Sunday Morning LIVE (2nd Service) - January 17, 2021

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you are watching a live broadcast coming to you from the power of faith ministries lot 13 portmore town center saint catherine jamaica west indies [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's time to sing your song again [Music] [Applause] [Music] when [Music] worship is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with oh hands lifted my mouth with the heart of thanksgiving [Applause] oh can we make it practical this morning with praise [Music] [Applause] with [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh will bless thee [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i will one more [Music] will time thee [Music] let's just take a minute just lift your hands in the presence of the lord just go ahead and worship [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh and i will bless the lord [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] hallelujah this morning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] this morning [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] we pray we pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] please praise the lord we continue to bless the lord as we go to a congregational hymn number 360 from the redemption some book i have found a friend in jesus i found a friend in jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] to my [Music] [Music] is though [Music] is [Music] he's the [Music] while i live by faith and do [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is is is [Applause] my soul [Music] hallelujah [Music] this morning [Applause] us bleeding [Music] [Applause] lord [Music] [Music] [Music] inside hallelujah as you quiet yourself before the lord this morning i want every person in the house to open your mouth and say something to the lord this morning whether you're standing nor you're sitting wherever you make your heart this morning i want you to talk to the lord this morning open your mouth and tell him something he wants to hear from you hallelujah what has he done for you lately that you must tell him thanks you must appreciate him hallelujah and this morning we come to worship oh glory to god we come to hana we come to our door and we come to exalt him hallelujah we come to lift him on high because the bible tells us if he be lifted from this earth he will draw all men unto him and indeed we need to be drawn closer to almighty god so this morning open up your mouth to open up your spirit from your innermost being hallelujah just begin to talk to the lord this morning and tell him how much you love him tell him i want you to thank him for bringing you out hallelujah some persons hallelujah their church doors are closed they can't go into worship some protests are at home and they would want to come they can't be here some projects are in the hospital hallelujah they want to come but they can't come because of affliction but this morning we are privileged hallelujah we have a privilege we have an opportunity one more time to give thanks unto the almighty god and to let him know all much hallelujah we thank him hallelujah how much we praise him hallelujah father god this morning we give you all the praise and the glory and we give your heart the honor because it's due unto your holy name hebel sunday hallelujah some trust in ours is hey and some trusting chariots but we shall remember the name of the lord the strong tower and the righteous running it and they are safe hallelujah this morning father god i want to roll into you glory to god because we want to be saved so here we are this morning father god in your presence oh god we come to lift up your name and place you in the highest place hallelujah oh bless the name of jesus we come to let you know that there's no god like our god we come to let you know that we love you oh bless the name of jesus because you first loved us and there you gave your life around someone give a life on a cruel cross and to bring redemption and remission of sins that's where your blood was shed hallelujah to remove our sins hallelujah that's why we are here this morning and so father god i pray me let self take a back seat o glory to god let self be slain i possibly in the spirit to worship you hallelujah the woman of the world said god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth the father we come we want to be in spiritual glory to god because no flesh glory in your presence so i say kill flesh no god in the name of jesus and let the spirit come alive oh bless the name of jesus we can worship you in spirit and our worship will come up before you because you're not with the praise of your people so father god i welcome your holy presence to be with us this morning come in and sit upon us glory to god in the name of jesus oh god from the restroom to the pew i pray divine god make coming and take full control glory to god let us do the program your way mighty god because your way is always a better way hallelujah so father i pray god between the benches right now in the name of jesus i pray to mary shout your nails cardano and i pray for a divine touch for every individual in this building oh glory to god in the name of jesus father we thank you for your touch of yesterday but this morning father you come for a brand new torture because you know your touch make a difference in the name of jesus we thank you lord for the anointing of god it is the anointing that will break our yoke destroy the yoke and give us the victory hallelujah again and again because god you are god of victory hallelujah this battle almighty god belong to us belongs to you and when you fight for us almighty god we shall come out the winner because we trust in you god almighty oh bless the name of jesus i bless your name this morning i glorify your name this morning i honor your name this morning i praise your name this morning because you are to be praised hallelujah oh bless the name of jesus oh glory to god let no persons that come to these doors today god believe the same way they came but somebody will leave here with salvation deep down in their soul somebody will leave here healed and set free and delivered in the name of jesus oh glory to god i pray today god anoint us one more time anoint us one more time because the journey is great hallelujah we need the anointing hallelujah to break every yoke hallelujah and destroy the plan of the enemy in the name of jesus a father i pray may straighten us as we continue to lean upon you because you are the everlasting harm great is your faithfulness morning by morning new mercies we see all that we ever needed here and are provided so god great is your faithfulness unto us and we take thanks to you while we wait upon your god for your blessings that will wait upon you to touch us individually and collectively i pray for the saint man of this house and the saint woman i pray for a fresh touch for them father god i pray for a fresh anointing rested upon them almighty god as they continue my god may their voice be heard in this nation and across the nations of the world oh bless the name of jesus i pray for a divine touch for them father god i pray may keep them near the cross oh bless the name of jesus there's a precious fountain free to all the healing stream that flows from california's mountain let your blood flow upon them in the name of jesus so father hear my prayer today father and our pastor to bring the word today i pray to may use him according to your will amen i pray may be with him speak through him and use him almighty god as a vessel you have been using almighty god continually i pray for our blessing for each person in this house today i speak a blessing in your life we tell jesus thanks and we say amen will you please stand up on your feet and lift up your hands in the air and open up don't let me tell you what to do come on just open up your mouth don't let me tell you what to do this morning why did you come here this morning hallelujah this afternoon morning why did you leave your house to company house of god this morning you come to worship god you come to praise god you know come to me to find hallelujah you come to worship god someone to open up your mountain open up your spirit hallelujah close your eyes and forget about the person beside you and focus upon jesus this morning who is the art and finish off your faith somebody go ahead and worship god this morning hallelujah oh glory to god hallelujah i said go ahead and worship god this morning you may honor your mouth but you can worship god this morning hallelujah you can call him by his name you can identify with him because you know the man who came i said not the man who can't deliver the man who can heal the man who can provide you you know that man this morning so why don't you go ahead and worship him this morning hallelujah hallelujah i say hallelujah i say hallelujah i say hallelujah okay glory to god i love the lord with all my heart hallelujah i love the lord and i love the lord i want to worship him this morning hallelujah you don't know where he brought me from i've got the right to praise him hallelujah when i was nobody he took me up and he planned my feet and higher ground he would have sung in my spirit abroad in my mouth and i got to praise him hallelujah too many dangerous toys and sneer i have already come on because grace i brought me saved us heart and grace relieves me hope somebody praise god this morning [Music] hold glory to god all glory to god all glory to god i said glory to god i say glory to god thank you jesus say hallelujah oh bless the name of jesus i bless your name this morning lord hallelujah i bless the name of jesus i bless the name of jesus i said i bless the name of jesus absolutely bless the name of jesus i said i bless the name of jesus i did not say hello i didn't say buddha jesus hey hallelujah hey hey somebody worship somebody worship [Music] don't let me stop you from worshipping him please be praises to be praises to be praised [Music] thank you jesus said he thank you jesus i said thank you jesus jesus jesus jesus all glory to god glory glory glory glory to god hallelujah say jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hey please turn your bibles praise god genesis chapter 17 from verse 1 to verse 22 and while you find it in your bibles let me greet the holy presence of god who is with us this morning let me greet my pastor bishop dr delford davis and his wife minister dr petrova davis our senior assistant pastor minister i seldom note man agree to our ministers praise god in the house praise god i agree the power workers the musicians the ushers just about everybody the general congregation i greet you in the awesome name of jesus our soon coming king amen genesis chapter 22 verse 17 genesis chapter 17 from verse 1 to verse 22 and you to read this from the king james version and i'll read and you will follow in your bibles and when abram was 90 years old and nine the lord appeared to abram and said unto him i am the almighty god walk before me and be thou perfect thou make my covenant between me and thee i will multiply thee exceedingly and abram fell on his face and god talked with him saying as for me behold my covenant is with thee and thou shalt be a father of many nations neither shall thy name be any more be called abram but thy name shall be called abraham as a father of many nations have i made thee and i'll make thee an exceeding fruitful and i'll make nations of thee and kings shall come out of thee that i'll establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant to be a god unto thee and to thy seed after thee they'll give unto thee unto thy seed after thee the land wherein thou art a stranger or the land of canaan for an everlasting possession that be their god and god said to abraham thou shalt keep my covenant therefore thou and thy seed after thee in their generations this is my covenant which he shall kee between me and you and thy seed earth after thee every man child among you shall be circumcised and he shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin and it shall be a token of the covenant between me and you and he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you every man child in your generations he that is born in the house are brought with money or any stranger which is not of thy seed he said he that is born in thy house that is bought with thy money must needs be circumcised and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant and the uncircumcised man child whose flesh is of his foreskin is not circumcised that soul soul shall be cut off from his people he hath broken my covenant and god said unto abraham as as for sarah thy wife thou shalt not call her name sarah but sarah shall be shall our name be thy bless her and give thee a son also unto her yea i'll bless her and she shall be a mother of nations kings of people shall be of her then abraham fell up upon his face and laughed and said in his heart shall a child be born unto me that is 100 years old and shall sarah with his 90 years old bear and abraham said unto god all that ishmael might live after the before thee and god said sarah thy wife shall bear their son indeed and thou shalt call his name isaac and i'll establish my covenant with him for everlasting covenant and with his seed after him and as for ishmael i have heard thee behold i have blessed him and he shall make and shall make him fruitful and multiply him exceedingly twelve princes shall he beget and i'll make him a great nation but my covenant will establish with isaac but sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year 22nd and last and he left of talking with him and god went up from abraham the lord has spoken let the church say one more time the lord has spoken that the church say amen praise god put your bibles down just not your neighbor praise god with a look or a hell bull and say it's good to have you in church this morning good to see you sitting beside me this morning good to see you this morning you may have your seats praise god at this time to minister and tell us the recorded ministry of the echoes of faith choir put your hands together and make the choir welcome [Applause] when i'm tossed about [Applause] [Music] and the lies that shines in the darkness [Music] [Music] oh [Music] he said [Music] in the darkness [Music] out [Music] no more [Music] king jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] everywhere everybody that looks around [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] i know [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] yes [Music] tell me if it's [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] do we thank god for the light this morning come on hallelujah thank god for the lighthouse had it been for the lighthouse tell me where would this say this where would this shape be hallelujah i inadvertently forget to greet the president for the women of work department minister tamika peterkin and their able assistants and the women who work hard in the women of words ministry let me take time out to greet you and to let you know that you're doing a wonderful work i may continue to work because the bible says work while this day because the night will soon be here when no one can work god bless you ma'am praise god it's a good thing to give thanks unto the lord for he is god and to sing praises unto his mo unto his name almost eyes psalm 92 man a task this is time to welcome acknowledge all persons with us this morning do we have any first or second time visitors will indicate by the raising of your hand praise god to be acknowledged god bless you i see those ants come on put your hands together church and make them welcome welcome praise god thank you for making it powerful this morning and i know that i know that you'll be blessed he shall receive your blessing praise god welcome also to all persons in my audience at this moment i also want to welcome those viewing on flow channels 602 and two did you play chap channel 20 facebook live youtube and instagram on behalf of our pastor bishop dr delphi davis and his wife and co-founder minister dr petrova davis our senior assistant pastor minister isil the noteman the ministers the elders the officers and members of this great international ministry we extend a warm welcome to one and all wherever we find you praise god please don't chain the dial praise god we welcome you and we stay stay tuned because i guarantee you that a blessing is awaiting you congratulations put the answer together let me welcome our visitors and our browsers this morning amen praise god just stand for a moment please praise god just stand for one moment hallelujah praise thy one two time you better get right with god come and do it now under the cross of jesus that's right oh [Music] oh hallelujah thank you you may have your seats it's my time to get out of the way praise god coming to do their ministry the recorded ministry of the voices of triumph choir and the next voice you will hear after the choirs out of our pastor bishop dr delphi davis i want you to stand when he comes and clap your hands and make him welcome this time receive the ministry of the choir god bless you in jesus name who hears he's a god who wants us prayer and as a thief said this morning that we should stay in the race hallelujah stay in the race because victory is sure hallelujah because victory sure we asked the lord to lead us this morning do you want the lord to lead you this morning just lift your hands and say lead me lord lift your hands and say lead me lord hallelujah thank you jesus hard to take the first step when i don't know the way [Music] each turn is so [Music] [Music] you gave me a promise that you will never leave you will need me lord i do believe oh it's hard it's hard to take the first step when i don't know the way each turn is so uncertain but i've learned to walk by faith lord you gave me a promise that you will [Music] will never me [Music] lead me [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] your plans for me their purpose i never need to fear and though that times i may feel alone i know that you are near my heart take my hands and lead me [Music] lord i will follow me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me you lord your plans your plans for me they're perfect lord i never need i never need to fear although at times i may feel alone i know that you are near my heart just wants to follow jesus [Music] [Applause] lead me me do that again lord lord your plans your plans for me they're perfect jesus lord i never need i never need to and be at times at times i may feel alone lord i know i know that you are near burn my heart my heart just wants to follow jesus i'm willing i'm willing i'm willing to obey lord take my hands and lead me [Applause] [Music] lord i will follow you jesus [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] leave me [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] leave me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i want you to leave [Music] [Applause] why don't you stand and lift your hand and worship with the flyers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i will time to leave lead me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] leave [Music] clap your hands and give him high praise in the house of god you have called me i will answer lead me lord what do you say lead me lord what do you say i will go be seated please [Music] join my vice my voice stood out of minister peter in welcoming everybody who joined us home and abroad we could see a couple thousands of you are waiting on youtube you international people are not easy let's see all those of you on the book that carries a face and all the others i can't see pfm family television the pfm and other platforms god is good isn't he we worship the lord together and we celebrate his goodness those of you who are with us earlier this morning you would have gotten a portion of the the dish the meal prepared by the holy spirit for this particular day and we give him thanks for what transpired we greet the ministers dr petrova and all the other ministers elders pray warriors deacons evangelists missionaries exalters christian workers those who have no titles and need no titles we bless the lord for you and those who are unsaved in between backsliders maybe we have some eighth piece agnostics or infidel just browsing through and just say let me see what's happening here well we greet everybody and we welcome you artilly to a second morning worship service it's coming to you as you know from power of faith ministries international headquarters located here in port moore saint catherine jamaica west in this where jesus christ is yes he's lord so we welcome you all and we look forward to another wonderful time if only we get connected and i hope we will be connected those who have already heard part of this message that means you were tuned in this morning or some of you were here this morning let me see your hand please that will assist in guiding me as to what i do or do not do all right so you listen at home most of you okay all right thank you so much for being such committed faithful dedicated listeners viewers god bless you we commenced that message this morning from the book of genesis chapter 17. you would have noticed the same text was read for this second service because it is indeed a continuation of the message earlier this morning and for the sake of those who were not part of this morning's listening by whatever means i will briefly go through a few things for you to capture the fulsomeness of this message father we ask you to bless our hearts and take us into your word by the power of your holy spirit it has never been by might nor by power it is always by your spirit so we rely always and heavily upon the yoke-breaking anointing the life-transforming anointing the soul-saving anointing the sick healing anointing let every type of anointing flow for all the needs in my audience here and now whenever and we're ever at home and abroad touch this lump of clay i ask you to anoint it and make it usable as it is available to you holy spirit do your thing we pray in jesus name amen the theme continues put your hand on your head and say god's covenant is on my head yeah we're speaking of god's covenant blessing uh we did say covenant speaks of league oath testament testimony we did say covenant generally speaking is an agreement usually between two or more persons we looked at the biblical injunction to it which says the conditional promises made to humanity by god as revealed in the scripture we looked at it legally and say covenant is a formal agreement of legal validity especially one that is under a seal we looked at it ecclesiastically and we say it is a solemn agreement between members of a church to act together in harmony with the precepts of the gospel and that is what we are here gathered to do we looked at the text of genesis 17 and we see where the covenant was established purely between god and abraham however it would be extended to sarai into isaac not yet born and also to the entire nation family of israel that is how all encompassing that covenant between god and abraham would be in the end we spoke of some things that would be part of that covenant to abraham number one untold and unlimited blessings number two change of names his name was changed from abram to abraham syria's name was changed from syria to sarah or sarah it also speaks thirdly of circumcision of all males those were born in abraham's house those were born those who are strangers every male would or should be circumcised as part of god's covenant and verse 15 through 22 showed us that that actually happened fourthly it speaks of a son to be born between abraham and sarah a son to be born between 99 year old abraham and 90 year old sarah which looked in the physical in the natural it was impossible but with god tell me what you got it right it also spoke number five that sarah shall be a mother of nations and kings of people shall be born from er we looked at all of those we also declared that for the sake of preaching we want to designate the word covenant not to start with a c but with a k k because we are declaring ourselves to be under the king is kingdom and we are the kingdom kids the king is all over us the kingdom is all is and we are kids in the kingdom so because we are kings in this kingdom and the king rules over all things art are in the kingdom we believe that all things are at our disposal as long as we maintain the covenant well i should get an amen there as long as we maintain the covenant and that is kept through us being obedient to almighty god because we saw in verse 23 to 27 where obedience chipped in where abraham was concerned we also noticed that between verse 2 verse 21 of genesis 17 the word covenant can be found over 10 times at least 10 times that word covenant is found there and it is very very profound because it's an agreement between god and abraham and it signifies that god was about to do something new anybody expect something new from god especially in a new here especially in a new season especially with new what is it new novel corona virus moving across the earth taking many lives anybody expect god to do something new for you lift your hand and shout a praise go on shout something like you really expect it behold i will do a new thing set the lord now it shall spring forth shall you not know it all right so covenant for us this morning is not c-o-v-e-n-a-n-t but k everybody say k lift your hand and say the king his kingdom and his kids the king his kingdom is kids the king is kingdom i am his kid glory to god so we're working them caves this morning because god is setting up somebody for something bigger than you thought of god is setting up somebody for something bigger than you dreamt about god is setting up somebody for something that no writers wrote about god is setting up somebody for something that no newscasters have spoken of god is setting up somebody for something i pray to god it is me and not you i pray to god it's me and not you i don't care what you say lift your hand and say i pray to god it is me if it is me alone i want it to be me oh god i got to say that again lift your hand and say if it is me and me alone that's what i want hallelujah somebody shout and wake up your spirit here this morning hallelujah get ready minister brian god's going to do something new get ready minister scott god's gonna do something new get ready ministers and everybody the holy ghost is setting the pace to do something in this hour that eyes have not seen that hears have not heard that has never ended into the heart of man because he is the supernatural god oh i feel like praising him this morning earlier days the church would say is god in the platform is god back up the door he's gone in the haman corner he's gone all over the floor i know god is god and god will never change i know i know that god is god you don't feel like shouting but open your mouth and shut your mask off if that mass tremblity tremble under the power of the holy ghost if the mass vibrate let it vibrate under the power of the holy ghost because the king and his kingdom and his kids are in covenants charcoal the king and his kingdom and his kids are in covenant and no devil can't stop it move sit and move move hypocrites mercedes i feel a touch of the holy ghost upon me somebody better say move move move move i'm going here you are setting me back you are setting me up because god has already put covenant on my head blood is on my head blood is in my heart blood is in my hand blood is in my feet the blood of jesus seal me hey hey hey god of heaven i feel heaven touching me i said the blood of jesus seal the everlasting covenant and hellcats puppets oh no my god i did say oh no i said so yes oh yes my god oh yes somebody praise him over this corner make it on him in corner make there and him in connor make this a miracle connor make this a victory corner make my god almighty whoa hey hey my god she's getting a miracle down there in the name of jesus this is the howard the kingdom is king the king his kingdom his kids are not second place [Music] we're not at the back of the line we are next in line at the front of the line to receive the blessing of abraham blessed jesus bless a blessed blessed blesser i do what needs to be done for her jesus michael check out my son there lord god almighty praise the missionary gregory my southern the holy ghost praise him for your husband in atlanta amen he's not in this atmosphere right now charge it over there for him glory somebody said glory somebody said glory somebody say hallelujah come on kingdom kids come on kingdom kids come on covenant people come on true generation come alright my god almighty come on holy nation hey [Music] my god of heaven yes sir yes sir yes sir yes sir i feel a little drunk in the service i feel a little tipsy in the service wine running in my head wine running in my heart not the whole wine not the new wine the better wine for the last why you do that jesus why didn't you give us the best word first [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus we praise you [Music] we praise you we praise you there you are somebody getting ready for it now whoa glory to god hallelujah hallelujah [Music] all right sit down please yes sit down sit down sit down oh yeah if you ever keep standing in love to stand for the next 35 minutes so you better sit down [Music] jesus [Music] the last thing i said this morning in the first service oh glory to god [Music] oh glory yes i take it take it take it take it we can't we can't stop it so take it in [Music] we did say 39 books of the bible within 39 books both old and new testaments you find you'll find many covenants that are enshrined for generations you know of course the bible is amen 66 books 39 and 27 and i don't know this is as in a spiritual connotation why 39 has covenants wrapped up all the way through and 27 don't have that kind of enshrined covenant for posterity for generations but only god knows oh glory to god so we we looked and we pointed out that from deuteronomy chapter 33 and that book of that particular chapter 33rd chapter it speaks of three things one it speaks of the majesty of god the majesty of god number two it speaks of the blessings of the twelve tribes of israel oh glory number three it speaks of the excellency of god when you peruse the 33rd chapter of deuteronomy you'll find all these three things wrapped up in there the majesty of god the blessings of the 12 tribes of israel and the excellency of israel lift your hand and say i'm a seed of israel oh yeah so excellency is on you hallelujah the blessings of abrahams they are on you and the devil can't do nothing about it somebody give him praise and glory so let me take you now from deuteronomy chapter 33 from verse 13 where we see amen the most comprehensive blessing was pronounced upon a young man named joseph and this is where we are going to major in for the next moments that we have with you deuteronomy 33 13 and and of joseph he said blessed of the lord be his land for the precious things of heaven for the dew and for the deep that croucheth beneath all these are areas of blessings don't just read them through over and don't look into them and of joseph he said blessed of the lord be his land l-a-n-d anywhere you live wherever your soul of your feet trod up on where you domicile and make it your resident you it is blessed for the precious things of heaven whatever heaven affords god says joseph you are in line to receive them o glory to god for the dew the dew will fall upon your crops and for the deep that croucheth beneath if it is it is said that the ocean is the wealthiest place on earth the sea is the wealthiest place on earth so god says whatever is down in the depths beneath i will cause it to be upon joseph verse 14 deuteronomy 33 and for the precious fruits for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun and for the precious things put forth by the moon and for the chief things of the ancient mountains and for the precious things of the lasting eels and for the precious things of the earth and the fullness thereof my god you don't get it better than this whatever the heart possesses oh glory all the precious things of the earth god said they will be yours because covenant is on your head hallelujah you're going to fight some battles but you're going to win them all folks are going to write you off but you're going to come back from every so-called setback because god has already set you up my god almighty i think you should lift your hand and say that in the name of jesus i shall come back from every setback for god has already set me up [Music] see god has already set me up and nobody can set me down my god i feel the stone in my [Music] soul my goodness my goodness somebody showed another praise to the alliance i did say showed another praise and for the precious things of the earth and the fullness thereof and for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush let the blessing come upon the feet the hands oh you're not in the word let the blessing come upon the head of joseph and up on the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren if glory is glory is like the first sling of his bullock and his arms are like the arms of unicorns with them he will push the people together to the ends of the earth and they are the ten thousands of ephraim and they are the thousands of manasseh somebody giving praise with me lord have mercy when a covenant of blessing is on your head do not think that it will go unchallenged there is a devil that is loose and it's not the devil that we see in the movies with long horns and breathing fire out of his nostrils oh no worried that devil you know how to avoid him you know how to evade him you know how to protect yourself are you not saying nothing but the spirit of the demons or the devil in hell find a way to possess human body and whenever he possesses and individuals he become that individual immediately becomes an enemy to righteousness everything that is named god everyone that is called of god that spirit of the enemy that has possessed individual has become your enemy and his mission is to steal his mission is to kill his mission is to destroy but because when covenant blessing is on your head he will fight but he will not prevail he is fighting a losing battle everybody wave your hand as a lew in battle say lose in battle say lose in battle some of you know what i'm talking about because some battles that you were engaged in all you got out of them is only god could have fought them for you somebody say something here some bulls of nation that rose up against you only god could have cut them down oh god almighty some red seed has stood before you only god could have divided them oh jesus jesus jesus some jordan that rose very high only god could have tried them up [Music] the holy ghost said take this a little further some jericho walls that were building around you so thick so tall so fortified so impregnable only god somebody lift your hand and say only god only god not the church not the preacher not the helder not the bishop nobody only god [Music] good brought them down oh glory to god i feel somebody want to praise him a little why don't you wave your hand and shout your praise to the almighty so let's try and get into the message really from the moment israel or jacob discerned perceive there is something about this joseph and because there's something about him i hate to say this i said it sometimes ago but i don't like to say my late father never confessed jesus christ unto the latter part of his life and led him to the lord i suppose he surrendered to jesus what i heard these years when i used these ears to have heard him said your mother and i of eight of you together by the way i have other other brothers and sisters okay not only eight of us with george and mavis davis their other brothers and sisters on my father's side i did say he was not a well-behaved man you got sisters in canada in america wherever in jamaica brothers and some of them may be watching me right now bless you brothers sisters i didn't cause it okay so he said to me many many years ago your mother and i have eight of you together and i just knew that there was something different about you he said i couldn't say what that difference is but there's just something different about you and god knows i stand here i was not a problem child my late mother she could tell you that i've never disrespected her once in my life i've never caused her to grieve not to my memory at least never she became a member of this church well quarista prayer warriors prayer wario i respected her the very same as my mother i treated her as a son to a mother she respected me so when my father said that to me i said okay you perceive something but because you did not have the gift of discernment i just said that to myself you could not know what the difference was between my siblings and i no disrespect to anybody so israel jacob saw something and he said i'm going to make a signal on you i'm going to buy you a quote hold on take your time you see the color purple purple you have some purple in that mouse there too i'm gonna buy you a quote of many colors and if you have seen the color of joseph's court some of you might have seen it download you can see it it is riddled with purple more than any other color running through which is called an inner mingling color it touches upon everything else intermingling touches upon everything else and it also speaks of royalty royalty so from that early stage although jacob never knew exactly what was in store but god was using him oh glory to god to signal that which was to come in joseph's life maybe some of you are in the same position today you do not even know that god has signaled upon your life with a covenant blessing that you're born for much more than you are right now well bishop i'm too old though i'm too young no ask abraham come on somebody say something there and if he's the same yesterday today and forever what he was then he is now he's all we will always be what he did then he'll do now we'll always do the mutable god our sovereign lord he changes not so here comes joseph with his coat of many colors i'm trying to see a joseph cold color here but i don't quite see any not mine no certain wow ruben simeon levi judah dan naptili god hasha hezaskar and all the other 11 brethren they looked at him and said what's going on and from they saw that signal placed on him something in their hearts turned against them not righteously not godly but jealousy stirred immediately to make matters worse i'm getting into it to make matters worse god gave him a dream and then out of the innocence of his art is love he told the dream to his brethren his brethren went and told it to his parents and they said okay that's who you think you're going to be things got worse he got another dream not just that the 11th star bowed down and made obesity to him but now it's 11th star plus the sun and the moon oh no god almighty his father said come on son what are you going on with are you telling us that your mother and i on your 11 brethren are gonna bow down to you and from that day their eyes were on him not for good but for evil on every step joseph joseph took the enemy tried to compete with him they wanted to kill him ruben said oh no let's not shed innocent blood there's a pit i'm getting to this thing i hope you're following me there's a pit let's not kill him let's not shed innocent blood let's throw him in the pit he did that because he wanted to save his life the word says i thank god for reuben somebody lived here and i said thank god for a reuben thank god for some rubens not only some of you need to mirror your life as unto that of joseph because many similarities are there oh glory you're not a male you're a female but you're a female joseph many similarities are there hated without a cause ridiculed without a cause despised without the cause rejected without a cause abundant without a cause block sheep in the family without a cause only because god a signal upon you that greatness is in you we don't have anybody here 99 years old oh not even me knock your chest and say greatness is in me god said like you mean a child kingdom kid saved like you mean it kingdom kid saying like you mean greatness is in me but what kind of greatness we shall wait and see [Music] he gives to every man a portion and in the fullness of god's time that which is supposed to come forth for some of you the greatness is a birth the birth of a ministry within you the birth of a ministry a prior ministry an intercessory ministry a counseling ministry a caring ministry a a given ministry a preaching ministry the birth of something spiritual if it is not temporal and material the greatness is lies in some of you is when it's going to come to the fore when your boss fire you dismiss you when you can't get a job and god said you can create a job for yourself oh you're not saying nothing here the best things that's going to happen for some of us sometimes is when we are giving the left foot of this fellowship [Music] you find yourself in the middle of the ocean oh glory and you said i don't know how to swim but i see people in water move their hand and move their feet i'm going to move my hands and move my feet and see what happens and that's where some of you are going to learn to swim your way to victory swim your way to success swim your way to prosperity not depending on others but depending on the god who says covenant of blessing is upon you [Music] sometimes god has to move out some of us shake up our nest disturb our comfort zone joseph knows all about that oh yeah i love that hallelujah dear god can you shout it again what a hallelujah my god i feel it down in my soul somebody showed the type of hallelujah here [Music] jesus some of us we've got to make several stops on our way to achieving the fullness of the covenant blessing the pit stop minister small was not an easy stop the pit stop some of you would have seen the race car drivers go lights lightning but there comes at times all the force they're going something happen they have to make a pit stop a quick pit stop change something tighten up something pull up something and hit the road again some of you may be in a pit stop right now and you think that's the end of it oh no god of heaven somebody waving and i said oh no you're just making a pit stop to fix a little thing or for god to fix a little thing to take you to the other level because to every level there is a devil and there's a higher devil at every higher level oh that's worth saying again to every level there's a devil and there's a higher devil on every higher level so hey joseph deal with the pit stop because from here you're you're heading into persecution zone in mrs potiphar's house oh god almighty somebody leave your hand and say lord prepare me come on you're on your way like a joseph said lord prepare me prepare me from the pitstop to the persecution zone [Music] let me rush on from the persecution zone to the behind the prison walls prison walls confinement lord this must be it oh no that's not it not when you have covenant blessing on your head and not when you are obedient to god not when you walk with the lord in the light of his word not when his glory shines on your way not when you are doing his good will he will abide with you still if only you will trust nobody praising him right here no okay i must be hit [Music] but no that's not it it's not over now [Music] on you fought again i know your heart's [Music] wave your hand and say it's not over time this is [Applause] [Music] child of god [Music] no but the race is not over [Music] a covenant of blessing upon joseph's head the devil used all kind of situations and individuals to try set him back set him back but in god's master plan it was not a setback it was a up boy god can't settle people in certain ways only he could be god god says it's only a set up it's not a setback chapter 37 18-20 genesis my god i don't even get in the messages yet and the time is gone oh no genesis 37 somebody give him praise and glory there wow thank you jesus and when they saw him afar off verse 18 even before he came near unto them they conspired against him to slay him slay him and they said one to another be all this dreamer cometh come now therefore let us slay him and cast him into some pit and we shall say some evil beast that devoured him now look at this and we shall see what will become of his trees that's what the devil is after that's what is after rj small yeah we will see what will become of his dreams god of heaven do you know that we have such cruel people around these days your child going to high school doing very well and all of a sudden some whole bad-minded neighbors god almighty just rub the man over the boy and the girl and suddenly they lose interest in their school the drop down no i don't know more some unclean people just suddenly give them something to drink are you not saying nothing give them a toy all kinds of ways to hurt people for the devil is a liar all glory my i feel like don't enter my soul hallelujah but where the church is concerned the king is in charge he oversees the kingdom we are his kids and he is going to fight it through with us [Music] oh no gotta feel a mother's power will move who knows what i'm talking about when and invaded your family invaded your space invading and disrupt your children's education by hebrew means [Applause] the blood of jesus is against those spirits wave your hand and say the blood of jesus say the blood of jesus we're gonna see what will become of its dream that's what they're after that's why they want to kill [Music] but don't lose your vision don't lose your dream don't give up on it i don't care where that the enemy throw you don't give up god's gonna bring you out somebody shout to praise me show the praise to the almighty he tried to set you back but he's only setting you up because god has not brought you this far to leave you you don't deal with the pit for nothing you don't deal with potiphar for nothing you don't deal with prison for nothing something better must be ahead you don't find the hell that you fought for nothing [Music] you don't make the sacrifices that you have made for nothing something good is in this something good is in this something great is coming out of this something marvelous is coming out of this something supernatural is coming out of this i mean out of your life out of the circumstances of your life sunk through the sun to the flood through the fire but god says i'm bringing you through the blood some true great sorrows but god gives a song in the night season and all the day long the devil is a liar covenant blessing is on your head and the devil can't stop it [Music] you're not saying anything my goodness five more minutes please [Music] oh glory i said oh glory i said oh glory praise the lord i'm not where i used to be praise the lord it's different now praise the lord things of change praise the lord i've run through the troops praise the lord you've leaped over the wall praise the lord you'll conquer the enemy praise the lord you surviving the hatred praise the lord you survive the pit you survive potiphar you survive prison get ready for the palace seat get ready for a higher seat get ready for a greater blessing get ready for a supernatural pouring hey somebody lift the boat in your hands and wave them in the presence of god a covenant blessing is upon you the devil tried to stop you he tried to set you back but the eternal god is your refuge and on the media have your everlasting arms he shall trust all the enemy from before you god shall say slay them israel shall dwell in safety the fountain of jacob shall be upon the land corn and wine also in his heaven shall drop down you happy on thou o israel who is like unto thee all people of god saved by the holy ghost the shield and thy help god is with you kingdom kids [Music] kingdom kid kingdom kid god is with you yea though i walk where are you walking through the valley of the shadow of death i fear no evil for thou watch with me thyroid on this top they comfort me you'll prepare a table for me in the presence of the wicked veteran the wicked brothers wicked sisters we could never but minded never could be just never will be working never i drink my water and they can't touch me they can't touch me they can't touch me the pit is over the prison is over spotify is over oh god almighty palace time somebody literally promised time police time paulus time save like you mean it polish time there you go somebody shouted praising me i don't blame you sister run in the name of jesus and shake up the devil and walk in victory oh yes oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah somebody saw oh yeah somebody said jesus said jesus said jesus said jesus [Music] i should say oh yes oh yes stay standing i stop but i read to you a few verses from genesis chapter 50 15 to 21. and i close it down sean somebody's getting ready god almighty for a take for a take for a take [Music] stay standing and when joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead i'm reading to you what must be among the most pathetic but the most powerful verses in human relations i say human relations and when joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead they said joseph will pervent you ate us and will certainly requite of us all the evil which we did unto him and they sent a messenger unto joseph saying thy father did command before he died saying [Music] so shall he say unto joseph forgive i pray thee now the trespasses of thy brethren and their sin for they did unto thee evil now we pray thee forgive the trespass of thy servant of the god of thy father and joseph wept when they speak unto him o god and his brethren also went and fell down before his face and they said behold we be thy servants and joseph said unto them fear not for am i in the place of god but as for you you thought evil against me you thought you were setting me back and setting me down but god meant it unto good [Music] to bring to pass as it is this day to save much people alive somebody say something there oh you're not saying nothing i declared these verses to be among the most pathetic but the most powerful verses in all human relations our sovereign lord knows how to defeat adversaries on all fronts and how to effect your comeback from all of your setbacks do not hurt your enemy if they're hungry feed them if they're thirsty give them drinks they're naked put clothes unto them don't fight them when you fight you take away the fight from the greatest fighter of all and when he fights nobody can fly in his face leave the fight to god and when the dusts are settled they all shall see unknown that the king is over the kingdom and he takes care of his kids the king is over the kingdom and it takes care of his kids god will see you through those who are fighting those battles right now unnecessarily give them to almighty god not dismayed what here be tied god will take care of you can we sing that song we close in the next ten minutes be not dismay one year behind god will take care of you raise your hand and say he needs his wings i say god will take care of me oh take god of me through everyday or all the way of me are there verses to that psalm as you put on the board you got verses to it give us the verses if you got them it's a powerful song but god will take care of who who did you say what is on your head [Music] all right take the remaining scriptures that i did not get into read them through self-explanatory you'll understand them boil your heads with me please everybody [Music] oh god you're so wonderful you're higher than the eyes you're greater than the greats no one can dethrone you because they did not enthrone you god almighty you're the only self-existent one perfect in power in love and impurity lift up your hands kingdom kids here are kids of your kingdom lord i have proclaimed by the holy ghost thoughts which you placed in my heart earlier this morning and up unto this point i ask in the name of jesus christ that the kingdom blessing will be upon all these kingdom kids none to be denied as they walk before you in obedience and in truth no sickness can tarry in their body no in the name of jesus christ too much anointing is there to burn up cancer it will burn up all kinds of sickness and diseases yes lord i'm asking you to let that anointing burn up and burn out whatever might be fear now and let the kingdom kids walk in perfect health have you not said above all things that would that you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers god i declare it i declare that plain path will be made for their feet so they will never stumble neither will they fall and god should anyone fall your loving arms will be there to reach even further down than they can reach up and you'll put them back on their feet again but the devil shall not say oh oh so would i have it the blessings of joseph be upon the head of your people [Music] and we decreed in the name of jesus christ and as it is upon their heads may be extended to every worthy family member god i got to say every word they want because you're a just god every worthy member of the family and those who are not noteworthy make them worthy apply your blood and save them let the holy spirit convict them and convert them so that they become willing and obedient to heed the good of the land these blessings we ask for the kingdom kids because a king is over it all we thank you in jesus name amen what do you say what do you say what do you do you're not saying nothing you're not doing nothing what do you say what do you do you can say or you can do my god almighty [Music] anybody god bless here today anybody got blessed here today give him praise even pray for he brought me out of the mile and he put my feet i don't hear in my heart [Music] jesus put us up [Music] hey jesus put us all in my heart [Music] jesus put us up in my heart wow my goodness oh if i didn't preach i don't know what i did dear god almighty the holy ghost is in this place be seated please prepare to worship in giving everybody who has come to make a gift to the lord in this church we give tithes we give offering seed faith offering special offering gift of benevolence every man according to several abilities so let him give not grudgingly our spiritually for god loves a cheerful giver and god is able to make all goodness abound unto you that you in all sufficiency shall have your needs supplied father bless us now as we your children open our hearts and extend our hands to give a portion of that which you have blessed us with we ask in jesus name that you accept our gift and bless them and more so accept us oh god and bless us in all the ways that we need your blessing we thank you for hearing us and we greet we agree that it shall be so in jesus name amen as soon as you find your gift you can come on down and late on the altar come here god is good isn't he when i talk unknown sir you got a reminder i did say we're going to have lords up on the first sunday of february 7th of february try to be here for the latest 6 30 and we are going to believe god for a wonderful time of fellowship doing all the things that we can social distancing washing of fans sanitizing and all kinds of stuff go ahead commissioner graham good morning oh you get promotion you don't want it but what is this my god good morning everyone welcome to the pages of the power faith ministries diary for week beginning sunday january 17 2021. sister rebecca davis who was sick and at home she worshipped with us in our first service we give thought we give thanks for her health and her healing greetings came to our bishop minister davis and the poor faith ministries family from the following brethren overseas sister rosemary rhoden mcfarland sent special greetings to the voices of triumph choir missionary barbara davis sent special greetings to the prayer mothers and sister elsie edmundson sent special greetings to the woman of worth ministry the voices of triumph choir and adult warned bible studies department upcoming events the power of faith ministries canteen presents jerk friday which will be held on friday january 29th between the hours of 11 a.m and 7 p.m stop by to get your jerk chicken your jerk pork and fry fish is that amen the following person the following person has passed away and funeral arrangement is pending the sister of sister nicole wilson shuttle funerals the funeral service for the late sister ini taylor will be held on january 23rd at archer's funeral chapel beginning at 10 a.m internment will be at madures sister andrea allen has lost her sister funeral service will be held on saturday january 23rd at the family plot in kobler district manchester beginning at 12 noon the funeral service for the brother of sisters glennar corey and sudane greene will be held on saturday january 30th at the family plot in barnes stable district saint anne the funeral service for the mother of deacon rohan coburn will be held on january 31st at 2 p.m at red ground district viewing will be held at old harbor sda between 11 am and 1pm the funeral service for the mother of sister veronica salmon will be held on saturday january 30th in darlistan westmoreland the funeral service for the late mother of eva davis will be held on thursday february 25th at romans chapel beginning at 10 am internment will be in centen photographs of the deceased members are posted on our notice board for viewing our bishop his wife and the members of the power faith family share with those who are ill or have lost loved ones may you find strength in our continuous prayer thank you notes minister sandra facey and family have expressed thanks to bishop minister davis and the paul faith family for your expression of love kindness and support during the passing of their loved one special thanks to the av and studio department wednesday january 20th our wednesday fasting service commences at 9 00 am lighting off the altar comments at 6 00 am come expecting your miracle healing deliverance and breakthrough you will leave with a testimony it was indeed my pleasure serving you this morning and remember greatness is is within you have a blessed and holy week [Applause] wonderful thank you so much keep the announcements in mind and out of our offices meeting on yesterday we have come to the conclusion that we can re-engage our midweek services the curfew hour starting at 10 p.m it starts our service at 6 37 dismiss you more than an hour before curfew time so month of february all things go well and if there'd be no changes in the curfew hours to earlier we will reengage that means all of the exilers that means up wednesday night service it means our friday night prayer meeting yes it means those and to continue our regular wednesdays fast so please begin to process that in your mind and make the adjustments that become necessary at this time those of you are not going to any church if you can go to church you should go to church if you can't then that's understood once you can you should do not forsake the assembling of ourselves together so much the more as we see the day fast approaching thank you for being so faithful so committed to god's many causes that this ministry serves over time those of you who want to get one of these covenants prayer handkerchief administer somewhat on them but importantly we had them here for some time i've been praying and seeking the lord i'd intended to ask for a certain contribution the holy spirit said no don't do that those who can contribute contribute but everybody should contribute something david said i will not offer unto the lord sacrifice that cause me cost me nothing i've seen well let me not go there whatever contribution you can make you make and you take one of these if you do not have the contribution today do not take it today they will be available in every service just like they are now so if it's not today god will it be tomorrow those who want to participate i'm going to ask you at this time to prepare to do so we're going to ask you to make two straight lines down the center aisle straight line across and let's do decent then in order so you can come at this time there'll be no change given you drop the money in the container and you take up on a leave no 50 please except it is ten fifty dollar are five fifty dollars no one fifty dollar we're looking at a project that cost almost a million dollar nine please leave the bucket let them just drop it in there and move all right a project that cost almost a million dollars 950 000 minister grant please leave the bucket let them just drop it and move social distancing leave please yes ma'am if you put on thousand dollars you'll get all three no problem yeah help yourself yeah you all are honest people help yourself yes ma'am go on take the tree i'm gone anybody drop a thousand dollar can take two or three if you want i say so some of you are counting too much you don't know tree you counted five for three dear lord take your time don't rush nothing more than enough it's down here what is one you should take everybody don't hold up the line my dear just take the thing and move along yes ma'am because i want as many people to have them in their homes i'll say more about it over time glory to god hallelujah you have taken up the thing please remove from the line my sister let's continue to pray one for another support one another and live for the lord god is good all right don't you leave let me dismiss you properly that's how we do things here we are decent people and we are honest and trustworthy people those of you this line can come around please come around to the other section yeah come around will god is good god is good god is good to me how could i let him down how could i let him down [Music] what do you say [Music] watch out for you letting him down don't let him down come on sing a song [Music] how can i let you down [Music] is [Music] will he pick me up stand with me please [Music] hold on all right all right all right all right hold on shut up letting him down okay you are not used to letting him down so don't let him down this morning don't let him down now okay no letting go we must sing the right key all right god is good still isn't he wonderful let's close in prayer and dismiss you and we hope to see you again on wednesday the lord harris for in-house prayer fasting all right lady drop the money and take something on get out of the way please let's roll the chariot along you have to see with me okay when i'm when i'm this tired i'm a little fussy okay and i say things that you don't like so you have to see that i get some rest and don't store me up and give me trouble okay you have to understand know your pastor by now lift up your right and please father we thank you for your blessings upon us we thank you for all you have done and what you're doing in our midst thank you for the covenant that we have entered and we declare under god that the king is over the kingdom and we are his kids and all things of the kingdom are ours go with us now we pray in jesus name and what do we say grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god the father full fellowship on communion of the holy spirit the comforter rest remain and abide with us all now and forevermore and everybody say kingdom kid yeah you are dismissed god bless you thank you for watching this live broadcast please like share and subscribe if you were blessed and inspired remember to visit our website at www.p for more information stay tuned and be blessed
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 16,469
Rating: 4.7432432 out of 5
Id: 7K2J35w1j_Q
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Length: 145min 20sec (8720 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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