Merle Oberon in Irving Pichel's film-noir "Temptation" (1946)

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[Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] you [Music] the B I did not hear I uh hope you had pleasant dreams me sleeping after lunch keeps me young and cheerful when uh did your master come back yesterday they come they go perhaps tomorrow they leave perhaps they will perhaps they will not who knows only ARA and police Allah knows the police try to know Mr hon is well again oh so well like newborn child my lady and him live like pigeon on honeymoon Ibrahim Ibrahim quiet ibraim my lady is calling Hamed affendi what a surprise forgive me for detaining Ibrahim Madam I asked him not to answer but why won't you come in and have tea with us we've been away from Egypt a whole year you know and my husband would love to see you again thank you I'd rather not tea on the Terrace for three Ibrahim as defendi won't join us what my lady wants she must have I'm very happy to see you again ahed affendi you're looking quite prosperous they a European if that can be considered a compliment I was promoted I'm now captain of police I've been waiting for you for a long time do you come as an officer of the police or as an old friend as both Madame as an OD reader of detective stories I know I shouldn't talk to a police officer unless I'm in the presence of my solicitor I have no solicitor at hand but I do have a husband shouldn't we take him into our confidence I'm afraid it might cause him embarrassments sounds rather ominous come what's a mystery have you ever seen this box before Madame I don't think so why it was found in this Garden oh Arabic work isn't it what a lovely thing it is rather a complicated history at one time it was in the possession of a man named Hamza now dead before that it seems it belonged to someone called barui Mahmud barudi barudi oh yes I remember him a rather dubious young man wasn't he what ever happened to him I thought you might be able to tell us Madam I'm a sorry I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you but perhaps my husband might know he knew him too Mr Arman is a fine man a great gentleman I owe him very much and so I would rather he did not hear from me how Mahmud barui died would be kind of Madame if you were to tell him before you visit my [Music] office and if I refuse to come you have no [Music] choice let's see what are my plans for this afternoon oh yes I've ordered tea on the Terrace and that's very important to us British you know and then there's an old friend of my husband's visiting us from London Samar Ison no no I'm afraid it would be most inconvenient today you'll give me tell tomorrow tomorrow at noon I shall be waiting and I shall be there you're most kind armed defendi to give me time to arrange my Affairs you're a true friend of my husband I thank you really [Music] everything is perfect I had such a restful day and you I was in the garden yes I saw you this is a wonderful vantage point you know ladies and gentlemen may I have your undivided attention you always have darling we are waiting breathlessly yeah here it is my letter to Her Majesty's secretary for home Affairs declining the directorship of the British museum may I see you you put it very well Nigel as far as I can see there's only one mistake what's that instead of saying no I'd like you to say yes I don't understand you said you never wanted to go back to London only yesterday you that was yesterday I'm unpredictable you know if you like I can give you my three reasons first I love you second I love you third vanity my awful vanity I should like to be the wife of the director of the British museum especially if the director is you please think it over darling so my isacson I feel compelled to make an important statement Mrs Nigel Arman my dear wife is the greatest woman in Egypt since Cleopatra don't you agreed thoroughly sir I think we should leave Nigel to make his decision will you join me for a walk Samar if it's not too far don't forget 5,000 years ago my ancestors build the pyramids and I'm still tired you've changed quite a bit Ruby I know how much you hate London and still you want Nigel to accept I'm not thinking of myself I'm thinking of Nigel there may come a time when he'll have nothing left but his work surprisingly unselfish of you you've always considered me a hopeless case haven't you I made a b diagnosis I'm a pretty sharp Observer and rarely have I seen a man so happy in his marriage as Nigel I hope he stays that way he won't I need your help doctor I need it desperately in what way it's a long story I don't know where to begin why not at the beginning my memory for dates is very poor the things I remember best are the hats and gowns I wore the way I felt when I wore them the two doctors keep records don't you yes when was it that I first came to your office 3 years ago in May to be exact it took me a long time to decide which dress I should wear I wanted to impress you you see you certainly did and that's why I chose my new dress from worth such a lovely dress and so expensive I sold my last Jewel to buy it a ring which a former friend had given me in one of his not too frequent moments of generosity I was terribly nervous but I flatter myself with nobody not even you the doctor noticed it don't forget then I was quite used to rather difficult [Music] situations good afternoon good afternoon I'm Mrs cartrite I have an appointment with the doctor the appointment was for 2:00 Madam I'm always late I have no sense of time or distance so this is Harley Street fascinating place isn't new one doctor beside the other I suppose we all have to pass through here on our way to the cemetery H quite so Madam Mrs cartright is here sir sure hurry why didn't you give you real name Mrs Chapo my real name seems to close every door in London I wanted find yours open my door is open to anyone is it how nice and perhaps then I'd even sit down please do thank you you're most kind what brings you to me my former husband had Faith Only In You by the way how is the old boy Splendid in India the last I heard and married again how nice I hope he has better luck this time I hope so too I've always had the greatest admiration for you Doctor even though you were quite instrumental in breaking up my marriage as your husband's physician I have to advise him to get a divorce of course and you always give excellent advice don't you Samar what can I do for you I'm terribly sick don't ask me what my myal is I wouldn't know but it upsets me greatly any definite symptoms many for example I cannot sleep not at all isn't it awful how old are you 28 Le you could have said I don't look it will you come in here please any well know this way madam and what is your verdict doctor you are in excellent Health physically your insomnia may have to do with your way of life drifting from one place to another I adore your outspokenness doctor the cause of all your trouble is fear fear of age and fear of the future I must admit I have been rather lonely lately without even a good bank account to keep me company can you offer me some advice go somewhere where people don't know you find a man who loves you marry him be faithful to him and I promise you you'll sleep that's why I return to London it might be difficult for you here perhaps but I can try can't I you see I prefer England Englishmen and the pound sterling the dollar has always eluded me and I haven't very much confidence in marks or Franks you do as you please Madam I wish you the best of luck and you pity my poor victim H frankly yes why men are just begging to be lied to so I lie they don't fall in love with me they never trouble to know me they just fall in love and they're cheated by their own imagination interesting viewpoint but it's the truth if I can have everything I want money pleasure admiration just by a little harmless lying I'd be a fool not to lie wouldn't I why did you pretend to be sick just to tell me all these n too flattering things about yourself I'm in the mood for confession today I would have gone to a priest but I'm not Pious you are not sick either why confess to a doctor I have my reason and I'm going to take your advice I found a man I'll marry him and remember that if you ever meet my Victim what you know of me you know is my doctor and doctors like priests are bound to secrecy don't forget that ever I've been a doctor for a long time Madam I know the ethics of my profession and I've been a woman for rather too long a time and I know the ethics of my profession good day Marie Mary where are you we haven't a moment to lose Mr Aran arrives this afternoon come on help me what time that I'm five I've arranged with clerk to give him the sweet next to mine don't you think it's worth5 even the balcony is a joy come on don't stand there help me we only two hour you should have seen me with ISAC I was brilliant I tell you I hope it works you think you will tell Mr Armen about how fast I don't know it's up to fate anyway I've done my best Egypt and its old tombs they bore me to death what do you have to do to catch a man nowadays the main thing is that you're beautiful Li J relax I'm going to read to you the ancient burial place of the Egyptian kings called the Valley of the Kings the Valley of the Kings I remember that where in 1881 the tomb of King rames the 4 was discovered 2 years later the Tomb of rameses the 6 was discovered wait a minute there's the rameses missing what happened him that's all it say here in 1895 a British Expedition under the supervision of Mr Nigel aren ah now we're getting warm m Nigel arm discovered the tomb of King rames there's the missing ramises I'm so relieved let's get ready it is said here he's writing a book about his experiences no doubt I shall add a few interesting chapters [Music] he will be up in [Music] moment now repeat it again for the last time Remis is the fourth Remis is the 6th then the greatek discovery by Mr Armen Remis is the fifth mysterious Egypt Valley of the Kings deserts spins pyramids and have to sustain an amusing conversation with anyone oh by the way what's the name of that new writer he's always talking about sure Madam I told it to you a 100 times George B yes the name destined to be [Music] forgotten I think I hear him coming Madam please keep this in your purse I have it from my dear Mama it brings luck bless you well I'll be quite comfortable as usual I'm sure how long do you intend to stay how long do you intend to stay excuse me moment was justo Mr Arman what a surprise when did you arrive only a moment ago I meant to call on your first thing I I thought you'd be at carriages well I couldn't get rumors there the Darby you know so remembering your recommendation I came here I have a lovely Suite on this floor oh I'm on this floor too you must admit it's Destiny I only admit a pleasant surprise well I I should detain you I presume your time is taken and it's a little your fault you know all your fascinating stories about Egypt and those lovely tombs it's become quite an obsession with me I'm just on my way to the museum oh I have to go there too it's the first thing I have to do in London I thought the first thing you had to do was to call on me well I I didn't realize how badly they needed me at the Museum would you mind waiting 5 minutes while I brush up a bit you you really need a guide you know oh well all right I'll wait spetti no enough is enough and you you want to kill me [Music] [Applause] [Music] badana beautiful woman it also means a poison doesn't it it has two meanings like everything being a hopeless Optimist I like to take the good one to me dadana means you well let's see if I fit the description good evening sir table no thank you may I send them a telegram to meet me here I didn't know that you would give me the first evening I hope you don't mind on the contrary I'm most anxious to meet you oh excuse [Music] me sir Meer it's good to see you hello old boy it is good to see [Music] you my friend sir me Ison this Chapo how do you do but we know each other Mrs Chapo don't we oh now you spoiled it all I wanted to keep it as a special surprise for Nigel that you were my doctor but why the ways of women are often Ser is Nigel for a short while at least oh you're so right doctor now won't you sit down we can strongly recommend the spaghetti you're looking very well I've had my first vacation in years in France oh and there I take it you met Mrs Chapo yes we were both lonely and we had a wonderful time together Nigel was always talking about you the greatest influence in his life his guiding star Nel goes quite overboard in his likes I hope you'll never go wrong why should I well you might we are all Fable aren't we oh bu what should it be just some coffee Pito I'm not hungry oh are you sick Sor no no just a little nervous too much work I make you a good hot of coffee thank you something wrong no nothing special I you just preoccupied with the problem can I help you you always said I was rather good at problems no this one has nothing to do with mathematics rather a matter of Ethics a patient came to see me today an advanced and infectious case hopeless a man or a woman patient who wants to get married f is a wonderful person friend of mine why can't you warn your friend my patient believes that as a doctor I am bound to secrecy of course your patient is right I've forgotten my patient doesn't realize that I'm also bound to prevent the dangerous disease from spreading I'll have to warn my friend oh but you must you haven't any right to play God you say your patient is hopeless but how do you know perhaps a happy marriage might be the Cure you believe in miracles well I believe in giving God or whatever you call the good force a chance to do things his way tell us your opinion Mrs Chapo tell them I'm Ruby whatever I say Samar will make his own decision I don't believe my opinion can change it I seem to have a slight headache do you mind if I leave let me take you home no no thank you I wouldn't like to deprive the doctor of your company I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about just call me a cab would you I'll go with you no thank [Music] you I'm making it easy for you and it isn't easy for either of us you see Nigel and I first you give me advice then you object to my taking you think do Ison will tell Mr arm in about to fast oh I'm sure of it I've just wasted my time I should have left Nigel alone the moment I knew he was a friend of Dr isaacson's thank you Mary you're such a comfort all I have left give me my smelly SS please it's in my bag well at least I won't have to hear about Egypt and rameses and his rotten old mummy oh here's your dear M's good luck peace it didn't work I should have known [Music] [Music] try once more perhaps the doctor did not say anything man know it's impossible good JY when a man plays the piano in the middle of the night he's worth another tie what do you want me to do knock at his door if you can see him from the balcony he can see you too he might join you and let him tell me what a great disappointment I am no thank you what are you doing in the dark men mostly follow their noses [Music] [Music] I want to apologize for leaving so rly this evening I hope the doctor didn't think me impolite I suppose you two had a most interesting conversation it was more of a monologue what did he tell you oh I did most of the talking I spoke about my plans these next months in Egypt and the Fulfillment of everything I've worked for all these years and I told him I was going to ask you to come with me as my wife what did he answer what do you answer I had gambled against heavy odds and one I was quite satisfied with my own cleverness I had every reason to be proud it was Victory sudden and complete I was firmly convinced my trick had worked one out once and for all against you against my past I was almost happy I started to like who could help liking a man who paid the bills gave one a brand new name for a badly used one a new country Egypt I had no reason to complain not one beautiful house and garden many servants all the things I'd done without for so so many years now I had a home Villa badana named after you darling in such a pleasant setting I really intended to give a convincing performance of a respectable woman in love not an exciting role but a challenge because of its novelty and the engagement promised to be a long one but I found the months that followed interminable I saw no one but Nigel's dull collaborators and their still duller families no one and slowly all these lovely people and Egypt and the Heat and the Flies and Nigel's continuous kindness became a mountain of boredom I am certain he married his sister what else could he do she was rich and powerful and I suppose he waited until the first child was born and then he murdered very simple Professor much too simple we don't even know it and gentlemen we're forgetting the ladies oh don't mind us we love Gossip we were only discussing the marriage of rames I 5th how disappointing and I was hoping for a much more recent Scandal weren't you Evon Scandal what do you mean I do not understand I asked if you weren't interested in Scandal I am well I hope we didn't say anything to upset her what's WR with your daughter Professor Love's squarrel probably this morning she got a letter from her fiance in Perry it is not interesting after all our Scandal is 3,000 years old it is much older than that I think I placed the death of the queen at the beginning of the 20th Dynasty you're mistake my dear colleague the head gffs give us the exact date all those questions to be solv mad I brought you a scar is getting cool thank you cook wants to know what you order for dinner tomorrow well we're having the same guests same conversation same heat might as well have the same food Madame says our husband likes sour Bron s Bron it should be rameses with s Bron s Bron with rameses a rather ordinary beginning for this the most fateful evening of my life whoever Cooks our destiny uses a curious recipe in my case boredom one moment of kindness and ion whom I disliked from the beginning because she was 17 [Music] do you mind really it's nothing I love to cry doesn't help much why not try talking to whom father's always busy with his ramises and how about me strictly between us I'm old enough to be a confidant nobody can help me did you have a quarrel with your fiance no only today I got such a sweet letter from him he wants me to come back I'll never see him again never I couldn't face him anymore was there another man I met him at the PO field he was very Charming at first I thought it would be just an amusing flotation he talk so well I couldn't imagine that a man any man could be so mean so low if my fiance ever finds out well thank heavens men are trusting and you can always like they're all letters so the gentleman is trying to Blackmail you I haven't any money and I can't ask father he'd never believe there was nothing else but letters there's only one way out give me that bag no come on give it to me I'm going to kill him that's what he deserves I shouldn't if I were you killing is an awfully messy business perhaps I could get the letters back back for you but how a little tact and persuasion you trust me I didn't know you could be so kind Madame nor did I now you dry your tears and stop worrying and I'll go back to [Music] rames oh by the way I forgot to ask what is the gentleman's name bti mAh bti M Mahmud Bui a name out of a,1 knights it fitted the surroundings and protecting innocent young Womanhood was a new and amusing role for me this must be it [Music] this looks like a aim why not is forbid they cannot buy women anymore what does it matter we're not in the market anyway the master is [Music] waiting how do you do Mrs Army I hope you had no trouble finding my house the street is rather obscure no trouble at all Splendid may I offer you something my servant ham is famous all over AG for his coffee thank you no I can only stay a moment I'm sorry some other time perhaps H then won't you come into my study you'll feel more at home this is where I really live my house it's a little like myself half Oriental half European I inherited it for my father if you had a little more time I'd like you to see it it's quite interesting I'm sure it is your message came yesterday I must see you on private business I couldn't sleep last night trying to imagine what it could be I'm very impractical and not a businessman from your collection of trophies you're a sportsman not really I'm too lazy but I admit modestly I'm rather good at Polo I played at Oxford in fact that was the only thing I learned there it's a good game if you like falling from horses and uh meeting the right people I haven't seen you at the polo field but you did meet ion dup I hope you still remember her I remember Ian as long as I live she's an enchanting young lady you are a friend of hers yes yes a very good friend then I can be frank with you Mrs Army won't you sit down there was a time when Ivan and I were very fond of each other I hoped someday to marry her it was rather shocked when I found that she already had the fiance in Paris and you still love her yes I'd do anything to make her happy well that that makes my mission so much easier you see Ivon would like her letters back her letters you haven't destroyed them I destroy her beautiful letters I couldn't do that Madame but Ivan Gan they're all I've left I'm alone Madame I have no family very few friends acquaintances yes but no friends I don't think I shall ever marry now what will be left when I'm old nothing but my memories my souvenirs letters do you think me ridiculous oh no no I'm exactly the same as you I'm delighted to find a man who is as sentimental as we women only last week I was discussing this emotion with a very close friend of my husband Osman Pasha the commandant of police perhaps you've heard of him I've never met him personally well that's too bad I must arrange it um this Oman Pasha he's a realist has no feeling for sentiments at all I suppose it's because of his profession always dealing with criminals but I know he'd be delighted to meet a man who wouldn't part of the memory up for 2,000 Franks not for 10 m defendi you are even more sentimental than I [Laughter] thought you're the first person I've met who lies just as well as I do what kind of a compliment is this you surpassed my expectations and they were high I'm very wait wait I haven't finished yeah all of them oh with your permission 10,000 Franks of dull reading an investment in our friendship might turn out to be a bad investment impossible I have an instinct for women quite possible I have an instinct for men can I go out this way of course isn't it refreshing that two people at their first meeting can be so Frank with each other many a great love story has started that way what do you know about love I'll tell you when we meet again make it soon never the French have a proverb if a woman says never she means perhaps and if she says perhaps she means yes when I say never to you it means goodbye Ora does your man always listen outside the door usually but he's completely devoted and loyal I hope your maid will be just as discreet [Music] leave of you please yes please tell NAD I will come back as soon as I can I will thank you again I'll never forget what you did for me look out for yourself ion the girl can't be too carefully allow my regards to your fiance and remember my advice no letters what a happy coincidence undoubtedly we both came for the same reason to say goodbye to ion great love but pity you missed her goodbye great love and now what well I've seen the pyramids the Sphinx has no secrets for me and I've been cheated by every rug dealer in the Bazar have you something more amusing to offer just myself not very much I must say still I must consider your investment I haven't my watch have you the time the rest of the [Music] evening aren't you investing too much much I told you my husband expects me home your husband is at the excavation frantically digging for the remains of Ram's def you're surprisingly well informed I even know that he intends to leave you alone for some time rather careless of him not at all he knows me I know you better we don't have to lie to each other cuz we're alike you want everything you can get EXA exactly as I if there is no danger and I should warn you I'm not writing any letters believe me you're the first woman I when you saw me it was like a stroke of lightning your heart stood still I know the text I'm not lying [Music] now you don't have to talk so much I don't like to hear it it isn't necessary I'm not 17 you [Music] one Army defended the mail has arrived [Music] I'm going to have the tunnel cleared sooner than you expected perhaps this afternoon oh don't work the port chaps too hard it's getting hotter and hotter give them a rest anything else nothing sir only I would like to ask you a personal favor go ahead anything I can do except one thing I can't talk to the commant of police about your promotion oh because I've already written in that you're the best man of the service and he agrees you're very kind thank you so much well I I had to tell him the truth Captain Amy hello Mula good news from Gretchen nothing important she worries if I'm eating enough who is your letter from Ruby yes she hasn't been feeling very well there's all the time something wrong with women I always say women are wonderful but they need too many repairs it's nothing serious thank you Abella Ruby hasn't left the Villa since my departure she says I rest 24 4 hours on weekdays and 25 on Sundays no visitors it's a Pity our life here is so [Music] primitive I'm beginning to love Egypt [Music] the climate is so [Music] amusing getting used to it lately the nights are so beautiful and the days I don't know anymore I sleep Mary is infuriated with me she says I need the sunshine tell her it's better for complexion no with French you must use logic I tell her that I go at night because it's the thing to do and that one meets The Most Fascinating People for example Burgers uh night Watchman astronomers who else you I forgot to mention [Music] that good morning Madame it's 2:00 aren't you ashamed of yourself have you no sense where is this going to lead us I'm in no mood lectures Mary go to bed I'll undress myself we will find ourselves in the divorce court again if you keep on nonsense Nigel will be home tomorrow and I'll be a beautiful wife again I know when it's time to stop that may not be as easy as you think I'll go away and leave me alone one day you may be alone and old the very things I'd always dreaded being alone being old that's why I'd said goodbye to barudi ended the pleasant little interlude once and for all at that moment I didn't think I cared it had always been easy for me to turn off my emotions whenever they interfered with my interests why should it be different now my interests were with Nigel he returned in the morning I had passed a sleepless night but I was ready to answer all his questions he didn't ask any he just trusted and when you wrote that you missed me I couldn't stay away oh I tried to work feverishly but even moer noticed that my heart wasn't in it and so he urged that I take a rest he didn't have to try very hard to persuade me how long can you stay a week I thought only a week I'd hope you could stay longer I know it's selfish of me you've been married to your work for a long time and to me for only a year but please stay longer I need you really I do I will darling I was sincere believe me I wanted to close the chapter Turn the Page I couldn't as the weeks went by my life in Nigro became unbearable I couldn't forget barudi I thought about him day and night all the time all the time did you deliver my letters Madam all of them did he give you one for me no Madam I'm happy to say no and if you want to know why look in today's paper you had better rang on to what you have [Music] I'll be with you in a moment darling something wrong nothing will you have some sharing please I've heard from Müller and I'll have to go back to the valley soon singing is driving me crazy does get on one ss doesn't [Music] it what is it Ruby I know it's childish but I'm afraid to be alone again then why don't you come back with me no no I don't even be a nuisance but why don't we enjoy these last few days meet new people have dinner in town or or invite them here I'm vain you know I'm married to a famous man and I want to show him off can you blame me [Music] how long do you expect to stay in Ciro Mrs mccomic my husband wanted to leave last week but something came up something important oh yes quite important so we decided to stay a little longer we decided I have nothing to say that's how it is with us Mrs Arman I run the business Mrs McCormick runs the family but I am happy we stayed and met [Music] you I'm a little out of practice oh you play beautifully and Mr buudy dances divinely oh perhaps I should play a poker you know I love to exhibit my repertoire thank you Mr arm but Gina and oh it's such a beautiful night Moonlight and stars well I'll try to play something to fit the mood it's cool outside Jean don't forget to take a wrap all right mother I'll be right [Music] back a beautiful night really ideal for poets and young love it is Mrs Armin why don't you answer my letter I'm very busy you can see to invite all these dull people just to talk to you when can we meet be careful we have a big program the pyramids right through the desert picnic on the Nile sounds Charming when I WR you from the states don't [Music] forget they make a handsome couple Jean and Prince barudi would you care to see the garden I'd be [Music] delighted States New York the Wide Open Spaces I'm very anxious to see them you don't mind giving up Egypt for me for you anything I'm very much alone here I have very few friends acquaintances yes no friends [Music] we won't disturb you we just want to see the garden don't look after Mrs Arman you'll make me jealous she's stunning is she perhaps I hadn't noticed I have eyes only for you he hasn't actually proposed yet but he will I'm sure he will no doubt out it's a very advantageous match for him of course for us too he's very Democratic he doesn't care about his title still he's a prince is he he said so himself but I presume you've made thorough inquiries no we just assume that everything would do you think we should I would or Mrs Armen if you know something I can keep a secret it'll be strictly confidential tell me I know I shouldn't have brought this up [Music] do come [Music] in where are they gone to the states the Wide Open Spaces father mother and daughter and you are here to guide the luggage I suppose correct and'll give you a sad message I can imagine Gan is sorry she can't go picnicking with you today her parents don't want an Egyptian prince for a son-in-law you had nothing to do with this change of mind Mr McCormack had you investigated I suppose he found out about your debts and they made him very indignant and then there was some Scandal cheating at cards or something innocent little things but hard for an American businessman to swallow and who gave him the idea to be so thorough I did I like to strangle you wait a minute where are you going daughters don't always agree with their parents no doubt but before you go look on the [Music] desk that check won't be stopped if you don't attempt to see the girl before she leaves for home you see I do my best to provide for my friends not bad for a month's work H Far Cry from Millions yes you have the millions are uncertain what is certain with you around only this but I should never have left you I missed you so much can't imagine how much let's be friends again with all the consequences with all the consequences [Music] Hello darling Oh it's you I had no idea don't disturb yourself I can only stay 5 minutes things are in an uproar at home someone's beginning to miss you oh no Caesar's wife is above reproach you know this is something far more world shaking darling you're the first of the Outer Circle I mean to hear the Colossal news rams's mommy is about to be [Music] unveiled congratulations oh don't be so Blas this great scientific event has repercussions for us I must spend a week at the tomb Nigel and sis I have a firsthand view of the Mummy it's a kind of Honor like the Victoria Cross which I shall bear with all my other crosses what else can you do as an obedient wife I hope you'll have a pleasant time but wait I haven't finished after everyone has admired the mummy we're planning a great social Affair in the desert of all places big Todo in a tent you're invited do you think it wise for us to appear in public together a whole week without you is more than I can bear and Miss's Mommy can't replace you so don't look so sour and say you'll come very well I shall be delighted you're in such bad humor today let's not talk about it something affecting us yes and no money question has become unpleasantly pressing I wanted to use my Comics check to calm my creditors but it wasn't enough so I put it on some horses it's hopeless Nigel was quite generous on my birthday2 200 I'll send it don't bother about it darling it isn't enough there must be some way I can help I'll have to leave the country perhaps I'll go to America America you've heard from Jean I know you have don't get exciting darling yes Gan has written she'll be 21 soon and she'll have money of her own she says kill her if she comes us I don't think you have enough courage Jean doesn't stand between us Nigel does I wish he were dead what did you say [Music] h nothing [Music] you did WR Jean I knew it mind your own business will you tear it up I want you to tear it back again where we started great love little courage no money and it would be so easy what you're thinking is impossible the life we are leading is impossible too always meeting in secret always in danger and no hope the circumstances are perfect King gry's mommy could help [Music] us I'm in no mood for joking neither am I D Nigel will be the first one to enter the tomb won't he I expect so dangerous undertaking the first one to discover one of those tomes was S I forgot the name one beautiful morning after years of hard work he broke the Seal of an inner tomb another beautiful morning a few weeks later he was dead a mysterious sickness the doctors looked for an unknown micro but the newspapers and all the other gossips convinced the world that the dead King had taken his Vengeance a curse silly superstition a helpful Superstition if your husband's predecessor had been poisoned the doctors would find out there are poisons difficult to [Music] detect in small doses impossible to detect if you believe in curses or look for unknown microbes I can't do it believe me I can't all right let's forget it I must go now goodbye Dy tell me you love me you've never said it I'll do anything you want I love you so much I want to destroy everything that comes between us [Music] abdal where's abdah Abdullah sck me cousin doing work me Hamza all right bring us the coffee aftera me Hamza never mind make it quick [Music] [Music] you started Excavating 10 years ago Mr Arman that's right after many failures you succeeded in locating the entrance to the now world famous tomb four years ago the first anti room was discovered you call it the Royal chamber if I'm not mistaken that's perfectly correct Mr Smith barington the room was filled with the personal belongings of the king you keep on working right through the hot season we can't don't forget the objects we find on the tomb haven't been subject to changing temperatures for thousands of years what do you do about that each year we bury the entrance of the Tomb with gravel and rocks and reestablish as far as we can the original conditions and today you're opening the inner tomb which you believe to hold the remains of ramesis the fth I'm sure of it the seals on the doorway were unbroken the readers of the London times will be very interested this Mr Armen I'm grateful to you thank you we Americans used to Stronger stuff Mr Armen hasn't anything Sensational happened in all these years earthquake or kidnapping I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you sir no human interest story My article has to compete with a World's Heavyweight Championship well let's see no nothing's happened except that I was married that might not be as Sensational to your readers as it is to me well if we could run a picture of Madame with the article it would tell me Mrs Arman aren't you afraid to look at the mummy there's a curse you know afraid no I'm not superstitious hold it steady all right thank you that's all and now may we have one more please with everyone in Dr Mueller Mrs mu if you'll step in please but hurry the guests are arriving all right make it right away Oh Lady V that's wonderful how are [Music] you nice see please and then the American reporter began talking about the Superstition it's perfect let us hope Nigel you remember Mr barudi don't you well of course I do happy you came I wouldn't miss such an opportunity Mr Army thank you come n [Music] we are now going into the tomb the ladies should be careful not to touch the walls they have been cleaned for 3,000 years find the step please watch Step watch St [Music] this way please be careful ladies and gentlemen of the wars room over here ladies and gentlemen I'm about to enter the inner chamber the AR of shrines ENC casing it have already been taken out the coffin itself is pure gold in fact so heavy we had to erect this machine in order to lift the lid when I give the word will you start the window come [Music] now now [Music] [Music] mask is carved in [Music] Gold even the flowers have kept their shape as if it were alive how wonderfully preserved wonderful workmanship I'm frightened what's the air in here darling it makes you dizzy huh I feel too it's a funny sensation let's leave please oh no not yet I waited 10 years for this moment it's almost an obsession until now I've had two loves when my work is finished here I only have [Music] [Applause] [Music] one all of us [Applause] thank you very much you're most kind Nel your speech oh yes excuse me ladies and gentlemen I thank you with all my heart for the interest you've shown and coming here I especially want to thank his Excellency staff ofha and for the assistance his government has given us I know that in honoring me you also pay tribute to Professor Müller Professor Dupont and my other collaborators curators of the Egyptian Museum and the curators of the British museum this indeed is my proudest moment I I'm very happy to be able [Music] Dr [Music] Harding can't breathe doctor it's nothing I'm sure it'll be all right you've been working too hard old fellow that's all we've got to get him home he needs rest here let me help your [Music] good I am the patient's getting on as well as can be expected he's resting quietly may I have a word with you you excuses what you sit down thank you well I shouldn't worry too much Mrs Armen this uh sickness came on so suddenly well if no one got sick we doctors would St I examined your husband thoroughly Mrs Armen blood pressure is low heart beats fast a little too fast vague pains kind of headache perhaps it's just nerves Nigel has been so engrossed in his work well maybe the Frank I haven't arrived at any definite diagnosis but I gave him a ctive that's good in any case plenty of rest absolute quiet till we see more clearly could he have contracted an infection from one of the workmen that's an interesting idea yes m area perhaps no no he has no temperature he doesn't drink does he hard at all contrary to the usual belief alcohol is an excellent preventive in these hot climates I'm completely dried out myself I'm pouring you a drink do oh please don't trouble please well since you have it B I'll take it thank you keep your chin up and just give the patient light food and lots of liquid lots of liquid oh than you tell him to have faith in his doctor that's most important I'm sure he has the utmost confidence in you well I don't know he spoke of calling in someone else on Dr [Music] isacson Dr Ison is just a friend of nigels he lives in London and I wouldn't dream to you since you say it's nothing serious please don't hesitate on my account I'm willing to consult with anyone the patient wants it Dr Isaacson has a certain Vogue in London but I'm sure he's no more qualified than you well that's what I thought believe me I can handle the case alone we must pull him through together well I'll look in again tomorrow another drink before you go doctor no thank you not now now I really mustn't I have several more visits to make this morning and you know most of my patients are just as hospitable as you good morning don't trouble [Music] all right don't talk darling doctor says You must be very quiet I'm the only visitor alone the mullers were here they s their love and armed wants me to tell you not to worry about a thing you'll be all right in a couple of days you must be quiet I will don't leave me [Music] darling you should sleep I will [Music] soon from that moment on time Stood Still there was no difference between day and night every hour seemed like a thousand I wanted to leave that sick room that horrible house I wanted to sleep again I couldn't sleep I had to sit with Nigel day after day holding his hand watching him if only I hadn't had to watch him [Music] all magel never complained he seemed always to be apologizing for his illness he smiled never suspecting a thing and like Judas I had to smile back innumerable times the door opened letting Hamza in letting Hamza out and there was always your name again Dr isacon he spoke of calling in someone else a Dr isacon your name a constant reminder of my guilt of my fears I tried to get strength from barudi I told you not to send for me darling don't be angry I had to see you why what's so urgent Nigel wants to send for another doctor what I old friend of his from London Dr Isaacson he had me write a cable I don't want another doctor under any circumstances when I was with him I wasn't weak anymore everything seems simple we want to be free and together don't forget that oh darling when I'm with you everything's so easy so simple a few more weeks darling they'll pass they'll pass Bui said but they didn't there was always the same question every day news from isix not yet he must be on holiday send another cable will you darling I will you can trust me you can trust me you can trust [Music] me it's you didn't hear you come in what is it yes Madam I sent for Dr Isaacson I heard you promise Mr amen so many times you would do it I kept your promise how thoughtful of you I suppose if I told you that it had slipped my mind you wouldn't believe me no you're right it didn't I hate Dr is I don't want him here and you know why I want m am in to get well how sweet of you my husband will be eternally grateful here take it to him tell him what you did tell him I'm a liar he won't believe you you'll be disappointed because he trusts me I won't see Mr Armen anymore I'm leaving I'm going back to France my baggage is ready well I'm not holding you back I've had enough of you Bo out here take your money and go well what are you waiting for a reference very well I'll give you one 20 years of faithful service 20 years of meddling in other people's Affairs 20 years what we went through together it could not be printed in school books but I love being with you inside inside you're are not bad you're generous and gay and I have changed hard to this man Bari keep your sermons to yourself is even he will destroy you why do you see him why is amza in the house why do you not want to help your husband do what you want with your silly accusations go to my husband go to the police I could not turn against you I can only beg you to come with me before it is too late leave me alone once and for all I beg of you leave me alone ad sh [Music] is barudi offend here all yes inde [Music] what's happening I had to see you I can't talk here come [Music] now tell me what happened is it the end well that's it completely forgotten when Dr Ison comes we're lost we've got to get away now nonsense it's not that serious try to be calm darling will you we have to change our plan finish it quickly tonight Dr isacson will come too late and Dr Harding will give the medical explanations you see we keep our heads nothing is n but you don't understand it's not that easy anything else something you haven't told [Music] me For Heaven's Sake what is it when I came here I knew what you'd say and I was afraid because it can't be done it's impossible I tried to force myself all these weeks really I tried but it's not in me don't you understand it's not in me well this comes rather late what are you proposed to do I brought you my Jewels all the money I have I'll do anything you want if only you take me away I work for you steal for you anything but this you really serious won take me away before it's too late darling I've listened to you very attentively now it's my time to talk you know my situation I'm desperate I need money lots of it I could have got it from another woman but you destroyed that chance I didn't mind because I believe that in the end we' be together just as we planned rich and free you'll have to live up to my expectations but you don't understand it isn't that I don't want to I can't and I can't let you go I have invested too much so that's what I am to you an investment we made a PCT we are Partners you think you can break that pack you're not as smart as I thought you can't force me you're just as guilty as I am I could go don't be foolish there's no evidence against me none at all I didn't live in your house I'm not Nigo there I had neither the motive nor the opportunity you'd give me away it's no crime to be in love with you I didn't know you were trying to kill your husband and Hamza told me I couldn't believe it I asked you to come here made you confess you tried to buy my silence with your jewels and money but I refused it's up to you darling you can have me as your partner or as your enemy make your choice [Music] now it's you done what time is it it's near 10 time for your medicine already I thought I'd like to talk a little Dr Harding says You must have your medicine on time well let's forget Dr Hardy for once come let me look at you you look tired sit down there are a few things I'd like you to take care of just in case iel please don't talk like that well done Miss understand we don't I want to live very much whatever my sickness is I haven't given up yet I intend to go on fighting just in case something should happen I'd like to leave my house in order will you help me yes I want you to know how very happy you've made me I try to thank you my will from the top drawer the desk you'll need someone to help and assist you so I've named Isaac and my executive he efficient honest and loyal I know you don't like each other but I want you to forget the past that's all I had to say Dar so you see it didn't take too long now I'll take my medicine Nigel why did you say Dr Isaacson and I don't like each other what did he tell you it isn't important darling not anymore he only did what he thought he should what did he tell you everything a trip to his office the whole story he told you and you married me how could you because I loved you it's that simple I didn't say anything before because I I wanted our marriage to have a chance a real chance you see Isaac soon judges everyone with what they've done what they haven't done he's just a hopeless materialist I'm not first didn't matter to me I married you I trusted [Music] you and I hoped that someday you'd love me did I succeed please don't cry darly I know I [Music] am I did as you told me I was went home changed my dress and called Hamza he gave me the box I entered it into a glass all of it then I went into Nel's room he was asleep I said it's time for your medicine he drank it I waited until the end I knew you wouldd have the courage I love you for it is there anything else you want to know Hamza with you I left him with the I left him to guard the room then I came here no one saw me good wait I took a carriage perhaps I shouldn't have but all I could think of was to get here The Coachman might remember better send him away I'll be back in a moment [Music] I gave him a small tip you might remember a large one you can't be too careful from now on you can rely on me I won't be weak anymore we're Partners from now [Music] on to us to us now you can never leave me even if you want to are you sorry are you I tell you what to do next first ising possibly should need blood early in the morning give will him the same news you want come just for a funeral you think of everything don't you I'm just to go to his village stay there until I sent for [Music] him hopefully H in [Music] here what shall I tell Dr Harding when he comes Hardy better send him message Fe a sudden turn for the worse that'll prepare him who else well there is no danger Mari she left me forgot to tell [Music] you can you imagine after 20 years she left me still I don't mind she wouldn't fit into our future lives she's much too decent what what did you say I was speaking about our future life dar sure you've made [Music] plans what do you intend to do marry me get my money leave me or if I don't let you go kill me tell me now you see we won't be able to see much of each other not until I'm a rich Widow anyway Nigel left me everything there'll be plenty of money for us it was for us and for [Music] you that's how you planned it isn't it isn't it [Music] [Music] I watched him die a part of me died with him I wasn't sorry that was a year ago I'm still not sorry I'm not a judge not a priest I can't punish you or relieve your conscience why are you telling me all this I didn't want your confidence look [Music] tomorrow at noon I'll be arrested I was given this day of grace in which to tell hyra I couldn't I can't face him you haven't changed much Ruby enough courage to cheat enough to kill but not enough to confess if you can tell me why can't you tell him I don't love you you are incapable of loving anyone but yourself The Trouble With You doctor is you don't believe in miracles you remember the story of the wicked Lord who tried to make love to a virtuous lady he used an innocent mask to cover his evil face after he'd learned to love her he wanted to tell her the truth take off the mask he couldn't it had become part of his skin this happened once upon a time it happened again to Ruby Maya where are you hiding here darling you must tell him please very often I had to tell patients they would die it was always hard this task is harder Nigel will have nothing left nothing not even his faith well Mr Gan I would like to inform you that you're now the wife of the director of the British museum here's my letter of acceptance wonderful when do we leave with the next boat I'm ready what do you say doctor you'll have company on your trip to London congratulations Niger I shouldn't have thought you could leave Egypt so easily what will King grames do without you you're right my conscience will bother me we'll have to say goodbye to him I have a splendid idea darling we'll order a carriage and drive to the tomb tonight all three of us yes yes that'll be lovely the valley will be beautiful By Moonlight let's see it for the last [Music] time darling when you read this letter you will know the truth try to remember me not as the woman I am but as the woman you believe me to be don't come to see me when I stand trial I'm not lying anymore when I say l Ruby [Music] will you give us to When I'm Gone carage is here darling I brought your cake you why so serious what have you two been talking about the only thing that may and I have in common darling you [Music] [Music] I'm sorry Ahmed affendi Mr armman can't see anyone yet but perhaps I can answer your questions we were together at the tomb when the accident happened it was an accident there can't be the slightest doubt Mrs Armen was very gay and full of plans the entire evening she decided to rest while Mr Armen and I climbed the hill to see the valley in the Moonlight you are familiar with the excavations quite well then you remember the rock slide near the entrance it must have been sitting there when it broke loose we heard the rumble and turned dead by the time we reached her she was dead buried under tons of stone a most regrettable accident I'd call it an act of God may I take you to the gate unfortunately there is a file in my office still marked incomplete before I can close it I will have to ask certain questions of Mr arold please tell him I see him later you worked with Mr Armen for many years ammed affendi you must be his friend I would like to call myself that sir then I can be frank the dead cannot be revived and they cannot be punished and no one wants to punish the innocent Mr Armen lives in a curious world of his own world more real perhaps than ours he has lost much I hope he can keep what he still has his planted [Music] illusion must I tell him you were here why you came yes sir tell him I came to express my sympathy everyone understands his grief Mrs an was a very remarkable lady [Music]
Channel: Donald P. Borchers
Views: 26,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Merle Oberon, George Brent, Charles Korvin, Paul Lukas, Lenore Ulric, Arnold Moss, Robert Capa, Aubrey Mather, Ludwig Stössel, André Charlot, Suzanne Cloutier, Gloria Lloyd, 1940s American films, Remakes of American films, Films based on British novels, American historical films, film-noir, American thriller films, Irving Pichel, James Bernard Fagan, Robert Hichens, Robert Thoeren, Edward Small, Daniele Amfitheatrof, Lucien Ballard, Ernest J. Nims, Bernard Herzbrun
Id: 6jUyzeJBfd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 24sec (5904 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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