will land with either a high or low risk bet but as you can see it doesn't seem like we can win however if you look closely you can then see that the one we pick gets a glass lid so we send pancakes to shoot it on the next spin proving that she cheated so we get a normal battle with her demon form and easily win we then grab the treasure a briefcase when all of a sudden a huge number of enemies randomly appear outside and start to close in this seemed very odd but we as the suave manly hero say we will be the distraction to let everyone flee this then leads into the opening cutscene you know the one that has Joker grinning that every single youtuber uses as a thumbnail for that scene where Joker breaks his bones now we reach the current time with us being interrogated by se and she seems fed up and offers us a deal because we might get the death penalty yeah on a kid she says if you name in shame your teammates I will lighten your sentence sorry miss attractive prosecutor I'm too cool to do that I gotta keep quiet for justices sake then tell me what is this justice you speak of he's the protagonist of the fourth Ace Attorney again what are you getting at so you know those scenes will be audio cut off well guess it's a good time to bring up them again because the game just flashes these memories back audio and all I'll explain it all later after this is over so we sought a hint to say that we know who sold us out the traitor in our group the one in the black mask the one who killed Okumura but you know since we are a silent protagonist we just point to our phone and motion that she has to show it to that person you're referring to him aren't you wait are you saying a catchy he's the traitor no this can't be I mean just just look at the thumbnail in this video see how happy is my apologies other honestly if you're watching this I don't know how you could have avoided not knowing he's the traitor with the amount of pancake memes out there in the wild so yes I'll go through this all in a bit but we just tell say to give the phone to a catchy I'll place my bet on you say then leaves and sees akechi coming in as he is now appointed the chief of this investigation and will be interrogating us next so it was you you're the one who sold out the Phantom thieves so akechi does reveal that he did sell us out to get us arrested and now save us make the decision to believe our story and save us including her sister or let the police handle this a catchy cone does this bone look familiar to you hmm yes that's why your best girl me understandable foolish woman so pancakes comes in and well grabs the guards gun kills him levels up her confidant then kills us yeah we are dead yeah I'm not joking we're dead what a catchy then calls his master for a job well done and goes and kills the SIU director after his master ordered him to tie up all loose ends we cut back to say who now gets a call on the phone from Alibaba ie Futaba she says how akechi is going to kill us and that she needs to save us but like we are we're dead so how old this help we then get a cutscene where we see the phase reacting to us getting captured which then suddenly turns into bad news the kechi tells the police to announce that we killed ourselves and are dead but uh best voice says otherwise third or heater query you'll it'll make sense soon because after some talk with ego and the twins this game is not over yet god why is his voice so hot we get some more elaboration on those flashbacks and how we planned everything to then the next scene with us somehow alive in the cell grinning like an idiot and yes like an idiot because there's no one there why are you smiling Joker it's an empty room I knew eating mac and cheese every single day was bad for your brain yep got it we then get another flashback where the phantom thieves discussed their plan to trap a catchy and it's not voiced so I'm like ha wait what like no joke on my first playthrough I was so stunned and confused at this part and like you kinda need voice acting to help explain it but don't worry after the next scene I'll go through with it I'll go through with it will you lovely viewers because yes surprise surprise we ain't dead and so with saying so juror who acts as the blissful idiot I can't keep up with any of this stuff we get brought in from hiding to reunite with the thieves as they then run through what happened and yes I'll admit the explanation can be confusing with how fast it goes and I still didn't understand a lot of it even re watching it because they kind of speed through it so I'll explain it in my own way it all started back years ago for the dinosaurs I whoops too far so during our trip to the news TV station you know where I played this clip Julie sponsor related product placements uh-huh yeah so we were talking in the hallway and we'll ghana mentions how he wanted pancakes and a few minutes later akechi comes in delicious pancakes and yes this is why there are so many pancake memes for this boy the only way he could hear me gonna say those words is if he went into palaces beforehand as that's the only way someone can understand Morgana's meowing this however was way before the timer Katie told us at school when he got his first persona remember he said he only recently got it a month ago which is why Morgana brought it up then because it seemed a very suspicious and then in the second flashback would be underwear which by the way there is now official art of it goddamnit everyone pictures you horny sons of [ __ ] and Morgana told Futaba to bug a catchy phone to confirm if he would betray us this is why she went over the top grabbing his phone like a fan at an Apple iPhone launch day she installed the bug and recorded him saying his plan of how he would bring the police into sayz palace to arrest us and kill us later in the room completing his betrayal but as we overheard this the thieves then set their counter plan they knew the police would be there and as such gave an empty fake briefcase to get caught so then here's the murder trickery part which I'll you some handy guides for so this was in the interrogation room which was at the police's headquarters now the one in sales palace looks exactly like the one in the real world as remember only the area of the palace is different the surrounding world mimics the real one like how it was walking the streets when we entered karma sheeta's palace the first time so we get caught in Saves palace but pancakes men take us into the real worlds interrogation room they most likely were corrupt and you of this cognition stuff from their big head boss I think I'm starting to see the big picture so we sit here in the real world however the others go to say is interrogation room and keep says Palace version of us there then in the real world say gives us our phone to akechi this allows Futaba to pinpoint a catch his location and thus remotely trigger the nav on his phone to transport him and say into her palace interrogating hallway akechi then goes in to kill the save version of us and thinks he did his job say however after talking to Ali Baba is brought back home with the other flash and listens to her by grabbing us and dropping us safely home and thus that's how he tricked akechi into killing us but not really it's just for real okay so like a few things here no his explanation isn't perfect and I tried my best to fill in the gaps like if you're wondering if shadow Joker died shouldn't he die in the real life like a kumara remember this is saysed palace version of us how she sees us it's like harus Beyonce in the last palace we killed him there yet he's still unfortunately fine in the real world but I will admit there are other things that are confusing like akechi isn't he still stuck in the meadow verse wouldn't he notice that he has to come back out and that would mean he didn't do his plan unless Futaba somehow transported him back without our phone then did we actually steal Said's heart because the palace didn't really collapse like every single time before then there's also the thing of the phantom thieves being suddenly big-brained remember these are teenagers sure I mean some of them are smart like Makoto and Futaba definitely not these bozos but the way they reveal that they knew everything even though we managed to grab the treasure we couldn't get it out of the Metaverse except that was all an act like I'm sorry these kids are acting like danganronpa levels of high school students Big Brain plays is it just me or have I now turned into the adult here who doesn't appreciate the phantom thieves skills we're intellectuals you know oh so random fact in case you didn't know you can actually get a bad ending here if you rat out your friends say does say you will get a leaner sentence but then you don't give say your phone which means a catchy keeps walking along not being teleported and kills the real you like you really do die in the bad ending but the credits roll and everything anyway hopefully you can see that we tricked the world they think the leader or the Phantom thieves is dead take that miss the pancakes he's no detective how humiliating I hadn't the slightest idea that such a grand operation was taking place within me no Ramsay's calm down you must avoid the dirty jokes in me I'm going to get drenched but there still remains the identity of the person who called the SIU director the one who ordered a CACI to kill people the one behind all our misfortunes yes next time we will meet the big boss that's today's youth for you I guess wanna go someplace where we can be alone no not really that was quick wait how did we get here I have something to tell you okay what is it I almost have all the Infinity stones oh no what is she saying now those stones are from the movies I'm going to go now I think he would turn out to be such a troublemaker Oh righty so I guess I gotta give the warning to people who somehow stumbled upon this yes this has spoilers for persona 5 the other parts to this are in the description and yes cow akame is evil okay now that we have that out of the way it's time to continue on where we last left off as the group come to realize that there was one central key person who has been at fault for everything in this game and yes he's got a shiny bald head and I we did just faked out death how tough are you surgery then tells us that it could be this guy called Shido ie said bald dude as he did work with futaba's mother and would know all this cognition stuff because he would also ramble on and on about how he wants to be prime minister like those stories kids tell you about their dreams and ambitions till they realize how soul-crushing working in a society can be especially drawing all these thumbnails are making all these videos every single week and they don't get any views you gettin tired man I'll be afraid to take a breather we then say that this sheeter guy probably used our missions to work his way up the political ladder to get elected as the next prime minister in fact all the big bosses we took down how a helping Shido at some point and we did him a favor by silencing them so Jareau says how he never mentioned this before hand because shooter would have disposed of us as soon as he found out hey come on old man no we ate that week well at least we know who the next target should be but the true battle has only just begun then we cut to Shido plus pancakes and for whatever reason they do the old let's randomly recap our backstories even though there's no need for us to do it right now but we know there's an audience looking at us and playing the game for real power power power so pretty much he used pancakes to commit all the shutdowns for him pancakes benefit was that he got to prosecute the criminals he shut down leading to easy wins for him and his stardom and thus the charismatic ace detective was born we then go back to shadows office like randomly just stand outside the Parliament building and start to blab key words to unlock his palace what about a mansion we unfortunately don't find it and have to leave since well we have a dude in the hoodie outside a parliament building because you know he's not really meant to be alive what and while we have our group meeting at the cafe for whatever reason we can hear she does live speech from the station so Ryoji and Haru yeah okay sure why not she seems like she would run more than Mikoto okay yeah game all right give her more screen time they run off while we follow Ryuji then finally wanting to get the plot moving just straight up walks up to him to ask the bald man some questions he gets pushed by that dude back at the restaurant which brings all the flashbacks to our mind because they yeah we technically don't realize till now that it's the dude who got us arrested but I mean come on how many old bald men in this game can be responsible for all this evil anyway no one in the crowd cares that an adult God assaulted a teenager and he drives off we go back and tell everyone of our relationship with him how it feels like destiny at the dude who made us come here is now the final boss so once again we go back to the Parliament to try the words pedo look he mentioned something about a ship which turns out to be the key word well then dear viewer what do you think the phallus is yeah okay it's obviously cheedo feels as though he's the captain of a sinking country and why he wants to be elected to steer the ship to safety so begins the final dungeon on board his ship and the main theme is that there are a lot of locked rooms and we need to talk to individuals to get their permission slips to be able to enter also we turn into rats for a bit yeah I don't know what was the point of that but I'm not gonna lie I'm so freakin adorable and so this takes us to many different areas on the ship where we need to find his influential figures and get their permission slips and by which I mean we talked to them it does a little skit every single time they get mad and battle us I take this dude on the deck for example I would never give one to some nobodies like yourselves it seems he won't talk to us since we are just common peasants what about it so we then reach the final guy to get the permission slip from and it's the dude from your cassette zero well at least he looks a little more intimidating than the other boy actually we're here to suggest a tattoo design for you a tattoo okay that's it sorry Makoto and has now overtaken you as the best Phantom thief female oh well you know what they say real life imitates video games and all that to be excited about and so we get a little skit where you schedules his tattoo but everyone here is uncultured and thinks that this looks bad the Yakuza dude however is like bro this is amazing come work for me Yusuke is like spike or if you will put a tear out your right sides we're still gonna fight after all that I don't know what to say Ryu D this is a JRPG you gotta do these pointless padding events as the whole game is just about fights like seriously do you know how long I've been playing this game condom so we beat him and his shirt magically appears while he goes okay yeah he go go get his treasure well alrighty then precisely but on the way we made a surprising food I mean person so here is pancakes ready to take us down he goes on about how he envies our life how we have friends and how he's a loner and so on after which he summons the second persona and uses it to cause the violent nature and shadows to rise that is to say this second persona was the cause of the mental shutdowns when we easily beat him you talk big but you're really nothing more than a little kid throwing a temper tantrum he then goes sick or mode turning into that person in the black mask by causing himself to have a mental shutdown ie go crazy don't mind if I do and we battle him once more and defeat him pancakes then cries out about how his life is unfair and we are like well if he had friends and maybe some maple syrup you might have been good like us we try to convince him to join our team dude you're more than special as he does want to take Shido down because he revealed earlier that Shido is his father yeah and I don't see the resemblance game I'm sorry wait a minute does that mean pancakes will go bald when he's older Oh [Music] that must be it but just before he accepts yes sir it's the Shido cognition version of him and well he's a bit more psychotic he says he must eliminate him as push Eidos orders because if he can't tell cheedo likes to clean up after himself and just before that pancakes shoots the fake akechi and an emergency door to lock themselves in he then tells us maybe in the remake persona 5 royal he will be alive and then we hear two gunshots rest in peace pancakes delicious pancakes I knew you were gonna say that not really caring about it which is something I did notice in the late game the thieves actually forget a catchy very quickly they move on and find the throne room meaning they can now head back to the real world to prepare to send the calling card but well he's like a big-shot politician so how can we actually get the warning to him to make his treasure up here well uh Futaba and her teenager brain can somehow hack every TV screen in Japan to show a message from the fans of Thieves while they are in the outfits which means they went back into shadows palace or mementos to have the outfits show up because remember these don't exist in the real world and they brought a camera and lighting to film this and Futaba edited all of this with voice modulation and all these effects yes I know it's a video game of the talking curtain kala shush now sure so we alert cheeto because he's like yeah bring it on kiddos and we go back in to have the villains final speech and he then dons a spiky helmet while riding a giant golden lion symbolizing the masses which then transforms into a flying lion which then transforms into a giant pyramid okay then I see who cares after defeating him he's like it shows us what he does it is fair time but those muscles were for sure and we lower his health bringing another phase we turns into a tomato tomato tomato we then finally beat the big bad boss which also brings his shirt back like that dark as a dude from before sure Shido goes on about how sorry he is and I'm like mate this is the final boss no way he's going down that easily and rightly so because for whatever reason Shido can sense what they are doing to him inside him and takes these experimental pills that would cause him to go into a coma which will shut down the palace early is that even possible it is kind of pointless since we then take the treasurer and the palace collapse still happens as usual like this anyone else see how pointless that was really then defies physics to free us from the Titanic they dies or something no we then come to the real world and the girls are crying at the loss of Ryu G but he's obviously fine and then they beat him to a bloody pulp no I'm not kidding they play this for comedy and being a best boy and leave him alone on the streets of course well okay surely that key important scene did something to the plot of the character growth right look she does awake that means his plan worked right like he's still evil and he had a change of heart so ah what was the point of this whole scene you know while going through this game for like a third time it really gets noticeable that the dipping quality after the amazing first boss cuz even though she dough was built up over the whole game and he was the only villain who took a pill thing what was the point of it since the palace would have collapsed as soon as they took the treasure and then he still has a change of heart so the outcome is the same except well Ryoji has brain damage now from his own friends there is a point in a video game where imitating real-life serious aspects for a lot of its playthrough suddenly pulls up a cartoony beat up teammate gimmick and well it just didn't really sit well with me but anyway we now wait for him to announce his change of heart which means pretty time yeah but I won't really go over this because pretty much it's just Joker getting romantically involved with many women but you don't really care about that right and so we see she doe still won the election but during his speech he confesses everything and I mean everything the public isn't confused and such and we are happy because we won against the final boss I've reconsidered my opinion of you inmate wait who are you again so we celebrate with some more food and say is like gee thanks but I still remember you're still students did you forget you got exams but we then see the election team of shaders they are not happy he's going to rat them out so they set their own plan which involves delaying be inauguration and paying doctors to stay publicly it was all stress and such that the mental shutdowns are just some disease which meant that we a phantom thieves just use this illness to win over the public so I eat it's like we don't even exist anymore this is crazy yep all that work for nothing the public still have faith in the bad bald man and he technically still is in power as a puppet leader would say now being dropped from the case since a boss who works for Shido is like you crazy he can't prosecute the prime minister what and we are back to square one mementos I'm sorry Morgana what was that quite the funny joke okay well this could be our ticket out of here Morgana says how mementos since it is a palace it should have a treasure and that by taking it everyone's hearts might change and that the public will finally see the evil Shiro has done open their eyes to the truth we tell say that we will do this and in turn she must promise as she will get Shido convicted in a court of law I swear to make Messiah shishito stand and be tried in the court of law oh no but there's a catch since this is mementos it would most likely be the end of palaces everywhere meaning we won't be able to do this job anymore this will be our final mission and I'm sure it'll be fine right nothing could possibly go wrong wait eagle I didn't realize how shiny and bald your head was wait what are you doing okay thank I you and calico me what are you doing with the Infinity Gauntlet I finally have all the stones ha stones what do you mean but what are you doing you should have gone for the head [Music] see you all in the endgame [Music] well that was weird I thought the song would keep going wait a minute is that mac and cheese [Music] oh is that it I thought you were going to blare the song out to continue with the journey [Music] back yes we sure did I seriously just spend a whole year reviewing one game hello everyone and welcome to the final persona 5 review video finger yes there are 7 videos before this one so you can check the card or description if you want to catch up and a warning this video will contain endgame spoilers to persona 5 no nothing on Royal just the original game alrighty my stomach's ready so we lost left off with the group wandering just how can they convince the public that shado is evil Morgana responds with mentos is most likely sleeping with and we decide that the final heist will be to raid mementos itself the palace of society and steal its treasure to change everyone's hearts mentos has been open now over the past few videos I did say how the game makes it look like this dungeon was optional throughout the whole story but it's really not that's because if he didn't go through it each month slowly unlocking it you now have to do it all in one go which is probably the reason why so many people hate it you think you're right but me being the amazing Japanese high school student I already had scoped out the place and only after a little while we reached this train station like area the group go through and find that early Shura some kinky party I don't understand so there are cages full of people and talking through them you find out they actually like being better trapped with nowhere to go and further in we find the bosses we defeated earlier not really caring about their predicament what so these shadow versions that mementos had created like being in cages as they would rather have someone make all the decisions for them and not have to think for themselves I mean I think that's what the metaphor is going for real real wait then are you the dangerous inmate oh you know about that it's true however this means that someone is keeping them inside cages meaning there has to be a boss behind all of this the true boss behind every single misfortune Joker face the past year so the group had deeper down I also want to say that this place is a bit different to the usual mementos since we don't drive in moaña it's treated like a normal dungeon with walking enemies hiding spots puzzles and safe rooms it doesn't take too long running through it and we reach the very bottom with this giant Cup disgustingly grants huge it's still way too big for my liking this baby in but as we approach it the true enemy of the entire game reveals themselves I knew it it's these days they're so aggressive [Music] [Music] oh SoCal commie wasn't the villain it's you a giant cup Holy Grail so this is the Holy Grail the treasure of mementos which has been keeping society under its control as it feels humans have no will of their own the phantom thieves however alike well know and try to defeat it but every time they attack and damage the cup the masses reach into hail through its veins and as it sucks and sucks it gets more and more golden it then goes oh I guess you aren't gonna join me eh see you chumps and teleports the group back to Shibuya while Morgana finally starts to know who he really is after you were slowly learning it as we travel deeper into mementos so back in the real world we see that the cup has now fused mementos with Japan bringing out some Shin Megami Tensei vibes I don't get what you're saying at all and now it's society pretty much under the cups control the mac-and-cheese squad get down oh snap as people begin to slowly forget about them Joker then awakens back in the Velvet Room where Eagles like mole get rekt scrub you couldn't even save humanity by yourself all right twins execute him the twins tried to battle us but our dancing outfit reminds them of the fun we had in the dancing game and they don't listen to Igor this then brings their memories back as they ask Joker to refuse them yeah okay sure why not and so we fuse them into their true form lavenza they still small but in the machine now remembers that this is in fact not the real Eagle and he stole their memories when he turned her into the twins Igor however is mad because he stood still for five minutes while this all happened not trying to stop it at all now begins to levitate okay sure but this is because he is a phony I knew it so he was an impostor all along I mean I knew you couldn't trust anyone with this amount of no hair lavenza says how he rigged the past year into a game called persona 5 where the two players were us and kake's we of course one which leads Boni Egor to offer us a choice to turn Japan back to normal but help him control it even more with corruption everywhere or refuse we of course as the mac-and-cheese leader would never give in to the bad guy that's just not the mac-and-cheese way okay seriously what's with the obsession for mac and cheese why can't i obsess over the cheesy goodness in one video series alright fine what other food should i talk about then beans really just plain beans but what should it be served with very well so we refuse his offer leading him to teleport back to the CU p to fuse with it eagle then appears out of nowhere the real eagle with his original voice it's been quite a while since I last stepped foot in this place yeah I guess if he played the other games beforehand you would have known that something was off about be incredibly sexy deep voice what because no they weren't trying to change how he sounds he and lavenza both say your friends are in jail in the back and so you run around talking to them in a non voice way which was kind of annoying since this is big end game important stuff or am I just too spoiled on recent full voice acting in games the mac-and-cheese squad then regroups in front of Egor and I like this is where you go randomly before dungeons okay because it looked like he just stopped walking and had an error up there lavenza then says by the way take back your annoying cat and Mona goes hey you know how the whole game I said I wasn't a cat well I'm actually a messenger created by the real eagle just before he was overthrown by the imposter to help bind Joker and convince him to save the world and yes that also means I'm still a cat yeah so Morgana beckons us to follow him okay this is starting to feel like a horror movie indeed we head back to the surface and find a giant stairway to heaven I mean the Holy Grail yeah this is the last big chance to prepare and for whatever reason the group decides to take a short trip to the TV station why I'm sure you know commercial breaks well those are actually sponsor related product placements and so begins the final so-called dungeon where you climb upwards with these enemies roaming around but on each landing you have to fight a literal angel with the e Old English speak and honestly I love these designs and voices so much this was the first big show that the game had taking the trophy flight to the heavens feel that most JRPGs do and a reminder this was one of my first big JRPGs I ever played but as we rise the group noticed below that the people start getting fat I snapped seeing others disappear right in front of them the thieves then reach the final landing where it's the old save here this is the final spot no going back you truly are at the endgame well it's been one heck of a year time to end it all of course the group jumped back down to the holy grail this time realizing they should kind of cut the healing veins so we send Ryu G to take care of it now it becomes a normal fight well as normal as it can be fighting a giant golden Cup but we easily defeat it and win the final boss we just beat the game oh come on it's a JRPG of course there's another phase where the Grail transforms pushing us all up into the heavens revealing its true form the God yelled aboat not gonna lie this whole part kind of blew my mind when I played it for the first time you guys are the best stupidest group I could ask for we'll take it all back our future and this world his special moves are literally shoving his hands into his pants to draw out weapons relating to the seven deadly sins what however we survive this and are on the front foot but the old cutscene plays showing him beating us down and toying with the group Morgana cries out and his screams reach everyone down below including all the ranked and confidant they come out with a motivational speech to get everyone to remember the phantom fades yo Joker where is you leave the keys to the cafe I left mine over at a friend's oh yeah that's a good excuse did you check under your hat daddy of course I checked under my hat and stop calling me that well we are completely asked at least yelled a boat can't get ahold of my precious fansite you are the only thing that matters to me wait what it's about time we snap out of it running away from things won't help delicious pancakes look I know I gave you a lot of harmful medicine this past year and I just want to say one of those might have actually been poison but you'll be fine maybe probably oh okay uh don't worry I'll make sure you get a fancy funeral wait what look kid I don't know why you keep buying weapons for my shop I'm so humble potato farmer but please defeat that grand old master all this rotary it's mighty awful for miles crops back home right since when were you Irish why didn't you talk to me Joker everyone in the comments said I was the best confidant why did you ignore me why did you have to go through the waifu's I'm sorry Yoshi maybe in another lifetime or remake whatever kids these days with their waifu's and their minecraft long time no see by the way there's thing that's been on my mind you're a man I love you we should go home in me well what will you do look I'm sorry about trying to take over the world and making your life miserable please forgive me I don't know calico me you did do quite a number of evil things alright alright yes but okay thank you everyone for your kind messages it seemed to have worked the magical-like ratio on this video is now at a hundred percent likes no dislikes looks like this then allows Joker to draw upon some mythical power to break free arsons chains of being a turn up you remember when that happened to reveal his true form a certain Neil did I mention how nuts this whole ending is this is crazy and in the single most gangster finale to a game yet it hops a cap into SHINee boy's head man what an ending and with that the world returns to normal with anime bloom effect everywhere and Morgana making a dumb pose flying off into the heavens me also I forgot to mention this whole last battle took place on Christmas Eve yes it's almost Christmas meaning the gang now let's have a big dinner to celebrate finally getting rid of that annoying cat ready however while everyone leaves say comes in and is like look ok you saved the world but it's kinda hard to prove to the jury that she did all this cognition stuff since mementos is no more can you turn yourself in so you can testify to the court I promise you they'll only lock you up in detention for a few days maybe hopefully please just say yes well I guess I have no choice you did help us out a lot in the game we'll see you're really hot that's unacceptable you never change but before any of that we get some booty calls from the level 10 female confidence now maybe in another life I'll forgive her oh and don't think I didn't notice you we're looking at another girl weren't you and with that we go to jail to testify on the past year the thieves meet together on Christmas and I like hang on a moment he's in jail but we brought his favorite mac and cheese now how we pay us back you're missing the point jeez and so over the next few months yes months don't you know how long it takes for the courts to do their thing no the friends convince people in society to show their support and all the level-10 confidants also do their own work in their fields convincing the public about how good we are the thieves even find the girl who is at the start of the game to testify and she Doe is found guilty meaning we are free daddy so Jareau then drops us back at the cafe with all our friends there who are like oh great you can finally pay us back for that christmas mac and cheese you missed out on also we kind of wish Mona was here we miss his annoying voice [Music] so somehow the physical cat form of Mona is alive and that doesn't make any sense because he can still talk to the group he then decides to go with Joker to keep an eye on us aka not let us stay up late let's go to sleep you must be tired and the game suddenly then reaches a sad reminder because for whatever reason Joker has to move back home yeah remember he's only here due to his assault and people judging him in his hometown and despite changing of society showing how important it is to make your own decisions Joker is completely quiet throughout all these questions as to why he can't stay it's just gonna be uncomfortable going back do you not realize you have to move cities either people not believing you they just want you to be happy with your friends here calm down I mean I guess his parents kind of miss him even though they never visited him but it's honestly infuriating that after spending a whole year here building all these connections the most talkative silent protagonist is actually silent and agrees to go home yet oh yeah we still have Valentine's Day because yes old are romancing and flirting in the game was leading up to something as Joker suddenly gets a bunch of text from a whole bunch of people saying they want to meet him I you know what Mona I'm actually too tired for this I think I'll pass Oh a blocked number okay who's at the door now oh it's Ryu Jie you can't find the date oh me too oh this is awkward wait who's that now can I sit next to you oh how do you keep doing that Oh before I forget I went through the trouble of buying a microwave oven just to make it you know well you said you were sorry and you gave up being evil I'm sure this won't be that bad my head what happened why does it look like someone robbed the place hey daddy what do you mean I have visitors now all right all my girlfriend's okay sit down moving home I hate it here I'll do all your household chores so it's the final day where Joker has one last chance to talk to the level 10 confidence before he leaves forever sir charity is up then we head to the station however the gang's all here their mystery van since when did we have a van and they offered to drive us the whole way back after forcing a literal cat to fix the car by stealing some federal agents spark plugs who was talking Joker yes I don't get what's the point of this the group then asked Joker again hey do you really have to go nobody's forcing you to leave you know just say yes or no make a decision man no complaining and we head out to the open road while one of the best closing credits song to a game plays us out and that is it beeps oh no five is complete congratulations congratulations congratulations congratulations congratulations congratulations wait what are you doing here oh don't worry as an apology for before I prepared a special surprise for you on your road trip well I do like surprises so I might forgive you then but yes persona 5 is over I just want to say thank you to everyone who joined me on this crazy ride ever since making Xenoblade - a long review series thing oh I don't know what even call these I'm so happy people seem to like the multiple parts to this so yeah final review of persona 5 well this was honestly one of my first big JRPGs because all my life the only real big game I played or the Pokemon ones and that says a lot about me and as to why I thought this game was so perfect playing it during its launch with some of my best videogame memories I ever had and always be thankful for how this game opened my eyes to the wonderful world of more Japanese developed games it blew me away with its presentation characters design as they music gameplay even in a year filled with other amazing games that being said replaying Andreev watching all this footage the past year has shown that the game is not as perfect as I once thought yes it does drag in some places poor pacing weird character quirks here and there but to me this was a perfect game in 2017 so these minor flaws still leave me with an absolutely amazing top 10 game and one that helped define my channel into what it is today but with that I think for now it might be a long time if I ever talk about a persona game again I need a big break and I won't cover anything persona related anytime soon oh yeah so as we end I'll leave you with Jokers nice calming Drive oh hang on in the previous part the Texan fortune-teller said and she tells us our fortune you know the usual gonna save the world and then die from mac-and-cheese overdose you know same old same old well we saved the world but what did she mean [Music] I'll do all your household chores man if only there was a remake where some of the characters could come back to life wouldn't that be royal trojan Ramsay's Magnum chic [Music]
Channel: RamZaes
Views: 684,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: persona 5, p5, persona 5 royal, p5r, persona 5 scramble, persona 5 strikers, p5s, persona 5 royal spoilers, persona 5 royal reaction, persona 5 royal boss, persona 5 royal ost, persona 5 royal ending, funny gameplay, comedy, retrospective, analysis, kawakami
Id: EvzdiaKg7hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 19sec (10339 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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