A Rage To Live | English Full Movie | Drama

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[Music] I come in for a while I got to get swinging on that history paper oh don't mention it I haven't even picked the topic yet yeah we stay away from the Punic Wars they mine you can have them goodbye Connie see you tomorrow [Music] bye afternoon Miss calwell hi [Music] Henry hello Mother Emma [Music] Rock [Music] Rock [Music] he wles Charlie J what fun got any idea where Brock is nope not the slightest when when do he leave the college I don't know I haven't been informed not uh your brother's keeper oh Charlie that was a sparler huh Not My Brother's Keeper I mean most boys with your good looks wouldn't even bother trying and develop a personality you know for a kid your age you've got a pretty big head yeah it's all those vitamins Mama feeds me what day I'm going to take shower Goodbye Charlie maybe I could scrub you back that would be dull you think so come on Charlie what's the big rush I'm hot I'll bet you are no Grace please charie stop it Grace Grace I love you I hate you but you don't hate this [Music] oh [Music] [Music] who's that nobody nobody [Music] [Music] hi Mom what kept you boy kept me I broke a record getting there it's half an hour since I founded the order oh come on now Mom you know the C wheells are not the only customers Mr doy has they are when I'm working for them Emma have you seen Grace no ma' oh Mrs Goldwell you know my son Roger hello Roger PA well he's studying to be an engineer at the University how wonderful can I help with anything yes Connie you can find Grace and tell her we're ready to serve [Music] you kidding you mean they let you come home whenever you want well just about that's a big difference between Yale and prep school they uh aren't always trying to blow your nose for you Brock have you seen Grace I'm been able to see her for years Grace your mother's looking for you oh you'd better go in first use the back door [Music] okay what are you turning into some kind of a nurse made oh honey I'm not that stupid ordering people around your mother asked me to find you well you go tell her you did and stop being such a [Music] snoop [Music] Grace yes what what are you doing out there just getting some air all alone yes you were so stuffy in there now listen to me young lady I don't care how stuffy it was this is your party these are your guests you have an obligation to them you happen to be the hostess I know that Mama well then go on in and start acting like [Music] please is anything wrong no [Music] well still too high Emily well I'm taking the pills twice a day how's Grace all right that's what this is you know you're going to worry yourself into a cemetarium over that daughter of yours I can't help it I'm scared you have anything specific to go on no it's just a feeling she tells me she's going over to Connie's after school and I phone and she's not there well suppose she is seeing some boy it doesn't automatically follow why Mak such a secret of it I keep feeling that if Will were alive he'd know what to do Emily Emily it's the oldest problem on Earth nobody's ever whipped it can't keep our kids locked up for 24 hours a day and we can't be with them every minute of the time when they're 15 years old we tell them sex is dynamite don't touch it and six or seven years later they come around tell you they're going to get married they say okay fine play with the dynamite it's okay she's not home how do you know her car's not in the garage let's go in [Music] [Music] Charlie what if she comes home I'll hit the car Charlie Charlie I know you're there all right what's the fuz and I know who's with you I saw you sneak in well turn on the light we just came through the door for Pet's Sake and we weren't sneaking Mrs J oh you weren't no we weren't Grace Caldwell you ought to be ashamed of yourself I ought to be ashamed of myself for what Mom for Pete's sake you shut up your father will take care of you I hate to say this Mrs Jay but you have a dirty mind you're down here in the dark behaving like a couple of alleycats and I have a dirty mind a dirty mind and a dirty mouth and I don't have to listen to it you will not don't bother Charlie hello Grace hello Mr Jay how's your mother admit it you little animal I know you've had her here before do you think the neighbors don't tell me what goes on in this house when I go out it's all the screaming about George I want you to come down here our fine gentleman of a son has found himself a mistress Mom that's not so don't lie to me I am not blind I was not born yesterday what was Grace calwell doing here Charles tell your father what Grace Caldwell was doing here that sweet refined little what's your mother talking about he knows what I'm talking about is it true don't look at me with those cow eyes I want a straight yes or no answer is it true you maniac put your hands down are you crazy or something what are you trying to do get yourself put in jail she wanted me to she asked me to she's a minor don't you know anything about the law she wouldn't tell wouldn't tell why you boneheaded punk I'm not going to waste time talking about right and wrong that's just for squares like your mother and me what do you think it happen if that girl got in trouble you think she'd be quiet then what if she got pregnant well that that doesn't mean that I'd be the one what well it wouldn't I know another boy she's been with Scotty bordner C World residence uh just just a moment please Mrs Caldwell it's for you Mrs J oh thank you Emma hello not at all it's nice to hear from you Mrs Jay oh well if you think it's that important I certainly want to know please go on [Music] [Music] ready for bed just about I almost forgot to brush my hair finish your homework all but the Spanish I can do that in study [Music] hall Grace what's been going on between you and Charlie J nothing I just got a call from his mother she told me what happened this afternoon I'll bet she did well I'm sorry if I was disrespectful but I don't like being accused of things I haven't done she said you and Charlie were making love that's a lie she said Charlie admitted it and that's a lie Grace it's all very well for you to keep saying that's a lie Mama we were necking just necking I don't expect to get a gold star for that but it's a long way from what she's talking about it certainly is she didn't even see us I don't know where she gets her ideas I just told you from Charlie Charlie probably admitted we were necking and her dirty mind did the rest what do you call necking I told you nothing happened and why can't you discuss it calmly because you won't take my word baby this is not something to argue about I'm worried I want to help you I don't need your help I didn't do anything wrong and I'm not a baby Grace please mama that woman accused me of some terrible things this afternoon and now she's got you believing them well I won't live in a house where people think that about me so either you take my word or I'm going to pack and leave right now very well dear I'll take take your word for it Mom I'm sorry I didn't mean it I never leave you I just said that come to bed it's late [Music] I love you Mama I love you too dear good night good night [Music] [Music] [Music] Miss Grace Miss Grace hurry hurry Grace oh my God what happened I don't know she just killed [Music] over Dr O'Brien please this is an emergency [Music] I've had several long talks with you mother Brock I've seen this condition develop you know I've been your family doctor for many years the central problem is well I'll leave it up to you is she any better oh she's getting her strength by Grace it's slow yes but it's happening she's going to need a full-time nurse for the next few weeks and after that I think maybe a little temporary change of climate might be helpful some place where it's warm and sunny whatever you think sir I um I heard you say something about a central problem it's mainly a matter of avoiding any emotional strain she needs rest and quiet peace of mind the kind of things you can't order at the corner drugstore well we'll see that she gets them you're the only ones who can how up by my way home tomorrow goodbye Dr O'Brien you very come in study for a minute I want to talk to you close the door oh look gra I don't care if Emma here is this but you might do yourself a favor Dr O'Brien just gave me quite a speech upstairs about you oh what about me and Charlie J and God knows who else that's a lie and what were you and Mother fighting about it's none of your business why don't you start growing up Grace mother nearly died you know that that's a official that's a Brien talking so let's quit fooling around I didn't know it was that bad it was that bad oh Grace you've got her nearly half crazy she's afraid you'll turn into a tram she said that that's what she's thinking it has to be are you in love with Charlie no I hate him was he the first oh look Grace I know this is hard to talk about but yes he was the first I thought I loved him and then I found I could feel the same way about someone else someone different Grace that isn't love no but it's being wanted and needed and held close it's almost love almost love you don't have to settle for that I'm not settling oh I just don't get this you talk like a girl who's got nothing else in her life who nobody cares about no well that's the way it sounds I don't care how it sounds when I feel that way I can't think of anything else doesn't matter who I am or what I'm supposed to be nothing matters I can't help it well Grace I'm the last guy on Earth to be giving lectures but you're my sister we've got to do something about this I know that'll tear you to pieces maybe you could talk to a doctor no no I can't at least it's worth a try I can't I'm too ashamed look they don't they don't give lectures they try to help you just said you can't help yourself all right all right I'll think about it maybe after Mom is better that could be a long time I said I'd think about it besides what they tell me control yourself not just that no well that's what it all comes down to well I try Brock I do try but sometimes it just doesn't work Grace from now on it has to I know Brock I know [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I'd say it's definite H been stood up oh you and your big college friends my college friend Paul Rutherford goes to Princeton I thought you said the tapate boy went to Yale that's right mother went graduated the year before I got there what time is it uh 5 after it [Music] yes madame well At Last the Wayfaring Stranger uh blame me I'm the heavy we got lost I'm really sorry Mrs C it's good to see you Paul well may I say that you're looking great you certainly may how can you get lost between Lebanon and Fort pen there's only one road well it isn't easy oh uh Mrs Co I'd like to present uh Mr Sydney Tate how cwell and that's Miss Grace Caldwell Betty bordner Cony shopall and and that is Brock Caldwell of the loud mouth glad to meet you Sydney how do you do Paul you sit next to Connie and Sydney you sit here it's really my fault we're late I asked Paul to make a detour so I could look at a farm over near cedon Farm yes I I want to buy one well if you're going into real estate around here city property is your best bet oh uh may we quote you Mr kinger well it is I suppose you're right but this won't only be an investment see I uh the one to live there actually working oh back to the land in a way you sound as though you have farming in your blood Sydney oh no Mrs calwell I come from a long line of Wall Street brokers what does your family think of this idea do they keep telling each other I've had a nervous breakdown you don't strike me as the type Sydney for farming for nervous breakdown Adam shall we order [Music] so I began to think that this was the biggest fullback I'd ever seen and was he no it say that every time he came by I was lying down I'm terribly sorry that's all right I think that fullback is still following you I'll uh get him on the next play would you mind very much if we watched the next play on the bench whatever you say coach uh why don't we go to the bar are you old enough of course I am that's older than you look well I am older than I look would you like to argue the point I wouldn't think you're stormy and wild the turbulent child of breast way wow pretty thirsty out tonight yes indeed stay here here I'll try to get a [Music] table excuse me Jack my gosh I hardly knew you what you haven't changed oh sure I have it's just not visible Where Have You Been Philadelphia working on a newspaper just got back last month oh there you are I was afraid you'd falling overboard oh U Amy this is Grace calwell Grace this is Amy my wife how do you do well congratulations I didn't know you were married 3 years in August well that's great any children no uh not yet Jack do you know where I left my sto I think Joel has it oh excuse me are you back for ke well I hope so doing what well you ought to know I'm an employee of yours I'm the Sentinel assistant City editor that means I can have you fired huh on the spot well let's see it all depends on how the tennis lessons go when do we start again a Grace I haven't had a tennis racket in my hand for years but if you you really like to [Music] sure the car's we oh I'm sorry good night Grace good night nice meeting you Amy [Music] yes Grace got two at the bar [Music] [Applause] [Music] shampagne cocktail please yes ma'am do you have any draft beer yes sir well farming draft beer I bet you smoke a PCH would uh you like to try oh wouldn't youd be surprised if I did yes oh well you got me off that hook now what's wrong I just saw someone I don't want to oh a boy is he looking well which one I've got a lot to choose from tall dark toward the end of the bar he's not only looking he's headed this way would you rather leave I should say not why should we leave how's it going Grace Charlie J didn't he Tate how do you do yeah don't I get a Hoo hello I'd like to buy a little drink no thank you yo Tad another round here I guess you didn't understand her Charlie she said no thanks well I probably know Grace a little better than you and just because she says no she doesn't always mean no apologize what do you think you I said apologize or I'll tear your head off for what outside oh look go on I don't to F you then don't it'll be over [Applause] Faster come on come on break it up all right now that's it [Music] please please ladies and Gentlemen please be seated please be seated everything is all right what happened he just uh forgot his matters Sid we've got a 2-hour Drive ahead of us in a minute listen I'd uh I'd like to see you again before you and your mother go away all right right well how about uh next weekend I could drive down Saturday morning that would be [Music] wonderful [Music] W you're very nice syney I'd like you to think so good night Grace [Music] [Music] that time again oh thank you darling no I'll get it thank you this just now arrived Miss Cole thank you is it a bit soon to clear off the dinner things uh no you can take them what's he doing in San Francisco is it from Sydney mhm oh he says his firm sent him there on some kind of a survey he says don't write me any more glowing reports about the weather in Nassau last night we had 2 Ines of rain will that be all M gool yes thank you oh no on the way out he stopped to look at a farm in Ohio I had a feeling he met business about that s's loved you and hopes we're enjoying ourselves here you can read it maybe later my eyes are a bit tired would you like to go over and listen to the music no I don't think so maybe later I'll go down and take a swim afraid this trip hasn't been very exciting for you don't be silly Oh I thought there'd be more young people here I don't miss them strange all of a sudden young people seem so so young as compared with Sydney I guess you know sometimes what were you going to say I don't know really [Music] mama mama for gra Grace where are you [Music] [Music] well i' just about given you up for tonight [Music] [Music] mama mama [Music] mom m oh no oh no Mom I'm sorry doctor morning anma what you think it's about time you took that down Miss Grace won't let us good morning morning Brock we're not do at the lawyer's office until 10:00 would you like a cup of coffee thanks Sam yes has fun will Grace be coming with us no she doesn't care about it Brock are you keeping after her what do you mean your mother's death simply wasn't Grace's fault anyone with a hot condition like that I've told her I've said it until I'm horse excuse me it's Mr Tate to see Miss Grace I said she wasn't having any callers syney come in hello Brock Sydney Tate this is Dr O'Brien hello Mr Tate doctor well I'm sorry that I couldn't make it here for the funeral now gray showed me her letter that was very thoughtful how is she well not bad Paul wrote me that she was having a pretty rough time for a while there would you like a cup of coffee no thanks Brock I'd like to see her well it's important she's up on her room do you want to tell her I'm here why don't you tell her all right I will goodbye doctor Mr T [Music] hi Sydney how are you did you come all the way from Sam Francisco all the way Mama saved everything I ever wrote [Music] her hey let's take a ride somewhere I don't think so Sydney come on I want to talk to you [Music] la [Music] it's beautiful that's the house that my father was born in used to come here every summer don't you miss it no wasn't the same after he died he used to take us riding and we go swimming in the lake made us work too you sound proud of that I am you know my uh place wouldn't fit into one corner of this you bought a farm I'm going to make an offer on the one in Ohio that I wrote you about that's U the main reason I'm here to see what you think of the idea what idea living on a farm would you marry me Grace and live on a farm I'm in love with you Grace maybe I maybe I picked at the wrong time huh no I thought about [Music] it I guess I even dreamed about it well don't you think that your mother would have approved she would have thrown her hat in the air well what's wrong [Music] Sydney I have to tell you something I love you and I think I could make you very happy God knows I try but well I've done some foolish things some bad things they weren't meant to be bad but well I guess you know what I mean [Music] why did you tell me that because I had to be honest I think with you I could find the kind of life I'm looking for I know how much I need love and how much I have to give I'm ready to give all my love to you Sydney but I had to tell you I'd still like an answer oh Sydney I'd be proud to marry you you won't mind living on a farm not if you're [Applause] [Music] there Sydney mhm listen listen and and don't get angry I won't get angry why oh what but this is here it's mine Brock gets the house in town oh oh no no why not this is your farm you could buy it no what it take years but we've got all our lives no well let's go take a look at it that can't hurt it won't make any difference well then it can't hurt Grace now wa come on [Music] thank you man excuse me please here watch it my cup run it over I've got hot stuff here I got the bride and [Music] groom wow yeah I didn't think you'd want to forget this oh surely not thank you oh now just the bright and groom please oh Mr Tate how about a refill well 12 is usually my limit but just this one oh good I'll lead you to the well ready tell me uh where are you where are you two staying in New York then I thought we'd drive up to Maine for a week or so it's a little early in the season but dad's had the cottage open Cottage he calls it I've seen pictures you can play soccer in the bathroom all right come on come on I gave the girl away now get her out of here I'm do back to the hospital half an hour go oh God goodbye goodbye you look lovely was a [Music] beautiful congratulations Sydney all best thank you very much cheers awfully pretty thank you and all Brides aren't you know beautiful I have covered enough weddings to be expert whatever happened to our tennis game frankly I was afraid you might beat me any old time I get to kiss the bride no waiting I think I'm getting fresh not you am I interrupting of course not excuse me making up for lost time maybe she's an old friend wipe your mouth [Music] wait for me will you I heard you the first time come on M running late where's your cap and go C go oh aren't we educated can't wait to see it you'll see it when I wear it Roger Roger I'm so proud today come on now mom come on we're running late graduation starts in 15 minutes all right I'm ready [Applause] up I thought you was in such a hurry I [Applause] am wait wait wait let me oh what some people won't do to get a farm [Music] no I told you if you threw it out one more time it would stay out [Music] all right one more time this is the [Music] last that's not night that all Roger Bannon is here to see Mr Sydney who you remember Mrs Bannon he's her son he came to see about some work on the farm oh yes I told him Mr Sydney wasn't back yet but he said he didn't mind waiting thank you Emma yeah that's a good boy it's right you keep it baby that's my baby [Music] [Music] [Music] state I'm Roger bannett how do you do hope I didn't frighten you no not at all I uh thought I'd take a look at the barn before your husband got home oh well I'm sure he wouldn't mind you don't remember remember me do you yes I think I do well I've been in the Army the last 3 years the engineer Corp how nice oh boy that's a fine looking boy you have there how old is he two champ how you doing I never got a chance to tell you how sorry I am about your mother thank you I don't suppose you'd like to show me the barn what well I don't know my way around here very well I'm sorry I'm late benon have I kept you waiting long oh no problem just got here good Hello darling any calls honey no no calls you know I stopped into at the bank to make another D I don't think that Brock likes his new job very much well if he doesn't he can always promote himself have you seen the barn yet no not yet well you'll notice that the whole southwest corner seems to be settling I don't know whether it's the foundation or the ground underneath or what why don't we take a look at it I seeing you Mr tap Goodbye Mr bner you'll notice that the floor is sagging at that end also that the beam up in the roof to be splitting too I would done [Music] myself all quiet in the Royal Suite His Highness is a deep sleeper you know the more I think of it I don't see how he can break even who Bannon he's only charging $1,500 to fix the barn then why is he doing it because he's a smart Irishman must have gone in pretty deep to start that construction company right now the best thing he can do is line up a lot of satisfied customers next time around they'll pay off like machines Elsy marale call tonight hinting about the carnival the women's auxiliary wants to give it here again this year do you mind not if you don't we're getting to be an institution that was the idea all along not in the mood my lady what do you mean not in the mood [Music] Sydney let's take Billy and go up to the cottage for a while Sydney I love you I'll Always Love You [Applause] all right you can stop pouring now Ma who's that huh that man oh that's Roger barnon what's he staring at I can't imagine Grace is everything all right what do you mean you know certainly oh we going to sit here all day we're going shopping [Applause] this Tate know where I can find your husband he's not here well uh you going into town yes my truck broke down I have to get to the office I wonder if you can give me a li but isn't too much trouble no trouble at all Mr bernon thanks 7 miles what well we've been driving for 7 miles haven't said a word I clocked it must be some kind of record I wouldn't know doesn't it suggest anything to you only that we have nothing to talk about whether that we're not the talking kind you've got a delicate sense of humor Grace who told you you could call me Grace you did just now with that that's mine your office is on Cola Street isn't it that's right go down Oakwood turn right before I thank you for the rot there's something I'd like to tell you I'm late now Mr Bannon your thanks are all I have time for this won't take long I have to go when I'm finished all right all right you in you get your dull little story off your big manly chest but you make it fast huh right from the first time I saw you and that was 5 years ago when I worked for Lanigan and Doyle I haven't been able to stop looking not that I wanted to stop looking at you became one of the big pleasures of my life maybe the biggest got so I had you memorized but I didn't realize that until I was overseas for a while then all the other things began to get hazy but I could close my eyes and see you just as clear not only your face everything even the way the back of your legs look when you walk away and all that time I've been wanting you and I guess I'll probably go on wanding you until they shovel me into the ground here's your keys [Applause] [Music] well the next time something like that happens don't call just any garage get hold of jyim G even if it's only a flat well that's my point you can't be sure it's only a flat did they look with the axle yes there didn't seem to be anything wrong with it well banon doesn't sound like he was much help I told you he wasn't there I'd already dropped him [Music] off well how about Thursday I'll see I'll call you when as soon as I know my plans and who makes those for you I do and when I know what they are I'll let you know now let's don't argue it's been a lovely afternoon yeah sure what there was of it you know lately it's been like you've been in such a damn Rush well if I don't get these to The Sentinel office by 5:00 they won't be in tomorrow's papers charity was us well it's my only excuse for being out today okay okay I wish I had a drink I thought you didn't like to drink that'll give you an idea of how good I feel you know once in a while I'd like some time for a little conversation I'm pretty good at that too mhm speak or maybe a hand of pacle cut the cards ideal you'll miss my face again gra I'm crazy about you I'll be in touch [Music] thank you Grace hi come on in it's good to see you thank you how have you been fine but we haven't seen much of you lately Jack well I've been hiding my light under under a bushel and the name of that bushel is the Fort pen Sentinel your father would have been very proud of you maybe well people say it's better now than when he was running it which would make him sore but not necessarily proud Jack the reason I'm here I know I know the annual spasm of the Upper Crust for the underprivileged oh dear does it look that bad charity is Charity how you going to make it look like anything else well maybe we shouldn't publicize it so much if you didn't nobody come Jack will you come this year you know you never have I'll make you a deal I have to be here working half of the night so I need a second wind if you'll join me downstairs for a drink I'll not only come I'll bring the Family Savings agreed oh there is nothing for lifting up the heart like a double Martine well you went twice that makes a quadruple Martine you're a scorekeeper let me make sure I've got this all straight now Thursday night the publicity committee 8:30 your office huh yeah and you tell them to be sure to wear shoes we're going to have a photographer there Jack you remember the time I meet alen young in the junior singles said playing Barefoot I sure do Grace [Music] huh drive carefully it's rushing on I goodbye bye see you Thursday [Music] you're looking for something oh just a list with some things on it for the carnival well look at my big boy with the Sleepy Eye come on time for night night say good night to Daddy good night that's a good boy that's a good boy come on time to go to bed come on here we go into the crib like a nice big boy that's right good night s good night Char I've got some more work to do in the book don't stay up too late hello hello is Mr ban in there he's not in just now who's calling oh never mind thank you Miss Grace no no thank you Mr Sydney after one of your lunches I'll needed to stay awake oh thank you oh dear I'm running out of white index cards I'm going to have to pick up some more in town you know what I'm a very happy man are you Sydney I've got you and Billy a farm that's almost paid for now what else else is there nothing don't tell me you're happy too let's make ourselves a promise that we'll always be as happy as we are right now I promise Miss face telephone oh dear you want Emma to uh leave supper for you oh I don't think so I'll get something before the meeting I should be home by 10: goodbye bye hello hello who is this who do you think it is what do you mean calling here I thought maybe you forgot my number I can't talk now when can I see you you can't not anymore listen Roger did I leave Grace I saw you with that guy from the paper the other day you go to hell Grace thank you well that does it ladies Jackie we have a few extra copies for the CL bulletin board sure Jim uh make up a dozen glossies having on my desk tomorrow will you you bet Mr Hollister thank you you girls may not know it but they happens to be a bar downstairs so who's for a night cap Hallelujah you have not yet given me the list of the prizes that were donated oh yeah yeah see you downstairs Grace oh I don't think so Elsie I'm bushed but you'll be at my house tomorrow night at 8:00 with those tickets are all your money and no excuses I swear by hypocrates no good night Mr Hollister good night Miss marale Good night ladies I've uh got a little Private Stock in case you're interested I am very interested Scotch your bourbon oh Scotch let see now Myers habashy one power mower oh no that can't be right right oh oh Myers Hardware Elsie's handwriting is a thing of beauty Carter leather goods one four piece set of something like what is that Jack matched matched luggage oh matched luggage I should have known that Crowley FL no four dozen turnip Bulls tul lip bulbs oh tul lip bulbs thank you Grace Jack I can't would you like to slap my face of course not still friends will Sydney and I see you tomorrow night Sydney and I that sounds very married I hope so yes I'll be there good night Jack you idiot I almost hit you I'm okay have you been drinking Emma said you'd be in town tonight you called the house again a don't worry I told her it was about some work for my mother I wanted to apologize it's not important it's important to me I'm in love with you oh Roger sure I know we started off like a couple of animals but it's not like that anymore it's you I miss I mean wanting to be with you to to talk to you to laugh with you oh Grace I need you I need [Music] you Roger now look look we'll get we'll get married I I swear I never in my life asked a woman to marry me before Roger both of us knew what this was I couldn't stay away from you all right that's my fault but I've got a husband and a son that I [Music] love who are you kidding who are you kidding let go of [Music] me I get it now you just found yourself another stud now I'm supposed to get lost get away from [Music] me Rich lousy [Music] hi hi how was the meeting okay but it sure is nice to be home where did you find squeaky on the floor as usual Billy's been howling his head off for him well shall we make a formal presentation no we'll just put in his crib and tomorrow we can see the Sandman Bri [Music] [Applause] hello Mary hi Mrs Alister I'd like to see my husband well I'm afraid he isn't back yet Mrs Hollister I wouldn't lie to you where is he out having another innocent drink with Grace Tate Mrs Hollister don't look so shocked she's been after him for years well he said he was going over to Cedarville to interview the new assembly sure [Music] please where's it coming from number four sounds like someone's killing her call the cops help please help you're all [Music] hor oh make stop make stop please oh please [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's him in the truck [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello yeah just one moment please you onbody you mean we really sell that many tiet hello yellow are you sure she said cwell where's the girl now no no no no no you did the right thing Luna stick with her I'll be there in 10 minutes yeah would you like [Music] Jack do you have to leave yes is something wrong there won't be if we're lucky Mrs Tate apparently you're not as married as I thought Grace Rock what is going on here would you mind showing me the model of a concession boo again just listen Roger bannon's dead well that tells me the rest of it what happened Hollister just got a call from one of his reporters apparently benon was beating up some girl in a Roadhouse they called the police and he was killed trying to get away his car went off the road oh my God girl says that he kept yelling her name while he was hitting her and a lot of other nice things about you Brock listen up the point is that so far the reporter's been able to keep her from saying it to the police now I told Hollister to go out there and make sure that she doesn't but there's no guarantee I know Brock thank you Grace I only wish that I could have been some real help to you back when it might have counted [Music] welcome [Music] home I knew you'd want me to wait up for for you thank you that was very thoughtful wasn't it [Music] though where have you been working you weren't working at the paper I know that much and how do you know that much because I called there little detective work oh I need a lot of detectives to know what's going on Amy there is nothing going on except in your head you weren't at the Tates either you called there yes I called there why shouldn't I call there if I want to you called there after how many of those I don't know I lost [Music] [Applause] count we don't have much left do we Amy I suppose that's my fault do you know what I did tonight I don't want to hear any more lies oh why why should I bother you don't give a damn about me I set myself up for life in this town and it doesn't mean a thing I do give a damn about you Amy just barely a damn but that's not enough to hold a marriage together it's Grace Tate isn't it it could have been you're not going to leave me for that trap no I'm not you're not back I won't let you I won't let ja i [Music] w well that looks like everything you sure it can be set up in time oh yeah Mrs tapate no problem fine my husband will give you a check as soon as he gets back if that's all right yep there you are thank you thank you and since it is not the editorial policy of the Sentinel to engage in matters of this sort I Mr Hollister's office yes Mrs Hollister I'm sorry but he's gone for the day Mary could you please tell me where he's staying Mrs Hollister I can't well could you give me his phone number well he said I shouldn't all right [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mrs Banner Mr Tate I got your letter w't you come in thank you [Music] it's after 5 shouldn't you be getting dressed oh uh I told Billy he could stay up for the start of the carnival was that all right sure Sydney is anything wrong do you remember Mr Mildred Kimmel who her name was in the paper she's a girl that Roger Bannon was with the night he got killed oh what about him well I read the clipping again this afternoon his uh mother cut it out and saved it bannon's mother yes I know Grace what I said I know you know what about Banner Sydney what are you talking don't do that I have been enough of a fool don't try to make a bigger one out of me daring I swear all right then what what was he doing with his mother found it in his room that was after Miss Kimmel came around yesterday afternoon and tried to squeeze some money out of her not for the doct bills of course I understand the Brock pigos s you'll have to take my word stop [Music] lying now she recognized your voice once when you called him get it through your head I know all right now let's uh start from there Sydney please let me try and make you understand all right Grace you try to make me understand I never loved him not for a second I don't know how it happened I love you always that day I drove him into town he wanted me I I knew it he told me so it just happened I couldn't help myself what about the other times you had to work it out and make plans didn't you yes so you know what you were doing yes but you went ahead and did it anyhow I know I know it was selfish and awful but no matter what I've done I love you I love you can't you understand that I'm not able to understand the kind of love that can turn around in a minute and kick your guts out there's no love or Reg regret here you're just sorry you got caught no it was over this one was over all of it for good I know how you think I couldn't have had other women since we've been married and a few that might surprise you all I had to do is make the right noises if you had I triy to forgive you well I didn't so your forgiveness won't be needed and the reason I didn't doesn't make me a saint but in this world you either learn a set of rules or you don't and if you learn them you stick by them they may be no damn good as rules go but they're all you've got well you said the hell with the rules and the hell with me so Grace the hell with you we'll get through tonight somehow but tomorrow it's goodbye and I'm taking Billy with me Sydney for God's sake you can't leave me I'm sorry I can't live like this I love you but with any luck that'll pass it can't I won't let it you and Billy are all I've got in world I know myself I know what'll happen if you leave me never never any love any meaning any feeling is that so different from the way it's been up till now you know it is I told you about myself when you asked me to marry you I risk losing you to do it because I love you doesn't that count for anything do our whole lives have to go up and smoke because I made one foolish mistake how do I know it's only been one Bon on my life I swear it Sydney just Bannon [Music] [Music] just throw the ball knock all you got to do is knock you got all right there you go you going a you knock down hey you go knock him down and you WI a you got beautiful one time me the whe round and round she goes and maybe Fortune shines tonight everybody plays in the wi of Fortune spins round and around where she stop well hello there young fell hello doctor 7B 3 oz I never forget a face now Way Sydney fine thanks excuse me Mr Sydney it's 8:00 oh thanks Emma good night Sir yeah was pass your bedtime good night come on Billy it's sleepy time BL Grace I saw it with Brock just a few minutes ago over [Music] there Grace I hope it works out I don't know it will it has to think get you a doggy you invite am Hollister I no I thought you said they were separated that's what I understood good all right ladies and genten Amy glad you could come where's my husband what you heard me well isn't he with you you know damn well he's not where is he Amy why don't we go outside what's the matter you afraid of your reputation I'm trying not to embarrass you I've got nothing to be embarrassed about I'm not sleeping with somebody else's husband Amy listen why don't we go outside get your hands off me I'll say whatever I want shut up you steal somebody else's husband and she's supposed to shut up you don't have that much money you you're crazy he admitted it he admitted it he admitted it he admitted it he admitted it [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sydney [Music] [Applause] Sy syy it isn't true I swear it [Music] syney oh my God Sydney [Applause] [Music] I [Music]
Channel: Movie Magic
Views: 61,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full movie, watch movie, full free movies, free youtube movies, movies, best movies, free movies, FullFreeMovies, DramaMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, A Rage To Live, Drama, Walter Grauman, Suzanne Pleshette, Bradford Dillman, Ben Gazzara
Id: O4x2bEwVwyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 15sec (5895 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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