CeCe Winans interviews Pastor Denise Ray Pt. 1

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speaking of love and appreciation I love our next guest I love all my guests aren't all my guests great aren't they great you know a lot of times people tell me ceci I enjoy you on TV in all years it's always a blessing it's because I have incredible guests and when I say incredible I say incredible because they really love God you know they understand that it's all about God is not about them and they're there to serve and they're full of the word and holiness is Right holiness has always been right and it will always be right and it makes a difference and so that's what you're enjoying you're enjoying the God that's in them and we know that because of tonight your life will be changed and you'll never be the same if you open up your ears open up your heart and listen and grab hold to it and you know what once you get it how many know you have to guard it you have to guard it and so I love my next guest I love her sisters she is the associate pastor of Angie ray ministries it's not Chicago it's in a church on the rock in Madison Illinois I want to make sure I get that right please welcome pastor Denise ray oh I'm trying I'm trying to be professional for a minute cuz this is my sister y'all this is my sister before my father went on to be with the Lord he met your mom and and you guys all the girls with just four girls girls and first of all he came home and he was so excited and when we found out your mother was a pastor you know cuz he come from that this old school where women weren't pastors so for my father get excited of a woman pastor she had to be full of the Holy Ghost so she came he came home and he was tell all sister you got to meet my daughters you got to meet my daughters you know cuz him and mom have kids everywhere we can't get jealous we have to share our parents but he used to brag on y'all all the time you know and I was like I gotta meet these girls I gotta meet them and then when I met you guys you guys sit a house papi doing ya house puppy and I was like well no wonder daddy like y'all I've never called them papi but I love you girls because you're so powerful in the pulpit but you're such ladies I mean just just girls right tell me what's going on what is the Lord doing I see you have two books that we're looking at right now I want to talk about this first one and it's entitled I am I'm not I will be yes okay and it's for a young girl those are four young ladies and we are so thankful to the Lord for how he's just blessed us and touched our hearts and our minds to minister to young people I've been in ministry now for over 32 years even I'm young yeah you are carry on but I think of what I gave my life to the Lord at the age of 16 and just you know in the ministry I want to thank God again for my sister's a pastor Kimberly ray yeah Rock I have to brag on them a little bit her and please Tanya who I am so I love you fast again she's not here with us today but I loved him so much because they gave their lives to the Lord so early Kim gave her life to the Lord when she was 10 years old and Tanya was 8 and truly they really were saying you young I have one older sister her name is cherish and Cheryl gave her life to the Lord early too and the blessing in is that we had a praying mother and father and her mother kept us in church and you know she's very strict she was you know you're not going here you're not doing that and I would encourage parents to have a certain level of strictness the endings in ours is so necessary as it is it's so necessary and so I'm grateful to the Lord that in the process CC of Rick being raised and seeing young women and the times have changed so much but I was the rebellious one out of every one you can you believe that I was a rebellious one out of everyone and I realized that it was birthed out of the strongman car rejection and that spirit of rejection had me looking for love in the wrong places even at the age of 12 and 13 and 14 because that's when we're coming into our you know hone is trying to figure out what we did weird to do and even though mom was you know had us in church and was going to church church had not got in me and so it but I learned a lesson though which was to obey and I heard the woman of God earlier speaking about that because we have to obey the Lord no matter what and you learn how to obey God by obeying your parents and so a lot of times people of God we don't really enforce obeying our elders and obeying those and have rule over us but it teaches a practice it puts a practical lesson in young people the Bible says train a child up in the way that they should go yeah and that's so important in the home first you know so many times I hear people say what can we do for our young people in this generation let a mother become a mother and stop trying to be a sister letter a man yeah father be a father you know my mother who everyone called dr. Angie Reyes she taught me how to skate she taught us how to swim we know how to cook you know we can good luck and she told us how to be young ladies but she never brought herself down on the same level with us as if she was on our same level and I found out with young ladies they need Authority well you know and not just young ladies but young men as well and a man and for so many fathers are not in the home in this day and age and so if you are an adult and a guardian over a child I'm having a Nuke name or a name that has been given to me affectionately and so many young people call me God mama that's right and the reason why is because I don't take no stuff from and they know I love them and you know you don't need to take them and what I mean by but because I love them so much and they're looking for truth yes and the truth that we have found in Christ Jesus yeah we want to share with our children and you know all over the world children need guidance yes they need love and they need to yes can they need guidance and you know I really want to just encourage anyone that's listening today that's watching today to take a stand and don't be afraid that you're all children don't like their parents at some point only we don't like I'm definitely don't like you know and but we can't get to a point that we don't tell them the truth and love on them and care about them by showing a godly example and being what God said I heard the man of God right before me even said you know talking about the man of God God is our Father that's right even when a man up when the natural man is not in the home it's not an excuse to let your children just do what they want to do because daddy is not there yeah you know we have to stop making excuses in the body of Christ and if you would allow me to even say once they come into the church what are they finding there and if the leadership is that good what they're supposed to do come all right you know I came up in a generation I can't be in that we got the same message what the pastor said you know according to the Word of God you know we we really believe what the man of God a woman of God was preaching yes that we interposed to pray without ceasing we should Mass when we got home mom implemented that in our daily lifestyle she modeled the rules that will say the rules and regulations of what we in this world say we shouldn't have but we need something to follow we have to follow some kind of rule yes we have to obey for obedience is better than a sacrifice that's right it's easy I you know we want to tell them about uh sorry about fasting okay um our pastor we had to fast every Tuesday our church went okay fast on Tuesdays it was just a time to humble yourself in your spirit we didn't have sense enough to know that our and our home we were fasting it would just be on Tuesdays mom would say girls today we're not gonna eat we're just gonna you know we're just not eating today it was we did not fast because we were trying to get a great breakthrough in the spirit we didn't eat because mama said so and so now that we have grown up in the things of God when God speaks and says today is a day that you don't eat we know how to obey the voice of authority that's good good luck up David Ellison train up a child okay so so what do you want people to take away from this particular book Here I am I'm not and I will why I hear so many people talk about evil statistics and I want our young ladies to know that they are not what the world says that they are okay this book is truly an encouragement to say to them you're what God has ordained chosen you to be and will change your life to become even if you think you don't want it now when you read that book or when you find out about him your change your life and because you're fine and you know I thank God for some men of God who are fathers who sent me a little letter and sent me knows I have know some fathers yes who wanted their voices to be heard because so many times in single homes the men get the brunt of the blame and they get the brunt of their no good and oh your daddy didn't love you but sometimes it's because that woman was crazy or okay okay sometimes that sounds good and sometimes and and really a lot of times it's because of the strong man of rejection uh-huh in the lady's life once a man rejects her then she has to build up walls of you know rebellion and stubbornness or you heard said you know to protect yourself and a lot of times our children get lost in the midst of it so if I would even encourage every mother if you know that you're just angry with that man to forgive him on tonight because you're causing a problem for our generation you know it's real and forgiveness you know the Lord said if we don't forgive then he will not forgive us and so you'll do yourself a favor by forgiving and releasing and then you'll find our children they'll be blessed as well amen amen amen I believe them my husband wrote something in this yes he did right I'll do love he's yes I mean powerful two pages of the Word of God encouragement and I I just - anyone not it's not just for girls mm-hmm but it's for family that's good that's good good well you were just talking about um as far as the fathers your mother had a ministry for men yes and you have that same anointing right tell me it tell me about that how you know speak into the lives of men no really I've seen you it's awesome and I really thank the Lord for that that you know the Bible says through love and kindness have our drawn thee mm-hmm see see so many of our children are desperate for love they don't have it and we're not giving it to them all across the world every corner of the world they're missing it but it starts somewhere and so my mom who had the deborah and barak meetings is what they would call when she would meet with groups of men and it started out with maybe ten or twenty one to three hundred and I mean every Tuesday you would all of these men would come and she was the only woman there with the exception of me and I would just wonder why mom why am I here and right and but the Lord was training my spirit to be humble and to submit to our leadership the man is the one with the authority come on given by God that's right and we were talk about a Jezebel spirit and told how not to usurp my authority as far as overriding and overruling me I love the men of God sister she's awesome I really do do and because I do and because I do they don't feel intimidated or they don't feel like I'm trying to beat them down or you know sometimes women in ministry we become the man I'll say they become the man but a man we have to stay the feminine women that God has made up yes yeah yeah amen well what I've seen how the Lord has used to build men up you know and I know there's different things that's because the enemy is after our man yes there's a major attack on our men yes ma'am and what can you share with us as women when it comes to building men up how important is that it is so important and I really know that the in the Word of God we find that the women of God will did used wisdom mm-hmm the Bible said wisdom is the principal thing and when we would take on what the Bible also says a woman will tear her house down with her own hands meaning it's not everybody else it's that gossiping spirit it's the spirit of fear it's you know you know being a busybody all of those things so a lot of times you know we want to get so spiritual in the church world when if you would just go home and clean up Oh very back in the day we say you know we really do we try to find out what is it that builds a man up uh-huh I found out through the years it does not take a lot for a man they really want a clean house it's another good hot meal every now and then you know and to be intreated with the love of God and in that if we would get on our knees yes instead of on the telephone it would make a difference in you
Channel: OfficialCeCeWinans
Views: 50,557
Rating: 4.8218923 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor, Denise, Ray, Kimberly, TBN, PTL, Praise, The, Lord, Laura, Cooksey, Tasha, Cobbs, Angella, Christie, ASFB
Id: WS-EW45o8Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2012
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