A Time of Intercession - J. Denise Ray 10/26/2020

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a time of intercession this is a broadcast where our desire is to pray for god's people tonight we have a very special program and i want you to stay tuned and be blessed by the anointed prayer of our assistant pastor j denise ray she is a warrior she is an intercessor but also she is a wise woman of god that god has given great wisdom to and great great depths of prayer i encourage you to stay tuned for this time while we are on this particular station and i want you to be blessed by the prayers of evangelist and assistant pastor j denise gray shine [Music] on me [Music] shine will you help me sing it where you are oh me let the lights from the lighthouse let it shine on me you want the lord to shine on you say shine [Music] lord jesus shine shine on me i wonder if the lighthouse would shine lord jesus lord jesus oh [Music] me [Applause] from the lighthouse let it shine lord have mercy let it shine on me i just feel like singing it one more time sean lord let the light shine deep down on the inside of me in africa in america everywhere you are shine in the bahamas new york city oh me lift your hands to the lord and just say i wonder lord i need some light in this dark place i wonder we need light from the white house to the outhouse i wonder if the lighthouse with chad hey behind me hey hey come on jesus everything i like you lord shine in that dark place shine on us don't let us be deceived don't let us be tricked it's me lord it's me lord it's me lord my mother father sister brother preacher lord into me shine make me holy make me right clean me up clean me on the inside wash me wash me let your blood prepare shine [Music] lord have mercy on me bless his holy name [Music] in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus i loose the light of heaven wherever you are right now and we are asking the lord to shine on us to shine through us and to shine in us for every reason that jesus died on calvary we want it to come to pass in our lives jesus died that we will be free and i want to admonish each of you today if you're not saved let us start out by giving our lives to jesus christ because the lord does not hear a sinner's prayer and we want to be born again so if you're under the sound of my voice and you're in a backslidden state you're not living for god you know that you're not saved you know that you may be lukewarm i'm coming for you today in the name of the lord jesus his eyes are everywhere present at the same time beholding the good as well as the evil god is right there where you are and he loves you so much so come on to jesus will you just repeat after me today as the light of the lord is shining on you i feel you you're broken and you're tired you don't know which way to go some of you have been living saved a long time but you've been in a place of discouragement but today in jesus name i loose a fire in your belly and in your soul those of you that are not saving you don't know jesus and the pardon of your sin all you have to do is acknowledge the fact that you're a sinner and then acknowledge the fact that he is god and that jesus christ is the son of god and that he died on calvary for your sins so repeat after me now and say father god in the name of jesus i acknowledge the fact that i am a sinner i acknowledge the fact that i'm a backslider lord i acknowledge if i'm lukewarm and you said if i was lukewarm you would spew me out of your mouth but lord today i come before you and i ask that you would forgive me for all of my sins lord wash me in your blood lord i am sorry forgive sinning against you and my body and lord in the name of jesus christ your son i believe that he died for me and i accept him into my life today come on and say i believe that jesus died on the cross just for me and i received him i believed that he died and lord jesus thank you for washing away my sins i accept you father and now lord prepare me to be filled with the holy ghost i thank you father that it is a gift from you to me and i say today thank you lord in jesus name and i will confess with my mouth that i am saved tell somebody around you and if you're by yourself speaking in the atmosphere and just say i am saved hallelujah to god you are saved right now we bless the name of the lord i want to thank god for jesus christ the son of god i am reading a few notes i did not want to forget anything that the lord had been dealing with me about and given me for you all and i want you to know that at the repentance and after a turning away from sin and the bible says in acts 3 and 19 repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the lord there is a refreshing for you because you have given your life to jesus christ we want to i want you all those of you that are saved and you say pastors and these i'm saying and i'm filled with the holy ghost but the bible lets us know that salvation is for the sinner but deliverance is for the saints of god and renunciation means to formally declare and to decree an abandonment of satan sin and all that he has put in your path and so we are renouncing today anything that would hinder us from the perfected will of god denouncing is a humility from everything from past to present in other words you humble yourself before the mighty hand of god and admitting that lord i need you lord without you i can't make it and i denounce satan his host everything that he's done in my life i've turned away from it many people want to try to fight satan and try to bind the enemy and do warfare but you're on the devil's side satan will not cast out satan satan does not come against himself there are laws and spiritual rules that are governed by satan in his army and one is that he's not going to fight against himself so if you're on the enemy side meaning if you're living in sin if you're practicing practicing sin that you cannot be the prayer warrior that god is calling you to be the bible even says that a liar cannot tarry in his sight and yes god he is touched by the feelings of our infirmities which means that he has sympathy and empathy upon us but he's not moved by it we can't twist it that the lord your tears and your constant repenting is moving god what's moving god is your righteous living and you got to live holy but the bible says be holy for i am holy for without holiness no man shall see the lord i know that some of you may try to figure out why is it i'm still bound why is it that i cannot seem to get this yoke broke off of me and over my children the bible says give neither place to the devil give no place to the enemy you have to get to that position into that place that you live a life where satan has no place or no ground to stand on in your life you have a right to be free according to the word and the will of god the blood of jesus washes away all of your sins and we can thank god for the gift of the holy ghost but the bible says after that the holy ghost comes upon you he will give you power over the devil you have to understand that god did not leave us jesus christ said i go away to prepare a place for you that where i am you may be also but my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would not have told you so we're living to live again and god also through his son jesus blessed us but jesus said i'm gonna go away but i'm gonna send back the comforter the holy ghost it will lead you and guide you into all truth so today as we begin to war and as we begin to fight the good tide of faith you have to be born again know that the wrestle is not yours but the rest wrestle belong to god but he's given us a dominion in the earthly realm cessation is the prince and the power of the air but god is in the heavens and he's over that old lying devil but on the earth god gave us some authority for he said whatsoever you buying on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven you wonder why things are not moving sometimes on your behalf for the bible says you have not for you ask not so there are times that we have to settle ourselves when you see an army coming or army marching they're in uniform they have a stability they have a face that says i'm conquering and i'm going to win are you a winner today in the blood of jesus yes you are when you are saved you can say hear my cry oh god attend unto my prayer for the ends of the earth will i cry unto thee and when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock the rock that's higher than i but thou has been a shelter for me a strong tower from the enemy and when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock you are not fighting by yourself the battle belongs to the lord but he has called us to be soldiers in the army of the lord we sing the song we are soldiers in the army when you decide to join the army of the lord you say i'm willing to fight i'm willing to die i'm willing to give up whatever i have to give up for the glory of god we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities ephesians 6 and 12 against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places we don't rely on our flesh or this carnal realm that will cause us to be disconnected from god we don't rely on ourselves and the deceptions or the delusions of man i want to encourage you all to remember that god is god and he always will be god and there's power in the blood somebody ought to say the blood i want you to put in your comments the blood of jesus is we're not talking about just any kind of blood we're talking about god's blood manifested through his son the blood of jesus when you apply the blood you don't have to plead the blood you don't have to beg for it it's already been shared for you so you have to apply the blood so i apply the blood today and then we ask for the assistance of the angels of the lord the warring angels hey god got some angels y'all and they'll come on and the lord will send them to help fight the good fight of faith we have to continue to war in the spirit and win there are different ranks deployments gatherings and counselings of the enemy satan does not operate in disunity i want to say that again satan has a deployment of imps those that got kicked out of heaven that third that got kicked out with him when the lord said i beheld you fall from heaven as lightning we have to understand that he's organized and he knows what he's doing some things you all are blaming on the devil ain't none of the devil it's you for god has given to every man a will to choose between good and evil he gave you a will to forgive he gave you a will to renounce and denounce he gave you a will to put that cigarette down he gave you come on here he gave you a will to war and listen he gave us a will to fight and to tell the enemy he's a liar do you all know that just one prayer from the saints of god can change and turn the nation around for the glory of god and i'm looking for you today if you are standing in one accord with us we're praying for our nations we're praying for our cities and states and we're believing god to break and to shake we're coming against bloodline curses and the scripture says in ephesians 34 and 7 keeping mercy for thousands forgiving iniquity and transgressions and sin and that we by no means clear the guilty visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and upon the children's children unto the third and fourth generation but luke 10 and 19 says behold be behold i give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy and nothing shall by any means shall hurt you when you begin to break bloodline curses and family curses everybody in your family don't have to die from cancer and high blood pressure and murder and car accidents the devil is a liar we have to break and annihilate the curses of the enemy whatever curses that the enemy has over your father's side over your mother's side your inherited bloodline curses meaning if you were adopted or you are someone else raised you or your round of a family sometimes we transferences of spirits will come but today god is breaking the yoke off of you bless the name of jesus i want you all to understand that even when it comes to the spirit of poverty some of you are under a curse and you have to sow your way out and stop murmuring and complaining in the name of jesus now let's get to business let's talk about what's going on in the earth you're talking about it and everybody has their opinion but are you praying are you warring are you pulling down the stronghold come on warriors where are you i want you to put in your caption say pastor denise i'm a warrior and i will world one accord we're coming against this demonic spirit of independence everybody got their own individual way but there's one way and it's called holiness there's one way and it's called god's way and we're standing on his word and we're going to pray and let us fight the good pipe of faith i believe god that he's moving in your life right now in the name of jesus if you want prayer individually so call 708 503 11 40 while we go to prayer hallelujah to god let us pray father in the name of jesus lord we thank you for every person represented on this call today on this facebook and on instagram and youtube it wherever they're watching from and lord we apply the blood of jesus i apply the pure blood the cleansing blood of jesus christ in every home in every situation i apply the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood of jesus the blood the blood the blood of jesus christ the blood of jesus in your house right now the blood i applied the blood the blood of jesus on your door lord you said when you see the blood that death will pass over and i apply the blood of jesus christ to your doorpost i applied the blood in your living room the blood of jesus in the back and in the front over your property line now i apply the blood to you to your mind to your will to your emotions i apply the blood of jesus i apply the blood to your finances i apply the blood to your family i apply the blood come on church and help me just say i apply the blood i apply the blood now we apply the blood to our nation we apply the blood to the white house the blood the blood the blood saving the lord rebuke you on today lord in the name of jesus we thank you now the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood we apply the blood to the united states i want you to just put the blood over the united states we apply the blood over our president over congress over the senate we apply the blood the blood of jesus christ god's son we apply it now the blood in the city the blood in the field the blood in the state the blood the blood the blood the blood we apply the blood of jesus the blood of blood the blood the cleansing sanctifying purifying powerful blood of jesus we say the blood together we apply the blood together we call on the name of jesus lord we need your help on today lord right now in the name of jesus we ask that you would go into the white house lord we ask that you would save like never before lord we ask that you would turn like never before saving the lord god rebuke you we come against the lawlessness in the land we come against rage and anger we come against bitterness and resentment we come against retaliation we bind the strong man of jealousy we bind the strong man of hatred we bind the strong man of war and fighting we come against the civil war in the mighty name of jesus we pull down the stronghold of every man-made war right now in jesus name and god we decree and declare that you will begin to move on behalf of your people and we ask for mercy father mercy right now lord mercy for our country mercy for our city we find the strong man the strong man of witchcraft we bind the strong man the strong man of deception we come against the strong man and we pull it down for your glory weak unearthed father access you with unearthed uncoil untangle rattle the devil's cage father lord in the name of jesus we come against deployments of the enemy father we ask that you will go under earth lord we ask right now in your son jesus name that you will rebuke the power for our namesake we pour down the stronghold over every city we pour down the stronghold over every state right now the blood the blood the blood the blood we apply the cleansing blood we apply the cleansing blood we apply the blood to blood we apply the blood to blood we come against the lives of the devil saving the lord rebuke you now god in the name of jesus we pour down every stronghold every stronghold of deception we find it now let the church say the blood let the audience say the blood those are watching say the blood we apply the blood we come against death we find the strong man of death we act for mercy lord lord we know that you're moving we know that you're super ruling us but lord we ask for your mercy and we pull down the devil's plan we bind every plot plan and scheme of the enemy huh we rebuke you now satan we find fake sickness we bind this demon up in the name of jesus we bind all sickness we bind disease we come against infirmity we pull it down for your glory god we bind this plan of the enemy on today we come against the plot of the devil in the name of jesus to tear your world apart say that you're a liar for the earth is the lord and the poorness thereof and they that dwell therein the black the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood father from the north south east and west we lose revival in the name of jesus and we pull down the stronghold of deception we pour down the stronghold of lies hold our mind while you expose the enemy hold our mind while you expose the enemy lord god almighty don't let us be deceived in the name of jesus we pour down the stronghold of perversion in the land the plaque to plant the blood the plant to plant the blood we pined you shading our rapes and kidnappings the blood the blood the blood god you're giving us power in the earth and we call on you and add to your help the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood we actually help now in the earth's realm in the name of jesus we call on your lord god almighty the one from the beginning god our creator we need your help we call on your help jesus we need you right now jesus we can't do it by ourselves the blood the blood the blood the blood that same blood that caused the moon not to bow to bowel and the sun not to come down the blood the blood that cause the earth to shake the blood the blood the powerful blood the powerful blood the powerful blood for we wrestle not against flesh so we find just saying enough we pull down the stronger we pull down the stronghold we pull down the stronghold we come against pride but the blood the blood right we bind it up lord all pride right now pride we bind you in the name of jesus perversion and pride the blood the blood the blood witchcraft we bind you the blood the blood the blood oh the blood oh the blood the blood we say the blood we apply the blood we war with the blood say that we say lucia ho lucien now lose your whole heart you liar you're nothing but a liar you've been a liar from the beginning you're a liar to the end the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood oh god let the angel of the lord come with buckets of blood swords of fire break break break destroy annihilate break break break destroy and annihilate break lord the blood the blood uncoil yourself lose your devil lose the minds of god's people for all souls belong to the lord god in your name we're asking for you help help us lord help help us thank you so much for watching a time of intercession i pray that you have been blessed motivated and inspired by the power of prayer of our assistant pastor j denise ray if you desire even more prayer you can dial 708-503-1140 thank you for watching a time of intercession if you'd like to correspond with us you can write to p.o box 1104 matson illinois that's a-r-m p.o box 1104 matson illinois 604-443 we look so forward to receiving your prayer request or your praise report may the lord god bless you real good thank you again for watching a time of intercession
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 9,447
Rating: 4.927711 out of 5
Id: vqQeO2YTgrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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