Harlan Kentucky's Portal Restaurant (Hometown Flavor)

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hey folks it's ignited cody and mrs cody and we're hungry are you hungry i'm starving oh yes we're bad hungry we need some food there we're going to go oh we're in harlem did we tell folks we're in harlem kentucky well they can see we're in parliament well some you know they might be a few people somewhere you know on the other side of the world up in the mountains of siberia that don't know what one of harlan is or where it's at but anyway we're in harlem we're going to go into downtown harlem and pick up something to eat at the portal it's going to rain on us yeah yeah it's been doing that lately yeah and we're going to pick up something in the portal it's uh the the the portal was featured i don't think the building was in the uh fx television series justified as a bank converted into a restaurant and it actually existed now as a bank converted into a restaurant that's right and we're going to stop by here and pick up some food and uh take it somewhere and eat it and there's a carnival in town oh yeah and there's a carnival uh unpacking and setting up because they're getting ready to have the poked salad festival the 60-something annual up there in the 60s close to 70 annual poke salad festival i'll check that for you guys yep oh the carnival looks like it's open it's open yeah they got folks there which of course means they might be playing music so i'll have to be careful about going by we can't be doing that one thing we can do right now let's go get us a sandwich yeah at the portal i think i'll get a salad yeah hey we've had pizza at the portal and uh you've had a salad right yes but the salad's so good i don't know i have to get a salad okay the pizzas was really great and you said the salad was great yes i'm gonna try one of their sandwiches i think a sub now they have an extensive menu they yeah they have a lot more yeah it's going there they they have a lot more than just uh pizzas and sandwiches and salads they have steak they have just about everything you can think of well that carnival really is rocking ain't it take a look at that after we eat might and we yeah we have we'll check it out this portal is a it's local it's got local flavor to it if you're going through harlan and you're looking for somewhere local to eat and try out check out the portal here it's in the was this a harlan national bank yes i think it was i think it was a harlan national bank yep and they still have the safe in there i think i'm not sure maybe they don't but i like to think they do because that way if you're complaining about the food then just walk hey into secret pizza recipe here it is guys there's the portal on the left yeah on the left here it is good eating yeah very good eating uh-huh yeah we're going to try out something i've not had we're gonna try one of the sandwiches out there in one of those subs or something like that and our sassy trash hey look yep we'll show it to you and talk to you about it and share it these lights are on yeah i don't know if you can see them or not that's right it's raining and folks we figured we'd come over and eat and kind of watch them put the carnival together for the poke silent festival over the city parking lot at uh huff park and the pokestallic stage which looks like they've got the stage ready to go if you can see it down there my wife's getting our food ready what'd you get baby okay i got the package i got a chicken caesar salad all right that sounds good um looks like they gave us a piece of garlic bread maybe for the sake oh yeah that's with your salad there's some garlic some garlic salad yeah that's looking good smells good my mama mia that they're looking good all right oh god i hope it ain't upside down i believe it is as it says it on top okay okay that is yours i thought that was a salad your french fries okay and this is your wow wow uh philly steak philly steak then i got a chicken caesar salad all right even that kind of stuff wow my my my wonderful wine is going to waste away if you don't stop eating like a rabbit i love salad i love salad too but i like meat too it's got meat in it chicken big pieces of chicken i'm fixing to show you big pieces of chicken see there wow it's really good they done went ahead on and put the whole chicken in there david put the dressing room for me and i got i got a piece of uh and you got the garment now before i get to eating this is a philly sub and boy it's just it's just loaded in there that's looking so good i've not had one of their uh sandwiches before i'm really looking forward to it i always look forward to eating it don't look like i'm gonna be disappointed at all this looks good but folks while we're putting the carnival up over there we're going to eat and we'll get back with you tell you how it is hey we're getting into this good food here and uh i gave my wife a bite of my uh philly here and she just said said it was the best she had she's i think that's that's the best philly i've been i think i think we're gonna have to uh i think we're gonna have to bring her back and let her get one tomorrow because she's just uh loving it but that salad looks awful good too hey they got one i'm gonna try called the harlan sub and it's uh uh got the salami and stuff on it sounds really good so maybe i'll try that when we come back anyway i gotta eat yeah you're right it's trying to rain up on us and the folks if this gets blurry here and there the camera can yeah almost rain drops up here in the corner close up here cause it's just a dumb old camera and it don't know no better does it hey that was great oh my goodness that was that was one of the best uh phillies i've had it was you gave me a big bite you looked like a big butt it was there may be better there really may be but but uh that that is awful good man it's good i will definitely love that again and i want to try the harlem [Music] uh so i'm going to try that because it it it it's that kind of tanky sound try the railing oh they have a railing pizza yes oh man that that may shoot you before you eat it i don't know that was legal this sandwich was so good the salad was so good it had chunky chunky chicken in it raylen was the lead character from the television series justified and in the television series he shot more than a few people so and and the salad was great yes the salad was so good yeah yeah and of course and there it is i don't think you're gonna see it through the rain drops she robbed mine had a couple of big old bites of it and she loved it and like i said if you're passing through here and you want some local flavor don't fool with a franchise you know uh stop here and get this that salad was really good yeah you know i think i think you said that and the rack salad the rack salad salad and their salads are great they're the best salad in harlan around here you know racks is kind of local if you think about it because you know it was a chain at one point in time there's a couple of them in illinois i think but uh our little harlan racks here is the only one in kentucky you know i think it's the only one east of illinois so and that makes it local don't it oh yeah i mean that sandwich was so good i've got to get that one i haven't had that these folks are doing well down here but they're cooking my compliments to shift whoever he or she may be uh that they've really done well that's a great sandwich stop in okay we're not going to well we're not hacking to do this because they there's music in there yeah yeah the reason we i love music it's just more we're videoing we can't have music because we won't be having videos yeah the reason we do our food reviews in the vehicles is restaurants plays music most of them does and uh you get it you get a copyright strike uh on them and if your channel's monetized that means they can actually the record company to take the monetization away from oh yes big time yeah real fast yeah some record companies are worse than others some bands are worse than others some let some stuff slide but um i remember my son when he was like 14 he posted a video of him doing a cover of a youtube uh song which him and me loves you too uh there and uh i thank the record company is island or something like that they they monetized his video and took it over in case if he made any money off of it you know he only had a few subscribers in here he was really young too yeah yeah but no they wouldn't want to let that slide man so you got to be really careful with these record companies [Music] but i love that atmosphere in there i want to go back and have a sit down dinner oh yeah i want to get me some a steak dinner and they have bands they have bands play sometimes upstairs yeah local bands i think it was too long ago they had to take you killers yeah the local fans yeah they're great yeah absolutely it's a great place if you're not from harlan and you're looking like i said that here as you pass through or visiting you gotta eat there and if you're from harlem you've not eaten there uh get busy man and what i was saying i want us to go back i want to sit have a sit down dinner and eat in there i love the atmosphere i hear that hungry goat is good here on the left yes over there next to the cricket warriors check those out there's a hungry goat on there that's what i hear i think somebody should feed it i mean it's cruel with animals like that man if there's a hungry goat over there i'll go feed it yes no that's a restaurant and they say it's good it's got uh curry out and dining there's hungry grunts and pigeon boards yeah as it always goes on the roof outside and that don't make any sense to me either because you know they're gonna eat the shingles and just cost you a bunch of money up there so yeah i i just i don't know if i don't eat with goats or not but anyway what i'm saying is i love the atmosphere of the portal yeah and this hungry goat place will definitely be a place we'll check out back here yes i love that it's real quarter i love you oh yeah i want to go in there and sit down and eat dinner um i love the atmosphere but i'm a coal miner's daughter so yeah because it's cold centered they've got like a wood or cold hard grill or something in there so so it's very centered around coal and you'd think it'd be centered around the banking industry towards an old bank but they chose coal mining yes it is it's really nice hey folks we appreciate you so much for coming along with us taking a ride through going out with us and when he talks he drives and just keeps driving he's talking i don't stop driving i crown state lines until i've got my story told is that right yeah that's right i know but anyhow uh we thank you guys come out with hey uh we have got some really nice great comments and uh uh don't apologize for your comment being alone we read every single one we love your comments that's what keeps us going we'll respond to them as you well and don't worry yeah he keeps us going sometimes you'll be depressed or not feeling like it's not gonna do a video and it seems like right at that time somebody makes always pulls us back out about what your video meant to them how much it helped them yeah they watched it while they were sick or it reminded them of something in their childhood and wendy's and man that means so much yeah and if you do want to eat at a franchise restaurant there's a good wendy's wendy's is one of my i love me some weenies yeah but anyway so so don't hesitate to comment that keeps us going it really does it keeps us going but anyhow this is the long goodbyes i started a while back with uh we appreciate it i told you he talks and drives and when he talks and drives he just keeps driving but he keeps talking i do i do but we love you all thank you so much and what did we say thank you for support thank you for your support and then you
Channel: Ignited Coyote
Views: 1,466
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #InShot, Harlan County, Kentucky, food reviews, restaurant reviews, Philly steaks, the poke salad festival, small town festivals, coal mining, coal miners, Harlan County USA, you'll never leave Harlan alive, justified, Ignited Coyote, Appalachia, Appalachian people, small towns, small town food, carnivals, main Street, hometown flavor
Id: p182363N0-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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