What Actually Happens in the Coca Cola and Mentos Fishing Experiment

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yeah what is going on why are these fish stuff in these holes like early morning commuters on the subway how did they get there and how much did coke amento is pay for the product placement I hope the fish are getting some of the ad revenue if you do a cursory search through YouTube you'll find a wealth of videos with the same premise a man drops a handful of mentos mints into a muddy hole pours in some coca-cola and suddenly he's yanking out bucket loads of fish to be honest I'm not one for sodas they just don't have the caffeine cake that I'm looking for [Music] but what's actually going on here today's episode includes a practice that is highly regulated and illegal in many parts of the United States and elsewhere if going outside is your thing please consult local regulations before partaking in any field sports of any kind the practices in this video are also very dangerous and potentially life-threatening so we'd ask kindly that you leave it to the professionals and not attempt any of the activities talked about in this video we'll also be including clips of various alternative hunting and fishing methods it's not my place to judge what you do to put food on the table or what food you choose to put there we're just trying to get to the bottom of a viral craze with as much professionalism as possible and with that out of the way let's get into it if you've been on the Internet at all in 2005 you know that someone always has an answer for anything and this viral video is no exception the most common theory is that this video is a hoax the fish are planted and it absolutely could be stay skeptical internet let's entertain the idea that this might be authentic for a moment if so what in the world are these people doing they are noodling a form of fishing that consists of waiting to the shallow edges of rivers and lakes to search for holes and burrows where catfish commonly make their homes and then reaching in to grab them now you may be thinking that doesn't look much like the video I just watched and you'd be right catfish noodling as a sport developed in the southern United States after the Great Depression but was taught to European settlers initially by indigenous populations in and around the deep south they're searching for the channel catfish or Italia respond Tavis which is the most common capture species in North America and its home ranges from South Florida to as far north as Quebec in Manitoba the reason many Americans learn the technique in the 30s is the very same reason anyone would stuff their arm down a murky hole they're very hungry so these days what was originally just another method to get a big juicy catfish to feed your family is now an extreme sport like the rodeo or League of Legends people just aren't as desperate for food these days than they were during the Great Depression I don't see what's so great about it it is likely since the technique of noodling was practiced by indigenous populations in North America that wherever there are catfish to be noodled people are noodling them first sport or otherwise the next question we have to answer is what type of fish are we looking at and how aside from human intervention could it get into that hole to start answering this question we need to figure out where in the world this video is taking place there isn't much detail in the seventy second clip posted on Twitter nor does it have any audio but after some digging we found that we're only seeing 1/3 of the whole video in the youtube version of this viral video we can hear the conversation between the man reaching into the hole the noodler let's column and the cameraman the brew crew asked around and we found that a couple folks here are fluent in Cambodian or Kamiya as it is also known they identified the language and can tell that the two men in the video say something along the lines of holy Sh they're so big we got lucky as they yanked the catfish from its home Kamiya is spoken primarily in Cambodia Vietnam and Thailand so we can't assume we're definitely in Cambodia but it is probable that this video takes place somewhere in Indo Chinese region we reached out to Muhammad Yogesh PhD of molecular biology and genetics from Boas Ichi University in Turkey who identified the fish as a claria Stipe although I don't think it's a native type from Cambodia but rather as a type that was introduced into the Meccan River for aqua cultural reasons which spread all over North African catfish Clary Esguerra penis but it's not really possible to definitively identify without physically counting the fin rays yeah we made a real doctor watch a viral catfish video for this episode since it's impossible to be sure of the exact species of fish in this video without you know holding it we're going to look at two different species of catfish in the Clarisse genus that are known to inhabit the Indo Chinese Peninsula genius that fish looks like an idiot no no no grill he said genus as in taxonomy classification you know domain kingdom phylum class order family genus and species it's a it's how biologists organize living things if you keep talking down to me biologists thinking I have to worry about organizing you for much longer I just think to myself do kangaroos prefer cake or frosting generally speaking cool shut up you know what girl if you keep being mean to me I'll just have to tell Bru about that time you Skyped Ryan Reynolds Oh Ryan you silly of course I can send you money I'm just so happy we finally get to talk we're gonna look at the physio Kash mentioned the African Sharptooth catfish aka Clarisse gear penis and the walking catfish aka Clarisse Baracus both of which are known to inhabit the met Kong river which passes through all three countries in which kuma is spoken both inhabit floodplains and rice paddies throughout Indochina they make their homes while the water is high during the rainy season by using their tails to excavate deep holes in the soft mud and they can live in stagnant oxygen low water the walking catfish can even leave the water by crawling along land using two fins equipped with rigid internal spines to migrate from pool to pool hence walking catfish these catfish are known for their hardy nature and they're valued for aquaculture aka fish farming why are coke and mentos necessary to catch these fish Noodlers in America just use their hands to catch catfish so why can't these folks do the same it might be that the whole phenomena exists for the sake of virality seeing internationally recognizable products used for something so if are removed from their context is captivating now I imagine the majority of folks have encountered that coke and mentos trick before and if you haven't go get some and try it out it's probably the only messy science experiment that I can endorse take a two-liter bottle of Coca Cola diet ideally so we don't need to worry about sticky sugar drop an entire package of Mentos into the bottle all at once run away as fast as possible and watch is a fountain of caramel colored foam the replica guys because man [Applause] but why do you Mentos and Coke react to one another in the way that they do it seems at first to be similar to the common baking soda and vinegar trick which is a chemical reaction but mentos and coke is purely physical scientific American has laid out every part of the experiment essentially the Mentos act as a catalyst that releases the trapped carbon dioxide that is bonded with the water and carbonated drinks the Mentos appear to be smooth to our senses but really they're quite rough on a microscopic level like stucco or popcorn ceilings as they're also known when the Mentos are thrown into the coke those tiny jagged pieces break the molecular bonds between the negatively charged co2 and the positively charged h2o that co2 naturally wants to move upwards since it is lighter than coke and as it passes through the liquid it breaks more of those molecular bonds of water and carbon dioxide releasing more gases so what does this science-y a science have to do with fishing well in theory the same way that the expanding co2 pushes the Coke out of the bottle it should also push the oxygen that exists naturally in water and fish need that oxygen to you know breathe but how does that work fish breathe using gills which are sections of tissue containing blood vessels called capillaries as the fish moves through water it passes in through their mouths and out their gills where those capillaries diffuse oxygen from the water into the bloodstream the capillaries and gills and lungs work in the same way the difference between the two organs is and how they get oxygen to those capillaries gills are equipped for water to pass through them while lungs are equipped for air to fill them the neat thing about the Clarice genus of catfish is that they have a secondary breathing organ aside from the gills called Supra bronchial organs which operate pretty much identically the lungs if the oxygen levels in the water is insufficient they can move to the surface to gulp more of that sweet sweet o2 so in theory the expanding co2 from the coke and mentos may push all the oxygen out of the water essentially suffocating the catfish and they move to the surface of the water to breathe or jump out to get to a different body of water at which point our old friend the Noodlers matches of them up but wait wouldn't the muddy water interfere with the physical reaction between mentos and coke when the Mentos start dissolving immediately in the water smoothing over the microscopic layer that facilitates the reaction plus the reaction requires the Mentos to sink rapidly through the coke so would it even happen when Mentos are added to the water first what does this mean for our oxygen removal theory not all is lost the co2 is already dissolved in the cola the Mentos only speed up the release of co2 from the drink carbon dioxide is constantly escaping from their bonds with the water which is why your soda goes flat if you leave it out for too long the water would be full of carbon dioxide even without the Mentos so maybe the Mentos are just a red herring you sit on a throne of lies to be honest if some important entire bottle of coke in my bedroom I come out - case closed right well what about the egg catfish are omnivorous bottom feeders so eggs larvae bugs substrate and even other catfish are all on the menu it's possible that they surface because they're being baited with the egg the complicated thing is that all of these videos have the exact same result but use a variety of different methods and many don't even use eggs one video has coke and mentos coaxing a turtle out of its den another shows a man mixing gasoline and coke and burning the fish out these two show men pouring beer into these holes to the same end these two use a mixture of soda and toothpastes this one uses duck eggs and coke and one even features only coke as we started to do research on this topic we found there were many different variables in each of them that weren't consistent what was consistent was the use of a carbonated beverage the coca-cola sprite Fanta or beer well not all of them there were a few that did not include some form of carbonated drink this video only features toothpaste - Mentos and this one only uses an egg to flush out the catfish perhaps even the carbonated drink isn't necessary to lure out the catfish it's possible that adding any foreign substance to their home would drive them out hmm what does this mean for our original video as fishy as it may seem it's plausible noodling is a time-honored traditional form of fishing every catfish do live in the part of the world where the men in the video are from and adding a carbonated drink - water would dilute the oxygen content but keep in mind that from April to December 2019 over a dozen different videos were released on YouTube each ring people using random substances to fish out different kinds of animals including rabbits chickens and even crocodiles turns out no one wants coke in their holes the original video was released on YouTube on November 1st smack dab in the middle of this time period it's also useful to note that the channel where the video originated has admitted in the descriptions for these three videos that the animals are planted in the holes for entertainment purposes it's possible that this trick might actually work in the wild but we're dealing with the craze of viral craze and when people want a piece of the pie nothing can stop them from reaching in and taking a slice exactly a delicious slice of viral stargazing pie just keep being skeptical internet do your research keep digging and let me know what you find oh-ho boy brew this sweater super comfy where where can I get it enthusiastic response Oh chill you can buy this on my new merch site point to monitor where URL will be displayed that is so convenient a whole website dedicated to selling t-shirts and sweaters well as no one else why isn't where has no one else thought of that I don't know but obviously we're ahead of the curve wink at camera you call this a shill I call it a grill cuz I just burn you come to grill burns calm to buy some t-shirts worth supporting a faceless corporation ah girl we can't keep doing this man I do what I want and what I want is for you to go to grill burns calm you want shirts you want sweaters you want a recreation of Leonardo da Vinci's world-famous 15th century painting up the Last Supper except of Thanksgiving and I'm Jesus goat ropers calm you cowards he also have those things Bruce all calm [Music] yah-yah-yah eat ha ha eat ha yeah okay in the dry no he looks a little scared so I'm gonna try to how do you do is scared yeah oh yeah oh no girl help yi yi huh oh
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,715,659
Rating: 4.7776089 out of 5
Keywords: coke mentos fish, fish coke mentos, fish coke mentos egg, fishing with coke, fishing with coke and mentos, fishing with coke and mentos egg, how to fish with coke and mentos, fish coca cola, fish coca cola mentos, fish coca cola mentos egg, coke mentos catfish, catfish coke mentos, coca cola mentos fish, coca cola mentos fishing, experiment coca cola and mentos, experiment coca cola and mentos underground, experiment coke mentos, experiment coke mentos fish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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