A Time of Refreshing - January 22, 2021

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i can't take a heart that's broken make it over again but i [Applause] [Music] know okay i can't take the 104th division of the psalm god be praised so we want to welcome you to today's program and trust that we will have a wonderful time together as we share in the things of god oh praise god they are saying no sound no sound no stone everybody's saying no sound well i'm wasting my breath is it let me shut up until we get sound everybody's saying no sound well god be praised i hope we got sound out there okay these things do happen from well sometimes these are very technical issues but of course we're delighted that we've got capable technical minds and the capable ants to rectify from time to time whatever comes up reminding you that we come to you mondays tuesdays thursdays and fridays at this time 1pm jamaica time from the studio and on wednesdays we come to you from the sanctuary fasting edition commencing at 11 15 with all broadcast i must thank all those of you who have become devote viewers and listeners this program is bordering on one year within another month or so maybe another six weeks thereabout and so many of you have devote time and effort and everything to be part of the daily sitting and feasting i thank you so very much power faith ministries join me in celebrating all of you so does my dear wife dr petrova davis you don't see her on visit or another some other sets but of course she is a devote servant of the lord who serves the causes of the kingdom without any reservation thank god for her thank god for all the ministers our own pfm ministers who have been presenting here and in the sanctuary ministers from other christian denominations we thank the lord for every single person male or female i might i say male and females who have sat here over time thank you for the studio operators who man the equipment and stand by and do all of the technical work we bless the lord for them uh it's a it's a it's a teamwork yeah we work us together just as the members of the body function based on how they were created to function whilst they do the body is in harmony they don't fight against each other and so we do not as christians we complement each other in the things of god so i welcome you i welcome those on facebook uh welcome those on youtube those and instagram those on pfm family.org those on the cable channels 602 and 672 on the flow network channel 20 on the digicel play so we welcome all of you this is weekend friday well stroking weekend we look forward to a wonderful time i thank the lord for power of faith ministries international yeah thank god for every single member of the family pfm family and i mean at home and abroad starting from the first branch location grove roads goshen bog walk at fields knightsville in saint thomas and overseas miramar saint petersburg brooklyn bronx toronto and of course the international headquarters here lot 13 put more town sentence in catherine jamaica west indies we are a group of wonderful people we are not perfect but we are pressing everybody remember that message yeah we are not perfect people what we are pressing so you should forgive whatever imperfections you see come to the fore from time to time they do come of course we do we know that they come we acknowledge they come but we ask you for your understanding and ask you be patient with us for god is not true with us yet thank you sister missionary on it are on it daily appreciate those words pray my strength and i will be strengthened you're a wonderful missionary so we thank the lord for everybody and i tell you not just a power fade family but we have become a an international family across the 14 parches of jamaica may i say across continents countries and continents we have become a global family and i thank the lord for every single one of you my devote listeners and supporters and prayer warriors and some of you will never meet in this life but we'll understand it better on the other side you pray for me i pray for you all right so much for all of that i want to remind you that we meet on sundays 7 a.m and 9 45 a.m for two great services so you want to be in a great service join us here on sunday morning coming 24th of january you'll have a wonderful time we meet on wednesdays also at daytime hours for fasting 9 a.m and that's the time of refreshing expression that we make in giving the word of god or come february the lord ours will be doing a uh sort stuff soft starting up of all midweek services or prayer meeting very important for people to get together and pray so commencing february we'll have prayer meeting on friday nights yes we will in the sand jury observing all the protocols let me hasten to say that all of them strict observance and also a wednesday night bible study service all right so pray for us and pray for all the leaders of god's church yeah we know that we're a blessing thank you for seeing it there and you facebook paraphat ministry is a blessing to the world well you say i'm a powerful man of god i won't take claim for that but if you say so you have reasons why you say so i lay no claim to be a powerful man of god one thing i lay claim to a laid claimed to be a true christian born again believer try my best to walk straight and narrow oh yeah i'll lay claim to that one the lord bless you and thank you so much today we are going to be reading uh assam yesterday we had a gynocologist obstruction gynecologist and he spoke to all of those medical matters dealt extensively and fibroids and you got such a wonderful study on that matter and yesterday so if many of you appreciated it and we thank you for that all right so today we are going to get real spiritual real spiritual yesterday we were real medical and we get real medical once per month and real spiritual all the other days so if you turn with me to the book of the psalm the 95 well the 51st division of the psalm so that's psalm 91 is outstanding but today it is psalm 51 a psalm that david bless you from trinidad unto me go oh bless you david wrote in a time of his distress may i use that term yeah he says have mercy upon me o god according to thy love and kindness according on to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions wash me thoroughly from my mind iniquity and cleanse me from my sins for i acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me against thee thee only have i sinned and done this evil in thy sight that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest and declare window judges behold i was shapen in iniquity and incended my mother conceive me behold thou desirest truth in the inward parts and in the hidden path thou shalt make me to know wisdom purge me with up and i shall be clean wash me and i shall be whiter than snow make me to air joy and gladness that the bones which thou has broken may rejoice i thy face from my sins and blot out all mine iniquities created me a clean heart oh god and when your right spirit within me cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirit from me restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit and will i teach transgressors their laws and sinners shall be converted unto thee deliver me from blood guiltiness o god though god of my salvation and my tongue shall sing a lord of thy righteousness o lord open thou my lips and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise for thou desirest not sacrifice else would i give it thou the light is not in burnt offering the sacrifices of god are broken spirits a broken and a contrite heart o god thou wiltst not despise do good in thy good treasure unto zion build all the walls of jerusalem then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness and with burnt offering and wall burnt offering then shall they offer bullocks upon thine halter lord we ask you to bless us as we enter upon this word today grant holy spirit that good understanding will be given to all of us inspiration revelation knowledge will flow and every need in my audience today at home and abroad whenever and wherever those needs shall be met not by might nor by power but by the anointing of god that destroys every yoke so bless us now together in jesus name we pray amen well praise god you know i read all 19 verses of this 51st psalm and it is one that many of us as christians do refer to from time to time genuine sincere loving honest believers sometimes oftentimes i might say in praying ask the lord to create in me a clean heart oh god with your right spirit within me purge with isap and i shall be clean wash me and i shall be whiter than snow etc etc as the psalmist outlined it but i want to give a uh i want to state some reasons some reasons why prayers are not readily answered in the affirmative some reasons why prayers are not readily answered in the affirmative now all of us who pray it is our hope according to our faith that our prayer would be answered immediately readily speedily and in the affirmative in other words god would grant the request by supplying the need give the healing open the door provide the husband provide the wife bless the children etc the many things that people pray about fill us with the holy spirit because spiritual things are first and foremost baptize us with the holy spirit manifest through us the gifts of the spirit first corinthians chapter 12 fill us up with the fruit of the spirit galatians chapter and all of those we would have hoped it's our prayer and it is our hope most times if not all the time that those prayers would be answered speedily and in the affirmative but i've realized that there are some reasons why some prayers are not answered readily and with the usual yes that we require so i want to share some things with you uh it has been said that god ears and he answers every prayer and i subscribe to that i say detour to that i say yes he ears and he answers every prayer because god is mindful of every iota of your being and mine he said the hearers and your head god says i number them it says i have you engraved in the palm of my hands he says your walls are continually before me he also says to the apostle paul in everything everything big things small things important things unimportant things he says in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known unto god what it's saying therefore is that everything should be taken to god in prayer everything because he wants the best for us he says through the wise man solomon proverbs chapter 3 yeah he says trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path i'm just setting the foundation here for all of this so prayer is a very useful exercise prayer is a powerful weapon prayer can do what no other powers can do all right so it has been said that god hears and answers every prayer and i believe that it has been said also that he gives one of three responses to prayers i guess you know them one of three responses we say that in church he added says yes no or wait and if he says yes it is a positive response because he is the only wise god if he says no it is equally a positive response because he is the only wise god and if he says wait it is still a positive response because he is the only wise god can you imagine if god would grant us all the requests we ask of him in prayer oh no our lives would be a mess bishop how could you say that i mean that our lives have been a mess this is what the word of the lord says uh trying to get the text in my mind it's not in my notes but i could quote the words it says for we know not what we should pray for as we ought romans chapter 8 thank you holy spirit romans chapter 8 thinks verse 26 for we know not what we should pray for as we ought my goodness it says likewise the spirit also help it or infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the spirit himself maketh intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered and he that searches the arts knows what is the mind of the spirit because he makes intercession for the saints according to the will of god sometimes we pray outside of god's will because we don't know better and it's not because we are ignoramous and ignorant people it's just because we do not know the deeper things of the spirit where you think you know all of it i don't okay so if god were to grant us all the requests we ask of him in prayer oh lord maybe for some of us would be the only one working at that workplace and that couldn't work maybe you'll be the only one living in your community that could work maybe just a few people would be in each assembly well read through the lines okay just read through the lines maybe you would be the only one in your community driving a vehicle well bishop don't you okay all right so he will not always and at all times grant us all the requests let me say immediately or in the affirmative that we have asked of him so whenever he gives you a yes rejoice and praise god whenever he gives you a no rejoice and praise god whenever he gives you a weight answer rejoice and praise god because i repeat he is the only wise god and sometimes we pray for what we do not even know what we did not know that we shouldn't pray for okay so thank god for being god it is also believed follow me carefully uh everybody it is also believed that based on matthew chapter 7 verse 7 8. it is believed generally that based on that text matthew chapter 7 7-8 which says ask and it shall be given you seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you now here verse 8 for everyone that asks it receiveth and he that seeketh findeth to him that knocketh it shall be open it it is believed also that based on that text there should always be a positive and an immediate response to all prayers if you look at that text and take it at face value ask and it shall be given seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened for everyone that asks it receiveth everyone that seek and find it everyone that now boy i tell you if it were just like that i repeat a world would be in a worse mess than it is in today all right so why is it not so bishop it is not so because we are finite human beings whoa we are selfish human beings self-centered well take me on we are finite human being we are selfish human being we are persons that outside of the leading of the holy spirit outside of a submission to god outside of being led by the holy spirit romans 8 and verse 14 outside of our bodies presented to god as living sacrifices holy and acceptable unto him outside of the surrender full surrender to god we also can be dangerous people yeah dangerous people so god knows paul puts it this way it says in me that is in my flesh to say in my flesh dwell at no good things he says some things i do not want to do i find them creeping up on me some things i want to do i have a struggle to do them now if paul had that challenge i believe that most if not all of us have some of those challenges too for no temptation taking you but such as is common to man to man all right so every prayer will be answered by the almighty god he will either give you yes no our weight and matthew chapter 7 verses 7 and 8 it is not to be taken at face value that you are going to receive everything you ask for immediate immediately and every door you knock on it's going to be open unto you and everything you seek after you're going to find no because if it were so you and i all right let let me take you to a scripture to substantiate this wow god appeared to solomon the bible said god appeared to solomon in gebor uh where's that text it's in the kings i'll soon i'll soon find it okay and god said to him ask me anything you want anything you want me to do just ask me i'll do it for you oh my goodness solomon thought about it and solomon looked on his position first kings chapter three i think that's where it's at yeah first kings chapter three we're doing a little studies today wow first kings chapter 3. let me find it and read something there because if god were to appear to some of us and give us that open door no olds bard ask me for anything you want to ask me for and i'll do it for you number one some of us would become confused because our list would be so long that we would get confused first kings chapter three from verse five in gibeon the lord appeared to solomon in a dream by night and said and god said ask what i shall give thee ask what i shall give thee and not even do for thee but give thee i want to give you something what would you ask him for today if god were to say that to you god said i want to give you something ask me for something what would you give what would you ask him for or praise god and the scriptures tell us solomon said you have showed unto my thy servant david my father great mercy according as he walked before the truth and in righteousness and in uprightness of art art with thee and that was kept for him this great kindness that that was given him a son to sit on his throne as it is this day and now oh my god that was made thy servant king instead of david my father and i am but a little child i know not how to go out or to come in and thy servant is in the midst of thy people which thou has chosen a great people that cannot be numbered nor counted for multitude give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people that i may discern between good and bad for who is able to judge this thy so great a people and the speech pleased the lord that solomon asked this thing i need to read something more a little more rather and god said unto him because thou hast asked this thing and hath not asked for thyself long life neither has to ask riches for thyself nor us though ask for the life of thine enemies but ask for understanding to discern judgment be all i have done according to thy words and i've given thee more than you asked for boy i tell you this this this this fascinates me because god himself said solomon you could have asked for riches you could have asked for the life of your enemies kill them off god you could have asked for a long life for yourself you could have asked me for just about anything but you weighed the thing properly carefully you analyze the task that lies ahead of you the leadership role that you have been placed in and you ask for an understanding heart i'm sorry you got to go back to lunch now okay listen the service later okay you're wonderful people so the point is if he were to give us everything we asked for no it will not work so some of us will get the yes answer the no answer on the wait answer believe me wonderful answers but my third point is this what seems or what many people seem not to know is that all the promises the promised blessings of god to his people are conditional fear is usually a condition or some conditions attached to receiving to your prayer uh let's look back at the psalm number 66. remember we're coming from psalm from psalm 51 okay we'll get back there at a little while but let's look at psalm 66 and verse 18. what it says everybody if i regard iniquity in my heart the lord will not hear me now the lord will not hear me doesn't mean he has a deaf ear when you call when you speak when your petition he hears but that will not hear me there is literally saying will not accede to my request will not grant my request will not attend upon me favorably because iniquity is in my heart so what is it then in order for god to attend upon us favorably in order for god to grant the request according to the center of his will first of all we should ensure that iniquity is removed from the heart and iniquity doesn't mean that you go to the man yesterday no that's not all about iniquity if you have up somebody in your heart you malice someone and you just will not forgive them for whatever reason they may have even asked you for forgiveness but you just failed to release them god said i will not hear you all right i will not hear you so that's a condition in order for him to not hear in terms of audible earring sound but here in terms of responding to you favorably then you have to come with clean hands come with pure art come with conscience clear because if iniquity sin is in the art god says i can't respond the way i want to respond isaiah 59 and verse 2 isaiah chapter 59 i'm now pointing out some of the reasons why prayers are not answered readily and in the affirmative that's what i'm pointing out because that is going to help many of us i didn't say many of you are so many of us i'm an inclusive preacher i don't preach myself out of the gospel i preach myself in the gospel because that's what it is it's a two-edged sword isaiah 59 and verse 2 what it says well let's read from verse one it says be all the lords and is not shortened that he cannot save neither is ear heavy that he cannot hear but your iniquities have separated between you and your god and your sins of it is faced from you that he will not hear you brothers and sisters i want to do something that's i've not done before please allow me to take this call minister i'm under here sir i'll call you back as soon as i'm off okay great all right sir take care sorry for that audience i just thought i need to do that one of my ministers all right whatever it was all right so sin iniquity same thing it separates from god conditions let me give you a condition isaiah chapter 1 well we're in isaiah chapter 1. i hope you're enjoying this talk today isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 and 19. god says come let's reason come let's talk over things together let us reason together said the lord though your sins be a scarlet they shall be as white as snow though they be though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool if you be willing number one and obedient number two you shall eat the good of the land those are the conditions to heed the good of the land oh my goodness powerful words of knowledge bishop yeah that's what we give here so look at the condition to eat the good of the land or the conditions you must be willing and you must be obedient and god said come let us reason it all together let me tell you oh you can become willing let me tell you oh you can become obedient the lord says because it says my ways are not your ways my thoughts are not your thoughts as high as the heavens are above the earth are my ways and yours and my thoughts and yours so in order for you to understand anything about me saith god we have to come to the reasoning table oh glory to god hallelujah come to the reasoning table come to council let's sit down and talk you are my creation i created you in my image and then you like my likeness i have created you for my glory for my pleasure god says i want to a pleasure in you one with pleasure in you oh glory to the name of jesus i wonder of pleasure in you to come if there are barriers and endurances and obstacles do not stay there and stifle to death spiritually speaking come i want to reason it out with you and i will fix what need to be fixed i fix it said god that's why i sent jesus christ to die on calvary's cross over 2 000 years ago shed his blood is to redeem to run some to set free to break yoke to lift bondage to remove curse and to set you on a path to complete victory late dr morris cirilla would say 100 victory the child of god can walk in and live in 100 percent victory simone mclute mcleod 100 victory we just have to apply ourselves and that's where the challenge comes in because this whole flesh give us trouble give us trouble or you give trouble from time to time i'm not asking you that which is flesh is flesh it gives trouble that's why paul says in galatians is in galatians 5 or wherever it is it says we have to mortify the flesh mortify beat down bring it under subjection so that we can walk in the spirit 100 victory god wants us to live in less than that we are missing out my goodness i feel the anointing of god on me here jacqueline gopal singh in new york the lord bless you she was our church accountant many many moons ago you think i don't remember that okay so old-timers are connecting with me i'm thanking god that you still connect wonderful okay my goodness let me give you another condition scriptural condition saint john chapter 15 and verse 7. we don't get these kind of teachings in church because people who say church dead service dead but you can't get it here i don't have anybody to showed him in hallelujah jump and shout and talk in tongues in church you give this teaching and people say church dead this is not dead this is alive i feel a power of god upon me here i'm i'm giving you conditions saint john chapter 15 and verse 7 and also you know these verses you are good bible scholars this is what jesus said zena alvaranga there you are again bless your heart he says if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you now what's the condition there wow you have to abide in me my words have to abide in you in other words you can't just live your own life chuck a chuck a dirty messy and any and any other one just think god's going to just do everything you ask of him like that no he must find a place in you on his words find a place in you if you abide in me said the lord and my words abide in you then you ask what you will and it shall be done unto you those of us who are in families wow i can't say this on here maybe i'll say it in the margin richmond ministry when we meet monday night coming yeah maybe it's a deep family matter so i can't say that on this at this time but one hand washes the other one and don't wash itself one hand washes the other and it is usually said favor be god's favor a good deed begot good deed other good deeds give and it shall be given back to you my goodness so the lord says if you abide in me and my words abide in you then you ask what you will and it shall be done unto you aaron is my father glorified that you bring forth much fruit i'm telling you brothers and sisters that god has created us for his glory for his honor for his pleasure and he wants nothing less anything less than that he is disappointed anything less than that mission is not being accomplished anything less than that he finds no pleasure but he wants to have pleasureness okay so what some people seem not to know is that the conditions the promises are premised on conditions you don't just get them so that's the reason i know and some of you gonna get me for this but that's all right i know that the christians and the non-christians are in two separate categories our compartment our state our status whatever you want to ascribe to it two different ones psalm one says psalm one speaks of both blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of and godliness and we are sinners not sit in the seat of the scornful what is the light is in the law of the lord etc etc etc further down it says but the ungodly are not so the ungodly cinnamon oh no they are not so they are not riding in that first class coach on the train first class cabin on the plane no well vex with me i didn't say so the ungodly are not so they're like the trough which will drive it away therefore the ungodliness shall shall not stand in the judgment sinners in the congregation of the righteous for the lord know what they have the righteous for the way of the they shall perish that's what god says welcome money for monica from barbados wonderful healing for your whole body we'll pray for you just trust god your faithful believer somebody said talk the truth bishop of course okay there are some unsaved people not born again not living for the lord living their own life doing their own thing and they feel as though they can just come to god and just get any and everything so just like the christians who are living holy making sacrifice no the ungodly are not so and even house christians who are living right making sacrifice or heavenly father still does not at all times give us everything we ask for within the time we think we need them because he's the only wise god and he knows what is good for us when and how and where to yeah my goodness i'm enjoying this look at a hundred percent they're 400 amen thank you flesh gives trouble second corinthians chapter 6 my goodness what a word ii corinthians chapter 6 from verse 14 i'm i'm i'm making the point that the blessings of god promised are conditional you have to meet the condition and sometimes you know let me say this as the holy spirit brings it to me sometimes it is not because we really meet all of the conditions a hundred percent you know but it's because of the mercy of god the love of god he sees our sincerity he sees how genuine we are and he just give us a pass mark you overlook certain things through the blood of jesus christ don't you leave that out because of the blood of jesus christ so if it were up to our perfection it still wouldn't work because there's no perfection that we can postulate before god none isaiah chapter 64 and verse 6 but we all are as unclean things and all our righteousnesses are of filthy rods and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away we all if he were not looking on us through the blood of jesus christ we could not stand boy jesus this is powerful glory to the name of jesus i need to say somebody give him praise out there second corinthians chapter six that's where we are from verse 14 be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship earth righteousness with unrighteousness my goodness what fellowship of righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion earth light with darkness oh no and what conquered us christ with the devil or what part is he that believeth with an infidel and what agreement are the temple of god with idols for ye are the temple of the living god has god hath said i will dwell in them and walk in them and i will be their god and they shall be my people wherefore this is the verse i want to get to wherefore come out from among them be separate set the lord and touch not the unclean thing and i will receive you and will be a father unto you and you shall be my sons and daughters set the lord of those so what is he saying here he says i will receive you i'll be a father unto you you'll be my son you'll be my daughter but you have to come out from among some people you have to come out from among some things you have to move out from certain lifestyle practices oh yeah see a drunken man rocking with his his rum glass in his hands staggering and seeing amazing grace thank god thank god grace is really amazing if grace wasn't amazing the holy sputures have knocked him on his knock him on his mouth but here's he rocking with his liquor mr j ray's nephew's niece and everybody falling down in the trench in dirty water vomiting excuse me please regurgitating and singing amazing grace so sweet the song come on the man being christ is a new creature are you enjoying this friend i am i hope you are with me all right so he says you have to come out from among them and you have touched not the unclean thing and i will receive you oh lord let me get in further trouble more than i have already and what i say can be substantiated by the word of god just as all light and darkness have no fellowship it's the same way sin and unrighteousness have no fellowship none at all and it's the same way i don't care what you say well let me change those words not that i don't care let me it doesn't matter what you say about your life because everybody these days seem to have a way to justify their lifestyle practice we said it fasting yesterday from the word of god that truth is falling backward and justice cannot be found truth fall down in the streets we are all truthful honest people so it doesn't matter what you are going to say if you are a christian your life must depict christ-likeness yeah you can't be and beat you a drunker than sierra christian no no no no you can't be a drunkard and habitual drunkard and christian you can't be a drug use a drug pusher pedals you're christian no you can't and the list is endless we could say a little things i don't have to go into it you can't be a profane person and profess and say you're a christian at the same time no light and darkness don't walk sin and righteousness have no fellowship that's what the word says here what agreement are the temple of god with idols for you are the tempt of the living god what can't call that christ belial or he that believe it with an infidel no a coward coward you come with smoking cursing drinking lying and say you're a christian at the same time no not at all says jennifer thompson not at all where bishop you're making this christianity to be like a yoke in people's neck and it's so hard no jesus says my yoke is easy easy you think yesterday i've been serving god long time i'm trying to remember the number of years but you could not that i don't know 1971 it's a long time you could you have to depict christ like this not that you're perfect in all your ways but at least you must try things i used to do i do them anymore places i used to go i go there no more wow no man can serve you cannot serve god and mama or begotten man all right let's finish this joshua chapter one i'm just showing you some of the conditions that's what i'm doing i can't finish this teaching today and the stronger part is yet to come we maybe say some of it tonight and worldwide prayer meeting i don't know listen what god said to joshua chapter one verse from verse six be strong enough for good courage be strong and of a good courage for unto this people shalt no divide for inheritance the land which i swear unto their fathers to give them only be those strong and very courageous now thomas observed to do according to all the law which moses my servant commanded thee turn not from it to the right and or to the left that thou mayest prosper with us whoever thou goes that's condition there yeah this book of the lord shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate there in day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and thou shalt have good success joshua you want to make your way prosperous do you want to have good success stay in the book walk as moses my servant walked and moses was was not a perfect man or no but he exemplified his best before his god so joshua you want do you want to make your way prosperous do you want to have good success stay in this book eat the book eat the word live the word love the word oh praise the name of jesus love the word so brothers and sisters those who do not think that there are conditions attached to your receiving blessings of the lord you understand today that indeed conditions are attached there are ten reasons that i have before my ear and my notes that i want to give to you why some prayers are not readily answered and in the affirmative we can't get to them today my time is gone almost but maybe i'll go through them tonight or wednesday night whichever you'll be with me tonight on worldwide prayer meeting you beat me wednesday night on i said we'll make it some teaching night so whichever tonight or when or wednesday night you'll hear them ten things outstanding and these are things that are commonplace to human being flesh and blood but god can give us the victory and we can walk in victory so the psalm 51 is a powerful psalm you know it was written at a time when david was at a low it was at a low it was at a low because he felt from i once he fell from grace but all right he fell down whatever he fell from but he decided i'm not going to stay down there you know the the the fall is bad oh yeah it's bad but to stay down there is worse oh yeah the backslide is bad but to continue to live your life as a backslider that's even worse a lady called me yesterday well i called her really see my calling number inadvertently wrong number she answered me oh my god whoa is this bishop davis how on earth did you call me i'm so delighted to hear you first time ever she just recognized my voice immediately and i asked her are you practicing christian because i love to do that are you a practicing christian she said i'm ashamed to tell you no i said to her can i say shame on you with respect she said go right ahead bishop and i say shame on you you should be serving the lord and she said no problem bishop i i heard you very well shame on me for sure it's time for me to serve the lord okay so david says i have had a setback but i'm going to come back and in this psalm 51 he cried out unto god for mercy that's a prayer that god would answer immediately because a broken and a contrite art he says i will not despise this man was broken this man was contrite his sins face him stare him straight in the face and he knows that in order for him to my god accomplish that which god would have him to accomplish he could not stay in that situation you have to rise up and come out of it and that's for you my friend if you are going to accomplish that which god would have you too you have to rise upon those unforgiveness you have to rise support of those things that are not in keeping with your faith with god's word and tell yourself i'm going to put the things that are behind behind and i'm going to move forward so david say have mercy upon me your loving kindness and you attend the mercies wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity cleanse me from my sins you pray this foreign church people turn around and look on you i didn't know that passed the backslide i didn't know that deacon and held the backslide i didn't know you don't have to be a backslider to ask god to wash you to purge you to cleanse you to create clean art within you you do not have to be every one of us need to do that daily because we sin not only in deeds but in words in thoughts in all kinds of ways we can sin against god oh praise god the psalmist asked him to let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable and i said oh god my strength and my redeemer come on friend don't fool yourself don't fool yourself some of you grew up in church grew up in church you're in sunday school you're a sunday school teacher youth work of men's ministry work a women's ministry worker you were forester singing on the choir no you hung up your heart by the willa god so you can pick it up he wants to answer you pick up your harp and begin to play again pick up your timbrel and begin to dance again pick up your songbook and begin to sing again oh glory to god hallelujah wonderful lord i'm enjoying the comments on facebook and youtube i can't read them all but i'm enjoying them i'll go through them later god bless all of you so david says it is against you that i have sinned i've sinned against uriah i've sinned against bathsheba i've sinned against myself but god ultimately you're the one that judges sin and sinners so it comes right back to you lord it is against thee only have i sinned and done this evil in thy sight that thou might just be justified when thou speakest and be clear when no judges god will make no mistake no mistake nevertheless the foundation of god standeth sure having the seal the lord knoweth them that are his that everyone that name it the name of christ depart from iniquity some reasons why prayers are not readily answered and answered in the affirmative it has been said that god ears and he answers every prayer yes he does because he's not deaf it is also said that he gives one of three responses to our request either yes no our wait i'm reviewing the lesson it is also believed that based on matthew 7 7 to 8 and you shall receive seek and you shall find knock and it shall be open unto you for everyone that asks it receive it everyone the secret find it he who knocks it is open unto him it is believed that prayer should be answered in the positive and immediate but that's not how god works that's no god works please lord do not grant all the requests i make of you because i make some requests sometimes out of my natural feeling yeah pray for god to stop some people but stop them what's that mean i don't know say god stop them in your own way in your own time psalm 35 david god oh god leave it at one time leave it close out with this got livid at one time and if god were to answer it this generally maybe he would kill off everybody plead my cause oh god with them that strive with me fight against them that fight against me take hold of sheila and bakla stand up for my help draw out the spear stop the way against them that persecute my soul let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul let them be turned back and brought to confusion that device might hurt let them be as chaff before the wind and let the angels of the lord chase them let their way be dark and slip slippery and let the angel of the lord persecute them my goodness when you pray a prayer like that if god were to answer in totality all of this maybe when he got through answering only david and his family would remain alive oh jesus if god were to answer all of this as it is prayed and as it is spread when you get through maybe only a few people leave in the church maybe a few people live in government a few people live in your community glory to god hallelujah so he will not answer all the time the way we ask of him he will do it according to his own will and purpose and for his pleasure and when he does it give him praise if it's a yes give him praise if it's a no give him praise my god if it's a weight give him praise if your enemies still continue to flourish although they are fighting against you and you're praying so hard and heavy against them and they're still blossoming and blooming give god praise he know what he's doing i don't want to tell you what i think he might be doing but i know what he's doing the lord bless you today thank you for sharing with me sorry i didn't get to complete all of this but we'll complete some other time got some powerful things here to say thank you for sharing two telephone calls and we close in prayer but time is gone completely my goodness but i enjoy this i need two calls only yeah keep the call lines going only two whilst you're doing that remember my covenant as in k-o-v-e-n-a-n my covenant prayer cloth is available you can get them by the church you can get them at the office you can get mother's security booth if you were to come by overseas send us a mailing address we'll mail them to you yeah you heard me right somebody said great teaching bishop well that's what we do here all right so thank you for sharing this day with me want to join me tonight on worldwide prayer meeting so many things to pray about so i want you to join me and prepare your hearts for prayer prayer prayer and much more prayer join us sunday morning seven o'clock and 9 45 two great services join us on wednesday for fasting and first wednesday fast is coming up what date in february will that be first wednesday february not too far from here so plan to be with me for first wednesday in february right that will be the third of february my birth month so join me for the third of february also for first wednesday's fast and the way we can have it all right my first caller is from saint thomas and i'll take one more and we pray welcome nordia the lord be with you good afternoon pastor yes ma'am i'll just like request prayer for everyone who is not well he had a stroke just asking for prayer and that he will give his heart to the lord okay where is he now he is at home resting all right we say a prayer for everyone that he be saved and that he be healed thank you for calling in his behalf okay thank you bless you here bless you all right who who's my final caller for today only two calls i minister the word for a long time because i want to bless you with god's word and to set you up for a miracle as we clean up our hands and our hearts by the blood of jesus christ you'll get the miracle that you need okay so my my covenant prayer cloth they're available repeating and you can get them no cost i did save no cost make a contribution to help us defray the expenses and that's my second and final caller sister palmer from baltimore welcome thank you lord amen thank you jesus thank you god i don't blame you hallelujah my goodness glory thank you jesus glory to god [Music] thank you i'm asking you to pray for me glory kian says just plague in my body um i had a large mass i found a large mass in my body um earlier well it was there from last year i didn't really go to doctor because of the kovid but by the time i went there in july it was so large i look like i was pregnant or so we got to hurry up and do this surgery i did it in october and they found in one of my ovary a low dose of cancer so they said i suspect it to be coming from somewhere else so i went and do a colonoscopy wednesday of this week and they told me they found a large mass in my colon hallelujah hallelujah bless your name jesus somehow i'm just praying and asking the lord for our healing oh thank you jesus are you there thank you for calling ma'am yes i'm just i'm just meditating on what you're saying and penetrating it in the spirit and seeking a a directive from the lord if i get one i'll give it to you that's why i also i can hardly hear you though i don't know maybe it's my phone i can hardly hear you yeah i was hearing you very well i'm saying i was just meditating on what you were saying yes and at the same time feeling out in the spirit if i got a directive from the holy spirit you know yes that's what i was doing but we are going to pray for you yes that's about prayer time now glory you can hung up and believe god as we pray for you okay oh you want me to hang up and you'll pray yes dear we're gonna pray you're tuning aren't you yeah yes glory to god hallelujah thank you lord thank you jesus glory to the name of jesus our father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we look to you now the author and the finisher for faith the joy that was set before you you endure the cross you despise the shame you are set down at the right and of god we lift up to you no oh god almighty amen sister there in baltimore we lift her up to you father god in the name of jesus sister palmer the enemies afflicting lord god her body amen with the sickness that nobody wants to hear about none at all we don't want to hear about any sickness more so cancer that is so pervasive in the society today malignant most times in the name of jesus christ we pray that you lay your hands upon earth you cursed the fig tree and it dried up from the root and it died by the power of god in the name of jesus i pray that you lay your hands upon sister palmer right now and make her completely whole as i pray for her i pray for everalt that you will raise him up from that condition of stroke in his body and that you will save him by your grace oh god let the power of god overshadow them both and every person in my audience at home and abroad amen and whatever medium they are right now we pray that you'll arise for them turn it around father you tell us in your word the weapons will form but they shall not prosper we decree in the name of jesus christ or the weapons of sickness shall not prosper and the people of god shall be well raised up by the power of god cancer we serve you notice now in the name of jesus christ we command you to leave it's upon us body you are trespassing you are trespassing on god's property you got to go in the name of jesus and father for everyone who stand in need of a healing miracle a salvation miracle financial miracle marital miracle oh god whatever miracle they need you are the miracle worker do it for your people it's in the name of jesus christ we pray amen and amen praise god hallelujah god bless you yeah every cancer patient heal them lord every single one thank you jennifer in the name of jesus god bless every one of you thank you for sharing today and by the grace of god from the studio again on monday we will resume time of refreshing but until then we'll meet for worldwide prayer meeting tonight at nine o'clock facebook and youtube and those of you in jamaica close proximity join us for church service on sunday morning seven o'clock and 9 45 god be with you lord is my shepherd i shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside is still as he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i'll fear no evil for thou what with me thou rather their staff they comfort me thou preparest the table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil my cup runeth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever and evil god bless you everybody we love you stay under the blood of jesus christ covered and protected the devil can do you no arm until we meet again goodbye from all of us here at power of faith ministries and a time of refreshing i can't take a heart that's broken make it over again but i [Applause] [Music] i can't take you
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 3,841
Rating: 4.9235668 out of 5
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Length: 75min 40sec (4540 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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