I played Persona 4 Golden, here's what happened

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kept you waiting huh well I think it's time I finally talked about this game we live out your meaningless life going to high school every day trying to make friends but it never works talking to giant teddy bears faux show Teddy would you please stop talking I've been trying to catch a serial killer who is targeting a small country town and that's what Persona 4 is all about but Ramses didn't you already talk about this game well yes but also no as that was Persona 4. the original version of this game and that's a little old so this time around I thought we should make the experience a bit more golden I try and try but nothing comes out as Persona 4 Golden was released on a dead console as an updated version of Persona 4 that made everyone rush out to buy this damn brick not me though cursed you you have one role-playing game final how rude but with this game recently out on Steam I can finally play it oh is it so yellow and it starts with you in a limo with this a lovely lady and oh God his nose the nose nose this is Eagle who is sort of like a fortune teller toying with our lives coming he asked us for our name I do the usual but most people call this guy Chad you which you will see mine later on it seems a terrible catastrophe is imminent we then wake up and see oh my God I thought those were just a myth so it turns out Chad here is from the city and due to his parents being the worst ever is sent to live out in the country town of Innova for one year with this Uncle dojima you're more handsome in person than in your photo and his daughter nanako ow you eventually grow to like them hey huh you dropped this oh my God a goth girl almost set you [ __ ] uh oh no I'm sorry no it's so big no so we head with the dreamer to fill up on petrol after he almost runs over the attendant I mean that would have been a quick game with dojima in jail for murder I'm also reminded that this is a Japanese game it's in the back to your left you know which way is left the side you don't hold your chopsticks in I know so we arrive at his house which is very quaint and you slowly realize there's nothing to do here I could just go to work or school and come home to watch TV every night just like in real life this is boring touch our products [Music] every day is great at your tuna okay there's nothing for this girl to do literally her favorite thing is going to a shopping chain it's like your kid falling in love with Walmart [Music] well after a weird fog dream we wake up and head to school for our first day oh damn dude are you okay wait are we really just ignoring him gee I wonder who the main characters are so we get introduced by our teacher who really needs to see a dentist you'd better not even think of getting involved with the girls here let alone abusing them wait what I'm just here to study for the tests so we sit down and meet our main characters green girl sheesh red girl an oblique looking student critical hit to the Nets but before any proper introductions we hear a shocking announcement attention all students there has been an incident inside the school district what did they run out of chicken tenders at the cafeteria or something well anyway this is yosuke Yukiko and chia who are the main characters at the start but I also have to point out there is something odd with her goosebumps no not that I mean since I played the original game first she sounded like this it was too small that's pretty realistic but now it pretty it pretty much keeps this town going why are you saying it like that seriously it's so grating to hear this new voice for her it actually started to get real suspicious like I don't know man that's something an imposter would do anyway the two girls decide to walk us home and we find out that yeah there's really nothing to do in this dang town [Music] oh finally some action so it turns out that the announcement from earlier was in relation to a body being discovered brutally murdered and no uncle is a detective investigating the case so the next day we learned that yosuke is from the big city and he welcomes us with a free steak what about me huh no apologies geez Chia you're really starting to get on my nerves so after taking us to Dunes which is where he works and he fails to hit on A co-worker Madam you wound me Chi tells us about the midnight Channel a rumor that at midnight on a rainy day your TV will turn on showing you something scary I'm trying to remember the last time I heard something this stupid but since this is high school where the peer pressure is high we try it out that night and get a little too into it Well turns out we all saw the same thing I like it yeah sure GA you're a comedian it was too small if it had been bigger oh yeah so the gang heads to Dunes to buy ta a new TV however Chad thought he heard his reflection calling him names and punches the TV now normally you would pull your hand out after seeing this but Chad you on the other hand [Music] oh my God what do you mean what's going on holy crap I think this is all too much for my bladder are you gonna [Music] put me what [Music] wait whoa they find themselves trapped inside the TV and wandering around hey wait a minute isn't that a reference to jeez the group didn't find a room of posters of a TV actress whose husband's mistress was the one who was murdered but this room is too much for yosuke my bladder's gonna explode what are you doing piss my pants anyway we head back to the start and see an ominous thing what the heck is going on here his name is Teddy and is annoyed we invaded his home so he summons TVs and kicks us out the next day at school the group go to an assembly where they learn that yosuke's co-worker was the one who discovered the body but now was murdered as well like the killer wanting to silence her and if you never played the game before it's such a great mood setup despite the weird antics you now have two murders hanging over the town this prompts yosuke to try and figure out who the murderer is because the police ain't gonna believe there's a TV world so they go back in this time more prepared with Chia standing watch ah see well they meet Teddy again and discover who is under that costume Teddy is also annoyed at the murders because it seems like the culprit is chucking people into the TVs and after a while them being trapped there they die in the real world and after some friendly banter he gives us glasses which can help see through the fog which reveals the Shadows no not those these are the enemies of the world but it's a good thing in anime cutscene pops up as we summon ow [Music] this is our Persona a manifestation of the Soul which is perfect timing as we enter the room to see oh no he's got yellow eyes so for everyone else they have a shadow version parts of themselves they wanted to hide so Shadow yosuke tells him how he only wanted to enter this world for the adventure to get rid of the boredom of living in this town and not actually to avenge his friend but yosuke says the magic words you're not me which turns the shadow into a boss we have to defeat gee making me do all the work once beaten yosuke accepts his fault and it becomes his Persona Teddy in turn becomes the group's Navigator where he gives out useful hints in battle well tedious quotes us out and she is happy she didn't cause out early death yeah I know you sabotaged the Rope oh so the next day we shake hands with yosuke oh God I hate when that happens and at night we learned that Yukiko is on the midnight Channel as yep she's missing in the real world with the police struggling to keep a hold of the situation shine inside that place do people uh like Jay well this time we are more prepared as the SK brought some weapons to save Yukiko kinda like this two suspicious young males found one armed with multiple weapons requesting immediate backup are you resisting an officer of the law thankfully our uncle let's suffer the warning but on the way out we bump into his assistant adachi who honestly is trying his hardest to not actually work keep this between us okay we got a call from Miss amagi's parents yesterday evening saying they couldn't find her anywhere whoa you're helping us out gee thanks bro clearly they haven't learned their lesson because we then go to an actual weapon store to buy weapons sure you're okay with these kids here and Shea wants to join if you insist on coming just make sure you have something to protect yourself and on the street a magic Blue Door appears the blinding flash of light and we wake up in the Velvet car do not be alarmed no no no no no no no no so in this limo we can upgrade our personas as being a Chad means we get multiple of them and uh oh it's her goth girl shut up I'll get back to this group but we head back into the TV and reach a castle which seems to be where Yukiko is held by her Shadow Kiev however runs ahead and finds her own one who says how Chia was always jealous of Yukiko causing her to say the magic words and it turns into a boss which we defeat letting Chia get her own persona for battle and thus Begins the dungeon crawling it does take a while to get going in Persona games so you run around these hallways finding Monsters to attack to get an advantage in battle but if they attack you oh God run now it's turned base where every party member gets a chance to defend attack or use their personas to either stat Buffs debuffs or Elemental attacks with use up SP this can be refilled with limited items but the main way is to actually leave the dungeon and sleep overnight at home because Persona Works in a calendar system meaning you have a set number of days to save that person trapped in the TV otherwise the fog rolls in and they die and the moves are very beneficial since they target an enemy's weakness knocking them down and Ebola knocked over you get to do an all-out attack and at the end of battles you get cards to pick wow my gacha rolls are insane today they either give you Buffs in the dungeon or Persona which back at the Velvet car Eagle will fuse them together to get stronger ones you will want to do this a lot you don't want to hold on to the earlier ones as you can then talk to Margaret to register them meaning you can pay to summon the earlier ones later on and Marie is there where if you find skill cards she will clone them for you and you can buy them back any time to teach to a Persona look it's all very in-depth if you want to get into it but we Breeze through the dungeon and make it to Shadow Yukiko who hates that she has to inherit the amagi in her family business and it was at this end where the first murder victim stayed at she says the words we get a boss battle and we actually have to use some skill to win well Yukiko accepts her Shadow and joins the team with Teddy real excited oh wow so that's all well and good but since we beat the dungeon early the game makes its way for her to recover before we can continue the story which means the other aspect of persona the daily high school life yes we do mostly random activities to increase your Social Links you know the handshake thing from earlier as Chad needs to have as many friends as he can get and some characters form Social Links with him meaning if you spend time with them you learn more about them but increase the social link which actually gives you boost to that Persona with that typing so say if you rank up the Priestess Arcana with Yukiko you get booster any Persona you fuse in that category it's just a way to help you improve your combat and your social skills or something and in addition to this you can level up your personality in five areas to even progress some links like you need some of it to talk to dojima as you can't understand anything apart from Boomer talk oh yes to bought a house at 20 uh you can understand me now right yeah or you can start a job which actually earns you money like making envelopes or taking care of kids there seems to be a wide economy of jobs in Japan for high schoolers or on rainy days you can attempt the thief bold challenge which is an insane amount of meat whoa it feels like I'm being sucked into the meat Dimension oh no oh who are you I am and for attempting this challenge I've bestow upon you this new power and with this power Chad you is now invincible and no matter the social link he knows what to say to maximize the points gained and you even know the correct answers for all the quizzes yes this power has optimized his school life you can tell me the capital of Spain yeah it was kind of a convoluted way of saying I downloaded a mod that adds a lot of quality life improvements what don't look at me like that I know you Google the test answers anyway this just speeds up the process all right how did I get here I will say the mode is really useful in other places as it has an improved quick travel feature letting you teleport anywhere you want well other social things you get to pick between joining the drama or music Club so before in the original one I joined the drama club so this time I'll try the music Club I mean I wasn't banned at school it should be interesting they're knowing what to say for each social link though because sometimes you just write a big the meme answers ah that actually worked well anyway back at home you see that hanuko leads a sad life I mean the kid literally spends her weekends watching The Weather Channel and she freaks out when her dad so much just mentions going on a family vacation I mean can you blame her their dream is never around but one night he brought back a dodgy for dinner hi there no I don't think that's gonna help Nautica man but through the social link she learned that his wife died in a car crash and he struggled to take care of nanako but is trying his best while having to solve the murders I also found that amusing that adaji has his own social link but he's just such a lazy policeman and he hides in Junes pretending to work hi there well you get another club to pick between that being basketball or soccer but it sort of becomes a group one with the three of you hanging out together I picked soccer though soccer soccer it's football say it right [Music] the group is very chill to hang around with though hey man have you heard about this YouTube channel where a small time streamer called Ramses plays games every week and uploads edited highlights on the same channel it's so convenient to watch dude no one cares about the streams you watch okay streamers are so weird hey aren't you the one going on and on about all the eagle streams you watch no and don't you ever mention that again geez okay dude anyway remember the goth girl oh yeah well Marie here wants you to take her around town since she doesn't really seem to understand how any of this works hey why is it called steak anyway it's short for stay steak turns out this Maria is actually quite the poet although hey do you finding about it shut up you stupid jerk you get other supports too like at this shrine holy moly I thought that was a ghost that wasn't as scary as I thought where a fox appears yay I'm friends with the fox well you have to fulfill its request by helping people around town so they will think that the shrine did it and offer more money to the fox and eventually the fox joins you in the TV World healing you with magical herbs if you pay for it gee what a capitalist any way you could go finally recover this in the group celebrate by eating food hey could I try just a little bit of that just one tiny bite hands up the sober Pals go get your own if you want some okay just one bite got it do you want to try some yes hi you ate my fried tofu I'll buy you steak it'll be on me steak fillet sounds nice and expensive it's just a yacht oh well I guess food in Japan is really good huh wants a meal too I'll touch it man this dude is everywhere and he really likes hanging out with us actually he's kind of a cool guy always trying to help us out even playing with nanako and dojima isn't there and always worrying about us he's turning into more of a bro than the actual bro character so back into the TV where Teddy gives you her glasses you Kiko how do I look here Tia your turn how'd it come to this uh Yukiko are you okay well it's now the golden week holidays andojima had to cancel his vacation due to work but don't worry our friends pitch in to make nanaka not feel so lonely by taking her to Tunes oh my God [Music] geez these kids are really gonna have bent necks later on midterm oh crap there's actual tests in this game I thought I was just doing it as a joke maybe I should ask her for some private lessons hey chill yosuke you do seem to be great with your hands uh uh never mind so now the game is kind of in a weird spot where you saved someone but now the group doesn't really know what to do until the next midnight Channel I mean after you save someone it shows a shadowy figure in the fog and I wish I brought a jacket but you work out that all the victims were female and they're sort of are linked together with the second one finding the body and Yukiko working at the Inn where the first one stayed but the game goes about now fleshing out the characters what are you scared of a little lightning quiet you I'd be a goner if even one of those things hit me well back to the tests yep the game has it and apparently getting good grades as benefits When interacting with people Well Chad is trying to be the social darling so oh boy I've gotta study like crazy just kidding we have the meat Dimension power whoa this test is so easy I mean I literally know all the answers hey wait a minute when did we learn that and I don't know the answer no well after the test the group discusses the results in such a relatable way I remember too well after a test in school you asked the smartest person with the answer for that question and there you go oh yeah I put this down and you think oh crap that's not what I did I put the rice cakes on top of the table well back home we see on TV a biker kid getting interviewed man that blur sure is pointless it's completely obvious who it is ah yeah totally family who is that and that night with the rain that person is on TV wait it's clearly him how can you not tell is this like in Pokemon with Jesse and James with Ash never working out it's them did you see foreign which one's your type gonna take over someday neither and back at the June's food court which the gang have decided is their super secret hideout yeah all the Persona gangs really love talking about catching Killers out in the open well kanji seemingly lives at the local textile shop and the gangs take it out turns out he's meeting some kid who clearly doesn't see us hiding the group split up to stalk them while we wait at the shop if you and me playing LeapFrog man this is weird oh the kanji spots them and chases the two why are you running and that night we see kaiju's Shadow on TV like with Yukiko meaning he has now been chucked into the TV by the killer I'm your host Kanji Tatsumi serving you this scandalously special sneaking report I have absolutely no idea what's going on I want to see everything about you yukichan also starts to call us big bro even though we are technically her cousin but who cares we gotta do what we can to keep her happy I still can't get over it I mean it's the weekend put on some cartoons don't let her watch the Weather Channel oh he's not here uh hey look the test results are out well I only got one wrong so I should be super popular wait what are my results game hello you you made a big deal about it uh hello well into the TV we go with the dungeon being a sauna oh God what's with the chains it's death uh well that was fun yikes also in the dungeons you can find these hands where defeating them give you either an insane amount of XP or money but I'm trying so hard stop running cowards I was a little nitpick the game has this weird internet feature to call for help they put it on the start button with menu being triangle and I just kept pressing it accidentally so many times it's such a weird button Choice well anyway we feel like kanji's Shadow after he said the magic words and was revealing his fear that he doesn't want to be rejected and after the win he gets his Persona and we grab him out of the TV now having to wait many more days for him to recover well I guess it's time for more socializing with uh do you play a lot then you must be a playboy yeah sure whatever you're into I also found it amusing her most Social Links you barely spend time with that character as other people just barge in to interact which actually made it feel more interconnected with all the friends you have but it was kind of awkward the way they did it like here I'm trying out yukiko's horrible cooking and nanako just randomly walks in goes hey can I try it no it's bad food okay bye seamless huh we also spend more time with dochima [Music] and our soccer buddy holy moly free cheese and I love blue cheese cheese finally returns to school hi there he's not the brightest member of the group so uh well so someone's killing people with the TV what is he beating them to death oh they weren't being beaten with a TV were you listening at all so would kanji being targeted it ruins our earlier theory of the people being only connected to the first victim but the new idea is that anyone who appears on TV is a target as one was a TV actress the schoolgirl was interviewed so it was Yukiko and kanji all before they disappeared so it's literally just a killer flicking through the channels going oh cool they're in my town into the TV you go well we go back into the TV to get kanji his glasses it's kind of cute mind if I pay you can you see a pattern forming in this game I also learned that you can redo all dungeons if you want as they have bonus bosses for extra XP and it was here I saw that you kind of want to prioritize the Social Links with party members as they get boost in battle like GA and Yukiko pulling off this random move NGA helping out kanji before her actual turn also while I'm here yes Persona 4 music is absolutely amazing however it was so annoying whenever it rained as the game just wouldn't play any music some people might enjoy no music I always hated it but then we get back to the real world where dojima gives nanako coffee oh boy stop being a bad parent it has caffeine and well I guess that'll make things more interesting for you now won't it yeah okay also I don't know started to get really horny oh yeah like he has this plan to get a motorbike license to try and pick up girls the pheromones dripping off of us will bring them around in no time jeez I forgot how guys talked in high school well we get our license and ojuma gives us his old bike which he had when he was a Hellraiser back in school and now we can ride to other cities where we can watch movies and drink coffee and now yosuke initiates his plan to try and get a girl with the scooter but it doesn't really work out and now on the weekend the school has a camping trip and the girls want to cook the group a meal so they ask us to help buy the ingredients the night before carrots potatoes our radishes the same as turnips Chili Peppers it's not Curry if it isn't spicy how about some kimchi too chocolate I got a bad feeling in the pit of me stomach wait she a loves mint chocolate I love mint chocolate damn okay despite me being suspicious of you earlier you know what I'm woman up to you you got great taste the one I'm actually worried about is this dude cause seriously ever since kanji joined the team he acts like a completely different character with his horniness well anyway the girls make the amazing food during the camp oh no so no food and in the girl's tent they can't sleep because of the snoring do you think she'd stop snoring if I covered her nose and mouth no no no no no meanwhile at Alton kanji is there and yosuke is worried what will happen at night so kicks kanji out and then the girls sneak in here to get away from the snoring and you're totally okay with it yeah that's it you're out of the starting lineup on the next day they find a waterfall oyosuke wants the girls to swim with him to make up for the bad food I've got you covered pretty Swanky huh dude that's just wrong that's it you're out of the team oh wait I already did that those girls might be childish on the inside but I bet they're gonna turn into some fine looking women before too long okay they are right there why are you so horny well they change because I mean they did almost kill us what man I'm getting too old for this so the girls push them in and it turns out pushing them into a river with extreme Frozen temperatures caused extreme hypothermia and the teacher with his hangover throwing up alcohol upstream and all of that and the stomach acids mix into the river infecting the three and only the fox is magical herbs could heal them up seeing a foil golden is such a wild game I swear anyway we go back home all safe and sound so we see a new character on TV oh my God the eagle to be honest I'm a fan too she's such a pie so Persona 4 Golden is a weird game I mean you had this Chad high schooler moving to a country Town making friends with everyone and you think aha this is such a fun High School Simulator game going to school with a calendar system studying for tests fishing in the local decontaminated River oh no yes very wholesome peaceful stuff what oh the serial killer what about them catch them why me I mean just because we have super powerful personas doesn't mean I have to spray power comes great responsibility fine I'll catch criminals responsibly so yes there's a killer in town and our group have the power to enter the TV world to try and stop them as seemingly every victim appeared on TV just before they were chucked in and killed well okay who's on TV this month oh no we must protect the eagle cutie pie Sasha was seen on tv reset might be on the midnight Channel and yep there she is I guess I should be so excited yeah even though a celebrity is in town you shouldn't be happy she could be killed dude why are you like this her posture even her beautiful slim legs well we go to her grandmother's tofu shop to see if she's home but it's like everyone has heard about the Idol coming to town so there's a police presence which is just dodima and adachi what are you all doing here hmm well who wouldn't want to come check it out if they found out an Idol's family ran an ordinary tofu store just answering what I said it's almost like a silent protagonist's voice doesn't matter much in this game anywho I'm a big fan we finally go inside and see risse who wants to give up the idol job and returned here to live the quiet life because she sounds so depressed about it all I mean it's almost like for people you see online and idolize aren't like that normally not me though I'm always crazy I'm so glad I came oh yeah so dreamer ever the policeman questions us as to why we visited rise away I know nothing about the murders I just asked for the autograph and her socks something smells here cheers what do I come up with all these jokes are you funny so the gang meets up at the super special secret hideout to discuss how they're going to find the killer who is definitely targeting rise so maybe we should stake at a shop yes these high schoolers have nothing better to do you gotta go with donuts and milk what the hell you don't need that on a Stakeout you ain't American Santa Claus throw in some diapers oh too much information I gotta miss my pants however adachi appears and we're like oh he's a good guy let's ask him to help and we all just stand around twiddling our thumbs until who's there oh my goodness we found the killer quick let's catch him wait no game don't block my view with this truck anyway they tackle the dude but he claims he's just a creepy fan who wanted to take pictures of Rise without her makeup I would sell for Millions online it's not a crime in this country to take secret pictures wait really let me see ah why is this such a big search topic anyway that's his story but adachi arrests him for the murders and that's it the game's over okay Trojan Ramsay's Magnum chic hang on we say shadow is still on TV well guess that means Itachi arrested the wrong person and the Killer is still out there so we head to Teddy to ask if he has spotted anything suspicious I was so sad that my chest would burst and cotton would fly out can I try scoring with you two someday I mean when you're down bed you really are down bird so he's sad he doesn't remember who or what he is which is just a very similar and eventually we find recess shadow in this very bright place hahaha I know what that is it's the thing zebras have right doesn't anyone get the joke okay let's try one more time drip be something zebras have can anyone shut this thing up so into the dungeon we go which is very pink and also I started to like the shuffle time here a lot as some cards let you pick again now to balance this they do have some cards that lower your XP or money but if you tank it and collect all the cards you get a sweet bonus which guarantees a shuffle time the next fight with more turns for you to pick all the cards meaning you can continuously get them in a row so I was grabbing so many personas I couldn't hold the ball well here you go Igor victims for you to sacrifice I'd be alarmed I have a thick climax girl there's something just so soothing about seeing these higher level personas get fused together also in the dungeons the enemies whipped out their status effect which turned the party old yes old I couldn't believe it until I heard this so we make it to Shadow Risa who is confronting the real one who is also very sad and she says the magic words turning the shadow into the boss and this fight was kinda like but due to plot convenience we aren't able to win and all looks lost until Teddy worried he might lose his only friends and the only customers for his glasses shop Saves the Day Teddy and Shadow races defeated leaving Teddy very flat hope that was fun Ted however this isn't the end as Teddy's Shadow question mark appears and holy moly is it scary the truth is unattainable but after we defeated Teddy and Reese they both gain their personas would reset now taking over their navigating as Teddy joins the party now happy he finds meaning to protect his new friends so a lot happened and now we got two more to the party and also I'm home what already well time to wait for reset to recover which means more days of grinding them Social Links and we have a new one with I who tells you to skip class yeah sure okay why the heck not and she's like a stuck-up rich girl who looks down on everyone needless to say Chad really likes that however no one can top the one and only got they wait where is she and she left a poem here I am I Am The Little Mermaid okay kinda all over the place there how about another you are a murderer my last words The Little Mermaid yeah she's still my favorite okay also there was another link I started which first had me getting a job in the hospital at night oh man this isn't worth the less the minimum wage and you meet a nurse who is oh oh cute uh it it kind excuse something fun the next time you're here I'll see you again now you won't it's kind of like yikes for a bit but I can guarantee you it gets okay later all right please trust me it's like I tell people to keep watching the Steins Gate anime up till episode 12 because it really gets good after that yeah oh so death is everywhere and you eventually learns how to fish which made me realize how tedious Persona 4 can be with these activities it's like one of those old games where you have to click on everything to even unlock the next thing and hope one thing leads to another there were so many steps just to be able to fish but it does have a nice charm to it like I wanted to fuse personas and checking the forecast it said to do it on the next day so I go at night and oh okay I can start Margaret's social link now which by the way I'm never completing I mean she wants me to bring her specific personas right just click on whatever gives me the biggest numbers anyway we run down the days and suddenly a cutscene oh no another victim and this time it's wait the homeroom teacher with the funny teeth oh no not him he was my favorite character the body was found in the same manner as the second so even though we saved Rise by the deadline another victim is turned up going on here so the gang head back to Junes to talk with Teddy about all this but it seems like someone is already here whoa he's you grip oh Teddy in the real world so Teddy was bored and just waltzed here because he felt like it but don't worry everyone thinks he's the dunes mascot which doesn't help when he stands up during our super secret hideout meetings it's too hot I can't stand it and without warning he pops up his head revealing a blonde kid white guy well that's unexpected ah yeah I don't know how this makes sense the game barely knows but here he is he got a human form with no clothes the Chia buys him clothes on yosuke's account what you put it on my account karma karma and we go to check up on racy but seems like someone else has beaten us there ah I had a feeling you'd come excuse me so it's that detective boy from earlier doing their own sleuthing having already worked out that all the victims were shown on TV before their death which is odd though because the teacher never appeared on TV making it very confusing well anyway resay is all fine now I really appreciate what you did for me e-girl mode activate thank you [Music] no one asked so the game kinda treats the teacher's death as a joke with the gang's still calling him by his nickname King [ __ ] and then a new teacher is just swiftly brought in and oh no [Music] finals are next week and as we stress about the school exams Naruto that detective drops by your game will soon reach its end hey I'm only 30 hours in and how long to beat says the game is 60 hours I casually mentioned that the police have a suspect and that it's a high schooler from another school which means the kids can actually now focus on their exams by studying together which I always hated anytime in a group I would be the one who would distract Everyone by showing them Facebook memes yes they were really funny back then okay get off my case well the exam flies by and they complain about the test what do we need to know English for I can always ask for a translator do you know what language you're speaking right now sex you on the other hand finally got into the top ten let's go I'm so smart this was definitely not you to any god-given power we've received oh damn you're actually reusing me even though you only blame me for one joke anyway now it's a summer break and you escape decides that they should plan to ride their bikes to the beach I'll get to see reset herself in a swimsuit with my own two eyes can you maybe not talk about her like she's not here thank you for saying that she a me at juices yeah but that's not for another month so let's go back to June's to grind in the dungeon Marissa actually helps out way more than Teddy and it all seems fine until the next rainy night where a new person appears on the channel oh it's uh oh I may have forgotten to mention that earlier so uh way back this dude from another High School creepily tried to ask Yukiko out she said no and we never heard about him again until now and the suit is like Catch Me If You Can and the group believes he might actually be the killer since he's from another high school also I mean look at those eyes they clearly seem like a villain in any game well we need more info on him and oh look it's our good friend adachi I swear he really has a loose mouth as he constantly tells us information classified from the police don't worry bro I won't tell dojima well the killer's name is mitsuo Kubo and his dungeon is a video game what is this some kind of game where the music is retro remixes and very dungeon-like we're stepping on a tile jump scares you but why though and I found so many of these hands that give so much experience I swear if you ever see them in dungeons it makes it all worthwhile and I realized you can find your benched party just chilling in the dungeon but why though NGA learned a new move ready to go we eventually find Kubo in his shadow both confused as to why we are here but he happily confesses that he is the Killer and we fight his shadow the boss baby boss baby boss baby but why though well we win and pull him out of the TV handing Kubo to the police and I I guess that's it we got the killer time for relaxation kind of weird there's no big celebration but okay sure alrighty um well nanako seems a bit bored Home Alone yeah the weather channel can only be funny every once in a while the moisture from John so we all decided to go over and make her a dish omelette with rice did you already forget the tragedy of the school camp out already told you that was an accident he's right we just got a couple of the ingredients wrong chocolate we just got a couple of things wrong I heard last time you choked down something so awful that words couldn't describe it it was horrible you poor deers who would do such a horrible thing well we cook and the Gang tries out the girl's food how do I put this it tastes really um boneless and they all are horrible except for hours I okay I'm so glad I picked her as my favorite am I right well okay more socializing time as I started to get higher ranks with I and found out you can actually stuff up a link with the wrong answer which reverses it essentially meaning you have to waste a day trying to ask her to forgive you ah yes because my expression was high she forgave me that's just how it works in real life then I had to make the big decision who do I give my free time between these two oh God who do I pick they are both emotionally unstable however I did learn that Marie social link featured the group a whole lot which was a bad idea in front of this Terminator [Music] she just really hopes to be talking to other people huh rupt when it switches to a new track to fit the mood like it's all happy then oh God he got the feels Marie also had some more poems that were placed by someone in the limo who keeps wanting us to read them hmm must be Eagle spicy minty Twilight it's actually so chill spending time with her but seriously gang and we have a little privacy want me to get rid of them uh what this program was brought to you by the following sponsors um uh we also get ranked in with Chia which in Persona terms if it's a girl social link you will have the option of making them your girlfriend or friends earning and honestly I really like GA recently I warmed up to him and it's new so it's clean it makes a matching pair with mine but I do think it would ruin the group dynamic if Chad and her dated and even Yukiko so let's stay friends with both of them this also maxes out their personas causing them to evolve and now Tia was seriously so broken in the game I mean she has two lightsabers this is getting out of harm so yeah they are good friends Marie on the other hand oh Dad tell me the two of you are on a date yes that's right I'm exclusive with Marie and this is not foreshadowing or anything okay Marie's social link also focused on her memories as a velvet limo person she doesn't seem to remember who she is but only that she has this cone which she hands to us at rank 10. she feels like everything she has is borrowed from the Velvet limo including the Hat suspect is heartless but we make memories with her to get over it that one play s we came here after eating the stay excurs the rank 10 is very adorable and kind of made me wish all ranks were voiced hey can we make more more what more memories uh I was kind of hoping for the other answer I can't make any Without You by the way Chad you how is that Marie doing she's got a mouth on her but she's really cute yes to both especially the first and reset is very important since her navigation abilities can be broken later in the game so spending time with her is essential okay I I'm not doing a multiple girl ending or anything it's just to break the gameplay okay huge we also increased it athlete's rank as well as the nurses and I was honestly finding it a little overwhelming trying to keep them all happy while at the same time ranking up the party members because they get bonuses in battle I mean you even get this scooter event each day to take one of them to a hot spring or the beach where they learn a bonus skill we have reached that part of the game where there is way too many things to do and not enough time and now the police are super happy that we I mean I mean they caught their Kubo kid it is still odd on what his motive was but they don't care they can tell their bosses they made the town safe and now can relax and crime scene investigation something who would have thought you could get Bible prints from Clark if you keep running your mouth the Sushi's gonna dry up we'll go for sea urchin hey there's only one of those too late first come first serve I thought she really wants what he wants well more fun things we have a festival where the girls dress up and Teddy tries to fight yosuke on horniness levels and it goes on for ages and this old man is probably thinking dang kids today he's always yelling about that you love triangles they're toxics and they're League of Legends epic fail real estate also gets more time in the spotlight since you have to choose one girl to interact during these story event and Marie isn't technically in the party so I picked her no seriously I had to pick her she wouldn't let me say no well it's finally time for that beach trip with an anime cutscene No Deal Lord how dirty is this beach I'm saying that is someone where this is the norm yes I know we get good beaches expensive video games and a lot of weird ads dude what is that was what and yep time for the haha anime moment where kanji loses his Speedo and oh no the girls are gonna see what shall we do and we continue to enjoy the summer by eating watermelons together where I should point out that there is an anime of this game and for some weird reason there were two cheers in this scene so she is an imposter I knew it and all the while Naruto who only was hired by the police to help solve the case is now without a job since they have the killer so NATO signs up for school and we try to befriend him but they are very standoffish and for some completely baffling reason the game just keeps pushing this chill Vibe it's like not ending for any reason and now the school goes on a trip to Port Island to visit another school and what the heck is the school from persona 3. persona Multiverse confirmed this is a joke okay please don't get mad it's a joke it's a joke you dork Teddy also tags along I gotta paint oh and the Gang get bored so out they go to find a club where they invite Naruto along and possibly the most memorable scene of the whole game yes it's the Kings game where even though they asked for no alcohol I told them to give us soft drinks they're non-alcoholic they get drunk yes yes and Risa suggests the Kings game which has each person picking up a chopstick and the one with the red mark is the king while the others are numbered the king then will say an action and a number and the person who matches that number has to do that action no matter what now Chad you being or the gamer has the power to say whatever action he wants and he gets to be the king so what's the action Chad what did you pick okay that's pretty wild which number four who is that there's three girls here and I get chosen okay I wasn't expecting that but due to the meat God power's Everlasting effect Chad you was able to enter the Multiverse and simultaneously and multiversely experience all the options available to him yes the one way Yukiko hugs him the one where rise sleeps on him and the final One ow my hand ga oh yeah by the way that alcohol it wasn't uh it wasn't alcohol I got drunk on the atmosphere how did you become so inebriated this isn't alcohol yeah it feels so good night as I said you haven't been drinking alcohol are you a pack of imbeciles Naruto however was sneakily trying to get information from us as they tell their backstory of being an ace detective that they always face criticism from adults because they were still a kid sounds tough uh that's it no punchline and in return they want a story from us and drunk Yukiko reveals what we do with personas this is very worrying but Naruto thinks we are trolling him yes yeah yeah trolling that's what we were doing yeah okay don't ask any other questions that's what we were doing yep okay now I thought all right cover almost blown let's ditch Naruto you know but no the gang invited them to the Ramen Shop the next day how dumb are you eat the noodles hard seriously why are you still here I don't know how to count and so Teddy just talks about the TV world with two people standing there and I realize I gotta start nitpicking a game where you got a talking teddy bear and a celebrity hanging out with commoners it just doesn't happen in real life anyway back home now to admits that yes I know your whole gang is involved with this you somehow say Yukiko kanji and rise and this teacher was the only victim to be beaten to death the other murders still have no cause of death it doesn't add up and something has to be done and then they shall as Naruto willingly goes on TV in an interview to alert the killer in the next rainy night gets captured and the shadow appears on the midnight Channel which proves that Kubo ain't the Killer and why this game's got a long way to go also on a side note the gang talks about Society clowns as Yukiko mentions how everyone in town is acting weird like the people are only asking about each other's feelings not worrying about themselves which I did notice while wandering around Marie also has another poem I think you got me well that's too bad cause I ain't stupid enough to get hat oh my God that was insane so in Naruto's dungeon which has so much backtracking we reached the Shadow and beat it where it's revealed that Naruto is a girl and was pretending to be a guy in order to avoid any more criticism by the male dominated police force kanji though at this news was like you're a girl yes so we go back home and adachi is here very drunk come on take a seat oh what a lovable clown ha ha and we get his rank sticks social link which always was kind of weird to me that you just hangs around with a police officer but it's cool it's a dirty and the game also had this weird glitch where it would say I could talk to people like Yukiko but she is not there at all only adachi hi there well now to a safe and sound but I was so annoyed that it takes ages to start a social link you need Max courage and knowledge and have to talk to the Shady man like why game just is a main party member I need to buffer up before the final fight but it's great that she's on the group because she's a detective and honestly this whole group of idiots they need someone like her since I'm the king of the Geniuses Sonata says what happened on the night of the kidnapping oh man knocked on the door but no one was there but then someone grabbed her from behind with chloroform and stuffing them into a sack and within minutes they were chucked into the TV isn't it kind of sad for an ace detective to go down that easily okay what's your problem and also they discuss how Kubo is probably a copycat killer where they only killed the teacher and tried to get famous by saying they did the other ones hence it was inconsistent with the other cases the killer only targets people who appear on TV it happened no rather I'd like to have a doctor these curtains are very green and having modestly sized breasts like yours would definitely make it easier to wear a kimono geez what age rating was this game yeah fair enough sex I was absolutely what insane around here trying to Max my damn expression just to progress nanako's link although James was more delving into his wife's murder curse you random stats in life let me say it well type of more social events where the gang have to play in a band for the dunes Festival otherwise yosuke's dad will get fired forcing him to move schools but what instruments shall we play Oh wait I accidentally bought a base once geez how rich is this kid to accidentally buy a 200 base well they pick the instruments and realize oh wait we can't learn this in one weekend we can't even get them to make a sound is this thing broken I'm blowing yikes I did it I did it oh man this is so relatable as someone who played the saxophone in high school in fact I should still have it around here somewhere thick climax Teddy also wanted to try a drum solo but we're doing it exactly like we practiced yosuke said calmly exactly hey we are waiting to perform and uh this janitor just moves and cops a little and yosuke is like ah and that's so important of a weird detail Dimension so you better believe I'm paying attention when I say we are you say who's ready no one asked so we play an actually sound good I mean wow it's true what they say when you sing you really do sound like a different person even Chia as well the janitor though is in the crowd and then walks away saw that guy before okay who the heck is this dude there's guys dad or something and to distract the crowd who really want an encore but the gang can't do that because they only learned one song Teddy [Music] anyway later we invite Marie to our room I'm gonna find out everything about you oh God I hope not everything and even more exams meaning more group study could you uh lend me a hand too um I wouldn't know where to begin with second ears subjects ah what's up with that useless After All Holy Holy Ghost okay seriously why is it like every month you just have to say something so random and out of character hell with the exams it's time for my animal crackers oh can I have some too I want to find a penguin hands off the penguin it's mine and I guess the game is nice and chill now but we can finally relax and laugh and uh what now well this dude talks about saving everyone and Chad you receives a note in the mail which says nanako has ligma what oh no not ligma no one asked song of the Fallen Angel the Fallen Angel is Chained down Society clowns Supercenter for Golden is interesting because if you read the description it says a coming-of-age story that sets the protagonists and his friends on a journey kick-started by a chain of Serial murders but then halfway through the game you have this [Applause] so this school which seems real dodgy has a beauty pageant and if you write someone's name on the sign up they have to enter no matter what it's like that SpongeBob episode where Sandy writes his name down and he freaks out dude just reach it and grab the paper also how do pencils work underwater anyway yosuke writes the girl's names down but the boys also have a cross-dressing pageant and checking their names on the board man what idiots would want to be in this thing let's see yosuke hanamura me Karma and he goes why did you sign us up for this GA she's like well you made us into the beauty pageant so it's fair and he's like that's beside the point he really might be one of my least favorite main characters in a video game yet oh yeah so the school's Festival begins we have awkward group dates this is kind of depressing we meet our Social Links and get the pageant where Teddy wins and for some reason you get to decide that the girl should have a swimsuit competition and this school is okay with this and kanji goes whoa Yukiko looks so good in that and I'm like did you forget you both went to the beach oh when will this nightmare end so dojima arrives to drop nanaka off with us ah ah what kind of joke is this and they all go to Yukiko zamaki in hot spring where you know it's anime check it we however walk into YouTube mixing up the times and they so we give the order to retreat but since we have a mouth and cannot speak Taye says it for us someday our character will say a single line of the story so more arrestable things happen holy crap don't touch me and now it begins the winter months it's cold today we're on TV there's a news report of a politician asking kids what they think about of this ever-present fog as some people are worried it might be toxic and nanako says that she was in that interview huh so she appeared on TV I'm sure nothing bad will happen right it's going to be winter soon I don't say that that's a dead flag no well anyway social link time where we see our soccer buddy dice guy getting cocked in whoa yay and we get to spend more time with our family just kidding us now to joined the party and for some stupid reason to even talk to a party member we need High knowledge stats to even start the link so okay I study every night and get the rank and the next day it's raining so he's not there all right tomorrow tomorrow oh today Begins the non-stop story segments for a while where I don't get any free time right and during this we get a letter saying for us to stop investigating or someone close to us will be killed however dojima sees this and freaks out because this is clearly related to the murders you're involved in the case aren't you what are you up to [Music] foreign station for questioning and we try to tell him that celebrate is throwing people into the team he's Persona he makes us stay the night there mad we don't trust him to tell the truth but best bro adachi says don't worry he's just being a caring father and so we wait and wait damn I don't know why the fandom calls him Chad you he ain't like his usual self look at him just sitting there permanently hunching his spine so is he Teddy and yosuke working at June's how they called nanako and she says we're in the station due to a letter which freaks yosuke out making him call everyone says it could be about the murders meanwhile we see it's midnight and check the TV in our room and what hanukkah's on TV dojima took away our phone so we can't tell anyone and we hear this voice poor thing I'll put you at ease soon however now the detective also watched the channel and alerts the others saying that it was because nanako appeared on TV recently and they all barge into our room telling gojima that his daughter has been kidnapped dojima frantically calls the other police to organize a search party as we Ponder nanako wouldn't open the door to strangers the only one nanakochan might know would be me his partner that'd be silly a dodgy it couldn't have been you I mean you were here the whole time Naruto says it could be a delivery driver everyone answers the door for them and wait the dreamer was investigating one of them Taro namatame the ex-councilman who was fired for having an affair with the reporter yamano the first victim he now works as a driver and I mean a truck is big enough to have a TV where he can Chuck people in and no one is suspicious about the Amazon delivery driver right so adati tells the dream of this and he gives chase the due to anime driving they crash and we arrive to see dojima badly injured while namatame took nanako into the TV's truck now to also find his diary says he kidnapped people to save them by chucking them into the TV I guess he was just super twisted and messed up so don't dream about there because I save nanako and we vowed to do that just stuff that we talked to Naruto look I spent a lot of time trying to start this link and if I'm gonna use her in the party I need to level her up oh the school is closed so I can't see her epic fail so I went to the TV world we go look at this [ __ ] and we fight our way through this dungeon called heaven and it's fairly straightforward until we find namatami holding nanaka hostage still raving about how he wants to save her as the shadow appears from him called kumino sagiri which attacks the group giving us the old peace man and your special move is to convert our allies to attack us but I love how our Rank 10 Social Links with Chia and Yukiko stop them from fighting us so the group win and bring them both back taking them to the hospital while namatame is on the police guard and all the while we can just wait for them to recover so that's it right no more murders we call it the killer we are finally alone oh yeah in the case I don't have the courage to talk to naoto are you kidding me and so Begins the days of waiting which means Social Links eventually talking to naoto about a phantom Thief ranking up reset to almost girlfriend status because she really wants me to and also I because I need to get Chad you back into the groove of being an actual Chad you know I barely have seen him do anything like that all game and the group seem happy now that finally the murders are over but weirdly the fog's coming in but the team go to visit nanako in the hospital to learn why she's sick I'm afraid nanako has ligma what the hell is ligma it stands for life in great Misfortune all right huh yes it's quite a serious health condition and there's no known cure what really yes well it's better than getting the other disease that's been going around Jesus Nutters I hate this Healthcare System so he wait as the fog start to get worse and Penny Creeps in as random NPCs fall sick so I'm saying it's the end of the world and even when you walk around at night the music is all like and anything you do now in the Social Links the fog is always there ever present well good news at rank 8 Marissa is our girlfriend uh she started crying and I felt sorry for her and even though Marie is already at GF as the kids say these days YOLO you only love oranges well more exams because that's pretty much cool in a nutshell but still with the meet God Powers I know all the answers so I speed ran to the tests uh uh yes I wonder how dramatic the story will be I Pissed My Pants so the group discussed how the police seem to have a hard time pinning namatame to the murders I mean he was in a different city when the reporter was killed but then adachi suddenly calls saying nanaka's condition has worsened and we rushed to the hospital and hold her head as she dies wait really no wait I I didn't sign up for this this breaks everyone down as we all look to find namatane's room this room and we see the guard blocking his room drag the ojuma away from there as he went to kill namatame and when we enter uh yosuke convinces everyone to Chuck namatame into the TV to kill him I don't think any of us expected him to say that we see a shadow manifestation of him appear on the midnight Channel gloating about his actions and it's a very tense situation and I picked this end they Chuck him into the TV killing him and then the game skips all the way to March where the town is still in fog as we leave for home with this sad music playing did I just get a bad ending so I have to play the whole game again oh yeah I can turn back time with this power well here you have to defuse the situation by answering these seven choices correctly in a row and I swear I don't know how people did this without a guide you better believe I'm using one if this game had a faster skip text option like our Lord and savior Steins Gate the visual novel I would have tried them all out but it takes so long to get back to this point actually let me know if any of you did this without a guide back in the day I'm sure after one mistake you looked up a guide so Chad you convinces them with no words something doesn't feel right and the next day we speak the namatame willing to listen to his stories since the police don't believe the TV stuff and he says how in the other town the night of yamano's murder he saw her on the midnight Channel and was able to put his hand through the TV getting the same power as us and the next day when he heard that she was killed he thought that she was asking for help on the midnight channel the night before so when he saw saki on TV he rushed to tell the danger but she didn't listen he wasn't able to save her and then when he saw Yukiko on TV he interpreted this as being her in that world world was a safe place so he kidnapped her and chucked her in to keep us safe from the true serial killer he only recently learned how unsafe the place was when he jumped in him so he kept thinking what he was doing was right and without his knowledge we were saving people and they were fine after all that's why he checked up on us as the genitals that concert to see that the people he kidnapped were truly saved so Naruto says that the culprit is the one who threw yamano and Saki in the first place and that namatamo shadow we saw on TV that wasn't his evil thoughts but rather a reflection of what the team thought they were don't worry this will be explained in the end that is also mean the Killer is the one who sent us the letter someone who knew our address and Teddy he goes missing said he couldn't say nanako and threw some anime magic nanako is revived while Teddy goes missing on the other side look I don't know I legit thought Teddy sacrificed himself for her but I don't think that's what happened now looking back she legit just comes back to life for no reason to think the gang were gonna kill a man over this oh so confusing so yes Nautica is alive and I thought she is happy the family will be together and well enjoy your freedom while you can hey thanks wait why did you say that so he made ego in the Velvet car if we continue driving blindly and at the food shop we can say who we think the Killer is the one who killed the first two who sent the letter knowing our address and wouldn't be suspicious walking up to her house and it has become increasingly obvious I can deny it no longer the culprit is nanako big bro are you there oh welcome back no wait a minute she's the main victim and she's still in hospital then um it's uh GA yes because I knew it it was not the real chair ever since his voice sounds different and she tricked me into saying she likes meant ice cream no one apart from me loves that crap oh hey adachi oh oh no it's a dodgy this program is brought to you by the following sponsors yes as a policeman and a friend of the dreamer only he could deliver those letters but no it can't be true not a dodgy he's been such a good friend and he wouldn't hurt a fly no I I mustn't I I won't tell everyone it's him and so the game skips over to March and before I departure back home we visit adachi and ask him hey did you do it he says no and we're like bro come on we are your friends we're on your side don't worry he goes what the hell and brings in the letter as evidence that he conveniently forgot to give to the forensic team to examine its handwriting he gives us a light and says if you are my friend you will burn this evidence foreign [Music] you actually did it do you understand what you just did you destroyed evidence that's a crime you know uh fine rewind time so yes the gang will agree it's him as he was there both crime scenes guiding yamano from the recorders during her scandal at the end questioning saki on her discovery of the body so we rushed to the hospital to confront him and he's like ah I don't really remember someone else killed them adachi-san do you have any idea who that might be I have no idea what you're talking about cause we think it might have been you what that's ridiculous we already know namatami is the one who put them all in what did you just say oh he slipped up arrested and he runs into the TV into the other world where we have to go and take him down for the final fight which is very funny if you check where we are in the video and Teddy returns uh I kind of don't care about this plot he's like I'm not human we are like you're an idiot you're a human stop being a baby really reminds me of another mascot so it's his turn to find adachi to smell a Dutchy baby in here why would you call them a baby I don't get it well the gang decided to take adachi down for good and end this nightmare I Pissed My Pants Okay moving on turns out he's in that room we first went with yosuke's bladder explosions and adachi reveals it all how he was transferred here to this town but found it so boring however while arguing with the amino he discovered that he could push people into the TV and was thrilled with how she died there it changed his boring life he then deliberately pushed saki in when she refused his advances yeah dachi has a thing against women always getting called out on the carpet by these stuck-up bit he then manipulated a namatame who called the police to report that the TV was showing people before they died and couldn't believe his luck as he was the one who got the answer so he told namatame hey you know but he have it you save them yourself maybe Chuck them into the TV that might be the safest place for them and that she was also the one who threw Kubo in because his confession saying that he was the killer ruin namitame's plan as this was all fun for adachi because namatami would save people by chucking them in then they would have to be saved by us and this cycle we just keep repeating itself and so he leaves to his dungeon while the gang all agree to ready up for the next day however if he had a high social link with him you can come back and visit him one on one you're right [Music] hey he's kind of crazy the next day we go through the dungeon don't let it get away [Music] where we say was really making me regret robot to her all right all right level up I then fuse more personas actually getting into it more since I sort of understand now compared to me in Persona 5 sticking with the starting Persona because I felt attached to them and we reached Archie where he says how the fog in our world is from this one seeping in and it's because humans want the fog to show them what they want and not find the truth that it would be easier to not struggle in life if we all just became Shadows we say nobody like that it's just you dumbass and fight interestingly he summons his own Persona megatsu Izanagi similar to our one or we are able to defeat him yet you know of course there's more he gathers Shadows like namatame and a new voice speaks out Amino sagiri who says he's the god that grants Mankind's desires and that enveloping the town in fog is what mankind wants however it didn't foresee mankind summoning personas and curious at this Revelation challenges us that move eyeball as we fight my favorite song of the whole game and once we win it's like wow you guys are strong and dies now free adachi says to let him die we refuse and take him to the real world for his punishment and now we see that the fog Has Lifted murder Accord and case closed and you know what this means three type events where we have a whole month of December since I did it on the first day available at hey what the fudge it skipped all the way to Christmas I always do dungeons as soon as possible and apparently him and to not do that here why was it told to us oh that's wasted social link days and because of this it's good part of the game for me yeah you're meant to get a choice to ask someone out to your place for Christmas or hang out with the boys but I got no choice because apparently Marie doesn't even appear in any of these social events even though she's Chad's girlfriend Henry say was only ranked eight at the time and no choice to even hang out with the guys too so yeah I just assumed Chad spent his Christmas lying in bed all alone seriously when you play this game just avoid the dungeon for a while I'm still salty about this I don't want to be alone on Christmas anyway it's Christmas Day and the Gang wanna have a party bananaco she's such an amazing girl maybe it was the best we didn't meet and so we have a cake and I will admit I was still salty so I was half skipping through these scenes something about a poison cake I don't know anyway it's New Year's Day and we get a text to go to the shrine and of course Marie isn't an option probably because she doesn't have a phone so resay calls and I accept SO waiting so uh how was your Christmas nuts I'm going to wish that both of us are happy I'm dating Marie by the way you're thinking of something naughty right now raise your hand huh no sex so the next day we go around to create friends and if you want the true golden ending you have to go to the Velvet Room Marie is gone having left this world for some reason and Margaret asks if you wanted to look for the scene girl and you legit can say no I will then end like the original game I swear if you made one mistake and didn't always save I don't know how you would manage to see everything in this game so we get a cold and have weird dreams of Marie not the ones I wanted to see I came where she says that meeting us was the happiest time of her life but she left to not hurt us and Margaret says that she's in a dungeon deep in the TV world and if we want to go in and save her she needs time to find the right location well that means we get some more socializing as Teddy stays over with us I swear you better not walk in my room when I'm watching I'm sure it is and if you already evolve someone's Persona to their second form you can go again for the third one which I did with Yukiko Naruto and chia then there are some more Teddy stuff what the hell are you two doing and I ranked up nanako's social link which was funny because there's a scene when Annika runs away and I'm like yeah she's never doing that after what happened in the story and finally yes right Ted riverize which means I am currently in senpai's room yeah you would have been here soon if you didn't ignore me on Christmas phew and recess upgraded ability tells you all the enemies weaknesses okay that's why I dated her and during all this I'm speedrunning trying to get I to rank 10 but I missed that by one freaking day I had those weeks in December it would all have been great but yeah gee thanks game I'm still not mad at this and so in February the group go on a ski holiday it'll be pork oh chicken and the Gang will tell ghost stories over three years ago a friend of mine in middle school told me this I died but they hear something Go Bump and the lights turn off and it's Teddy why do we like him again let's finish him off I'm sorry teddy only people have human rights and the next day we get to pick one person to spend time skiing with and I had enough of a little Miss crazy so pick the boys and they get stranded in a blizzard seeking shelter in this creepy cabin the phones are dead if you told me we were gonna get lost I'd have remembered to bring it I'm all naked in here and the gangs see something flash on the TV in the room with the girls barge in [Music] you're still dressed [Music] doing here wait what about our clothes why wouldn't they be dressed do I really have to spell it out what were the four of you doing shoving each other around in here oh uh is this one of those male bonding things or something oh yeah and it turns out the TV shows the midnight Channel as Margaret reaches through to grab the gang into the Hollow Forest where Marie is hiding a final last dungeon probably so this place was created by Marie's mind as she regained her memories during getting Rank 10 with us among other things with her Margaret says her Marie was created as sort of like a shadow thing like Teddy and she came here willingly whatever memory she regained made her run away and if we don't save Marie this place will fade away with her so of course I will venture the hardest dungeon for best girl and I'm not joking this dungeon is tough we don't get any of your items weapons you start over and each bite lowers your SP by half so yeah I did avoid as many encounters as I could and halfway through we find Marie who is wearing something not goth related the lizard Queen hurry we came to save you shut up Marie says she has to die because she realized she's Kasumi no Kami a fog Spirit like the other two we met and how they learned Mankind's desires from adachi and namatami she learned from us and that's why she's avoiding us and says the world is doomed if she doesn't die here so we chase her to the end where she says how the fog needed all three of them to turn everything into Shadows but with the two dead the fog isn't needed it's just sitting inside her and if she dies she can get rid of it and save Humanity we are like no lol you're our friend we will save you just release the fog and we will fight it Friends Henry fight the fog which the plan works and Marie is safe okay get off of me you think that's long enough for a moving hug shouldn't you let go now nope I'm tired of moving enough with getting up good thing there's someone even I can hug here we go again and the dungeon collapses as we escape back to the snow in the real world Marie thanks us and joins the snowball fight I'm supposed to throw snow at him isn't that right [Music] oh yes the GF is saved there's some awkward hot spring scene again just for some Marie band service which I found very very odd and the next day is Valentine's what already and you get the usual text but uh uh me still being naive I thought the game would do something with Marie like in Persona 5 you declined the first text but then the text when the next person comes through so I decline resay to get Marie's text but it never came I guess she really doesn't have a phone so that means I went to the end all that effort declining resay nothing with I and zero from Marie you gotta feel for Chad right now so Valentine's in Japan is where girls give chocolate to people they like and Risa gives some to us but is very sad we turned down her date and just as we heard home feeling alone and depressed we saved the world but there's no one there for us out of nowhere Marie Marie I'm so happy you really are an oddball Oddball so she gives us the chocolate she may which is still moving but somehow it actually tastes really good nothing like the poison we got the whole game from the others close your eyes stop and close them thank you well I don't really get it but it looks like I don't just like you I want to be with you forever and ever I love you I love you so much [Music] it was all about that in the end and so it's the final day of our year-long trip in Innova yes we have to head back home never to see the gang again our adventure ending so we go to say bye bye to each of the group and I swear yes I learned my lesson I had a guide up because as you see if you want the true ending you have to do specific things like head to Dunes where there's no reason to the gang all meet up and discuss plot points not resolved I counted the midnight Channel rumor even start and how commodity and namatame I got the TV power without Awakening A Persona like we did and we get a letter from adachi in prison you're a dumbass where he also thought the same as us and mentions how we only got the power after arriving in town he can't remember who told him about the channel but wants us to find the answers I guess he's a model prisoner now huh so from this there might be something more a conductor behind the scenes of the whole event of last year NATO says for us to retrace our steps remember our first day and so we ask around town while also making sure we head to the Velvet bedroom to get this orb from Igor while Marie says she had another heart that split from her this being is the one orchestrating everything I seriously don't know how anyone would do this without a guide anyway we find arnico who says hey big bro remember when you got sick when you arrived after you shook the gas attendant's hand wait the gas attendant they were behind it all for real that means if dojima ran them over at the start none of this would have happened ah hey meet God is it too late to rewind time damn well we met the attendant and asked them about adachi namatami and all that and she says yes she gave them their power but was surprised we came after them they revealed themselves as is an army a goddess and if they want to fight her the gang will have to go through another dungeon bro this game just doesn't want to end so we tell the group and head into the TV to explore one last dungeon which looks very similar to that dream we had when we first got here and while they go through the dungeon they say this is all an experiment when namatame being despair adachi has emptiness and we as hope each given a fragment to monitor them which was those gas Gods but because Itachi impacted the town the most is an army assumed humans wanted emptiness and told the fog to spread Everywhere by the way this is told in those bits when you reach a new level in unvoiced dialogue in the dungeon so don't skip it like I did and so the gang find them as Naruto asked about the midnight Channel which is an army says was the town's desire to see more of the people they were thinking about Andy granted that desire so whatever caught the Public's attention it reflects on TV it wasn't actually forecasting who would die so how like we thought namatami was evil we saw it reflected on TV that night well time to take this God down and stop her experimenting as she transforms into a beast we can't lower any more Health but you remembers Igor's magic words seek Climax and uses the orb removing the fog revealing her true former yeah no what the oh that's pretty creepy hey just wanted to drop by and see if you wanted help you run your own pal and so we fight with the weirdest song for final boss ever as literary Parts where nothing plays and even though we seem to win the move to insta kill but our gangs sacrificed themselves before we die and in the afterlife we remember our teams and Friends words all telling us to get up and fight also adachi you're a dumbass and we evolve is anagi into izanagino akami which is a broken Persona and we eat out of there and now can withstand every hit and so Chad you finally lives up to his name using Myriad truth to defeat his tsunami well done well it's done and back to the Velvet Caraway Eagle my heart danced with delight to see you coming and thus the journey ends we leave to go home as our friend send us off in a teary goodbye oh come on don't cry and yeah Persona 4 Golden was so fun that's something I first watched an anime of because I didn't have a Vita to then watching two different Let's Plays actually finally playing it myself it's a unique experience there are so many things I like about it over five especially how the group meshed together and I can't help but wonder how much more I would have loved this game if I played it completely blind but it's really hard to not know who the Killer is beforehand I mean it's very present in all the marketing for the other games so yes we beat it and I want to thank all my patrons for supporting what I do if you would like to join them there's a link in the description where you get your names here and access to high quality thumbnail art but yes Chad use journey is over telling us to fight again or dance I don't know he always has something new to do it seems and even in this game it's not over as months later he returns for summer vacation yeah it's not like he can never come back here where he sees all the gang with new designs and Marie as the weather girl thanks Mariko tell our viewers goodbye yeah yeah but before that a personal message I'm doing just fine love you what this is amazing Marie you're amazing you made this game worth it I am the steak and without a big cheesy thanks to commitments crime Cox or sin John Porter Gill Master Pro worker B and my other patrons for helping support these videos and so to end I will now say this game was made around 2009 to 2012 and with that fact I know now what the most popular catchphrase was at the time sheesh Trojan Ramses magnums thank you
Channel: Ram Revie
Views: 157,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ramzaes, review, comedy, persona, persona 4 golden, basically
Id: QWzqMJ9SU1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 10sec (5110 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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