A Poor Taxi Driver Earns $1 Million By Helping His Ghost Passengers

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this young man has decided to drop his studies in order to work as a taxi driver and support his family one morning young men starts cleaning the car he uses and finds a mysterious phone he assumes one of his clients has lost it but when he tries to turn it on the phone unleashes a wave of energy that truly shocks him young men drops the phone but picks it up again full of curiosity right then a man approaches him and discloses that he is a representative of the bank he informs young men that his parents owed 300 million into the bank the boy has to pay the first 30 million one this month or else the bank will seize his house the boy starts his shift at night with the intention of working every single day of this month to collect the money his first writers are some female actresses in white dresses and weird makeup the actresses want to go to the cemetery for a film shoot after he gives them a lift another girl in a white dress appears in the cab young men believe she is a friend of the actresses the girl leaves the taxi by moving right through it as she walks a bit farther the girl is drawn back into the cab and floats into it young man is so scared that he passes out the girl moves out of the car again and wonders if she is dead the girl Jian has no idea who she is or how she died young men wakes up the next morning but the girl is still in the cab the boy runs away while Jihan follows him but she is drawn back into the car young men is afraid to get back in the car when a traffic officer appears the boy politely asks him to check if there is anybody in the taxi since the officer does not see anybody young men gets back into it only to see the ghost again the two of them have a brief talk xihan asks the boy if he killed her with his taxi and that's why she is trapped here in fact she found some blood in the back seat however young men proves to her that the blood is fake and it was spilled by the actresses last night the boy wants to get rid of the girl but she can't go far apparently there is a limit and she always floats back in the car whatever the case young men still has to make money he gets back to work but there is one problem his clients get sick in the presence of The Ghost and they don't want to ride with him the cute ghost convinces young men to help her so he makes a sketch of her and goes to the nearest police station asking if they know of a girl like the one in the drawing who was involved in a car accident when young men tells the officer that the girl could be anywhere between 20 and 40 years old xihan tries to look herself in the mirror but she has no reflection since she is a ghost elsewhere some homicide detectives are working on a case that involves G later that night young men Parks the taxi away from his house to make sure that the ghost can't follow him his grandma bunja is waiting for him and the boy runs straight into her arms after the weird experience he has had today while sleeping young man has a strange dream seeing Jihan floating on top of him he screams in fear but his grandma wakes him up and he realizes it is morning already bunja wants him to give her a lift and young men convinces her to sit on the back suddenly bunja starts feeling sick xihan also speaks to young man which makes him lose concentration and drive the car right on some garbage after dropping his grandma off young men takes the car to a temple where two priestesses perform a ritual in order to cleanse the vehicle of any evil energy however the ghost is still there that night young men picks Dr du up in his taxi and drives him to the hospital the doctor has no negative effects in the presence of the ghost at the hospital young men recalls how the doctor tried to save his mother's life when she had an accident the boy even treats D with some juices to show him how grateful he is for his help back home the boy visits a forum to ask about ghosts a user called flower medium replies to him saying that the gates are open and the ghosts are flowing into their world the next day young men gets back to work at some point he sees a man signaling him to stop surprisingly this man can see both chian and young men the boy takes the ghost to a secluded location to have a talk with them xihan argues with the other ghost beond Cole telling him that she found young men first young men decides to take him along for now but when he tries to pick up a real human the man can't even enter the taxi because his body starts hurting that night young men stares at a picture of his dead mother wondering what he should do the next day he intends to sell his taxi and buy a new car but that's until a third ghost appears and tells chian that he has some golden jewelry in the back of his own former car the ghost needs help to deliver the jewelry to his daughter and wife young men helps him with that and the man achieves catharsis making the leap from this world to the next once he does his daughter gives young men a golden ring rewarding him for allowing her to see her father one last time back in the taxi beon Cole asks if they can help him as well in fact he can pay them for their help because he has some hidden pure gold in the house he used to live he can guide young men to find it and keep it Xian comes up with an idea saying that they can be a taxi for ghosts if the ghosts can pay them somehow they can grant their wishes and help them leap to the next World young men believes that they can give it a try beon Cole starts narrating that he died in a work accident one month after he got married to the love of his life Yan young men drives him back home where ban Cole tells him that he had promised his wife he would install a bathtub for her but he never had the chance to do it when young men sees Cole's wife walking by he has a change of heart he declares that this is a terrible idea and drives away with Jian that night the two of them start arguing about what they should do but they are interrupted by bunja the grandma tells young men that the sink is leaking again so the boy proceeds to fix it while he works on it he recalls past memories of his mother giving him a bath at the same time Xian wanders around the house and observes the pictures of young men with his family she feels terrible because everybody has a story while she has no memories of her past considering his happy memories young men changes his mind and decides to help the UN Cole when he drives back to to his house with giian the ghost starts telling them the story of his relationship with his wife they met when they started working at a coffee shop 8 years ago and they grew really close since that day their best chance to get into the house is for young men to pretend he is a cousin of beon Cole of course the ghost provides him with all the necessary information to make his performance convincing young men knocks on J's door and pretends that his cousin had told him about his plan to install a bathtub in their house out of respect for his cousin's mammory young men wants to do the work and install the tub once the group is inside the house young men asks Yan for some paperwork in order to distract her shean goes with her while beon Cole takes the boy to another bedroom in order to look for the gold after some unsuccessful attempts they finally find the gold hidden in the AC system Shihan starts screaming to inform them that Yan is returning back to the living room but young men is already there as they discuss Yan receives a phone call from beond Cole's work and young men offers to give her a ride at the same time his grandma is visited by two detectives gii Chang and tan who ask her who drove the taxi back home the night when the boy's mother died grandma is not aware of that information and calls young men to ask him about it surprisingly the boy tells her he was not the one to drive the taxi back home young man has to hang up as a lawyer from bian Cole's former company appears while the lawyer starts speaking with yawn two elderly people appear claiming to be Bean Cole's parents the ghost doesn't recognize them him because his mother had abandoned him when he was a kid however the woman shows some paperwork to the lawyer proving that they are indeed his parents when Yan has a private talk with her the woman gives her a banking book she claimed she had opened a bank account for her son when he was a kid to deposit money for him but later the woman says that bian Cole loved apricots while the ghost reveals that he used to be allergic to apricots the woman also finds out that Yan has not published her marriage permit a piece of information she uses to claim the company refund for Cole's death Yan is naturally angry at her but the woman says that she will share a big portion of the refund with her as they ride their car later on the elderly couple is revealed to be a pair of con artists the woman reveals that she had spent some time with Bean Cole's real mother in prison and that's how she became aware of him elsewhere young men takes Yan home and then he drives back to his own house the boy suspects that something is off with bian Cole's supposed parents and he cites the example with the apricots a real mother would never neglects something as important as a food allergy because the top priority of a mom is to keep her children safe the next morning young men and Gan find the house where Cole's mother used to live the boy guesses the doors pass which is Cole's birthday and he enters the house he realizes he was right as he finds a picture of Cole's real mother with the con artist when he shows this picture to Cole the ghost recalls when his mother dropped him off at the orphanage as a little kid he had looked at her hand and he remembers that his mother had a mark on her her right hand young men meets with Yan again to inform her about his suspicions what they need to do now is to meet with the lawyer again and prove that the con artist is not Cole's real mother indeed young men sets up the meeting and the lawyer asks the woman to give him her fingerprint the woman is reluctant to uncover her right hand but young men removes the glove she is wearing however that's not enough to prove anything to the lawyer who gets her fingerprint the lawyer comments that her fingerprint is faded but the woman tells him that she has worked on tough jobs throughout her life so that's why this is happening the woman pretends she is insulted by everyone's distrust so she removes a hair from her head and asks them to perform a DNA test on it however she also knows that they have nothing to compare her hair against since Cole is now dead Yan passes out and she is taken to the hospital where D tells her that she is 3 months pregnant when they meet down the hall with the woman again young men tells her that she made a mistake the group is actually able to perform the DNA test by comparing the woman hair to the baby's DNA when the lawyer calls the elderly couple again young men bursts in with the proof that states she is not Beyond Cole's mother the woman wonders how they were able to do this but young men reminds her that he returned to this office after everyone left to retrieve her hair the con artists can't do anything else to claim the money and they start running away young men runs after them but the con artists manage to escape by navigating the hallways of the hospital as they walk outside the hospital the issue with the money has settled and Yan is is the one who will claim it young men spends a moment alone with Jian who is very proud of him the two of them are attracted to one another and Jian suggests that they should at least give one another a high five but as they try to do so xihan floats right through him and stumbles on the ground young men tries to give her his hand to pull her up even though he knows he will be unable to touch her as they extend their hands young men realizes that Jian is wearing a bracelet that belonged to his mother in any case Jian has no idea how she acquired the bracelet the two of them are interrupted by Yan who thanks young men for everything he did to help her the taxi driver takes the woman back home but he does not drive away as he sees that Yan left Cole's old banking books in the car inside the house Yan is struggling against the con artists who have come to get their revenge on her Cole runs outside and informs young men about them the boy runs back to her apartment but the door is locked Yan pleads with the criminals not to hurt her because her baby will also be hurt nevertheless the criminals threaten her with a knife beon Cole becomes increasingly worried but the more desperate he becomes the more he tries to break the do lock so young men can walk in eventually he is able to break the lock even though his form is immaterial young men runs inside and stops the criminals from hurting Yan the police arrest the scammers and Yan is free to go back to her old life however there is one more thing that young man has to do to make sure that this story has a happy ending the young driver tells Yan that bean Cole is right there present with them in the form of a ghost beon Cole starts speaking and young men delivers his word to his wife Yan is touched by his words as she recognizes that this must really be her husband there is no way young men would know these details and talk about them after delivering his final words to his wife bean Cole is free to make the leap from this world to the next when young men returns to his house he starts looking for the bracelet that he had given to his mother his grandma sees him going through his mother's stuff and asks him about it Young is looking for the bracelet because it was very special to him and his mother he had added many little details to it in order to make it unique lja grabs her phone and shows young men a few pictures of his mother wearing a bracelet but one of those pictures is very unusual the driver sees his mother in a selfie with Jian which means that the two women used to know each other when young men is alone with Jian he asks her again about the bracelet sadly the ghost has no memory of it but she says that they need to investigate this clue maybe one clue will lead them to the next and she might be able to learn more information about herself the next day while driving his taxi young men receives a phone call from the two detectives investigating his mother's case now we learn that his mother was killed and abandoned by a motorbike on the road young men meets the detectives at a coffee shop but he tells them that the store is cold due to the air conditioning prompting them to go sit outside so that Jian can smell the awesome Aroma of the coffee XI chin wants to know what exactly happened at night and most most importantly why young men didn't take his mother's taxi a flashback is triggered to show us what happened at night from young men's perspective the boy was on the phone with his mother and they were making plans of eating together suddenly young men heard some weird noises and his mother hung up then young men started running until he found his mother Dr du was on top of her and he was trying to save her until the ambulance arrived young men couldn't Mount the ambulance because there was not enough space for everyone he thought of driving his mother's taxi to the hospital but then he remembered that he should leave the scene as is for the police to examine back in the present young men tells the detectives that he is annoyed by them instead of drinking coffee and asking stupid questions they should do their job and find the person who ran over his mother right next young men and Jian visit his mother's resting place trying to figure out if there is something that could possibly serve as a lead while they discuss a strange man takes pictures of them from a safe distance in the meantime bua is worried about her grandson's personal life so she decides to call a girl who likes him that girl is SOI a young nurse who works in the Dehan hospital with Dr du the grandma invites the girl over for a drink with her and her grandson but so is having a busy day an injured man is brought into the hospital Dr du initially stabilizes him but then the man is in danger of dying du returns to the emergency room pushes a male nurse aside and tries to revive the man unfortunately he has to announce to the man's relative that he is dead later young men picks up a passenger from the road this young man has some Supernatural Powers his eyes turn blue when he is able to see Jihan young men stops the car to have a talk with this man who is revealed to be flower medium the medium pulls a spell written on a yellow paper and tries to stick it on jian's head so he can get rid of her but young men stops him the medium tells him that he has no idea what he's doing he should stay away from ghosts but since young men is not convinced the me gives him a card before walking away then young men and Jihan find out that the ghost is not attached to the car but rather a phone the young driver carries the phone away and the ghost is drawn to it which launches her forward and brings her really close to young men while the two of them can't stop thinking about one another the phone's battery dies and the ghost disappears young men tries to buy a charger but he can't find one next he is distracted by multiple clients boarding his taxi and the night turns really profitable for him in the meantime xihan is trapped in a dark place that looks like some kind of a netherworld the next morning young men gives his grandma a ride and she notices this broken phone young men tells her that it is not working so the grandma takes it and disposes it into the recycle bin young men can't stop her in time but he also thinks that maybe he should go on with his life as a normal person as the day progresses everything reminds young men of Jian his ghost Crush meanwhile Jian is trapped in the Nether world all of a sudden she sees a woman with her baby appearing but she disappears again in the world of the living young men retrieves the phone from the recycle bin and he buys a charger for it then he returns home and plugs the charger into the phone the phone starts charging and Jihan makes it back Landing in young men's hands although the two of them know that a relationship between them would not work they can't help but feel attraction for one another but for now all they can do is continue working on their little ghost business granting the wishes of the ghost ghosts and helping them achieve catharsis one night young men picks up a ghost which has no money to pay for the ride the ghost tries to escape but Jihan gets a hold of her since she has no money this ghost introduces them to another ghost which is supposed to help them with their business this other ghost takes them to a bus station in Soul and tells that that ghosts gather there during the day which means that young men can pick many of them and charge them for his Services the next day Jihan is very enthusiastic and they find lots of ghosts forming a line at the bus station Shihan speaks with some of them to hear their wishes until the ghost of a young man wearing glasses approaches her this man is sinan one of jian's old College mates the boy informs Jian about her real name and tells her that she was very cheerful back in college Sinn takes her and young men to a store that used to belong to him and shows her an old picture of theirs in the picture Jian recognizes the woman who she saw in the Nether world holding a baby sinan informs her that this girl was gian's best friend then sinon helps young men open a safe where he finds a stash of money Sinn wants him to keep the money and help him achieve his wish list in order to make the leap following young men takes giian to her old school where they find out that she used to be a martial arts Champion later the driver also visits the medium buying a mirror which can reflect ghosts and asking him if ghosts can change clothes back home they give it a try and Jihan is able to change her outfit as it appears sinan is in love with ji and he has a long wish list first he wants to go shopping with her and then he wants to watch a movie with her then he wants to eat out with chian but since it would be weird for young men to date an empty chair he calls his grandma to help him eat the stuff he orders while all of this plays out young men gets jealous he also learns from sinon that if two ghosts fall in love they will be able to move to the next plane of existence together the last part of senan's plan is to offer Jihan a ring so young men proceeds to buy the ring for him confused with all of this young men decides to take some time off at a wellness center but he stumbles on flower medium who informs him that a ghost can make the leap if love grows into its heart in the meantime the police detectives meet with another police officer her Sue who is also gan's dad the father informs the detectives that before she went missing Jian was working on her best friend's case her best friend supposedly died in the emergency room but his daughter believed that the woman and her baby were killed elsewhere Young young men spend some time with SOI but he can't force himself to feel anything about her eventually young men returns home and decides to take chian to her old classmate he allows the ghosts to have their moment and Sinn tells chian that they can move together out of this world however xihan does not love him and this leap is not possible for her at the same time young men regrets leaving them alone and he rushes back to them as he arrives in the room he sees sinan making the leap and he is afraid that Jian will leave forever however his ghost crush is still there because she does not love sonan when they go outside shean messes up with him because he is apparently afraid to lose her young men plays it cool and pretends that he didn't want her to go because they have still lots of work to do to find out what happened to her soon the two of them meet with the medium hoping to get more information the medium is about to stick a spell on the phone to which giian is connected but she is afraid of transitioning so she screams and is able to blow the spell away from the medium's hand then the medium tries hypnosis and brings some of Chan's old memories to the surface chian can see that she was investigating the case of her best friend's death she sees that she cornered a private investigator about some pictures that he possessed when she wakes up she tags along with young men and they visit the office of the private investigator however the office has been cleared and there is nobody in it anymore the two of them have to deviate from their efforts for a little while when a kid enters their taxi asking for their help little H Jun has heard that this taxi grants wishes so he wants young men to help him find his sister the boy is also able to see Jian even though he is alive the team splits up and Jian guides the boy into visiting several stores and asking questions about his missing sister in the meantime Sor witnesses an illegal act when she sees a male nurse Kim Jong stealing some drugs from the hospital she tells du about it and the doctor calls another nurse Kim hyan to bring him some statistics after reviewing the staff do realizes that the number of deaths has increased after Kim JN joined the hospital the doctor sets up a trap and he records the male nurse stealing the drugs back to young men he meets with a group of girls who knew the boy's missing sister hael he is mostly interested in speaking with Gan a girl who used to work in the same grocery store as hayel the girl recalls an incident when hayel helped her get out of trouble but the rest of the girl group doesn't let her speak a flashback reveals that this group of girls used to bully ha into stealing cigarettes for them in the present young men approaches Gan and prompts her to enter his taxi which serves as a protected space for her the leader of the bully girl group calls GA un and threatens her not to talk that night young men is ambushed by a group of thugs the girl bully has paid them to beat him up although they serve young men a beating the police detectives are notified and they join the scene right on time to assist young men after having his hand treated young men continues searching for the missing girl the police find her phone and say that the girl had left a goodbye message on it Xian believes that this is a setup made by the people who probably murdered the girl shean decides to speak up and a flashback reveals that she and hayel decided to stand up to the bullies however the bullies attacked hayel and accidentally killed her they covered her up and the leader of the bullies threatened everyone to stay silent or else she will kill them as well in the present Gian points young men in the right direction and he goes looking for the girl at some some point he slips and Jian is able to grab his hand and hold him eventually they find the girl who is still alive and they take her to the hospital at the hospital the ghost of the girl appears to the group and thanks them for finding her everybody believes that the girl is dead but when her ghost disappears her soul actually returns to her body and she wakes her whole family thanks young men and the girl reconciles with gon another incident takes place in the hospital where Kim Jang is fired and he tries to attack however s interrupts them and Kim JN has no other choice but to leave young men and Jian have an opportunity to relax and spend some time together the two of them come closer and they get their hopes up because giian was able to materialize for a few seconds and grab his hand the previous night when they get in the taxi their faces come really close but Jihan recalls the words of her old classmate who told her that she would be able to move on if she fell in love with young men Xian realizes that if she falls in love with him him she will disappear so she decides to pull back and keep a distance from him despite this they decide to follow a local Korean tradition and lock a heart with their names at a special place while they do so they stumble on do and SOI Shian recalls that she has been treated by this doctor in the past so young men shows him the picture of his mother with Jian asking him if he knows her the doctor remembers that he has seen this girl in the past but unfortunately she is dead now that night young men does some online research for giian but he realizes that there are no social media accounts popping up with her name the next morning young men visits the police station and shows the same picture to the police detectives the detectives are reluctant initially but they eventually reveal to him that his mother knew giian thre a program called cop taxi which used some taxis to transfer police officers this means that Jian was a police officer in the meantime the male nurse returns to the hospital and he attacks Dr du although he manages to cut his arm Kim ja has to run away when security is called young men pays another visit to the medium because he wants to ask him if it is possible for the ghosts to materialize the flower medium tells him that it is impossible and prompts him to stop dreaming about spending his life with this ghost He also notifies him that if a ghost loses its path it turns into an evil spirit that's why young men has to stay away from the ghost meanwhile the police detectives have a talk with Dr du asking him why he believes Kim Jang attacked him well that's easy to answer for the doc who tells them that the male nurse is displeased because Duke caught him stealing some drugs from the hospital before the detectives leave Kim Hanan also informs them about the higher rates of death that the hospital is seeing lately later young men sees his grandma working on the road he takes her back home and asks her to quit this program but his grandma is not going to do so because they need the money to pay off their loan the next morning young men takes action and he visits the private investigator whom Jian had cornered in the past the driver shows him the picture but the investigator goong is not in the mood to elaborate since young men is not going to pay him or hire him he kicks the boy out of his office once he is alone goang recalls a visit he had from ramu in the past the officer had asked him about one of his clients who asked him to take some weird pictures of people mourning their loved ones goang told him back then that he could not reveal the details of his clients but the reality is that he had no idea who was the person who was paying him for those pictures back in the present young men visits S at the hospital to ask her how Jihan died the nurse reveals that the girl was brought to the hospital unconscious and she was initially stabilized however her condition worsened suddenly and she died when young men returns home Jian tells him that this case is becoming increasingly complicated and she probably died while she was researching what happened to her best friend young men takes her and they go back to the hospital where Dr du sees the driver speaking on his own after a brief encounter young men continues investigating the hospital until the ghost of codu appears codu was a police officer who died in this hospital and he has been trapped in this world for 5 years he asks young men to help him out in exchange for more information on the hospital in Kim Jong the nurse who got fired kodo's wish is to see his daughter one last time when his daughter was young codu was working too much in fact he was so distant from her that his daughter grew to hate him and they lost all kinds of Comm Comm unication young men agrees to help him out but he is unable to find his daughter the next morning he spends some time with chian trying to help her materialize again but that proves to be harder than they think in the meantime Cod do believes that his old partner will have some information on his daughter coincidentally his old partner is herong Su young men sets up a meeting with him as soon as chian sees him her heart starts aching the driver asks her about it but the ghost can't explain this feeling in any case young men tell her Su that codu had helped him in the past and he just wants to let his daughter know how good of a person her father was her Su reveals that his daughter lives in the USA but she is in Soul for the weekend to give a presentation about future technology young men finds her and is able to have a talk with her he actually tells her about codu being present but since she is a scientist she doesn't believe in any of that however a spotlight collapses while she is getting prepared for her next presentation and codu manages to save her before the lights crash her head now she is convinced and she believes that her father is present the group meets with her again at her father's resting place young men delivers her father's last words and the woman forgives her father for being absent from her life allowing him to transition to the next plane of existence with that out of the way and now that Kim John has become a main suspect young men finds his apartment and his sister's ghost right outside of it when they walk into the apartment they see that his sister mij Jang is dead even though she can't remember how she died she proclaims that there is no chance her brother killed her young men finds the pictures that the private investigator had taken for his unknown client which would normally indicate that Kim J is to blame for so many deaths on the other hand young men believes this is way too obvious if he was the killer he would not just lay these pictures out in his room suddenly jian's form starts flickering and we see that she is not entirely dead but rather in a comma inside her own house being guarded by her father when she is stabilized Kim hyan appears and she calls the police on young men but she also calls Dr du to notify him about young men's presence a quick flashback shows us that Kim hyan has known du since he was a little kid his grandfather used to abuse him but the nurse who was the boy's babysitter back then stopped him from doing so by threatening him that she would call the police on him young men is taken to jail for a few hours but he is let go soon as there is no evidence of him killing M Jang in fact she has been dead for over a week the police officers also inform him that the motorbike which ran over his mother was found but Kim J is still free as they are about to leave the police station Jihan sees a picture of hers with her father helping her remember some more parts of her past she used to be a policewoman working in the same Department as her father young men decides to meet with her on Sue again but he doesn't tell him that he is able to see his daughter he shows him the picture of his mother with giian and also tells him that his daughter was a friend of his so he is very interested and uncovering the truth about her death the driver also meets with mang again who insists that her brother is a good person she tells them that she used to do drugs so that's why her brother stole those drugs from the hospital although it was wrong he did it for her then n Jang takes them to a big beautiful house where her brother might be hiding she reveals that this house belongs to Kim Hanan even though she is not getting paid enough money to afford it she knows this information because her brother used to go fishing with her sometimes while while young men checks to see if there is somebody inside do watches him through the cameras of the house young men shares this new information with her on Sue and they also find out that Kim Hanan grew up in an orphanage Additionally the previous owner of that large house was du's grandfather herun suit takes young men along to participate in the investigation but he has to leave them for a little while because one of his friends at the taxi company lost her mother who is now revealed to be killed under du's treatment du attends the funeral and pretends he feels bad about the woman's death but Jian catches him smiling as a reflex when Youngman walks outside he is able to see the woman's ghost he calls for his friend to come out and then tells her everything her mother wants to say although his friend faces him with some skepticism she is convinced that her mother's ghost is present since young men is talking about details that he couldn't possibly be aware of at the same time the police detectives find gobang dead in his office however they also find a picture gobang had kept as collateral it is a picture of a motorcycle with de's emblem on it this emblem is given to the nurses who graduate from de's nursing school and Kim John was not one of them Kim hyan meets with du and now the truth is revealed as she warns him that they need to stop because they might get caught a flashback reveals that Kim hyan eventually killed D's grandfather because he was abusing the boy then the two of them lived together and do acquired everything that used to belong to his grandfather D decides to take action and he visits young men's house under the pretext that he is bringing bun J her medicine since she did not go to the hospital to get it when young men goes to grab a drink for him du starts looking around the house but Jian follows him and she notifies young men the driver catches du and he decides to play his next card in Kim jong's apartment young men had found a letter prompting Kim JN to notify the writer of the letter if he needs any help after meeting with Kim hyan for some mind games and after gii hen gets some flashes of the past young men goes to the hospital and uses the note to compare it to several writing characters he realizes that the letters on the Note are identical to Kim hanan's writing style du see so reinter acting with young men and asks her about it but the girl refrains from telling him the truth because she let the young driver take a look at her files a few moments later the police come to the hospital with a warrant and prompt everybody to cooperate with their investigation when D leaves the hospital he goes to a secluded location and plans to kill Kim Jong who is tied up on the ground elsewhere Jian is about to disappear here again but she stabilizes once more as the doctors take care of her real body which means she is still alive young men suggests that they have to act fast and maybe they should throw a bait to Kim hyan young men visits her apartment and not only he tells her that he knows about the note she wrote to Kim JN but he also shows her the picture of the motorcycle telling her that he knows the motorcycle that hit his mother belongs to her after telling her that he will bring her down young men leaves the apartment but as soon as he steps outside the building he is hit with a bat and Falls unconscious when he wakes up he is tied up on a chair near the dead body of Kim Jong do reveals that he is a twisted man admitting that he has killed everyone he tells young men that he enjoyed so much being adored by him for supposedly helping his mother while in fact he was the one who killed her D had paid the private investigator to take pictures of the people mourning their loved ones because he simply enjoys seeing others in pain while du pours gasoline around young men a flashback shows us everything that had happened on the day when Jian and the driver's mother died that morning young men had a fight with his mother because she was working long hours to pay off their loan then he attended College because he was about to become a police officer as well even though he quit after his mom's death his mother Kim Jean drove Jian to an event and gave her her bracelet so she could appear more friendly that day Jihan was investigating Kim H because she suspected her and due for her friend's death she pretended to be her friend and had some drinks with her at her apartment but D knew her plan and tried to kill her xihan fought back while du was filming her Agony On the phone Xian became connected too with the phone in her hands xihan made it to Kim jyn's taxi but D was following after her xihan dropped the phone in the car when she fell unconscious in it Kim Jing tried to take her away but she was hit by Kim H with the motorcycle D tried to finish Kim Jing but since there were people around and young men came as well he pretended to help her and killed her later in the hospital as everyone left the scene including young men Kim hyan returned to steal the black box from the car she disposed of Gan and also abandoned the taxi back in the present du tries to burn young men alive but he is saved by the police a short flashback shows us that young men had set up an app on his phone making her on Sue able to track his location back home Jian bursts into cries because she is devastated by the latest events but she knows that they have to keep going her soul will not rest until du pays for for his crimes another flashback shows us that du is responsible for Cole's death he changed his prescription to a harmful one that made him dizzy and caused him to have an accident at work D is arrested by the police but they don't have any credible proof that he is guilty young men tries to trap him but he ends up attacking him as du pretends to be the victim in this situation young men and Xian agree to take the phone to a tech guy so they can retrieve the videos in it and use it as proof but when they do chian starts disappearing so they decide to stop the process that night du installs a secret camera in young men's car later the driver finds the ghost of Kim Jong he recalls that Kim hyan suggested to him to live in her big house and lay low for a little while she also promised that she would take care of his sister but she killed her instead Kim Jang becomes mad and he is on the brink of becoming an evil spirit but his sister grounds him and pleads with him to stay with her Kim Jang tells young man that he has a secret recording of his conversation with Kim hyan in the old House of his parents then he and his sister transition young men finds this recording in Du secret camera but since he is not aware of du's location he decides to visit Kim hian with the phone to scare her then he waits for her to leave the house and follows her the former nurse takes him right to Do's location the two of them start fighting until do gets hold of the phone now that he touches it he is able to see Gan D burns the phone killing Jian and getting rid of the evidence against him however jian's Soul returns to her body while the police arrest do young men is disappointed but Heron Su visits him and tells him that his daughter is alive somebody had tried to kill her in the hospital so he transferred her home and hired his own doctors herang Sue takes young men to the love of his life and she wakes up as they touch hands in the meantime du is being interrogated by the detectives but he is left to go when Kim H walks inside the police station falsely confessing that she was the one who committed all the murders they are blaming undo with that action do is set free while Kim hyan is imprisoned that night in prison Kim hyan decides to commit the unthinkable everyone is annoyed about the fact that du is free so they come up with a plan when du returns to the hospital so reins him that Jian is a patient again because she has survived somehow even though everyone thought she was dead do thinks he has the chance to finish her off once and for all but young men intervenes and stops him along with the police D takes so as a hostage and he makes it to his car do is able to drive away but young men is the one who finally stops him even though the doctor was able to evade the police do threatens to end himself but young men disarms him and tells him that he will not allow him to die this easily he has to pay for his crimes now that everything has fallen into place young men and Jian are finally able to date each other for real and share their first kiss Dr du ends up in prison and on his first night he is visited by three evil spirits that have been waiting to get their Vengeance on him the next day xihan reports for duty but the chief gives her a day off to get some rest young men uses that opportunity to date her again and introduce her to his friends finally young men finds the ghost of his mother and the two of them reconcile young men apologizes to her for blaming her that morning and Jian apologizes for being the reason she is dead Kim Jean forgives both of them and wishes them a happy life before she transitions finally the young couple decides to continue working with ghosts one night they find a female ghost but Jian is not able to see her since she is just a normal human now in any case the woman says she can pay them by taking them to a bag of money that some gangsters have hidden in a secret spot with that young men starts driving [Music]
Channel: Queen Recaps
Views: 299,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recap, movie recap, recaps, movie recaps, mr recap, movie summary, mystery recapped, daniel cc, prime recap, how to beat, beat movies, sumarring movies, defeating movies, horror movies, scary tales, film summary, film summarizing, movies recap, mr recap movies, mr recap animes, queen recaps
Id: 3I5r0H44NFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 45sec (2385 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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