Extreme Parenting | Our America with Lisa Ling | Full Episode | OWN

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it's 5:00 a.m. in the middle of America for Natalie Smith and her little sister anaise it's time to rise and shine today is a big [Music] day across the country the morning ritual is repeated parents pull the curtains pack the lunches and prepare their children for big game games and bigger tests for the ivy league and the major leagues for outer space for inner peace tonight I'm exploring the Heights and the depths parents will go to pursue their dreams of success for their children I'll meet four very different families with four very different definitions of success this is Analise come on out an let's go shake your booty shake it girl children and their parents chasing American Dreams what leads a child to succeed and a parent to extremes America it can be inspiring and beautiful it can also be dark and ugly it's so many things but it's ours it's our America [Music] [Music] my exploration of parenting in America starts in California which is also where I [Music] started I come from parents who were immigrants and they were very very strict uh about our upbringing it was imperative that my sister and I get very good grades I got 1 C my entire life and it was in PE and I got grounded for a month I was never allowed to sleep over at friends houses I think the reason they were so strict with us is because both of my parents really wanted lives for my sister and me that they never [Music] had for my parents becoming American meant adopting American aspirations we were taught to strive D to climb that for an American the only limit Beyond Class cast or tradition is the sky but at what point do a parent's expectations diverge from the desires or even the well-being of the child between hard work and exhaustion rewards and risks success and failure where do you draw the [Music] line This is my journey to the edge of American American parenting and it begins here in Silicon Valley home to the Pichon Debra Dino and their twin boys Dominic and Drake every family defines and pursues success in its own way and the Pichon are all about achievement all the [Music] time it's 7:30 a.m. and the twins are getting ready for school to be followed by tennis lessons for Drake and chess for Dominic all this in the middle of summer this is not just about academics we're preparing them for a very different economy that they're going to live in but that they still have the social skills that go along with it we do mandate that they have to wear collared shirts and we make them to with their mouth closed we make them say please and thank you we make them look you in the eyes going to work card today yeah if we instill these values now you know the the structure the discipline I mean the foundation that we feel that we're setting right now 2 minutes is going to dictate their lives and there's there's nothing more important than that I totally hear what you're saying but there are some people who are going to be watching this who will say but they're 6 years old are we really thinking graduate school and Global competition at 6 years old yes what do you same for the camera Dr graduate school and Global competition are probably not on the agenda of most kindergarteners nor do most 6-year-olds have agents and brand Consultants or endow a charity with their birthday gifts that charity benefiting foster children was established by their mom along with the twins rigorous daily schedule what are you guys going to do today D dbus nice the pon spend about $40,000 a year to send both boys to Bowman International one of the most competitive private schools in Northern California classes in session all year without a summer vacation there is so much to here at the beach the student body here is made up predominantly of children of Silicon Valley engineers and Executives and many of them are [Music] immigrants obviously we're surrounded by an enormous population of Indian families and Asian families and there is certainly a rigor and a mindfulness of Education Pas the ponies have in a sense imported a parenting model from Asia one based on extremely high expectations of academic achievement of Mastery it's an approach I recognize at least vaguely from my own upbringing the term for it is Tiger parenting and the bonies have made it all their own are we tiger parents no I I think I think we have tiger moments I can't watch why oh I'm I told these I turn and like to like a Soviet coach out here really oh yeah yeah yeah tennis is the only thing that really just no yes it is no everything else I'm like lowkey about no no no oh oh no my expectations are high well it's just she is type A when she sleeps after school six-year-old Drake plays tennis for 3 hours a day 3 days a week I know you don't want them to play team sports that's correct in a team sport you can blend in individual sports it's you against your opponent I think you find out about yourself much sooner and there's in that it's more pressure that way though it is it is but you know that's life that's nice pressure If presented in a good way is a good thing Deborah Pon feels she wasn't pressured enough as a child I actually was pulled from gifted education cuz my parents thought it would be too much pressure I was definitively raised to be married Deborah defied her parents' expectations her professional ambition drove her from one competitive Arena to another from politics to Media to business she thrives under pressure and wants her kids to do the same so much of our parenting really deres from our own experiences we just really wanted a different situation for kids we wanted them to have the ability to to learn who they are at a much much younger age so do you think that if the way you are rearing your kids if you had had that when you were kids you'd be different people absolutely no question yeah yeah you better people I think had my parents been a little bit more mindful of my level of Interest which was clearly more an inclination towards science and math you may have been talking to an astrophysicist right now and I don't I don't want our kids to go through that because I think that's such a big struggle for for a majority of people is just figuring out what you want to do with your life and I think the best gift we can give our kids is to help them figure that out as early as they possible [Music] can I mean this is it and and what we do now will be with them for the rest of their lives no no no no no you can't can't wear your hat like that come on yeah pretty soon it starts with hat backwards then tattoos and who knows where we go from there the ponies may not give their children a great deal of choice in their Pursuits but they believe the structure and discipline they're imposing now will pave the way to a future of unlimited opportunities your heads up come on Focus okay it's one approach to Parenting but in sanino a Dusty town in Southern California I discover another not everybody's children are the same not everybody had the same upbringing everybody has the same opportunities And if every kid is in school and learning the same thing all the time and they're not allowed to freely think then you know where are you going to have the people that are to make changes or the artists or the musicians as far as button and Jimmy Sherman are concerned success is one of many things you can't learn in school for while the school year never ends for the ponies for the sh it never begins they're unschoolers to me unschooling is life learning learning through life experiences and natural learning where if something pequs the kids curiosity or they have a passion they can immerse theel into that and not have to have restrictions on it are you curious about the world around you well over a million students across the United States are are homeschooled unschooling could be described as the radical Vanguard of the growing homeschool movement while homeschoolers generally work with a curriculum provided by a church a charter school or the state unschoolers reject the very idea of an organized approach to education the children determine what they want to learn when they want to learn it and how Okay this did not turn out the way I thought it was going to turn out Maggie really likes art Dexter he likes to research things whan his main interest is Mars he's always been adamant even before he really got interested in space that he's from Mars how do you know that you're from Mars kind of my hair kind of curly cuz it's curly curly haired people are apparently from Mars desent buttons approach to Parenting like Deborah pon represents in many ways a rebuttal to her own parents you went to Catholic school and you had very strict parents yes and you met in the Marine Corps right yes that's like the ultimate structured environment so how did you get from there how did you get from there to here never catch me well my mom was really strict my stepdad was really strict and they had a lot of expectation and not that the expectation was really a bad thing but at some point it's kind of of just it kind feels like strangling so do you think that some parents push their kids way too hard oh I've seen it I've seen it too yeah and then you you end up you see kids that are miserable Jimmy when button told you that she wanted to unschool the kids how did you take it I was apprehensive at first very apprehensive and um almost to the point where I was against it and I would say no not going to do this I shared Viewpoint along with a lot of other people that have heard about this you're crazy there is no way this is going to work and and there were days like especially in the beginning where it's like I'd come home and I go did the kids learn anything today because um and what would I say ask them ask them and I'd ask them and they'd tell me what they did that [Music] day as a you're you're kind of like the gardener and they're that plant that you plant that seed and if as long as you keep feeding it watering it's going to bloom and Blossom but if you're if you're just if you're harsh on it and you overwater and you push it it's going to yellow and it's going to eventually just you know Fade Away we've all been taught that education is the key to success as they get older are you at all concerned that one day they may fall behind no I think of anything they'd be ahead every subject you learn in school you don't use in your career I mean I don't I don't know many people that do whatever career they choose it's going to put them they're self motivated they're self motivated it's going to put them ahead of the people that went to structured school this obviously remains to be seen my first impressions of schooling are that it's a very experimental approach to Parenting and as experiments go it seems pretty risky it was just odd to be in a household where the children as young as 5 six 7 dictate what they want to do and what they want to learn I know that when I was that age the things that I wanted to do and the things that I should have done were probably quite in congruous but nothing especially parenting is as easy as it looks or as simple as it seems as I spend more time with the Sherman children I begin to see things below the surface I never expected I can we go slower no it's a fast-paced game obviously Dexter Sherman is 11 years old he'd be in the seventh grade if he went to school but his parents are unschooling him he's the only one of his four brothers and sisters who's ever attended Public School how many grades did you do first in kindergarten and did you like it yep then again didn't give me all the possibilities of unschooling what are the what are the possibilities of unschooling I get to be home all day I get to be home all day and spend more time with my parents than I would in a public school later on in life are you concerned about competition from people who have an educ no not really if some people think they're better than me that's their own problem if people think I'm better than them that's also their own problem but do you think you'll be limited because you aren't educated no I won't be limited cuz I am getting educated in what right now I'm getting educated in hand ey coordination boom Saka laka I'm on fire Dynamite all right according to his mom Dexter was Advanced for his class but he began to lose interest in a curriculum he found unchallenging and tedious this and the lack of funding for arts and music programs at his Public School led her to begin homeschooling Dexter when we started homeschooling Dexter I mean we had a structured home school we we yeah we started out really struct we signed up with a charter school that supplies all the materials all the curriculum they tell you how to do everything but when Dexter's younger brother Wen reached school age the challenge of homeschooling grew much steeper I knew when he was born that there was something different he didn't get a diagnosis though till he was almost five right almost five he was almost five he didn't talk till he was almost four uh he was been diagnosed with autism high functioning wen's autism led him to a compulsive adherence to the Sherman's home school schedule if his routine gets broken he'll short circuit will have a meltdown and it's not pretty while Jimmy went to work every day button attempted to homeschool Dexter and waen and care for their little ones Maggie and whan staying on a precise schedule became nearly impossible as did containing wen's meltdowns something had to give we actually had him throw the schedule board in the dumpster at the apartment we lived in and just kind of went from there it was a slow progression into getting away from the curriculum itself it took like maybe 3 or 4 months to completely go unschooling and how does this unstructured lifestyle and unschooling benefit him learn to be more flexible it's it's learning to be more flexible and it's helping him a lot cuz now he wants to learn things according to button wen's dependence on a schedule has given way to a growing sense of Independence and resourcefulness and that has paved the way to real learning to [Music] self-discovery for the Shermans what began as an experiment in unschooling has become a way of life and now the world is their [Music] classroom today they're taking a field trip to a nearby Science Museum when you look closely we can imagine them alive the Curiosity of the Sherman kids is boundless and so is their imagination oh what do you think those are gophers Gophers how much of this experience is learning and how much is play or make believe seems beside the point the museum is an expedition to these kids an adventure Rob what parent wouldn't want to cultivate in their children such an enthusiasm for Science and who's to say where it could lead them you know with Dominic it was very very clear very early on where his propensity for Math and Science and his interest art back in Silicon Valley school is out for Dominic Pon now it's time for some math drills equals it Bears repeating it's summer the summer before first grade Wen Sherman meanwhile gets a math lesson of his own 11 as he helps his mom prepare dinner he likes to cook so there's a lot of math but I want you to cut slices and then cut the slices in half can you do that the measuring so that'd be like fractions you know it's more Hands-On more practical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight what's 9 * 2 eight eight no it's not 9 * 2 5 domic 9 * 2 is 18 9 * 2 Dominic meanwhile has hit a wall Carri your one he's had enough with multiplication tables do you want to do division no I I do nothing Dominic * 6 * 1 plus and I ran out of time okay can we do a new page back at the Shermans wen's math lesson is also over it's in the salad bowl what comes next for him I wonder if Wen shows promise in fractions where will he learn algebra trigonometry calculus did you ever think about allowing them to try school to see if they are interested in it or if their curiosity is peaked at all none of them have shown the desire to attend a public school do you think kids are equipped to be able to make those decisions I think if you let your kids actually mature and let them Express their their opinions and be themsel they would be able to there's going to be people that are like you know you're wrong your horrible parents and we just we know what's working for us we know what's working for for our kids and we really know despite what everybody else says it's really working for walking and in the end you know they're happy and that's all that matters your dad's home but is that all that matters is a parent's role to please the child in the moment or prepare the child for the future what's over there and if a parent relentlessly prepares a child for the future when will that child find time to dream and imagine to design and invent among other things [Music] themselves parents instill the values in their children that they think are the most important hard work and discipline creativity and risk-taking competition that's what the Carneys are all [Music] about Terry Carney has very high expectations for his son but if anyone can handle the weight it might be Lewan lean weighs 140 lb lean can bench 225 push it push it he's only 14 years old push it we're preparing him to be a conqueror push it get another one you ain't feeling it he will play football we really believe in him he'll make it to the NFL one more get one more you got one in you Terry is not just lean's father he's his personal trainer there you go and his regimen is intense there you go shake it off and come back get over and do me 25 jumping J every morning starts the same way with a 2hour workout if I were to ask lean how he would describe your parenting style what do you think he'd say probably be called a drill sergeant mhm I call him a bully but you know what I can I'm his wife that's called a dad a father you know that's a father a father is the lion of the home come on let's make it happen Terry is not a tiger parent he's a lion I have to prepare him for the jungle that's outside the door mhm and if I don't prepare him then what's going to happen when he go out on the outside of the door the Wolves will lead him they're waiting for you that was a killer huh the Carneys live in Los Angeles where Lewan is about to start his sophomore year of high school and his first season on the varsity football team lean is 5'5 he's still growing but who knows how many inches he has left in him one thing that is known there are fewer than 10 players in the NFL who are shorter than 5'8 for now the odds may be stacked against him but Terry has a equipped his son with a secret weapon lean is a second deegree black belt he's been doing martial arts since he was 4 years old and he he's been disciplined since 4 years old to have confidence in himself to the fullest and to be the best that he possibly can be so no matter what obstacle get in his way he's going to conquer it and what are you doing to prevent lean from burning out by the time he burn himself out he'll be already in the NFL burning out is one risk getting hurt is another football is the ultimate contact sport and as a Running Back Lean will have to evade tacklers nearly twice his size pick it up lean pick it up can a father's expectations be so high that they're not just unreachable but dangerous Terry Carney played football too as well as basketball and baseball so at what point Terry did you kind of go off course cuz you were really athletic into all these Sports well I had some drama that went on in my family you know I ended up living with a couple of my brothers I was basically raised in the dop house and I used to watch all kind of people shooting Heron and the best burglars used to come over the best robbers murderers used to watch all that while I was eating my cereal at age8 right watching prostitutes in the house everything Terry's athletic Ambitions took a backseat to survival they say this house right here 9:14 y this is the house where we used to live at and right there where that door is is where our bedroom was and bullets used to come through and come right by my ears and I used to have to put the kids on the ground and uh try to keep the kids safe try to protect them to Terry the risks lean faces on the football field are nothing compared to the risks beyond the fence the risks of the streets Terry knows them well he came of age in watts in the early 1990s when the neighborhood was a battle zone between the Crips and the Bloods I used to walk these streets and hang out on the blocks and do my thing all over wats I don't want to put too much out there and for good reason when Terry left gang life he didn't look back he got married to Melinda and he became a stepfather to her three children when they had Lewan he moved his family to an apartment in West cina a better but by no means safe neighborhood and Terry got himself a job now he works the streets of Beverly Hills on a Paving crew when he comes home he has like tar and stuff all over his clothes and he just looks worn out like weing a 9 to5 having to do that every day breaking your back kind of inspires me just like okay he's putting he's making all this money to do this so I'm going to put all my effort into this and be the best for the Carneys success is not just about football it's not just about beating the opponent it's about beating the odds you going to have to prove to people cuz when they see you they see a little black boy that they think is either going to be in a gang has been in a gang his parents parents are stupid uneducated they don't see beyond your skin color my parents know they need to get me to that certain point to push myself and to get where I need to be in life as a man do you know a lot of kids who don't have fathers in their lives a lot of my friends almost all of them are like that and I'm really blessed to have my dad in my life and a lot of them my parents have always just took in and they just like loved them just as if they're their own K in a community where many kids are growing up without fathers Terry has become a neighborhood patriarch so all of lean's friends call you Moms and Pops yeah pretty much what do you think that is we feed them we treat them like they our own got to keep that momentum all the way a strong and demanding father in a place where many fathers are entirely absent if it's not an extreme approach to Parenting it's certainly an exceptional one and it may be his son's best hope for lean football plus good grades may be the ticket to a better life to a college scholarship to the NFL even but the Freshman Sensation will soon be tested on the varsity field where the competition is bigger the hits are harder the lights are brighter when a parent imagines a child's future what does success look like for the Carneys it could be the NFL for the ponies it might be a corner office or the halls of Congress for the Shermans it might be the Museum of Modern Art for one family in the middle of America The Smiths of Davenport Iowa success is something they saw on TV I would love my kids to be childhood stars I would love it obviously it's not the normal childhood life but every parent wants the best for their child and I'm like I want my little Mary Kate and Ashley in a society that reveres reality stars and beautiful celebrities are Kelly Smith's hopes for her daughters that hard to understand the path to stardom for Natalie began a year ago on the beauty pageant circuit when Natalie started her first pageant she wore no hairpieces no makeup I said there's no way I'm going to become one of those crazy pageant moms I'm not putting makeup on a one-year-old I'm not putting fake hair but it's real hair so it's okay and so what what changed you have to do what you have to do to win Natalie has competed in seven pageants and won five division Supremes that's the top prize for her age she's 2 and a half that's gorgeous I can see why she won best eyes do you have to be pretty to be a pageant girl you have to be pretty to be a pageant girl I think that just is our society though because I truly believe that if you are prettier you will go further in life if a pretty girl and a not so pretty girl or a skinny girl and a fat girl show up to a job interview with the exact same qualifications and both interview well the pretty or skinnier girl will get it every time I truly believe that that's our society today and it starts you know at a very young age so you think it's okay to to start preparing for that kind of reaction that Society has and I don't think it's okay but I mean I think it's a reality me another reality did you kids don't always want to do what their parents want them to do so the last pageant she did she had a massive tantrum massive this was a terrible performance how come all she wants is her dad to hold her you see her dropped to her knee she didn't want to do it wow There She Goes Again kicking her feet oh that not a happy little girl pulling out her hair piece so what does it say though so when you see her not wanting to do it then it's time to get Analise [Laughter] going annaise is Natalie's younger sister she's one and a half Kelly's entered both of her daughters in a pageant taking place this weekend in Louisville Kentucky anaise will compete in the one-year-old Division and Natalie will compete with the two-year-olds if Kelly can get her on the stage so this weekend's really an important weekend like this is all about her future and pageants possibly huh absolutely if she does not do it this weekend she's absolutely done well so we'll see this weekend you going to do the pageant no are you going to go to the pageant with Mommy no good morning hey baby does a 2-year-old know what's best for them come on yeah they want candy they want to go play on the playground but as parents you think you know what's best for your kids if you want the best for your kids it's not always what your kids [Music] want this may be true of broccoli but beauty pageants what's the benefit of doing pageants I think the benefit of pageants is they get self-esteem as much as you know the whole you have to be pretty to win thing I think that the girls can gain a lot but 10 hours three states and two tanks of gas later I can't help but Wonder at what cost 1230 130 now on to Annie cumulatively how much do you think you've spent on pageants thus far I definitely think we spent over 10 grand on pageants in the last year have you ever thought about directing some of that money to maybe a college fund or something thought about it once or twice I you know I've I've seriously thought like how much smarter it would be but at the same time I'm not getting my thrill doing that like it's money away in the bank okay but it's not woo that's my girl go girl as the costs rise for Kelly and Jameson at the Circle City pageant so do the stakes I mean I would really recommend the baby grand the contestant pool for the toddler divisions the one and 2-year-olds is going to be merged and despite her belief that pageants could pave the way to stardom for Natalie and anal Poli the prospect of her girls competing head-to-head makes Kelly very uneasy when we signed up for this the girls were not to compete against each other it was two separate age groups and what Mom wants their kids to compete against each other and one saying I'm prettier than you I beat you look at how many crowns I have compared to how many crowns that you have like it's not fair to your girls fair or not Kelly's going through with it smile you want smile the day before the pageant is a whirlwind of makeup and head shots and I can hardly believe it spray tanning look at yeah girlfriend what's the matter honey as Kelly put it you have to do what you have to do to win big kiss as a parent she believes that pretty girls are successful girls and soon that idea will be put to the test for if success is based on winning what happens when a child loses shake [Music] it for now it's Natalie not anaise who is being groomed coaxed and cajoled to be a star but she's a tough assignment for the pageant coaches former beauty queens themselves so they've tried begging they've tried bribing with candy and money do there's a dollar you can't have it you got to practice I mean it's obvious that the adults are deriving far more pleasure from this than the kids um so the question is if Natalie doesn't perform tomorrow will it be her dream that's extinguished or her mother's dream I think the answer is probably pretty obvious mommy one time want some candy it's the morning of the pageant it's time for Kelly Smith's daughters Natalie and Analise to get doled up and Juiced open up we call pixie sticks pageant crack that's what we do and I got some other is candy usually the Sure Fire bed well I think candy gives them energy and I mean and makes them wild which is what I want for her on stage I want her to show lots of person you need to P in addition to beauty and talent toddlers are judged on personality charm spunk and Sparkle you see it all at pageants as far as the candy the sugar goes the little girls can be monsters and get what they want it's whatever to not mess their makeup up but yet keep them awake because there's no way to do it without that stuff do you think there's a point at which it all goes too far the clothes the money the makeup the tanning I just think it's the competitive aspect of it I mean people get addicted to things all the time that take money and it's just you know going for that next title or when your daughter wins um a title it's like yeah you know she did it like maybe she's one step closer to becoming that big star or I don't know okay let's go you got Annie's bow for Mama yeah welcome all of you to the Circle City presents the Kentucky State big Crown pageant today want to thank you guys all again as the competition begins I get a glimpse at the older girls and their pageant seasoned parents and maybe of the future that awaits Natalie and anaise and their mom but as the girls take the stage Kelly finds herself face to face with a vexing Choice with both of her daughters in the same division who should she pin her hopes on one girl's Victory will seal the other's defeat as a mom you know obviously you think both of your kids are pretty but for a long time and this is going to sound horrible I'm going to cry but for a long time like after um I'm GNA sound like a horrible mom but after um Analise was born you know and then two months later we started pageants with Natalie and everything turned to Natalie Natalie Natalie Natalie so like really like even like when Analisa was born I always said oh well Natalie's a lot prettier than Anna Le contestant number six look there this is Natalie Natalie is first up while averting the complete meltdown that marred her last pageant Natalie's performance can only be described charitably as uninspired meanwhile her shy little sister anaise all of 16 months old puts on a beguiling show full of smiles and personality and unlike Natalie she strikes out on her own boldly leaving mommy behind when annaise first went on stage I was so happy that she was up there and like she's growing as a person even though she's so little you know someday she's going to need to know how to get up in in front of a group of people and talk or do whatever she has to do and they have a shell that they have to break out of and you know I think this kind of helps them do that and will make them more successful someday all right ladies and Gentlemen please make your way on into the ballroom as we are going to crowning ceremonies now the time has come to Crown winner step forward and take the center X please our divisional Supreme winner from the 0 to two please step forward 500 a.m. in La Terry Carney wakes up his son lean with a protein shake but this morning is different from other mornings there will be be no weights no cardio Lord I ask you to protect these kids from the only workout Terry gives his son this Friday morning is spiritual give lean fav all that he do today with his football game it's game day lean may need Terry's prayer of protection sometimes I get nervous when I see guys bigger than my size but at the same time I just look at is it I don't think about what they're going to do to me I think about what I'm going to do to them then again with confidence like leans and guidance like Terry's it may be the other team that could use a prayer whatever he do I'm happy and I'm proud of him no matter what he knows that and whenever I'm there coaching him we never lose oh he's in he's in lean ran for 80 yards in the second half against Santa Monica that's him the little guy number 24 and late in the third quarter he scored a 12yd touchdown his team won 61 to zero please make your way on into the ballroom as we are going to begin drowning 5:00 p.m. in Louisville another competition is about to be decided Kelly and Jameson Smith await the results of the division Supreme at the Circle City pageant will the crown go to their reigning Diva Natalie or the promising upstart Analise or neither all right now step forward and take the center X please our divisional Supreme winner the 0 to two please step forward Natalie congratulations to you Natalie the result Kelly once hoped for suddenly seems like an empty Victory I mean I don't really know how she be an Le I want to go see the score sheets and see how the score sheets are and maybe talk to the judges the judges confirm it I asked the judges I'm like why did um Natalie be in when you could clearly tell that she was resistant to pageants and the judges agreed with me and they were like well it's kind of all about the face so I mean if personality doesn't matter and it's just about a pretty face what's the point of Pageants the point of pageants as Kelly herself put it is that you have to be pretty to win but when Natalie defeated Analise when Beauty defeated needed personality Kelly began to question her own Ambitions for her children and to reconsider what's best for them for the first time perhaps it Dawns on her success may be more than Skin [Music] Deep it's easy to forget what's important the role of the parent is to be present children they grow up so fast and then they're gone but someone told me a long time ago the more time you spend with them when they're younger the more time they'll want to spend with you when they're older very simple but very profound whether you're a stage mom or tiger dad unschooled or old school every parent has dreams for their child expectations which may shape their future or lead them to break the mold and when they grow up and have kids of Their Own what kind of parents will they be what will be their expectations only time will [Music] tell [Music] [Music]
Channel: OWN
Views: 201,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey Network YouTube, Oprah Where Are They Now, Where Are They Now Oprah, Iyanla Fix My Life, full episodes, Super Soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey Show, Have and Have Nots, If Loving You Is Wrong, Iyanla Vanzant, Livin Lozada, Oprah Life Class, season, episode, Our America with Lisa Ling, Extreme Parenting, Full Episode, Our America with Lisa Ling Full Episode, Our America with Lisa Ling Extreme Parenting, Parenting, Parenting styles, OWN network
Id: 09bfFyESYJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 50sec (2810 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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