That Lady in Ermine1948 -The MovieThat Everyone Loved in the Past (Betty Grable Douglas Fairbanks )

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[Music] is the is [Music] a [Music] this is the castle of bamo in the principality of Bergamo in Southeastern Europe the year is 1861 this is the Castle's ancestral Gallery every night old Luigi bids good night to his dead Masters who through the centuries ruled from this Castle in peace and War mostly in war for small Bergamo holds a strategically important position on the road Ro to Rome there in the background is Count Jovani a famous poet in his time next count is Isabella this is Count Dominic this is Orlando and this is Count Alberto the great great great great grandfather of the presently ruling ctis Angelina his wife Franchesca called the lady in IR saved the castle 300 years ago from a mighty conqueror in a moment of danger but tonight Franchesca is happy for her great great great great granddaughter Angelina will be married [Music] tomorrow and this this is Angelina ruling Countess of bamoo great great great great granddaughter of the lady in n [Music] it was a beautiful ceremony wasn't it yes very and the devotion of the people it was touching they all seemed so happy they were taking to you I could feel it strange one can be prepared and yet when it happens well I I've known all these years that when a simple Baron marries into a family of sovereign lineage it darling it was just a formality yes I Know It And yet when I had to kneel before you and you crossed the sword over my head and you raised me to the rank of a account of bamo it was a feeling of well I'm sure I'll get over it I'll tell you how I felt at the same moment just as as I was about to make you a Bergamo do you realize how heavy that big ancestral sword is I was so frightened if that sword had fallen on your head you never would have found out that you would become a bamo and I would have been a widow before I became a wife but darling the sword didn't fall and here we are one Bergamo and another Bergamo oh darling try to understand when you put the ring on my finger it suddenly dawned on me that you were really going to be the count and frankly I don't think I'll be very happy as a countess but dar when he asked me to promise to obey I I could have killed that mayor of bamo do you remember when we were children you were 9 years old and our parents pledged Us in marriage and after we had promised to obey that pledge I stuck out my tongue at you and you pushed me into the flower bed well darling if you ever doubt that you were the master Take Me In the Garden the flower bed is still there thank you Angelina oh Mario I want this to be a glorious marriage with quarrels and making up with tears and kisses always something happening I want to be a good wife not only because it's right but because I once read a book or maybe I heard it that when you fall in love somewhere or somehow you hear the sound of a flute way off in the distance oh we can do much better I'll get a whole Orchestra right under your window how does that sound huh I ask for so little and you you offer me so much that's my nature what's that I didn't order a salute and I gave strict orders against it with a firing line so close it might cause a [Music] turmoil what is it the enemy they've broken through our lines the Hungarian oars are on their way to the castle oh my dear ctis I carried you in my arms when you were a [Music] baby those soldiers are ours our troops retreating from hungarians I gave everybody downstairs instruction how to behave I told them not to call those hungarians Hungarian why should one provoke people tell my orderly to have the horses ready yes [Music] sir the thought that you'll be at the mercy of that Hungarian Colonel that Dreadful man string into this castle and ordering you around no no no no no no no no no I'm not going I'll stay here and protect you they'll take you prisoner I'll disguise myself I'll hide you darling I'll do everything in my power of course if they catch me they'll shoot me shoot you huh let them shoot me I'm not afraid I'm a good Target oh Mario do whatever you think is best and forget about me you know don't want me to stay do you I'd love you to stay it would be only too wonderful if you could of course I realize I have to go and immediately what a wedding night what an unfortunate wedding night but you'll come back and then it'll be at the head of your troops taking the castle by storm yes you'll come back not only as a Bergamo but as the Conqueror of Bergamo and I'll be in the entrance hall waiting for you your prize captive [Music] the threat to the castle of Vamo was also heard in the ancestors gallery all [Music] [Music] what a crisis what a crisis it calls for clever devices calls for strategy calls for trickery calls for cruelty yes brutality it calls for the woman Franchesca Frances fres Fran where is she where is she where is she somebody find her somebody get her maybe she's here maybe she's there stop look a letter a letter what does it say what does it say right away don't delay what does it say we'll be back in an hour have gone to the tower we can't wa we can't the tower the tower to Tower Franchesca Franchesca at last save the castle as you did in the past you Heroes what do you see what do you see nothing she sees nothing simply nothing wait I see something she see something and is he something he looks like he'd stop at nothing she sees something that would stop at nothing he's a captain a captain no a colonel a colonel and he's so young to rank so high he must be a great fighter but so am I what I'll do to that wild Hungarian what I'll do to that wild Barbarian I'll handle that ble with weapons of my own I'll haunt him I'll taunt him and when I get him where I want him what I'll do to that wild [Music] Hungarian what I'll do to those he'll get a little surprise I'll trip him I'll trap him I'll pinch him I'll slap him I'll teach him Maneuvers that are new so let him come let him and do what I'll do it's wonderful glorious again she will be victorious Bravo [Music] [Applause] [Music] Franchesca I'll let him have a rap and not the one by list she'll use her fist I'll keep him jumping with my thumping she'll do that wildar and what I'll do to that man ho no other enemy can I'll rip off his medals she'll bite off his bu his b his so let him come let him come let him come let him come let him come let him come yes let him come let him come what do do do [Music] do what I'll do [Music] chump may I report sir all your orders have been carried out [Music] [Music] that is the CEST Franchesca 1537 to 1578 I like her best of all the ancestors she even Smiles at me well naturally I can't see it but one can feel when one is light H yes sir I want you to hammer into the heads of the men that this is not a vacation from war yes sir if I find the slight what is the matter with her she has her coat on and her shoes off this woman doesn't make sense she certainly doesn't sir what woman does do we want them to make sense believe me sir there's a reason for everything in that picture hold on yes if I find the slightest lessening of discipline I'll throw them out of their soft beds and they'll sleep in the mud again yes [Music] sir har yes sir what are these women dressed up for hi to welcome you sir that's the way we do in pagamo what is your name Luigi sir Luigi I was born in this Castle my father was born here too and your grandfather too yes sir that's right watch him harath keep your eye on him yes sir who is the master of this house Angelina count of B where is she why isn't she here to receive me well well sir I think the CEST probably didn't expect you thank you sir I don't want this CEST to throw roses at my feet but I I wanted to know that there's somebody new in command in this Castle bring her down immediately yes sir now see here you charming ladies of bamo I think we should have a heart-to- heart talk I saw you looking at my hazar and I know what you're thinking but if I catch any of you with my men I [Music] attention now listen you stupid sons of the Windswept Hungarian steps you're so stupid that if you don't watch out these women will steal your horses right out from under your Saddles don't give them any information dismiss de Smith good night Novac yes sir looks like we lost HTH yes sir I want them down here in one minute yes sir and I don't care if HTH carries the Countess or the Countess carries HTH yes sir and no back yes sir don't forget to come back yourself no [Music] sir composition isn't right but you play it beautifully sir oh indeed no the composition of the painting the painting in the hall what was in the painter's mind why why did he cover her shoulders and reveal her feet strikes me as a decol in a very peculiar [Music] place where is she well I spoke with her personal maid where is she unfortunately the CEST had already retired and did not wish to be disturbed I see I'll have to handle this Countess myself and I'm going to as for you how dare you bring me such a ridiculous message and not even from the counts herself you half-witted huzzah you've been sitting on a horse so long that even your brains have become bowlegged yes sir I beg your pardon sir what do you want I'm sorry sir but the Countess has asked me to explain to you that there are strange Echoes In This castle and by the time the Echoes have carried you to the second floor your voice which by itself might not be offensive she moved who moved the the the lady in man I saw it with my own eyes what's the matter with you go back where you belong go to bed yes k H yes everybody's crazy around here yes that's all thank you sir [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] hold up yes sir good night good night [Music] Sir what I'll do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's look at the horses [Music] good morning gentlemen I see you're looking at my ancestor a very interesting woman some people think we look alike well perhaps we do I'm so happy to make your acquaintance Colonel oh I'm afraid that I will may I introduce the colonel oh so you're the colonel how do you do how do you do I'm so sorry I was unable to greet you last night but your arrival was a bit late oh by the way there's one person I simply must meet Horath H yes may I present major Harvard the Countess of bamo so you're horv major horv how do you do you seem to be quite popular apparently very much in demand isn't he Colonel uh CEST there are several matters I'd like to discuss with you as soon as possible well Tuesday is always such a busy day this is Wednesday Wednesday that's even worse I'm sorry I have to see you well perhaps that can be arranged now let me think I'll see you right now I'll join you later please now c i please sit down Colonel count us unfortunately This Is War please Colonel there is nothing to be embarrassed about I realize of course that you didn't come here of your own valtion you were just sent here by a higher authority and there is nothing you can do about it so please no apologies Cel I want you to feel completely at ease I've already told my people to make everything as comfortable as possible for you and your men and if you have any complaints don't hesitate just talk to Luigi and I'm quite sure count may I make a suggestion why don't you keep quiet thank you well it may take me a little while to get accustomed to the way one talks to a prisoner of war prisoner of war no no no no that has nothing to do with it that's just the way I talk to a woman who talks too much have you ever been slapped in the face many times and and I take it very well once in Madagascar I ask for more sit down as I was trying to say This Is War Grim War men are shooting and other men are shooting back yes sir technically you are an enemy I will have to restrict your freedom of movement thank you sir may I go now there are just a few more questions I'd like to ask for security reasons you are the ruling couns yes sir born here yes sir by the way are you married is this also for security reasons it might be I am married I love my husband I am a good wife and always will be a good wife I hope that makes you feel secure how long have you been married since last night last night yes last night well well well well congratulations thank you where's the happy bridegroom I'd like to see him so would I very much so this this is not very easy to grasp but nevertheless I I I would like to grasp it when I stood in front of your door last night did he he had already gone back to his regiment oh I'm so sorry did I spoil your honeymoon I'd rather not discuss it oh I'm sure I didn't help it oh CS if only I would have known I would have postponed this attack a few days or at least a few hours I I hardly think there can be any more questions Colonel uh by the way what um what made your husband leave not fear of you oh no no no no I'm sure not when he made his decision I'm sure he was Guided by a passionate love for his country and nothing else you're quite right and yet counters sometimes Love and War go beautifully together very beautifully I always thought it so romantic that Napoleon wrote his Greatest Love Letters to Josephine In the Heat of battle I love you Josephine and the bullets flying around and around yes and when Mark Anthony learned that Caesar was approaching did he free himself from the arms of Cleopatra H he not only remained in the same Palace he stayed in the same Embrace historically you are speaking complete nonsense fact remains that he he ran away he left a count as people in love don't leave each other just because a few shots are fired if two lovers are caught in the rain do they part just because a few drops sprinkle down from heaven if one is in love one doesn't need an umbrella no counters no umbrella why you imput and conceited and impertinent creature why do I tolerate all this I love your great great grandmother I loved her from the moment I entered this Castle what's that just target practice no one was shot no spy no husband thank you Countess I don't know anything about your husband but when those shots were fired and I saw that look in your face is he really that wonderful yes he is I can see him in front of me very strong very brave very brilliant and very lucky I congratulate you again oh ctis if I had lived in your grandmother's day you think she would have died with me she might have she was rather Dary yes she is wonderful magnificent inspiring I never thought a painting could make such a deep impression on me yes it's a very fine portrait oh it's much more you know counter sometimes I feel she smiles at me but she's taken a liking to me but I I don't imagine that that's hereditary is it I wouldn't know they say I inherited her looks and that's all well congratulations anyway e [Music] oh [Music] more CER a fresh glass of wine no don't go [Music] Luigi you seem sad sir and I think I know the reason I don't blame you she's the loveliest girl in the world tell me about her Luigi tell me everything well sir she was born more than 300 years ago it was on the 22nd of June that she made her Gallant decision the castle was doomed surrounded by the troops of the Duke of Rena just as you sir are gentle and kind of heart he was severe and terrifying a brutzer a tyrant his own men trembled at the sound of his voice and he was even more dangerous in silence when he paced back and forth in his tent Ben vuto yes your grace I'm getting bored yes your grace how long have I been looking at that castle of bamo almost 3 weeks your grace spoiling my view I want it destroyed at dawn yes your grace I vowed to myself that everything would be wiped out except that little dog I know your grace the one that comes out of the gate every evening I love that little dog yes your grace why am I men laughing did I say something amusing today no your grace well then why do they [Music] [Applause] [Music] laugh I offer my sword to my conqueror all I ask your grace is to spare bamo and its [Music] people if this doesn't move you take me I offer myself for what I'm worth let me be your slave let me be your court jester permit me to make you laugh I can be very funny pen venudo yes your grace tell him to be funny yes your grace be funny well I usually sing a song at the round table my Knights think it's hilarious oh the donkey kicked the king haha the donkey kicked the king I was there and I know where the donkey kicked the king ho ho did he kick him in the palace no no no did he kick him in the garden no no no he kicked him he this is where my Knights always scream with laughter as a matter of fact they laugh so much that I never get any further Ben vuro yes your grace after we have destroyed the castle I want my portrait painted standing on its ruins that's all where did he kick him he kicked him in the courtyard get out of here [Music] my poor Francesca Franchesca where are you going I only want to try where you failed it's no use he'll only sneer at your Noble efforts as he sneered at me Mine He's Not Our Kind Franchesca I know it Alberto and yet were you awakened the warrior in him I might be able to get under his armor and touch his heart oh Alberto I don't want you to die I really don't you must live by all means you devoted good woman oh I know I shouldn't let you go I why the her coat to uphold the Dignity of the bgos I wish my father could have heard that you Splendid woman splendid Splendid but Franchesca your feet are be to show my humility you came with a sword I come with my feet it's a deep thought it's deep Franchesca very deep oh I shouldn't let you go I really shouldn't goodbye Alberto goodbye Franchesca [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] up [Music] Ben venuto en [Music] Veno he's going to kill her oh you don't know him and you don't know her if she talks to him the way she sometimes talks to me he's going to kill [Music] her Ben venuto yes your [Music] grace Siege is lifted the people of agamo are free escort the counters back to the castle [Music] yes she had killed him with his own dagger killed the man who had fallen in love with her some people say she did it because he was the enemy some say she was afraid of herself for she too was falling in love still others claim that she killed him because she couldn't bear the thought of any other woman putting her arms around him but that's a lie sir a malicious lie don't you believe it I won't Luigi don't worry it's a beautiful Legend it's no Legend sir it's true every word of it I'm sure it is l what great days those were filled with excitement Love and Death Luigi the Duke was a very lucky man at least he wasn't ignored good night Luigi good night sir [Music] Mario my bride how did you get here I couldn't stand it anymore I had to see you a gypsy Caravan came along and instantly I realized this was my chance so I went to the general well you know what the general thinks of me he gave me permission right away I'm so glad the general did my bride now tell me everything every detail everything about that Colonel oh Mario I wish you would leave how I hate that man what has he done well nothing in particular nothing I can put my finger on but his mere presence is unendurable well what did he do what did he say he is the most irritating annoying person you know I simply couldn't fall asleep tonight I'll settle with him someday please Mario talk to the general again come back with your whole Army and soon Mario soon throw that man out of the castle please I will Angelina [Music] I I just wanted to say good night good night colel good night CS [Music] Mariel who was it oh um the colonel the colonel what did he want just to say good night why should he say good night I don't know in the middle of the night suddenly a man knocks on the door and says good night what exactly did he say good night I don't like it I don't like it no I don't like it at all please darling you didn't come here to argue did you what made him come upstairs he's probably going to bed he's going to bed well yes everybody goes to bed sooner or later don't tell me he sleeps in my room yes Mario he does in my bed yes is in my how do you know I don't know maybe he doesn't maybe he's sleeping on the floor I'm going to drag that Hungarian out of my room I'll break every bone in his body I'm going to kill him with my own two hands [Music] I beg you pardon ctis we heard a man's voice in here oh you must be mistaken I'm sorry cter search the room just a [Music] moment what is it Lieutenant we distinctly heard a man's voice in here sir is there someone here no was someone here no all three of us heard it sir there are strange Echoes In This castle and it's easy to be mistaken anyway I don't think we should question the CES work that's all yes [Music] sir I'm glad there was nobody here and I take it for granted that nobody will be here naturally good night CS good night [Music] Colonel Mario it is the East and Juliet is the sun arise Fair son and kill the envious Moon who is already sick and pale with grief but thou her maid art far more fair than she it is my lady oh it is my love I thought I'd forgotten what Shakespeare I knew I wonder what could have brought it back Italy this night in June the balcony or perhaps you come I'm afraid I'm no Juliet one has to be very very young to be so foolish I might not be young enough to be foolish but I'm foolish enough and I'm certainly not too old to climb a balcony not this one Colonel if you're in a climbing mood may I recommend that very steep Mountain to the left it's been climbed before I mean your balcony and by someone who has no respect for your beautiful [Music] roses good night ctis good night turtle [Music] if you should hear a Magic Flute and someday dear you might just remember this you must remember this the Melody has to be right ifone cute should play that flute the touch may be too light just remember that you must remember that the Melody has to be right so wait for a great Persuader who isn't only a serenader he'll play something gay and and you positively will start wilting he might be tall he might be small forget about his height if you get a kiss and want another kiss kiss then the melody is right the tune should be entertaining if there's a snowstorm or if it's raining if you like the music faster you'll discover he's a music Master he might be shy and only sigh but when he holds you tight only say I do if he convinces you that the melody is right good night Gypsy eh got separated from your Caravan sounds very plausible so you're a gypsy yes my Coronel where were you born in wagon naturally you don't know which country no I don't know of course gypsies are always traveling from there to here from here to there all World home of gypsy yes my Coronel now tell me my wonderful Gypsy are you married yes the wife where is wife wife in Wagon in wagen with other gypsies yes everything in wagon quite a wagon Play Gypsy not had violin for a long time and a little stiff and very stiff but chips can always play stiff or not stiff yes my Coronel I didn't ask you to sing my friend no no my Coronel just just play a few notes [Music] wonderful wonderful wonderful you really are a gypsy did my Coronel doubt oh forgive me my friend I'm sorry oh thank you thank you my cor you know I haven't seen a gypsy since I left Budapest you make me so homesick what is life without a gypsy you must stay with me oh but Coronel I must look for wag you stay with me yes my Coronel oh thank you thank you my coron thank you from now on you will be my personal Gypsy when I'm sad you will play something gay when I'm gay you will play something very very sad when I'm angry and break the violin over your head don't worry you'll get a new violin thank you thank I heard the music someone told me there was a chipsy please don't apologize good morning good morning you look so lovely in the Moonlight last night I hated to leave get out Gypsy uh would Coronel like me to play other Gypsy songs not now get out maybe Coronel would would like me to tell Fortune out please sit down ctis I want to tell you something something that's so easy to say if one doesn't mean it and by not saying it you make it unnecessary for me to protest thank oh but count as I you forget I'm the enemy and what's worse a married enemy count as I believe in marriage I believe in married men and just as much in married women but I also believe in fate and I'm sure that you and I that we are two people destined by a mysterious fate to have dinner together tonight shall we say 9:00 I'm sure it's written in our hands Colonel it's definitely out of the question tonight or any other night well let me call the Gypsy and have him yes my Coronel your Gypsy always near you you have good ears Gypsy but anyhow come here my friend if you see anything about this beautiful lady in my hand Don't Be Afraid speak up Gypsy won't be afraid good oh Coronel fine man very kind heart oh oh oh I see coronell winning battle and another battle see many more battles and coronell always winning come on read the civilian part of my life oh yes he a private line very private but oh it's not good is very bad bad eh here is dangerous line saying Coronel should leave Castle soon and here is very little line saying much sooner I'm sorry Coronel that's all right jxy you're honest and I'm grateful oh thank you my Coronel now just one little look at the lady's hand oh please I'd rather not now Countess I really think you can trust this Gypsy go on oh yes yes ah I see man in lady's hand really but not Coronel oh please go on I see husband very nice husband wonderful husband husband love lady and Lady Love husband and here I see coronell winning another big battle congratulations coronell thank you my Gypsy oh thank you my coron God yes sir take good care of our friend here give him a good meal anything he wants and keep your eye on him I don't want to lose him oh thank you my Coronel thank you well CEST our lifelines seem to go in different directions I'm afraid they do and yet we're going to have dinner together you and I you know this situation reminds me of 1561 I don't understand oh yes you do there was a moment when I was completely fooled but when this Gypsy became ecstatic about your husband something in me rebelled something in my pocket that I picked up under your balcony last night here comes [Music] if he weren't your husband what Duets we could have played together it's too bad you've got to save him you're right we simply must save him you and I it's true neither of us loves him yet we can't have him shot can we Colonel there must be a way let him Escape I think a disguised enemy officer Escape I'd be shot now you're going to lose one of us make up your mind which one will you miss more shall I die for you there's a tempting idea you're horrible just horrible I'm a beast and you know it listen tonight my tent will be right here take off your shoes put on an man coat it's 1561 again all right wear your shoes but you must come make history repeat itself there'll be a buffet with every delicacy you can think of and in the middle of the table a long sharp knife and if you want to kill me before before dinner or after dinner it's entirely up to you if I come my husband will be free if I should survive the desert I'll take you to that window and you and I will watch your husband climb that very steep Mountain to the left my word of Honor what can I do I'm defeated I have to help my husband I'm at your mercy Colonel you've won another battle congratulations [Music] what time is it Luigi just a little bit later sir not very much she won't come Luigi if you knew where she is would you tell me no sir do you know where she is no sir any better worse go to bed Luigi thank you sir wouldn't you rather go upstairs sir I can't I'm expecting someone who's just a little late that's all good night good night sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't look so unhappy Kel it's time you had a Little Dream it would make you feel so much better yes Colonel dream you'll have your evening yet I'll give it to you it'll be 9:00 all over again and I will be Angelina I'll wear her prettiest dress and her prettiest smile [Music] this is the moment this is the time [Music] why don't we take [Music] it and make it sublim on this we could whisper in the shadows Till Dawn as Skies grow bright I'll be sorry that the Shadows are gone this is the moment love has begun maybe there's danger but that might be fun I used to say if the right one came my way I would know it in a moment this is the moment you are the [Music] one I must tell you ctis that I Angelina Angelina do you realize it's 4 minutes after 9 and you haven't kissed me yet Angelina kiss [Music] me tell me before you became a colonel were you by any chance that's ever a Shepherd a Shepherd I don't remember I can't remember anything oh Angelina there is so many things I have to tell you but time is so precious why waste it on Words Angelina chatter chatter chatter nothing but [Music] chatter I want you to know I'm going to keep my promise your husband will not be shot nothing will happen to him who cares it doesn't matter he's just a boy I met when I was 9 years old I don't care whether he gets shot or you get shot or I get slightly wounded what's the difference I want champagne yes counts and you'd better see to it that it's bubbles yes K you mind if I propose a toast let's drink to what's going to happen next [Music] kiss [Music] I loved you from the moment I saw you riding toward the castle I was mad about you even before I saw you when I walked into the hall and took one look at that painting the lady in nman she was a fool she killed him and for 300 years she wished she hadn't but Angelina won't make that mistake you're going to live oh yes indeed you're going to be alive hold isn't this wonderful yes [Music] ctis that's all horv thank you [Music] ctis what you'll do to that Hungarian Hungarian you do that barari barar she'll him amaz him she'll D him simply mom was he may wild but be wild [Music] dance with me but I don't dance I can't with me you can do anything [Music] dance I can't believe it I'm dancing I'm dancing beautifully I'm the best dancer in the world why shouldn't you be [Music] la [Music] w [Applause] Angelina something's happening to me this is nothing just the beginning but I want to shout and sing all right then sing Oh but I can't I never could with me you can sing [Music] I'm singing I'm singing magnificently with me anything this is the moment this is the time why don't we take it and make it [Applause] [Music] Sublime on this night we could whisper till the [Music] Shadows grow bright I'll be sorry that the [Music] shadow this is the moment love has begun maybe there's danger but that might be at last you're here and your lips are very near and your eyes are full of kisses this is the [Music] moment you are the one I could conquer the whole earth I could be Alexander the Great in the morning and Caesar in the afternoon I could pick up the whole world with one hand but I don't want it I'd rather have you thank you thank you kiss me thank you [Music] they went through the [Music] roof good night good night [Music] where good morning G what's the matter I must have danced for Miles however listen have you ever danced on a table no sir you don't know what life is is until you dance on a table [Music] yes good morning morning good morning sir good morning morning sir good old horard how are you very well sir thank you sir that little boy of yours how is he you have a picture of him or yes oh look at him look at him isn't he quaint how many teeth has he got four sir four four is that wonderful yes sir [Music] sir Colonel good morning darling I'll get rid of them in just a second [Music] well gentlemen I think we've covered everything haven't we except one matter sir this is such a fine morning I I can't imagine anything urging [Music] dismissed good morning Countess good morning Colonel I tried to reach the general all night I wanted to beg for my husband's life but I was detained by a patrol save him Colonel I B of f harvath will you come in a minute please yes sir about this Gypsy that's the subject I was trying to bring up sir I'm pretty certain that he's an enemy officer enemy officer oh harbath let's not see a spy in every corner sir I have very strong evidence we're getting very suspicious these days see that they give him a good breakfast and let him go those are my orders yes thank you thank you Countess tell me Countess you dream occasionally oh ctis you missed a great dream last night not just a dream that fades in the sunlight and has forgotten no this one will stay whether it makes me happy or drives me mad it'll never leave me when you didn't come last night everything looked hopeless but I didn't get up and I was right I was rewarded the Clock Struck nine all over again oh Countess you are so Charming so gay you magnificent inspiring capricious and cruel and lovable like no other woman you are everything and you still are like no other woman and you don't know it I don't want to so please don't tell me please not even a word not a [Music] syll har yes sir we're leaving this Castle immediately I don't want a minute wasted very well sir [Music] I'll Always Love You [Music] Angeline bye ctis goodbye colonel [Music] cheer up darling here I am Angelina I'm back and Alive a no handkerchief well we certainly got rid of him how I fooled him giving me money the stupid idiot look he's gone now why talk about him wouldn't it be better to forget him forget why I want to know everything everything that happened yesterday oh Mario every bit of it I insist I have a right very well he found your earring under the balcony he he knew who you were he the then why did he let me go maybe because he was Gan maybe because he was generous maybe I should be grateful to him maybe I should write him a letter of thanks maybe you should did you have anything to do with my good fortune in a way yes huh exactly what did you do nothing what did he do nothing now let me recapitulate I still alive and yet you did nothing and he did nothing Angelina why am I alive will you see the colonel had a dream a dream well what could he possibly have dreamed about me no Mario it wasn't you he dreamed of oh look at me Angelina look at me I am looking at you exactly what kind of a dream was this he dreamed that I was magnificent wonderful inspiring like no other woman oh where did all this happen in the living room when I entered his dream at exactly 9:00 last night when did you leave I don't know it seems that time had stopped let me recapitulate a Hungarian has a dream in my living room what's the matter Teresa the lady in her she was smiling in the morning now Teresa she was almost laughing she seemed to be so happy now calm down calm down we're all happy especially this morning do you realize my child that history has repeated itself that the castle has been saved again just as in 1561 only this time our mistress didn't have to kill that very nice Colonel and I'm glad she did now you go back to work yes history has repeated itself yes it has you see Mario the truth can sometimes be so simple that one has to have imagination to appreciate it when you were pleading for my life I never forgot not even for a moment that I was married I was taught to believe in marriage and I still believe in it a Hungarian saving my life in my own living room no no no [Music] it's your move sir I know it I you give me time to think that's not fair I'm sorry sir how's your family fine sir [Music] oh you're a little boy what happened to him H wait he got smaller he he's he's tiny that's a different one a new one he's 6 months old you must be a very happy man I am sir whose move is it yours [Music] you did that on purpose I beg your pardon you know you're a better Checker player than I and you haven't won a single game does it bore you to play with me no sir you're always trying to please me you only tell me what I want to hear would you like me to go sir I'm sorry W I'm afraid I'm getting a little irritable these days I know sir you know what well you're not quite yourself sir that's nonsense never felt better in my life I don't want to hear such ridiculous talk again po what's wrong with me well sir you used to say another War Another Love now we're in another war and you still well that's the trouble sir I'm amazed how did you know that it's not very difficult sir has anyone else noticed tell me the truth everybody sir down to the last Soldier you know you used to scold him you used to call them every name under the Sun but underneath there was a great love for them and the men knew it remember how you used to shout at me horv and how I would jump I miss that sound there are men who are born to shout and others who are born to jump I happen to be a jumper she was so lovely oh horv she was so lovely have you ever seen the more lovely woman in your life frankly sir I think there's nobody quite like my wife yes she is wonderful but after your wife second to your wife wouldn't you say well sir this might strike you like a bolt of lightning but if I hadn't been married to my brother you would have found in me a deadly rival deadly sir and instead of playing checkers here tonight we probably would have been out in the snow dueling yes she is worth risking one's life Angelina shall we play another game of Checker sir I'll try my very best to win thank you No not tonight and tomorrow I promise you everything will be different I'll tear into the men and you my friend will jump as you've never jumped before good night H good night Sir hold yes she was lovely wasn't she yes she was Sir good night sir [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Happ [Music] l [Music] y [Music] w [Music] he didn't believe in dreams who Colonel I am a bad woman the worst woman in the world that's what he said who you'll remember there was a chipsy who turned out to be my husband well he isn't my husband anymore he walked out of my castle and out of my life it's all in old and over with [Music] Angelina will you marry me I can't believe it yet you're here you came out of nowhere in the middle of the night all by yourself yes all alone just myself my maid Luigi and a priest priest yes a priest father father father this man wants to marry me Angelina just a moment Colonel darling what is your name yes Colonel what's your name lisl klash lisl KO ye Tash how beautiful [Music] you do [Music] that bar [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Greatest Hits VH
Views: 67,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ov5eJJzArb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 35sec (5375 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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