Sunday Morning LIVE - July 15, 2018

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I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] to [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] just what Haven just begin to give embrace in the house this morning worship the Lord in the house this morning glory to God that's what we are here for this morning the way to die we didn't just wake up out of our bed and come here to sit and look around we come to give Him glory we come to give Him praise together hallelujah hallelujah we worship you we worship you we worship we worship you we worship you we worship dude we honor you we honor you we honor you know we honor you we are we we glorify your name we glorify you we honor your name Jesus we holiday glory to God we honor you you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] we will live to uh we live to world hallelujah where to Jesus ha ha ha hallelujah people re buy your day we glorify your name glory by us Oh God ah God we worship you seats us Hey we worship Jesus Jesus Jesus be my Savior Jesus we are the unity we glorify you Jesus you are worthy of all praise you're worthy of all glory you're worthy of ohana yes to be magnified here's a burglary by God and we worship you they killed Jesus take your Jesus take your Jesus thank you Jesus take your Lord let me greet the whole soil of faith this morning in the mighty name of Jesus the tide who reigns our God who reigns forever hallelujah we worship Him thank you Jesus glory to God just wanna do this chorus wallow why am i chief praise God let said Holy Ghost came down inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] saya saya Jesus answer [Music] these creatures including us with your soul on fire miss Elodie busting down walls aiya [Music] [Music] [Applause] hold on fire listen woody coster-waldau saya [Applause] [Music] fire [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] my fire [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jesus Jesus [Music] this morning [Music] [Music] Jesus beauty all the nests this one [Music] you are worthy you are worthy Jesus he were the Lord you are worthy of all grace you're worthy of all honey you're warned of all glory none like you not like you Jesus there is none [Music] Jesus hallelujah glory to take your Jesus take your Jesus take your Jesus there's some praise on inside or clocks [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we worship You Jesus we hire you Jesus and we magnify your name all glory to God thank you Jesus praise not want to sing for more attention in this morning I have a great [Music] operation spritz oh he loved me do you have a crane this morning just lift up your hands just lift up your hearts Oh glory to God and serenade him this morning not great who stick it closer [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus Jesus Oh God Hey ha ha [Music] father we come before you you know her the name of the name of Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth the one who you sent to die on the cross for us wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and it is by His stripes we are healed this morning god we thank you for this opportunity where we can come and enter into your gates with our Thanksgiving and into your courts with praise God we come to present our case before you because God we struggled through the past week mighty God you stood your ground and you said we should not go because you have prepared a place and you have preserved us for such a time as this Lord God you protected us through the time of our sleep through last night and you carried us safely to the House of Prayer this morning and here we are before you lifting the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth this morning Almighty God we come knowing that when we ask it shall be given when we seek you we shall find you when we have searched with all of our hearts we come this morning with a longing we come with a thirst this morning we come with a hunger for righteousness we come attica because you call us to be holy as the word holy that were reminded from time to time that righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach unto any man mighty God will bring our approach to you this morning we ask for your forgiveness we seek mighty God the opportunity again to set our priorities right with you and so God we lay it all before you on the altar of sacrifice mighty God may you consume it with the fire of the Holy Spirit this morning may you consume us God and make us more like you may you consecrate us may you washers wash us with these soap and we shall be washis and we shall be white as snow this morning God we present all cases before you because God we know you are the charge and you're the Torah mighty God of Daniel we put this morning service in your hands every department god that will minister before you we pray God that will be ministry straight out of heaven in the name of Jesus Christ mighty God we intercede for your people this morning whoever needed this morning God and need for salvation I need for healing I need to be strengthened and need to be encouraged guard because of what they have been through for the past week many are questioning you mighty God who am i serving you and going through this but help us to understand it is the part that you so choose to strengthen us God and for us to lay aside every winter and come before you each day spirit of the Living God we present to you a Shepherd that you have so given unto us the man of this time mighty God that you also choose to lead us in the name of Jesus we give you his wife who has been the strength of the tower mighty Gardo interceding for your people in the name of Jesus we thank you for him mighty God we thank you for our mighty God we thank you for the ministry that will come through the choirs and their different presentations we thank you mighty God Oh for the a/v department who have so been in the play role role play of bringing your message throughout the world in the name of Jesus our Father God stand with us this morning touch down on the spot of burned Holy Spirit of God in fear Lois Pearce this morning in feared our privacy this morning Santeria toss mighty garter from the rostrum to the pew mighty God of Daniel Holy Spirit of God walk through every bench this morning touchdown and I remember this morning you know there needs the Vanguard you know close we should be with you and so different God draw us this morning closer than ever before in the name of Jesus Lord God we give this aspect of the service in your hands have your way this morning all the Spirit of God and let your precious will be done we pray this morning that your word will comfort with clarity and understanding and touch into the hearts of their people which have now become fertile soil to receive your seed the word the logos in the name of Jesus Christ may it be operative in our life day to day let it be active let it be the strength that we saw lean on each day mighty God the word that you will send our way Holy Spirit of God Ted preeminence this morning and let your will be done we give you honor we give you glory we praise you for who you are we magnify you dear God we thank you Holy Spirit of God have your way this morning God and let your will be done in the name of Jesus Christ we pray amen thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus just lift your hand and praise the king of all Kings just magnify the lord of our lords and as you work back to your seat ring out the praise to the almighty one the one who made it possible for us to be here the one who continues to extend grace and mercy the one who continues to preserve us in such a time of business we bless your name Holy Spirit of God we worship you just stand on your feet wring out the praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah to the king of all kings bless the name of the Lord hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus reach for your Bibles please and we'll our sister Dana Thomson to come and read us this morning's scripture praise God thank you Jesus good morning Church lift up your hands and give him a glory this morning if he has been good to you give him a glory this morning hallelujah this morning scripture is taken from Philippians 3 verses 1 to 16 and I will read finally my brethren rejoice in the Lord to write the same things to you to me indeed is not Grievous but for you it is safe beware of dogs beware of evil workers beware of concision for we are the circumcision which worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh though I might also have confidence in the flesh if any other man thinketh that he hath aware of him I trust in the flesh I more circumcised the eighth day of the stock of Israel of the tribe of Benjamin an Hebrew of the Hebrews as touching the law a Pharisees concerning zeal persecuting the church touching the righteousness which is in the law blameless but what things were gain to me those I counted loss for Christ yay doubtless and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung that I may win Christ and be found in him not having my own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousness which is of God by faith that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death I met 18 on to the resurrection of the Dead that as Dore I had already attained either were already perfect but I follow after if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus brethren I count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus let us therefore as many as be perfect be thus minded and if in anything he be otherwise minded God shall reveal even this unto you sixteenth and last nevertheless we're two we have already attained let us walk by the same rule let us mind by the same thing here and it's a portion of the God's holy words we honor it by saying glory be to the Father and to the unto the Holy Ghost as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end amen praise the Lord praise the Lord you may be seated if you can let me take a few seconds to greet the Holy Spirit who is evident evidently in the midst let me take the time to greet our pastor Bishop doctored Alfred Davis minister dr. Petrova Davis all sitting ministers on the upper and lower platform senior assistant pastor minister ISIL the Northman all new congregations congregation officers I greet you in the mighty name of Jesus it is missionary Sunday it's also a day to give praise because the Lord has brought us through a struggling week last week we made it through because of His grace and it is in this grace that we stand this morning because it is purposed for us to go hon praise God I know : sister Raquel worker Raquel Stewart to greet bring us greeting and acknowledgement welcome and acknowledgement greetings and salutations in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the one who was and is and is to come Psalm 150 verse 60 Clair's let everything that hath breath praise the Lord praise ye the Lord if you're glad to be alive this morning let me hear you praise the name of the Lord praise God during our Sunday morning life services we take a special pause to recognize or first and second time visitors and this morning is no exception so we invite any such persons worshiping with us today to wave your hands so that we can officially acknowledge you thank you we see you we want you to know that we are truly blessed by your visit and we believe that God has directed your journey here this very moment in time on behalf of our pasto Bishop dr. Alfred Davis his wife minister dr. Petrova Davis Orsini assistant pastor Reverend I still denote man the ministerial staff and the pfm family members I extend a sincere welcome to you our visitors our viewers on Flo cable network p FM channels six zero two and six seven two and digital play channel 20 and our browsers via the internet on p FM family org YouTube and Facebook live before I take my leave I just want to assure you that this is the best day of the rest of your life as today if you're not yet saved the door to salvation is flung wide open for you to walk right through into a new beginning if you have already made your calling and election sure just join with us in fellowship and communion while we feast at the viewers and our browsers for sharing with us today god bless you praise the Lord praise the Lord we'll now have a choir ministry from the voices of inspiration sorry golden voices praise God praise God just lift your hands and praise the Lord as they walk or give the note of praise to the Lord God himself the God remains forever and forever hallelujah blessed be the name of the Lord or God or remains that was strong tower the righteous continues to run into him and our safe you have the opportunity on sufferance the door is open to you this morning the invitation is extended to you praise God you let us stand please let's worship the Lord everybody go ahead and give God thumbs [Applause] you've got praising else worship Him everybody Majesty worship His Majesty on 2g [Music] pre-order free lift your hand and say majesty [Music] just [Music] loose from its true or - here's a fabric what no I hear you say so XR lift up on the of cheese [Music] a fire [Music] Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] it's bad [Music] Jesus glorified giggling come on give the Lord praise gave the Lord fridge give the Lord praise given blow let's now hear from the golden voices and if they're not ready they'll take their seats give them a begun peace [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] each morning we wake we see the new science of the time and indeed the Lord is coming soon is coming very soon we know not when well what we know it can be a morning it can be a night and it can be unknown I implore you and courage you beat you ready have your lamps trimmed so you can be categorized with the five wise virgins stay on your knees my brethren pray for your unsaved friends and family that the Lord will bring a change to their life so there will not be left out of it no one wants to see your family member die but what about thinking of them losing them in sin the opportunities ours to pray pray until you pray don't watch what you see on the outside the Lord God starts work within we cannot see what is inside continue to pray continue to pray praise God it is missionary Sunday and I must take time to greet the president of the women of our department missionary Tameka Peter can the first the president and then you have this first and second vice president Matt exhorter Carl Matthews and Deaconess Evelyn Gayle the missionary department do meet every second and third Monday of the month tomorrow is a meeting day and I encourage all you ladies including myself to come out for meeting at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow Monday the 16th now please help me welcome the ministry of the voices of triumph praise God [Music] hallelujah c'mon let's worship the Lord hallelujah little Polly hands and shout hallelujah but is worthy to be praised hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on keep the worship going how do we keep the worship going hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I do ask that the praise and worship tip come and help us with the chorus though the battle may be hot and the conflicts or no rahmato rocky the road but we'll still taking the journey because we know who is our pilot hallelujah hallelujah [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shall we break the mark no matter the road and no matter how certain conflict is we have a refuge our soul he remains the same yesterday today and forever just continue to trust in God trust in him stand on his promises praise the Lord I must get out of the way it was my pleasure to have served in this capacity this morning right after will have the ministry of the voices of inspiration and then our parcel God's manservant will come to us is no other than dr. Dell furred the voices of inspiration thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] lifts you up hallelujah [Music] when you've done all that you can to stand I know that it's hard sometimes [Music] those tears I [Music] this in mind [Music] so hard to find surely you not read [Music] right at all [Music] when you don't know you can't [Music] that is hard sometimes [Music] so hard to find [Music] [Music] bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] instead nor they get so hard [Music] it's all [Music] your eyes on the breeze that blows his heart only one that knows [Music] you've tried it all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mine [Music] [Music] at all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sing that one more time fire [Music] [Applause] thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] hallelujah give the Lord praise giving prayer worship the king of heaven will reply the Lord give it thanks unto Him praise his worthy to be praised I would bless the Lord at all times [Music] it is spread shall continually we hid my mouth my soul shut maker post in the morning hallelujah look to him they look after him their faces were not a shame his Foreman cried [Music] is the stresses that God is nigh unto them war for broken heart and it saves those that mean of a contrite spirit lop your head said give me bhai to bridge they do [Applause] tell your neighbor look to him you might be going through some turbulent waters look to him [Applause] uncertainty moves all over you look to him friend spite of let you down look to him [Music] your back is against the proverbial wall look to him [Music] [Applause] [Music] what trust the horses are the Cheerios look to him [Music] Jesus your eyes must be lifted but to him from whence cometh her yes look to him [Music] doctor here [Music] god bless you the babysitter title wire [Music] wore it to Jesus with all around my soul gives way he still is my own and the steel look to him look to him [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] we welcome all of you this morning welcome all of you in this sanctuary by television by internet by social media we give the Lord thanks that he has brought us together again for corporate worship and we seek to worship Him in spirit and in truth for God is seeking for those types of worshipers we want you to be prayerful and stay before the Lord because these are evil days in the last days perilous times shall come but these are the last days and perilous times have come everywhere to be seen what let us continue to look to him so we welcome and greet you all and trust that your we past has been a very good one challenges we know would have come you might have lost some things but thank God you still have your testimony you have your hope you have your song you have not lost your faith or your courage by the grace of God you're still standing strong shake your neighbors on and tell them I might not know you what I thank God for you come on yeah you don't know everybody I thank God for you if you were not here I'll be sitting here alone and I rather have you beside me than an empty bench lorry Thank You Lauren these are summer months and people take lots of vacation not just from work but also from church so you must give God thanks for those who are here sister Russell if you hear talk with me before you leave today that's their owner Russell their own are you here you are god is good amen last week this time I was ministering there in Miramar with that assembly we had three great services Saturday the 7th was there ela family ela nation third in the series there in Miramar elde in one of the Civic Center's we had a wonderful time with the Brethren and other Brethren and civic leaders mayors and commissioners and others it was a wonderful time and then Sunday we had two great services again a family service stronger together and in the evening we had a marriage setting all married couples and I want to bless all you wonderful people there in Miramar and never dreamed we would have had so many couples they came from various places and Fort Lauderdale from Hollywood from all over and we had a great time with the couples overseer Michael Hutchinson and his wife there doing a fantastic job give them a hand please yeah and you're doing a great job here too when I when I watch you by internet buy whatever then I see the things we must adjust and rather Markland be here for members meeting you rates raised some very salient points with me having said that members meeting will be on Wednesday night everybody say Wednesday night it's not for the faithful few it's for all of you who are members of this church so we hope to see you tell your neighbor I look forward to seeing you sitting beside me on Wednesday night god bless you so I agreed dr. Petrova a wonderful lady she looks good in she yeah bless God for her faithful servants of God and I bless him for these stalwart ministers from top to bottom bottom to top everyone as a place in the kingdom and we bless God for them I'm still trying to get my corrects own this is a brand new microphone so I think they are still experimenting with it don't get my song as yet brand new microphone when we bring stuff here you will take care of them okay you see this mic in my hand it's over $65,000 for this mic $65,000 and you could just do like this and it's gone you drop it it's done so please when you whole a mic is not bread money hole it properly untreated rights did you hear what I said all right please you heard me right sick over $65,000 things are expensive especially if a church all right so much for that let's try to look to the word what we want you to pray for those who will take the trip to Israel Egypt and Jordan coming up shortly and this evening will be men's baptismal service all males all men all men and we hope to have a harvest of many are tonight and they want to see every woman come to celebrate the man celebrate your man they won't have to be your man but come celebrate the man you may get a man from one of these men [Music] so don't act as though summer you don't well want a man when after Zoe I'm sorry Minister Davis a husband want a husband okay it's different from a man or she's so dignified a hospital not a man you can find a man anywhere but husbands are special men so we hope to see you god bless you let us pray guide us Heavenly Father as we enter upon your word Holy Spirit we look to you as the author of wisdom and knowledge and revelation anoint this lump of clay make it usable Lord I seek only to do your will speak to me speak through me to this congregation to television listeners radio internet YouTube Facebook wherever I pray that the permeating anointing of God will saturate all of these communities and let you will be done salvation to the laws healing to the sick strength to those who are we encouragement to those who are discouraged Victor those who walk in it all's of defeat Oh God let health agenda be defeated in the name of Jesus we render them powerless right now and by your authority we speak in Jesus name it's good to see evangelist Mathon from the Brooklyn Assembly am i seeing right god bless you son give him a hand please yes if he's Philippians chapter three sixteen verses were read earlier and I want to bring your message from this text under the theme narrow your focus what a message Naro your focus when we look at verses 13 and 14 Paul makes it abundantly clear he says brethren I count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before I press toward the mark for the prize of the eye what does this mean we'll find out after a while this message my brethren seeks to address what I call the all-important matter of priority everybody's a priority yes it seeks to address the all-important matter of priority prioritize prioritization those three words speaks volume to all of us as we conduct our daily lives if we do not prioritize that means set things in order our lives is likely to be like a humble and anything goes whenever and wherever and however God doesn't want us to live that way because God is a God of order the law of priority teaches that first things should always take precedence of both time and position so that which is prioritized is given precedence of time and position are you with me not whenever and or ever what time and position is very important when you are setting priorities it speaks to that which takes priority is given superiority in rank superiority in position and superiority in privilege whatever you prioritize you are going to give it a special place of priority a position and a privilege are you with me somebody you are going to give it some preferential treatment because you know if this doesn't work things will fall out of place let me share one simple thing with you we spend lots of money I suppose on clothes clothes from it to toes seen and unseen but do you not know that some people will neglect educating their minds to buy a piece of garment and you should realize that once you can live without a lot of things you cannot live without a sane mind and informed mine so if you go into a store and you see or something you can do without what you really want it and something that you think you need if you see a book and you see a loaf of bread believe me sometimes it's better to spend the money by the book than to buy the bread are you not with me because you have a lot of things on that you can heat but you do not have that book you can read to give you knowledge in your mind you still with me somebody so we must put the book above the bread sometimes you're still with me there it is said that if you want to hide things from people of my color then you write it in a book shame on us are you still with me their Word of God says my people are destroyed for the lock of knowledge okay so we must put them in superiority rank position privilege that which you prioritize are in any other quality now let me move on I'm giving you a few definitions from a particular volume which I'll nons little deprioritized speaks to the old question of preferential rating assigning rights amen to assigning rights to products are limited scarce resources when a thing is instance care supply economy is driven by supply and demand when a thing is in sixth gear is in scarce supply the prices go up are you still with me when you have a lot of supply the demands go down and the prices go down are you still with me there so you want to realize that you must look into your life and see the things that you need to prioritize in order to be a success in life sometimes we think as Christians we can just shout our way to victory we can just dance away to victory we can just clap on sing away to victory or no there are some fundamental laws that are at work and if we do not apply those laws we could be as Oly as angels in heaven we are going to be found wanting where certain things are concerned oh I think I was making sense here so when you prioritize you say to something I'm gonna give you preference above all the other competing alternatives all the other competing alternatives that come my way I'm gonna give fisting are these things preference and priority over all the other competing alternatives and usually they are many are you with me I seem to lose some of um sorry if I do everything that we position ourselves to do in life there could be an alternative but you have to say first things first and preference will be given to that which is first can you say help us Lord say help us Lord said one more time hallelujah glory those definitions I gave you came from Webster's third new international seven language dictionary that's an old dictionary hold on I have the message therefore Norrell your focus nor your focus when you look at the Apostles words in Philippians chapter 3 this text his expressions are very clear the Apostle knew exactly what he wanted to achieve and he knew how you would achieve them sometimes we know what we want to achieve in life but we do not know how to achieve them the Apostle was very clear he says brethren I caught not myself two of our print at verse 13 of Philippians chapter 3 but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind on reaching forth to those things which are before he said I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus are you with me the main emphasis therefore as I read this text through many times the main emphasis I find is on the five words in verse 13 look at it carefully this one thing I do this one thing I do those five words no brethren and sisters hear me will if you are to narrow down your list your long lists today to one thing what on earth would that one thing be Bishop that's a hard question on earth could you have somebody to do that well you've got to look within a particular category let me put it there if you look in your spiritual life not your physical not your social not your marital not your academic but look in your spiritual life today and if you were to say like Paul this one thing I will do in relation to my spiritual life what would that one thing be and there was silence in the house what would that one thing be difficult what Paul was very straightforward this was a straightforward declaration this was not a man wavering this was not a man procrastinating this was not a man searching for the weaker side of the fence to lean on this was not a man seeking for alternatives one two or three this man's focus was completely settled on what he wants to do in relation to his spiritual life somebody praise him with me there roboticist straightforwardness say holy ambition say spiritual striving straightforwardness holy ambition spiritual striving Paul could have said many many many other things in relation to his desire to achieve more of God we sing the song to be like Jesus to be like Jesus the sport asked disappear like him do I have any person here today who has that desire hallelujah I want to take you to a through a few one thing in the scripture bear with me maybe about five of them you know some of them Psalm 27 and for one thing of I want one thing of hi and what is it one thing of I desired of the Lord and that will I seek after Oh Gloria feel my preacher coming that I may abide in the presence of the Lord all the days why to be all the beauty of the Lord and to inquire Oh somebody got a good place to give God a praise here hallelujah Holly all glory to God hallelujah so that one thing desired in psalm 27:4 is a desire that every one of us should have now there is another one thing in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 19 Psalms proverbs Ecclesiastes let's see if I can find it here Ecclesiastes 3 and 19 there's another one thing desired there you still with me will not desire but one thing that happens to all ecclesiastical 19 for that which before the sons of men before it beasts every one thing before them as one diet so diet the other yay they have all one breath so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast for all is vanity one thing that befalls everything that has breath is up one day it will die Oh glory to God the only preeminence and superiority we have about the Beast is that when we die we shall live again because he breathed the humor into us his breath and we became a living soul somebody praise God with me Jesus spoke to one thing lacking in mark chapter 10 and verse 21 I soon get rid of this mark 10 and 21 then Jesus beholding him loved him and said unto him one thing so locust one thing of all the things in this world I want to know how to enter the kingdom unto eternal life and is only one thing I'm locking Jesus said one thing the lock is go thy way sell whatsoever the hearts and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come take up your cross and follow me could it be that this man was lack of love I was in compassion was it brotherly kindness but Jesus said you seem to be trusting so much in your material possession let them know Tec second place let the things of God take priority in your life go sell give and follow me you lock one thing and then he said in Luke chapter 10 and verse 42 that one thing is needful so here we see one thing desired Psalm 27 and for one thing that happens to all Ecclesiastes 3:19 one thing lacking mark 10 - anyone know one thing needful Luke 10 and verse 42 what he says is needful there but one thing is needful and mary has chosen that part which shall not be taken away from her there was a spiritual mary and the domestic martha wild martha cared for the domestic shores and worried that mary was not engaging ourselves in them Jesus says Martha you don't understand this one thing that is needful you are not going to go to heaven because you have a barrage and a bunch of other things you're not gonna make it through the pearly gates because you are born free water odds and one two three high-end vehicles and a PhD and a BSc and a man whatever you're not gonna go to heaven because you have connection with big people in this earth you're not gonna make sure Evan because you're a part of a wonderful charge near powerful ministries or whatever the name of your church is you're going to make it because you divorce and dedicate your life to that which is godly that which is spiritual and that which is right in the sight of God somebody praise God here so when I said nor are your focus this is where I'm going tell somebody narrow your focus now you focus this type on this all kind of thing let people feel good you know those things are like gravy they can't satisfy somebody praising me with me so Jesus and Martha you're worrying about things that are temporary and temporal they stop right here one thing is needful Mary recognize that and she has chosen the good parts that you'll never be taken away from her you can take my title you can take my position you can take my possession you can take all you wanna tag what if my life is hid with Christ in God if I'm wrapped up tied up untangle up in him all that you take doesn't matter much for long hallelujah when your focus is narrowed on you know what you should bless priority on job said nag had came into this world boy I feel like preaching here naked I shall return the Lord gave the Lord has taken away blessed be the name of the Lord the well this man became the poorest man oh I feel the Holy Ghost I would to God somebody would pray sit in this house hallelujah the man of Hana became the man of scorn and shame but he says give me a prick like a pointer time job say you cannot - what you own you all gone - everything is a detached my focus is knowledge and no one ever after I know what I want to achieve I know that there will be a tomorrow so what turn essays doesn't mean a whole lot and now I'm living not just on my today hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand upon a day and lot upon the earth and the latter days and go after my skins words tear up this body and now one of these days I shall say God whom I shall see for myself mine eyes shall behold and not another still somebody narrow your focus nor are your focus emit light yes Oh Nara your forecasts and your life will be more comfortable boy I feel like preaching a message as some people don't understand [Music] shunned Arabic oh it is somebody help me praise Korea one thing desired psalm 27:4 one thing happens to all men and beasts Ecclesiastes 3 19 one thing lacking mark 10 21 one thing needful Luke 10 42 John 9:25 one thing known John 9:25 what do I find there John 19 25 where the e be a sinner I know I know not one thing God Almighty whoa Jesus do have anybody here who knows her today somebody help me praise God Almighty you could not shut down that blind man I don't know if he's a sinner I don't know if he has Beelzebub I don't know his background I don't know them thing but one thing I know where and I was blind I'm not lying a blind you can't take that from me hello I would to God I have a host here today that would look every hypocrites in the hide would look at repress spiritual proselytes in the high who tried to tell you you are not born again because you don't do this you don't do that your God on got the error here I would to God you'll be able to look them in the eyes and said I don't know what you know and what you're saying but one thing I know Oh glory to God why was a sinner in the deepest eye but the blood of Jesus rots on me Taizo where you're baptized but I'm a new creation I'm a nun worship the where you worship but I'm a new creation I might not go to church the day in which you gonna trash but glory to God one thing I know things I used to do I do them the mind place I used to God and God near Namur because I'm born again let the born-again people jump on your feet and lift up your hand and shout I'm born again shout it again are born again [Music] sit down please lord have mercy anybody since the little Awana since over here [Applause] one thing finally on this one thing about time T IME second Peter chapter three and verse eight but beloved be not ignorant of this one thing what is it that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day what could Peter be implying in all of this he could very well be implying that you might think you've been waiting for a long time but your long time is as one day with the Lord it could also be implying that brethren whatever your present States and position on condition is within one day God oh you're not getting this thought should never tell them within one day one day - authority one day I've ever seen different weather condition in one day you see bright sunshine you see rain you see blue music load on all kinds of situation it's a very same way in one day your sickness has been in you for years in one day God can heal you one stroke of his on Oh glory to God your financial woes in one day God can turn it around well how could he do that Bishop because he's a miracle worker and he does perform miracles [Music] he owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills Oh glory to God is our system Mackenzie from Dominica wave your hand if it's not you okay Dominica I heard a little of your testimony you shared with Minister Davis and look Oh God came through what a mighty God we serve somebody help me praise God you can't hurry God all you gotta do his wings wait I say don't worry he is not in any hurry he may not come when you want him but he's right son time right time touch somebody telling rates on time right site right on time you're four days legs its semen all hope is gone Lord you don't understand we waited so long but his wings not you'ii not yours or mine I feel a holocaust is a decrease those lips is still on time halleluyah halleluyah tell somebody trust God trust God stay away Tony trust him trust him I'm feeling horny goes over here praise him over half or here's a tip great boy is four days late [Music] time Oh God Almighty [Music] he's an on-time guy yeah God somewhere you don't get this thing out yeah but he's hurt it Chris though he is four days late he's still on time [Music] sit down please let's finish this so what says prioritize priority Nora your focus and make things easier Nora your focus and said spiritual priorities in order Jesus declared it in Matthew 6 and verse 33 is that Cee the kingdom of God is righteousness that's the kind of spiritual priority seeing the kingdom first I tell my brethren Wendell whenever they leave here migrate to other countries I said to them the first thing you should seek out is a place of worship the before you look a job find out which part one good church there good church find a good church so when you read from verse 25 of Matthew chapter 6 known to 33 you would see that Jesus was saying to them I know you're concerned about what to eat what you drink what you wear where you live here and all kinds of stuff but he says you're every father knows that you need all of those things but he wants you to set your priorities right he wants you to put him fast I'm sorry for those of you paid tithes when you spend out all the money I don't know where that came from well I pay my tithes but I'm got to I got to do all of these things first oh no if God is first his portion must be first are you not saying anything that's why summer you don't pay tides some of you in this church and in your church yeah you're looking on me yeah yeah no your church you don't pay ties and you're sitting there shouting dancing keeping skipping clapping and doing all of your duties and if God were to write a name on you God would say Rob ah Jesus don't fix with me brethren if God were to put the slosh across your stomach so God give me a name please Arlo be be somebody fish it from your counter spell if I can't smell it Jesus Jesus Bishop you better go about to Miramar ok when you prioritize your giving which is a part of your spiritual commitment oh no when you prioritize your giving which is a part of your spiritual commitment to God to his church you don't wait until you spend all you can spend because truth be told you don't have enough to spend on all that you have to spend on so God's gonna be left behind and you've robbed me even this whole nation where we have we robbed you it says he robbed me bought in tithe and in offering this revelation came most times we put the emphasis on tithe but God says is not just tithes we're robbing in you robbed me bought in tithe and in offering because some of you give times but you don't give our friends you think your it covers everything oh come on offering robbers come on tie robbers I'm saying it so gentle here chilly neighbor norio focus and prioritize God must be first he must be first in your giving first in your worship put the camera straight on me please anybody stay away from your church today because of World Cup football finally you have an idol that you need to tear down that's not godly any man woman stands from your place of worship today because you won't be fully involved in grass in World Cup final Croatia and friends some you'll never go to Croatia never go to France but you want to go to heaven are you not with me [Applause] the nearest Idol I have known what here any hide I'll be help me to tear it from the throne and worship only ye thou shalt have no other gods before me I am Jehovah somebody praise God if I'm preaching the good gospel here Jesus let's finish this so that's how Jesus ordered priority seek ye first the kingdom of God His righteousness and all things shall be added unto you so in the text the Apostle Narada is activities and he openly communicated his priorities as it relates to his spiritual life rubbished all of the trophies that he had obtained he rubbish them in pursuit of that which is that which matters most what he says he says all the things that were gained unto me I count them but alas where are we Philippians 3 that's where we're coming from all the truth is all the accolades all that this and all the that I trust them rubbish them because I have sent my priority I know what I'm after are you with me number one to know Christ he wanted to experience his power he wanted to share in his suffering he wanted to be conformed to his death according to the text and ultimately he want to be part of the resurrection some people are not setting their prime spiritual priorities they are putting everything else above their spiritual life if you want to be a part in the resurrection you got to do what Paul says rubbish everything else let them come second and turn on foot and five and six and don't want read what Christ must be number one somebody say something there [Music] hallelujah it's my on the altar of sacrifice Lee it's my all to the spirits control I can only be blessed the peace and sweeter is when I heal them my body ends oh Jesus somebody praising me so he says I want to know him I want to experience his power I want to share in his suffering I want to be conformed to his death and ultimately I want to be part of that first resurrection are you here with me voices yeah reported the first resurrection so don't let things and people take away your your gaze from your spiritual life distract you will take away your focus set your priorities right all glory to God somebody give him a present [Music] so in all of this my takeaway is that he's saying to us narrow your spiritual focus this apostle or certainly a man on a mission what is your mission today what is your one thing spiritually speaking what are you pursuing spiritually you must be pursuing something it's not just come to church and sit don't have a good time sing and shout and dance and about no no you must have goals that you set yourself I leave three things with you as I close they do from this text because I believe Paul are a secret and we could discover this secret today and become more committed Christians according to verses 7 and 8 Philippians chapter 3 I believe Paul was saying there I discern what ended me he discerned but what things were gain to me those things I counted loss for Christ yeh don't Les and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but T u ng Y that I may win Christ if we are in combat with all kinds of things it is good to be friendly but it's not good to have too many friends are you not saying nothing it's good to be friendly nice sociable but it's not good to have too many friends because too many could mean destruction yourself with me there so he had to let go offense he loved fins he cherished because he found out that they were destructions there were destructions survey your life and see whether or not there are some things that you need to let go the people that you need to let go because those are the destructions of your life why you are not where you ought to be today things are the best way to let them go the easiest way to let them go it's a make a full commitment and surrender to Jesus Christ you can't stop drink by your own volition you need a spirit of God to help you you can stop woman is by your own volition you need a Spirit of God you're helping you can't stop pushing drugs and smoking dope by your own volition you need God to help you you can't stop world Mafia by yourself it's done in your spirit in your blood it's gonna take the blood of Jesus to help you so surrender your life to Jesus Christ and ask him to help you oh you don't want me preach the truth [Applause] your thing is to know some church people trying to stop work or beyond can't stop yet they have not laid it all on the altar but you can only be blessed and a peace and sweetness as I yield in my body and my soul [Music] young men you want to get a lot of guns and guns on drugs and criminality give Jesus a chance in your life where we found shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed to the Word of God all of them things you want to quit you want to stop you want to give up give Jesus Christ a chance Oh God Almighty for very man be in Christ there's a new creature by the way mate we met off to increase the the tides buckets are the envelope size okay people are going to start paying tithes no are you not saying not just jump in my head church is out near when your tithes increase send me a tides of tides because I preached on the blessing fall upon you come on pasta send me an offering for ministry because I'm helping you you don't think I'm doing that somebody give God praise here let's close so first of all II discerned what was entering him and he says I'm a lady my side number two he discovered what he wanted verses 9 and 10 if you read the text of Philippians 3 carefully he said I know what I want I want to be found in him not having my own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousness of God which is by faith that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his suffering he discovered what he wanted not only discerned what his endurance is her--her is wanting to discern them it's another thing to discover your needs are you with me somebody discover your needs and when you find out what your needs are pursue by the grace of God somebody praise God so he discerned his endurance as he discovered what you needed and finally he determined oh to get it you have to our determination things do not just hop on for happening seeing there got to be a made of mine you're still with me there if you're Hannah said by the grace of God I will discover what's entering me or our discern rather I'll discern what's entering me I'll discover what I need and I'm determined to achieve them in Jesus name as fury concludes in verse 12 and 14 single-minded passion he forgot the past and he says I'm going for the prize are you with me forget the past of your life which have ended you to this point and press toward the mark for the prize she's asserting Lord and help us to trust you more I challenge all of us today to design your Endurance's discover your need and fix your determination to go for the gold France will do everything to get the goals today on so will Croatia we're not going for that goal we are going for G old L T are you with me somebody we want to walk the streets that are paved with Geo LT who want a lien on the walls that are decorated with Jasper Oh glory to God we want to walk and live among all of those wonderful things that was in the Garden of Eden we want to make it in order for some of us to make it all of us we have to narrow our spiritual focus and get real tell your neighbor Norah your focus I close as I remind you those five words this one thing I do think about it each and every day if there's one thing that you need to do spiritually when the day starts and when it ends tell yourself by the grace of God this one thing our two beginning of my day in the middle of my day at the close of my day I'm going to ensure that my spiritual focus is sufficiently neurotic but I don't dance all over the place [Music] gather no moss but I'm single-minded where my spiritual life is concerned the Lord bless you stand with me everybody lift up your hands and give Him praise I believe I've delivered a message that's what I've resonated with many persons in this audience if God has spoken to you lift up your hands and begin to give Him praise come on did this make a difference in your life why not worship Him why not give him meaningful praise my God Almighty is my on the altar of sacrifice Lee it's my home to the spirit control o church I cannot lift up your hands and dispersals and sweet rest as I [Music] my bar ooh Jesus can I hear you sing up some again everybody [Music] bleep [Music] [Music] ready sir one more time your focus today you want to set spiritual heritage the arteries of I never bought every girl who sippy shop I heard a word of God a little more ordered in my life shush holy ghost everybody kiddo Oh some from the depth of your heart [Music] [Music] [Applause] the name of Jesus [Applause] [Music] everybody pray everybody [Music] you know the focus of your prayer right now in the light of the message that God has sent Jesus Nora your focus [Music] prioritize whoa glory hallelujah you know the focus of your prayer so talk to God as only you can [Music] Shaco baba Baba Shonda Marcus interior boasts a ribbon car my whole setup Oh bullsh India 3 my brother prick Freeman close your eyes and pray talk to God it's a serious business Shawn DeMarco said today there you'll call my sitter Jesus it profit nothing Lord for us again the whole world Oh God Almighty the lose our soul you gave was the order of priority the kingdom of God must be sought first is righteousness Oh God you will add them to us you'll give us food to eat he'll give us close to where you give us money to spend you'll give us houses to live here Oh God you give us jobs you give us opportunity for travel [Music] oh Jesus Jesus you give us wives you'll give us husbands you give us children you'll bless us with all things pertaining to life and godliness all temporal and material blessings flow behind the spiritual blessing Oh God Oh Sadie who Shanna shot Andheri me who can't ah hey Jesus we praise you come on saints of God talk to your heavenly Father talk to your heavenly father talk to him wait for us Lord Jesus we praise Jesus Rihanna you Jesus we can or if I you let your Holy Spirit rest upon us that is anointing saturate our be oldest on me cousin shape was into your image and into your likeness Oh there's none like You there is none like you who can pick up broken pieces there's not like you who can turn the tide there is not like you who can supply needs it's not like you there is not like there is not like you there's not like you there's none like you no one else could touch my heart like you do there is not like you there's not like you we praise you we praise you we praise you those are seat Astana live dependency theory snow biking [Music] [Music] raise your hand and sing it one more time to the horny [Music] it's [Music] can we see time why [Music] [Music] [Applause] singing one more time from the depth of your heart no one else touch my ah [Music] [Music] come on worship God knows of your spirit and soul and mind and everything that is within you open your mouth and lift up your soul and your spirit and give thanks and praise to the Almighty it's Jesus then some praise to the Almighty in the name of Jesus turn it around for somebody are you by God Almighty in Jesus name Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus send the loss illness it retained about silence [Music] there is it not lie to you [Music] love your Hansen give him the eye praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if your rights on itself to me Lord by your grace I want you to help me to set my spiritual priorities right and to pursue those priorities Jesus you know that there are many competing alternatives but in the name of Jesus by the grace of God I will render them null and void and I will seek after that which matters most in the name of Jesus amen and you see but all the converted men to come deceive them to be baptized all of you here maybe those of you have some questions in your mind as to whether or not people should some of your backsliders men or backslidden from god's church and you're worried are concerned about being baptized over because you hear some people say one Lord one faith and one baptism and you misunderstand all of that the one baptism has nothing to do with water baptism it has to do with the by one spirit are we all baptized into the body of Christ as a spirt baptism not a water baptism well the Bible recommends of those who box led should repent and do their first work again and after repentance his baptism he that believeth and is baptized the Bible speaks about especially the Book of Ezekiel and Jeremiah and in this New Testament the Lord says I will remarried about slider's romário marriage is a ceremony everybody's a ceremony so some of you want to be private secret disciples people can hold you to know Stan that don't work everyone that Jesus called he called them publicly you're not saying anything so our belief in this church is that once you were a public backslider you know they're sitting on doing all kinds of stuff you don't just draw back in the church you have to remarry if you divorce your wife or your husband and after a while you found it you did the wrong thing and I want man what about a woman you know you have to mire them again Romano your merits and - last for 15 years because you divorced them God spoke to his rule and he spoke to Judah about this site type of relationship they divorced him our relationship to Christ is like a marriage are you with me if he turns five I speak concerning Christ on the church so when you put away your wife or your husband through divorce and you want them back you have to remarry them if you divorce Christ by leaving him and go serve Satan and you want but Christ you have to remarry him are you not saying anything I saw beliefs and it is sown biblical beliefs and doctrines of the scripture so we want all of you converted men in this church and wherever you are come and get baptized tonight and set your life in order somebody say hey man don't you let's prepare for worship at this time in giving we give tithes and offerings special offering first fruits offering seed faith offering every man according to several abilities so let him give not grudgingly not sparingly not of necessity for God loves a father bless us now as we worship in tithes and offering and all the gifts that we have laid aside for you for your works sake we pray that every giver will be blessed many many many falls and the gifts will be blessed and used here for your glory and for your honor gifts and givers we present to you in Jesus name the ushers will lead us in given and Hereafter all of us will participate under the instructions of the OSHA's we meet on Wednesday for daytime fasting and prayer don't you stay away if you can't be here please be air wonderful things are happening under the leadership of the prayer department and all of us meeting Wednesday evening 7 o clock for general members meeting and I want you wonderful Saints to come prepare to participate observations you have made in your church or off your church that you want to share with us as a family please come prepare for that some of you being your first members meeting we look forward to seeing you and we look forward to seeing all the leaders on this Wednesday evening Friday night prayer meeting and we look forward to that if we have an unknown sustaining by please come and give us a few more of the announcements and immediately as we dismiss the service 10:15 wanna meet with all the ministers and the council members in the prayer room upstairs for about 15 minutes Lord bless you amen and the body god bless there today Godfrey's Thank You bishop welcome to the pages of the power faith ministries diary for week beginning Sunday July 15th 2018 greetings came to our Bishop Minister Davis and the power faith family from the following brethren both locally and overseas sister ke Christian and she sends special greetings to the echoes of faith choir and sister Corina McLean who sent special greetings to the echoes of faith choir and the voices of faith singing group let us continue to keep our overseas and or shut-in brethren in our prayers in our meetings after service persons who are interested in obtaining a package of country gold dairy powder and that's this package you may collect same by the restaurant immediately after service also after service the members of the voices of triumph choir you're asked to meet with sister Peter Thomas by the restaurant in our upcoming events the marriage enrichment ministry invites all couples to their monthly meetings which has held the last Monday of each month commencing at 7:00 p.m. pfm and non-members couples may also register to be a part of this ministry throughout the month with any of the officers the management ministry is also reminding everyone that next Sunday is family Sunday all are encouraged to bring your family members to next week's morning and evening worship services the services are specially designed with you in mind to celebrate and recognize families all roads lead to the Jamaica Sports Club in Clarendon on Saturday July 21st for pfm sports and family fun day where our local branch churches will come together in fun fellowship and friendly competition this event is free that I say free yes free and because we promote brotherly love too much talking Thank You Bishop continuing because we promote brotherly love we encourage persons who drive to carpool and take along others with you two buses will leave the church compound the first relief at 7:30 a.m. sharp and the second will leave at 8:00 a.m. again we emphasize and encourage all drivers to show some kindness and carpool so that we all can enjoy a day of fellowship with each other in the Lord VBS comes up under the theme I have a purpose affirm me and this will go on from July 23rd to olga's 3rd 2018 registration commences this morning in the front foyer for $200 and the cost per week $600 as you walk on down please remember to get your extravaganza tickets adults $1,000 and $500 per child at this time may ask the control room to go ahead with the DVD extravaganza okay let me continue there we go collaboration what the Bible studies departments presents a grand pfm to make the tea extravaganza I'm concerned on the grounds of the panel Faith Ministries lot 13 watt more Town Center a partner st. Catherine on Monday of the six 2018 commencing at 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. there will be lots of Jamaican dishes on sale rights and more rice water village and lots of prizes and surprises or concert artists include carousel raylene Lindo God's people Leon Edwards and lots more tickets cost $1200 for adults $500 for children it promises to be a grand affair come on oh they give you full support that's the grant give them to make a day extravaganza and concert law 34 tone sent to Fort Worth's and Kathleen Monday August 6 commencing 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. low children get ready for our annual Vacation Bible School July 23rd to August 3rd 2018 under the theme I have a purpose of Fermi's we can't as a children ages three to nineteen years it promises to be one with a difference there will be Bible studies Swimming's arts and crafts sewing food and nutrition sports activities career day personal development which English social media management resume writing public speaking and so much more you cannot afford to miss this grand events for further information please call eight seven six nine eight eight seven six three eight or eight seven six four three three four eight seven six that's animal BBS where we cater to children ages three to nineteen years July 23 to office three 2018 come on out and experience your affirmation bless the Lord let me continue the pfm basic school is now registering students ages 3 to 6 years for September 2018 school term for further information you may contact the church office at eight seven six nine eight eight seven six three eight or the school at eight seven six nine three nine eight one seven one four all your books stationery and back to school items you may visit angels book and variety store and that's at shop 21 angels Plaza and Spanish tone you don't have to leave your house you can fax them 602 five six three six or call them at six zero two five six three eight or three seven nine three six five nine you can also leave your book lists and they will source them grab them and deliver them to you me assessments for the adult learning class will be on Thursday July 26 and Saturday July 28th at 6 p.m. in Orsi and death notices and in the interest of time we ask that you get the contact number from the church or the administrative offices Jovan Soros the son of sister Audrey Barnett is in the kp/h mr. Kingston public hospital William Ward bed 29 the following persons have passed on the funeral arrangements will be announced at a later date sister Jennifer Anderson sister Lorna Smith the sister of missionary Pauline vital the broader of sisters Karen gray and Nadine right and the funeral service for the sis I'm sorry that's the funeral service for sister hyacinth read as a mother-in-law of brother Aaron Gordon will be held on such le July 21st at the Pentecostal Tabernacle in hell sha commencing at 11:00 a.m. the funeral service for the late brother Dave Tracy senior as a husband of kosher velma Tracy will be on Saturday July 21st right here at the power v ministries beginning at 10:00 a.m. and interment will be a dovecot Memorial Park the voices of inspiration choir will minister the funeral service for the late sister hyacinth Nelson will be on Tuesday July 24th right here at the powerful ministries beginning at 10:00 a.m. interment will be at dovecot and the voices of triumph choir will minister if you know a service for the need brother Earl Rogers will be on Saturday July 28th at 10 p.m. right here an internment will be at Dove cot the golden voices choir will minister the funeral service for the father-in-law of sister shermann morrison white and sister white is a member of the echoes of faith Quayle funeral service for her father-in-law will be on Saturday July 28th at 10 a.m. in Saint Elizabeth and for further information i'll get the contact number for this one and it's eight seven six three eight five one three three five if you know a service for the late sister Cynthia white member of the voice of inspiration coil will be on Saturday August 4th right here at the power feed ministries beginning at 10 a.m. and interment will follow at Minerals the voices of inspiration choir will minister the funeral service for Janet mesm that the niece of evangelist Philip Johnson will be held on Saturday August 4th at the about missionary church and as in holy mountain in Manchester commencing at 1:00 p.m. please note that the photographs of the deceased members are posted on the notice board for your viewing or bishop his wife and the members of the powerful family share with those who are ill or have lost loved ones may he be strengthened at this time or pearls are with you and in or thank you notes sister Keisha Doyle and family expressed their thanks for the support given during the recent passing of her brother special thanks to minister vennett spittle and the echoes of faiths choir special expressions of thanks and appreciation came from the following families of the month of June and as brother kina Paul Brown and family and from sister Hilda jeans and family sister Elaine Barnes she was sick but she's now out of the hospital recuperating at home praise God please note that the gynecologist will not be in office this Saturday and nor weekly announcement this Monday all senior citizens golden voices members and volunteers are asked to attend a meeting at 5:30 p.m. the woman of Worth Department meets at 7:00 p.m. and all ladies you're encouraged to be out for a wonderful time of fellowship in the Lord the man with a mission Department meets at 7:15 p.m. all men are invited to make a special effort to attend and on Tuesday the hour of prayer which the live interactive and informative discussion program is aired every Tuesday on a pfm family TV at 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. this week the bible studies department will be in studio and were asking both teachers and adult students to be a part of the studio audience on friday at 7 p.m. all leaders of the following choirs and singing groups they're asked to meet with missionary capito king in the children's church as I said before and that's the voice of inspiration choir the echoes of faith choir the United voices choir the voices of triumph choir and the singing groups power in faith and voices of faith it was indeed my pleasure serving you this morning we invite you to stay with us for Bible studies where we cater to every age group also members who would like to open an account or if you just need more information about the pfm thrift club we invite you to meet with the team immediately after service at the location between children's church and the music Institute may you have a wonderful week in the Lord and God bless you just give the Lord some worship just bless the Lord this morning he deserved the glory he deserved there khana he deserved the praises psalmist davis of what shall i render unto the lord for all his benefits towards me God has been tremendously good and we worship Him this morning praise God I have so few announcement but just before I do sister Marie Mackenzie will you stand she was a member here still is now lives in Florida we are happy to have you ma'am give her a big hand we have sister teacher Roberts out of Canada will you stand that's the lady a year Mia known so many times have a passion for children always make our contribution good to have you god bless you we have missionary Gene Douglas out of New York god bless you she's a member of power faith we also have brother etl Walker out of Canada the Lord which Lee blesses good to have you all right those are all brethren as they come we recognize praise God and this Saturday very important I know many of you it is still clear in your mind it was about me not quite three months ago we had a couple that came down the husband surprised the wife when he gave her a ring he is a gentleman that has passed away brother Tracy his wife is a very committed OSHA here the funeral service will be this Saturday at 10:00 a.m. we're asking the membership to be out it was just a sudden passing not sick not alien she just left a funeral service here I saw her she went home he was standing at the kitchen sink and he was cooking because it was going to work the evening and she just saw when he did like this and the next thing she know he was gone believers be ready you don't know when you don't know how it can happen in the nick of time so please I beg you always live a life of readiness so this Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. will be his Thanksgiving service we are all a part of God's family so please be out and keep your support praise God and also from the melodies of praise teens and kiddies we have now launched production 2018 we are now open for new ones you have children at home between ages 6 to 12 we are here every Saturday alright and we are doing you know the annual yearly program that we do with the children all right we have now launched that program and so if you have your child or children at home wanting them to be involved to offer ministry to bless others this December will be another such so we have now started the rehearsal so we ask you all to send them out this Saturday I didn't even hear it in the announcement is supposed to be the sports day at Jamal Co the children that are in care we'll go but we are going to still have rehearsal with the children who are not participating in the sports day so this Saturday will be rehearsal for both teen and teens and kids who are not participating all right so between the hours of 1:00 to 4:00 we go one hour extra now because of the production and that they are doing their items and we have to take a longer time so ages 6 to 12 we are going to go from 1 to 4 and age is 13 to 19 we go from 4 to 6 all right so parents make note of that they are going to be going one hour extra all right and we thank you as usual for your participation and may the blessings of God Almighty continue to rest upon us as we continue to serve Him in spirit and in truth God richly bless you let us stand please my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest way Otto Lily or Jesus what do you say later on I stand on the ground is sinking sand [Music] Oh Lance please across your ROI ports mean the whelming flood when all are on my soul gives way he then is all my hope and ste in the name of Jesus Christ lord I pray that a corporate anointing will flow through the body of Christ right now as we unite our hands on our hearts together we pray to those who are sick in body will receive healing virtue flowing through them right now in the name of Jesus every sickness from head to toes and in between by the blood of Calvary Islam they shall be made whole whatever the name is we address it in the name of Jesus Christ and we speak healing for your people those of appointment with doctors or hospitals or procedure this week I pray God that you shine the light of glory and give them complete victory I pray for their homes and families that you bless them I pray for their businesses that you bless them I pray for their spiritual lives that you lifted to our dimension and father you shall get the glory the praise on the other as we decreed for all of your people here and here and everywhere in Jesus name Amen give the Lord praise I am healthy prosperous by abundant life in Jesus Christ and no weapon formed against me shall prosper in Jesus one more time grace' for Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the love of God the Father full fellowship and communion of the Holy Spirit the comforter rest remain and abide with us all now and forevermore and tell somebody Nora your focus your dismiss god bless you shake hands your dismiss
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 5,627
Rating: 4.6056337 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Worship, Praise, Sunday, Morning, Live, God, Bishop, Delford, Davis, Petrova, Power, of, Faith, Ministries, Portmore, St. Catherine, Miracle, Cathedral, echoes, faith, voices, inspiration, dynamics, silent, worshippers, united, triumph, golden, women, worth, town, center, lot 13, michael, maragh, smith, andrew, brown, icilda, noteman
Id: Y6agBZQmiYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 6sec (11586 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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