A Valentine's Day Visit to Harlan Kentucky (And a Thank You From My Wife)

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hey folks it's ignited coyote and the return of mrs coyote oh my goodness and we're going to take you on a drive we're going to harlan to eat for valentine's day at our favorite mexican restaurant el chritos in harlem we're going to go up there and have a valentine's dinner and we're going to take you for the drive up there with us i think we'll drive up through lowell and then through baxter and out the 421 bypass folks i'm driving which when we do videos is unusual mrs cody usually drives but her shoulder is banged up so she won't be driving for a while and so the camera work is a lot better than it usually is and if the driving's a little worse than it usually looks you know i can't i hope i can do some justice for this but uh anyway we want to thank you guys so much for all the well wishes and the prayers i really know that the prayers helped don't you absolutely they've done me they've oh my goodness the the kind words and the look at the mountains sweet three things that's been said oh this does me so good to just read them i went back and read you over and they just helped me so much i wish you folks could see her look at the mountains over there is that freezing fog or snow with this weather anyway i wish you guys could see her read the comments y'all sent to her i'm just over i'm just i don't know what to say i'm overwhelmed i've looked and seen tears in our eyes several times thank you folks so many feel so good yeah you really helped you helped us more uplifted my spirits because i was down and you'll never know we're going to turn off 119. on to 840 and go through louisville those mountains will have snow probably tonight yeah i i wanted that snow in them now or they was talking on weather radio about freezing fog yeah it's been foggy today that could be ice but man i've not seen the sunshine in about 10 million years old i wonder what it still looks like but i am very i am so grateful to have my wife back in card with me going to get at valentine's dinner at our favorite restaurant oh you're so sweet the flowers were so pretty i'm lucky uh the the way the car was hit i i'm really lucky to have my valentine's this valentine's day i know god had watched over her and took here look at those mountains yeah so we thought you guys liked the girls so you could hear from her about how she's doing and how grateful we are and uh you go for a little drive for the london baxter with us over there now that's called over there's red mist we did a video over there there's real vista that's a real across the railroad i think this is emblem up here on the left i believe here i'm sure someone will correct me we got some great videos planned i called all yeah they wanted to annex it i think so you know they they would agree with you at least back then yes of course this has changed so much since the flood project i did a video on that this is probably horrible i'm probably doing a bad job no you're doing a good job look how many times i've videoed the sky where i was running my mouth the sky's pretty yeah everything's pretty around here but i would like to see the sunshine if someone out there i've got a request to make if anybody out there watching these videos has any sunshine if you if you if you could like put it in a fedex box or a ups box or even one of those boxes you get a post office and send us the sunshine just a couple hours worth because it's literally been a long and they're giving tonight there's an ice storm warning a winter storm warning they're giving it all over again we just got over that a few days ago i saw a very old picture on the internet i can't we're gonna go straight through this light instead of turning uh right which you usually do we're gonna drive it through baxter here train yard crossing down i don't know where baxter begins where it ends i call it baxter kind of large because it goes up towards uh i guess ross point there and it's uh down uh here on h 840 towards lowell and it's back so down that way is that some way you go to the black box oh yeah yeah this goes through baxter comes out at dairy queen i've got one arm guys i hope i can do well you might want to tell them about my shoulder yeah i'm doing so much better i'm able to walk without so much pain and getting around and about that's helped me quite a bit she's soreness out of me she hurt her hip and her tailbone my collarbone on my shoulder and her shoulder they think maybe a detached rotator cuff but they don't know that until she gets an mri and uh hopefully we're going to take you guys with us for that mri i gotta have what four four more eyes yeah we'll okay we'll try to take them with us because it'd be gonna take it'll be a trip i don't think you can take them into mri i believe that magnetic field will probably zap the camera i'll give you credit for this this is rough this is hard to do well i was thinking over here i give you credit for the drive and it's rough to pay oh that's that's easy to the road if i had some able to hold this one this is a flood wall with the floodgates i think this is about the tallest part of this floodwater it seems like the rest of it the one up in harlem stuff isn't this tall they must expect a a just a heck of a flood through here yeah guys i mean look how high that is and that kind of that could pass for a prison while i mean it had a couple of machine gun tears hey that cold train's loaded you get some video of that oh yeah that's loaded somebody's moving some coal yep now up there is that backstroke uh yeah that is and is this backstory on the other side this is only got one engine hooked to it so i believe that would be like a yarding engine because they usually hook more to it when they're moving you call that baxter across the river uh yeah i do believe that is and that's over that's 840 out of lowell into harlem i believe that's uh and one up on the hill yeah that's baxter okay got you okay hi call it all baxter anyway but we're feeding the past the post office so we'll know for sure we're right in the middle about yeah but yeah look at the old house up here the um yard house what do you call that uh god i used to remember somebody you know anyway that that was for the uh yardmaster i believe if not it's where somebody done something it was to do with the railroad it's got something to do with the river you know kind of like the control tear at the airport yeah hey you folks thought i was joking about the winter storm warning oh they're getting they're pre-salting right now they're putting that down to melt it all over the car hey [Laughter] normally we get upset here's the baxter post office we can get some video over right or we just passed it that's right so we know we're in baxter and then there's a recycling place cornerstone community church we always mention a church if we see it cornerstone yep there's real room that's a microphone trying to follow if y'all hear that something pay no mind to it whatsoever we'll go up here and pull i'm just glad to be able to be up and about has it been a little over two weeks yeah it's been a little a couple of weeks going for a company i'm trying not to push myself too much but i am pushing myself a little bit you have to it's her nature you have to i can't stand the light unlike me she's not lazy she's uh she if she if she can do it she's gonna get up and do it now that's the bridge yeah there is a more baxter that's a haird heating i believe up there this is a recycle center yeah you're coming out got a new store here that people probably don't know about it's little caesars oh yeah we got little caesars and smoking joe's express oh lord he's gonna do that again yeah i'm gonna do that again i'm pulling here and fix the microphone because i believe it got messed up very clean everybody so you go ahead and stop while we pull in here very clean my daddy's favorite place to eat i think cause of ice cream well we're back on the bypass the harlem valley past going to el toritos we had to fix the microphone if it sounds a little better now that's because the microphone is covered he always forgets he says it's me but oh it's him it may sound slightly better now but hopefully it's his fault you hear it you hear it right now this very hit your file okay now you rub it i'm letting you rub it in cause because i deserve it but now you're getting right there on the cusp of rubbing it in too much i know that anyway hopefully the audio is good enough to use for the first half of the video anyway we're driving by harlan on this sunless gray day with winter storm warnings a nice warning they say something about it i'm ready for spring i'm done with the winter yeah man we've needed some sunshine after what happened with so great i had a nice quiet sunny week but anyway we're driving right by hardline that before this bypass was built uh all four lanes of it you would be driving through harlem right now we'll actually do one maybe on the different sections of the whole road that's left over that'd be a good video perhaps do you not think i think i think i'm trying to think too contrary to popular belief i do occasionally think yeah i i'm just really happy if i sound goofy this old max is called cash savers now but i call it max it used to be max it'll always m-a-c-k-s they used to have a big and creature rubber nance was used to be there and they moved up to 20 over here before you get to walmart they moved up to 20 way up there quite a few things anyhow they used to have a big neon sign over there essentially flashed yeah it was it was green on one side and blue on the other side yep i love anybody the regulars of this channel knows i love neon lighting in it even led fake neon which my son and me named since it's led and it's made to look like neon we named it leon i should have got you go over to parties and get me a heart biscuit this morning oh yeah i should have went and got you that bad side i'm a bad husband i am bad i'm a failure no you're not you're the best oh you're the best you're the best i'll remember that when you're mad at me i'll be mad at you again you know i almost lost too much that's great we got a green one got another red line that's light slides i tell you another thing i hate about wintertime is all the chunks you get took out of the road with snowplows it really makes it rough and for some reason this section of the bypass through here seems like they take the most we went up through there yeah we did a video on that we actually did another video up there and i won't say where it was at that we absolutely lost i believe i'm like where's that video at uh i deleted it we'll go back and redo that yeah i apologize for rhodes folks it's a rough mess they've got to get that snow off of the road some way and occasionally they take a little bit of the road with them and this is the uh shopping center yeah this is the uh little strip mile down here with food city anchoring it in pharmacy brand new not brand new pharmacy she's been in harlem for a long time but brand new building mm-hmm really and there's your one and only nice place to own quality and it started out of best western and then it was a holiday inn express and then i think it was something else and quality inn has it now yeah it's changed a lot oddly enough it's the same exact hotel though and that actually is a hotel for a long time all marlin had motels oh look at the mountain that's an actual hotel and folks we're gonna have to go over here to walmart because uh my wife is going to meet her wonderful hey she's got who truly is a wonderful person and topped her for a minute and then we're going to go on to el torito so we'll pause it here oh across the road okay the flag i love flags i'm hungry yep we had to make a brief visit to walmart ain't too many places open to you hey i hope everyone is having a really happy valentine's day i know i am i'm very grateful to have my wonderful wife here i don't have a microphone plugged in again and now we arrive at the village center mall i'm having a good time let's talk about the mile for a minute here i meant to do a video on it and there goes that microphone more falling out that's why i come unplugged you got your big logs you got big blocks this used to be well you guys remember this used to be kmart um and down here where the mchc's at used to be kroger's y'all remember uh kroger's this is probably well we're fixing yeah el choritos is actually where superx drugstore used to be i don't think there's any super x's left is there no it was beside yeah we'll go we'll go cruise around here one time and then let's see magic mark was yeah magic mark was here right here come up where goodies used to be it says it's four leafs now this used to be magic more i liked magic more yeah magic great story and then it was goodies the nice magic mark we went in do you remember where it was at norton virginia yeah this used to be goodies too do you remember mrs cowdy though last match mark you and me went in was norton virginia you remember yes i remember yeah wow now here's a sad story down here it is gordman's had just opened and he just passed it up i know right here i was okay yeah just opened it okay it just opened before they shut everything down and it went completely out of business after that it's right here to your right i'm not as good as you i'm one-handed yeah and then and this they used to have the boardroom restaurant here an ice cream parlor over here where the subway is at i don't remember what i had here i think a finance company or something yes there's a finance company there and up here it was amazing was the oh best they still have one of corbin though they have some services they do here uh where the church is not open they have some services oh they do okay yeah they have uh outdoor church services they have that little air thing yes they do and over there is national guard armory building and the old national guard armory in sunshine is now the home of the community action agency and the sunshine volunteer fire department which although it's called the sunshine fire department covers all of harlem county yes yep and they used to have some great old-time wrestling matches over there in oldham oh go figure the rest yeah run run right mighty caldwell man they used to have the the big names he's talking stuff done right his brother yep done carson with the black glove this thing this is going to be so wide out there tonight possibly yeah you folks don't get snow when you like it i wished i could put it in a box give me your sunshine yeah we could make a trade on that we could really work something out folks we could we could we we could trade a little bit i mean snow is good and i like it it's wonderful but uh so sunshine and here we are el toritos the only place i think it's open yeah there's not many sit down wrist when it's open i'll take it in here okay i'll take it so i really mess it up oh no you don't anyway we hope all you guys are having a wonderful valentine's day and hey we might hate we may video in here a little bit if we can and so we won't say bye to you now we'll just say yeah we'll see you in a minute that looks really good yeah well folks here we are on the insides having our valentine's dinner happy valentine's baby and happy valentine's to all of you folks we really appreciate y'all for watching right hey folks we're hungry so we're going to eat and while they're no music playing yeah thanks for having dinner with us thanks for having dinner with us folks we want to thank you for coming out to valentine's dinner with us for taking a drive with us and we want to thank you most of all for all the kind words and all the prayers we've had for the past couple weeks from you guys it it humbles you so much for people to be that good to you don't it yes it does i sure sure appreciate it it sure has lifted me in my spirits and got me through a hard time and don't think don't think that a few words can't make a world of difference to somebody you know that's something we all need to remember it's it's just words they mean so much means so much to me so we appreciate you guys your family we love you and we really appreciate you hey and look the lights came on for us what a perfect way to end the video we got a lot of uh videos planned thank you for sticking with us while we got back on our feet and hang in there i'll be back yeah well you're back i mean back into you know no i don't know i think don't you guys mention this in the comments don't you think she did a great job video on this she may become the permanent videographer and i may do the driving well we'll see yeah i think you've done a great job bye folks we love you love you all bye happy valentine's day
Channel: Ignited Coyote
Views: 3,597
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Keywords: #InShot, Harlan County, Kentucky, Mexican restaurants, El Charro, Valentine's day, dinner and a date, Ignited Coyote, Loyall, Baxter Kentucky, smile towns, Appalachia, sweethearts, February 14th, justified, bloody Harlan, Harlan County war, Harlan County USA, winter storms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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