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he's not in here hey i'm jay from the cub scouts welcome to a game called murder house now puppet combo just released this game i'm always keeping an eye on their work because they always make me hit those high notes hopefully i hit them in this game right now if you guys cool that you down with that everybody get ready and buckle up cause here we go puppet combo presents okay kid you're next me i'm next it was goody oh wasd to move all right what's good who's this santa claus come on kid get your ass up there where on him bro i'm sitting on sans he's left how am i gonna smile when i'm looking at this freaking rabbit tooth bastard right [Music] here eastern 1986 he got me messed up with this bull kaka bro i was the mullet master where i was pulling baddies back then 1986 i must have fallen asleep musta did i fall asleep on his lap bro where the heck am i oh is this is this first person just a photo booth i'm out of change oh am i in here ayo how do i get out of here bro get me out okay moon walked out bro i really am a mullet man mom is the mall closed i think so i'm wearing those short shorts who wear short shorts my lip man wear short shorts [Laughter] bro what the heck why am i two feet tall this pillar is taller than me pulling baddies my mullet ass all right where are we going guys i really am the shortest dude alive we stand a short king in this house i'm gonna go here in the middle because i think this is where i took a picture with the easter bunny right yeah is that facts or is that cap i think that's cap i think that's a bag of kappa kappa bag okay we're just gonna figure out where i'm going because this camera is far out like uma thurman's eyes ooh i can do first person perspective i got rambaichu [Music] let me see where i'm going i gotta turn this camera around oh it's giving me eye aids right now hold up where am i going i gotta do something right now i gotta figure out what we're doing i can't get the who wears short shorts thing out of my head i don't know i'm going crazy i'm going crazy this game is jamaican me crazy i don't even know where i go my guy got no neck he got a nose as long as igor from persona a security gate looks like i can crawl under it yes do it do it how do you crawl oh you just click it and then you automatically crawl all right cool okay so i'm just gonna keep running like a chicken with my head cut off actually i'm just gonna run like a guy with a mullet on my head because i'm running like a jackass easter photographs here we go that's where the easter bunny was taking photos it sure is empty now yeah because the mall is close you have freaking pincher i guess we gotta go over here those security blocking things are taller than me well i'm gonna live a bad life i'm gonna live a bad bad life let's see what's over here can i smell the stink on that bunny's ass the easter bunny's chair i guess he went home for the night yeah he was done easter bunnying around what about this why did the mood change oh why did the mood change hey i don't like the sound of that is he coming for me well he coming for me chimichanga high come on i gotta get out of here bro i don't like the vibes well i'm just trying to vibrate now i don't like the vibes i don't like this i don't like this i don't like this what's going on over here oh what the hell is happening oh this is creepy a missing person poster read it sure lost child mildred armstrong missing since monday march 31st 1981 last scene 4 15 pm at monroe mall inside of jeers are we inside of monroe mall uh okay it's pretty freaking creepy check this out will you take the key we don't know what's for but it's just the key i can use inventory items by pressing the z key okay that's me bro you are not fine it says justin's fine that's the bag of cap let's check out this one i'm missing person supposed to read it randy martinez he don't look like a martinez he looked like a gregory wilson or something but he's missing too so let's check this out maybe we can use the key on this can i use the key it's locked i can't get out this way okay he can't get out this way is the easter bunny gonna come and get me i think he is because on the cover of the game i saw the easter bunny with like a hook for a weapon so he had a hook for a hand he didn't even have a real hand oh my god i saw him he was on the right i chew wow okay guy oh he was right here he was here at the watch store he was watching me he was looking for a watch and he was watching me oh i like how that came full circle there's got to be a way out i see that gate kind of open right oh no that's not open right nope it's closed oh wait that's the exit ah [ __ ] okay let's check this out real quick just so we can you know oh god that kind of looked like me when i was younger bull cut ass daniel gray last seen april 6th oh shoot is this the only exit i think i gotta go here huh yup okay so we can access this oh we got the resident evil shits too that's cool oh dude this camera angle you've got to be kidding me let's check this the same guy what is he that special a lot of kids went missing here i mean i know he got a bulka but damn he ain't that cool oh the um gregory wilson kid that ain't randy martinez that's a made up name that's a made-up name let's check here it's locked okay why do i feel like he's gonna be running at me down the hall it's locked oh i do not like tight corridors tighter than my freaking butthole because my [ __ ] is clenched right now i got them clench things it's locked really oh god you gotta be joking me oh i can go in here dude no freaking way oh my god what the heck holy crap i got the chills bro it's locked a stall should i hide oh dude i could hide oh my god oh i don't like this at all i'm getting the hell out of here i don't like this i don't like this i don't like this guys i'm getting the chills if i wasn't wearing a long sleeve i'd show you the goosebumps and i'm not flexing the promise holy crap okay so if i have to hide that means my guy is close and if my guy is close then i'm probably gonna poop my pants it's locked okay that's probably the other end of the bathroom all right so just keep that in mind just keep that in mind jay just run like the tough guy you are in your lime green shirt and you're sure oh crap oh crap gotcha bastard come on go i do like this three angled camera though that's pretty smooth okay get in there get in there get in there okay jump jump jump jump jump go go go go go go my heart's beating so freaking fast okay go go go go go what the heck what the heck what the heck okay hide hide yes hide holy crap it seems like a good hiding place i could peek out with the action button and get a closer look with the look button when i finish hiding i could exit with menu oh dude he's locked the door there's no escape oh he's came in the side oh he came inside well he came inside oh he came inside five freaking size 13 shits too you know he hung like a horse bro he better not he better not he's gonna come and find me dude oh how does he know bro can he just go like on all fours and look in the stalls that would be cheap though that would be cheap like this dude's mom is this going to be one of those things when i leave the stall he's going to be there is it going to be one of those okay how do i how do i get out of here hey yo how do i how do i get out of here oh god okay leave crap okay this game's already getting nerve-wracking i'm not about that life i'm not about it but wait where did i end up at that's back where i started right let me check this out a vetting machine thank you very observant mullet head okay see here the door is locked there's a keypad try it one two three four five okay i'm looking for something with a code with the button shits i never understood how that worked never understood let's see here wait there was something on the door what was that you guys saw that shiny thing on the door wait why why is it like that oh shoot why holy crap oh is he in here wait a minute he's right there oh i thought i saw him on the other side a hole in the floor looks pretty deep there's something right there what the heck how do i get that i go here wait what hold on how do i there was something that i could oh god what the heck [Music] murder house thanks i got murder housed awesome starring dan weisenberg kelsey puckett did i butcher the dan weisenberger name i think i did devonta johnson i'm the roll call guy sarah nowak roll plus call got we got david horowitz vincent sullivan bam and jacksepticeyes janitor jack my guy jack okay jacksepticeye janitor jack all right jackie and all those other i'm sorry i was fangirling over jack but anyway let's begin it is present day 1987. that's cap that's not present day so it's a lie this game is already sus oh okay got the satellite shits gonna talk to aliens with the satellite that big god damn i'm gonna communicate with other realms looks like we're here ew this place i can't believe i went from the news desk to this hey stop your bitching you're lucky you have this after the incident with the poodle that could wait what happened all right let's get started don't have all day i like this guy he looks like a cool guy he looks like an uncle that you're just cool with he'll give you money for no reason he'll give you money to shut up because that was definitely the talkative annoying the hell is the real estate agent i gave him 50 bucks to let him shoot this story there's his car where the hell is he the easter bunny got him hey intern what's your name again emma wait i'm taking control of emma this is literally the worst day to start this internship i pull the tendon at track practice and i don't think i can run very long once my stamina drains i'll have to take a break and walk it off before i can run again oh that's cool puppet combo for basically telling me i can't run away from the guy that long tore your tendon at track practice okay i don't even know why i said practice like that like practice can we go in here it's locked is there another way in i'm pretty sure pretty sure we can go in from this way no we can't window the window is really dirty i can't see inside dirty like you're dead the window's really dirty dirty like your mom what about this dirty like your brother okay so i gotta find another way in i'm pretty sure we can go in from the back so we just gotta hit it from zip back you say and is the easter bunny gonna come at us present day is he still alive like same dude no cap i bet you were going in here and i gotta walk because she tore her tendon remember a basement window looks like it's open enter not yet i kinda wanna see what's in this house over here maybe i'll get a valuable item yup i see something shining okay so is there a way we can enter this greenhouse please tell me yes the gate is locked tight god damn it okay so i guess emma can't make her way in there but just remember everybody that i have something shiny that i need to get in there so we're going to go in this small [ __ ] and then we're just going to figure out what if there's a jump scare on these door opening transitions puppet combo i'm coming for your head i'm coming for your whole body oh crap i can't believe i'm breaking into a house it sure is creepy in here it is it actually is an empty cabinet this would make a great hiding spot yes it would oh wait so you're basically telling me i can hide in there an empty cabinet this would make a great hiding spot what the heck was that was that that drip this basement got that drip okay basement got drip drip what the heck i can't see oh god i can't see hold on i think i gotta find a flashlight this is bad this is real bad okay let's go around here guys i need to find the complimentary video game flashlight so let's see let's go in here let me see if i can find anything a dryer it's sealed for some reason i don't think i want to look inside definitely not a washing machine is sealed for some reason i don't think i want to look inside then don't get some wd-40 on that an average fuse box wait i think a fuse is missing okay well i'll figure that out later let's go here yikes not yet i gotta explore the basement first everybody i gotta make sure i touch all bases an empty wardrobe this would make a great hiding spot what about here anything good here no let's open the door so we can let everybody else in just remember that i gotta fix the fuse here unless we go upstairs and everything's locked as well that's gonna suck so can i open this you've unlocked it yay so now we can let the whole news team in don't you feel better and less afraid when everybody's with you so i can tell them that i open the back door they can give me my mvp trophy whenever they want because their lazy asses aren't even opening the door i tore my tendon and these [ __ ] aren't even helping me out freaking butt whiskers dog look at these guys just chatting up a storm don't ask me i'm just the camera guy i wasn't asking you i was telling you that the door was unlocked it's so gross here dude go inside we don't have all day wait do they want me to find the guy what's my task i guess we're back in here and we're gonna investigate some kitchen drawers should i search them yes there's this i guess it's locked i guess it's locked what about here what's that that's not a drawer that's the same dude all right okay fine shut up guess i can't do that what about here the grossest stove i've ever seen it's not that bad stop it a greasy fridge there's no way i'm opening it what about here i can't open it the doorknob is missing oh [ __ ] didn't even realize that okay well how about here oh i can go in here that's a crusty dusty door dude i don't know about all this i don't know how i feel about all this hello [ __ ] don't say hello in horror games guys it's locked unlocked it yes okay this better be the yes thank you did you see that goddamn real estate agent no the house is empty that bastard i should have given you the 50 bucks 50 bucks cheapskate ew it's musty chop chop it's time to hustle grab all the equipment in the van and get it in there we're gonna set up okay i'm assuming we're ghost hunting i'm not super familiar with the story i don't know if we're just trying to catch a murderer or if we're just trying to catch a ghost but apparently emma is on [ __ ] duty because i have to do all the heavy lifting so let's get all the stuff wait no that's not where the stuff is sorry the stuff she's uh right there finished never want to do this again me neither never ever for never ever ever for never ever the lights are set up but there's no power in this house damn it i better tell someone i think they know wow this is a cool house tom tom never has a good opinion i hate every second of this all right well i guess gary's the big boss what are you waiting around for turn on those lights and let's get rolling the power's out we'll turn it back on i don't know how figure something out well i gotta find the fuse because downstairs there was a fuse box so i guess i gotta do everything sorry emma someone left a note read it hey it's jerry the real estate agent looks like someone broke the lock on the basement window and got in the house since the last time i was over here they stole the goddamn fuse so the power's out don't worry i know there's another fuse around here somewhere i left the front door open in case i don't hear you guys drive up just shout for me when you get inside i don't know if he means somewhere here in the kitchen a kitchen cabinet should open it um it's empty well you know what i'm gonna go upstairs i'll figure it out we'll see what happens let's just check every room damn it this is gonna suck big mega balls dude pretty sure oh the power's on up here an empty cabinet this would make a great hiding spot yeah the power's up up here so that means maybe there's a fuse here i think i see some jizz on the floor too dresser should i search it yeah nope okay nothing uh what about here let's search here god damn okay nothing inside what about here what the heck here god damn it here okay nothing there either so let's get the [ __ ] out of here or i can actually go in this room right here i'm actually super nervous everybody i'm trying to act like i'm not nervous but oh god i'm kind of like staying far back from the monitor too because i'm kind of just like anxious it's locked all right what else we got here what else we got over here we got freaking doors on doors man this is gonna be a good okay see if there's a fuse box here a tv there's no power i know there's not let's search this god man where the where is the fuse where's the freaking fuse at okay so i just turned off door transitions so it's a little bit faster so let's see it's locked okay well there's actually a third floor oh we got three stories in this [ __ ] it's locked looks like solid iron no way i can open this without a key so i've checked every single damn room and there's no fuse so either i overlooked something or i don't know what i'm doing so let's see can i open the big ones i can't open the big kahunas huh just the cabinet wait looks like there's something behind it i can't move it myself okay remember that there's a movable cabinet up on the second floor jay i can actually go through multiple drawers and open them i thought you could only choose the one that it was highlighted i'm so stupid i'm so dumb i'm a freaking idiot you know what i will take all the euro dumbass comments in the comment section i will take i'm just kidding i can't i'm fragile guys don't do that to me i'm kidding i don't care a bunch of junk yeah tell me i'm stupid you took the pencil i do like pencils if i do say so myself let's check here and let's search uh let's check this did i already check that before let's check that looks like blood it's not junk it's a valuable clue nothing here okay what about here can i check that so i guess i gotta check upstairs because i got a bunch of pencils which is a bunch of [ __ ] which is a bag of cap so let's see if i can find anything over here cause i'm pretty sure there's some stuff here man emma's looking fine though i'm kidding let's check this it's nothing just grime it's not junk anymore all junk that one's locked more junk can i open my inventory nope i can't okay i am emma and i have two pencils i can use this to write down my progress oh so i can save it's kind of like the typewriter and resident evil let's search these it's locked okay not locked ain't [ __ ] it's like a is like an animal gonna jump out of me like until dawn that scared me when i played it god that was so scary and until dawn when you search one of the cabinets and then somebody runs out at you that it was hella scary dude okay let's go into this room again i think this is the other room with the cabinet let me see does the tv no power what about here let's search this [ __ ] oh what's that great it looks like a fuse i hope it's the right size yeah buddy you took the fuse that looked like a battery and just jumped okay i know exactly where to go to the basement we go god who the hell was that what the yo it's like a like a redhead with no soul what they ran up here it's locked it looks like the okay i knew that was locked somebody like some redhead some wendy's can i help you you want to get the best fresh burgers in town looking ass she was just standing right there oh she better not be down here in the basement she better not be down there i will karate kick her in the face i don't give a damn i don't give a double doggy style down bro she better not be down here you better not be down here okay she's not down here so let's do this i guess i just screw it in great the power's back on there's something inside the dryer it's a head something is banging inside but the doors jammed shut okay well i'm not messing with that [ __ ] i'm not messing with that i'm getting the hell out of here dude go go go go go now we're gonna talk to the news crew i feel safe with them right i feel safe inside my mind hey oh god i was back on let's get started let's do it all right good everything's set tom yep lighting's ready the camera's rolling hey gary i was thinking we could man amazon i hate this job well pull it together ready everyone i love that this voice acting in this game all right action action anthony smith more commonly known as the easter ripper the mere mention of his name sends shivers up the spines of parents across the country this guy right here his horrible murder spree leaving lives shattered and families ripped apart literally tonight we'll go inside his vacant home where 11 innocent children spent their final moments in agonizing pain and terror oh god untouched since those horrible crimes eight years ago some say his spirit still haunts the home till this day i'm dana turner and this is a news 9 special report silenced tears inside the home of serial killer anthony smith cut let's take a break that was like 20 seconds worth of material let's take a break i think i want to redo the line where this isn't 60 minutes dana it's channel [ __ ] nine we're not here to win a pulitzer i like gary i'll mess with this guy fine i'm going to find a place in this gross house to fix my makeup you're gonna need a lot of makeup for that face gotta beat that face gotta beat it up did everybody leave what the why yo why did they leave me what the where do they go hold on they left me bro they left me to die what the heck whoa what are you doing there did you see that see what i just had a weird premonition gary and dana were dead never mind i probably sound crazy don't i no i saw it too why are they so close like they're about to kiss all right are you just gonna be doing that okay weirdo that dude's giving me some weird vibes i think he's the easter ripper if he's not then he's definitely making himself look awfully sus it's locked wait was it locked before oh yeah it was always locked okay i'm getting the rooms mixed up oh the tv's on a tv too bad this house doesn't have cable um okay i have no idea where to go i guess i'm just gonna wander around until something happens unless this door is unlocked right it's locked okay i gotta find out where the other people are because this is not cute i'm not having it right now dana oh god oh gary scared the hell out of me bro this is a great opportunity for you put in a little extra effort and you can really get ahead if you know what i mean okay i'll keep that in mind where the hell is dana i don't want to wait around all day [Applause] dana i'll find dana she down in the basement if she's down in the basement doing her makeup i'm weak bro i'm so weak she down here dana hey dana hey she yo not be down here bro oh what the hell i can't see oh god jesus a basin no no i want to talk to dana why is she down here by herself hey sweetie i'm so thirsty from all that talking can you fetch me a glass of water why is she so creepy and a diva too will you take the mug yes you took the mug i know i took it i'm the one that took it so i know i took it let's fill this up right here [Music] oh chef's kiss on that water animation i filled it with the water yes a nice juicy glass of tap water that is what i'm talking about all right dana if that is your real name are you down here yeah there you are okay let's give her some of this here you go thank you oh i thought somebody was going to kill her wait did you wash this yeah my girl oh i just remembered i found this key lying thanks if you can find a real story in this house something that nobody has reported and maybe we can get hired on a real network sure what the gary [Music] time to sex this up hey you me yeah you put this [ __ ] on and your dry reporting isn't helping i'm reading the teleprompter people want to see ghosts okay in turn when danis says he still haunts the home he grew up in i want you to run through the background got it all right let's do this hey i dig it i'm down for that i'm down to spice it up after dana says he still haunts the home he grew up in i need to run through the door action the rampage started in late march 1979 wait am i already controlling him and took a seasonal position as an easter bunny a job meant to spread joy and cheer put him in the perfect position to abduct young children until his capture and execution god dammit i said fine not spanish my bad many of the bodies have not been recovered as told by the soul survivor randy martinez randy martinez lived all right cool dude in his greenhouse and forced them to go on a deadly easter egg hunt while he stalked and murdered them two years later many say he still haunts the home he grew up in [Music] god damn it i said run by not stand in the shot oh you son of a ass two years later many say he still haunts the home he grew up in three what was that tom did you get that i apologize to the viewers at home but i just felt an energy pass by behind me yeah with a converse on the house and see what secrets we uncover cut this is waiting school let's take a break and pick up in the bedroom a white sheet with converse running into the door great timing i'm going to go use the restroom hey you i'm getting hungry take the van and go pick us up some pizzas use the station credit card nice we can use the company credit card at least we got some good footage right guys that's what i'm talking about is everybody out here already bro everybody's out of here come on bro dude what the heck why are they always doing this to me i don't appreciate them just leaving me here in the dark okay um so i gotta go and i gotta pick up some company pizzas before i pick up the pizzas i should investigate what this small key does yes emma i like that i like that you're being nosy is it gonna no this is the doorknob one so it's probably upstairs huh okay guess i gotta investigate upstairs damn it this is gonna suck big balls jay but you gotta do it ain't none too but to do it i can't use this here all right well what about uh what about here is this it i can't use this here what what about over here please tell me this is it can't use this here i was thinking it might be the greenhouse but i don't know i don't really know let's go in here let me see is there something locked in here dresser should i search it yes okay that's nothing inside that's nothing inside okay you know what i actually think it might be that little hidey hole down by the stairs so let me check that because it's not any of the rooms upstairs so maybe it's right here right because it's locked oh wait oh yeah it's locked it seems like a flimsy lock but i can't get in without a key got it it's unlocked whoa i feel safe in this room like nothing bad can happen here an empty journal maybe i can use it to write down my progress oh sweet okay so this is where i save looks like a really old flashlight somebody dropped take it yes got the flashlight now you can see in the dark i better check if i missed anything before i pick up the pizzas i should check if there's anything i miss now that i can see in the dark once okay you mean like in the basement you son of a gun dude i'm pretty sure that's what they mean did you find anything juicy yet not yet but i think i'm onto something this house is full of locked rooms yes it is i think there's something hidden here that nobody knows about good work and don't mention this to anybody especially gary he'll steal any story from us all right well i guess i can't mention it to gare bear but let me check down low in the basement because i'm pretty sure now that i have this flashlight i can actually see in that little dark spot down in the ground oh it seems so creepy here it seems so freaking creepy here oh okay shake here can i check that oh boy somebody left the crowbar down here it could be useful will you take it yeah okay i took the crowbar awesome that's it all right i think that was it and i can hide let's get the hell out of here before something comes to wreck us in the ass go go go go oh god i'm so freaking paranoid wait can i open it with this something is banging on the inside but the doors down shut let's do this sweet what's that is that a gold bullet what is that i'm kind of relieved i was expecting something horrible yeah all right so we got the doorknob so we can open the door that's right here by the kitchen wait why is it dark already it's getting dark already oh [ __ ] okay come on i need to find something to use this on it's right here i can't open it the doorknob is missing right here open that up open that bad boy up let me in this is creepy what's this a fire poker that's a pretty good weapon i may need to defend myself will you take the fire poker yes he took the fire poker okay how do i equip it oh now nobody's gonna mess with me look at that oh the shagging wagon dude there's a note pinned to the van read it nowhere to go now looks like we'll be playing a game you'll be hunting eggs i'll be hunting you find them all and you can leave don't find them and you can't maybe i can open that one locked door on the third floor okay because i have this weapon oh jesus little [ __ ] kid what are you doing what the hell man it's locked looks like solid iron no way i can open this without a key keep this key that dude what's up with these little kids i mean i know that the guy killed a bunch of kids but damn it's locked all right what about here anybody here yo what's gucci what's drugs my dealer huh he's in here i gotta find gare bear i gotta tell him that we can't leave because the van the shagging wagon is all messed up there you are what's taking so long i can't function on an empty stomach sorry i'm going to go soon make it pronto you know this is a nice room wait what let's film in here next okay so i guess i really do got to get the pizzas even though i have no van they're making me run on a broken leg all right i guess i gotta go get the pizzas on a broken leg the van who would do this oh i had to do that it's a no pin on the windshield man you're serious bro i just saw a ghost kid running down i thought i already prompted like bert to say that the fans almost that's ridiculous oh now she's not here oh boy oh this is not good i'm getting sweaty now where are the pizzas there's something going on here the van has been wrecked and the gate is locked where's tall i don't know i can't find him either ugh must be the goddamn real estate agent yeah the real estate agent is killing everybody get another 50 bucks when we were done come out you chicken [ __ ] damn it gary it's getting dark and this place is scary and gross can we finish this fine i don't know where the hell tom is so you're gonna have to hold the camera what i don't know how to work this it's easy just hold it steady that's about it okay all right well i guess i'm on camera duties this is dana turner on location got it i've just been informed that we're stuck here someone has wrecked our van and we can't get our [ __ ] pizza lunch promised by my producer is anthony smith executed in the electric chair in 1985 back from the dead and back for revenge on anyone who enters his house find out soon if we don't get the [ __ ] out of i here my lunch i can't work under these conditions fine we'll take a break hey jen see if you can find where the hell tom it's only been 10 seconds well i guess i gotta go find the other guy okay what do you mean okay i hate this stupid job [ __ ] me too it's locked okay i guess i gotta go find the freaking camera guy well this sucks where would he be where would he be [ __ ] i bet you he's in the basement huh do you think he died in the basement everybody i think he did oh i think he did i think he did okay i have a weapon jay jay you have a weapon you have a weapon you got this all right if he's down here you got the freaking weapon you got this [ __ ] dude okay come on you got this hey bud buddy let me make sure i got my skills okay where's he at tom what the tom i didn't think i would find you this is getting weird do you think the easter ripper is back he has a big key in his hands stuck here all the doors are locked look i found a key but i can't figure out what it opens let me see give me that big juicy key dude maybe you can find the door i'm going to go look for another way out i'll catch you later just go out the front door and hop the fence you took the large key okay well i got the large key and then tom left me dude that's such a tom thing to do that's such a tom thing to do i hate tom i hate him i hate him i hate him i hate him come on just get up just get up and go i'm so sick i'm weak okay so there's three locked rooms i think i'm gonna go upstairs oh it's super dark now what was that noise oh god what the hell help me there's somebody else in here what oh [ __ ] oh here we freaking go dude [Music] oh [ __ ] oh god wait oh this is not good this is not good [ __ ] okay it's locked wait wait wait wait wait wait okay use this here oh [ __ ] no please please please please i gotta hide i gotta hide i gotta go i gotta go gotta go fight fight don't look under here don't look under here holy crap we good turn that off can i like heal wait i don't have anything to heal oh this is bad she's in danger [Music] oh [ __ ] okay please don't be here please don't be here oh wait there's something on the table it stay in his head there's an easter egg shoved in her mouth will you take it sure the death egg yes i guess i took the egg that was in her mouth guys everybody oh crap oh crap is this door locked it's locked maybe not i can't use this here [ __ ] oh crap okay maybe i can go to the third floor please please don't be here bunny please don't be here my bunny oh he's not here okay yes it's unlocked got it go [ __ ] turn on the light what's this a circuit breaker or something i don't think i need to use whoa what was that oh i'm creeped out i'm gonna search this nothing here okay that's a letter opener what do i need that for letter opener what is that gonna do okay i have no idea i'm scared though i am actually terrified can't click that okay a broken refrigerator is anything back here nope um can't do that nope junk on the couch uh hold on i'm gonna try to click on everything guys what do i need a letter opener for is there something in this room something that i could use no it leads to this room oh that leads to the other side okay what about this basket an easter basket creepy can i put the eggs in here i can okay so i leave the easter eggs inside of the basket and then he'll let me go if i find them all okay so we gotta catch him up we gotta be on our ass ketchum type [ __ ] so let me actually try to leave the house it's locked we're locked inside okay so anything that was locked before i'm opening it now what is that first aid give me that [ __ ] you took the first aid kit okay cool cool so let's use that and now i'm fine like wine can i use this on anything else can't use this here okay what about over here because i know there's something locked here oh i can't use this here what okay so anything that was locked before i can unlock it now so i think that there was something locked upstairs where the news people died so hopefully this guy's nice oh [ __ ] wow god damn okay go go go go go go go go go go go go i gotta hide i gotta hide i gotta you're in here go go holy crap oh my god what the hell he's not in here ah god go go go go go go it's locked son of a [ __ ] oh god go go go go oh [ __ ] oh god hide hide hide hide hide hide hide oh okay ring around the rosie ring around the rosie come on come here [ __ ] come here come here the hell come here my voice correct come here come here what the hell where'd he go what the heck bro oh that was so creepy damn okay dude come on come on go this way and then uh yep there you go open that up i'm so [ __ ] nice oh is that a strap i got the strap okay you took the gun okay oh [ __ ] go i gotta hide hide hide god damn hide please okay wait let me see this gun three out of eight oh can i reload okay so that's how i do it okay don't mess with me don't you freaking mess with me what else do i need to get that's unlocked it's locked okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait um can use that there i can't use that there okay let me see there's actually some bullets over there because i need some bullet time i need some freaking hang time can i do this on this yes i can please be a key come on it is a pencil always bring a pencil ah okay what about here can i do this again can't use this here all right so we got a gun and we got another pencil so let's rock and roll cabinet's locked there you go got it okay and if he's here i can just hide in one of these cabinets so i'll be all right what's that a magnet what can i use that for the thing on the floor the thing on the floor let's go let's go let's go let's go he better not be here swear he better not be here swear swear okay oh i thought he was going to come down there i thought he was gonna give it to me oh man this is not looking pretty where is everybody where's gary and where's that one dude okay let's do this that is that's logical yep that's what we do oh another key yes my vin cave has a key so we can open one of the locked doors now should i get the strap i don't know i kind of don't want to shoot him i feel bad i feel bad for just giving him the pow pow pow okay good it's unlocked oh crap oh this is a bad room oh [ __ ] that is dead oh they look like the bunny help me find an exit thank you god is he gone gary's gone wait am i just gonna i'm just gonna let that happen wow address or should i search it yes nothing inside nothing inside there's got to be something here damn nothing here too [ __ ] okay i'm so sorry gary it's your own damn fault you talk too much what's on the bed wait a second there's something here will you take the black lights oh about to see some jizz stains just a stupid black light what am i going to do with this i know where it is the attic that it had a light bulb it was weirdly placed too so i think i got to go there looks like a note read it the big bunny watches us its big black eye follows me when i move it always watches at night we hear noises coming from the wall the first time i heard them i got happy because i thought it was you and mommy shouting for me coming to save me but it wasn't when the shouting starts the others cover their ears but i try to listen i put my head against the wall and hold my breath but no matter how hard i try i can't understand what they are saying they shout and cry a lot it isn't mommy and it isn't you but it sounds like adults and they sound sad really sad did the easter bunny take them too think the easter bunny did what he had to do he did the boombop pow so hopefully the bunny's not here please don't be here god if you are here this is gonna suck butts i saw the light here up in the attic so let's see see this check me out check me out yes who would ever think to do this though like in real life hmm did that reveal anything let's see let's see oh there's something here i see some blood coming from behind the cabinet thanks to the black light move it what the a dumb waiter write it down what so did the bunny drag the body into this dumb waiter and then bring it all the way down this should lead to the basement right yeah [ __ ] a rack of torture devices oh i like that ball gag that's one way to get kinky on a friday night maybe i use this yes sir he better not be behind me what's that what's that pistol ammo [ __ ] yeah dude fire dude nothing in there this game is actually really fun to play puppet combo well done okay nothing there too cool why is my light flashing though oh [ __ ] i hear something i see i hear something weird it's locked that's the dumb waiter okay if you've unlocked it oh this one here oh [ __ ] okay okay i'm strapped i'm strapped up yeah okay maybe there's something here that i was missing because i kind of looked here too fast there's got to be something good right it's locked can i do this you can't use this here what about you've unlocked it what the hell this guy died in the weirdest of positions hold on there's something on the ground it would be terrible to be restrained this way will you take the rope yes took the rope sorry to take this but i need it to get out of here how a makeshift toilet oh that sucks that's some crap horrible things happen here yes terrible things so wait i got the rope hold on let's think about this i got the rope so where do i use that at i have no clue i actually have no clue oh this is bad i have no clue where i use that [ __ ] at it's locked can i write this back up can't go back up uh-oh it's a one-way street ladies and gentlemen if i see this [ __ ] here it's a wrap it's a wrap whoo okay don't stop moving jay don't stop moving challenge come over here you pink [ __ ] oh he's not here he likes it when i talk crap so i can't use the rope here huh an old rope it's splitting but i should still be able to use it i can't use this here okay where can i use this rope i need to think oh the video camera what the heck oh god [ __ ] he's right there he's right there yes take the tape he's right in front of you [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what the heck he ignored me okay maybe because the shots he knew i was about that life okay what the hell is that oh god shoot him yo what the actual hell was that okay jay go in here i think this is where the tv is right yep okay tom tell me what happened to you tom hit the vhs no put the vhs you dumb ass emma okay let's figure out what happened [Music] wait one of the cabinets was movable right okay let me see something [Music] what did he put in there oh an easter egg oh wait did he put an easter egg inside of gary's mouth oh no not tom too did the killer hide something in the piano yes he did but i need to make sure i'm strapped up so let's go this way was um was it in here it's locked where's gary's body i need to find the um i need to find gary's easter egg there was something inside the piano wait where's the piano what the hell wait this ain't the room where's the piano room oh oh god okay gary's dead but he has an egg got it thanks gare appreciate you care bear yeah that's my guy gare bear how's my guy gare yep what a guy what a great guy okay let's go down here and then that's where the piano is where the hell is the piano i swear i saw it damn it come on where's the piano room wait a minute this is not right there's the piano room you put something in the piano but the cover is locked there must be another way to open it use the piano are you [ __ ] me i don't want to wash the tape again but i don't know which piano keys to play i don't know what to do damn wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait couldn't i move this cabinet right here right yeah i can't move it myself what about this rope i think i can tie the rope around this and pull it down yes there we go all right i'll give it a shot one two three and pull pull it god damn it ellen thank you okay what's behind this black hole oh nice the bathroom okay oh why is my life flickering what does that mean a cabin should i search it yes the cabinet looks nice that means not many people come into the bathroom and a fresh roll of toilet paper nothing inside okay and it's empty what about here behind the shower wait what oh the real estate agent he has something stuffed into his mouth got an egg got then egg god i'm scared tall cabin is today short [ __ ] man i cannot talk right now i said [ __ ] sure nothing in there i'm actually really freaked out i do not like the noises in this damn game okay what about this tall cabinet dude there's nothing bandages i mean that's kind of cool what else what else what else what else bro i need the code for the piano come on man you've unlocked it come on give me the code for the stupid-ass piano you've unlocked it wait where did that come up to oh there's another room here looks like a no read it yes the blonde girl is gone gracie won't stop staring at the big bunny on the wall randy says the chocolate eggs make us sleepy not going to eat tonight randy told me to memorize this song i don't know what he means i wrote it down 8 8 8 3 5 5 3 12 12 10 10 8. okay i gotta write this [ __ ] down because i'm pretty sure this is the code actually let me just take a picture so i don't have time he's going to kill me what oh [ __ ] oh god what the hell okay he was going to kill me before i even freaking saw him [ __ ] hi hi what are you doing got him got him crazy bunny [ __ ] okay i didn't even know he was right there honestly i didn't even know okay use this he put something in a piano and i'm gonna use it so i think this is what we do one two three four five six seven eight eight eight three wait oh wait i only count the ones that you use okay one two three four five six seven one two three one two three four five six seven eight one two three one two three four five five three one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 12 12 10 10. yes wait i heard something unlocked is that uh old macdonald had a farm you took the egg okay can i put it here in the basket cause i got a couple eggs one and then one more from the real estate agent that's four eggs unlock the exit you bastard now what do i do is there anything i haven't checked i don't know i have no clue [ __ ] i don't know um what door was locked [ __ ] hold on i gotta strap up got it okay what haven't i checked whoa holy crap go go go go go holy crap hold on [Music] [ __ ] go god i didn't see him but i heard the music i just ran oh i hate this what if he just rise it down with me bro oh my god get the head away from me you stupid freak wait is he gonna get me here oh he might get me here wait it's open now okay i was gonna say it was closed when i went down in the dump waiter right am i tripping okay i might be tripping where in the house is this like what part of the house is this a ladder must be the way to escape climate yes what about the greenhouse though i saw something shining in there in the beginning of the game i didn't forget about it oh i'm here sweet okay so there was something you [ __ ] what the hell that is not what i expected tom that's right it was quiet innocent tom harmless rock all over him what at least but why what a twist tom to avenge my brother wasn't the easter ripper i was he turned himself in to save me i thought i could control the urge to kill but it's back and now i'm going to kill you why i do shoot him again shoot him again oh god damn it okay well this is bad i have no more bullets so i got to use my thing unless the ammo is somewhere here right the gate is locked tight [ __ ] bundle tight okay uh look at that last night on my titties okay so what i'm gonna do a little swipe oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh god no no no no no no no no dude are you kidding me i was stuck between the boxes give me a break that's actually pretty cool that's actually pretty cool yep that's actually nice i like that tom is aggressive damn you tom wait the game just closed after i died come on dog a shotgun dude there's a shotgun oh my god a shawty for the thotties oh yeah boy oh yeah boy come on then blood i'm not worried about anything four bucks shots into this [ __ ] and he's done watch me boom oh my god did i miss brian missed probably missed oh [ __ ] don't don't don't don't even don't even do that don't even do that don't even do that don't even dare don't you double doggy style there dog don't you i'm so sick bro i'm weak every time i die this game closes out and i gotta load up the whole thing i'm so weak third time's a charm i got this we got this us me you we got this we're gonna beat this no neck freak come on just get me out of here you go i hate that bro got him okay and then he's gonna do that we goddamn oh god damn shoot him got him please don't please don't please don't heal okay come on holy crap one more time i have no ammo [ __ ] i got stuck on the same thing twice oh that pisses me off so much come on push the gun switch the gun switch the gun switch the gun switch the gun okay okay oh god please don't please don't pop him god damn i keep running around into him dude got him come on come on what are you doing okay i got one more shot one more shot for this thought yeah what how did that get me bro oh my god god i hate this freaking game now got him okay this is gonna be tough this is gonna be tough oh what the hell how did that hit me bro okay got it come on oh sucker you've got to be kidding me come on dude [ __ ] oh i got him thank you keep smacking him keep smacking him come on god damn it die die you sucker oh damn did this four freaking times the gate is locked tight wait what hold up oh [ __ ] you can't kill me i'm the easter ripper what does that even mean you're not immortal oh dead kid oh it's mullet kid then who's that mummy if you can't do this that killed you i guess they can do this and they will do this [Music] wait wait wait what okay you can't just have like a flashing light and then that's it what puppet combo how are you gonna do us like that are you gonna end with some e.t type [ __ ] all right you know what and i didn't even hear jacksepticeye janitor jack who was that okay missing children michaela wieber raise world mark riley duplex tv all right hey that was actually a fun game to play he gave me like a cool creepy vibe the entire time i was always like is the easter ripper gonna pop out on this corner or this corner puppet combo always comes out with the hits i appreciate them for not making the loudest jump scares of all time those actually kill me those actually kill my ears so bad so thank you so much for not adding those hopefully you guys enjoyed this playthrough of murder house if you did make sure you give it one big fat like and tell a friend today that jay from the cob scouts is that dude
Channel: Kubz Scouts
Views: 2,803,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kubz, scouts, kubz scouts, murder house, murder house game, murder house kubz scouts, murder house full playthrough, murder house ending, murder house full walkthrough, murder house commentary, jumpscares, jumpscare reaction, kubz scouts scary games, puppet combo, puppet combo kubz scouts, puppet combo jumpscares, murder house game 2020, scary games 2020, indie horror games, indie horror games 2020, funny commentary, easter ripper, halloween
Id: 1nIYaBOdADs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 10sec (3910 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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