A Trip to Miami: Grant Cardone's Watch Collection & Talking Business

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what's up everybody we're here in Miami Cardona Enterprises going to meet Man 10x man himself Grant Cardone let's go inside right thank you for being open and whenever I see watches come up for that commonality with people know that's quick to kind of reach out and we're gonna kinda just talk about your watch collection yeah yeah got some interesting stuff here so thank you nobody's ever asked me to do this so I'm excited too because it's a little relief from from just talking money in sales and in business and 10x and everything yeah so for me people that are watching well my watch now the watch collector now you have a watch collector so you know elevator pitch you know I got kind of a self-made guy didn't that being that I got a lot of people around me I got a great team around me but started with nothing look didn't buy my first watch till I was 40 40 years old like would not spend any money I'm cheap that's one thing people need to know about me like like I'm extremely extremely conservative around money I've done a great job with money and coming from nothing at 25 I was broke $40,000 in debt raised by a single mother Lake Charles Louisiana a little refinery town where you either do hard labor you probably don't work and I wasn't really good at hard labor so I don't mind working hard but I just wasn't good at the refinery stuff you know I had a job one summer pushing coal through a pipe this big and you had to use like six hundred pounds of pressure with water and you'd push it through this long tube I mean this tube was massive I mean it was hard work come back you're black you know at night from the cold popping back on you so that's kind of how I grew up and then today we have 14 little departments or divisions that probably are encapsulated in seven companies and some partnerships will do about 100 50 million bucks this year and I know in a bunch of real estate so I'm more passionate about real estate than I am watches I would I would get rid of my I would get rid of my whole watch collection for one more real estate deal so I know people that watch my concert crazy enthusiasts yeah what got you into watching the first week of 40 years old yeah the first watch no no not really no I've never read the magazines okay I didn't I didn't have a European car until I was mid forties like again I'm extremely conservative with money like so so it really really that's code for terrified I was terrified because I grew up poor so no not poor we had we had food right when I say poor I mean people that don't have anything but we had a we had food but we had fear fear came with the money the little bit of money my mom had so we weren't thinking about luxury items dude we're thinking about okay well we all right yeah and so any of this stuff dude I can't like I couldn't even imagine it like I never read the magazines okay that back when that was not me I didn't do the rob report I didn't read everyone smiled TVs the yacht magazine or the car magazine I didn't again I didn't have any of this stuff until my mid-40s I had money so what got what was first watch so the first watch let me see the first watch was I think it's in this box right here let's see so gave me this watch okay yeah this isn't the first watch I Brad so this is stainless steel they general X right this was the first watch I had and I never I didn't I didn't have another watch for probably 10 years like I probably bought this when I was 38 maybe not my mid-40s and about it used I think I paid 800 bucks for that watch here bucks I've never sold a watch that I had it's bright in the if I go for like three four thousand now so I gave this to my wife my next watch after this would be a have any more it would be the yacht-master in gold watch the white face - I gave that to a partner yeah yeah nice gift and let me see what was the other watch I gave away I gave away another watch the guy that guy left me shouldn't he given him that way he never liked to watch I think it was a Panerai actually but yeah this was my first watch why did I get into it did I have no idea I think I was trying to do you know I was selling cars at the time and everybody in the car business anybody that made it kind of had a Rolex alright so I thought I was a big shot eight hundred bucks maybe that's crazy thinking very where they're going at now all the robots they're just all inflated into the presents they seem cheap to the Richards and paddocks gotcha so looking at your collection yeah you definitely have a certain style about to end a couple it's changing though I'm evolving not evolving and you have some kind of unique pieces yeah yeah yeah the major brands I see the pan or I would see the aps-c of course you blow yeah yes so so styling what do you already look for a while good let me just tell you all these watches have stories for me right there it's not about the watch or the value or anything now now then then I went to this trend of I love the big stuff right now the sports watches so this Panerai this classic Brown Band I mean stainless steel again again this this watch was not expensive I think there's 3,500 bucks or something maybe compared to that white so this is this is cheap grant L you know I'm like I want a while I need something on my arm this big but I don't want spend any money then there's I bought this in La Jolla California I buy your watch can you buy a long person I do most of most of my buy them online okay I online most the time I see something I see it I do zero research you see zero none so do see it on somebody else's race no no typically what happens as I see it I see it somewhere online or I see it in a mag or I might see it in a store like this way it could be it's random bro it's like like I was in the I was in the Bal Harbour blue blow store walk past it we were eating dinner walk past the store retail still works and this watch was there and I'm like I love this watch okay this watch is sick okay there's there's only 25 of these made in the world a real watch enthusiast be like it's just a big clunky watch right there's only 25 of these it's Russian it was a rut mate it's a Russian whatever they got the whole thing on the bus so so when I saw this watch I'm like I'm buying that watching no matter what I don't care if it drops in value it's worth five grand one day it doesn't matter to me if it's worth 50 cents like I love the watch and then I told the guy said let me think about it called him back that night I said I want that watch he's like it's gone I said oh my god gotta be kidding so I said can you find me one I started looking all over the network could not find one anywhere in the world and I don't know if you can get that Johnny but still one of my favorite watches what my wife had my wife had bought it she bought it she bought it for me and gave it to me for my birthday so that's great but but I had to suffer for like 30 days so so I love that watch then then I bought this watch I bought another who bla went on a new blow spree you know which you know these watches have all dropped in value so all you guys that out there like watches are always worth more money no most of them are not honest brands Rolex katako the only ones that's only certain yah-yah-yah-yah and they're saying Richards gonna always be worth more money but if anything takes a bath Richard would think the bad so that might be good I mean just talking about just the value of these things cuz I know there's no value in these watches I mean if you want something to be worth more money I mean even art like who sells their art yeah you know don't make sense of it like oh it's gonna be worth more money just makes sense of it cuz you love it you know like so this watch was uh I mean this what this is spirit you know a blue spirit it's not a popular watch you don't see it a lot but I liked it right and that's all that mattered I did not wear this watch for one year I bought it put in a box and did not pick it up for another year and one day one day it called me and says you must wear me today today is the Debbie and then I put it on doing I fell in love with this watch okay I still love it tonight I think that's the important things that you know stay on fall in love with it stay in love with it now imma show you one of my favorite watches alright that's it like like and look look look what they do a minute something the band says APD back here dude it's just talk about unbelievable workmanship to me that about a watch looks good on you then let me say that's kind of cool like it looks great on you you know it's easy to read I love that watch how'd you get this one I was in a Reuben I was in a room I was in a Reuben dude I was on I was on a ship doing a sales conference and pulled into a room but god-awful I was looking for cigars saw this and and bought this so but I negotiated like a fool dude big late so let me let me just finish it my probably one of my favorite watches I saw this in a magazine went online bought it from a guy online ap or one of the brown band a piece one our favorite watches I think this is one of the classic but the whole space is so screwed up this watch right here you never seen this watch anywhere some people would think this is an ugly watch I went on a Frank Mueller is that is that yeah so that's a freak watch you know it's a myth it's a massive massive face right so what else I got in there did I cover everything yeah okay so this watch let me tell the story about this one this watch about this watch saw it online went online started searching people found this guy in LA I was living in Los Angeles at the time and so Michael is gonna be a great dad watch and guy comes to my house I don't know who dude is I'm paying him in cash because I don't know at the time ten or eleven grand and packing a piece I got just had a new baby in my house I'm like oh my god who is this dude you know anyway you never see this watch anywhere you ever seen I've never seen that yeah big Pantera lauranna graph 1,000 meters it's yeah so I can go I can't live that deep yeah I'll die but the watch will keep going right I lost that watch for seven years so I've been looking for that watch twice a year I would started looking for the watch I know I didn't lose the watch okay we had moved from LA to Miami and I'm like it must be in storage some in some bag I knew for sure I didn't lose it and I mean I just knew intuitively I didn't lose it even after looking seven years I've looked 15 or 16 times for this watch maybe three weeks four weeks ago I open this bag there's 20 grand in the back and watch I didn't even know I lost the 20 grand I lost the damn watch up I got through the 20 grand on the floor I got my watch back so okay let's talk about the big boy okay you want you want to go how many so Kayla was involved in this all right so I I swore no more watches I'm done right and I go on this I get this Patti bug so this got delivered okay this is what six weeks ago maybe maybe two months ago so it's a brand new what is that after 5980 5980 i mean it's gorgeous beautiful yeah I know well but what I wanted what I wanted was the white gold so I bought this one this is a great tip for salespeople okay like once a guy does the first thing particularly if somebody's being cheap and their quality if they're cheap and qualified you can be cheap and qualified a lot of very qualified people can be cheap in a moment so I know you're looking at this whole collection like dude you're not cheap yeah but but Connie you can have that mentality right I bought this watch 24 hours later I bought this watch right Caleb it had to be within 24 hours both these watches showed up in three days so this is you want to tell the story 43rd anniversary white gold blue face it's heavy the camera's not gonna get that across but this is a bad watch and price why that's probably this watch today is 400 grand online retail celebrity it's a Lamborghini Omar it's a rolls-royce that's what you wore in today two of it yeah I just came back just came back so there's a whole story on this watch like that so like like this watch that I had oh I love this watch this watch that I have on the first time I took it overseas I was in this much water in the ocean kayla was there Jeremy who was there Ryan I had finished I was in Dubai right there at the what was in that hotel the Bert yeah I'm right there I meant the beach I'm looking at the bomb my god it's beautiful first break I've had in like a week I go lay in the ocean I can't I'm serious like if I was in a foot and a half of water I'd be shocked I get out of the ocean I look down at my watch it took water on so the crown must have been open I don't know what it is this watch turned green okay there was water like I've never seen water penetrate watch so fast all these watches that none of them have ever been wet and so we sent it back and you guys fixed it so you sent it back - yeah so it's fixed now one more watch my watch and then in them okay this watch is one of my favorites how many favors do I have see i love all these watches that's the important thing you know yes there's kind of like children this watch this watch is I've never seen anybody with this watch Roger Dubuis skeleton Excalibur flying skeleton you know this yeah you know obviously I don't know I just know I like to watch right yeah yeah yeah I do have a crunch to us in fact I took a picture of him you know that watch yes I don't know if you know about this about that watch but that watch from the enthusiasts point of view actually a really big deal oh yeah that's the first skeletonized chronograph they were the first one to ever do that well I mean they're a nice respective yeah about this watch in Geneva that make sense I was in Switzerland when I bought this watch despite three authorized dealers replace you can buy that America very surprised so this kind of reminds me of that okay but this is really really light that's kind of more online of this this new this new thing that everybody's doing in that awesome dude now I never get a comment on that watch nobody ever says wow that's awesome so you know you'll hear you'll you'll hear you'll get comments I get comments about this watch probably the AP the paddocks I mean people could come in about this but some of the ones that this wasn't a turbine but this is crazy light though yeah some of the some of the watches I have will never get alike nobody ever is gonna say anything about him yeah I get more likes my Instagram post but you know again it doesn't matter like it what what matters is whether the person owned in the watch so let's talk about yeah we talked a little bit about investments yeah talking about Valley so there's a video kevin o'leary did he talked about watches as investments yeah and you talk about six models that yes they do retain the value but the idea of watches of investments what is your idea what you thought I'm sure it's completed ridiculous yeah anybody anybody thinking about you're gonna buy watch because it's gonna be worth more money in the futures like I mean it'd be worth more than the money you paid but like like you know this boob lobe somebody's like oh that was a terrible investment I'm not selling it so it's not it's not first of all how did I pay for it where did the money come from so I would never used earned income to pay for this I would only use passive income to pay for any of this so and when I get enough passive income that I have a surplus a passive income beyond anything that I can live on then I'm like okay I'll do a cuff car I'll do I'll do anything that could go down in value but the cash I paid for this let's say this watch was 50 let's say it's worth 10 grand today I don't know it's worth more than ten but let's say it was worth only 10 it's still gonna be worth more than the paper I used right because the paper is worth nothing yeah and the paper just you need the papers only worth something if you use it and so you know but I would tell Kevin whatever it collect as many watches as you want like you're gonna die and you're gonna pass someone to who they're gonna get rid of they're not going to keep them that this box doesn't buy food like you got an emergency you need fuel you you know you're not trading the watch for sure and if you do they're not gonna pay you anything but so yeah I would only pay for this stuff out of out of I would never pay for this stuff out of earned income like this is a little stainless steel this is what people shouldn't buy though like this kind of stuffs never gonna be worth anything yeah but it looks but you know but don't don't people shouldn't just deceide themselves like Richard okay like how is that stuff ever gonna be worth anything Sam I'm sorry yeah yeah so so those watches as much as I love my like I want to buy one right now there's one I want to buy right now for 345 but it's just ridiculous dude the 11:03 in blue that crazy blue they got out right now but I bet I know there's a good chance I'd lose three and they'll watch yeah I mean there and they just are gonna how those are going to either appreciate it appreciate compared to other brands well the moment the rapper's move on the moment the athletes and the rappers move on if they move on back to if they move back to Rolex Richard is done yeah there's not one of the best brand ambassadors realize what was happening oh my god I get in pop culture with like you know the rapper is mentioning it I think that's you yeah number one catalyst for a lot of their marketing and they don't even realize like totally like you know James Harden work you know Bozza buzzer Richard wears it somebody snaps a shot for Floyd's got a green the green Richard you know so so but look you know I mean as long as that's going on but what it's all hype there's no materials there's no gold there's no what what are they even made of I didn't I didn't know them so I mean it's a lot of mixing of different material yeah yeah but but all that being said you'll probably see me wearing one one day it's stupid so a little bit of Korean sales yeah and hearing how you specifically buy watches is interesting so just a little bit how watches and how they're sold I mean it's traditionally Britain more especially for these high-end pieces let's just say hypothetically you're the maid the CEO yeah there you can blow uh-huh what would you do would you change anything how would you start selling watches there anything that you would do come in you distort the stores the stores don't work I mean they're gonna dump all their stores so the stores don't work because I was in Singapore I walked into a hula store Anna paddock store in a richer store they can't they don't have any inventory I go on the internet and I say Richard bones I got the whole world you can't you can't compete so but that that that space on the Internet compared to that retail store in Singapore there's no way that they have a dad eight watches maybe ten watches at Max and in that paddock store they had two people and a security person in the store they got electricity going on they got overhead is it they have one person I walked in I'll make my round and I leave they don't know how to handle me they don't know how to manage me they don't have to collect my data so like if you're not gonna teach and train people how to actually engage a customer in that Singapore mall then you need to abandon all the retail stores except for maybe flagship boutique stores which is probably what they're gonna do you know my major flagship school but then you have that you have to have inventory and and you know paddocks gonna sell a watch for 80 grand it's gonna go into the open market if it's a hot watch if there's something like this the next thing you know it's gonna be 200 because the guys the guys out on the peripheral are gonna be selling that watch and picking up that 200 gram so the boutiques are done I mean it's just not it's not gonna happen now that being said like that that watch was bought in in a store 15 years ago before the internet down was in totally every time this was bought in a aruba because of tourism okay this watch was bought out of a store I called the guy and just said do you have it but I saw it online he delivered to me I negotiated with him the rest of these watches were going online yeah 24-hour period chupa techs I can mean that neither one of these came from paddock there you go so this watch is City this watch is what if this was their 40-year anniversary hell was this watch you can't buy this watch out of a store right so they're all in the open market some guy bought this watch kept it new sealed the whole deal and he played the investment and that's not the game I'm playing yeah so and then and then it's like it's like it's got to be the right moment for a got spending this much money on the watch it's got to be some stupid second in time that you're depending on for for me to get ready to buy this watch and you couldn't miss the moment where this is out of fashion there's a good chance this watch won't be worth what I paid for [Music] I think I think cool thing about watches it's very aspirational pursuit just like life and business in general bigger goals I think watches a watch from every tier of success so what would you say to somebody that's you know maybe trying to increase their income they're an entrepreneur salesperson for example that you know wants to potentially get to a level in which they want to buy it a nice luxury watch for one how much money I can do that passing time a passive yeah yeah yeah what position do you need to be in and also what are the practices that you needs to maybe go about industry everyday life so yeah I think that most it's a great question I think most people that are doing that are buying watches or buying it before they should be buying you know you shouldn't be you should never buy a fake watch Johnny ever she never wear a fake watch because all you're doing is you're pretending something prematurely you're trickier you're lying to yourself the whole world will lie to you you don't need to stand in line a lot of yourself too so number one I would tell you people are doing it prematurely and you should number two never never ever buy it out of earned income ever so if I go earn a hundred grand I I make 60 grand a year I paid the government 20,000 I have 40 I have 40 left over live one you would never ever pay it out of that so you that that's what I mean is premature so it's premature money right so let's say the guys making 200 grand a year he works for Facebook he makes 250 in Silicon Valley she's still doing that any money left over just cuz you make 250 doesn't mean you should be doing this when you should do this is when the money that your honor you have enough earned income can make an investment a real investment not this stuff investments that pay you money okay so my mom my policy is I'm never going to buy a watch so if I make a million dollars pay the government 400 I got six hundred thousand left over so let's say I can live on the 600 I got a hundred thousand expenses I got five hundred thousand left over I would not buy a watch out of that first five hundred take the five hundred put it in an investment let's say the five hundred gram pays me fifty thousand a year now I can go back $50,000 watch only buy the watch from passive income I'm like hey I could buy talk about this out of the passive income I could buy definitely about that I could buy this I could buy this and I could get five watches but you should wait like I'd rather I'm gonna wait I'm not gonna spend money I want money making me money and the money that might when money gets pregnant has babies the babies the baby the baby Benji's can buy me Richard so I'll buy Richard when my apartments kickoff 340,000 to me in addition to whatever I thought they were gonna do when I had this big bang and 340 comes in one week and I'm like okay that was all passive it's not taxed the same way earned income is I did not have to trade time for that money then I'm gonna call somebody up and say I got 340 this is what I want get it to me in the next 24 hours I'm gonna change my mind because I'm gonna it's totally impulsive and it's completely ridiculous and it's not based on sanity the other go totally and the other goal should be the 340 that's coming in I should some more that should be coming in this shouldn't be this shouldn't be a one-time saying that that passive income should keep coming in so this is just one of those trade-offs and I think that that would really put put a lot of discipline financially on somebody to say okay this is when I'm ready to start doing this stupid stuff but because people don't have those policies this is why the athletes end up broke you know and you know James Harding stocky he's not gonna they're not gonna paint ten million dollars forever and and the Floyd's and you know this is why guys go broke yeah I was with Mike Tyson you know Mike Mike had 800 million dollars like yeah yeah oh yeah the world dude wouldn't people would it beat it if he didn't never spend his earned income taking all that money not about watches cars giving it away to hoes whatever else he did right and he just took that money and just reinvested in something that was indestructible like the apartments that I did you can't that you can't wipe them off the planet like they just can't go away and then he just had earned income coming in from that 800 million he'd be earning like 50 million passive income a year then you can do it like yeah I'll take one of those give me one of those because it's gonna keep coming in year after year and he would never go broke so just for people that maybe want to learn more about you know what's going on Grant Cardone is life right now work people find you well I'm trying to take a break and watch this cuz I we just finished we just finished a nine country tour I did nine countries in 34 days so we're taking the 10x thing around the world I just finished doing a conference here in Miami 35,000 people largest entrepreneur conference booked the entire space so well you know only I know only I know like like I know this my ankle my ankle still banged up so that's what I do know yes so so the 10x thing we're getting ready to a boot camp three times a year we do this big boot camp where three or four hundred people come in and we spend three days on their sales processes their business their expansion just started two new companies an advertising company with Frank Kern called cardo and Kern calm and a venture company where we're starting to invest in other companies and it said like a company like yours we would come in and say hey let us help you go from where you are to ten times that and then we get a piece for that yeah you like that I do so you know like what like we got companies that are like did I mean I'm at 18 million bucks I've been at 18 million for the last three or four years I can't grow it they need help right yeah and that company should be making a hundred million so we would come in and say okay we're gonna help you get the the lift to get the other 80 million dollars it's there for most companies yeah so what do I have going on I don't know a lot of I'm about to do a gig in Arizona Phoenix you know in a week or two I'll go do a deal with Daymond John up in New York Toronto I'm doing a deal saying Paulo Australia Philippines a lot of stuff so Richard I got it I got I got my own 11:03 I think they're so big that's the problem I have you know yeah they're so big and Gaulke yeah you gotta get GMT you traveling way too much you gotta get it I agree with that I agree with that I actually tried to buy another paddock but but but it came here but the face was too small it'd be great on you it was just I just didn't love it it was the International the world the world time love that watch that's cool I just wish the face was bigger you know because I like that flat it was ya know I mean they're seemingly yeah yeah especially for what's inside this yes yeah this is great appreciate you coming down and is this what are you about what are you buying next time right now I'm sound a little bit I mean what I was gonna give me if I was gonna give you one of these which one would you take I'd love your viewers maybe made me scan the whole box I love you guys to comment if this is gonna go on YouTube for sure what would you take if I was gonna give one of these watches would you take that that'll get a lotta that'll get a lot of fun I wish is I wish this watch I wish the face was blacker you know you see how off to the side he goes brown yeah it's like it's like a greedy and I think they even call it yeah so let me know let me know hey let me know which one of you guys take the gay Johnny get a good scan of the whole box what would you take if I was giving away these watches so grant thanks again thank you dude thank you I appreciate you guys all right
Channel: Teddy Baldassarre
Views: 105,777
Rating: 4.681304 out of 5
Keywords: A Trip to Miami: Grant Cardone's Watch Collection & Talking Business, Grant Cardone Watch Collection, Grant Cardone, Teddy Baldassarre, watch collection, watch collection grant cardone, Grant cardone watches, talking watches, teddy baldassarre watches, luxury watch collection, grant cardone funny, grant cardone patek watch, 5980, 5976
Id: k3QIBDzjf70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 58sec (1918 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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