A Time Of Refreshing (Wednesday's Edition) May 26, 2021

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will be answering the questions from touch the pencils almighty god let your fire almighty god destroy every other spirit that is what to come upon them that is not of you jesus blew a mighty win in those classroom this morning wherever the exam is being kept this morning this day almighty god bless your win almighty god and do it for your children lord god almighty father god when the disciple tried to turn them away from your lord oh god you take him up in your hands and you bless them bless your children this morning lord god almighty they are the future of tomorrow almighty god oh god rise to them of god to be mighty women and men in this society almighty god let them come to know you jesus you call sammy well at attend the age god almighty so lord god almighty you can call them no matter how young they be almighty god call a boy and call a girl almighty god and let they come to know you jesus father can i pray for the parents name lord god i pray for the parents name lord god almighty oh jesus some of these children don't even take up a book from this corona virus coming lord but god i know you can do it father god i know you can do it for them lord god is there anything too hard for you to do stretch down your knees guard on this morning help a boy an helper girl almighty god they are in your hands almighty god remember the community that they're from almighty god oh god like a bad influence almighty god lots of things are happening in some of the communities lord god almighty but god i ask for your peace i ask for your love i ask for unity in every troubled community now in the mighty name of jesus i come against every prince demons oh mighty god that is an assignment over those communities almighty god that are afflicting your children that are reflecting the people of the of your of the nation almighty god show up in a mighty way almighty god pull down everything that is not of you almighty god teared off every evil heart as almighty god that of these people bound that have your people bound that have them in captivity them almighty god loose them by your power loose them by your anointing come true this day lord for a woman come true this day for a man almighty god we look to you this morning the earth and the finish of our fate lord god some trust in chariot mighty god some trust in horses but we trust in you lord mighty god come true this morning do it again almighty god we come against everything that is not of you lord spirit of the underworld god spirit of here land and sea we bind you this deal in the name of jesus and we cast you toward the darkness we command you to take your flight we command you to lose the people of god mighty god let the people of god come to know you let the people of god surrender their life to you almighty god some of them are getting we re god almighty but we ask for your strength some of the children never wandered away from your lord lot of young people has wandered away god and they have got out into the world back lord but i pray in the mighty name of jesus that you will pull them back to you almighty god that you will turn them around almighty god that they will come back to your lord god almighty father god do it for them now lord as we look to you this day the earth and the finish of our faith the one that said when we cry you will hear and you will answer prayer oh great jehovah god oh great god of the israelites we put our trust and our hope is in you lord show up in a mighty work in jesus and do what no other powers can do in jesus mighty name we pray amen amen praise god thank you jesus glory to god hallelujah it is no secret what god can do we pray and god deliver hallelujah glory to god we'll call upon our next intercessor sister naomi she will be coming to pray for the body of christ oh glory to god that god will keep us that god will pour in into us oh glory to god and breathe the breath of god upon us come my sister come and pray let him please let him breathe [Music] let him breathe let me breathe [Music] oh [Music] glory to god hallelujah to you jesus hallelujah to the name of jesus christ of nazareth blessed assurance jesus is mine oh what a fortes of glory divine years of salvation purchase of god i am born of his spirit and washing his blood eternal god and our loving father and jesus christ our mighty demon friend we come together today lord in this fashion to call upon your divine name lord we want to thank you for your mercies and your goodness lord we want to thank you for your protection towards us lord oh jesus you have been a good god your god of love your god of compassion oh hallelujah to jesus and so we thank you god for life we thank you for health and strength mighty god we thank you that we can assemble it in this fashion oh glory to god to call upon your divine name lord and to worship your lord jesus for your goodness almighty god of heaven we pray this time that you will give a listen here's unto a prayer lord when we cry to you almighty god of heaven david cryoge he said oh my god why i don't forsake and also why are those so far from here and also almighty god we know that you're a prayer here in god and you sit on the throne and you're reigning forever more almighty god there is none like you none can touch our heart like you do oh glory to god almighty in jesus christ we coming for your presence today oh god of heaven right i said jesus just a mention of your name oh god of heaven we pray this morning lord oh god almighty that you will pour out your love upon us i pray that you will stretch out your mighty hands and you're going to lead us mighty god of heaven we cannot do it of ourselves lord oh god we're before your dust and hashes we are nothing in the sight of thine god but we know that you are the god of god you are a compassionate savior you are a merciful god and so we gathered ourselves together lord we are asking you for your hands oh god almighty that the song said it's me again lord i have a prayer that need enhancer lord god almighty we are calling up to you this morning on behalf of the church and the children of god mighty god of heaven we pray this moment that you will pour out your spirit and your blessings upon the heart of your people mighty god the devil is like a roaring lion and satan has gone to conference god is seeking the souls of your people that he might be devoured but in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we bind up every force of darkness that is coming up against your children oh god almighty we need to do your we lord we need to do what the man has to do lord we need your peace upon our life and so we pray at this moment mighty god that will pour out your love upon us i pray that you will separate us in your blood and keep us oh god of heaven as we have laughed and eyes lord i pray that you will bind every force of darkness that is coming up against us lord as your children mighty god we need to do your will and the devil know our desire but all god of heaven is send up all different shots and chop against us but we pray that you will help us to put any whole hammer that we might be able to withstand against the wiles of the devil lord we are not resident against oh god of heaven flesh and blood but we are wrestling against principalities and powers we are wrestling against the powers of darkness of this world all glory to god almighty near some strange powers mighty god near powers of darkness great god of heaven near powers in high places but we are calling for your divine will to be done we pray that you will mash up the plan of the enemy we pray that you will tear down every stronghold we pray that you will crucify the powers of hell we pray right now jesus that you will hold us with your powerful hannah hide us under your wings mighty god the church need your presence lord we cannot do it mighty god you said in perilous time will come oh god almighty with not all god when we can see that we're in perilous time near so many things that is happening but we are pulling down every stronghold we fight against ebola and we ask you mighty god to trample upon him we ask you god to pull down we have to go to tear up we have to got to mash up every trap that is set up against the church and against your children oh god almighty the devil is a liar but we curse it and we bind it up lord and we have to take over we have to sanctify us we have to belong together in love bring us together in oneness and person look hallelujah glory to god because our redemption dry at night last entrance lord when so many things is going to happen the bible says none that knowing that perilous time shall come when men shall be lovers of themselves oh glory to god more than lovers of god but he said we are not all god living in the darkness that this day should overtake us as a thief in the night and so gracious god in heaven we are calling for help we are calling for your divine blood direct your blood upon our hearts oh god and pluck your blood upon our forehead let the devil know that we determine all glory to god almighty we're gonna mash up satan plan we're going on to see it on kingdom and we're tearing down lord oh jesus christ of nazareth mighty god of heaven near mighty god of heaven angels not lies against us but you said we must watch and pray and so right now jerusalem god we are calling for help we are calling for deliverance and touch the church and touch the leaders and touch oh god almighty lord the devil look forward to hit the head and if the head is weak god the whole body is weak but we pray in the name of jesus christ that will cast on you will mash up god you will tear us under every powers of darkness every works of the enemy every stronghold almighty god every spirit lord god of heaven that has set up themselves against us we curse them in the name of jesus and we bind them up in the name of jesus christ and we call for your divine power we call for your mighty angels not you will surround us mighty god and set up your approval upon us lord wash us in your blood jesus glory to god almighty in the name of jesus christ of nazareth the devil is a liar the devil bring out different sort of disappointment discouragement god almighty but we need your grace god almighty we need to start in your will and we want to finish in your will god let your will be done let not our will be done lord but you will be done oh jesus christ of nazareth when he was in the garden of gethsemane mighty god of heaven it was so hard for you lord you cried unto the father you said god if it be possible let this compass but you say not my will not my will today lord not the will of the church god but your will be done lead us lord god of heaven and carry us through jesus bring us all god of heaven and to the test and trial near our text mighty god near fear and god almighty lord jesus there are many different things that is happening to your children but your children is crying out to you we are crying out for help help lord deliver us jesus set us free god mash up satan plan much of the works of the enemy mash up all god of every evil spirit that is set up against your children and against the church the church needs to go on lord the church need your presence the europe prayer this morning god and crucify yourself trump and hillary they've known several works of darkness in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we put our leader into your hand and we have to that you will touch him we have to that will cover him up with your blood and saturate him in your spirit lord let your blessing follow him mighty god when you took moses on top of the mountain ah when he returned back lord his face was shining the glory of god was upon him i pray almighty god that the holy let the spirit of god be upon him lest when the devil see him god almighty let's see more than one hallelujah to god almighty in the name of jesus christ we're here alone we mash up we bind up and we curse everything that is coming up against your servant no one and i knew one lord i know where's mighty god before him wrong hiding rocks and for sure but we know that compass he comes from your god protection for your servant guidance you of your god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i curse every weapon of hell that will come up against him jesus and i pray for your presence god come for your servant cover his wife jew of your god let the peace of god rest upon them let there be lord god of heaven like lord jesus christ another tree that planted by the rivers of water that bring a food float in the season in the name of jesus let them flourish like lebanon a bind of sickness that has come up against them and i pray god for health and strength that night there with your power lord oh god of heaven to preach the word to lead us mighty god jesus christ and his strength they need your holy spirit again another 19 hallelujah anointing from the children of god oh glory to god almighty you see it and the blood is against you we lift the bus standing against you oh glory to god the devil shall come in like a flood by the holy ghost and lift up a standard i pray that will lift up i stand against the enemy and against everyone that stretches themselves against your servant i put them to not i find them up in the name of jesus a and paralyzing me you it a liar the blood is against you the lord god in every rebuke cover your children god cover yourself uncover his wife cover your children and grandchildren find them under your wings in the name of jesus christ of nazareth every tongue that rise up against them i pray god that you will let the cleave to the roof of the two hungry quote in the name of jesus christ of nazareth near depths of love that they may not see until they cross the narrow stream their eyes survive and they may not know until they rest in peace with you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i committed all god our leader into your hand you of your god almighty god in heaven every god god was italian and touch our leader breathe upon him god and strengthening spiritually physically mentally in the name of jesus christ those who lift up themselves against him put them to not lord david said oh god let the enemy be scattered [Laughter] send them backward and send them where they belong drive them all to drive them out in the name of jesus and let your will be done lord cover your mouth god almighty when the children of israel are coming out of egypt you said when i see the blood i will pass over you but they blood upon the church that's when the enemy was god is it power god almighty we are in perilous time wicked time god the time of trouble lord god of heaven the devil wants to get the children of god dawn but we curse you see a ton i will bind you up in the name of jesus yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes ah yes lord yes lord yes lord see a time the blood is against you we mess you up we buy the hope in the name of jesus oh glory oh glory hallelujah to the lamb of god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth everywhere anyhoo of your receiver every light deliverance forward every powers of darkness in the name of jesus christ thank you flight love when you're driving oh god of heaven the devil out of heaven you've come down with many angels and you say wow we unto thee everything's of the earth but it never come down with many but in the name of jesus we're binding of lord we curse them jesus we set them at night and we have to touch us and touch us god almighty it's one hymn we have and one determination is to hit heaven is to make heaven our home but the devil do not want us to have it lord they want to do many things but we pray god almighty that every heart of discouragement every spirit of discouragement lord i pray that we'll put courage i pray that we'll put life where there is death [Laughter] yes jesus he is that person he is a man in a woman that somebody is crying or because of cancer but in the name of jesus christ i bleed healing blood healer god almighty go to here where right now are you that woman who is crying god let them know that he is god you say and you look lord you are the healer you are the deliverer you are the mighty god you speak and it was done god said is there anything hard for you there is nothing that you cannot do you can heal you can deliver you can set free lord and so we pray this moment mighty god that every person lord god almighty that is watching this broadcasting oh god of heaven you shall touch them you shall breathe upon them you shall cover them with your blood you shall lay your hands upon them you shall see the backslider those who have wandered from your presence bring them back into the fall bring them back into salvation bring the holy spirit upon them god and see of them jesus those who are planning to go let them know that you are god let them abide in your children he said if you are fighting this ship none shall be lost lord god almighty the young converted those that newly baptized i put them before you now i pray god that will touch them visit them jesus cover them with your blood i know god of heaven jesus let your peace rest upon them and fix their marriage god fix our god of even our marriage makes our marriage god give some marriage jesus fix our marriage god almighty miracle working god jesus christ of heaven you're satay and you look low you see what is going on you see the confusion you see your men are killing woman lord god almighty the heart a man can become desperately wicked lord god save your children have mercy upon you again have mercy upon the sinful souls let the peace of god rest upon them i am dependent on you this moment lord god we know you can do it do it for the church do it for the church lord oh god many times we try tears oh god many times we cry tears for the souls of lost ones oh god souls are lost the souls are going down the hill but god bring them back bring them back into the forehead bring them back into the fall of god rename jesus god we need to have a loving place a loving world a world that is full of peace and joy when we talk to him to be a said lord it's not going to happen and so we pray that he will take over god the church lord cover the church jesus cover the rest of the service let the holy ghost manifest himself let the spirit of god take over lord jesus christ i'm not going to touch the young men and the young women touchy boys and the girls lord god of heaven and remember them jesus lord some is weak some don't know what to do lord some don't know how to manifest lord god of heaven love your presence oh god some feel this courage but we pray that we'll put courage lord and we have such will bless us bless us abundantly lord and cause your face to shine upon us as we give you thanks and we give you praises we're looking up to you for the mighty result in jesus name amen glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus i invite you to stand with me please oh glory to god do it again lord do it again send a revival revive us again many are longing for the spirit today do it again lord two wheels again do it again lord do it again send a revival revive us again [Music] [Music] [Music] do it again lord do it again lord do it again everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] for the spirit today we'll do it again [Music] hold us [Music] hallelujah hallelujah glory to god oh my god we know that god's going to do it again he's going to send revival again to the body of christ so he's called on to the church of the living god hallelujah you may be seated you have one more pearl hallelujah now call upon missionary mavis gregory as she comes she will be praying for families who are grieving who are hurting there are so many grieving persons not believers they are grieving every day oh glory to god but we are praying hallelujah for the grieving families in jamaica and across the world hallelujah thank you jesus praise god hallelujah [Music] glory to god hallelujah glory glory to god hallelujah hallelujah lord jesus burton bearer shutter promise keeper hey hey oh god god you're not repeating hallelujah jesus god you were wounded for our transgression you were bruised oh god father i come o god in your name know how the name your name your powerful name your awesome name your name that heal your name that deliver your name that set free glory to god glory to god god come god on behalf oh god of the grieving families of lord jesus christ many are hurting god many are hurting tears is a language oh god that you understand many sleepless nights oh god many have lose their loved ones oh great god many are struggling oh god but i come to you lord on behalf of them all today we ask you almighty god to stretch out your mighty hands glory to god you can be tortured with the feelings of our infirmities oh god i come behalf of a mother today a mother is crying out i might lose a son because of the gun a mother knows her daughter because of the goner oh god ladies become target oh god and the mothers are grieved the fathers are grieved their brothers are grieving the sisters are grieved oh god lord jesus christ we are catching a burden to their god we are catching a burden god you so where is the weeping woman of zion oh god we are weeping today god we are weeping for them today god we ask you almighty god to send out the lifeline son of the lifeline send out the lifeline in the name of jesus christ glory to god drawing somebody to their god oh god almighty you're a god of comfort jesus christ you say blessed are those that mourn they shall be comforted i pray in the name of jesus christ you will comfort a mother today comfort the father today comfort jesus christ a child today in the name of jesus christ lord god not even the baby not him the babe is not spirit oh god sin become a reproacher all glory to god but we ask you almighty god to work upon the old god in some inner city area god work upon the quality sprinkle your blood the blood of jesus christ the blood that never loses power the blood that brings salvation the blood that will set free god lose the man them god lose the woman them god lose the voice of god almighty god in the name of jesus christ we ask you almighty god oh god oh god bind up someone oh god a wounded soldier wounded soldier who not families oh god who not families or god oh god some of them give up some don't know what to do some lose more than one by the gun oh god they don't know what to do about god tell them that the eyes will be upon you my god tell them that they will turn to you god help them to look upon you today and know that you never fail jesus christ you never fail you never fail almighty god you say we must call upon you and you will hear us and answer us and she was mighty thing so almighty god as we come in this fast in service today almighty god we ask your holy ghost to show up like you never showed before in the name of jesus christ and somebody almighty god to come to know you god somebody might be watching today god and said i don't know what to do but their eyes are upon you in the name of jesus christ god we thank you hello god will praise you god we magnify you god will lift you up god because you deserve the glory you deserve the honor seek body god seek body to be healed seek body jesus christ we ask you almighty god that your healing virtue will flow in the name of jesus christ [Music] many are in the hospital today oh god because of the coronavirus but in the name of jesus christ we ask you in the name of jesus to cut down the tree burn the corona with fire burn it with fire god many are crying out many have hurt him but god they lose their loved ones and we ask the lord to interfere in the name of jesus christ we have no other one to call upon your god you are the one that said you come to give us life and give us life more abundantly so our prayer this morning our prayer must be god for outpouring of the holy anointing spirit of god that the only ghost that rests upon somebody today in the name of jesus let the resurrection power let your resurrection power raise up somebody today in the name of jesus christ and give them the victory give them the victory give them a testimony give them a testimony give them a testimony in the name of jesus christ god you're still working miracle you are still performing miracle and we thank you for today of your own sweet way god as we say to you dancer in jesus name we pray amen and amen glory to god praise the lord thank you jesus we pray and god delivers i invite you all to stand and take your bibles with me please [Music] psalm 46 as long as you can stand and please the standard glory of god psalm 46 up god is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble therefore will not be fair though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea though the waters thereof roar and be troubled though the mountains are shake with the swelling thereof there is a river the streams wear up shall make glad the city of garda the holy place of the tabernacle is of the most high god is in the midst of her she shall not be moved god shall help her under that right early the heathen raged the kingdoms were moved he uttered his voice the earth melted the lord of hosts is with us the god of jacob is a refugee come behold the works of the lord what desolations he had made in the earth he maketh the walls to caesar unto the ends of the earth he breaked the bow and cutted the spearing sunder he burned the chariot in the fire be still and know that i am god i will be exalted among the heathen i will be exalted in the earth the lord of hosts is with us the god of jacob is our refuge let's read verse 10 11 together again be still and know that i am god i will be exalted among the heathen i will be exalted in the earth the lord of hosts is with us the god of jacob is a refugee the lord has spoken let the church say amen the lord has spoken let the church say amen glory be to god hallelujah keep standing and put your bibles down and just keep standing for two more minutes hallelujah thank you jesus when the devil tells you that you are no golden that you will never amount to anything and that god doesn't love you do warfare using the word of god get your two-edged sword and use it declare to the devil lord and clear up i am the righteousness in christ in jesus christ god has a good plan for my life no weapon formed against me shall prosper we are more than conquerors i can do all things through christ who strengthens me nothing can separate me from the love of god i shall not die but live and declare the works of the lord so start using your god-given power and authority today stand up stand out use the word of god to remind the devil that he is a defeated for god bless you all put your hand together for the lord indeed god has been good to us hallelujah glory to god hallelujah now put your hands together for the man of god dr bishop delphi davison let's give the lord praise and glory [Music] let's celebrate the goodness of our god great is the lord and greatly to be praised in the city for god in the mountain of is holiness beautiful for situation the joy of the old earth is mount zion on the sides of the north [Music] the city of the great king great is the lord all right i can't sing it okay clap your hands and give him a praise then [Music] please be seated let's share a little of god's word we thank the lord for this the second time around today when we gather in this small group in this church with many others in other places worshiping and giving god thanks because they love him and we thank those of you who are present here you know i said to someone the other day different things will equalize different people at different times death equalizes everybody all the time the rich died the poor died the sensible ones die the fools die death equalizes everybody the politicians the preachers the everybody and i said kofit 19 in some respects equalize most of the churches most the mega ones with hundreds of members are brought down to 30 members the mega mega mega ones with thousands of members are brought down to 30 members the small ones the medium-sized ones the large ones and the larger ones everybody is equalized in terms of its number but god is never brought to any man's level god operates in a particular realm and nothing changes god i am the eternal i change not no circumstances no laws of men government country city or state can cause god to halter or to change anything forever thy word is settled in heaven yea and amen take it or leave it that's a message i thought i would have been preaching it was running through my head so heavily since yesterday take it or leave it but it did not quite come home as yet but god is good isn't he thank you evangelist marcia foster [Music] and thanks to everybody elder level on the keyboard the international first lady of the power of faith ministries international dr petrov rodel for davis [Music] [Applause] she she has no middle name so she has to take mine that's wonderful and brothers and sisters wherever you are home and abroad this is the wednesday's edition wednesday's edition of a time of refreshing we had a great service this morning powerful words strong anointing we'll see what happened this time around but of course should be a little different because you all are waiting on your usual time of refreshing type of presentation i don't guarantee you that anyway but you welcome you on facebook youtube instagram pfm cable channels 602 and 672 on the flow and channel 20 on the digital play now and at other times give the lord praise everybody boy if i operate as to how you look down here you know i just dropped the mic and said well i've been nasty not more you know i look so but i can't understand bishop we are under heavy manners lord have mercy but the lord is good isn't he hold on hold on you don't get tired of dismasting now yeah well be patient be still and know that i am god said eternal be still and know that i am god [Music] what he says i am i am tonight we meet for take me out take me in eight o'clock jamaica time and those of you are brothers and sisters especially my international family overseas please spread the word and join us on friday night at the same 8pm we meet for worldwide per meeting and friday night will be offering nights some of you have asked me to collect offering each friday night i said no once per month i don't know long we'll continue this take me out take me in but we'll see what happens so please get to paypal get to sub splash get to the website get to western union get to moneygram get to jhin money transfer whichever way you can give your offering because friday night i'm gonna ask who gave he was put on the screen i did i did we have a wonderful family out there give them a big hand please all right so let's get into the word of god from the same book that we read this morning the book that ends it all revelation and the second chapter i want to see if i can do a little better on this text in terms of speaking to some of the things that i have uh on earth from this text revelation chapter two father bless your words to our hearts grant oh lord that everyone here and now whenever and wherever they come in contact with this word they will be inspired they will be blessed the sick will be healed the lost will be saved the backsliders will be reclaimed the sick will receive healing because the anointing shall break the oak and men and women shall be set free by your mighty power anoint this vessel once again to deliver your word it is incapable oh god it is not qualified flesh cannot stand before you so i pray that the holy spirit will rest upon me now and grant that the words of my mouth which comes from the meditation of my heart will be acceptable in thy sight o god you are our strength and our redeemer in jesus name amen god's speaking to his church and we refer to the seven churches this is the church in ephesus on to the angel of the church of ephesus write these things saith he that hold at the seven stars in his right hand who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks i know thy works and thy layer and thy patience and how thou canst not bear them which are evil that's wonderful and thou what's tried them which say they are apostles and are not and has found them liars that's wonderful also and us born and as patients and for my name's sake hath labored and has not fainted that's wonderful nevertheless i have somewhat against thee because thou hast left thy first love remember therefore from whence no heart fallen and repent and do the first works or else i will come unto thee quickly and i will remove thy candlestick out of its place except thou repent but thou but this thou has that thou are tested deeds of the nicolotins which i also hate wonderful we are on the same page with god we hate sin not sinners but sin he that earth and hear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches to him that overcometh will i give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of god we raise two questions from this text we address partially won this morning have we left it or lost it god said to the church here in ephesus in verse 4 revelation 2 i have somewhat against thee because the lord left thy first love for me it is comparable to a in some regards to a husband and a wife who is in a love relationship that ought to be a in a marriage which ought to be until death us do part a marriage for life we take that vow and there comes a time when what for whatever reasons wife might separate herself from her husband our husband might separate himself i mean physical separation emotional separation for me that is comparable to having left your love left it but if the degeneration continues separation will go into divorce now for me divorce would mean the latter stage you have lost your love are you with me somebody i have seen persons who have been separated for different periods and after a while they realize that hey we've done the wrong thing we're still in love and they got back together and live happily as man and wife but i also see persons who did not stop at stage one which is the separations stage it goes on to phase two which is the default stage and that signals finality where the margin is concerned lord if you help me i bring it out that's that signals in many instances maybe 99.9 that signals the end of that marriage love is lost i said earlier this morning that the lord by the holy spirit was very generous to the ephesian brethren because he did not say to them you have lost your love it says you have left your love and that means repeating that means you know where it is you left it you know which part you leave it you know where but when it is lost it means possibly because you have been to several places within a period of time someone came to my office yesterday and said jesus where is my wedding band i can't find my wedding band and the person really did not know where our wedding ban is been to several places did several things all over the place and could not identify where the wedding ban i don't know if it is found as yet we have not spoken since then so the point is jesus's generosity to them is something that we could consider go back where you've left it but when you have lost a thing the very fact that you do not know where on earth you've been to downtown you've been to saint thomas you've been to clarendon manchester you've been in the market you've been in the supermarket you've been in the bank you've been in the credit union you've been at church we spotted lost i don't know that is a sad state of affairs somebody says something if you understand me so far i pray to god almighty that none of us would go on to the second stage where love is lost because lord have mercy there is actually no guarantee that you're gonna find it back the bible says in luke chapter 15 i think it is a man has 100 sheep a flock of hundred sheep he loses one he's going to search all over the place all over have you seen my sheep here in waterford there in gregory park have you seen my sheep i don't know where but i'm searching a woman has 10 pieces of silver coin and one is lost beautiful thing about it that one is lost where in the house confined space so the possibility of her finding that silver coin is much more than the man finding the sheep are you not with me here the world is a big player sheep can wander all over the place but i guarantee you that silver coin is some place in the house all she has to do is a diligent search somebody says some oh glory lord have mercy i feel the holy ghost touching me a diligent search so my brothers and sisters i pray to god that none of us not one of us will reach the stage where we lose the first love so here the lord addresses this church which was a wonderful church a church that was really sounding doctrine founded by the apostle paul in a.d 55 amen which was a very strong church sound and doctrine very active church and it descended up this in this church the gift of discernment was very strong and that's the reason they were able to try those who say they are apostles and found them to be liars these these days if we are not careful see with me if we are not careful just about anything and everything and anyone and everyone stand in the house of god stand behind the sacred desk and preach and teach and do all kinds of tricks and gimmicks sometimes and the believers because we are not strong in discernment they get away with murder jamaicans would say somebody say something but you don't go in the ephesian church if you are not right you don't go in there and prophesy if the anointing is not on you and you're not living right they are going to troop around you and take you down lord bring us back to those good old days when church was flying off all ten cylinders oh glory to god went from pulpit to pew the fire was burning went from pulpit to pune there were no refrigerators and freezes us blazing open blazing oven somebody lift your hand and say lord take us back blazing often and choir members would make sure they are right before they ascend the choir aloft musicians would make sure they are right before they sit around the instrument preachers would make sure they are right before they stand behind the sacred desk because they recognize that the house of god like jacob said is a traitful place god almighty somebody praise god with me why don't you praise god so god had high commendation given to this church and they earned it they deserved it when you look at the decks carefully they heard it they deserved it because they stood against evil they stole against false people they hate the needs of the nickelo nickelodeons they hate that which was not right they stood firm but some way somehow they drifted hallelujah and his indictment against them was also well founded it was well founded because when the spirit speaks he speaks only that which is true he speaks only not which is right he speaks only that which is in conformity to the word of god somebody says something there and you don't take lightly to the spirit's voice he that art hearing hears let him do what let him hear what who said to the church let him hear what the pastor said to the church listen you got a book in your hand with a book in your hand named bible when you read it the spirit is speaking to you and it's time pastors begin to speak less and let the spirit speak somebody said something here it's time believers open their heart to the spirit and say spirits speak to me why do you sing a song like that spirit speak spirit speak we want spirit to speak again hallelujah pastors can mispass the skin i was going to say 10 lies but i won't go that far pastors can miss pastors can sleep up past us but the spirit cannot be wrong so when you have hears to hear what the spirit says obey what the spirit says somebody praise god let me move along here glory to the name of jesus hallelujah shelter praise down there hallelujah the great concern that we must have today as church people leaders and followers alike is what is happening to my brethren out there oh are they faring in the midst of what we're not experiencing are they standing on christ a solid rock are they firmly grounded in their faith not being able to attend upon the physical place of worship how hard they managing i'm here to tell you some are really riding on the stones and they're riding well some are swimming in the ocean and they're swimming well but can i tell you some have begun to drift downstream going with the tide as it drifts downstream oh glory to god not being mindful of the fact that hey you got a precious gift that god has given to you that you cannot afford to lose oh hallelujah this is way beyond esau's birthrights way beyond that and when he saw realized that he lost his birthright and what it meant to him the bible says he sorted carefully with tears many nights of tears tearful night he's a bent i believe wherever he bench at his bedside that's with halter and say oh god what did i do what did i do what did i do i want it back but what the bible says do we sort it carefully with tears he could not find it back because he had lost it are you not saying nothing did i say not everything that is lost will be found but everything that is left can be reclaimed somebody say something there where if your hannah say to me not everything that is lost might be found but everything that is left can be reclaimed oh glory to the name of jesus somebody shouted praise down there i did say show the praise on there hallelujah so god want his church to become real concerned about where we are and what we have because hey if you lose it you have no guarantee you can't get it back so my question that i will measure on for the next whatever period of time it's not it's not on where you have left it but the question is have you lost it but bishop that's not for me i know it's not for you but it's for somebody else some have left it others have lost it oh glory to god somebody praise god with me here in the book of saint john chapter 21 after jesus's death burial and resurrection simon peter one of the premier disciples he looked on some of his fellow men fellow disciples and said you know what i'm going back to catch fish do you know that you are influential do you know that you can lead people the right way or lead them astray do you know that sometimes you don't have to watch your word to influence somebody action speaks god help me in this place am i preaching says i know i'm preaching i feel it's in my bowels whoo glory to god evangelist brown simon peter who would become the spokesman of pentecost who would preach one message and three thousand souls would bow before god who would stand up and defend the gospel at any cost and never walked in and showed him his love that he had for catching fish [Music] glory what is he showing you friend is he showing you your whole time boyfriend is he showing your whole time girlfriend is he showing you the gambling house can i preach in this house is he showing you the crack house and the guns your house is he showing you the gambling and the stealing is he showing you the party scene the dance scene is all you you are there you know what it means and it meant something to you yes it did simon looked on them and said i'm going back to catch fish i'm going to show you something from this john chapter 21 in a few minutes oh glory to god and guess what happened some of the disciples say we are going with you rabbah we're going with you where have you led god's sheep where have they followed you too come on child of god where have you influenced them to go where have you led them have you let them astray because you've gone astray wandered far away from god [Music] god almighty somebody help me in this house [Music] i go fishing we're coming with you what if he said i'm going up the prior room i'm going to pray do you not think that chances are they would say we're coming with you i'm going to fasting today do you not think they would say i'm coming with you going to all night permeating simon yes we're coming with you you are a leader you are influential you got to be careful with what you say what you do and we are your goals god if i'm not preaching i don't know what's happening here i'm coming with you coming with you i've been in church for a long time and i realize but very often one person never goes down because we're connected master let's pull up the tears and separate them and get them out of the sweet field oh no don't you do that you may be surprised to know how much wheat and tears are intertwined underneath there you don't see it you don't know it but they're wrapped up under there you'll be surprised to know the connection that some people have with others [Music] somebody praise him there hallelujah you'll be surprised to know the kind of association the kind of camaraderie the kind of connection that people have one with another an easily influenced birds of their feather oh glory to god i go fishing they're coming with you some have left it others have lost it have you lost it have you lost it in the same text of john 21 jesus appeared to them and they had a big catch did he send them out to make that catch let's look at the text and see something oh glory oh glory somebody praise him there hallelujah [Music] give him a praise on there yeah verse 10 said they're tall but they didn't catch nothing let's look a little verse 5 john 21 jesus said unto them children of you and him meet they answered him no and he said unto them cast the net on the right side of the ship and you shall find they cast therefore and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes therefore that disciple whom jesus loved saith unto who did he speak to satan to who peter so why he pointed out peter because it's you that carry us out there first of all it's you we fall again and we had a fruitless toil oh you're not following me we are a fruitless toil now that the masters speak and we obey this voice look at what happened but what i want to get to is this powerfully this in that same text jesus made it abundantly clear to simon peter to others and to all of us but he spoke to simon personally when i look in the text jesus was actually saying to him simon you cannot have two first love you cannot have to first love you cannot have two first love you love your trade you love your vocation as a fisherman you love it because that's what you've been doing and you just love to do it but i want to challenge you simon inasmuch as you love to catch fish that's your first love i am now in your life you got to make a choice lord god where is the church jesus [Music] somebody wave your hand and say something here this anointing is heavy i mean my god i need thousands of people to release this anointing on are you there facebook youtube are you their instagram are you their pfm television i need thousands of people to release this anointing on right now jesus challenged simon peter and he says you cannot have two first love three times all right i read a story sometimes ago i'll get back to this about a woman who a man who said to his wife let's have an open relationship i never know what that meant an open relationship and when we got in this story a little further i found out that what it meant is that as a husband i must be free to keep any other woman i want to keep and as a wife you can do the same thing anything goes let's have a hope and how many of you wives are in a hope and relationship let's have an open relationship and it is said that they started the open relationship until the point where this woman now found a man a certain man that meant so much more to her than her first love and there things began to get out of hand badly and he also and she cut yourself and she said oh no we can't continue this please let's cut it out and he says oh no oh no we're going to continue open relationship if you don't want to do what please allow me to do jesus brought simon peter right on stage and he said i know you love fishing but this big cache cash simon do you love me put on this oh glory you cannot have two first love you cannot have two number one lovers it can't work somebody say something here do you love me more than these yay lord you know i love you well if you love me you know what you do left them the fish there and feed my sheep [Music] jesus challenged him a second time simon's son of jonas love is stole me more than these lord you know i love you if you love them leave leave those and feed the lambs he challenged him a third time in the same saint john chapter 21 simon son of jonas do you really love me more than these and simon said god here will you do me so you you just mess me up and tell it i mean love you still ask me the third time again jesus and if you love me you have to leave those on feed the church because you cannot have two first love wave your hand and say one first love come on say one first love that's what the text says they left their what first love i don't want to go back to that but that means they might be operating you know the type of hope and relationship today for christ today for the world today for christ today tomorrow for the world in and out and i do what i feel when i feel like i'm no longer presenting my body as a living sacrifice only and acceptable when i feel i come to church i come to church when i feel i fast i fast if i feel like going to club tomorrow night i'm gonna go to club god have his time and i have my time he said no that won't do you would have left your first love those who have left it but those who have lost it are in a more serious position somebody say something here hallelujah saw the text of revelation amen chapter 2 is a powerful text because it speaks just it speaks to so many things there where that first love is concerned and if we do not correct the heels if we do not correct the deficits of our lives we could like i have said drift from temporary separation into what could become permanent divorce over and done tell me the truth god's people i know that's what you speak anyway well let me rephrase all of that i have seen some backsliders that i talk with trying to entreat them back to the lord and i can remember plain words of a particular backslider bishop it's easy i said that none you know you don't understand easier said than done in other words they have drifted so far they have lost so much that hebrews even tell us even this brown evil hebrew says it is impossible for those who once partook of the heavenly calling made partakers of the holy ghost see all the wonderful things of god drunk from the heavenly stream if they were to depart from that it is almost impossible for them to be renewed and to restore i didn't say so the book says so it is minister davis give me that text let me read it because my facebook people think i'm making up a story here i know it is hebrew the address is not in my head right now i know you find it hebrews chapter 6. all right let's read something for my international audience on this hebrews chapter 6 and what verse where do i find hebrew lord help me on this old bible can't get rid of it but this tear is steering upon me second timothy hebrews chapter 6. therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of christ let us go on to perfection not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith towards god please if you don't have to try lay that foundation again don't do it don't dig up the foundation and try to lay it again because it becomes difficult to relay [Music] of the doctrine of baptism and of laying on of hands and of the resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment and this will we do if god permit for it is what's the next word it is what you're not in your bible all right it is when nothing is impossible what it means you mean it oh that's too deep let's not go there for it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gifts and were made partakers of the holy ghost and of tasted of the good word of god and the powers of the world to come if they shall fall away to renew them again unto repentance seeing that they have what when you crucify someone what you don't kill them seeing that they have killed they have crucified to themselves the son of god afresh and put him to an open shame oh god why did i go to that scripture holy ghost you want somebody to understand what it means to lose your first love they have killed christ unto themselves crucified him i'm dead because him dead him can't save you the dead don't see if they're living is a living sea of the dead are you not saying nothing there that's the reason jesus i'd remain in the tomb there would be no salvation oh no dead man don't they don't save anybody it's on the third day when he rules from the dead triumph over death and hell and the grave and become a living savior somebody praise him with me god of heaven they would have killed the savior unto themselves in dead you are god dead you kill him so because you have killed him there is no one to renew you oh jesus oh god tell me what a message it's in your book there's no one to renew you no one to restore you pastor could have preached until the very boss you will never be convicted oh no because you have been to the senate of your christianity your taste of the good world to come your part took of the holy ghost your tears the heavenly gift you know i'm having food although you were down near your head heaven's food god so when you trample all of that you run it you would have in effect kill christ unto yourself that's what the book says you can't kill my crisis fear christ you kill my christ is alive and well all those of you whose christ is alive and will lift up your hands and give him praise and glory somebody shout he's alive and well say he's alive and well said is alive and well ah this is deep preaching dear god this is not surface this is depth they would have crucified unto themselves and when you crucify someone that mean you kill him so you would have killed the christ unto yourself and that's the only one who can redeem you restore you so when the word says it is impossible no you understand did you get that church of god did you really get it that's the reason why it is impossible because nobody can save you about jesus acts chapter 4 and verse 12 neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name given unto heaven among men whereby we must be safe my god my time is gone somebody praise him in the house [Music] jesus have you left it or have you lost it where do you stand have you left it or have you lost it those two dynamics are at work today so people are leaving walking away from their first love and if god dawned on mercy i did say using the marriage scenario it can go from separation to divorce over and done dead you crucify him so jesus jesus somebody said jesus said jesus that's the reason you know i've often times said strength and weakness are two dynamics of life that all of us have to deal with strength and weakness some people are stronger in certain areas of life than others others are weaker and more vulnerable than others am i talking the truth some temptation i don't mention any but some type of temptation satan wouldn't come to some of us with certain type of temptation a true may attack man because he knows that this was a time and a temptation is not a real temptation except there's a possibility for you to yield to it i didn't don't know a long time that some people some christian you out there or seniors some of us you'll be wasting time to tempt us with certain things anytime someone would sick with a cigarette or smoke a ganja why them just looking at me like that you know and some of them used to smoke you know burn them like a weed to a woman to burn them weed [Music] smoke what are the temptations whatever they are waste of time you wouldn't so the strength and weakness scenario will be with us throughout ages so why did you say that bishop to say this [Music] where you are strong you don't worry about that that's your defense are protected because you are strong but you see where you know you are vulnerable where you are weak where the weak link is in the chain where the weak places on the fence you have to be careful am i with somebody here and you do not want to keep that piece of fence weak because you don't know when bulk or when come oh no say something over here in the morning sit down [Music] you don't want to keep that peace offense weak all the time because you do not know when a ferocious bull call going come on down so what you should do strengthen it everyone says strengthen it boy if i'm not preaching to anybody i'm preaching to myself thank you jesus says strengthen it says stranded [Music] [Applause] let me say it again and that bulko is different types of bull calls you know that bull call for some people could be a generous offer generous offer some money a gift an opportunity looks looks real and good and proper what is a bull cow is a wolf only dress up in sheep's clothing somebody praise him let me close the time is gone so because all of us have a bull call [Music] you have one you might not be able to identify definitively who what those bull calls are what i'm telling you from the knowledge of the scripture that bull call goes around like a roaring lion seeking home he may devour somebody say help us lord [Music] jesus [Music] so god said to those who have lost it you have a big challenge on your hand to those who have left it a little easier for you but both must do what needs to be done with urgency with aced for time where it's on no man giving praise again everybody oh glory to god boy i still don't get into all of this stuff so that first love thing is a serious love first love it may mean a lot of things first love for your church first love for your brethren first love for your wife first love for your husband first love for different ones you are really in love first love for your job you love your job but all of a sudden you're just going through the motions now you're sure because you're expected to show up you do a little thing because you're expected to do a little thing at the desk in the factory in the home in the church wherever you work you're just going to the motion a whale one gets out of this but i can't just leave so it will look bad jesus jesus first love for your job please get back that first love and servants work for your masters as unto the lord ephesians chapter 6 do it as unto the lord and not unto men for it is of the lord that you will get your reward a salary is peer a little compensation reward comes from god somebody praising with me yes salary and wages is a little compensation reward comes from god he must look on all of us and say well done though good and faithful [Music] hey my god i feel the holy ghost upon me somebody shout a praise i gotta close first love and first love was burning you'll give your tithes you give your offering first love was burning you you give seed faith to give special offering [Music] first love was burning church didn't have to call for fasting you call your own fast jesus don't lose it please don't lose it [Music] you have a solid foundation ephesian church you hate satan you hate wickedness you heal false prophet you bore a lot of persecution and tribulation you exercise a lot of patience come on you have what to stand on don't trample that you have what to start don't trample that because if you begin to do so you will move from separation and end up in divorce you would not have left your first love but you would have lost first i will stop you know i have a lot more to say but i got to stop jesus what a word to me today jesus jesus jesus jesus oh glory to god thank you lord i refresh your memory as i close [Music] stand with me please yeah they're closed if you don't remember anything that i've said today and i hope the holy spiritual record everything in you go back to youtube and facebook and watch it over again and listen i refresh you with this as we get ready to pray from john 21 yeah it is heavy on my heart jesus said to simon you cannot of too first love you can't is either the fish or me is either your fishing profession or me i remember when the lord called me to full-time ministry it is as plain before my mind's eye as i'm looking on any one of you down there the vision he gave me i don't love to share it i share it i'm a breakdown yeah i'm a breakdown for shirts but what he said to me my only job that i had on the job one job i had in life was a sales rep one job never have any more job he said and i don't know if i can say this on television i can say it because it's the truth and it bears witness truth is truth and who don't want you that's your business the gentleman that became mayor of montego bay mayor oh my davis can call his name i'm david stew we were co-workers at one time he was my supervisor and when he leave the job i took his position i became the supervisor the job he was doing i began to do that job he's now the minister of state in the ministry of local government and community development did you hear what i say yeah he's know that in the ministries in politics i bless you brother homer oma davis delphi davis we work together what's the point when god called me to ministry i was full-time ministry that is i was in that job and when i wrote a letter i told my employer i think i told him i said i'm going to have to leave a job and i said no no no no no oh no you can't leave you know when you're a good worker you're a good worker you know anybody won't get rid of you you're a liability you're not an asset you must be asset to where you are be an asset no you can't leave you don't know if you want some time off take some time off and rest and whatever it is you know you can't leave you can't leave i said sir i'm sorry but i'm gonna have to leave god's calling me to ministry god is calling me to full-time ministry and this is what i want to get to the words that god gave me in that glorious vision it says both will not work for me your job and the pastorate i was pastoring this house fostering your job and the pastorate cannot work for me just like he said to simon peter you can't have two first love somebody say something here [Music] watch the song we sing this morning lord take me back to the whole denmark if you can see it again we're going to pray anybody got blessed here today boy i tell you jesus the lord just sent mail to you i've decided to follow you a long long time ago [Music] but somehow [Music] to be with you like never before lord take me back [Music] [Applause] [Music] a fresh start oh [Music] take me [Music] [Music] [Applause] and [Music] my [Music] [Music] land we have a massive altar in this church bigger than any altar in any church in jamaica for what it means that's what the altar is for i'm gonna invite you the few of us to come find a place social distancing oh that's easy in this church come on down stand for yourself and stand for somebody stand for someone who has left their first love stand for someone who has lost their first love here for you and for somebody holy for spear spread out my lady shaco masanda [Music] jesus to break my vow for i promise the lord that i would make [Music] have you left it too fast [Music] [Applause] church of god [Music] [Applause] for i promise the [Music] too much one more time [Music] promise the lord that i would make [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody pray don't let your mask stop you from talking to your master he hears the loud shouts [Music] and he hears the silent call [Music] have you left it or have you lost it oh you jesus my god almighty have you left it or have you lost it what is your position today the master calls the master issues the challenge he says to those who have left it go back to where you've left it pick it up he says to those who have lost it light a candle you have to do a wide search because that sheep could be anywhere in the 14 parishes of jamaica [Music] yeah that sun could be anywhere across jamaica the silver coin yeah it's in the house so begin to shift up things you'll find it you'll find it difficult but you'll find it everybody pray father in heaven we thank you today for your word richly spoken we thank you for the anointing of the holy spirit we thank you for the revelation flow we thank you my god for the release of the holy spirit we thank you for the response of your people at home and abroad on all of these broadcast media we thank you that you have made it possible so we can reach thousands and the possibilities there for millions around the world oh god almighty i pray that as you spoke to the church in ephesus even so you will speak to our hearts you will commend us where we ought to be commended but lord you will not commend us where we need to be con condemned and converted oh you condemned us walking away from our first love but you've commended us highly in our stand against evil the patience we have exercised the hate that we have for false apostles and all the others we thank you lord because you do not only see the evil of our lives you see the good oh glory to god you do not only see where we have failed and when we have failed but you see and recognize where we have succeeded by your grace and you bless us accordingly hear my prayer on your people's behalf right now across this nation across the world united states of america canada europe asia north and south america all across jamaica and the caribbean god almighty may be into africa new zealand and south america oh god in australia we give people into your hands whenever and whenever this message reaches them may they be touched by your mighty power and among them we pray that the lost souls will be saved save every one of them lord bring them to your saving knowledge we pray that the backsliders will be reclaimed reclaim them to faith in you we pray my god that the saints will be strengthened and edified and lifted up by your mighty power and lord we pray that all those who are sick in body will receive healing from your hands i pray over every internal organ right now in the name of jesus i pray over every kidney all the kidneys i pray over lungs i pray over liver i pray over spleen i pray of a prostate i pray over a womb i pray over cervix i pray over spine i spray over small intestines and large intestine i pray over colon i pray over breasts in the name of jesus christ invade every space that needs to be invaded right now and bring healing i pray over hears and eyes and mouth and throat esophagus i pray over their prayer over vocal cords voice oh my god almighty i pray over reproductive organs in the name of jesus christ glory to god a prayer over every cell in your body my god of heaven my god the god of abraham isaac and jacob pray over them now in the name of jesus heal them and raise them up save every human body from chemotherapy save them lord god from radiation save them from surgery in the name of jesus oh my god save them oh god from the surgeon's knife save them because you can heal them heal your people deliver your people set them free right now by your mighty power defeat their adversary and let them walk in victory and as we stay upon the altar lord god not just for ourselves but we stand proxy we kneel proxy for those who have left their first love some we know please bring them back those who have lost their first love son we know bring them back restore them to faith in you in the name of jesus christ we pray for our viewers at home home and abroad right now facebook youtube instagram pfm channels cable network we pray over you now in the name of jesus at home in the office on the street in the business place and the bus in the taxi hey wherever you are we pray over you now and we release the anointing of god to break the yolks of your life and set you free in jesus name we pray amen god somebody help me worship god come on somebody help me praise god somebody help me praise him glory to god [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory god bless you go back to your place we'll dismiss you oh my god what a day sha mama hussein what an anointing what a presence [Music] thank you jesus well my international family join me eight o'clock tonight yeah you know you should all of you over the oceans begin to give your friday night offering okay so when i asked friday night who gave you must be able to put on screen i gave i gave i gave paypal is available sub splash is available jhen money transfer is available bank transfer is available the information is running on your device here you see the account numbers do whatever you can western union is available moneygram is available whatever is your best choice and do remember offering is not a big pledge okay it's not a big pledge it is every man according to several abilities so let him give a woman gave two mites that's all she had and jesus commanded her so it is free will somebody say amen all right thank you for sharing we'll meet again tonight at eight o'clock and this first service this morning will be carried on the television later today god bless you stand with me please father we thank you for your blessings upon us we thank you for the participation of your people at home and abroad may your anointing rest with all of us now as we depart one from the other let your peace reign in our lives in jesus name amen grace of our lord and savior jesus christ [Music] oh i can't take you
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 6,764
Rating: 4.8805971 out of 5
Id: Yk5U168N1IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 15sec (6975 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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