Miss Morrison's Ghosts Full

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is Miss Lamont the principal's compliments and would you kindly rejoin the trustees in the senior common room thank you must would you please sit down we are pleased to inform you Mr Lamont that we are able to offer you the position of Vice principle to this college oh but surely yes I'm afraid there must be some misunderstanding the position that I applied for was that of principal no there was no misunderstanding certainly I intend to retire shortly as principal and there is no doubt that you are academically qualified to succeed me but I am most concerned that my successor here should follow me in spirit as well as in the title and these qualifications are more difficult to assess my fellow trustees therefore have suggested that you might consent to accompany me on a visit I making next week to Paris well in that way we would become better acquainted and I should then be a position to advise you on the acceptability of the Court's offer I see yes I see very well a and on the site of the hunting lodge of Louis 13 it was decided to build a magnificent Palace asai has been called the greatest Palace of France it's too hot to listen to all that oh dear than goodness Marson oh dear oh dear dear we can read it back at the hotel the garden are delightful if at he's too hot in the palace perhaps the shade of the trees might be more agreeable shade oh there's a lovely Breeze it should be cooler there shade yes yes if you wish we could go that way to theal to the the little Tri the smaller one was Mar Antoinette's private trer I really must sit down oh can have a carriage what there the drive should be most pleas oh yes yes he N Miss Mr L did you say there were two Trio yes indeed and the little one is said to be quite Charming thank you where is it uh perhaps over there by the trees through that gate yes I think so oh I see no reason why the number of students we admit should not increase to 80 within 2 years 18 does the college have sufficient accommodation oh certainly certainly we do a present compliment of what 60 No 61 hardly strains resources and you will recall that the plans for the New Hall of residents are well Advanced within 2 years the college will be positively policial a far cry from the conditions I have Madam mad mad spee spee forand Andre la la shall we try this way mhm it must lead to the ptit Triano excuse me what did he say h this way foree speech fore l a Mercy Mercy Mercy Merc who do you suppose they were those people at the Pano yeah I thought perhaps there was to be a fancy dress parade or Tableau of evil but the impression strange changes of atmosphere s of evil heat though they wore such heavy clothing perhaps they were rehearsing a play I'll post your letters for you miss Morrison when you finished should I order you some tea and you saw the cottage the woman holding The Jug and the young girl with her arm extended yes now why did they not move is that evil looking men by the temple and the woman's sketching what woman by the steps of the P Trio I saw no one there she was in full dress she was wearing full 18th century dress sketching she held out her work to look like there and then she turned and looked at up Mr Lamont we passed right by her we could have touched her she was as close to us you are to me now oh yes she is of course thank you what I remember most was the music yes the Brass Band no this was quite different it was woodwind band it was most curious I think we should write separate accounts of our experience this afternoon just as we remembered surely it is enough to to discuss that is the one thing we must not do no it might be of some scientific interest then well miss Mar okay no milk cold milk tell him I want cold milk in my tee man I asked for cold milk in my tea every morning this riched Hotel I said that he would bring it immediately I understood that you don't mention the King woman I did not see last night you agree I was wrong to agree but surely it is of importance that we saw different things I for instance saw the plow which you did not now I find this of particular interest our route on which our sketch maps do agree does not appear in bica what our paths do not appear in the printed version at all look quite different oh well perhaps vaker is out of date or we were mistaken what other reason could there be I have no idea oh thank you I do not think that we should pursue this any further indeed and why not I feel that it is a case of confused evidence probably due to the heat any other explanation could be thought un Christian may I remind you that you are addressing the daughter of a bishop of Ry what on Earth can you mean but I think what I'm trying to say is that psychic or paranormal explanation we are in sacred trust to uphold the highest intellectual standards of our University I do not expect the romances of the nursery tea for you nevertheless I think we will make further investigations yes you will return to veride and make quite certain that bet car is mistaken but surely I must return to Oxford for the senior conal you will Telegraph you find anything of further interest dated for a week miss m failed to attend morning prayers in the tent without excuse and was find two Shillings lady Rose Taylor was find one and six for failing to wear a hat while bicycling on bermont Street Miss Walker find five Shillings for using inappropriate language to a fellow student at The Breakfast Table this catalog of INF me took place in in the final week of last year yes pleas Oxford Mr regard us is a bey of harpies and lose women may I remind those responsible for discipline once again that while Star petition to join the university proper is being considered we shall be subject to the most rigorous scrutiny there are those seeking any excuse to reject it do you really think I'm afraid that is the case the general atmosphere of congregation is markedly unsympathetic I myself feel of course if that should happen I would consider staying in office until we are accepted by the university and I'm happy report Mr M seems to me an excellent female and worthy to follow me as principal of St Gilbert's and I'm sure we're most grateful to Mr Hodson for bringing her availability to our attention we should not otherwise have known of her existence thank you Mr hodon principal we have always discussed a period of overlap what of handing over of office too soon to discuss all that in a well a term or well two perhaps should Miss Lamont not be given some indication as to when not necessary but sure she will make an excellent vice principal now forther business it seems to me quite clear that on the day we saw those strange people we were either mistaken as to the route we took or we followed paths which it is no longer possible to follow though how or why this can be I do not know for example I recall that we took the right hand turning after of the two officials your sketch map confirms this instead of a thickly wooded area there are gravel paths and N WS also the Pavilion we saw no longer exists another example the door to the chapel from which that young man appeared is nailed up and it has not been possible to use it I am informed for over a century exactly where you describe your lady sitting and sketching there are large roaded entrance of many years growth satanic MAA the PS I think I should remain here one more day for further research during the 20 years that I have been principal of this establishment I I have worked and prayed for one thing as so many of you have worked and prayed for one thing only for the day when the university would finally Embrace us as a college equal to the MERS of colleges when Lord kaver himself would confer our Charter and we would become at last part of the most venerable seat of life turning in the Empire and that is why M Lon will need the prayers of all of us for the past decade she has been head Mistress of a most excellent school for young ladies near Watford her father is a roal Dean but as my father the bishop of romsey would say those with least experience sometimes flish best every male eye in Oxford will be upon us scrutinizing examining scouring for any excuse to deny us this recognition and why because we are women women how Dreadful they cry women at Oxford women seeking degrees attending lectures seeking higher education a serious Scholars and philosophers mere women count matter what can a woman offer to scholarship but we do matter we do matter ladies we do then I went to the offices of the superintendent of works at verai he was was positive that there had been no play or Tableau Vivo or indeed anything of that nature on the day that we were there cinematograph filming nothing and there is the strictest control of such things I also inquired about the green uniforms of those two officials that we saw you mean gardeners surely they were officials garders garders whatever they were he emphatically denied their existence and when I insisted that that two men in long green coats had directed us in the gardens he said it was impossible green had been one of the colors of the old Royal liveries long since discarded you made a report not yet well kindly do sir this afternoon I was intending to move into my rooms this after afternoon the carrier has delivered my TR this evening I may be going out this evening oh for a walk a walk what do you mean a walk with who just a walk Miss Morrison I shall write my reports as well hm I'm so grateful to you for proposing me for this position it's a ghastly mistake of course I don't care when I moved out of your father's Parish it was intended to be a complete break dear oliv no no stop please stop it you know how foolish I become I do come alive when I see you wish a lovely thing to say it's true can't help it wish I could h tell me more about Miss Morris she's basically uneducated what you learned was largely picked up from her brother's tutors and from listening to her father you know who he was I assume could anyone not know she got the job here centuries ago when St Gilberts was simply a hall of residents all they needed was a woman of impeccable C upright has to run it but over the years it's changed into an academic institution in its own right I think she feels inadequate as a result and counters this by her continual domineering and bullying I suspects she's quite different underneath how clever of you to have wiped it all out I maned your help with her Oliver would you help me you know the answer to that I would like you to read something of great interest my notes on something very odd which happened when we were at versil when we get back will you come to my rooms to see the notes I would like you to see my new rooms in any case just you and I but would it be proper Oliver no have you replied to the secretary's letter confirming your appointment with my acceptance yes so it is now a legal contract I assume so and you have no further reason to agree with me if in fact you do not miss Morrison I must ask it's important I'm not the foolishly imperceptive old woman I'm sometimes taken to be I assume that you are referring to our experience at Versa of course naturally well then I have no reason or desire to pretend about such matters quite the reverse good because I find this evidence of a cra old courtier at Mar anet's Court of particular interest with the c of VRE yes a crayo whose face was deeply marked with small pox a close personal friend of the Queens frequently at their side obviously well obviously the evil looking man on the steps of the little Pavilion obviously I think Miss Lamont we had better be quite Frank with one another now I would like to know your opinion of the psychic the Paranormal is I believe the fashionable phrase I have never had a psychic experience all forms of occultism appear UNH wholesome and repulsive to me we are both Daughters of English clergyman I'm sure your feelings are as mine on the subject of course of course nevertheless there is too great a body of scientific evidence to support the possibility of such things to be able to dismiss them all together evidence Sir Patrick Coran has photographed apparitions in his laboratory Mr balfer is a publicly declared believer so is Lord Tennison Dr John Quail my own position is one of acute skepticism as a church woman naturally as a church woman and as a scholar H as a scholar Miss Morrison now what s laed but what it has always lacked is a perfectly document Ed example of a psychic manifestation set down in precise detail by scholarly observers indeed such a paper would be of immense value to learning an academic event of the first importance it might even help refute Darwin so he qualified to investigate such things and who better qualified there is I believe a scientific body which is devoted Society for psychical research yes I've obtained their address now we will interview their officers and then decide whether we allow them to publish our evidence and meanwhile Miss ncy what exactly do you think that we saw well what do you think is the explanation for what happened I think it conceivable I think that we in some way PE through a curtain of time we understand as little about time as in the 15th century was understood about gravity someone has to stumble upon the key a new Galileo a Newton the Apple falling on his head if that is the explanation for what happened why do you suppose that you saw things that I did not my father was a bishop Mr lont Francis I think you must drop this what this Morrison has no idea of what constitutes scientific evidence your case would be ridiculed yes there would be a scandal it would inevitably reach the ears of congregation which would then reject your application to join the university on the grounds that both principal and vice principal were unbalanced I thought you were my friend and so I am that is why I say what I do what exactly did Miss Morrison say in the senior common how about when she intended to retire you know that's confidential surely you can tell me you're putting me in a very difficult position you know I've never been to blam Palace and I would so like to go would you take me one day we could take a picnic you can hire a gig and I arrange the food and one it would be a lovely day together R oh you are such a friend shall we say Wednesday and I promise not a word about any of this good night is it true that your retirement could be delayed almost unlikely but possible well under certain circumstances it would be unfair of me to hand over total responsibility to you until the status of the college has been resolved where will you live when you retire oh I've taken rooms in charre Road that's quite near oh 2 minutes walk I I should like to think that you would feel you could call in and consult me on any problems thank you of course I should look in here from time to time assist wherever I can oh good by the way I should like to return to Watford for a day next week if you don't mind the school is making me a farewell present oh how gratifying which Wednesday Wednesday oh dear is that inconvenient well I had a letter this morning from the society for psychical research and W day is the day they suggest that we might meet well in that case I could easily postpone the Pres really it would be no trouble my dear I wouldn't hear of it I should miss you of course she can be a fightful bully I think she's a very lonely woman in need of Christian affection she certainly need of something she tolerates me as visiting chaplain solely because only a man can give communion otherwise they not be allowed near the place if she had her way all men would walk around ringing a bell and crying unclean oh Oliver it is good to see you you can imagine how good it is for me Miss Morrison how very good of you to come my name is Cecilia Hadley I am the society's research officer I was expecting secretary Mr ar oh uh Mr Arthur sends his apologies unfortunately when you had to alter your appointment from Thursday to Wednesday Mr Arthur was already engaged well the principal of an Oxford College cannot always predict when she will be at Liberty Miss Hadley no indeed I am Dr Hadley by the way I be your pardon not at all now I've read your report and examined your sketches most diverting but why come to us surely you examined such cases we're a scientific body not a spooked nor are we spiritualists table rappers ectoplasms Crystal gazers or any of that nonsense I do understand I have often said we should perhaps practice Clairvoyance it would save us so much on the postage I'm not at all sure that this case is one for us however indeed why not well because you were by yourself that weakens the scientific value of your evidence well I I I was not entirely by my by myself not by yourself no my vice principal Miss um Lamont was with me you didn't mention that in your paper did she also have these experiences some of them did she write them up yes but oh well then but as she did not see all that I saw mine is the only complete account oh nevertheless the evidence is far stronger with two by the ordinary logic of Investigation if we investigate this case we guarantee absolute anonymity you realize that yes I see a small paragraph to announce the matter in our monthly Journal would give no clue as to who you were I'm sure you would wish that of course I'm relieved yes I will suggest the research committee that they should interview you to ask aain if there is a case worth investigation worth investigation oh no reflection on you my dear Miss Morrison but on your method of uh observation and record my Integrity has never been questioned in my life oh no no of course and my father the Bish Bishop of romsey oh you are aware of that oh indeed yes my brother mentioned it only this morning your brother the Archbishop of York the heir of Arcadia is more rarified more delicate and we instinctively feel we are nearing its end that's very good very good Alice excellent tell me have you read D fleece no Mr lont take my copy and take great care of it those FES were given to me by a very dear friend of mine ah Alice L Miss Lamont we're not called by our Christian names here and I think it's high time we started don't you but are there no conditions in the catering contract about variety there is something about it is so dull and cold blage covered with hundreds and thousands for every pudding it is a bit mous right Alexandra insist on different menu each day of the week yes Mr M telephone if you wish telephone the apparatus is to be installed on Friday she took it k a broken good afternoon good afternoon I would like to speak to you alone if you please yeah yes of course thank you everyone we will continue another time that girl has an excellent voice she should be encouraged and what on Earth was all that of her I beg your pardon all the students in your room I was holding a little sware uh a sware huh I get to know them so much better when we talk as friends no is this another of your Innovation I understand you've been announcing yourself as something of a new broom about my college perhaps you are dissatisfied with the way this establishment has been run for the last 20 years if I am to be principal here you are vice principal vice principal my appointment is to succeed you as principal an appointment which can easily be rescinded but that's not for you to say is it I pick your part I was appointed by the academic board and only they can remove me which I would think highly likely after the way you've begun where were you may one ask at 11:30 this morning I was engaged in whatever my 11:30 you were engaged to hold a tutorial with Miss fish but miss fish informs me that you canell it without explanation and at 11:30 you observed in the botanic gardens in the company of Mr Hudson arm in arm with Mr Hudson and talking to Mr hudon in a manner which can only be described as intimate May one inquire if you are in the habit of meeting him I would have thought that was entirely my business then you would be wrong you are vice principal and he is visiting chaplain and and your intimacies took place in public Mr Hodson was one of my father's Best Loved curates best Lov so what more natural than we should meet and talk sneaking off on your secret I was not sneaking at 11:30 you engaged to hold a tutorial with Miss fish reported us I beg your pardon was it Miss fish who observed Oliver and me in the botanic gardens Oliver yes Oliver he is an old friend and I call him Oliver even worse than I thought did miss fish report I am not prepared to discuss miss fish oh my dear I am so sorry is there anything else I am so sorry is there anything else that you wish to discuss I become so stupid and in such a a root with my myself will you please forgive me yes of course nice that please please forgive that stupid old woman I'm so sorry everyone is so fun so fun what I actually it came to say was that I have had another letter from the society for so the society for psychical research from Dr Hadley she writes if it is convenient and the research committee will materialize at St Gilbert's college at 3:00 on Sunday afternoon now is that convenient to you my dear we will put them in the senior common room I think I should like to tell you what alliv US said to me it has nothing whatever to do with me it is important please I don't want to hear it has nothing whatever to do with me ver he is deeply concerned at our position as he calls it and he went to verai to look for himself you told him about our experiences yes we agreed not it seemed essential to obtain his opinion he said if Mr h his opinions on this matter well I would prefer to hear them for myself I think there is a perfectly rational Solution on your first visit you took one path and on Miss Lamont's second visit she took another you saw nothing but buildings and scenery that in fact exists and the persons you saw were such gardeners and tourists as may be seen about the pity tror at any time the uh the heat confused you your kiosk or Pavilion is in fact a building known as the beler and the uh the little Bridge you crossed is the p r here and you think that we did not consider that you considered it we considered it and we rejected it it left far too much unexplained I I agree it does not explain everything but I do beg you to drop this matter I beg you I understand you are meeting the society for psychical research on Sunday thank you Mr Hudson Miss Morrison you are getting yourselves into a position from which there is no retreat I do beg you to read my suggestions you may leave them well might but you did discuss it before writing your separate accounts briefly you discussed detail we discovered that I had seen things that Miss Lamont had not but we wrote our accounts and draw our Maps quite independently and your sketches and watercolors done immediately within the hour no but about the same day in the evening what 3 hours later 4 I'm about 4 hours but 4 hours delay made no difference my memory was entirely clear I do not doubt it the lady you saw sketching no I saw her Miss Lamont did not how many times did you see her twice once when you passed her and once when you looked Back From the Terrace of the pitri yes yes which of those two occasions does this represent the second a white fish over a green bodice little line of gold near the edge are you quite sure it was a single fure quite sure may I show the committee these they are leaves from the Journal of Madame elof the Queen's Miller which we had copied photographically from the original manuscript now she writes that in 1789 the queen had very few dresses made but in July and September of that year two green silk bodices and many large white single fishes were made for her majesty you will see that her sketches agree with Miss Morrison's watercolor you had never seen these no never what is your knowledge of French history I'm afraid poor Dr Quail the fichu is different to this one this is the queen in a similar dress in a rare print by rubil I have the fish show as I saw it it's not exactly a close likeness of mar Anette not a familiar likeness no what do you mean V mullers portrait of the queen was unpopular at court because it did not idealize Mar Antoinette like so many other paintings in fact it had the Merit of the most perfect likeness to her Miss Lamont do you think the date on which you had these experiences is significant the date you went to versailes September the 5th on that very same day in 1792 the September massacres were at their height the time of the revolution, 1400 State prisoners horribly butchered in their cells the queen herself feared the same end you didn't know no but what we saw was nothing like such things but violent convulsions of that type have been known to produce curious Echoes of a psychic nature to those sensitive to them not necessarily of the events themselves and and what we saw did have an in coherence about it a disjointed effect the idea of of echo as if we had somehow entered into someone's imperfect memory of those events perhaps Mar anet's own memory as she remembered it also it's known that a messenger was sent to the trior to warn the queen of the approach of the mob from Paris she wished to uh walk back to the Palace by the most direct route but the messenger begged her not to saying no madame exactly what your running man as you call him said to you yes we have saved our most important evidence until last as part of our researches we naturally examined every ancient map that we could find relating to the gardens of verai and only last week we received a copy of the most interesting these maps showing the gardens as they were when they were laid out in 1785 it was found in a house at Mont Morenci 6 months ago the chimney was being swept when down it fell charred by by smoke and and Flames as you can see it was sent to the director of the bibliotech national who knowing of our research has wrote to me about it now it shows the paths with absolute Clarity there paths which were destroyed when the gardens were redesigned in 182 now if you will compare this map with our sketch map you will see that on September the 5th of this year we were following paths which had been destroyed nearly 100 years ago I'm very sorry not publish the committee felt not pursu you the inquiry the committee felt that it can only take up cases where the evidence is absolutely a watertight but the mar an when at print the map discovered last June before you went to verai but we did not see it neither of us knew of its existence nevertheless perhaps you are accusing us of lying Miss I'm all right I'm perfectly over yes indeed very well miss Hadley doctor hler I will publish myself I will have it privately printed I will publish it under our own names from this college no what do you mean how dare you may not publish it from this college it would cause a scandal then let it let it at a time when we are seeking a charter of incorporation to the university that would be suicidal I will write a preface I will refer to Scholars all down the ages having to battle against ignorance Superstition and the refusal to face new evidence Miss Morrison our petition would be refused I did see them I did and all down the ages brave men have defied the world when the world tried to suppress a great discovery Galileo was brought before the Inquisition and condemned for heresy because he asserted that the world was run such ignorance such barbarity no part excusable of course because they were Roman Catholics Martin Luther was very nearly burned at the stake for asserting truth that every English woman knows to be plain common sense and our blessed savior himself suffered that the truth might be proclaimed throughout the world and this tradition continues indeed it is in our very midst in this Chapel you will find copies of a new book published anonymously in which the Learned authorises described in detail certain extraordinary experiences they had and draw scientific conclusions of incalculable importance and I have no doubt that they too will be rejected and despised of men then but we must all fight and strive for the truth yes copies may be obtained at the bag three and 6 or3 for 10 Shillings next to the collecting box for the society the hepd domal Council of the university has written to say they'll take no decision about our petition for some months they understand certain changes in command are contemplated at St Gilbert's and they wish to consider those changes they would also like to know more about the new research the college is said to be undertaking as reported in the popular Press thank you write and inform the hebdomadal council that this establishment is a temple of learning we do not bruse the popular press principal it it is widely believed that you yourself are engaged in well in in certain researches in my own time in my own time Vera and my own expense so I fail to see what that has to do with the abdominal Council now as to the postponement of their decision that means that I shall have to delay my retirement delay a great fixation great fixation but there we are are you quite certain that is what they mean their letter says they are fearful of changes at the helm Mr Hudson and after 20 years with one Captain well that is understandable My Dear Miss morison they know the old captain could it not be that they wish to assess the new one they don't mean that at all in that case I am afraid I must resign my appointment as principal has already been delayed I am afraid I could not possibly agree to a further postponement if you must go you must I have never hidden my intention to stay on in certain circumstances I'm sure no one here wishes to detain you you excuse me please bronis I should like to speak with you no no we would like to put a certain proposal to you we feel that your researches could be of immense importance to science and we would be honored if you would allow the college to finance further work along these lines H indeed indeed provided that you allowed yourself sufficient time for the preparation of anything so important provided in fact that I stepped down from the principal ship my dear it would be a step up if this work is as important as we all believe it to be you could become the college's first fellow and a scholar of European repute how much more an achievement that would be than M Administration and and what a crown to your career I could stay in constant touch we would provide your new rooms in charlbury road with a telephone and a full-time research secretary and a substantial endowment I will consider it Louisa I'll sit we in what do we do the author's identity is an Open Secret not all together open oh surely in academic circles within the university yes that is what I fear the society must publicly State its position on the book there is virtually a direct challenge to us to do so in the preface can't we simply ignore it if we do we could be accused of peric over one of the best publicized examples of exactly what we set out to investigate but they're not reliable Witnesses and the conclusions they draw are ridiculous winning over academic opinion to our value as a scientific body is of the utmost importance we shall have to reply a review then yes perhaps Dr Hadley would care to draft a review which the council should all approve then publish it quickly h my Godfathers two authoresses refer to documents and research material which they might have seen prior to their visit to Versa they cannot therefore prove that their so-called psychical experiences ever took place this is an attack on our integrity and and reliability as Witnesses of that wretched hardly woman she also accuses us of failing to carry out essential research well that is ridiculous no no she has a point the matters that she lists there it is quite true we did not cover anything but how dare she question our integrity how dare she will become the laughing stock of Oxford it's unfortunate that Oxford knows so much about it we will write a letter to them to demanding an apology no because we are not named neither in the book itself nor in the review so we have no grounds to you I have ascertained that you have spoken to your solicitor certainly I'm not going to begin my tenure as principal under a slur like this oh my dear now you must return to Versa and carry out the research that we are accused of omitting my dear my French no no it's inadequate now together we should go together as to the Lial then will write a letter to the times publicly declaring ourselves to be the authors and demanding a retraction and an apology you see it's Brave of them I would say fool hary Oxford must be a poor the level of senior common room hum has gone up about three octaves all the old dread Nords who oppose women's colleges are wallowing in it what do we do nothing what we should have had the review read by a solicitor that I admit was a mistake it never occurred to me but it was our honest opinion I have nothing to retract they won't leave it at that Madame pretty girl um Fe Fe Fe um D's Cottage Cottage they don't speak English can you help me come on no oh my she comes down the cottage the woman with the child topping NE and Smith say it's an interesting point of law our review names no one and if the two ladies had not subsequently invited trouble by coming into the open there would have been no writ do they think we have a case well they do yes they say we should fight on two grounds first that they're blowing the whole thing up out of all proportion day Minimus nurat Lex yes and secondly that the words complained of were not actually defamatory when our review appeared because nobody knew officially they were resp although it was common knowledge in Oxford yes it's a curious point so what are our Alternatives either to withdraw apologize and pay their costs cost or defend the action dragging us through the Law Court this kind would be immense but if we're back away then we lose all property in the eyes of the academic world then we' have no choice you have issued the RIT yes and has a date actually been set down in 3 months time in the high court do you think we should go that far but we discussed this before you went to Versailles we discussed it and now we have some more information the music has been identified by the conservator naal 12 bars from an unpublished valy by gretry who died in 1813 I had a letter from them ear this morning but surely are points are made the book is out our arguments are put has something happened what did something happen at versil I covered all the points that we discussed when can you come and see me well I shall come immediately oh good good good I am a little troubled about some of it goodbye my dear the senior staff wonder if you realize that we have newspaper reporters at the very Gates of the college there are even aost in the girls as they go out call the police the police they have no right we have been working for a mission to the university for 20 years and in one turn you have destroyed everything anything that I have done has been done entirely as a private citizen the only chance that now remains for our petition is for you to withdraw your high court action the only chance no principal we have applied to the chancellor Lord kaver about this he has no jurisdiction I am afraid he has he can investigate anything he chooses in the Affairs of a college which has applied for incorporation then let him I wonder if I might speak alone with you for a moment Francis listen I'm afraid it will not be possible to renew your engagement as our chaplain what your position is reviewed every 3 years I believe Francis I'm sure you will have no trouble in finding a new position now the one important thing is to keep our nerve that is the one important thing now Lord kaver will interview us both together and separate but I am no longer principal still deeply involved in the Affairs of the college I think that he will try everything he can to get us to retract but the one essential is to stick like limpets to what we know to be true because if we waiver we will lose and we will be wholly discredited once listen there is a man a man who lives at faride the comp de montis s who oh my friend his house is on the boundaries of the palace Gardens he has access to them there is a gate from his garden in in into now he is and Exquisite at a Jenner it is his custom to hold table vior of his male friends and some of them oh heavens they dress up as women now I don't understand these things but they dress up in all sorts of peculiar clothes now there was to have been a public performance for charity the week after our our visit a week after yes might there not have been rehearsals I spoke to the superintendent of Works himself about performan and rehearsals he said that there were definitely no rehearsals yes but as there is a gate direct from his garden in to the Palace I know it does not fit all the facts but who would believe us now I've never enjoyed a book more my wife's bored with my constantly quoting from it it is astute deeply impressive and reach conclusions of the highest importance I congratulate you most sincerely thank you would you sign my copy sign it Lord caver autograph it for me I would s value that tell me have you had any experiences of this before no no psychic manifestation no ghostly voices I don't believe in them really this was an isolated experience which we recorded as carefully as we could it is a model of clarity thank you and there is no possibility that you might have been mistaken n not the teeniest crack excellent tell me what do you think about Miss molison think of her her Integrity her reliability as a witness she is a woman of strong character she saw things that you did not yes what was your attitude to that I agreed at first but later made my position clear why was that why did you agree at first this is in confidence totally absolutely I was being sounded out for the post of principal and I did not wish to seem uncooperative inflexible you were humoring an old fool no I do beg your pardon she has become a very dear friend you love her yes I do you're a very ambitious woman are you not as you're a very ambitious man yes but I don't see ghosts but if you had I should have kept quiet about them do you think Mr gladston would have appointed me attorney general if I told it myself Spooks you see I believe you I do think you saw these things and that your book will turn out to be a milestone of natural science that is not the point I also passionately believe in women's education and it is essential that this college is accepted into the university you wish me to withdraw my action for political expediency exactly precisely I know that I can persuade the abdominal Council to Grant your petition if you do that remember I'm on your side together we must defeat these old dreadnots who wish to obstruct us for the sake of all intelligent women this is not a matter of truthfulness but of strategy come now withdraw it no you know why I'm here yeah and why it's so important oh of course you do with anyone else I would use guile flattery diplomacy but you're too intelligent for those House of Commons tricks though I do do them rather well I've heard you you've attended debates I particularly remember your closing address on the India Bill yes share fireworks oh yes I did enjoy myself rather over that one and my father took me you remember my father remember him my goodness I still Quake to hear his name he was a fearsome Classics Master you know and a magnificent bishop and a great man a great man a great man and an excellent father I have no doubt of course good would be rather strict strict and he was not the easiest of men to talk to you astonish me I assure you often tried to discuss things with him I think he thought a girl you know I was a fool Miss yes I'd never come to anything I'd never do anything but look what you have done good gracious look at your college your college which you've brought from nothing to the very brink of success which is why you're here which is why I'm here I should like to ask you a favor te I would like the honor of writing a preface to the second edition of your book you're kin but if your father were alive that would make him think again wouldn't it yes it would but then the whole climate of opinion about women's capabilities is changing within our lifetime we shall have women doctors women barristers women in Parliament you think so I have no doubt provided those responsible play their cards correctly at this stage no I'm talking about strategy Miss Morrison simple politics I ask only one thing drop my high court action yes no do you realize that you are obstructing not just your own lives and careers but those of all the students in your charge do you comprehend with what obloquy and detestation your names will be held if you persist you are asking us to lie don't be childish to pretend it did not happen I am asking you to do something magnificent would your names will be blessed forever more you do realize what would happen if you do not I shall recommend in my report that you are removed from the principal ship Miss Lamont and that your endowment is cut off Miss Morrison the college would then be accepted into the university and your 20 years work would have got you nowhere you wouldn't do such a thing these hands have signed so many death warrants I cannot number them do you think that they would hesitate to remove two foolish women who are obstructing so much I ask you the last time withdraw your case pigs P cow Pat the chancellor of the University having been invited by a majority of senior staff at St Gilberts to adjudicate on certain matters pertaining to the future of the college greatly regrets that he must make the following findings and recommendations the research Grant and other facilities extended to miss EP Morrison should be terminated forth with and Miss FL Lamont removed from the principal ship immediately the chancellor is father of opinion that no obstacle will then stand in the way of acceptance of St Gilbert's college by the abdominal Council to full membership of the University in every life there Comes A Time for courage a time when you must stand up and declare what you believe at the top of your voice however painful however inconvenient no matter what the consequences our life is simply not worth living I came to this college after 20 years of hard work of toiling and grinding to educate myself and to pull myself out of the Gentile ecclesiastical poverty into which I was born and I became principal principal of this college before my 40th birthday and that means more to me than most of you can begin to understand I have held this post for less than one year because I stood up for what I believed and you got rid of me or how much would you have preferred a comforting comfortable principal who caused you no scandal this is my farewell sermon and sermons should impart a thought and leave a message which will give strength and vision to those who follow do I have such a message as I leave this place oh yes I do a very clear one I'm worth more than a lot of you put together now the spare room is already for you Francis it's quiet there do you remember yeah I've made some alterations I do hope you'll be comfortable now the porters can bring around your things from the from the college tomorrow why did you have to tell me what my dear because it's what happened I know it not the explanation of of what we saw but politics it's politics I'm going to have a little lie down Elizabeth I'm so tired dear old Oxford home of lost causes and forsaken beliefs unpopular names imps I'll bring you up a cup of tea later once I have laughed at the power of love and T at the the grip of the grave and thce I have patted my God on the head that men might Call Me Brave the society for psychical research have dropped their case yes well they say it was costing them too much Mr lont is dead what P did in her bed last night Miss Lamont did Miss marison I we were deeply shocked Society sends its profoundest condolences thank you thank you and for the wreath you know we are withdrawing from the high court action we will pay all costs and we are entering the details of the case in our monthly Journal indeed oh yes we consider there is now enough evidence yes well excuse me s Patrick yes we did see them of course we did see them no doubt at all we saw them we did see them very well oh a
Channel: Astaroth-Sytry
Views: 749,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miss morrison's ghosts, ghosts, ghost, miss morrison, an adventure, historical, versailles, france, england, turn of the century, 1900's, 1700's, oxford, time travel, time, travel, historical fiction, louis XVI, wendy hiller, hannah gordon, bosco hogan, 1981
Id: HM7hRFoHdL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 26sec (6026 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2016
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