Why Squids Become TERRIFYING The Deeper The Ocean Gets

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Informative but there's so much DAE THINK THE OCEAN IS SPOOKY???

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ollehkiin 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
the ocean a wild and wonderful marine amusement-park of biodiversity but have you ever wondered if the ocean is too diverse because what terrible nightmare world will allow this to exist [Music] this episode is sponsored by the great courses plus more details to follow it's 1848 Karl Marx is publishing the Communist Manifesto the Niagara Falls has stopped flowing for the first and only time and captain mcquay of the HMS Daedalus has just spotted a 100-foot sea serpent off the coast of South Africa McQuaid describes the creature as being full of large jagged teeth sufficiently capacious to admit a tall man standing upright between them and even whipped up a sketch of the 60-foot creature some suggest that the creature could be an ancient plesiosaur others a giant gulper eel and one even went so far as to propose it could have been a giant boa constrictor which is worse a dinosaur or a 60-foot long ocean snake please vote now unfortunately we'll never know exactly what it is then the quays saw we know more about the surface of the Moon than we know about the bottom of the ocean and it's been over a hundred and fifty years since that sighting it could be almost anything because the ocean is a lawless wasteland but it's possible that they saw the adult form of what Danish research vessel Dana caught in January 1930 Anton Brune one of the scientists involved in the expedition identified an almost completely transparent fish about six feet in length as lepto so phallus a small clear body larvae of other ocean eels the problem is that typical Leptis if Alice are around five to ten centimeters or two to four inches and they can easily grow to be up to and over six feet in length normally but consider if this thing they found was only a baby how big could it grow to be well Bruin did the math Russ really wish he hadn't but he did Bruin too common eel larvae and extrapolated their growth it applied to the creature that he found he estimated that the monster could grow to an adult length of over a hundred and eighty feet that's 55 metres that's over the length of a full-sized Olympic swimming pool the worst part is that both McQuay and Bruin encountered their creatures off the coast of South Africa both by the Cape of Good Hope well like Cape of God nope so if they are of the same species we know where they're stomping grounds are there was another incident in 2003 where yachtsman Olivier did curse a song found a mysterious creature had trapped his vessel he says something that had wrapped up their rudder and it was bigger than a human leg he said that the whole animal must have been nearly 30 feet long it had glistening skin and long arms with suckers which left impressions on the hull have any idea of what it could be what it is is an HR Giger monster come to life it was most likely the ARCA tudi store as it is better known the giant squid the giant squid is known as one of the largest invertebrates on earth their actual size is disputed but statistically they can grow to around 65 feet long from head to tentacle which is about double the length of a typical yellow school bus the mantle which is just the main body portion of the squid can grow up to 10 square feet with eyes about a foot in diameter giant squids have two long feeding tentacles which are covered in thousands of toothed suckers they use to pull prey within range of their eight other tentacles once an animal is trapped within the arms of this Lovecraftian horror they are pulled in towards the sharp beak at the center of its mantle where prey is sliced up into bite sized fish giblets have you ever seen one of these little marbled boys rolling around in your bedroom but what would you say if I told you they could grow to like I don't know the size of a small cat you'd want to burn your house down right because that's what I considered doing what I found out about this but hold on to those Molotov cocktails for a second they can only grow that large at the bottom of the sea crustaceans of the genus bath anomaly air smaller cousins have the ability to roll into a ball when in danger protecting their soft chewy in size with a hard carapace they primarily live at the bottom of the ocean but they do have the ability to swim freely through the water some have even been found at relatively shallow depths so it is believed that they vertically migrate at times isopods are carnivores but they are also what's known as facultative predators which are defined as predators that both hunt and scavenge for food they are also known to be able to go extended periods of time without eating interestingly enough there was a giant isopod in Toba aquarium in japan's me a prefecture named simply number one who decided to stop eating in 2009 and didn't need anything until it passed away in 2014 number one even learned that their caretakers wanted them to eat so they started pretending to nibble on fish just to appease the humans around them the venerable Neil Gaiman once said I think hell is something you carry around with you not somewhere you go and as beautiful and poignant as that is he's dead wrong hell is at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico now I hear you asking why brew why it's just filled with salt water and crude oil remember this I wish I didn't but I do in here we are still talking about it about 200 miles up the coast of Houston Texas at the oil platform perdido a remote operated vehicle or ROV spotted the long tendrils of some mysterious creature floating some 2,200 94 meters or one and a half miles under the sea Jurgen Guerrero comrades for the biodiversity data journal characterized this monster as a member of the genus Magna pina otherwise known as the big fin or a long arm squid but the exact species is up for debate since it's hard to discern anything else from the shaky ROV footage we know this because of the thicker regions of the arms and tentacles held at nearly right angles to the body access and the presence of a large central fin along the mantle the body of the squid what makes these squids so unique is not just their size but specifically their length the Magna pine in the video is estimated at about 8 meters long by comparison to the size of the riser that oil drum looking thing in the video but again it's very hard to tell exactly scientists typically determine the total length of the Magna Pina is about 12 times as mantle length though only 11 specimens are known and deposited in collections worldwide so most of what we know about the Magna pinna is speculation scientists believe that it eats by dragging its tentacles across the seafloor and snatching up smaller creatures the question is how smart is this creature if the Magna pine ax is an active predator one that deliberately hunts different animals then we can assume that it would be quite smart other cephalopods like cuttlefish are able to recreate the colors patterns and textures of their environments with their skin some squid can even deliberately edit their own DNA and there are octopus which are able to learn by watching the behaviour of others so it could be a hyper-intelligent see tripod straight over the worlds or you know just a dangly drifter boy floating through the abyss bro I'm ashamed to be your friend okay who left out so many important details oh I mean if you have anything you'd like to contribute about the fact that Magna pine is squid are actually time travelers or that all crustaceans possess latent psychic abilities sand eels you mean water snakes not a fan bro yeah I've got a guy used to check out here we see the majestic natural habitat this isn't for real no it absolutely is huh fair point but still wrong folks you need to be careful but where you get your information staying informed is a job we take pride in but that job has become a lot easier after partnering with our most recent sponsor the great courses plus the great courses plus is an on-demand subscription-based video learning service what makes these courses so great is that they've got one for basically everything no seriously I mean there are more than 11,000 video lectures philosophy birds the dark ages if you've been looking to expand your knowledge in a field that interests you there's very likely a great course to do just that come man you think I'll just believe anybody on the internet that easily no I mean wait yet you yes but generally no with the great courses plus you don't even have to worry about where your information is coming from because every class is organized by professors from renowned universities and experts who have worked with National Geographic the Smithsonian and the Culinary Institute of America just to name a few we even use their service while researching this episode oceanography exploring Earth's final wilderness with Professor Harold J Tobin particularly the fifth lecture habitats sunlit shelves to the dark abyss which offered some great insight regarding today's very topic how organisms on the ocean floor differ from their shallow relatives you know what Dad this sounds like school nice try of it well you could say that except there aren't any tests deadlines or schedules and you could educate yourself at a pace that you're comfortable with across a myriad of devices like your TV phone or desktop grill oh my dick got a video title how to walk like a cat why didn't you just leave with that gun you could have saved us so much time speaking of time if any of this is sounded interesting to you now is the best time to get on board there's a free trial to get yourself started or you can sign up at the great courses plus comm slash brew by signing up you're not just supporting us and the channel but you're supporting yourself and the art of edutainment and I think that's pretty cool so thank you to the great courses plus for this opportunity and without further ado let's get back into it there isn't a scientific consensus on why exactly creatures living at the lowest depths grow so much larger than their shallower relatives there are theories that could explain in part why this occurs namely Bergman's rule and cleavers rule Bergman's rule is that as an environment grows colder the animals that live there tend to grow bulkier for example the polar and Kodiak bears are the largest species of bear on earth and they both make their homes near and within the Arctic Circle the deeper down you go the colder it gets without light from the Sun we would be both blind and frozen as we travel deeper light would become more and more scarce making the environment colder and darker some deep-sea creatures would have to grow to larger sizes than their shallower cousins to maintain their body heat cleavers rule is that as an animal grows larger their bodies become more efficient this is measured in how many calories a creature uses per second or their metabolic rate the idea is that as an animal grows larger the amount of energy they expend per second becomes more efficient and they can go longer without eating for example a squirrel will objectively eat less than a blue whale but the squirrel metabolizes energy significantly faster and therefore must feed more often since food at the bottom of the sea is limited it stands to reason that animals there would follow cleavers law and grow larger to become more efficient keep in mind that these theories were invented for and tested with animals that live on the surface of the earth not at the bottom of her oceans the effect of intense water pressure on these theories has not been fully explored so we should not follow these as gospel they simply offer some possible explanations as to why deep-sea variations of common ocean creatures grow to nightmarish sizes human history is fraught with stories of sea monsters of dragons and creatures of mythical or well we have managed to chart most of the dark corners of this earth the bottom of the ocean continues to be a realm of unworldly creation the creatures we find down there might fill us with fear and confusion but it is the curiosity toward the unknown that arguably helps make us human there is a quota recalled it says that we are the middle children of history born too late to explore earth born too early to explore space but it's wrong there will always be mystery wherever or whenever we happen to be it's just up to us to find it who knows it might just be waiting for us to swim deep enough [Music]
Channel: Brew
Views: 2,242,844
Rating: 4.8936548 out of 5
Keywords: deep sea, deep ocean, giant squid, giant eel, giant isopod, giant sea creatures, deep ocean creatures, deep sea creatures, giant ocean creatures, terrifying ocean, terrifying sea, terrifying deep sea, terrifying deep ocean, how deep ocean, hiding ocean, hiding deep ocean, deep sea mysteries, deep ocean diving
Id: qGl9trMf-3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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