A Valheim Cart Guide - How to Use The Cart & Tricks

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Hello everybody welcome to another volheim video today we're gonna be learning one of the funnest parts of allheim carts start with some of the basics of how the cart functions and then we'll get into why it's so fun to use and some of the advanced tricks that you can use the cart for the cart is available once you've smelted bronze all you need is 10 bronze nails and 20 wood you can make a cart by going into your hammer and building it card itself has a couple features first off there's this storage area then there's this use area and if you try and use it it'll tell you not in the right position because you have to place your character in between these two rungs and then you can use it and now you're Tethered to the cart we can see that if I get the car rolling [Music] there we go you can actually break the connection to the cart as you use the storage area you'll notice that boxes and things show up in the graphic of the cart when you add items to the cart they have a weight just like your inventory has a weight except unlike your inventory the cart has no limit on how much weight you can put in it however it's not really unlimited because the heavier the cart is then the harder it is to move here I've added two piles of iron to the cart and you can see that it went from 80 pounds to 600 pounds so the cart has become much heavier and if I move it's okay I can hold shift and I can go up here this is fine but now if we look I've filled the rest of the cart with iron and it weighs 3 000 pounds and now if I pick it up and try and move it's really really slow and I'll be able to go down this hill all right like I'm holding shift running right but then what happens if I try and go up the hill all right well first off I can't even walk up it I have to hold shift look how slowly I move you really have to hold the cart when it's full of weight and if you're in a Terrain that's unfavorable these elevations are going to absolutely screw you because as you can see I've actually only half filled this with metal imagine you filled the whole cart with metal it becomes basically unmovable unless you're going downhill you can always take the cart downhill no matter how heavy it is but the slightest elevation is going to give you some problems if we go over here and I try and go up without holding shift you see how I can't progress I have to run to get up right that means that the cart would not be able to pass this elevation heavy cart can only go where your character can walk without pressing shift Additionally the cart itself has health and if you run around see it just took damage right every time it hits an object it's going to take damage we can see here that we can actually push it off and it'll just keep rolling but this Cliff isn't that bad so it's probably going to be fine carts can't be destroyed with the hammer so if you want to disassemble it you have to damage the car and then you'll get all of your material back [Music] if your cart's empty it's best to just have 30 wood and 10 bronze Nails in your inventory this way you have enough to make a workbench and make the cart because remember you can't just make the cart you have to have a workbench so you need the 10 wood for the workbench in addition to the wood for the cart and enemies are going to attack the cart but when you're using the car they're not going to attack it they're gonna try and attack you but the cart actually protects you from the two sides where the handle are so we'll do it again but the bore actually tries to attack me but ends up attacking the cart instead however if the boar lines his attack up properly there we go now I'll take damage so the cart actually protects you on three sides now let's imagine that I want to ditch my cart and fight some enemies the stronger enemies will just hit you through the cart and Destroy both of you and you don't want that right so you got to look at it and fuss around and then find the thing and that's kind of a pain so that's actually an easier way all you need to do is Crouch and then roll and you're actually gonna just leave the cart behind right so if I walk over here and I go this way and I crouch and then I can just roll forward you just roll out of the cart and that's a lot easier than trying to find where the thing is and click on it [Music] when you're fighting you have to be careful when the card's still connected to you you can actually fight enemies without any fear of damaging the cart as you can see I can't hurt the cart while it's connected to me but the moment that I unconnect it then suddenly it's really easy for me to accidentally destroy the cart speaking of Destruction what happens to your items when the cart gets destroyed we have all this stuff inside and then it gets destroyed and luckily your items survive they get converted into these cargo boxes but these cargo boxes are also just genuinely useful if you look at it you can move it around and it can hold four items and it'll stay there as long as it doesn't get damaged and there's items in it the moment you empty it's gone another great use for the cart is to fill it with your supplies and food because you can actually eat right out of the cart as you see so you can finally have some free inventory space for some potions a fantastic way to use the cart is to just bring it with you on basic resource Gathering adventures in the first biome The Meadows or the black forest these biomes are a little bit easier to navigate but you do have to be careful where there's a lot of sticks they can actually get your cart stuck so the the more cluttered the area is the harder it is to take the cart through it the hardest areas are the areas with really really high elevation that you need to travel up because really you can only bring it down foreign traveling through the meadow with the car is pretty easy and early on one of the best uses for the car is to just run around the meadow and fill the cart up with as much stuff as you can find because it can hold way more than your character can especially without the belt when taking your cart through the Black Forest you have to be very careful because unlike The Meadows there's dangerous enemies here so you going around like this actually attracts enemies so if there's a troll nearby and you're running through the Black Forest it's only a matter of time before that troll knows exactly where you are a great strategy when you are concerned about enemies is to just Crouch every now and then you see how the reticle is just a line that means nothing knows where I am and here's a gray dwarf and I fight Crouch you can see the eye is fully open that means an enemy knows exactly where I am and they're aggroed and coming to get me so these swamps are another great place to use the cart they're actually one of the best places because you don't even need to prepare the land that much you can swim with the car and there's no really high elevation or anything to mess you up except for the enemies so as you go around you're going to attract all the nearby enemies as you can see using using the cart in the mountains is uh one of the harder places but it is still useful really you should view the cart in the mountain as sort of a one-way Street it's a lot easier to go down than it is to go up what you want to do is not have the cart but have the stuff to make it and then find your silver nodes mine all of them and then sort of bring them to a central area and then once you've gotten all your silver you'll notice it's excessively heavy it's a one-way deal and see how close I am to this Edge look at this this card's full of silver and uh it's not gonna make it and this is actually the easiest way to transport silver you have it in a cart and you find an area like this like a basically a sheer drop that goes down to another biome ideally we go over here but I have a feeling this cart yeah yeah that's what happens that's how you get silver down a mountain you have to be careful with the cart in the planes though because it doesn't protect you as well as it does in other biomes because the mosquitoes are up in the air they can normally just attack you and kill you so you have to be really careful you can see that you can still get attacked by the death skido here's one of the coolest little-known tricks you can do with the cart you can actually use it like a boat first you need to fill your cart with enough items so that there's three boxes in the cart it's really important see how there's three boxes it has to be three and then you just take the cart into the water and then let go of it and now what you can do is actually get onto the back of the cart and walk and look at my stamina bar it's regenerating because the game is like oh your feet are on land even though they're in the cart and my momentum from moving forward pushes the cart forward so you can basically Walk On Water by using the cart this way check out my tutorial all about setting up your own dedicated server so that you can play with your friends it's a great way to enjoy valheim and if there's a tutorial that you'd like me to make then leave a comment below I love making valheim tutorials it's really fun thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: JP Valheim
Views: 5,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jack Pitman, JPValheim, Valheim, Valheim how to make cart, are carts worth it, does cart weight matter, valheim cart reddit, valheim cart mountain, valheim cart water, valheim cart on boat, valheim does the cart weight matter, valheim cart limit, valheim cart, valheim cart weight, valheim cart guide, valheim cart capacity, valheim cart flipped, valheim cart down mountain, valheim cart tricks, valheim deconstruct cart
Id: Zq0g9dVmebk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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