A Ramadan Like His ﷺ | Webinar

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you have some rice and something more you need to don't tell me some fruit some rice and salad yeah we're planning to decorate this weekend yeah yeah the kids are excited about that that's awesome yeah kids we worked on that that's that was done yesterday so now we got the ramadan decorations oh that's awesome spiritually i feel the most ready though that which is awesome so it's okay about the other stuff that's wonderful what about you guys up in canada uh we've had a lot of drama because they shut everything down literally like the other day like they waited till after easter and they shut everything down and we had to fight to be allowed to open the messages a little bit at least and uh yeah there's been a lot of drama on that front but we're hopefully set to open inshallah everyone we're we're live alhamdulillah uh to everyone that's tuning in alhamdulillah this is you know it came so fast subhan allah um you know it's been a long year obviously but at the same time here we are uh one year uh later our our second uh covered ramadan but this one hamda things are a bit better and sha ta'ala opened up a bit except for canada which was just uh dishing uh on so uh we're we're making dua for everyone but just to set this up inshaallah uh this ramadan of course our theme is ramadan with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and meeting muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam what it would be like to meet the prophet sallallahu alaihi sallam is going to be a ramadan series along with quran 34 30 which has a seerah focus which abdullah duru has deemed tafseera so we'll be doing tafsirah inshallah nightly as well and we're looking forward to getting started just in a couple of days insha'allah with that as we go into ramadan and of course um you know throughout this this period we'll also have the the webathon at the last ten nights insha allah going into the last ten nights we ask allah azza to allow us to live to see ramadan and to achieve all that is to be achieved within ramadan and to be pardoned and forgiven and attain his mercy subhanahu wa ta'ala in ramadan and to develop lifelong habits in accordance with the way of the prophet salallahu that we can carry with us outside of ramadan and inshallah one more reminder that the greek ramadan with sadaqah is still live if you donate at the link insha allah below your donation will be processed insha'allah on the first day of ramadan so that you get the ajar of giving within ramadan so please do insha allah get ahead of it and we we appreciate always the support that we get from the community you know it was really overwhelming last year that people still gave despite the uncertainty of the pandemic alhamdulillah and we were able to actually grow as japan to do more so everything we do is uh free resources insha'allah all of our resources are free and the more that the community uh continues to support us the more that we're able to give back with uh through these free resources i want to welcome the the panel that we have today inshallah first of all i just have to say in like super high def he looks like he's got like a tv camera it's my first time seeing him like masha i mean he's always masha'allah nurun just just full of joy but man you've come a long way from last year's quran 34 30 with the curtains blowing in the back and you know the fan and we already got a facepalm we didn't even have to wait for quran 30 to get a face palm out of sheikh abdullah but his camera is like super high def so i think the rest of us should probably just you know just let him talk the whole time right but alhamdulillah uh blessed to have uh sheikh abdullah duru lubna who is coming to us from california always a pleasure and always a great benefit and great blessing and great lessons in terbia in particular uh and sister sarah sultan alhamdulillah who has been a pioneer of the trauma series at japin and has has put out just so much alhamdulillah i mean through her writing and through her lectures and various webinars that we've had with her may allah reward you for filling such an important void in our community hindi our canadian our token canadian for the webinar alhamdulillah we've got a canadian with us sheikh ibrahim of course well known in canada and alhamdulillah i full time recently and we're just blessed to have him there as a religious director in canada and i'm looking forward to hearing all of your insights so welcome to the entire panel uh how's canada tell us about canada first we caught the beginning so do you want to like switch the tune on canada well like you guys know we all live in igloos and uh our money is worthless [Laughter] i can't wait inshallah for you guys to be able to visit us hopefully after all this covet stuff is over um love to show you around the best haddad food scene in north america is in toronto so uh we have a lot of secrets here that's one of them yeah i gotta get one of those beaver tails what do they call those beaver tail things oh no those things are good that's my cheat day you gotta try a short map poutine too okay this one a lot put a biscuit on it all right so it's almost prepping we're already talking about food quite a bit from the uh from the ramadan prep so let's get started at inshallah just to mention one more thing mufti abraham will be coming um to join us uh soon insha allah he is at a janazah uh for one of his friends fathers may allah reward him and may allah have mercy on the brother that passed away inshallah he said he'll join at some point so we'll look forward to having him when we can insha allah so ramadan like his and i want us to just um sort of start off because each one of you inshallah is going to be connecting a ramadan experience that would be closest to his and i think it's important for us to just say that whether it comes to ibadah the realm of worship or the realm of character the realm of just being you know the best servant of allah the best slave of allah the best the most pleasing to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala rasulullah is the supreme standard and so anytime we become more connected to allah we become more beloved to allah and we become closer in resemblance than to the beloved one of allah because the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was not just this example for us to marvel at but he is us he is you know the supreme example for those that desire that long for allah and goodness on the day of judgment and remember allah subhanahu wa ta'ala frequently and so the more we remember allah the more we worship allah the more we seek to refine our character the more we remove those things that are undesirable from our lives uh the backbiting the uh the gossip the waste of time uh the closer we become to allah because the closer we resemble the most beloved person to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala which is our messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam and i want to just start off inshallah and then we'll we'll start with uh with each one of you inshallah uh we'll start with sister sarah i want to start off with something that i noted you know a few years ago that i find very profound that ramadan engages all of the articles of iman it engages all the articles of faith it engages your belief in allah it engages your belief in the angels it engages your belief in the prophet salallahu and the messengers because you are following the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and fasting the way that all of the prophets used to fast it engages the belief in the books because it is the month of quran and we honor ourselves by the recitation of the quran in our lives particularly in this month and it is of course what the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam said the month in which all of the divinely revealed books came down all of them were revealed in this month of ramadan subhanallah the were all revealed in this month of ramadan and the quran was revealed of course and this is so it engages the belief in the in the books and particularly the belief in the book in the ultimate book the quran it engages our belief in the akhirah and the hereafter right because uh the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam hadith that allah has said all of the children all of the deeds of the children of adam are for him except for fasting fasting is for me and i reward accordingly meaning it is a specific deed on the day of judgment a specific reward on the day of judgment because it is such a sincere deed and such a rewardable deed in the sight of allah subhanahu wa tahara and then it engages and engages divine decree leila is in ramadan and our decree for the year will be for the good of it and so it engages all of our pillars of faith all of our articles of faith and we basically see that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam everything that he did outside of ramadan that made him the magnificent person that he was in ramadan he just took it to the next level and so when we compare ourselves to the prophet salallahu we're striving to be you know anything of what he was throughout the year but in ramadan you know he just took it to the next level and so i think the lesson that we learn is proportionality right if the prophet saws increased in this particular deed which we were already lagging behind in then we should increase in that deed right and the things that were the features of the ramadan of the prophet saws should be the features of our ramadan as well except for one thing and it's very interesting and that is the abandonment of sin the prophet saw is never foul the prophet saws was never one to engage in the marcia and in the disobedience to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala he was never one ali historic to to engage in those deeds that would bring about the displeasure of allah and that is actually our starting point that we have to see has been prescribed upon you the way it was prescribed on those who came before you so that you may gain taqwa so that you may become more pious conscious of allah and abandon those sins that are a barrier between you and allah what's what's just so powerful about that is that what that tells us is that what is preventing us and excelling in those good in in those good deeds is in fact the presence of those bad deeds what is preventing us from taking that next step is our insistence upon that regressive step and so i just think always and inshallah i'll then pass it on to sister sarah you know about the saying of the imam hasan basta rahimahullah when he was asked about why we can't break why we can't pray the night prayer and he said don't disobey him during the day and he will wake you up at night don't disobey him during the day and he will wake you up at night and so the ultimate ingredient the first ingredient was that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was not one to engage in the disobedience of allah and therefore he was always oriented to the obedience of allah and so when the month of allah comes the month of ramadan comes then it's just you know you're kicking into next gear rather than starting the car and for a lot of us we're just starting right and so how do we start and insha allah with that i'll go ahead and i'll pass it to sister sarah to get us started um the all-star lineup here masha allah i'm excited to prep for my personal ramadan and listening to to everybody's tips um inshallah so the one that i wanted to focus on uh for today is you know i think when we're talking about transitioning into ramadan a lot of us naturally think about uh the increase in external acts of worship which are very very very important um but the one that i wanted to focus on today is more of an internal act of worship and that's important as well um and so you know this particular one is one that can allow for um spiritual mental and emotional growth inshallah so it it frees up space in your life for what's important and it's based on the hadith of rasul sallam where um in sitting in the masjid a man before before he walks into the masjid rasool sallam says that a man from the dwellers of paradise will walk in now and then a man walked in and this happened three times and so one of the companions of the s you know was very curious there's three times rasulullah saying that this person is a dweller of paradise what does he do that is so unique that makes him from amongst those who has such a high status in the eyes of allah and so he decided you know he requested to spend three um three nights with this man um and the man accepted and he goes to his home and what really stood out to him was that nothing stood out to him right that that the external acts of worship were not you know he was doing all of the things that he's supposed to do in terms of salah in terms of things like that but there wasn't something that that was really really you know like a huge increase in uh in typical acts of worship and so you know he addressed him directly and he said you know mentioned you as a dweller of paradise three times and each time it was you who walked through those doors you know what what is it about you that gave you such a status that led you to deserve such a status and the man said you know what you saw like my deeds are nothing more than than what you saw and so abdullah ibn naam walks away and then he calls him back and he says you know my deeds are nothing more than what you saw but the only thing that i do that you know that that might be something special right um the only thing that i do is that i don't hold a grudge against any muslim or envy anyone for the bounties that allah has granted them right this this idea of like husn right thinking giving people the benefit of the doubt not holding on to ill intent in one's heart that if somebody has done something that has hurt you that has offended you to not hold on to that and perhaps one of the ways that he did that is through this idea of giving benefit of the doubt of being able to see this from a from a light a positive light of positive intent um and you know another hadith that stood out to me about this this concept is when the salem is is um describing uh and he's describing the kaaba in you know such beautiful ways as you know how pure is your fragrance how great you are how incredible is your sanctity and things like that and then in the end he says that the sanctity of the believer is greater to allah than your sanctity and then he ends the hadith by saying to assume nothing but good of the believer right in comparison to the kaaba so it tells you the significance of you know how how much rasool salam was encouraging us to do this subhanallah and so um it's something that you know some of the questions that come to my mind when i'm thinking about this for this upcoming ramadan right is what would you be able to focus on if you weren't holding on to that grudge if you weren't struggling with those negative thoughts about that person who said something that bothered you the other day if you weren't so busy searching for possible ways that people might be intending to hurt you right if you could let go of that imagine how much space in your heart and in your in your mind and in your time is freed up for other things right subhanallah um you know talked about this you know my intent in sharing this is that it truly makes things better between people but it truly is so much better for you right hasn't done is for you it's not for that other person it's for you but in reconciling things between you and that other person that is for you as well said to his companions that you know shall i not tell you you know shall i tell you about something that's better in degree than extra fasting prayer and charity extra fasting prayer and charity what could be better than those things right reconciliation between people making things right between people and having positive intentions that you attribute toward other people helps to make things right between you one of the rewards of of jannah subhan allah one of the rewards that we inshallah allah through his mercy grants us jen now one of the rewards of that is that allah will remove what is in our chests in terms of resentment toward other people that's a reward of jannah right so what if we could you know to some extent gain that for ourselves this ramadan right and so you know some of the things to ask yourself about this right is you know somebody has done something is there another way that i could possibly be interpreting this what might be going on in that person's life that led to that moment that hurt me right is it possible that i've been hurt by other people and so because of that i'm searching for possible harm in in this particular situation is any good going to come from me attributing negative or ill intent from this person and what could i do instead if i let that go and i moved forward from that and so i asked allah inshaallah to increase us in the ability to give people the benefit of the doubt to increase us in the ability to attribute positive intent to them and to allow that to be a purification for us this ramadan and after ramadan as well inshallah and you know subhanallah right away by the way what came to my mind is the shadow the regiment more than anything else is clearing your heart making space for allah and i think that is something just the connection between shahinat and shirk right and i talked about this a few weeks ago it was something one of my teachers had shared with me a long time ago and i never forgot it the connection between chana and shirk uh which is malice and shook which is paul atheism to associate another god um and he said um invalidates faith and hatred shaves it as a prophet some said because it's born out of envy and things of that sort and i think what you just mentioned is very profound your opportunity cost you know um the the greatest thing you're missing out on is not you know your your peace of mind is not you know i'm not able to enjoy this time in my family i'm not able the greatest thing you're missing out on is you're not able to really enjoy your worship because you're so immersed in your your hatred and um you know and and uh what could even be your righteous anger sometimes about something that was done uh towards you and relinquishing that grudge is really removing a poison from the heart subhanallah um and one other thing in allah and hasn't in the people in allah is actually directly connected to that because you're hustling with the people includes a natural element of you know if there's something i'm missing or if they are indeed as you know if they are indeed as bad as some say they are that uh some there's a voice inside of me telling they're that bad or that this was done or this was the intent then my husband and allah is that allah is not going to let the edges of that go to waste allah won't let the reward of that go to waste and so there's a connection in the hassle of allah the good expectation of allah and the good assumptions that you have of people that you know the the biggest fear of having good assumption in people is what they'll take advantage of that but if you have hesna and allah they can't take advantage of that because you'll take advantage of it because you'll get the reward from allah with anything that happens there so for that beautiful reflection no you know as you said that i'm sorry just to add one thing that came to mind from like a brain perspective the connection between like hustle done of people and husband of allah if you're scanning your life for ways people might hurt you you're going to end up scanning your life for ways that you're going to you know feel a sense of distrust from allah as well right like if your brain is in protective mode constantly that can even affect the ability to trust um and you know expect good of allah as well so so that's what came to mind as you were sharing that that's a beautiful connection because when you have bad expectations of people we mention that the other is a part of our iman so you have bad expectations of what's going to come from what allah ultimately has control in right so that's the beautiful connection within it and i like how you mentioned uh subhanallah you know and not having any grudges with people you know subhanallah and that's that's one thing i remember one of my mentors told me a long time ago and he said ramadan is when i send texts out call people you know and ask is there anything in the hearts you know saying if there's anything that i've done if there's a possibility of one person you know i send a text or i call it losing before text was you know i just call them and see if there's any anything in the heart and if there is and we can you know talk it out subhanallah uh so that's that's very important and it takes it takes the effort you know and that's what you know shaykh was saying about the prophet sallam it was kind of you know ramadan as a companion said that he was the best study best manners so it takes digging deep within yourself and making that call or sending that text for the sake of allah subhan without it's not easy but it's not supposed to be easy oh have mercy on the one who passed away um and in last i reward you for being a part of that can you share who he was so he can make dua for him and charlotte's other people yes uh he was one of my our close friend he his mother passed away his name was basically his mother passed away he was maybe like in seventh grade or eighth grade so this person took care of him all his life he was his uncle his mom's brother and uh he got diagnosed with cancer a few months ago and his health started deteriorating in the last week or so and so they were expecting it but it happened very quickly and he passed away friday early morning between um the hajj and federer salah and so today was the janazah and uh you know it's just it's i don't know how to put in words but it's the first genaza and our institution since my brother passed away six months and four days ago so it was kind of um yeah i mean i'm on here so inshallah we'll say a few words but it was kind of difficult because it's the first time we bought a body to our our building since that time so it just brought memories of that feeling alhamdulillah allah gave him to jennifer for those who was a sick man and i always when we put my brother in his grave my older brother said like he was the youngest among us and now he's the oldest because he's 33 years old now so this this all these i mean sometimes we're old 65 70 years old who would not who wouldn't want to be young again who wouldn't want you know full hair on their head again who would want to be and the moment you pass away insha'allah you're 33 years old you know the age of generation so i mean you know these things start coming but inshallah he's in he's he's in a better place but i'm not sure if we are but inshallah we'll be fine may allah have mercy on him and our mercy on your brother elizabeth allowed them to be from the people of jonathan and allow us to be joined with them i mean it's hard to sort of transition back mufti-sab how about you just while we have you inshaallah sure share your words your heart is in a good place for the night so sister sada just spoke about the importance of islam in allah and her son and the people as well and removing from our hearts grudges removing from our hearts things that would prevent us from immersing ourselves in ramadan so would you have anything to sort of build on that inshallah what's your what's your ramadan prep tip for us all right he brought that up i would something i was working on last ramadan and i'm so grateful that i started working on it last ramadan and uh it helped me out this is something that really helped me out when my brother passed away um on october 5th one of the things you you heard from people was that don't find yourself alone you know don't be driving alone in the car and don't ever see yourself alone in the house because that's when it's really going to hit you always be around people and that is true to a point that definitely it's true but i found that the most comforting moments was when i was alone because nobody really understands what you're going through other than allah because he put he put you through it so yes you can speak to this person when you speak to people around you it makes a difference just getting it off of your shoulder just speaking letting just venting even talking to people around oh you don't understand how much difficulty it is this that it just helps just speaking about it and we understand that it's a factual thing you know in counseling we let the person speak once the more they speak the better they feel i feel that um in ramadan [Music] there's so many collective things we're doing together all the time so we eat so whole together we pray salah together inshallah we'll be in the masjids then we go for we go to work we come back we prepare for iftar together then we maharib and isha ramadan is like a collective month where everyone's together and it's great but my tip for this ramadan to all of us is schedule a time of your day in which you are alone with allah and in that time that you're alone schedule this to be on your to-do list i mean there's so many things people will tell different variations different will say different things this is the top 10 things to do on your lawn dua this that all these are amazing about that but for me personally and anyone who is going through something similar like going through difficulties whatever it is in your life that you're going through um the most comforting thing to me of course reading books and learning knowledge and speaking to people is comforting but the most comforting thing for me and i want to continue in ramadan is just speaking to allah it's called i started this last ramadan you know even though i was really weak at it but it really helped me out after my brother passed away because you started this habit and you could bank on it after because you know you just go right back into it and then you just cry in front of allah you just open up your heart in front of allah and he understands what you're going through and so i would say that this idea of you don't have you don't need you don't need to learn duas you don't need to learn certain words you just need to speak he's your friend he understands what you're going through just speak to him in whichever manner you're speaking to men it comes in a person who's speaking to and he says oh allah you're my slave and i'm your lord you know like he literally switched it up and allah forgave him because of that just because it was the way he spoke to allah he says it's a long poem but you know something that we can reflect over he says something what we're going through similarly he says [Music] i feel like i can't breathe i've heard this like three three times the last week from people if i feel like i'm suffocating even though you're in the middle of everybody you have everyone around you but i feel like you can't breathe and this is saying over here oh i feel like i can't breathe he what benefit is there in this crowd in this audience when you're restless from inside he said oh allah i'm trying to run away from this you know not that i have to avoid of course the person the problem said a person who meets people and his patients and he exercises or she exercises patience on the difficulties they receive is better than the one who's alone but still allah is saying to the prophet faith please spend some time alone alone with me and the prophet would yearn for that time where he would be all alone with allah and he would not compromise anything on that time this is only for him in allah and the people of the past they were the you know they were the people that brought the the best most justice and they brought so much greatness to this world but one thing they never left never missed time at night speaking to allah this is a crazy line he says i'm searching for such silence in which even speeches would envy so you have speeches that affect and motivate you right you're like man i heard that speech and i like it motivated me someone watched the new series that coming out of shaykh were like yeah that really pumped me up but he's saying i'm actually looking for such silence where even speeches would envy like wow how did this have such an effect on this person he goes on by saying different things that you know people understand will do f you know you don't understand it i can't do anything about it and another place he says once you have this spirit of this falcon which is it's roaming around everywhere it's a public bird but at the same time one of the things about this bird is it finds time alone all alone somewhere if you develop this quality then you can see your destination above the skies meaning you could see the light beyond the tunnel you can envision things in a much different light i found that if we all can work on this quality in any way it's gonna be it's gonna be very awkward at the beginning you're sitting down all alone but then you start speaking to allah as if you could really really like feel that allah is listening to you it's a different feeling and just you know everything is in your heart today we know how to share our problems on social media to people all around us but we just don't know how to speak to the one who is the solver of our problems so let's present present our problems in front of him so he can solve it and i'll conclude by saying the people of the past they were they just knew how to speak to allah they never really asked allah for too much but they just knew how to speak to him one scholar he used to say in his every single day if you ask me if you present my sins in front of me then i will present all the pages of quran hadith about your forgiveness so allah my sins your forgiveness they don't even come close to each other then allah if you present me by saying to me that oh where's your tawba yes i will forgive you but where is your tawba then i will present your generosity to you so allah you also said you're generous then he says oh allah if if i know i'm i'm not worthy of jannah but if i end up in jahannam i will tell the people of jahannam that i love you allah i never understood this until went through with my brother where people are looking at you people are not muslims atheists are looking at you like okay this is really gonna break this person and you look at them in their eyes and say i love allah more now i don't care what happens right and those people cannot believe it our relationship is completely different so we just say oh allah it doesn't matter what you put me through any or book i still love you this is a conversation i i urge everyone to start developing in this collective month of ours still find time where you're sitting alone and you're speaking to allah you will find that this will be the powerhouse for your whole day you will not get tired if you look you look forward to this and then you build upon it for the rest of the day i hope i never took more time than which was allotted to me even though i do it all the time you really touched our hearts in a way i i don't think you can imagine so me last frontal role what front i'll have mercy on the the dear brother that you buried today and your dear beloved brother that uh you had to endure the pain of bearing uh uh six months back so may those final blessings for that beautiful beautiful reminder you know i found it so powerful the way that you were talking about um taking your emotion and making it into a diet to help you connect with allah and i was thinking about um you know he's described as saying i'm so defeated so help me right like he takes this emotion and he turns to allah and and seeks help from the one who can who can help him and i you know in in hearing my like my clients share their emotions in therapy and that's one of the pieces of therapy that's supposed to be healing right so can you imagine the healing that can also come from sharing those emotions with the healer right the source of healing subhanallah and so such a beautiful reminder for sharing that we'll go on a phone call after and i'll i'll translate those poems for you okay it wouldn't be it would not be a must moment without an urdu um yeah and then making us cry and then making us laugh like that just it wouldn't it wouldn't be the same so i was just well reward you and um yeah i always prance out bless you um and by the way i i'm wearing the vest in the ramadan series so i mean you know people have been asking me um like it's like a secret desi or not i'm like he's just a wannabe you know like we that's all it is and so this is the so this is something this is uh the marketing team put him to this i can tell you that for sure i'll tell the story i'll tell the story of the of the vesta because you never gifted me with one and you guys never gifted me with one um so i'll have to tell the story i got it from a random nikkah as i was going into recording meeting muhammad said some so i said you know what this looks pretty nice i'm gonna keep it on so you never got me one because you you obviously don't find me worthy you know of your poetry or of your of your clothes uh but alhamdulillah someone else gave me one check so we're good so now i can i can pretend i can come to mistake and i can don the vest i can uh we have to get you a turban that goes seven times around your head not six it has to be seven it has to be it has to be big enough don't do those face problems i i'm gonna see you in ramadan inshallah i'll see you now he's doing his face palms in high def right now like super high def and with that we we're just you know we still got a lot of time to go bismillah so with that uh was was was very beautiful in regards to you know just reminding me of uh uh which will come at the end of ramadan but does not mean that it's only confined to the end of ramadan or the last 10 days of ramadan being here at cafe cafe is to be stationary or devotional worship within a place uh primarily the masjid i remember one of my subhanallah one of my best friends that i was studying with in medina uh subhanallah he got accepted to medina you know when he was around 17 18. comes from a very strong family mashallah to battle allah and uh i remember he gave me advice you know to just go to a when you go to the masjid because we used to go to the haram and make it cafe so as soon as we get to the door of the haram you're like okay salaam alaikum go off somewhere where no one knows you and there's no distractions you know so that was that was huge advice for me because but it was normal for him but it was subhanallah it really touched me when he did that because as soon as he did it i knew what he meant as soon as he shook my hand and looked at me we traveled four hours and i'm like oh okay got you right so it was subhanallah i'll never forget it was immaculate subhanallah was the uh the last year sheikhan wrath they mean was uh giving the holocaust giving the lessons in mecca and you know every time he would speak every couple of you know minutes uh you know he was coughing and things of the nature of him allah ta'ala but it was an experience that after that i was hooked you know it was really earthy calf was my you know subhanallah my my go-to uh particularly because of that reason uh spending time alone with allah and conversing with him through the salat through reciting the quran through asking allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and not being distracted at all and i think that is a beautiful beautiful beautiful point that he mentioned and guideline and point in uh for us to to really ponder over and just ask ourselves how much alone time on purpose for allah have we spent that's what i want to talk about roughly uh not exactly the alone time but uh what would get us there inshallah ta'ala as we know the beautiful hadith of the prophet salallahu is actually three and it's easy for us to memorize you know the prophet sallam he said uh three three hadith in bucharest so there's three things here and these two hadith the apostle the first one he said whoever fasts the month of ramadan with firm belief in conviction and hoping for his reward then he will his previous or her previous sins will be forgiven second hadith who stands the month of ramadan with conviction hoping for his reward then his or her previous sins will be forgiven third hadith whoever stands the night of other okay later with conviction and hoping for his reward his or her previous sins will be forgiven so we see just the first part of the hadith is something that is slightly different but it's all in the month of ramadan so the prophet sallam is talking about standing in the month of ramadan which is prayer which is some of the scholars mentioned is in another hadith that the prophet saw he used to desire for the the muslims to stand in prayer and primarily the scholars mentioned this being taraweeh when abu hurairah mentioned this that it was him hoping for the companions to stand but he didn't want to make it obligatory upon them so as a as an encouragement he mentioned this whoever was to stand in the month of ramadan in prayer primarily taraweeh with full conviction hoping for his reward then he or she will be forgiven their previous sins will be forgiven so this is beautiful because when we look at taraweeh it's something that should you know looking at the jamaa and looking at the congregation especially this year for those of us that are able to make it to the masjid or hear those that are able to go you will see people that you haven't seen in a while and you will see all of your brothers and sisters and you're all praying together listening to the word of allah being recited and also in fasting this month of ramadan and standing in the night of but i want to touch on primarily the second part of this hadith because that was the first part there's three the second part is where he says and subhanallah is beautiful in reading the works of nothing when he talks about this concept of iman and anti-sab even though i translated it as conviction on a yateen platform alhamdulillah it seems you know uh we could say conviction and it is that which is it pushes you to do an action of prayer to allah to your creator you know and that's the belief in allah firstly knowing who he is knowing that he is one and he is not like any other and he is a creator of all things therefore everything other than him is creation and naturally the ingrained quality of yearning for one deity that is what is ingrained within all of creation and that eman is that which one needs in order to pull through and that's why he says iman and saban and everybody they call this mafu then the reason that they did this action was for this purpose so it was iman and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala belief in allah conviction trust honor love all of these aspects of worship this iman and allah so what i like to say is this is your motivation this is what got you up in the middle of the night this is what after inshallah this will be all of us but the reality is after you made had your huge iftar and you know you unbuckle your belt buckle you go to the extra hole you know you know he's got to get a little bigger and you like okay we gotta get go to tarawih but you're still getting up to go to tarawih it's that iman that motivated you to do so inshallah it's that iman that pushed you to go and pray tarawik with the jamaa because hopefully when you are there you have which is next the destination so we talk about the motivation and your destination that which pushed you to do in action is your iman and waging and in manipulating the iman the initial belief that you have i believe that god created me and i believe also that allah made this obligatory being this ramadan and i believe also that this taraweeh will make me a better person if i go and pray taraweeh in the congregation or i pray at home with myself as the prophet sallam did by himself or with his family this is something that allah loves you know subhanallah i was i was at a public place the other day and it reminded me of my children and all of us have faced this you know you i saw the guy in the island he was with his children and his children were like baba look at lee look at me look at me look at what i'm doing and they were performing and actually looking so they wanted their dad to see them because they wanted their dad to be proud of them well we as all about allah we want allah to see us we know that he sees us at all times but we want him to be happy we want him to be pleased with us we want to go to jannah where allah says that allah subhanahu wa is pleased with them and they are pleased with him what he has given them so this iman is something that is very very important for us that when we have this motivation and we have this belief in allah that he's made it obligatory or he's made it uh you know recommended for us and that we will receive the reward that is where the etisab comes from as scholars as mentioned mentions [Music] he says that you know the one that hopes for the reward is the one that's that does not feel a burden when fasting mustafi means heavy it is not a heavy burden on you and later most of the am is like oh man it's going to be the 16 hour part of the year man all right i guess i'll do this let's just let's just get it over with right we really have to check ourselves and see this we're really hoping for the reward we want this reward from allah subhanahu wa without it because we know what it means because of that iman we've established that relationship or we're trying to establish the relationship because of that iman that we have so trying to establish it setting your alarm clock looking at your calendars saying you know what i'm going to make a change or this one thing that i'm going to be consistent on which we'll talk about inshallah it is that motivation to get to a destination motivation iman the destination and that is something that is so beautiful because when one is constantly yearning to get to that place or constantly yearning for the reward from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala what's the reward and what's interesting is that the prophet sallallahu alaikum what previously his previous and future sins will be forgiven but for us our previous sins will be forgiven insha allah if we have this motivation trying to get to this destination hoping for the reward from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and standing in ramadan in prayer primarily the last third of the night and then also uh fasting in this beautiful month and standing for leila to this beautiful aspect of of this motivation and destination is also so profound because when we look at our previous sins you know ben as a prophet salallahu he said that this is a month that many of many people are negligent upon because it's between rajab means the prohibited months and also the month of ramadan it is the eighth month shah bang and he loved to fast this month and it was these were raised while he was fasting because as scholars mentioned ibn rajab and others the prophet salallahu always took advantage of doing actions of worship in times where people will be negligent as we see in times of fitnah the third layer the last start of the night prayer pray at night when people are asleep trying to do actions of worship when the majority of people most likely may not be doing it now with that reality let's look at the last ten months because maybe shabbat al-hamdu lillah you know we fasted a good amount of it we're we're conditioning ourselves for doing a great job but the past 10 months when we look back there definitely was some tuxedo there definitely was some negligence there definitely was some sins that all of us have committed and that's the beautiful wisdom behind that that it was a it's the passive tense of the verb that it was forgiven previous sins will be forgiven that we see uh in this in this beautiful beautiful hadith but it's an encouragement for us to look at how we can initially motivate ourselves to continue on this act and while we do this act of motivation that we want the reward from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and i want to end by saying i don't i don't primarily like the word motivation a lot because it is something that is temporary it's when you light the fire to motivate but to keep it lit you have to be disciplined and discipline always outshines motivation we're going to talk about about that being delighted allah make us of those that have this iman and tisab when standing in the month of ramadan standing on ladies and fasting in this beautiful month hoping for his reward that is endless and that cannot be domesticated to any shape form or fashion allah [Music] i never thought of the connection between the prophet saw some forgiven for all of his previous and and future sins and we seek to be forgiven for all of our previous ones may allah reward you we haven't heard much from sister lubna sheikh ibrahim so now i thought it was you know i was reflecting on this the other day that all of like the concept of fasting itself is all about building that iman because you know fasting differs from other actions and that you can't see someone fast you know we meet each other in ramadan i assume you're fasting you assume i'm fasting but really nobody knows if i'm sneaking off somewhere and eating some food and if you're doing the same allahu adam right so in the end of the day it's it's a secret between uh us and allah subhanahu ta'ala and the only reason you would follow through on a fast is because you know that one day you're going to meet allah one day you're going to uh you know get that reward from allah right that's why the prophet sallallahu alaikum said this to the one who is fasting they have two forms of joy the joy when they break their fast and the joy when they meet allah subhanahu ta'ala so the only reason we would fast is because we have that iman that we're going to meet allah and that this fast is going to have value and so this panel is a beautiful um talk from shahada that really all of us building our iman and building our faith and our expecting of that reward from allah [Music] you know a beautiful reminder uh because i know for some of us perhaps we've been fasting for many years uh this was something that we're used to doing um and for others uh maybe we're entering the folds of islam just recently and maybe this is our first ramadan for some maybe they were born into islam and um maybe this is a practice they used to do when they were younger but for some reason this has been a time where they have fallen off of of either salah or you know prayer or or or fasting and and for some um i know there's some you know there's some jokes that go around about ramadan muslims you know but but this what you reminded us of is that you know it's never too late for us because with that imam and with that that can propel us to say this is the ramadan i'm going to turn around you know and all you can do is just start one day at a time so and so it's really uh a blessed opportunity for for those of us who are all of us are in our spiritual journey um and for some of us who have really you know this is a time that we're just trying to come back from uh from a period of time and where we have we've been heedless or when perhaps we've been uh neglectful i should say i should say neglectful in in our responsibilities towards the lost allah what what a blessed opportunity we have to start and and is never too late and allah would never turn down your efforts despite other people maybe judging you and saying oh you're just you're just doing this you know because it's ramadan so we should never belittle such a thing and and i hope any of you out there that are watching and this is your this is your time where you're really thinking i want to turn myself around hamdulillah grab on to this opportunity allah uh you know inshallah with that amen we'll reward you for it inshallah um i would just like to zakala and uh brahim for mentioning those things i feel like the word sometimes like we could we could we could be in a position where we don't under fully understand what it really means like this up and i found that the the time where i fully understood that meant was when i coupled it with another word which is called is right and is being mindful present-minded so think about this for a second what is the single most effective ingredient to benefit from your journey to madina and makkah this is i i believe this to be the top of the list this is the single most effective ingredient in order to benefit the more you have of this the more you benefit and the less you have unless you benefit of course everyone benefits inshaallah and uh if i'm not sure if knows this but i think i'm like i can call first on almost every video that comes out um so the the last video that came out where it just came out a few minutes ago and i was just walking to the from my car to here and i've played it what would you say to the prophet sallam if you've seen him shaykh umar you know um i mean i'm sure most of you haven't even watched it yet i i just i just watched it i said subhanallah this this is this is uh something that you should think about right so here's what is that one most the most effective ingredient and i believe uh it is being present-minded when you arrive in madiyan understanding that this is the same city same soil that the prophet once walked upon these are this is the same mountain that the prophet once saw this is the same kaaba where the prophet saw with his tears with his blood which he hung to or hugged on which he which he saw on the day of congress of makkah what she saw when he was leaving mecca i mean think about all these different things and then you can feel it and if you just look at the kabbalah really i mean nobody like nobody in the world would make a home like this you know it's it's just it's a structure there and people you know that there's the curtain of the kaaba but it has such an important you know that's it plays such a huge role in our lives when i look at the kaaba and this is what my father taught me this like look at the kaaba i try to think of all the different times that the prophet saw the kaaba and the kaaba and i i i would say if the kaaba had a tongue what would it say right if the moon had a tongue loaded say if ramadan could speak what would it say so have is be present if you're present-minded when you go to madinah and mecca you're able to benefit and you kind of that's why would never walk with his shoes so many people they're so pretty like i hope i don't walk on the same place where the person walked upon right and so i could speak about that some other day but coming back to ramadan imagine imagine ramadan now and imagine how the prophet sallam would interact with the month of ramadan and it's not like you know hunger was the order of the day before it was not like they were just hungry in a milan hunger was the order of the day they were hungry before and after and the month of ramadan came to them as as this gift and and they said okay this is an opportunity to really benefit from the treasures of allah's mercy so they were so present-minded about every single moment they could they said the people of the past you could literally count how many words they would say in the month of ramadan because they wanted to live capitalize on every single moment because it's not really at that point like it is tiles in front of you it is this big structure of machinibui but they could look beyond that you know that's looking beyond that yes it's the month of ramadan you i don't know who you're fasting if i'm fasting but you know that's the truth but look beyond that look at look at how much benefit you can have from this and then that leads you to it when you're present-minded then it leads you to now understanding what the reward is and i don't know um if i if there's anyone more excited honestly to even though this ramadan will be extremely tough for our family because the first last ramadan was the first ramadan in which all of our brothers were together because there was kovid and we let me in three of us read the whole quran in my mother's house with my mother behind us and our you know my sister-in-law is my wife and you know every after eight rakats me and my mother because i'm the tea guy in my house so i make all the different types of teas i act like i can make tea you know i make a lot of noise in the kitchen break something do this and you know pretend like i'm doing a lot and so i me and him used to make the tea and he used to serve and i could imagine i just i can't even imagine how difficult it's gonna be for my mother and my father and i know how difficult to be for myself but at the same time like this is another opportunity to really like okay this is we're going to come this month of ramadan with a broken heart with a different type of feeling and now we're going to try to get even more reward from it maybe this is the month which can completely heal us from our pain that's that's how we're looking at this month so like thank you for mentioning that part because i believe that it's coupled with being mindful and present-minded if you don't have that if you come to salah and you're not you're not present-minded you're in salah how can you be present-minded enough to think seek the reward so you have to be mindful that you're there and then it leads to seeking the reward that's a beautiful point you mentioned it just reminded me about that we saw of the prophet saws right you know the prophet that we saw is where he would fast continuously he wouldn't break as fast as his mother he would continue on for days fasting and then some of the companions would do it and this and then the apostles asked him why they're doing it and they mentioned that really we see you to austin he said some of the scholars mentioned that it was because he was so mustache just like you mentioned he was someone that was so present that that wasn't even a thought you know subhanallah and as you mentioned the alone time with the cafe and i highly implore muslims to really uh you know to make it if possible if it's not the ten nights one night between maghrib and isha the scholars have mentioned just you know time on purpose spending alone with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala when you you reach a certain point to where you'll understand the whole concept of how the apostle paul made we saw because you're just your your mind is and your soul is so divided so undivided you're just really with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and as you mentioned what i tell a lot of youth even new muslims you know when you're praying and what do i think about when i pray and you i tell you i tell my sons i know sometimes you're you know you think you're not thinking about you know your prayer when you're in your prayer think about things that happen in your life and associate that to a name or action of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala anything you know if there's something bad you've done ella for if it's something good good you've done just anything that's happened in your life you know when you see movies you'll see scenes and things of that nature so do the same thing when you're when you're praying or when you're trying to focus on allah think of things that have happened in your life and that may help you be more stuck than someone that is present uh in in the moment with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala not anything else on that point that you added inshallah i cannot relate with the example you gave me when you see movies like what is that oh here he goes again you know what you know what man just be honest all right how many how many how many you don't watch movies in english that's all it is all right [Laughter] refuses to watch movies in english i've never seen the guy eat non-daisy food really yeah like he's that guy and has this like roasted chicken what's this you know let me go find yeah he's that guy only doesn't like like he's too good for americano coffee he's too good the key word for masking movies is documentaries you got to say that that's right that's right no i'm sorry sorry about that but yeah um so you know we've got just about 25 minutes or so left so i want to uh let's kind of go through sort of our final advices but our but but you know we really haven't heard much yet from sheikh ibrahim so um i know both of you inshallah have a very specific message for us then we can kind of just end off and i'll try not to hopefully muft rahman won't say anything that provokes a reaction kind of keep it keep it the way that it is uh but by the way one thing before i hand it back off inshaallah the ad um uh or the video that just went out um on the uh on the meeting the prophet saws them that is a very that was a very beautiful experience for me personally so i actually interviewed people and i had these questions i first put them in medina i said have you ever been to medina and then um started to then ask them okay well do you think the prophet saws i wanted to meet you it's like me and then it's like yes he actually did want to meet you and then after that okay well what will you say when you meet him so it's a it was it was a beautiful experience to ask a diverse group of people uh those questions so please do watch that video inshaallah i just got released actually before uh the webinar and benefit from abiding and to remind everyone uh the great ramadan link is in the description inshaallah ta'ala so please do inshallah consider being a keen supporter as always uh and your donation will be processed on the first of ramadan and with that insha'allah ta'ala your final advice some words for us as we're going to ramadan and then we'll go to sheikh ibrahim in and uh give everyone just a few words to end off inshallah rasulullah totally been enjoying the back and forth conversation benefiting alhamdulillah and uh as um so i like this you know fine nuance you know not really movies but documentaries right it's all in the wording and that ties in nicely to what i was going to talk about inshallah kind of um you know one of the things uh uh uh sister hamdulillah mentioned you know kind of the the inner reflection and the inner type of of worship that we want to be doing uh when it comes to huss nadan about other people and that can help us when it comes to hasn't done of allah and allah reminded us about you know uh our worship in that hadith talking about fasting prayer and then uh pm in particular and then prayer and laila during um you know and another form of worship that i would like us to think about is as our muammar is our dealings with allah's creation so part of our you know uh you know responsibility towards allah is doing the the acts that he has commanded us to do and that's between us and allah when it comes to fasting when it comes to prayer uh when it comes to sadhaka of course alaqah benefits people but hamdullah this is we're dealing with allah and one of the ways in which we deal so often and yet maybe we're not so mindful of is when we speak to allah's creation how are we speaking to them you know and this very brief concise hadith from uh may allah be pleased with him you know as we know that from the age of 10 that he lived with prophet muhammed uh uh his mom um you know asked that he could serve prophet muhammad so he could learn from him from him and he lived with him for 10 years i should say and and one of the things that he reflected upon in the character of prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam was that uh he mentioned that rasulullah peace and blessings be upon him never said of to him never once said of and he also continued and said and he never said harshly why did you do that or why did you not do that and it's to me this speaks volumes subhanallah it really speaks volumes because when you translate you know we can say oh you know maybe some of us say that today when uh somebody asked us to do something or it's in response to something maybe it wasn't very nice uh that somebody says but you know we can do that in terms of an eye roll uh shrugging our shoulders a hand flip like whatever or whatever you know uh subpanel there's so many ways in which we can do that and if we were to only reflect upon how prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam dealt with people you know here he's dealing with a youth he's dealing with somebody who's serving him dealing with somebody in the privacy sometimes of his own home and here is where you know we see in many ways of course we see prophet hassan's character um shine because he was not the type of individual that only when he was in the market he was very kind because everyone's going to see him or only as a statesman in his meetings that uh prophet muhammad sallam would be you know um you know moral and use good words and and be kind to to uh individuals or do the right thing um you know wasn't justin dawa he was who he was which was an amazing individual prophet muhammed peace and blessings be upon him always exhibiting good character not only in public but also in private and and i i i this is something i would like to always work upon you know work on myself and a reminder for for all of us today inshallah that actually it's our private you know our private interactions with those who are around us the most those are probably the interactions you want to be the most aware of because you're on your best guard when when you're outside when you're at work um but perhaps due to you know we're tired at the end of the day um we feel the most comfortable we love these people the most yet sometimes these are the people that we can tends to just kind of let our guard down and and just say whatever so how how amazing is it and there's so many times where we could point something out especially the second part of the hadith why did you do that or why did you not do that you know you see you see the trash cans outside and you tell your child why didn't you put them in the trash or didn't i tell you not to play video games you should be praying didn't i you know why didn't you do this or why did you do that subhanallah you know we have a a narration from edna malik when he uh one time a prophet muhammad peace and blessings be upon him sent an ounce sent him out on an errand and told him to do the errand and to uh not get caught up and play in the street you know not to delay this errand and um of course what happened as a youth uh nsc uh radhilan who he went out and he saw kids playing in the street uh and and he started playing and he forgot prophet muhammad sallam came up to him from behind he put his hand on the shoulder he did not say what are you doing playing and he did not say why did you not already do he just asked him knowing that he had not finished the errand he said did you complete the errand and then and it said i'm going right now i love his answer too i love prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi sallam's you know question it wasn't why didn't you or why did you it was did you do it giving giving ennis the honorable opportunity right to speak with dignity for himself he didn't have to be ashamed he didn't have to be put down it wasn't a criticism he says i'm doing it right now does it subhanallah we can learn volumes from this type of interaction it shows dealing with other people with kindness even though you have the authority whether you're in a business situation whether in a family situation you're a mentor you're a parent or as a child as well you know you think uh you know um you know my parents are uh maybe you're caring for elders or maybe you know you're in different situations where you think you can just answer in any way because especially in ramadan you're tired maybe you're hungry uh maybe you're having that uh uh before uh before maghrib headache that i always get alhamdulillah or i shouldn't say always i quite often get and you just feel like you can respond in any way but this is a reminder for us that even when you have the authority or the position uh to just kind of respond in any way that you really be mindful and i like that the word that uh um uh our beloved chick reminded us of um that mindfulness that mindfulness uh you know if we're mindful of our words if we're mindful of our words if we're if we're really thinking and we're having taqwa we're thinking about is what i'm about to say pleasing to allah um is what i'm about to say is it displeasing to him if we're mindful then we are able to take our character to the next level and really uh choose our words wisely um uh prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam also mentioned another hadith to speak good or keep silent speak good or keep silent so um if you know what you're going to say it's not you know it's just kind of a little bit of attitude it's it's maybe there's some validity in it but it's not going to come off in the right way delegate and maybe when you're in a better situation you can think of a better thing to say um to address a real situation timing is also important then you can speak but otherwise silence is golden and the last thing that i wanted to mention was really interesting and you know this is this psychology uh of of you know negative talk you know whether it's a self-criticism you know for every negative uh self uh criticism that you think of in your head it takes five to six times positive thoughts about yourself to overcome that and the same ratio is really interesting now this is the research that that i've read you know as a as a layperson um but that in business that the most successful teams are the ones in which management had like a 5.6 ratio of negative you know criticisms you know this is probably not a good idea you know obviously it's said in the right way but it's still considered negative that that their their positive comments outweigh the negative 5.6 to 1. it's really powerful and here we see it in action so inshallah we take this opportunity to be not only mindful of our worship in terms of you know when we're fasting and when we're praying but also mindfulness how we deal with allah's creation inshallah um just to give inshallah that i had recently just dealing with my community as we're coming into ramallah and uh you know one of the things that has been um that i've been thinking about is you know we talk about some of the amazing examples of the righteous people when it came to this month of ramadan that you know for instance recited the quran all of it uh during ramadan um that it would have been abdomenic it was also narrated imamic would do the quran once every three days and i think that those stories are so motivational if you're in the realm of their ibadah right if you're somebody who can do two of the quran you know do the quran twice in ramadan then you read these stories and you're like you know what maybe i can do once a week but the problem is we have a lot of people in our community they've never read the quran cover to cover and they'll hear some of these stories and it has a demotivating factor for them and so i find that people sometimes fall into two categories where one of them is they think that you know what these examples are way beyond me i'm demotivated there's no way i can accomplish anything in ramadan so i'm not even going to try it because i know i'm going to fail and the other kind of person is the one who says you know what let me try if other people could do it i'll do it too and they go as hard as they can and they you know are praying and reciting quran as much as they can they do one night two nights three nights and then they all burn out and all of us know this anybody who's been at the masjid we see the dip happening after a week of ramadan people stop showing up and and we know that's the case and so you know there's been amazing lessons that everybody's been sharing today the one lesson that i just want people to know is you know the most important thing you can do for yourself entering ramadan to prepare yourself for this month is to figure out things that you can do that are consistent that you can consistently carry on during the month and the prophet salallahu was asked we know because that's what is the best deed he said what is consistent amongst the deeds even if it's a little bit and another hadith the prophet salallahu spoke to the people he said he said do of the actions of the good deeds that which you're capable of enduring that which you're actually capable of doing like don't take on so much that you know you're not capable of doing it and that you're going to burn out because of it and you're going to end up not being able to take advantage of this month and then he said indeed allah does not tire until the servant tires meaning that allah is not tired of rewarding you of giving you until you tire out completely right and so if you're doing something and then he said indeed allah loves the most the actions that are consistent so if we're consistently doing something even if it's small even if it's not a lot if we're consistently doing it throughout the month and allah is consistently rewarding us and if we do so much in the beginning and we try to do all that we can and then we burn out real quick what's happening is that allah is rewarding you in the beginning and then he's not rewarding you through the other days and so that's something that's really important for us to think about as we're entering into this month and you know there's an interesting story of the prophet sallallahu alaihi when he entered into the masjid and he saw a rope tied between two pillars so he asked the people what is this rope for they said this rope is for zainab for the daughter of the prophet sallallahu alaihi that she used to pray to hedgehood and sometimes she prayed so much that she was afraid basically of falling so she would lean onto this rope and hold on to the rope so they put this rope there so that she can hold on to it while she's praying when the prophet salallahu heard this he said untie the rope don't let her have this robe he said if she's tired she should stop the prophet salallahu sallam was mindful of people taking on more than they're capable of too quickly right and so when we look at the example of the prophet we say we want to have a ramadan like our prophet salallahu the methodology of the prophet sallallahu alaihi is to build himself up with consistent actions over time so it's easy to look at the prophet and see all the ibadah that he's doing and trying to do it right away recreate it right away but that was not the method of the prophet the prophet built himself up in his slowly with consistent actions and so we need to follow that same methodology and the scholars they say you know beautiful statements mercy on a person who knows themselves and so one of the best things you can do coming into ramadan is know yourself who are you right and what are you capable of doing what is you know ramadan comes and it upends our routines our life changes it forces us out of our comfort zone so ramadan should force you out of your comfort zone but what is an achievable reasonable thing to do outside of your comfort zone right if you rarely read the quran can you make it a reasonable goal to recite half of the page a day right is that reasonable for you is that something that you're capable of doing you need to ask yourself know what you are capable of doing and push yourself to go a little bit outside of your own comfort zone and the hadith of the prophet salallahu you know the five daily prayers in juma's they are expiating of the sins that are between them and you know when you read this it makes you think that you should be evaluating your journal every week you should evaluate your week every jama and every ramadan you should evaluate one ramadan to the other right what did i do last ramadan how can i make this ramadan 5 10 better 15 better right what what did i do last year to do better and the people who really benefit for ramadan are the ones who every year ramadan to ramadan is getting a little bit better getting a little bit better and so inshallah that's just my my little advice and you know finally the prophet said uh right you know be moderate in your actions and try to be as close as you can as in the prophet saw i'm saying you're not going to be perfect nobody's going to be perfect don't give up on your deeds because it's not perfect because it will never be perfect rather just keep trying keep doing as much as you can consistently even if you fail just keep trying again because it will never be perfect and allah can still give us from his mercy and enter us into jannah because of our actions in this room and subhanallah um you know i i really appreciate that the bridge um sister libna you talked about the importance of us trying harder to be kind and you know it's not easy sometimes and if we can be consistent in our behavior like there's no way you go through 30 days of being so mindful of the way that you talk to people uh that uh you just go right back into it after all milan and the same thing is true i think with our regimen of veribada you're not going to carry the same portion but you can carry the same motivation the same the same habits to a lesser extent after ramadan to resemble the prophet saws as we're coming towards the end just to remind everyone once again about the greek ramadan with sadaqah campaign and i just want to say this uh inshallah you might have noticed alhamdulillah it was with the support that we got last ramadan in particular that we were able to produce multiple series this year alhamdulillah so yep the yakin team grew and our content grew we had prophetic parenting did his his series on pillars uh you know sister sarah continued mashallah the wonderful work on um you know on trauma and the series there at hamdude and we've we've been able to grow and grow and grow and grow and uh series on iqbal and urdu uh urdu poetry that's not out yet we we should do a high quality series though with you uh doing some finally let the urdu come out inshallah but the libna of course has been a constant presence as a board member as well but but we've been able to produce so much alhamdulillah and that's the idea that the more inshallah support we get the more that we can continue to crank out free resources inshallah for the benefit of the community so please do consider supporting us just as you did last year and video if you can do more you can do more and share with others the link in tala and with the last uh seven minutes that we have i'm gonna go around and ask for one minutes it's really hard for us to talk in one minute uh or i'll just say me um i'll say me and mufti well everyone else masha'allah knows how to talk in one minute but we sheikh abdullah just give you the facial expression and that'll tell you everything that you need to know and i was going to ask gustav lubna by the way does this count as part of because if it is then abdullah is in trouble he does a lot of face palmy well he does it while smiling so much it's a good one give us one minute sort of last advice word of advice to everyone inshallah you're muted i wasn't serious about just needing a face problem i want to hear you man [Music] uh you know subhanallah as i was just thinking of um you know even the claim he mentions in huawei one of his books a beautiful book um just talking about the importance of vicar primarily uh the first part of it he mentions a lot of really interesting points about isticama and being upright and how the how the heart can be upright he mentioned something very beautiful we kind of touched on it in the beginning check um kind of touched on it in regards to sins and how sins can be a blessing how because when you ponder over your sin you feel so much regret and that can assist you in being more of a mukhlas and being sincere and that's the reality of tawba tawba is tavis to return to something so you're kind of turning away from that sin because you feel so bad about it that you are so sincere in the dua as opposed in a time of time of easy you make dua which is not which is which is preferred which is which is great but when you think about that sin in prayer is something that you did weeks ago you know a month ago a year ago a decade ago you pondering over that sin is one of the strongest means for you to be a mukhlas to be sincere so just taking advantage this this ramadan now even now and just thinking about subhanallah doing a roll call you know why you're in salah and any time you know especially when you're alone with allah subhanahu wa dada the time you know that you had a grudge with somebody and you you refused you saw them far away they didn't see you and you didn't want to walk that way to give them salams you know the person that you know as you as a father you as a mother that you said you raised your voice and you saw the facial expression on your son but you wanted to remain the parent and didn't want to show some type of apology or show that you had some form of regret because you want to remain that authoritative have that authoritative nature within the house even though you know it's not right or the time that you you know knew that you would not be consistent in something but you overwhelmed yourself because you wanted to impress people right each and every one of us has fallen into that so i would just say look over those sins that you have especially in times where you are alone with allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala shekhar he mentioned my mention when you are alone with allah do a roll call every single night and just see where have i been deficient and inshallah that can be a means of you increasing your iman and hoping for the ultimate reward from him inshallah you know as i was hearing both the tip i'd like to give is more dedicated to the parents uh out there being a mother and hearing the things that that that you were all sharing you know a lot of ramadan one thing that's so powerful about it is that it builds our distress tolerance it builds our distress tolerance in the ability to tolerate difficult situations because you're physically depriving yourself of something that you normally wouldn't deprive yourself of and so your window of tolerance can increase and so you know kind of tying that into what alumni was saying about kind treatment toward other others you know we build our our physical distress tolerance but let's build our emotional distress tolerance as well you know and so thinking about the example in the way that he treated everybody including those who you know he had so much power over um and us as parents you know thinking about our children this ramadan and trying to make it a very positive experience by building that distress tolerance and being able to you know withstand some of the struggles that come through pausing for a moment tying into that theme of mindfulness we were talking about um and pausing for just that present moment and deciding how do i want my child to remember this moment and realizing this is part of ramadan in my ramadan experience and my connection to allah also in the experience of my child's ramadan give me a tweet like a tweetable quote man advice like quick like invites yeah give me a peen bite you know i just wanna maybe just mention what the brothers had talked about earlier about having in this month and you know that when we say the word what does it mean we could talk for a long time about its definition and you know it's interesting because part of joshua i think is really a chur we're turning down the volume of everything else in this world that doesn't matter to us and only listening to our connection to allah and so as we enter this month we want to have that presence and that connection to allah we should have that mindfulness that where we just look at all the things that are not useful for us in this world and try to turn that down that volume in this month and focus only on allah assam that's so tweetable turn the volume down my intellect quick advice is uh you know everybody um has a different life situation and and it doesn't change during ramadan so you have the single mom you know who's who's you know trying to hold the fort down doing everything you have people taking care of maybe their elderly parents you have students that are in the the you know the throes of of of completing a a thesis or what have you um and you have people you know maybe who are taking care of small children so your ramadan is not going to look like everybody else's you know and and i think we can still benefit and inshaallah allah will still accept from us whatever it is that we're able to do so plan your ramadan according to your life situation of course push yourself and set those lofty goals um but this is not a time to feel bad because of a life situation that you're in that you can't change and just uh adjust your ramadan goals accordingly inshallah masha'allah awesome muftisab listen this is not like when you stand up after maghrib and say i'm gonna be five minutes and it goes 15-20 minutes all right please one minute that's you got it wrong it's it's the ellen that says it'll be a short pocket it's never short no sign up no no long talks give us a minute bismillah in english please speak english please come on man i speak english inshallah so i would say that um something that we can work on this ramadan is our end of our fast which is the iftar time right what happens is sometimes we build up on our momentum our spirituality and at that moment we we forget that we are not supposed to save our portions of food for one time and eat more rather we're supposed to the point of ramadan is try to eat less so we can make that the way of our life aisholana says and a beautiful she says beautiful beautiful statement of her she says the first thing that went wrong in this ummah after the prophet of this world was people started customarily habitually eating to their full always when people eat to their full s of course you get unhealthy your body gets bigger another place then the hearts become hard and our craves become very uh our craves become overpowering so we always have to go we're not if if we're sitting there after iftar we ate so much now we're like i'll just stay here i'm not sure if i go for tarawi i'm not sure about ibada and so i would say that you know if we can really it's not that hard if we could make it easy upon ourselves oh my son when the when we when you eat to your full to your neck or you can't even move then the the vision a person has it goes to sleep you can't think about things anymore properly you lose wisdom and the limbs of your body become weak and they sit down and they cannot worship allah anymore so i would say that um try to add iftar and understand that yusuf al-islam should say that when he was asked why do you always why do you stay hungry more often and he said that i stay hungry because i don't want to become insensitive to the people who are always hungry so i want to stay in that state so i would say one thing we could do is uh try to eat uh less at iftar and suhoor give it a shot it's very powerful and at night time you can stand for more ibadah and cry easier because the more you eat the heart becomes harder it becomes harder to do good all of what we said right now would be just so easy if we just um relied on sufficient provision only sorry i had i had a timer on but i accidentally put it for one hour or not one minute i was gonna say that that's not 57 seconds so i shake over like this i'm serious i put it on for one hour rather than one minute i'm sorry i just stopped earlier forgive me love bless you um we i i enjoyed everyone's input uh tremendously and i'm sure we all did jazakumallah to all of you for for such valuable input today and inshaallah ta'ala we pray for a blessed ramadan ramadan mubarak for for everyone except from us all allah ameen and inshallah i want to remind you all again please go uh please share this webinar first of all make sure that you press share where whatever platform you're using in child time make sure you spread it because i personally benefited quite a bit ham did it i mean from everyone um here so please do share the webinar inshallah and please do watch the the video that was just released uh interviewing people about the prophet sallallahu alaihi and then get your hearts ready for this ramadan experience that we'll have with japin doing tafsir and doing meeting muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam on a daily basis and finally insha'allah uh asking you once again to please consider supporting yakin this ramadan along with the other wonderful efforts if you click the link below your donation will process bid the night on the first of ramadan subhanallah
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 62,899
Rating: 4.9450879 out of 5
Keywords: yaqeen institute, islamic research, islamic lectures, islamic studies, islam, faith, iman, omar suleiman
Id: jyKVv8WwMrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 5sec (5585 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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