A Reason to Play EVERY Ork Clan

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foreign [Music] ER podcast episode 41. I'm your host Brad this is my co-host Eric how's it going we have a very exciting episode for you guys today we're going to be covering how to choose your clan in Orcs it's orc time let's go one thing I'm going to assume if you're here for this episode there's a higher than normal chance that you're interested in figuring out what to paint your Orcs as or how you want to start collecting your Orcs as a forward before we get into all of the sub-factions in general for Orcs a big thing is colors yeah we all know the memes with Orcs colors have power because Orcs believe they do red really makes things go faster for Orcs yeah blue is lucky yes blue is lucky that being said Orcs are not Space Marines they're not a professional organized army or anything they don't have to wear the color that their Clan is most associated with they can paint their vehicle one color they can wear a different color and they can be in a group of boys who are a third color and the faction they're in technically is a fourth unrelated color for the color it is most associated with Orcs do not have the level of organization where you have to worry about that so when we talk about like you know Goths are more associated with the color black when we talk about stuff like that it does not mean you have to specifically paint your arcs a certain color to play them a certain way do not worry about that collect yourself and paint yourself the way you want this is all about figuring out ways you want to play your Orcs yeah and I mean to a certain point when it comes to Warhammer and this as a hobby do whatever you want but Orcs take that to like really embrace the do whatever you want and you'll still be doing the orc way Orcs really don't care all right the forewarning out of the way let's get into the actual fun of this we've got seven clans we have to go through here and basically all of them are winners to me yeah yeah for each of the orc Clans they get a clan culture which is like an ability for the clan Clan warlord trait Clan stratagem and Clan Relic so let's start off with Goths the main character sub faction for Orcs they prefer the color black which is the artist color classic checkerboard which is so easy to do right yeah they're the like no tricks their thing is the biggest Orcs straightforward smashing and they're the clan that's most closely associated with gork which is the twin God who's brutal but cunan so they are the smash in your face guys yeah so golf's culture is no mucking about and this is each time we model with this culture makes a melee attack an unmodified hit roll six scores an additional hit and each time a model with this culture makes a melee attack if that model's unit made a charge move or performed a heroic intervention this turn Ed wondo strength characteristic of that attack the golf's warlord trait is a proper Kelly and that adds one to the warlord's attack characteristic and each time this warlord makes a melee attack improve the armor penetration characteristic of that Attack by One the stratagem is unbridled Carnage for 2cp use a stratum at the start of the fight phase select one golf core or golf character unit from your army that has the no muck and about Clan culture until the end of the phase each time a model in that unit makes an attack it scores an additional hit on an unmodified hit roll of five up instead of six and The Relic is the iron Gob the iron Gob is for golf model only after making a close combat attacks with the bearer before they consolidate you can select one enemy unit within one inches of the bearer and roll one D6 on a two up that unit suffers D3 Mortals okay so for me goffs is your melee foot slog Orcs yeah it's kind of the big dumb idiot that's charging across the battlefield when you think of the green skin or yeah and as far as like the vanilla sub factions go this is one of the better ones that we have current in ninth Edition like yeah golfs is technically one of the best competitive ones if you care about that for Orcs right now and it just feels kind of like brain dead in a good way it's doing a lot of things even if you're not purposefully trying to do them yes so like for me I'd go with basically any non shooting list would work here if you want to like just play you know pretty vanilla Orcs you want boys probably some bee snagger units you go with like Mega knobs def dreads you name it basically anything really honestly like so sadly I I think the warlord trait kind of just gets screwed by being worse than brutal but Conan which is the default warlord trait that a lot of people like taking where you get to do extra attacks after you're done attacking for every single attack that failed to deal damage yeah and that's the key is it's failed to do damage not just like misses or anything like that yeah and it works for things like the hits that exploded in Goths it's also like a huge flavor win because brutal but Conan is the whole golfs are the closest to gork thing yeah now the win here is that proper Kylie is still pretty good offensively it's not as good as brutal but kind of like if we want to break out the math but it's still good and you could have both because you're playing golf so so you could just pay for extra warlord trade extra Relic and have two big badass boys it's tough with current setups and how the game is set up on balance for lists but yeah what are you gonna do Eric use all those sweet orc stratagems yeah yeah actually [Laughter] he is tall it is I think the real win is in the culture though like no mucking about is very strong it's the default melee which in my opinion is the default for Orcs way to play yeah it does what Orcs want to do perfectly you don't have to go further than this yeah the current top way to play Orcs that I know of is called a golf pressure list where you basically play a lot of the best orc data sheets it's a good stuff list essentially and you just play them in golfs yeah golfs work great in a good stuff list so that's kind of supports everything that's going on The Relic I don't like it The Relic is just bad it's one of the worst relics that we're gonna talk about today it is I don't see taking the Relic very often it's not really worth it no again I still think proper Kylie is a great warlord trait for like a second HQ like if you've got two detachments each with a boss in it yeah you're almost certainly taking brutal but Conan like first yeah but why not have two I like it here's a fun one you can do so like you take like a b snaga like a beast boss or whatever as you're one that's not taking brutal but cunning and you give it the Beast hide mantle Relic that only they can take okay and that gets you another attack and gets you a five up feel no pain so now you've got plus two attacks plus one to your armor penetration values and you get a five up feel no pain cool that's pretty solid for a baseline for like uh Beast boss on squiggasaur that's seven base attacks four additional attacks that's a lot of damage yeah but let's move on to evil Suns so getting into the evil Sons they tend to be speed freaks that's freaks that's two e's very trademarkable donut steal the sons love the color red obviously because red makes things go faster and they're pretty one no did you watch the new Mad Max movie that's evil Sons I mean that's cool stuff there's some very cool orc Vehicles they are best summed up by the name of their culture yeah so evil Sun's culture is red ones go faster red ones go faster adds one inch to the move characteristics of models with this culture if that model is a speed freaks model add two inches instead add one to Advanced roles made for units with this culture models with this culture do not suffer the penalty incurred to their hit roles for firing assault weapons in the same turn in which the unit Advanced their warlord trait is faster than use faster than use is in your command phase select one friendly evil Sun's core unit within six inches of this model that unit is eligible to declare a charge with even if they Advanced or fell back this turn the stratagem drive by DACA is one CP use a stratagem at the end of your shooting phase select one evil Sun's speed freaks unit from your army that unit can immediately make a normal move as if it was your movement phase that unit is not eligible to charge this turn The Relic is rasmica's writer paint this is for evil son's models only this Relic can be taken by a vehicle model and it adds two to the bearer's move characteristics at the start of the fight phase if this warlord is within engagement range of any enemy units those units cannot be selected to fight until all eligible units from your army have done so this is my least favorite of the cleanse I get it but at the same time you want it to be your favorite I do absolutely want it to be my favorite and every single rule on here fits the Mad Max Speed freaks gotta go fast yes I don't wanna poo poo evil Sons too much because I know evil Sun's players just want to go faster simple adds them and that's the thing is like I do want to love evil sons and so whatever people are gonna play it and it's gonna be fun I want evil Sons to be the correct play if you want to play a bunch of speed freak models because you would think that the speed freak models are going to be best in evil Sons unfortunately the rules don't say that so plus one to move plus two if you're already a speedy unit is neat it's the red goes faster got it checks the Box we need the rest of this to work though as you pointed out that last bullet point is a giant nombo the majority of what you want to take in this sub faction is going to be speed freak Vehicles guess what doesn't have assault weapons because everything got changed to DACA except for a couple things the few things that are assault weapons on these vehicles are almost all flamers which Auto hit so don't care about the penalty for being assault yep so I don't know what happened behind the scenes I only see the final result and it's goddamn disappointing I mean the movement's nice I like it quite a bit it's okay but you're already moving 10 to 12 on all of these vehicles and your vehicles that are not speed freaks because not all of them are speed freaks those ones only get one inch move my other problem is a lot of these vehicles the movement doesn't matter because they're gun platforms they want to hang out in the back anyway most of their movement is going to be shifting left to right to get lines of sight I see what you're saying you're generally not trying to put them forward but I mean it's still having extra movement to reposition is helpful and my other problem so the advanced roles one it's not when a unit advances add one to its move in addition it's add one to Advanced roles but there are several orc vehicles that I was looking at for a list here and I realize that they have a rule that's don't roll Advanced roles just move six right meaning that rule doesn't even apply to those Vehicles it is weird yes it just does so many things wrong with everything else in the book in a vacuum this seems fine until you read what you're trying to put in the Army so I don't know currently unless you like just really want your vehicles to move 10 to 20 percent further I don't know why you're gonna pick this over one of the other options that are good for vehicle armies it's very sad I do think res Mecca's redder paint is really cool yeah I mean it is a powerful ability too to make things fight late essentially you can kill them before they fight back it is a good Relic and I mean this stratagem is good too it reminds me of the gray Knights psychic ability of shoot move shoot right but that unit tend to move shoot move forward because they're a great eye right what are you gonna do go into combat with them true very situational still powerful when you need to use it yeah faster than use the warlord trait is very good the declare a charge even if you advance or fell back is huge fall back in charge Advance the charge is strong it does have to be a core unit which is something to keep in mind and it happens at command phase not after move that's the real problem that I have with it it's a very powerful effect but it's only a six inch Aura and it has to be done at command phase not I move things and then I can advance this one and also do a charge faster than use also has the problem of just calling a wa instead of a speedwa would give you that yeah so the changes to the wah the fact that speedwa didn't get the involvement that wah did that's rough yeah and the changes to the Y does make a few of these Clans slightly less than what they otherwise would because the Y is already giving you a lot of those things so those types of things that previously were like a strong benefit to the Clan are already baked into orc stuff you don't have to pick the clan for it but all together like I do like evil Sons it feels fun it's just probably the weakest out of them because it has a few weird interactions with its rules so let's move on to what I would recommend instead if you want to play a vehicle heavy list we have the bad moons so the bad moons are the Orcs that other Orcs all Envy because they are the richest Orcs they got the shiniest things why are they so rich well because in orc culture money is teeth and the bad moons all grow their teeth faster than any other orc this is the dumbest way to be rich I've ever heard of and I love it it is so funny and so orc I learned a lot of like the clan culture today by reading through all of the lore part of Eric's codex I did not realize why the bad moons were the riches I knew previously like they paint themselves yellow they're the richest got it right I did not realize that it's because their teeth literally grow back faster than any other Clan's teeth and I mean that makes you rich dude so because they're the richest they've lavish themselves in yellow armor the richest color they love yellow and gold stuff and they are the flashiest gets who buy the best biggest guns that gets shown in the rules with their culture is armed to the teeth which has adds six inches to the range characteristic of DACA and heavy weapons models with this culture are equipped with each time a model with this culture makes a ranged attack on an unmodified wound roll of six improved the armor penetration characteristic of that Attack by One the warlord tree the best armor Thief can buy this warlord has a 4 up in vulnerable save in addition add one to armor saving throws taken for this Warlord the stratage jump showing off is one CP use a strategy on when a bad Moon's core or bad Moon's character unit from your army is selected to shoot until the end of the phase each time a model in that unit makes an attack with a DACA weapon an unmodified hit roll 6 scores an additional hit and they're Relic the Gob shot thunderbus that's a hell of a name is bad moons model equipped with a custom shooter only this Relic replaces the custom shooter and has the profile of 12 inch range heavy 2 D6 strength 5 AP minus 1 damage one and it has the ability each time an attack is made with this weapon that attack automatically hits the target I would like to point out the Gob shot thunderbus lore wise is a shotgun that fires gold teeth that shows off the epitome of bad moons and that makes it a heavy 2d6 that does automatically hit obviously right so this is our dock action and I mean that both from like a lower standpoint and for literally if you care about DACA the weapon type this is for you yeah it actually says DACA so everything here wants to play with piles of inaccurate Arc shooting basically is how I'm reading these rules yeah you just want more the warlord trade if we're being honest is is just like it's a good warlord trait it's solid but the rest of it all plays into DACA and the whole warlord train thing is just it's the best armor teeth can buy yeah and that makes sense like cool you have the most money that means you get the best gear this is a 10 out of 10 for me I know it's not that competitive compared to just slamming golfs but I love it and it's an alternate way to play your Orcs which is always great to have if you get sick of playing golf so you can play Bad Moons for a game and play entirely differently than you did the game before yeah and I it will be entirely different because the general expectation for a lot of orc is get up in melee but bad moons is pushing range it's pushing your DACA your heavy weapons I miss like it was such a great role I don't play Orcs I have not played Orcs in my life yet and losing DACA dakadaka in 9th Edition is sad to me as someone who's only had to play against Orcs it is kind of disappointing but nothing in bad moons is bad no if I want to play vehicle heavy I'm picking bad moons it works on almost every vehicle that I wanted to put in the list I was throwing together to try to make evil Sons work right because you're getting the heavy weapons adding range to it the DACA weapons which is mostly what the vehicles have anyway your sixes to wound deal and extra AP works with the flamers that are attached to things for when you have scorches on stuff yeah just kind of all works together so it's tough because like the Relic is actually a mess on the data sheet and the rules I love the rally most Gunner melee weapons are toy relics you throw them on as your extra Relic it's fun we know it's probably wrong for the CP but we do it all the same that's not enough for me to hate A Relic honestly that's where I like relics a lot of times is like yeah this is maybe not worth it optimally but it's super fun and like the gobshot thunderbust is super cool the only problem is it replaces a custom shooter only yes so this is what I ran into when I was making the list custom Shooters are not on many characters at all basically no war boss has access to it you basically have to throw it on like a Mech and Mech boys aren't good in combat like you can't be having them 12 inches away from The Fray yeah they're The Tech Marine equivalent for people who don't play Orcs it's not who you want to have a 12-inch range shotgun on no I mean you get the generic War Boss so I have a mixed feeling on that too because like I really really know it's wrong but I want to call a speedwa not a wah because it deals with extra shots and I know it's not correct I should just do the wah but I want to do a speed wall and you can't on the trike boss get the custom shooter uh yeah I don't know it's tough I I don't think you ever really take the Relic just because the fact that it only replaces a custom shooter is so limiting but dude it's so cool I love the idea of it and it's like whatever the rest of the culture of the warlord trait and the stratagem are good so bad moons thumbs up so let's talk about like real quick just a basic idea for a list get a bunch of bikers they all get 10 base shots just on the bike's guns you can equip them with their choppas so that they're great Switch Hitters yeah that's a lot of shots per orc yeah then you get a few of the boom DACA snazz wagons God I love Orcs yeah that's where I was going with this The Boondock is snazz wagons each have over 20 shots a model then you throw on a couple DACA Jets into your 2K list I would add in some Burna boys to put in front of some stuff so that they have to charge burning boys which are going to kill them in OverWatch you get to play a little bit of D with them fair enough and I don't think this is the most competitive list dude you're rolling so many dice it's clearly the funnest way to roll just a ton of dice so if you want to do that this is how you do it that's so fun dude you could break this out once in a while you could say once in a bad moon next up we've got death skulls all right so up next is death skulls so the death skulls they are the blue painted Orcs to increase their luck they live to loot stuff they are LED mostly by mechs in lore because Max love that they always bring back the new good stuff that they can you know wrench on and invent new things with so you'll have a lot of powerful mechs in the death skulls which is very cool so if you want to go mechanize death skulls are very good for that too flavor-wise yeah and if you want to do like a bunch of like custom additions to your mechs it kind of makes sense that it's looted stealth yeah it's great for if you wanna do like a lot of Kit bashing with your Orcs and have them with stolen bolters for shootas and stuff like that yeah death skulls is great for that all right so let's get into their actual rules Eric death skull's culture is Lucky Blue gets each time a unit with this culture is selected to shoot or fight you can re-roll one hit roll one wound roll when resolving that unit's tax each time a model with this culture would lose a wound rule as a result of a mortal wound roll one D6 on a 5 up that wound is not lost an infantry units with this culture gain the objective secured ability the warlord trait opportunist each time you select a target for this warlord if you select a character unit within 12 inches you can ignore the Lookouts or rule each time an enemy vehicle unit is destroyed within six inches of this warlord you gain one command point the stratagem Wreckers is 2cp use a stratagem at the start of your shooting or flight phase select one death skull's core or death skull's character unit from your army until the end of the phase each time a model in that unit makes an attack that targets a vehicle add one to that attack's wound roll and The Relic the fixer-uppers death skull Mech or Big Mac model only each time the bearer uses their mechanic or big mechanic ability roll one D6 on A2 up the selected vehicle unit regains one additional wound and you can select one enemy vehicle unit within 12 inches of the bearer that enemy vehicle unit suffers D3 mortal wounds I gotta say I love that relic of Just Like You Stole parts from an enemy vehicle and put it on yours that was like the funniest part of that one page where they're talking about how when fighting the death skulls it's common for them to whip out wrenches when meleeing vehicles and just take them apart yeah why would I blow your stuff up when I can just take it by bit and make mine better I love it so death skulls is weirdly like it sounds like a one note faction but rules wise it's like an all-rounder yeah thinking of it this way they have easier wounding against Vehicles which is one of the two big things that you need extra wounding against it's either vehicles or Monsters yeah you end up with a five up feel no pain versus Mortals which hey gray night player how's that one feel I would say it's great but my roles usually don't make it amazing it is very nice though to be able to have the role of like I got a solid shot at this and you have the re-roll once per attack sequence for both shooting and melee for either a wound or a hit which works really well when you're going Elite yeah and then you've got above all of that your infantry just have objective secured which is making custodies players scream in their sleep so obviously the thing to me is that last line opsec on all infantry units that's pretty huge because it doesn't say non-character so your characters all have abstract too if they're infantry units and there's some pretty good infantry characters yeah to me this is like I want to play a character heavy list yeah you could go with a generic Goths just being good but why not play Death skulls and get all of your characters having opsec yeah you can play your more elite units like Mega knobs and stuff that you might not play over a boy for points because the boys have absec when they're fighting now your mega knob just gets it and I think that's really where I like death skulls is the more Elite focused Army of like you're kind of going more into each unit is actually trying to do something instead of I'm just going to use a lot and hope that the luck rules for me because if you're able to really take advantage of the one hit roll one wound roll re-rolls that's pretty nice but if you're shooting 80 shots and only get to do one of them it's not quite as good and it plays really well because you've got a more Elite Army means you usually have less wounds per Point Terminators have a lot less wounds per Point than cultists when you're dealing with less wounds per point you open yourself up to Mortal wounds being a weakness this closes that Gap by giving you the five of feel no pain yeah which is still and potentially even more now of a problem with Mortal wounds just being things that happen with newer codexes and another problem that people who play Elite armies know they have is when you're on a point and you're outnumbered two to one by an obsec model or whatever you're out number two to one by your opponent's models and you lose the point if you have absec now you're winning that point which I mean if you don't have that many models getting object helps it all work together I like it this is the one that's funny to me because you're like I like death skulls and you told me this at dinner before you had read my notes that are on the screen right now yeah I had already written this is basically like playing a non-psychic heavy gray nights which is why I was laughing I see it now yeah you had asked me like why I was laughing when you had said you liked death skull so much I was like of course death skulls is the one you like Eric it's gray nights it's very nice but you're not psychopathy you know what you're absolutely right that's that's hilarious but yeah I mean overall like the culture ability is very strong the warlord trait has good uses the strategy on for two CP it's a lot you basically are only gonna blow it in an emergency where it's needed yeah like you can blow it and fight if it's better to blow it there it doesn't have to be shooting or anything right it's just wherever you're going to get the most damage in a turn is when you use it and it's most likely going to be reserved for things like taking out a key vehicle character or blowing up a knight that's super important to get rid of yeah I don't see it getting spammed no an orc stratagem that's not one of like the three good ones fair enough and The Relic dude mechs are so cool [Laughter] I get it I totally get the Gearhead part of the army yeah not exactly my cup of tea I wore a snake bites guy on that angle but they're cool I like the ramshackle junkyard cool look to them and honestly all of these just kind of like feel very death scalzy it fits perfectly with the lore I was reading I'm here for it dude I'm super happy about it and to keep us rolling into slam dunks in my opinion let's go into blood axes they're the unorce Orcs they like utilizing Commandos camouflage they would prefer to sneak up behind someone rather than fight them head on and Club them over the back of the head instead of in the face they are the closest to Mork who is the cunan but brutal twin they've even been known to team up with other factions temporarily as a strategy which is like unheard of for most Orcs yeah because they can actually like put together a plan and like understand that enemy of my enemy might be helpful at this moment I mean once we're done I'll still Club him over the back of the head but for now we'll help each other and blood axes is the only one of the six major Clans that doesn't have a favorite color which is a lie it's fantastic because their favorite color is the fact that they like using camouflage Orcs use camouflage like a preschooler uses camouflage if I can't see you you can't see me orange blue and green all mixed up in a desert setting like they don't have logic behind their camo it's brilliant and I love that I will say for those who are wondering right now purple is not canonically the sneaky color in 40K I know you've probably heard this shun the non-believer it should be the sneaky color I believe that Meme through the power of being a meme and The Meta value of turning it Canon through being a meme is so orky and correct that they need to do it for 10th edition oh yeah purple should be the sneaky color damn that honestly is true of like the community has accepted that purple is the sneakiest color which means it is we think it is so it is all right so let's talk about the great tactics of the blood axes spelled amazingly yeah so blood X's cultures tactics each time a ranged attack is made against a unit with this culture if the attacker is more than 18 inches away then the unit with this culture is treated as having the benefit of light cover against that attack units with this culture are eligible to shoot or declare a charge with button Apple in a turn in which they fell back the warlord trait I've got a plan Lads at the beginning of the deploy Army step select up to three blood axis units from your army and redeploy them if the mission uses the Strategic reserves rules any of those units can be placed into strategic reserves without having to spend any additional CPS regardless of how many units are already in strategic reserves if both players have abilities that redeploy uni it roll off the winner chooses who redeploys their units first the strategy on dead sneaky for one CP use a stratum at the end of your movement phase if the mission you are playing is using the Strategic reserves rule select one blood axis infantry unit from your army excluding Mega armor units that is within three inches of any Battlefield Edge place that unit in strategic reserve and The Relic morog's thinken cap blood axis model only this Relic may be taken by a vehicle model at the start of your command phase if the bearer is on the battlefield you can roll one D6 on a four up you gain one command point so obviously this is like the techiest sub faction yeah I mean this is Commando so we did a thing on Commandos and how I love Commandos and blood X's work really well with Commandos so similarly boss Snick rot works well in blood axes and with Commandos so like put those together yes it is a match made in heaven yeah I mean it's one of those that like there's a lot of power to blood axes anytime you're able to change deployment through redeploys or the dead sneaky stratagem of strategic reserves on the battlefield edges that's just a very very powerful effect and it's also very big brain play for Orcs it is and it's weird because like I consider this one of like the strongest sub factions and it's the strongest for entirely unurky reasons which is perfectly in flavor with it yeah our our good planes yeah dead sneaky is like really good as someone who plays drakari I really like trying to think of like how you would assemble a starting board state with this and like what you're like trying to make your board look like to win the game I do think it's basically required if you're going to play Blood axes play 15 to 30 Commandos like either play three five men's or three ten mans yeah I've seen some lists that don't but I think it's just wrong Commandos are good and in addition to blood axes it gives you so much board presence during deployment and if you're playing them you gotta run snake rot he's like so perfect yeah and he's cheap in point cost I also think you really want to run a lot of storm boys probably in minimum squads they have a small footprint they've got the nice deep striking thing going on Def copters work similarly for that yeah I think one of the things with blood X's is honestly to just be as annoying as possible around the board like spread everything out and when we've got the ability to put things in strategic Reserve with the warlord trait right at the beginning of the game that's a great way to get things that shouldn't be there for free in there for free so stuff like Burna boys where you can just come on a d strike and delete something with the scorches yeah so it just all really works quite well so honestly the culture giving light cover is not nothing it works with Commandos doesn't it it'll work well as like just kind of playing keep away from your opponent and forcing secondary objectives forcing your opponent to try and figure out like how do you deal with all this stuff and it really fits so well with blood X's of like I've got a plan and my plan is just chaos and Insanity all over the board and trying to make my opponent figure out what my plan is to counteract it not so sure about the Relic though I like that The Relic is a finken cap for the only Clan known to actually think something through have thoughts like I enjoy that it is fun in like the lore but like it's effect is kinda sad but it's cool overall with like blood axis theme it's coming together I like it I will say if you're playing Commandos and death copters and Burna boys you have to play Fortunate Son during deployment just finish off the Vietnam theme oh Jesus you went there I did that welcome to Australia gentlemen oh no so I guess we can move into what I think is one of your favorites yes so snake bites they are the keepers of tradition and old ways they're filled with a bunch of bee snagas wearing primitive leather scraps by default their color is brown just by happenstance because they tend to wear leather scraps they tend to not like technology they don't see a point in painting stuff so the only time they like using technology is once it's old enough to be rusted to prove that it's worth it and it's part of the old ways now which yeah I can get it so now you end up with brown rust brown leather and they're just the brown faction so this makes them the toughest Orcs they prefer like weathering the elements rather than actually building shelter they wait into battle wearing like leather and steel plates when everyone else is trying to use like force fields and stuff [ __ ] hell man I think they took the uh avoiding technology a bit far with not building shelter yep so they're interesting they are like the Squig hog Army like that's their thing is like they're where the most bee snagas end up and I love the Squig hog new stuff like those new sculpts the knob with his gun up in the air is like my favorite orc model yeah they are cool and they're fairly different and unique yeah it feels like a third wing like we talked about on last week's episode yeah all right so snake bites culture the old ways is each time an attack is made against a unit with this culture unless that attack has strength characteristic of eight or more an unmodified wound roll of one to three for the attack fails irrespective of any ability that weapon or the model making the attack may have each time a Squig model with this culture makes a melee attack if that model's unit made a charge move or performed a heroic intervention this turn add one to that attacks wound roll the warlord trade Surly as a Squig off the first time this Warlord is destroyed you can choose to roll one D6 at the end of the phase instead of using any rules that are triggered when a model is destroyed for example the Orcs is never beaten stratagem if you do so then on a 4 up set this warlord back under the battlefield as close as possible to where they were destroyed and not within engagement range of any enemy models with D3 wounds remaining the strategy On Mystic chanting use a stratagem during your opponent's psychic phase select one snakebytes unit from your army until the end of phase that unit can attempt to deny one psychic power as if it were a psycher and The Relic Bragg's buzzbomb snake bite model Only The Relic has the following profile the weapon has six range it is a type grenade 3d6 strength 5 AP minus one damage one the has abilities indirect fire and blast also has this weapon can Target units that are not visible to the bearer the bearer can only shoot with this weapon once per battle each time an attack is made with this weapon that attack scores a hit on a hit roll of 2-0 irrespective of any modifiers after shooting this weapon each unit within 6 inches of the target suffers one mortal wound okay so from a roll standpoint it's okay It suffers from a very obvious problem I think it's pretty good it's the slightly defensive melee oriented faction goffs is the offensive one the wah has been outdated to be defensive meaning your defensive sub-faction lost ground yeah and generally being offensive with orc models is going to be better here's my problem is like the offensive part of this is pretty good the squigs having the plus one to wound rule the problem is it doesn't say bee snaga it says Squig specifically which limits you to like three four data sheets just say bee snagger because that hits them it hits the kill rig which has a Giant Squig as part of the model yeah it would hit the generic infantry that you're going to be putting in this which is B snaggers it would be so much easier to like this culture if that one tag got changed yeah I see what you're saying if it was just all the B snaggy units you go cool this is your Beast snag a focus sub faction yes golfs might still math medically be better but this is good enough very thematic go with it you won't feel bad the key part of being an orc player if you can take anything from this is have fun with whatever you want to do yeah I feel like there is still a lot of potential that will get further in like 10th edition and stuff like that I'm hoping we get more Squig stuff we get more Beast snagas that can really like flesh out the whole thing I do think that that warlord trade is neat but it needed to be substantially more than just D3 wounds remaining I feel like the Mortal wound feel no pain should be in snake bites as part of the tougher orc thing that would make sense especially because like they have the Mystic chanting I was gonna say that kind of works in with the stratagem yeah you could say oh this is my anti-cycler type faction got it everyone's got one of those but in Oris is kind of split I do like that strategism though it's funny it's not amazing for every matchup we come from the total war background of I do like warzag from uh Total War you gotta have your Mystic dancing that's the good stuff that's how a weird boy should be yeah kinda yeah I don't know it's not a bad sub faction it's just it does have the problem of it's this first Goths and if you want the stronger one you golfs if you want to just play up the flavor of look I want to play an illegal number of Squig hog boys yeah the relics a fun toy and then it's exactly where I like it there's no real downside of it yeah I do love that it's essentially chucking a beehive that's what it is it's literally squigs but bees as it is right now snake bites is still fun I do think it's you know if you're enjoying that go for it I expected this one and this squeak style to get more fleshed out to get more interesting as we continue forward as we get more models that are squigs and we get more stuff like that so I I have expectations I hope we haven't seen the end of the Beast Naga line because I really like that style of work yeah same I guess we can move on to the outlier so we talked about all six of the great Clans now there is a seventh option in the book which is called free Buddhas for those who don't know who they are the free Buddhas are the clanless Orcs they're either kicked out or left of their own accord rebelled against their War Boss and decided screw this we're gonna go do something else they work as mercenaries for anyone who will hire them you just need the teeth yeah and they form a pirate Cruise made out of outcasts you have like mechs who blew up their War Boss with their experimental bomb you've got a doc who wouldn't stop amputating boys while they're sleeping that type of stuff is who ends up in these pirate Crews the war bosses all call themselves either like Captain or Admiral very much pirating you end up with very cute very thematic pirate armies and of course we've seen plenty of people do the custom like 3D print some hats for all their Orcs so they all have pirate hats and stuff yeah there's even a couple official hat headed models but yeah this is wonderful it's the pirating profiteering focused Clan not Clan the clan for the clan list I believe is what they're called in the book this is another one that you could go pretty wild on customizing your models I feel like we've said that a lot with Orcs but like that's the beauty of Orcs yeah that is Orcs all right so let's talk about what a bunch of outcasts who are forced to work together have for a culture their culture is competitive streak each time a freebooter's unit from your army destroys an enemy unit after that unit's attacks have been resolved until the end of the phase each time an attack is made by another freebooters unit with this culture from your army add one to that attacks hit role the warlord trade kill a reputation which is an aura while an enemy unit is within three inches of this model subtract one from the leadership characteristic of models in that unit each time a combat attrition test is taken for that unit subtract one from that combat attrition test while a friendly free brooder's unit is within six inches of this model add one to the leadership characteristic of models in that unit the stratum is get dilute for one CPE use the stratagem at the start of your command phase select one free Brewer's infantry unit from your Army that is on the battlefield until the start of your next command phase that unit gains the objective secured ability and their Relic the bad skull Banner freebooters model only this Relic may be taken by a vehicle model while an enemy unit is within six inches of the bearer it loses the objective secured ability I gotta admit every time I look at that Relic I want to say banana yes I totally get it Banana Nana Nana so before we actually get into like ideas for this it's worth noting out there will be some sour feelings in the community when it comes to free booters for those who don't know what happened in competitive the free booters is the sub-faction that uh for like five minutes it had like a weird stealth Nerf and an FAQ that they then promptly removed again after not announcing it and just sliding it in but the faction was a bit of a problem they got DACA Jets jacked up in points which they kind of deserved anyway but it yes pushed them up there put a spotlight on how insane breaking line of sight shooting had become because everyone was spamming rocket trucks Squig buggies helped solidify that no more than two planes should be in a 2000 Point competitive game oh man some of those lists they got all of the speed freaks models all the buggies and stuff balanced data slated so that they're in the balance data slate limiting you to three of each because people were trying to bring nine of each yeah and it just generally got orange just a bunch of undue hate because of a weird unintended slant list that no one had ever thought someone would be stupid enough to buy never underestimate a spike and also never underestimate playing some of the coolest [ __ ] models like being able to play that many planes that many buggies come on dude that's awesome not balanced in any possible way not a healthy list in any possible way and it's generally correct what they've done to a lot of it the endpoint post balance data slate is where I thought buggies should be yeah it's the rule of three but you can put up in a single unit if you want but you're still locked to rule of three which is a good way of doing it I like it as well it lets you do the things that you want to do but you're also not playing these weird slant lists that are trying to game the system yeah now clown Fiesta aside we're gonna put pass behind us still at the moment a culture that has some interest yeah it's got the absec play which again death skulls the absec play is why I was there and this can basically do the trick but more focused on where it can do it but I can do it very strong by doubling up making your opponent lose absec and you gain it to just flip a point that can be a huge swing competitively and you've got the strategy obviously you can manipulate things to set it up right being able to have that is powerful I will say competitive streak I thought it was the most boring culture when I first read through the cultures I understood why you want all of the others and I misevaluated how good competitive streak was because it seemed very Niche and when it should happen like a win more where like you have to have a unit from your army destroy an enemy unit to even turn your culture on right and then it's only until end of phase your culture is on and now you have a culture and it's just plus one to hit which is way easier to get in most other armies and to be honest I was thinking of it more from melee where you already hit on threes yeah yeah I didn't think about the whole how busted it would be when you stack it with the inaccurate orc shooting the all the DACA yeah making inaccurate orc shooting accurate orc shooting adding one to hit rolls with orc shooting it's not really balanced around that generally yeah this is why we had the whole issue with the line of sight breaking shooting that was way too strong in the Codex compared to what it should have been so definitely misunderstood how strong that culture would be it is kind of like the Midway point between bad moons and death skulls where you've got like the shooting Focus part from Bad moons the absec part of death skulls mixed together into a midwife action which explains competitively why it's very good still yeah and I mean it also kind of makes sense lore-wise of like they're like the outcasts they're like grabbing stuff from other things type thing yeah I could see that angle too I do really like the culture being competitive streak of them just still being utterly selfish and like having to be better than the other guys that they just formed a clan with I like that part and then you've got the whole from different sub factions you can see how they influenced this one yes definitely the warlord trait it's kind of crap leadership play in an army that doesn't stack a bunch of it is never worth it could be powerful but you have nothing else to really take advantage of it and at the same time like the giving yourself leadership going bonuses around it you're in order because you're [ __ ] anyways yeah it's still a very good sub-faction I can definitely see like if you're like I just want to put pirate hats on my Orcs you'll probably be happy playing free Buddhist forever it's a perfectly good well-rounded sub-faction yeah definitely and because of the objective secured stuff there is good play to be had it's not just Mindless run into the enemy yeah it's probably the second techiest behind blood axes I think blood axes requires the most finesse yeah but free booters can definitely get you there if you want that like I play Orcs but I don't want to just bash forward and see what happens this will tickle that for you definitely okay but that does wrap up all seven sub-factions available that works it has been a while on our end I mean kind of knew that oryx was gonna take longer than most of the other ones just because they're so fun and so cool and honestly rules wise lore wise they've done a solid job yeah I don't really have any that I truly don't like other than I still think evil Sons needed a second go-around yeah but to have out of seven major sub factions six of them I could argue why I would want to play them in an upcoming game that's astoundingly good I that is true you can't say that's true with a lot of factions tyranides being a key one we'll get to some of the other armies but this should wrap up quite nicely all of the sub factions available to Orcs you've got a lot of great ones tell us what you guys think for you know your favorite sub faction something we missed with your favorite sub faction if you wanna yeah and I mean if you happen to have a cool evil Sons list let me know I'm in the market for learning about it all right though let's get out of here for the week sounds good [Music] thank you
Channel: Poorhammer
Views: 93,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 9th Edition, 9th Ed, Subfactions, 40k, Warhammer 40k, Guide, Orks, Deathskullz, Blood Axes, Goffs, Bad Moonz, Freebooters, Snakebites, Kultures, Clans, Klans, Lore
Id: Smu73Myixn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 46sec (3166 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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