A Predator in the Clubhouse | Our America With Lisa Ling | Full Episode | OWN

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this is 49-year-old Lani it's hard when you get so close to winning and this is 31-year-old Kristen one lives among orange groves in a small Florida town the other across the country in an affluent suburb of San Francisco they come from two different worlds but as children they both aspired to be like their Heroes this is what I wanted to do I want to play baseball I always looked up to coaches cuz they were really athletic themselves and that's something I really wanted to be today long after those childhood dreams have passed they share the same secret this sky was a moner what would she do to you Kristen I mean it was rape they're Breaking Free from their silence taking me to the places that are most painful I feel very anxious right now to shed light on an epidemic that's dominating our nation's headlines sexual crimes against children both Lani and Christen are part of a dark American reality that cuts across ethnicity and economics one in six boys and one in four girls are sexually molested and 90% of the time it's by someone they know we'll witness the lifelong effects of abuse and examine how our most trusted instit institions have failed to protect our children would you say the Red Sox knew that Mr Fitzpatrick was sexually molesting Lani years after their abuse ended Kristen and Lani are confronting its devastating aftermath and reclaiming their voices I have to hold people accountable who did this to me I was told in order to put this guy away for life you got to go through with it but can True Justice ever be found when the innocent are abused America it can be inspiring and beautiful it can also be dark and ugly it's so many things but it's ours it's our America [Music] there's no question that baseball is one of America's greatest pastimes and arguably there's no team more fabled than the Boston redoxs fans from around the world flock to see their Legends hit the ball at a venerable Fenway Park but behind the storied facade lies a troubling secret and quite possibly Major League Baseball's greatest failure and yet this story doesn't start in Boston it begins with a man named Lon Ronnie in Winter Haven Florida I'm meeting him at the place where his childhood home once stood I was here my granddad bought me my first glove and taught me how to play catch you just fell in love with baseball yes I wanted to be a ball player I thought I could be the the best it was one spring morning I could hear popping sounds and that was the big boys from Boston we in down for the spring training my plan was to see my heroes Every Spring the Boston Red Sox would come to town and train at this local ballpark a few blocks away from lon's backyard in the 1970s the Red Sox roster included some of Major League Baseball's biggest names these were the greatest players in the world they look like giants to me at 10 years old Lani was captivated I would come to the fence and watch a couple of endings I had me a brick there I stand on it so you got really close to the players yes and then uh I began to notice this guy on the white cart he told me his name was Fitz Patrick and that he worked with the team the man was Donald Fitzpatrick the Red Sox club house manager and was known to recruit young African-American boys to help him with the player's equipment at this very first meeting he offered Lani a job for a child from a small town this was a once in a lifetime opportunity to rub shoulders with star players and learn from the best we were probably excited to be given this responsibility right yes but on his very first day at work Lani found out that his dream job and Donald Fitzpatrick were not what they appeared to be for the first time in 26 years he's returning to the place place that changed the course of his life forever the visiting players [Music] Clubhouse this where it all started you haven't been back here since you were a boy no no are you feeling a little nervous about going in well this I won't know that until I get in but this is something that I got to go through I'm quite sure this will bring back a lot of memory but that's what we here for to talk about what happened okay y here you go wow [Music] [Music] what are you thinking oh I um just U was thinking about the first time I entered this place and uh the first day I was here and the first day that my childhood was destroyed it was uh this was it uh I remember uh being told to go get in the shower I felt like somebody was watching me when I turned around he was there we made eye contact it was scary I wouldn't leave the shower he forced me out to this table and that's where he uh made me lay back on the table and it put his mouth on me and I'll never forget that it destroyed me did you tell anybody Lon no nobody so for so many years yes cuz I knew that would be it he was telling me you would never be around a baseball again you're such a little boy yes I was a little boy 10 we first walked in like all of a sudden he just became this little boy again and he was just remembering what happened to him and remembering that that day changed the rest of his life and it was just I don't know how he found the courage to even come back here in spite of what Lon and ured on that very first day he remained under baseball spell he continued to work for Fitzpatrick and suffer abuse for8 years the memories are painful but for Lani visiting the site of his abuse is a step towards healing wow this is where the home team dressed huh yeah what does it feel like to be here right now all the great feelings are long gone when I walk in here this makes me really realize that I am probably going to have to get some help with this issue because I got an anger feeling about me and that's not normal who are you mad at Lon baseball in general when I see people that res resemble him um things go through my head I pray about it but the anger never goes away this place used to be packed with ball players and and I'll be getting molested in the back room I thought this where I wanted to be but I don't want to be here I'd rather not see anymore Moraga California is an affluent Community with one of the best school systems in the state it's just like so perfect out here yeah my parents worked there young adult life so that they could build a house here and have my brother and I go to the best public schools in the state of California but it turns out that the school where Kristen was supposed to thrive wasn't the safe haven her parents imagined so this is where it all starts yeah Dan wers is my science teacher he would always say the boys are going to start noticing you I remember I would turn like bright red in front of the whole class I was really young for my age I wasn't developed at all I didn't know how to handle all of that cuz I wasn't used to it you know yeah it's such a an impressionable time that yeah [Laughter] in the spring of my eighth grade year and Mr wits called me into his office I was nervous cuz I didn't know if I was in trouble I walked in he had all the blinds drawn he had me go into the back of his office for whatever reason what happened in there is completely blank from my mind all I know is I left there crying and feeling like not a kid anymore scared and confused Kristen turned to the person she trusted most her favorite teacher Julie kareah she said she'd take care of it and that I shouldn't tell my parents when I was having a hard time I go talk to her then I started to become really reliant on her cuz I was in a really sad Place Julie was the most popular teacher at Kristen's middle school and she took a special interest in Kristen she was my PE teacher we got really close in 7th grade she was constantly taking me off campus to get Slurpees and giftgiving innocently enough saying don't tell anyone they'll be jealous they weren't bad secrets so I didn't tell anyone as a young athlete with Olympic Dreams Kristen idolized Julie I thought she was awesome she had played soccer in college and I just thought that was the coolest thing we just got closer and closer and then everything changed Julie's compassionate ear was a disguise for her true intent her desire for Kristen small gifts private jokes and special attention were grooming techniques used to gain Kristen's trust in the summer after 8ighth grade Julie made her move she drove into my parents driveway gave me a hug and kissed me half on the mouth and that's when I knew that she wanted something else from me so that was the start yeah she already had her claws all the way sunk in she counted on that so when it progressed I didn't have a voice anymore what would she do to you Kristen I mean it was rap she put multiple fingers inside of me or like orally copulate me and all this all this stuff and she would tell me that it was my fault and that I wanted it the abuse started when Kristen was 14 years old and continued for 4 years it's hard to understand how it could go unnoticed for so long but Julie threatened to kidnap Kristen or hurt her family if she told she went to incredible lengths to reinforce these threats and control Kristen's every move so what is this place when I was 14 years old we had our end of the season swim meat and I went home at night and Julie made me call her every night I called her and she said well you had yourself quite a swim meat and I said how do you know that and she said well I watched all of it from the top of the hill next next to the pool so she spent the entire weekend on top of this hill with binoculars watching you swim yeah that's insane yeah it totally terrified me this is my high school that I went to those double doors right there that's where I have my locker she would park on the street and then go put stuff in my locker she would charge the cell phone batteries and make me call her every single night it's amazing just how everything was so planned out that she just orchestrated everything y I can't be here it doesn't feel normal inside like I feel very anxious right now I don't know if it will ever be easy for me to be here I mean High School is filled with such memories and fun and and stories and would you say that that just clouded your whole High School experience you know I was so separate from the abuse that like I did have a really good high school experience and I wanted so bad to protect that that I did whatever she told me to do cuz I knew if I said anything that everything would change I knew I have to keep this secret for my safety and if I want to keep living my happy high school life and were you popular yeah yeah I was on the varsity soccer team as a freshman and the varsity swim team as a freshman and I always had a boyfriend Julie always wanted me to have a boyfriend so I'd appear normal and and she would always like tell me which boys to date the other thing that she would do is plan her drive when I was going to high school and she would make sure she saw me every single morning it was terrifying it was like everywhere like if I didn't leave for high school at the right time she would get mad at me and be like well I didn't see you this morning I need to see you in the morning in order for me to like be okay during the day and so so you felt you felt her eyes on you all the time all the time [Music] yeah despite the fact that Julie was a newlywed she became more obsessed with Kristen and rented an apartment where she could have her all to herself this is a street that she would drive me on to our apartment this apartment that she had she rented specifically to abuse you in yeah several nights a week she forced Kristen to sneak out of her home from Midnight to 4:00 a.m. and she would bring her to the apartment she had this whole plan of how I would do it I'd tell my parents I was going to bed and then I'd hide in a certain place and I close my room and make my bed look like someone was in it it's so secluded here how often would you say you had come here and like two three four times a week so I didn't get any sleep I remember just being there and just staring out the window halfway hoping that headlights would come and halfway praying they wouldn't cuz I was so scared what would happen to my family if they showed up while Kristen waited in seclusion for help that never came lon's abuse occurred in the back room of a bustling locker room how could this happen was it undetected or just ignored Mr Boyd yes we've called Dennis Oil Can Boyd who was a pitcher with the Red Sox during the time that Lani worked for them this is specifically about the clubhouse manager Mr Fitzpatrick well F I don't know whether he was you know gay man or whatever how way you describe a person that's in that fashion in their life you got what I'm saying of course of course but was there a general understanding that Mr Fitzpatrick was taking advantage of these young boys did people within the organization I think they knew that yes so you saw all these little black boys around Mr Fitzpatrick all the time and and do you think that and I heard things and I heard things yes why don't you think anyone ever said anything about it everyone seemed to think there was something to joke about more so than to take seriously you know what I'm saying Mr Boyd paints a very disturbing picture of the clubhouse turning a blind eye to Fitzpatrick's abuse of children how does that feel to hear that they used to laugh at us the ball players the whole thing is sickening the facts is that they all knew betrayed by his Heroes lani's life was about to take an even darker turn Lan's abuse began when he was 10 years old and lasted 8 years at 18 years old he realized that Fitzpatrick had dangled a future for him in the major leagues that went nowhere he'd stolen the innocence of lani's childhood and given him nothing but shame in return filled with pain and anger Lani began looking for an escape by the time he was 16 he found it in cocaine and Other Drugs I found a new way to get get rid of the anger I spent the next 20 years fighting addictions you're trying to feed addiction by all means so you begin to do criminal activities after spending years in and out of prison Lani finally hit a Breaking Point my life was paranoid my kids would go to bed and I would check on them all all night L I couldn't sleep that Mom was freaking out what is going on with you whatever the problem is you need to see help or I going take the keys and leave he could no longer suffer alone and decided to tell his mother and sister about the abuse my mom went in a shock she was really she told me that she love me put today lon's mother and sister are still trying to understand how they missed the signs of lon's abuse I thought he was a great guy he would come over when every time they came for spring training he would talk to my mom I thought he was wonderful person I had to think to let Lon go off with him trust it's the secret weapon that many pedophiles use to secure access to their victims when you found out what had been happening oh boy he was a monster you never would have picked up on that I I didn't he was good at what he did yeah I often wonder if Lon told us what we would have done he actually fought this battle alone for so many years children who are being abused stay silent for many reasons shame fear anxiety that they won't be believed in California Kristen also told no one about the horror she was enduring night after night I was eighth grade Kristen's best friend Maggie was by her side through middle school and high school and she never suspected the abuse like Fitzpatrick Kristen's abuser Julie deceived everyone around her she was I'd say the most popular teacher at the school she um she was young and fun and she was friend like kind of friendly with all of the students do you remember her showing favoritism toward Kristen of course I mean it was didn't need to be even said that Kristen was her favorite absolutely like we went off campus with her a few times to like get lunch or get Slurpees and it wasn't even um discussed Kristen sat in the front seat it was like little things like that what do you remember about Kristen in high school she you know got straight A and she was an amazing athlete she was popular and fun it's really amazing that she had this whole secret life that I knew nothing about I mean it's really you know I had a really hard time wrapping my head around that did you not noticed that she would come to school tired like that and I mean exhausted I remember saying like complaining about being tired at the beginning of school and she'd look at me and she go you have no idea how did you feel when you found out about everything was devasta here I felt so guilty that I didn't notice something I st how could you I mean yeah Julie's whole point was to make sure nobody knew and like my whole point was to make sure that nobody knew so that I could keep having a good life what do you think your fear was Kristen like if you told someone when it was happening what do you think would have happened if I told anyone all that happy stuff would also be gone that everyone would know you as that kid yeah either my parents would move me to a different school and I'd lose my best friends or I'd have to go to police it's just life would change as the years wore on Kristen developed an unusual coping mechanism as the abuse got worse I just split completely in half and developed a second personality that could handle the abuse and then I could handle having a normal life I'm on my way to meet Kristen's parents for them the Betrayal runs even deeper Julie didn't just violate their daughter she invaded their home this is the one location that Kristen can't bear to visit and her parents still live here so all their bedrooms are pretty close to each other Master's here this our bedroom our son's bedroom guest room and's room did Kristen seem normal to you during High School she'd be out all night long she did very well in her Sports in high school she got extreme good grades how does it feel that your daughter can't even come into this home anymore horrible very sad yeah very sad it's not the fact that she can't physically come here it's what happened to her that made it so she can't come here that's the hard part everywhere I look there's a horrific memory for me everywhere there's door hinges is that I know she sprayed with WD40 so I could get out memories of her walking through the backyard she would sneak in my house when my parents and I were at dinner she would usually be in my closet when I would come upstairs for bed the scariest time was when I opened the closet door she wasn't in there I started to back up towards my bed I look back and the the screen was missing and then all of a sudden she grabbed my ankles from underneath the bed and oh my God my whole body froze she had like this silent little laugh that she meant to scare me that was part of keeping me under her control did you think it was just going to go on forever I thought she would either take me away kill me or kill my family and that's how it would end [Music] this is a controlled telephone call from Aon ogal tree to Donald Fitzpatrick in 2001 20 years after his abuse ended Lani was ready to seek Justice he contacted the police and through their investigation they found 11 other victims of Fitzpatrick in Florida 37-year veteran special agent Alana was the lead investigator on the case I told Lon if you want me to prose this case I need more than your word I need evidence to convict Fitzpatrick investigators needed a confession and they asked Lon to make a difficult phone [Music] [Applause] call oh hello there Chief you were a good kid you were a damn good kid uhuh and the players liked you a lot when I first heard his voice I want to choke him you know yeah thought you were awful good to me H I thought I was number one you were number one it's pretty classic they hear this type of conversation going on the perpetrator part of his strategy is to make it a buddy buddy type relationship and in doing so the child's less likely to report it as a child least less likely to report it down the road as an adult yes yes he I don't know if I ever nail him yeah I did you de yeah you did I did yeah yeah I had to play this acting role to get the information that could prosecute this guy I was sick it was good and everything but you sick I shouldn't have done it you know but I couldn't help it it could I was told in order to put this guy away for life you got to go through with it but Fitzpatrick wasn't put away for life he negotiated a plea bargain with prosecutors and received a 10-year suspended sentence for attempted sexual battery he died 3 years later this guy died a free man when he should have died inside an institution I spent more time in prison he didn't get a sentence I now carried it his life sentence the criminal justice system seems to have failed Lani but what about the Red Sox what responsibility do they Bear for the predator in their Clubhouse this is Lisa Ling from the Oprah Winfrey Network the Red Sox employed Donald Fitzpatrick for 47 years it turns out Lani wasn't the first victim to come forward 10 years earlier in 1991 another former bat boy accused Fitzpatrick of molesting him how did the Red Sox respond to these allegations hi this is Lisa Ling from the opra Winfrey Network it's regarding Donald Fitzpatrick the Red Sox declined to be interviewed but they gave us this statement the Red Sox have always viewed the actions of Mr Fitzpatrick to be abhorent when the team under prior ownership became aware of the allegations in 1991 he was promptly relieved of his duties Donald F was fired by the Red Sox but in the press release that the Red Sox issued and it's quite a glowing one at that it states that Fitzpatrick retired and one would think that if someone is accusing someone of molestation the Red Sox would want to ensure that no other child was harmed but the police weren't even contacted to investigate Donald Fitzpatrick retired and then it all went away this fact becomes more upsetting when I read a statement that Fitzpatrick made in 2001 after Lani came forward te ask if this ever hits the Press are we going to have other guys come out of the woodwork to report sex with you Fitzpatrick stated probably but it's been years as Fitzpatrick predicted more victims did come forward this time in Boston a town fiercely loyal to its team I'm here to meet 37-year-old Charles a former Red Sox Clubhouse attendant in 2011 he stepped out with allegations that Fitzpatrick had abused him as well at Fenway Park I asked him for a ball and right outside the clubhouse there's a equipment room door so we went in there the door is locked by itself and that's the first time he performed oral sex for me when I left the room I was the middle of all the players I had just been sexually assaulted but I had that ball and I kind of pushed it [Music] down likely Ronnie and Kristen Charles was filled with shame and remained silent about his abuse it took a terrible toll on his life I've been dealing with a lot of loneliness I don't have too many friends it's a drastic t a personality for Charles who once roamed his high school hallways as the star of the basketball program and Elite Boston Prep School St Sebastian's I was a solid kid people thought I would go on and play basketball at 16 years old Sports consumed his life and when the opportunity to work for the Red Sox presented itself Charles didn't hesitate I had the best job in the world people really looked up to me in the community so who was I going to tell after the molestation Charles's promising future spiraled out of reach he had fathered three children by the time he was in college and struggled to maintain forced to drop out his life began to fall apart I got down a path where I started selling drugs and I was never into those type of things what did you think would have happened if you told someone that I'm lying you know this man is Boston Red Sox I'm just a little 16-year-old kid nobody's going to believe me people may laugh at me you know um people may wonder you know at that time am I gay you know what I mean and so I mean just it wasn't something that I was ready to explain to people so far in 2011 Charles called Boston attorney Mitchell garabedian a dedicated advocate for victims Mitchell has gone up against some of our nation's most trusted institutions I know it's rough coming in here but I know you you know you're doing the right thing was frustrating you you want it um all to end one thing I'm always concerned about is how it affected you to tell your mother did it take a great weight off your shoulders my mom had always said as I got older I kind of fell off track somewhere how did she feel when you first told her she was upset um wish I would have told her it wasn't your fault Charles just remember that it were just a child I apologize after Charles came forward 23 individuals have contacted me Donald Fitzpatrick who had no bounds many of the people who reach out to you are in their 30s or 40s or older sometimes why does it take so long individuals when they're abused as children their minds can't cope with it so when them coping mechanisms allow them to come forward they will talk about it Charles worked for the Boston Red Sox in 1991 the same year that Fitzpatrick was finally let go when he got fired nobody came looking for me nobody you know maybe I would have came forward what kind of monetary compensation are you seeking for your clients I'm seeking $5 million per client I will be filing lawsuits in the future with the cases I'm allowed to file uh because of Statute limitations are you concerned that Charles's case is beyond the statute of limitations well what I've done where cases were beyond the statute of limitations since I've approached the organization I've said listen you have to do the right the correct moral thing the Boston Red Sox make tens of millions of dollars attracting children to their Sport and they should also protect those children the Red Sox have been under a different ownership for many many years is it incumbent upon them to acknowledge this yes it certainly is they've inherited the assets and the liabilities of the Boston Red Sox so they have to be responsible for the bad things too the Red Sox have mediated this issue before in 2002 Lani and six others settled a civil lawsuit for a total of $315,000 a sum they split contrary to Media reports that the men got millions what do you want Charles I just want a normal life what do you want from the Red Sox um I like an apology to happen at finway part where it happened we deserve to be acknowledged here make Scott taste he'll do a good job when Kristen was a senior in high school she began dating Scott by this point she'd become an expert at hiding her abuse and Scott never knew as their relationship blossomed she finally let go of her fear and cut off all contact with Julie I was free you just went on with life yeah I threw away the part of me that dealt with all the abuse uh this is denying your uh therapy oh my gosh this again 10 years after the abuse ended Kristen began to have debilitating flashbacks and 2010 she just started to sort of get depressed Kristen decided to attend a woman's therapy retreat in this safe and Anonymous environment she revealed the abuse by Julie for the very first time she came back I knew something was very wrong I looked at the first thing from The Retreat and saw Julie kah's name I knew right then what was your reaction when you saw that that's that's sort of how the reaction was were you scared about what to do next no she had held on to it for so long that something had to be done now I said we can go hurt her if you want to do it that way or we got to go to the police Scott and Kristen decided to go to the police Scott is a prosecutor and walked Kristen through the process I met the detective I told him everything that happened he said the case is so old um we're going to need more like L Ronnie the detectives needed a confession and they asked Kristen to call Julie and coax the truth out of her her voice hadn't changed a bit and all of a sudden my voice was back to what it sounded like when I was 13 and 14 hello hi hi so you pretty much blew my mind been 10 years you know a detective gave me a script it took hours and hours and um finally I got her to trust me cuz you have to talk about some of the sexual things too yeah that was really hard I have really specific memories of kissing you and touching you like I don't know what Memories you have or what you're thinking of sometimes I'll just lay in bed and I'll just like slip back to one of them and there's so many of them that you know she didn't deny a single thing you think it was wrong that we were together when I was 14 no I don't think it was wrong but a lot of people would I'm worried that you're trying to get me to say what concretely happens because somebody's trying to pin something on me and I am going to pay for what I've done the phone calls provided enough evidence for the police to question Julie hi for you hi I'm detective Parker well I'm here because I want to ask you a few questions about your relationship with I'm just like jum down about his whole thing you know after initially denying the abuse Julie began to that something did happen but as often happens with abusers she tried to blame the victim the only that it went to was the kissing and the touching and that was it and she always wanted more and she always pushed more I mean I feel kind of betrayed because you know you feel kind of betrayed yeah you're a school teacher responsible for and now you're tell you're the one that betray after this interrogation Julie was arrested and eventually pleaded guilty she was sentenced to 8 years I just remember thinking I don't have to look behind you know that door I don't have to look out that window for a second I could just relax and not worry about where she was with her abuser Behind Bars Kristen decided to take her fight to the next level it caught the attention of her local news I W let Creek woman sexually abused by two Moraga Middle School teachers in the 1990s is now suing the school district and former administrators after Julie's conviction a local newspaper uncovered that school officials had ignored verbal and written complaints from other students about Dan wits Dan witters committed suicide as a result of these allegations they did nothing and I really believe that if Dan wers hadn't started harassing me and abusing me that I would have never had that Reliance on Julie and she wouldn't have been able to do what she did Kristen believes that by turning a blind eye to the allegations the school actually created an environment that fostered abuse I have to hold people accountable who did this to me and who let this happen to me you doing the opposite what I say oh wow these are all your kids yes he's a kid I'm going to do to the effects of lon's abuse have rippled into the Next Generation forever changing the lives of his four children when you started learning about all the stuff that happened to your dad what did it make you feel how did you feel sick people in the world while he was in prison and all those years when he was into drugs what did you think was going on with him a lot of tional changes he was undecided what he wanted but later I think it occurred to him what he wanted to be rited as a family what's been the hardest part sweetie not having a father in my life and watching them grow up and not seeing their Deb has your family become a lot stronger since you found out about everything he's stepped by our side every single time we needed him it's very great to change our relationship do you sometimes feel like he's too protective of you very pretended it's a good thing though uh oh r at 49 years old Lani is starting over he's eager to make up for lost time especially in his role as a father I want to live the way that I should have been living I don't want to see them suffer from me suffering from this anymore but even time with his children can bring up some painful reminders of his abuse his son Randall is 11 years old close to the age that lon's abuse began he looks exactly like I did when I was 10 there's a lot of work I got to do with him as well as the rest of my kids Lani isn't just concerned with the well-being of his own children he's dedicated his life to preventing abuse of all children and he's starting with his own community so this will be the first time you'll be addressing a bunch of kids how are you feeling are you a little nervous yes I am but I believe I'll make it through a fire night in in me and this something I decided to do and I'm on the road okay Journey has started all right let's go do this you ready let's go okay at this time I would like to introduce y'all to brother Lon ogre tree clap your hands for him how y'all doing this evening good I was a 10year old kid I had a dream of playing baseball I built trust in him and he started molesting me I should have immediately went home and told my parents you must have a open line of communication and don't try to make decisions on your own no one has the right to put a hand on you young ladies young men God bless you thank you sexual abuse is often a taboo subject by breaking his silence Lani is opening the door for others to come forward all right my job till the day I die is to educate parents and kids and I'm going to try my best to stop it from happening again anywhere really cute Kristen has escaped from her Nightmare and she's focused on the future she and Scott are expecting their first child right after Julie pleed guilty I felt this sense of calm inside of me all of a sudden I felt like this space in my Center that I was like okay I'm I'm I'm ready now likely Ronnie she's committed to preventing the abuse of children she's an assistant head swim coach and she spends her time nurturing the dreams of young athletes understanding her responsibility for their welfare better than anyone if I had to go through what I went through then I have to make this problem better for other people I have to do my job in making this epidemic end Seeking Justice was bittersweet for Lani and hard fought for Kristen their stories are painful but awareness is the first step if we Empower ourselves to recognize the signs our children may not have to bear this burden [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: OWN
Views: 84,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey Network YouTube, Oprah Where Are They Now, Where Are They Now Oprah, Iyanla Fix My Life, full episodes, Super Soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey Show, The Haves and The Have Nots, Have and Have Nots, If Loving You Is Wrong, Iyanla Vanzant, Livin Lozada, Oprah Life Class, how-to, season, episode, our america with lisa ling full episodes, Our America With Lisa Ling, Predator in the Clubhouse, Clubhouse, Predator, lifetime of pain, lisa ling full episodes
Id: ZfgolAlF6PM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 1sec (2821 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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