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mom where'd you go huh that's weird can i go in here mom you cannot sleep when someone oh oh my god i got the chills i'm gonna show you the chills i'm gonna show you all the chills i got the chills bro hey i'm jay from the cub scouts welcome to a game called mother now this game says that it's about a young girl who comes home after an intensive surgery and a mannequin is at the house pretending to be her mother there's nothing else that needs to be said that's already a creepy story in itself we're about to figure out what mother's all about right now if you guys cool that you done with that everybody get ready and buckle up cuz here we go there's a storm approaching right on cue we can only hope this will be the last let's wake up mom oh sorry lyanna i didn't mean to wake you i must have been thinking out loud again good timing we're almost there i know that the surgery took a lot out of you but i think getting you back home will make all the difference it's important for you to be with mother to remind you of how things used to be if all goes well i have faith that you'll be back to your old self by the end of the week you've been through a lot i'm just glad we got out of that place it wasn't good for your head do you make love to the mannequin that you call mom dad do you dress it up and put lipstick on it tell me right now you know lyanna father turns down the radio i have a good feeling about this week i know i've been so busy at work recently to tell you the truth it shames me that i don't have as much time to see my family as i used to but i just want you to know something everything we do is for you that's bull dad i'll give you a call on thursday evening remember to keep an ear out for my call okay so we have a few days to hang out with mazza before afaza calls the house is just up here on the right just in time for nightball that's creepy i don't want to be in a house at nightfall especially with a mannequin mom sunday night well here we are the storm is picked up so you'd better run in before you get soaked press shift to run if it's too dark in there be sure to look for light switches oh i almost forgot your mother left a box for me somewhere in there could you bring it out to me before you head to bed i'll be waiting right here sure dad i can't even see you i wouldn't kiss you goodbye but i know you don't really love me like that oh boy look at those gates they're not pearly they're not party this is creepy as hell already mom mom where are you mom oh crap oh this is so freaking scary already rishi dude where's mom oh good lord we can't open the door where's mom at you knock on the door oh this is my brother's room i have a brother there was no answer okay where do i go it's a note for you welcome home lyanna i hope you made it here safely sorry i'm not there to welcome you personally i haven't been feeling well the past few days so i've had to go to bed early i'll make it up to you in the morning okay love mom p.s i left the box on the sofa for dad could you please bring it out to him before he drives off he needs it for work there is a lamp just behind you it should help there's a lamp behind me it should help where where's the lamp behind me that should help oh okay here we go you touched a lamp oh i keep thinking that i'm gonna see some weird mannequin mom i have goosebumps all over my hands i mean my arms i mean everywhere where's the thing oh here it is there is a cardboard box on the sofa father wants you to bring it out to him you pick up the box it's quite heavy you know what just suck it up all right just suck it up let's go we gotta go to dad why is it so freaking scary already everybody i hate this game wait where am i oh crap i have to go back out i don't want to see any scary mannequin looking mom i need a complimentary horror game flashlight too dad the light turn down the high beams damn trying to blind me okay give it to dad great you found it give dad the box be sure to say hi to your mom for me okay and please be patient with her she's been through more than any of us i'd give you a hug but it wouldn't be safe looks like this storm is picking up you'd better run in and get to bed i'll be sure to call on thursday night good night you know what mom used to be a mannequin at jcpenney how hard can this be i'm gonna just go to bed okay i'm gonna go to sleep and we're gonna figure this out tomorrow you have traveled far today you are exhausted you climb into bed and go to sleep what did that say said disengaging something but it's monday morning and we've well i thought i heard somebody okay open up oh no open up holy moly okay i wish it would kind of tell you what you have to do i guess maybe it's cooler this way that we can kind of just explore you knock on the door [Music] there was no answer i'm starting to believe very early on that there's nobody else in this house but me and this mannequin there she is she got a dump truck too she got a mannequin you know what i mean good morning liana it's me your mother apologies again for my absence last night i needed to take care of something i know what you may be thinking and you don't have anything to worry about you're home now that's the most important thing but anyway i do hope you slept comfortably i understand that you may be feeling a bit confused after your operation you've been through a lot lyanna but as i'm sure you noticed your room was kept just the way it was when you left after all we wouldn't want to face your wrath would we i always loved that little sign on your door it's so you i hope that being back in your own room made you feel a little more comfortable for today i think you should just take it easy catch up with your dear old mother first things first i have prepared breakfast for you it's over there on the table it's your favorite is it how do you know what my favorite is fake mom okay let's see what my favorite is oh great a bowl of rice what is that nutrients your favorite my favorite breakfast is nutrients yes that is facts and now we're in the afternoon the days are just flying by everybody so this should be pretty easy you ingested all the nutrients yum it could use more salt though i'm not gonna lie to you mom anyway what do you want to talk about you ate that whole thing that's interesting so i understand that your memory may not be intact after your operation and so i was thinking it could perhaps be helpful if i was to show you around the house maybe if you got a tour of the house you grew up in it could speed up your recovery okay feel free to explore the house i thought you were going to show me like a tour guide she really is a mannequin look she's so lifeless that is interesting you ate that whole thing oh you're just gonna repeat the same lines okay let's explore a little bit i like that we can pretty much interact with everything wait what who's that who the hell are you the downstairs bathroom has been boarded up it was broken so we thought it was best to not let anyone in i know how much you used to love getting into places you shouldn't be you must not try to break in here then again it's not like you ever listen to us you always were a rebellious one but this is for your own good after all we don't want you flooding the place that would be a nightmare anyway meet me upstairs and we'll check on that brother of yours i feel like dad is punishing me by making me stay here maybe i killed the real mom look the fake mom is gone there's only a faker mom right there and i bet the fakest mom's gonna be upstairs isn't she where are you she's right there what the heck is this game honey oh i have great news what was the great news what was the great news he's been quiet ever since you got sick now he spends all his time on his computer talking with others like him we never get to talk anymore and whenever we do he may as well be speaking another language it's like he's in a completely different world but our boy is very smart for his age that's for sure if you ever need advice i'm sure he won't mind you knocking on his door he'll never allow you to go in however okay let's move on why won't he ever let us go in is he dead too i have a feeling that nobody is alive in this house but me or am i even alive i mean i can't see my toes you're never really alive if you can't see your toes right mom why am i watching you be in the bathroom and why is this mirror taped up the mirror has been covered with tape it is for your own good okay something's definitely up this is the bathroom you'll be using as i said the downstairs one is boarded up and you are forbidden from entering also i hope you don't mind but i have had to cover all the mirrors it is again for your own good i'm sorry that i'm so ugly damn bro this mom need to stop i don't care if she's faker than my dad's tits she needs to calm down she almost gave me a freaking heart attack it leads to mine in your father's room you are not to enter this door we keep it locked but we trust that isn't necessary we have trust in this family do we though that concludes our tour okay whoa all right so this looks like a simulation mother has left has she i am forbidden from entering mother and father's room that's the boom boom room right mom why does my bed look like this it looks like a hospital bed because usually hospital beds have this like um bed frame that looks like this so maybe i'm not really here i always have that theory in movies and games the you're not really here theory so maybe i need to stop with that nobody's in the bathroom what does that say you do not need to use the sink you do not need to go let me talk to my brother you knock on the door there was no answer i'll talk to you one day bro cause i love you you're my one and only bro bro i actually wish i had a brother in real life i really do where did mother go this is bizarre mother i'm hungry can i have more nutrients please you are forbidden from attempting to open this door yeah so being the rebel that i am i'm obviously gonna open it touch the lamp i touched the lamp great what's all this you are forbidden from touching this record player it is father's prized possession i don't give a double doggy style damn what his prized possession is i'm his daughter i should be the most prized possession of all you do not need to watch tv are you gonna tell me i don't need to have fun too like what the hell is there to do in this house you picked up the phone but nobody's there you put down the phone you exhale you inhale you exhale you put the left foot in front of the right foot okay oh there's mom i can see that ass from a mile away what's up mom with that but donkey i lyanna you startled me you weren't meant to sneak up on me like that oh this is marvelous how very special you always used to love sneaking up and spooking me oh it's starting to look like you're getting back to your old self who knows maybe getting a tour of the house helped recover some of your memories okay tell you what tomorrow we'll go take a look around the outside of the house i'm certain that once you see where you grew up you'll be back to yourself in no time does that sound good yes mommy how do i not up and down look at this sunset we used to watch the sun go down together all the time to tell the truth i was worried we'd never get a chance to do it again can i watch the sunset or do i have to look at your ugly face this whole time perhaps all the sacrifices we made really were worth it this one looks especially beautiful though doesn't it too bad i can't see mom i can't even turn my neck a little bit to the left come on it's starting to get cold oh it's night this is spooky time what it was night and i couldn't even go inside with you mom i'm freezing my ass off it's so cold mom can i have nutrients can i have milky anything where are you what the mom where'd you go huh that's weird can i go in here mom you cannot sleep when someone oh oh [ __ ] that's scary bro i my god i got the chills i'm gonna show you the chills i'm gonna show you all the chills i got it in my arm look look chills can you see the chills i got the chills bro that is so terrifying you cannot sleep when someone is in your room i don't even want to look mom oof god why are you just standing there in the corner of the room mom privacy please lyanna our angel just one more thing yes i've had to do a lot of things that i have regretted so please no more for the sake of this family what are you talking about mom sorry i had to bring down the mood before bedtime oh it's okay if you hate me it's normal for girls your age i just really hope you enjoyed your first day back home i didn't mom thank you for making this the most miserable experience get some rest i'll tuck you in just like before all right oh dude that is so freaking creepy this is such a weird game all right you know what the scariest part is the fact that she's not really a human and this little girl is in this big scary house all by herself and who knows why this person is even talking to her that's what makes it the creepiest thing to me you get into bed and mother tucks you in just like before tuesday morning thank goodness this morning you know oh i thought she was gonna be there you know in games when it's like bright outside and you feel like this whole thing just kind of lets up a little bit i feel like even though it's daytime this game is still creepy as spook to me mom i'm gonna see if i can go in here i'm forbidden it is forbidden you can't go in there because it is forbidden mom is it nutrients time it is all right what you got cooking up mama oh good morning liana i hope you're well rested i may ask you to exert yourself a little more today yesterday evening i mentioned that i'd show you around the house grounds well i've given it further thought and i think we simply must do it if there is any possible chance of getting you your memories back we need to take it i think it's important for you to know what goes on here okay i'd like you to meet me down by the place we watched the sunset last night you mean by this dirt right in front the ground looks so wet uh you made it this is our orchard do i have to be talking to your brown starfish it means a lot to me come on get me out the view of this ass while you were in hospital i became very lonely i never got to see your father and your brother he closed himself off entirely watching you in that hospital bed made me feel so powerless this orchard became the one place where i felt i had control over what was happening to have responsibility over the creation of life it's a divine gift a gift inherently infused with sorrow and failure to look at this orchard you don't see all the heartbreak that was involved in creating such a beautiful life creating an environment where they can thrive and come into their own it takes time but once you get it right you'll forget about the hardship that brought you there spending your energy on helping them grow only to have dispose of the failure and that's where our hope comes in and i have hope let's continue meet me at the path near the side of the house afternoon it took me all afternoon just to get to that part mother is waiting near the graveyard there's a graveyard buy this house yeah if this is a simulation is that mom right there what about that path right there the path behind me will take you to the graveyard we keep the gate locked i like to go in there every friday evening although i've been growing less fond of going in there lately with a future as hopeful as ours i don't feel the need to cling to the past not anymore it's time to move on with our tour i mean meet me behind the house there's one last thing i need to show you i think the girl died and then they're trying to have her memory live on in like a simulation because there's just no way that this is possible oh wait there's actually another path behind this house for real this wasn't here before am i blind everybody that spot wasn't open before unless i'm just being really dumb that's probably what it is you see that barn up there no cause i'm looking straight at that ass i truly hope you'll never have to see what's in there a survival notice do not enter the barn come on let's go inside it's getting late wait i want to enter the barn i want to see what's going on in there if you tell me no obviously i'm going to be more curious survival notice do not enter the barn can i go in here i can't move the barn door i mean you know i realistically i could just jump over it but whatever dude i hate that it shifts from like day to night and i'm still in the same exact spot that i was in because look at this this looks like the exorcist house you know with the lonely light and just randomness mom is making some meals is she actually moving her arms dude she is well she's not really a mannequin then by the way i've been meaning to ask how was your father doing you spoke to him when he drove you here on sunday evening didn't you ever since you got sick he just buried himself in his work that's why i barely get to see him these days he makes a quick visit every friday night just to see how things are doing oh he's just so determined to make things right off to bed with you what are you gonna do kamehameha why are you moving like that if it says you cannot sleep and someone's in your room i might die i might die like i might i might die inside god is so freaking scary dude that is so freaking terrifying mother i thought of the most marvelous idea i have the chills again but i'm not gonna take off my shirt let's spend a day in the orchard tomorrow we will get up bright and early and spend a day picking apples until the sun sets just like we used to what do you think oh you always jumped at the opportunity you and your brother used to love competing to see who could pick the best ones don't tell him i said this but i always thought yours were the best speaking of your brother have you gotten a chance to speak with him at all i'm certain that he's just as thrilled to have you home as i am he just shows it in his own way i hope you felt okay today anyway get to bed yes mom whatever you say mom what the heck oh man like i have played a lot of games this one is unsettling for some weird reason mom oh okay i'm gonna go to bed now all right good night if it says somebody's in my room and i can't sleep i might have to let up a gasp it's been a long day but now it's night and you must sleep to progress good thing i didn't have to do that high-pitched gasp damn that probably would have hurt my throat but yeah this looks straight up like a hospital bed which leads me to believe that we're in a simulation and we actually didn't get better and i think this is how the mom and dad are coping by um putting me in a simulation so i think that's what's going on i don't know i'm just guessing here let me see if i can talk to my brava you knock on the door there was no answer well sorry sorry that i'm not a better sister i want to be better for you bro please give me some nutrients i'm so hungry good morning hope you're ready for a day in the orchard better to start bright and early if you head down there there is a small shed within the trees make your way to that shed and i'll explain what to do oh it'll be just like old times there's breakfast on the table if you feel like you need it i need it really bad you forgot to feed me yesterday come on nutrients your favorite you ingested the nutrients see that's what leads me to believe that she's still in the hospital bed because sometimes when you're not able to do things for yourself they kind of just give you the necessary nutrients um inside of your body you know they put that [ __ ] in your veins but i didn't forget that i need to call dad thursday but right now we have to spend time with mommy mommy in the orchard this is the orchard right in this long dong ass walkway it better be or i'm gonna be very embarrassed i think it is yeah these are the orchardist orchards that i've ever seen mom where are you is that the shed she's gonna kill me in the shed it's gonna be like one of those mystery games she killed the daughter in the shed with a hammer no she's right here hello mommy you found me it's always so peaceful out here at this time what better time to start a hard day's labor if you get started now you should be done by the afternoon you're making me do hard labor i think eight apples should be enough just pick up the basket in the shed come back and speak to me when it's noon really didn't i just come back from the hospital and you're making me pick apples and it's hot as balls outside you suck you suck mom okay you picked up the apple basket you are now able to pick apples i forgot you know even though i have two hands i can't pick apples unless i have the basket why is that censored you guys see that hold up how do i jump what is that can i click on it i can't click on it it's censored what the it's more sensor than an adult japanese film oh there they are you pick the apple okay so i just need seven more of these [ __ ] so let's speed run through this thing how do i know how many i have in my basket this has to be the eighth one it's gotta be it is yes you know what i feel like i'm about maybe five feet tall how the hell did i even grab that that thing was high up there that [ __ ] was at least 13 feet but i have the apples mummy are you proud of me mama well look at you go i've never seen someone get a job done with such determination you work like your life depends on it it does because i feel like you're going to kill me soon isn't it so great being out here in the real world when i'm out here it makes me feel alive it connects me to this world the smell of the fall air the crunching of the leaves beneath my feet if i didn't have those things those tangible experiences well it would be nothing more than just another menial task something i would do simply to get it over and done with so i could move on to the next thing sorry i often get quite reflective when i'm out here anyway place the basket on the shelf where you picked it up then you should take a rest you've earned it i really did like those apples were a [ __ ] you placed a basket of apples on the shelf she better not be right behind me you take a rest as per mother's request okay i thought maybe i had to do like a slow 180 and i'm resting inside the shed why oh come on dude dude imagine if she runs at me like an angry dog with rabies just imagine a mannequin mom coming at you like that coming at you live no just no way i'm not this game could be way scarier if i wanted to be like honestly it could be a million times scarier if it really wanted to be i'm glad that it's not just pressing itself on the gas pedal and it's kind of just like taking his time with me because i am very scared mom she's right there dude every time i see her it makes me want to put my hand over my mouth and just gasp you know saikuno style sorry i had to rush home i didn't get a chance to see what you collected i'll do that later you worked very hard today despite not feeling like yourself you should be proud of that get some rest again mom i just rested in the shed what lyanna can i ask you something when i talk about these things you used to do when you were younger you don't remember any of it do you it's okay you don't have to pretend like you do it's late i'll speak to you in the morning well you keep calling me lyanna and my name's jay so obviously i don't remember anything mom you should get to bed i should i really wish i had a flashlight in this game because look at this this is terrifying she's gonna be in the corner everybody just be aware what she's not is she mom mom are you in my room again you're not you have worked hard today mother suggests that you should get some rest [Music] why is going to bed in this game the most intense thing ever it's thursday though i get to call dad okay so before we talk to dad today i actually want to see if we could talk to our bro you knock on the door there was no answer predictable predictable just another day of the week mom's not here mom the phone's here though let me call dad you pick up the phone but nobody's there you put down the phone i like how it tells you every single thing that you do mom oh there's a note it's a no for you lyanna i started to feel unwell last night i have had to go back to bed your breakfast is on the table from mom mannequins get diarrhea how the hell do you not feel well mom you don't even have organs nutrients your favorite you ingested all the nutrients oh they are so yummy in your tummy you wonder what is wrong with mother and now i'm gonna check on her in the afternoon a few hours later i feel like she's around every corner wait let me see if i can call dad nobody's there i think maybe he said thursday evening mom is looking out the window i was gonna check in her room but she's already looking out the window hey mom lyanna about yesterday if i came across as irritated then i am sorry you better be i hope you can forgive me i just need to have hope you're still not well and it's not fair for me to push you how selfish i am to think that this is about me run along my angel i just need to think things through but weren't you not feeling well earlier mother has disappeared ooh dad's calling yay we get to talk to dad we get to talk to dad actually i hate my dad hello liana that's you isn't it it's your father i told you i'd call so how's my little angel doing i'm as busy as i've ever been here at the office i have a good feeling about this next thing i'm working on i really think this could be the one hey can't you see i'm on the phone what do you mean touhou to my wife of course what's it to you anyway sorry about that wait he said to his wife not his daughter certain people are starting to get far too interested in my business okay where was i oh yes there's a reason i called other than the fact that i said i would of course your mother rang me from the orchard this morning she told me that things aren't going too well i am sorry to hear that i just hope you know that it's nothing to do with you it's just it's just what dad tell me let me jump in break it down to me slowly she's been through hell lately i'll be coming to visit her tomorrow night and as much as i'd love to be able to spend time with you it's just not safe for either of us anyway try not to fight it will ya goodbye you put down the phone that was weird ah that hurt all that hurt mom you're a [ __ ] oh what that man's optimism that's what you call it that's what you call it optimism mom he said he was talking to his wife [ __ ] that scary as hell again it's not often you see a man's greatest strength also become his greatest weakness and while he may have lost many things his hope is not one of them mom what the hell are you talking about are we gonna have a conversation what is that over there looks like random words in the distance mom mommy do you see those random words in the distance the cabinet is used for storing pants trinkets and pots mom you're scaring me come outside there's something i need you to show me you need me to show you something outside isn't this your house man what is this backwards ass place got the dad calling his daughter a wife where do we live alabama you're already outside mom the nights have been cold lately that's because you're wearing a dress in the middle of night in the fall have you noticed these are the kinds of nights that inspire gratitude in having a home like ours well you need to stop going out when it's like negative four degrees outside this one feels especially chilling though doesn't it i want you to walk directly towards the moon you'll meet me out by the roadside you want me to go towards the moon well i also want a million dollars but i don't see that happening right so how about you close that mouth and i go back inside i go to sleep maybe put on some netflix you're not gonna let me right i have to go to the moon all right well see you later mom that is a scary sight this game is freaky deaky dude this is where the moon is right please tell me she's right there holy crap mom here we are this is as far as you can physically go i want you to do something for me what i want you to sleep here tonight i need you to show me i need to know but i know you will okay you want me to sleep here tonight whatever you say mom i'm gonna sleep uh right here in this grass this grassy ass i'm gonna sleep right here on the ground oh you lie on the ground and wait until morning so i basically had to lay by her feet like i was bound down to her you feel well rested that's great i'm glad i feel well rested what is that over there oh it's a tunnel all right all right okay okay i like how the ground doesn't even look real at all like it looks fake like this is a tv screen on the ground and it's just showing me what grass and dirt look like on the ground the whole game looks like that that's why i feel like this is a simulation but it's friday the best day and let's see what mom's up to mom mom what the heck mom error no dialogue uh oh your breakfast is on the table you don't have to eat it but right now it seems like your only choice ah that was odd mom you're bugging out nutrients [Music] i love nutrients in my tummy mummy i never thought i'd be saying [ __ ] like that but here we are that's what this game does to me it is friday afternoon and don't tell anybody i said that all right i will allow you into the graveyard just for today all right are we gonna see squidward's hopes and dreams i guess i'm gonna go to the graveyard i feel like i need the hammer maybe we're gonna find the hammer when we go to the barn but the graveyard is down this way so she unlocks things for me because i remember that spot behind the house was locked and then this spot had like some planks on it but now we could just go to the graveyard i think it's completely crazy that there's a graveyard in front of a house look at that the thing's censored error how come i can't go over there i want to see proceeding could risk core instability you must not proceed i must proceed i want to see it we have to go there everybody i don't care if we have nothing to do right now we're gonna go see you must proceed okay i'm gonna check it out look at that oh this object has been mental blocked to prevent any potential conflict left click to continue oh the thing went off who is oh this can we demand the immediate servicing of any unit shown to suffer a core conflict are you sure you want to continue oops lyanna's grave i told you she died it says lyanna's grave right there our angel we will never give up on you oh god i knew that i knew that someone was gonna be back there how does this make you feel you can speak if you like mom is that you you don't have anything to say hello can you hear me i'm here that's okay you don't have to say anything if you don't want to why can't she hear me am i dreaming i think she's in a coma lyanna i must go inside your father is coming to visit and i need to prepare for his arrival dad he's here too please go to bed what's going on you're probably wondering what's going on okay we'll talk about what happened in the morning yeah lyanna's dead that was her grave they made a statue for her core conflict contained control restored next objective go to bed you feel a drop of water run down your face okay because i guess i was just so freaking sad uh oh again our angel we will never give up on you oh i was scared to turn around everybody you all saw that like how slow i turned around [ __ ] no okay if i run into the mom's body right now i am gonna just die right here in this chair there's a light on mom's inside one of the rooms hey mom what you doing over there get the meatloaf ready this lady talking about she want to take care of me can't even warm up the meatloaf wait she's down the hall she's in her room too wait look somebody's inside you knock on the door don't mind those two this happens every week it's like they're living in different worlds entirely oh the brother did say something and the dad came to visit that's why that's why she's in there you hear what appears to be arguing it isn't any of your business it's not they're my mom and dad but hey it's none of my business okay what can i do see they're arguing or robotic sex let me just go to sleep it's been a long day but now it is night and you must sleep to progress but they're arguing how can you sleep i guess maybe you could just put on headphones but everything seems good now [Music] i'm just gonna let it slide i'm just gonna let it slide you scared the hell out of me again though you're awake angel you're not well i just wanted to tell you that you can stay in your room today i don't need you to do anything for me your father will be here to pick you up tomorrow evening so until then just wait in here okay we're doing everything we can to help you you know that right that's my girl but wait i accidentally went out the room core objective be with mother i don't want to be with mother i actually kind of want to see some secrets in here this is your desk i'll turn off the light hold on i need to figure some things out everybody do i get a hammer because i want to go in that one bathroom down the i can go in the room whoa this place sucks no wonder you didn't want me to see this dog [ __ ] room what do i do here oh i don't want to be in the closet can i open this it says be with mother but i don't want to at least our brother talked to us today let's see if he says anything else i'm not allowed to enter his room i was actually just trying to talk to him there was no answer so maybe he only talks at night when the tv's on because that was the one and only time that he said anything to me angel you startled me well that makes two of us i told you to stay in your room please it's for your own good what you just said be with mother core objective be with mother mother is hiding i don't want to be with mother why would i want to be with mother let me eat my nutrients because nutrients are the best they're the best thing for a growing girl she was right here tucked in between the butt cheeks of the back of the house what you saw in the graveyard last night please try not to let it get to you we're doing everything we can to help you please listen i'd prefer for you not to do anything just quit you're scaring me we leveled up sweet core objective saturday afternoon okay she wants me to quit but never never gonna quit never gonna give you up i have to keep finding mother but she doesn't want to be found and it says core objective be with mother there you are stay back what do you want from me i don't have anything for you to do just leave me alone i don't want to i love you mom where are you give me your love where you think you're going huh you running away from your responsibilities not on my watch with your shower current wearing ass get over here as you can see there is nothing out here for you but that's not why you're doing this is it i'm not your mother i think you know that yeah you're a mannequin from the mall you're just using me to pass the time that's the only reason you're here in this world i know what i must do what is that saturday evening if i spawn right here in front of this gate and gotta go back i will not do anything great okay we just have to be with maja and potentially faja damn look at this it just got a lot creepier she's hiding from me in the shed what in the world mom what angel you're not well your father will be here to pick you up tomorrow night he's been working as hard as he can to help you get better but we took you home before you were ready you're no different to the apples in that basket behind me i'm so sorry what does that even mean look at the shadow our shadow looks creepy as hell you are to stay in the shed until your father gets here tomorrow night i am going to close the door behind you you are forbidden from opening it this is the only way you may not understand but please trust me when i say that this is for your own good don't make us go through all of this again quit now i don't want to and you know what i could just leave to one of the open windows there's like eight of them holy [ __ ] it keeps telling me to be with mother you are forbidden from opening this door core objective be with mother so yeah this is not me this is the simulation controlling this [ __ ] these apples have had their course cut out you're no different to the apples that is what mother said mother would never say such a thing they have started to rot core objective be with mother stop telling me to be with mother she clearly doesn't want to be with me how do i jump out of the door unable to progress contingency initialize backup core i want to be with mother do i i didn't say that the game said that not me i'm chilling right here kind of nice peace and quiet nice breeze i want to get out you're unable to get out why mother said you are forbidden from opening this door but i want to see her affirmative core objective be with mother i need to open this door okay then give me the strength i've programmed me to be able to punch the door open i will open this door i will open this door okay i guess i did open the door i did i opened the door yay core disconnected automatic control resumed be with mother what the heck so i guess i'm the bad guy in this whole game after all because it looks like mother is the one trying to help me out but i'm over here just being with mother you know like in those horror movies those scary ass kids that are like hello mother i just want to be next to you mother why is it so foggy holy [ __ ] i don't even know what the door is oh mom oh oh [ __ ] it's creepy it's scary please please mom i can't go in the room you in here please tell me you're in here or this is gonna suck you touch the lamp but i want to be with mother you cannot sleep with someone as hero [Music] someone's here someone's in here where are you mom mom what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] are you mom what someone's in my room who though oh my god whoa son keep your door closed at all costs okay it's only staying for one more night there's nothing to be afraid of just do not open your door to her no matter what you'll be safe as long as you don't let her oh this is awkward i heard you talking [ __ ] mom stay back we don't want anything from you just stay away from us whoever you are leave this family alone i must call out to mother you attempt to call out to mother wait you said that mother or was it the game i'm confused now but you do not make a sound why can't she hear me insufficient pc synchronization she does not hear you you must try again you attempt to call out to mother i call out to mother did it just speak honey stay in your room contamination is beginning isn't this exactly what you wanted to happen not like this that's not our little girl in there it's something else entirely what do we do it needs an objective without a purpose it will haunt us until it gets one i told it to wait in the shed until your father arrived but contamination is already setting in i'm gonna try to give it another order lyanna angel wait here until morning you are not her okay like i said from the get-go this is not lyanna obviously maybe i'm the mannequin error code what am i i don't know that's what i'm trying to figure out this [ __ ] is hella interesting you are not you if you are not you then who am i me if i'm not me then who is he and she is she we okay let me get my nutrients in she made breakfast again i do not need to eat i refuse you refuse if you refusing you're losing remember that can i pick up the phone you pick up the phone but nobody's there so i put it back down gently mom i'm not me a plate of dirt i will not eat it you cannot make me eat i'm not going to no i will not i didn't i didn't eat it oh dad you pick up the phone angel it's me your father listen i know things are probably very confusing for you right now but you need to trust us i'll be over tonight to pick you up just try not to lose your head until then when we last spoke i mentioned that your mother called me from the orchard on wednesday morning and she mentioned you were feeling sick well we're doing everything we can to help you but we cannot do that unless you cooperate my research has come such a long way this week you're already showing signs of improvement so i really think you'll do better next week anyway i'm just getting in my car now we have a long drive ahead of us so we'd better get going see you soon and please eat up try not to fight it eat up you put down the phone you want me to eat [Music] good morning angel i made you breakfast it's for your own good you want me to eat up right the nutrients you decide to eat it even though i don't want to you are not in control you cannot make me eat okay maybe i could have had a real choice there don't do this disgusting what are you looking at mom it's not even a view out there all you can see is bars now this whole thing is glitching the simulation not long now the kitchen knife what does that mean the kitchen knife there's a kitchen knife tell me i want some sweet ass kitchen knife where's the kitchen knife i obtained the kitchen knife it's time to end this time in the shoe there's a note though it's a note for lyanna hi lianna i hope you made it home safely sorry i'm not there to greet you i haven't been feeling well the past few days oh that was a note from the beginning oh the barn thing's open sweet this is where i wanted to go why is there like a plank thing at the very end of the barn mom no surprises okay whoa that's kind of creepy she's right at the top [ __ ] i almost feel bad for her keyword almost i don't know that's not my real mom right that's just a mannequin if i just imagine it's just a mannequin it'll make things less weird right mom i knew you'd eventually make your way up here what's that you got oh good you brought it give me the knife now's our chance killer i hand mother the knife and there's three question marks like wait why did i do that what no no that's a good girl now let's watch the sunset why did you hand it over go on get as close as you can core objective it's time to end this that isn't what i meant okay you want me to be here is that what you want me to do okay you watch the sunset i didn't want to have this conversation but if there's any semblance of a you in there i feel i at least owe it an explanation you know what i think i know what's going on none of this was your fault i think that the girl's consciousness was put into some kind of robot or a mannequin you only did what was possible within your means that's just the way this world was presented to you in fact i can only assume that the way i appear to you is just as unnatural as the way you appear to me angel whoever you are we exist in two separate realities we could both continue to play our respective roles we could both pretend that we have a connection a shared experience but it will never be a replacement for something authentic just as i will never be your mother you will never be my daughter and that's okay because once you find your core you can be whoever you want you feel mother place or hand on top of your head would you look at that isn't it beautiful i come up here every sunday evening to watch it i wouldn't miss this sunset for the world damn mom you feel oh crap she really put that thing on me didn't she why is this happening why is this happening continued exposure to material that might suggest conflict that the pre-established self will result in further contamination okay so i think the dad works for this technology place and he put lyanna's consciousness inside of a robot and i think that's why it happened core disconnected from player click to continue well the father's here there's a storm approaching right on cue we can only hope this will be the last ah wait i'm back where i started oh sorry lyanna i didn't mean to wake you i must have been thinking out loud again good timing we're almost there i know that the surgery took a lot out of you but i think getting you back home will make all the difference it's important for you to be with mother to remind you of how things used to be if all goes well i have faith that you'll be back to your old self by the end of the week you've been through a lot i'm just glad we got out of that place it wasn't good for your head okay um so this whole thing just restarted so it's either the simulation failed and i'm doing like a new one to see if i can get like a new ending like a successful ending or there's gonna be something different once we get to mother's house i guess we'll find that out right now okay so i tried going through this whole week and now i don't think that i can come here you must not proceed okay so i didn't proceed this time i'm just gonna go back to the house and let's see what happens because yeah the first playthrough i just clicked on that blurry [ __ ] and then i saw that it was my grave but we're not actually gonna bother with that this time whoa okay i did not expect that to happen oh what are you watching oh what are you looking at so you made her sleep outside evelyn that's inhumane it accepted my request without batting an eye our little girl would have never done that don't tell me you've forgotten what she was even like that's not the point okay if she's following the script you speak of why isn't she in bed like she normally is on friday night i don't know but it will do it eventually it has to or its brain won't let it progress you haven't seen the way it moves around the house with such determination toward its objective it scares me stop calling her that she's got our daughter's core she's in there somewhere what would you rather do give up knowing that there was something you could have done to save her i'm telling you i have a good feeling about this next model i'll deliver her on sunday night as usual okay so like i said she's a robot but the girl's actual memories are inside of the robot kind of and she hasn't shown any signs of searching for the hidden switch you know how catastrophic it would be if she found out what was in the downstairs bathroom don't worry i had her out working with me on wednesday afternoon as usual there's no way she'd be snooping around the house at that time besides why would she touch your prized possession ever let alone at that time okay okay as long as you're sure i am sure besides i rush home to ensure the door is locked that evening anyway she would have to get to the house before evening she would have to get to the house before evening okay so i have to touch dad's record player right you are well rested wait a minute oh [ __ ] do we talk to her or can we just go straight to the thing oh what the hell she's already down here damn it yeah this is dad's prized possession right you're forbidden from touching this okay so let's see what we have to do now [Music] finally so you have to do it right after the apple picking thing you touch the record player you hear a click behind you hell yeah i was hoping mother wasn't there that's why i kinda turned a little slow but fast at the same time because i'm excited you were forbidden from attempting to open this door i don't give a damn oh give it uh-oh deviated from critical path error code red return to critical path wednesday afternoon objective place apple basket on shell hell no wait no oh okay memories accessed from previous lives sweet okay so now we remember everything finally we're making some progress this is what i'm talking about a critical error again deviated from critical path core objective be with mother inaccessible attempting emergency timeout to resolve the let me issue attempt number one complete nobody has come to help core objective remains inaccessible attempting emergency timeout number two oh [ __ ] is anybody gonna come get me attempting number two complete nobody has come to help core objectives still inaccessible attempting emergency timeout number three can i move at least someday please attempt number three complete and nobody came to help you cannot proceed you cannot proceed you cannot proceed i definitely can't proceed huh okay hey please oh nobody's coming to help hell yeah mother sucker i'm going towards the light functional error you have deviated further from the critical path attempting emergency timeout to resolve this issue okay so the farther we go to reveal the truth i think that whoever is programming me is trying their hardest to make sure that i don't know what's up attempt number one complete core objective remains inaccessible please stop don't do it i said don't do it we're gonna do it nike style he says you do not need to eat corbett to be with mother you don't need to watch tv core conflict imminent these words are from the interface they are designed to guide you through the critical path path what is this critical path the critical path leads you to functional fulfillment functional fulfillment your function is follow the critical path and what lies at the end of the path the path leads you to functional fulfillment then what is my function to follow the path and what is the path are we going around in circles with his words be with mother okay i'm gonna be with mother soon you cannot walk away from the core objective i'm about to if you stop stopping me i'm about to i promise i need to proceed cannot proceed forbidden i cannot let you who are you to stop me who are you cory is contaminating the interface i think i'm breaking through everybody i'm awakening from the matrix i asked who you are i am the interface you know why i said it like that usually when the letters go really slow you know i start reading it like that it's nice to meet you it is nice to meet me nice to meet you too whoa whoa whoa i didn't know i was going somewhere else what the survival notice do not enter the barn i need to see yes oh crap you are now entering the barn if you proceed into the barn you will not be able to climb back are you sure you wish to proceed left click to proceed whoa there's a memory leak what the [ __ ] [Music] whoa [Music] what is happening oh what is that the object has been blocked to avoid a potential memory leak behind this block there are memory leak imminent memory leak imminent memories of my past selves i must find a way to remove this block and access these memories i need to know okay how do we do that is there like a switch like a plug that i can unplug i remember this terminal this is father's terminal it's a part of me all the memory leaks makes sense now they are my memories from my past selves this terminal defined who i've been up until now a mental block has been removed i need to see i remember this terminal oh yeah it's a part of me okay sorry mental block has been removed okay oh dude this [ __ ] crazy these ashes these are the ashes of all who came before you this is all that remains of my past attempts this game is way deeper than i thought why why would they do this did i not fulfill my purpose you did i walked the path they laid out for me all paths have an end well that's true then where am i now i must synchronize with the terminal i need to know more about my past okay so let's see if we can unblock some more of these memories are you sure you wish to synchronize with this terminal yes i'm sure this may take some time but i'm willing to wait as long as it takes to find out who i am synchronize [Music] that voice who are you i am you lyanna is that who you are i was once her lyanna's core was installed into this body she was the very core of your character meant to guide you through a role this world expected you to play so did you guide me here no that was something else an angel perhaps so if you're not lyanna then who are you i have become you then who am i that's what we're gonna find out together at last jesus sunday night we've never survived this long we have taken our own path our own path we need to find a way out of here i have an idea angel if you can hear us bring us to our ashes [Music] memory leak number one running out of time a gift from the gods her funeral rules today i refuse to go our girl is not gone as long as i have her core with me i can choose to believe that evelyn doesn't see it quite like that but she will i'll create our own reality one where our angel never left us i found out that sunday morning is the best time to sneak a machine out of headquarters when i took the first prototype back to see her mother she was obedient but not much else i'm still positive that our little girl is in there evelyn however judging by the sound of her voice on the phone not so much she understands that we need to allow the core to contaminate the enigma interface but she's been through so much we just need hope okay nagito so these are conversations from the dad and the mom a curse that's what she called it no it's just the dad this gift the creation of life a curse perhaps it's not for me to say i cannot imagine how hard this is all for her i'm not the one who has to stay home mothering what amounts to nothing more than a lost android but i need her to be strong because if she's not then neither am i didn't i call that earlier i said she was a robot a cleaner found me sneaking a prototype into my car i've seen to it that they let go from enigma corp we cannot afford anything getting in the way of progress not now i've already had to put out a hefty bounty for whoever the enigma machine thief is but i don't know how much longer i can keep this a secret it's kind of hard for me to read because it's like white on white like white text on a white text i guess like there's white text on more white text i've done more research into the brains of the contaminated interfaces evelyn gave me it seems that even if her core does manage to contaminate the interface the process of the machine fighting off her ego is incredibly traumatic to her core if this two-way contamination occurs the result is well not our little girl i will admit it they scare me but we can't give up now our angel is strong stronger than any machine the dad he really is optimistic he really does have hope that you know his little girl can be found inside of this robot it seems that no matter what we do core contamination starts around thursday and is always on track to reach 100 by sunday night this has happened in every single prototype we have brought home not once has there been any sign of lyanna's soul coming through so in order to prevent them reaching 100 contamination and developing their own sense of self we have been retiring them before sunday night sunday evening is the last possible time that what we're doing can still be considered retiring and on top of all the reprehensible actions that have brought us to the point becoming a murderer is not something i wish to do to be clear under no circumstances can we retire these units once they've hit 100 contamination that scenario is what i'm referring to as a code red we're in this now we need to keep going we need to have hope i really feel like this is nagito all grown up but yeah what i'm trying to tell you all is that um she tried to speak before but she just can't get the words to come out of the android so her soul is inside the robot but nobody knows it because she can't really express it through the android but i don't think that i clicked on this one right the memory leak number one got some troubling news we spoke with the doctors today they fear that with the way things are looking liana's condition will only worsen i didn't read this and it's happening faster than they expected i'm working as hard as i can i know that i should cherish this time with her while i can but if she can just hold on a little longer we'll have an eternity to cherish together okay let me just read these actually because i didn't read the other ones i only read i think number four and beyond i would say this is a gift from the gods but the truth is they have been no use to me oh wait i've seen this one in order to keep the money for this project going i have to show my angel prototype to enigma investors they were impressed at how lifelike they could be i already heard mumblings of branding them into a commercialized product something about an enigma machine or something catchy name but they did nothing more than finance them the angels are my creation to be honest they can call them whatever they want just as long as they never find out what i'm planning to do with them okay i think i'm good we shall use the failures of our past selves to build our own path okay so i have to click on the ashes a long locked door has unlocked build your own path okay so i don't have to keep doing the same thing every single week i don't have to be 100 contaminated i can be free yay hopefully i can tell the mom and dad that her soul is still in here right hopefully this is actually a really good story it's actually way better than i thought it was gonna be those are the best kinds of games the ones were like you look at it and you're like there's no way this is gonna be good silly at most you know couple chuckles here couple giggles here just one thing how do we know we're on the right path we don't will we ever know we will when we reach the end okay i mean the right path is subjective it has to be right in your eyes you know there's nothing that's objective which means it's either true or false subjective means it's up to your own interpretation core objective rebirth wait this is the cellar huh oh yeah it is i want to answer the door what did i say the front door has been locked perhaps we are not welcome anymore maybe not that lyanna why have you brought me a basket of rotten apples i told you i needed a box that your mother had no it's not you is it i see get in the car angel he knew huh he knew it was actually her because he calls lyanna angel that's what i got from the nose he always called her angel dad where are me and my rotten apples going we don't need you anymore oh sunday night wait no looks like the storm is finally clearing up oh sweet so about your week you must have had quite the experience i'm sure you have a lot of questions by now you probably know that you're not our little girl but that's okay you're still my angel and with a new self should come a new name right you know i think i'll call you that was really good that was really good the dad he's the real mvp of this story dude never lost hope even after his daughter when what she went through even though the mom you know wasn't really cooperating or she wasn't handling it as well as the dad i mean you can never tell anyone how to handle a situation we all go through things in our own unique ways but the fact that the dad remained like the light in all the darkness and he even saw his angel inside of the android eventually i think that was actually really beautiful and it was a beautiful ending i actually enjoyed that one a lot it started off scary but it was interesting enough for me to be like you know what i think that there's something deeper than just it being a scary game and i was right that was right and hopefully you all enjoyed this it is called mothered and it says coming soon on steam wishlist now free prologue available so if you guys are interested in this there's the links to all of their stuff right there on the screen but if you enjoyed this playthrough of mother make sure you give this video one big fat like and tell a friend today that jay from the cob scouts is that dude
Channel: Kubz Scouts
Views: 3,277,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kubz, scouts, kubz scouts, mother, mother game, mothered game, kubz scouts mothered, mothered scary game, mothered horror game, kubz scouts mother game, mothered playthrough, mothered lets play, mothered jumpscares, indie horror games 2021, kubz scouts horror games, kubz scouts scary games
Id: 2ZpIQFarl6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 19sec (4519 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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