They Bully Her Daughter So She Pretends to be a High School Student in Order to take Revenge

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The Bullying incidents have gotten totally out of control in this school a girl named Aran and her friend Ean have been mercilessly bullied but nobody has dared to help them one night her mother kja finally notices and believes it is time for her to act she talks to her husband about it and tells him that they have to go to our rant school in order to look for the students who are bullying them her husband Jean sang remains calm and tells her that they need to think this through the students at our rant school have powerful parents and they might get in trouble for messing up with their children konga is mad at him for saying that and asks him if he would say the same thing if Aran was his biological daughter however there is a bit of backstory here everybody thinks aan is the daughter of K jaja's sister meaning that kja is her aunt but that's far from the truth kja gave birth to Oran when she was still a teen plus he gave birth to her outside marriage that's why her family came up with this lie to protect her dignity when kjaa walks outside the room she realizes that Aran has heard them the girl tells her mother to listen to Jean saying kjaa is trying to help her but nothing good is coming out of it the next morning kja asks to meet with a teacher from the school Mr Kong kja tells him about the bullying incidents and Kong shares the information he got with some of the other teachers Kong claims he asked around and he was able to discover that Aran and E young are dating that is the reason why the other students are picking on them the solution He suggests is for kja to transfer her daughter to another school kjaa is rightfully mad and she snaps at him right next she visits a department in Soul which specializes in such school bullying incidents but the clerks tell her that she needs to present them with some kind of proof which could be a picture of an incident or of an injury if she has none of them then the victim should come to this office and file a statement kja makes a scene because nobody is assisting her as she would expect but eventually she is thrown out by the guards kja attends a trial where a student named Cole apologizes to another student named Jun ho whom he has been bullying for a long time after Cole is sentenced to 200 hours of Social Work the trial ends and kja meets with the judge outside the judge asks her to meet a few minutes later at a cafeteria but hours pass by and he does not appear kja tries to call him but as she does she Witnesses cold bullying Jun ho again meaning that he has not changed a bit then KJ sees a woman crying and complaining to the judge about the justice system she trusted him and thought they would change the situation but her child committed the unthinkable due to the devastating effects of bullying elsewhere a boy named bakong is chasing Aran through an alley in her attempt to escape Aran hurts herself and bakong is able to catch up to her the boy warns her to stay away from Ean or else she will get hurt he says that the more they try to make things better the more things will go south for her and her mother as well the boy speaks as if somebody has sent him to deliver this message a few moments later kja finds her daughter in the alley and brings her home after everything that she's seen tonight she knows she has to do something so she gets into the car and drives away kja visits the school looking for eang one of the teachers named Noah probably the only good teacher in this school tries to stop her but kja shows him how strong she is then she runs after eang when she spots her but the girl is taken away by a mysterious man who tries to scare her kja loses her cool while she is unable to find the girl and she recalls some of the incidents that happened late including the woman who was crying in front of the judge back at home Aran is in a bad condition and begs her mother to save her right next kja visits a nightclub and picks a fight with everybody surprisingly she is a skilled fighter and beats everyone up then she tells one of the employees to deliver a message to his boss his boss a woman named hyen decodes the message immediately and understands the woman causing a mess is kunga the two of them are not strangers in fact they have been best friend since school kja tells her that she needs to go back to school pretending she is a student and she is going to need hen's help to pretend she is her mother hayen wonders if her friend is crazy but kanja believes this is the only way to keep her daughter safe if the person harming or ran is not arrested her daughter will be abused again hyen asks if there is somebody from school who knows her and then the two of them part ways elsewhere a man who works for the school's honor Corners e and pulls a knife on her he tells her to transfer her to another school fast or else he will hurt her and her bestie later kjaa returns home only to find her daughter on the floor holding a knife and having cut some of her hair with it as a mother Kong Xiao is able to understand that her daughter is in a bad place mentally elsewhere hyen and her man have put teacher K in a fridge for ice creams hyen repeatedly asks him why he believes he is here and what he did wrong the man fails to give her a satisfying answer so hyen leaves him inside the fridge eventually we find out that hyen wanted him to write a resignation letter because he is the only person who knows kjaa in a Rance school the principal reads the letter with teacher do on his side and wers why Kong didn't even come to the school to give him the letter in person back in K ja's home she gives her daughter a haircut and tries to get her to release some of her tension she says that if Aran needs to break something or just scream at the top of her lungs she should do so however Aran recalls the threat she has received and prefers to stay silent in order to protect her mother when she walks out side kja receives a message from the judge but she just deletes it because she has already a plan in place she changes her appearance to look like a school student a fact that surprises her mother-in-law when she returns home while she wanders around a rant room kja finds her diary and reads some bitter words in it her daughter considers her a liar because she knows her mother doesn't even have a sister her supposed dead sister was never a real thing the next morning konga goes to school in order to get her Mission started in the teachers office principal o announces that Noah will become one of their main teachers because he is taking Kang's Place kja presents herself to the teachers as the new student and Noah takes her to her class while they walk down the hallway Noah wonders if they have met again but kja remains silent in class Kong Joo is prompted to introduce herself and she does so by giving a false name bang wool the class bursts into laughs because this name refers to a bell that people hang around a dog's neck kja sits on the empty desk that used to belong to her daughter and starts reading all the humiliating messages that the bullies have written for her she starts crying as the girl bullies approach her under John High's leadership kja asks them if they are the ones who did this but the girls try to scare her kja jumps straight into action and bumps Jan high on the desk then she orders her friends to lock the class doors while kja teaches them a lesson Bach dong intervenes and stops her kja recognizes him also as a bully and tries to attack him but Noah grabs her hand in order to stop the fight kja plays with him like he is a toy and tries to attack the bully Noah tries to stop her but he receives a couple of punches in the process finally the other teachers are notified and they proceed to help Noah put an end to this fight D takes them to his office and scolds them saying that a newly transferred student should not hit the other students especially in front of the teacher's eyes kja snaps at him and asks if it is okay to hit other students when nobody is watching when the situation deescalate with the principal's interference Noah has a talk with the principal's assistant and asks her why things are tense between him and teacher do the woman says the two of them are involved in power games because teacher do is supported by the president so principal o feels threatened by him in the meantime kja takes Jang High to the school's roof and asks her more about the school the girl starts telling her that the leader of this school is sang the student with the glasses because he is the son of the president sang Bach sang has the power to fire teachers or remove students from the school if he does not like them the rumor has it that sang likes aan but then the girl hooked up with e young sang got mad and he had everyone pick on aan as a form of Revenge when school is off Noah follows kjaa intending to have a talk with her because he doesn't want the new student to get expelled however kjaa believes the teacher can't help her with her Mission and walks away later eang visits our ran in the hospital and tries to get her to talk before she leaves she says that she will tell everything to the authorities but then our ran decides to talk and tells her friend not to say anything to anyone Bach dong has threatened her that he will kill both eang and her mother if they talk the next day kjaa is informed that teacher du got promoted and he has more power in the school now which means that he might expel her however du has a talk with the principal and agrees with him not to expel the girl because that would bring unnecessary attention meanwhile kja follows Bach Don in the bathroom and wants to pick another fight with him s interrupts them trying to Showcase his power but kind Jo just tells him that she will take care of him later but there are even nastier things going on in this school teacher do has a Secret Safe in the school's library and he opens it while e k watches him then the girl blackmails him that she will talk publicly about it but the reason she blackmails him is because they have slept together in the past and she likes him D is scared so he meets with a man named Nim to ask him to kill e young Nim calls bachd Don while kja follows him to that exact location Nim tells bachd Don that underage people do not get sentenced to jail even for murders in other words the man wants Bach daong to kill e young for him then kja sees Nim and she recalls that she was taken to trial because she accidentally killed Nim's brother in the past kjaa was dating the brother but Nim thought she was a punk and shouldn't date him Nim beat her up as a form of punishment and even pulled a knife on her Nim's brother intervened and was accidentally killed by the knife which was held by kja at the moment while she was trying to protect herself back in the present kja almost passes out when Nim looks back at her but he is too drunk to recognize her Noah happens to be there and he helps his student while Bach dong and Nim walk outside kja stays silent and the teacher refers to her with the name bang wool so Nim does not understand who she is elsewhere eang tries to talk to her mother but she is very busy with work the girl proceeds to file an online complaint but we are not shown if she submits the complaint in the meantime kja visits her daughter in the hospital and Promises her that she will find out who's responsible for her condition elsewhere the president of the school who is also the president of a big Corporation with many branches shows how ruthless and non-caring he is by throwing an object at his secretary the object hits her head and makes her bleed at school kja tries to convince e Kang to open up but they are interrupted by teacher do du sends eang back to class and asks kjaa what the two of them were talking about kja just says that eang misses her friend and would like Aran to come back to school later eang visits her bestie in the hospital and she tells her about her experience with du saying that she fell in love with him and they spent a few nights together but now it is time for her to talk at the same time du speaks with Nim and tells him that eang may try to get evidence he doesn't want the public to know about indeed eang goes to the library but she is ambushed by do the next morning kjaa goes to school and sees that people have gathered around sadly she is informed that e young committed the unthinkable as she walks inside the school she sees the policeman arresting Bach dong and taking him away the police detectives have a talk with du in order to inform him about some new information the girl was 3 months pregnant du is surprised to hear that and asks the detectives not to inform e Young's mother about this yet because she is in a state of panic soon Aran visits the school and she verbally attacks du blaming her friend's death on him Aran has a mental breakdown and her mother tries to calm her down so she can take her back to the hospital in the meantime Bach Dawn is taken to trial and he is sentenced to 2 years under supervision and 80 hours of Social Work in the hospital Aran pretends that she is crazy and starts blaming her friend's death on everybody including a sick Grandma but as it appears she only does this to trick teacher do Aran wants to return to school even though her mother advises her against that but since her daughter is going to do it anyway she will tag along and continue to pretend she is a student back to school Aran still pretends that she has a memory deficiency as she walks around the school different students have various reactions toward her when she gets back in her classroom Aran sees her locker full of messages that blame her for her friend's death when kanja sees this she takes s outside and beats him up the boy tries to fight back but he is powerless against her thankfully for him he is saved by Noah who stops the fight our ran tells her mother later on that her presence in this school is not going to change anything on the other hand her mother says that she can't leave her alone in this nightmare she has been living in at that moment Jean sang comes to the school and his wife hides from him then the father has a meeting with du who tells him he is worried about aan he prompts Jean sang to inform him if his daughter develops any weird symptoms that might betray a mental illness the next day at school kja finds out that there are a few chat rooms where the students exchange messages some of those messages comment that Ean was really close with du which makes kja recall her daughter blaming teacher du for her bestie's death later D takes Aran to the library trying to understand if she is getting her Memories Back Aran wants to get rid of him so she says that she is still having trouble remembering the past but when the teacher leaves Aran scans the library to find a toy that used to belong to her friend AR ran stays in the library till late that night and sees do with the president's secretary JW walking in but they are not the only ones together since kja and Noah also join the scene J and Noah see the girls but they decide not to revealed them to do Noah asks Jew what she is doing in the library and she lies to him saying that she came to take inventory of the books when they part ways Noah asks Aran and her mother what they were doing hidden in the library but the girl tells him an excuse inside the secret compartment do reveals to Jew that he is keeping some dirty evidence on his Rivals including the president a few days later Bach dong returns to school and everybody gathers around him in kja believing that they are going to fight sang appears and starts Crossing bokong around but the boy is sick of it and attacks the president's son a massive fight breaks out in the school as everybody starts fighting against everybody Noah stops the fight again and Bach dong ends up in du's office D tells him to keep an eye on Ouran and prevent her from retrieving her memories that night kja meets with chu and as it appears they have known each other from the past that is the reason why Chu did not tell D about her hiding in the library aan keeps digging but Bach dong stops her and tells her that she has to quit her efforts the woman asks if he knows about the secret room in the library but Bach dong replies that it doesn't matter they should keep their mouth shut and go about their lives or else they will end up dead while all of this is happening the plot reveals that the school is used by the president to launder money but he is not working alone in fact Congressman suchan supports him and they launder their money together since the violence incidents are increasing a few parents are called into the school but since Bach dong has no parents Nim appears as his Giver after meeting with the principal in NWA Nim talks to Bach dong and asks him to be careful because du is a man who would easily kill somebody however he is not aware that kjaa is hiding under a desk and listens to him then hyen comes to the school for a meeting with the principal and pleads with him to take care of his daughter the principal says that he can take great care of her and never expel her if high and pays him some money but that only makes the woman angry hyen starts beating him up and convinces him to not expel her supposed daughter kjaa is convinced that something is going on with du so she recruits her best friend to help her investigate his house that night she knocks on du's door and pretends that she wants to ask him for some advice she is very playful with him and tries to figure out if du likes his students kja spills some coffee on her shirt and asks du to get her another shirt to which the teacher obliges Noah calls kjaa to scold her because she always disappears from school but she is busy with other matters right now when she changes her clothes she spends some time with d trying to understand if she can seduce him however D tells her that her behavior is inappropriate and the only kind of relationship they can have is that of a teacher and a student even though she looks more mature than the other girls at that moment hyen and her men crash a pickup truck into de's car so they can distract him when the teacher leaves the house in order to see what happened kja starts searching it after a while she finds a note and a pregnancy test the note has been written by eek KY young and it prompts du to stop bothering the girls do is a about to enter the house but he is accidentally stalled by no a kja seizes this opportunity and she leaves the house next kanja asks her daughter why she never told her the truth but the girl is afraid she narrates that e Kung was the kind of person who bonded with others before the two of them became friends eek young slept with du who just used her and then abandoned her to keep her mouth shut D had baked dong bully her in order to convince her to get a transfer to another school Johan meets with e Young's mother and reveals to her that do was the one who left her daughter pregnant the woman is hurt and states that her daughter suffered enough when she was alive now she doesn't want people to disrespect her memory kja can't justify the woman's reaction but it appears she has already made her decision the next morning the president visits the school and asks who beat his son up the principal shows him Kong job but the president kicks him in the balls because it makes no sense to him for a girl to beat up a boy then he smashes his balls again because he does not like the way principal o has trained the teachers to talk later when the president sees kjaa again he tells the principal to give her the lowest grades he can possibly give her when the kids gather at the cafeteria s skips the line just because he can Aran tells him that he acts like he is in kindergarten but s can't understand the meaning of her words when he starts being aggressive kjaa jumps in and states that people like him only get their lesson with a beating as she is about to serve him one all of the students pull their phones out and start recording our ran reminds her mother that she should not beat him up right now so she stops when the mother and the daughter have a moment alone Aran tells her that she should not react this angrily because the school has always been like this that night hyen and her guys helped Kong Xiao break into D's apartment this time jaia wants to steal the note and the pregnancy test she could not do it the previous time because the teacher would know she was the one who did it as she searches inside the house do returns home with Jew one of hen's guys tries to stall him while Jew walks into the apartment and sees kja when du walks inside the apartment as well kja manages to escape and J does not reveal to him that she was here unfortunately kjaa was unable to find the clue she was looking for but hyen has some good news for her she actually found the evidence in the trash the next morning kja gets herself ready to finish this but she bumps into her mother-in-law and drops her purse the old lady sees the pregnancy test and is curious about it but that will have to wait kjaa Alan hyen and her company visit a branch of the justice department that is related to educational matters and Sue's teacher do also presenting the evidence she has on him two officers go to the school and take teacher due with them this matter quickly travels to the congressman's ears who calls due for a meeting the congressman is very angry at him and tells du to leave the country before he finds another way to get rid of him the next morning kja goes to school again but her mother-in-law has followed her and demands some explanations kja takes her aside and tries to explain to her that she is doing this because she wants to protect her daughter the old lady wants her to stop this and says that she is giving her only today to keep playing the role of a student when kja turns around to go back to class she sees du returning to the school not only that but the other teachers congratulate him on his promotion a short flashback shows us that do is some dirt on the congressman who was forced to clean D's name and obliged to his demands these developments really disappoint Oran who asks her mother to stop coming to school later kja meets with with hyen and tells her that the school's president is definitely involved in something and he must be a friend of do to gather more evidence on them hyen has her guys enter the president's house and secretly install some cameras that same night Joe also has a talk with her mother-in-law and manages to convince her not to inform her son about what she's been doing lately one day later Jean sang is called by due to school the teacher's real motive is to be friend and keep an eye on a rance's father to do so he offers the man a job to be the general manager of the new building that the school is going to have built soon Jean sang accepts and he also uses this opportunity to see his daughter in class once more kja has to hide dragging herself across the floor a few days later the principal carries the president's orders and he prepares all of the students for their upcoming tests s has created a secret study group and gives them the answers to the tests Jaa uncovers this group and tries to stop them from cheating but s pushes her and injures her J tells Noah everything about it but the incident is CED Once More by the school because nobody can touch s when it is time for the students to see their scores Aran is sad to see that she didn't do well s walks by her side and tells her that she should have joined his study group Noah snaps against the principal when he understands the kind of corruption going on behind his back but principal o does not admit any of the accusations this happens while the bullying incidents keep increasing inside the school since nobody is doing anything inside the school kja decides to find the congressman herself and deliver a letter to him because he presents a good public face however she sees the congressman visiting president Sayang boach through the cameras asking him to keep the students away from him because he really hates this stuff he prompts the president to do what's necessary to shut their mouths the next morning kjaa goes to school with her daughter as usual Bach dong has a talk with her because she is always digging for information but today she is about to learn something new while the two of them hide from Nim and Jean Sayang the young boy reveals that he likes kja but then Jean sang sees his wife he wants to take her back home so they can talk because this seems really crazy to him but Bach dong jumps in and stops him considering that he is harassing Kong ja the situation becomes really awkward but jean sang has to let it go because Nim is looking for him Bach dong asks kjaa if she is dating this old man for money and then hands her his wallet prompting her not to waste her life with an old man like him that night Nim sits in his office with a phone in his hands and recalls the devices story this Fawn used to belong to eeky Young the night she died she was on the school's roof and was recording a video of do is proof to tried to take her phone and the girl fell from that height toward the ground du eventually took the phone and spent some time in his car looking at it then he threw the phone out and drove over it with his car when he left Nim appeared and took the phone the next day Jean sang wants his wife to stay home instead of going to school and his mother agrees with him the conversation turns into a confrontation and it results in kjaa leaving the house the old lady is not about to give up though and she visits the school looking for her daughter-in-law she tells everyone that her daughter-in-law is an adult but she is pretending to be a student here everybody thinks the old lady is crazy and aen finally walks near her in order to stop her the old lady is so angry that she actually confuses a female teacher for kja later that night Nim Corner one of hen's guys and beats him up trying to discover if he was one of the people who sued teacher do despite the beating he receives hen's guy does not disclose any information when kja learns the news she decides to take action and enters du's office to go through his files at the same time though Nim finds aan and he forces her to go with him Nim uses the girl's phone to send kja a message and gives her his location while all of these events unfold Bach dong is seen following kja the young man puts the pieces of the puzzle together since he knows Nim he suspects what is about to go down to help kja he notifies Noah soon kja finds Nim and her daughter after they let oran go the two of them have a short talk as it appears Nim wants to avenge the women for his brother's death when he gets hold of a knife and intends to attack her Noah appears to help her out Nim pushes him away kja tries to fight Nim but he is able to throw her on the ground Nim is blinded by his rage and is about to hit kja with a knife but Noah jumps in the way and takes the hit kja asks Nim to call an ambulance but the infuriated man says that he is not going to die from such a small cut hyen helps kja and they provide treatment for Noah by paying a doctor privately when he wakes up kja scolds him for acting the way he did but whatever she says to him she also recognizes that this guy is different than everybody else the next day at school Jean sang pulls his wife away and asks her why she returns home late now that she is pretending to be a student she is also acting like one Bach dong sees them again and he approaches Jean sang after his wife walks away he warns Jean sang to stay away from her and punches him that same day Jean sang and his workers start the preparations for the new school building Nim approaches Jean Sayang but he is not interested in the progress he's made with his work instead Nim asks him if our ran is jy's biological daughter the man is reluctant to answer that but he eventually reveals that she is not his biological daughter Nim does the math and figures out that Aran is his dead brother's daughter Nim knows that do wants to get rid of the girl so he starts telling Jean saying that he should send his daughter to study abroad because she is very clever after several incidents take place such as Bach Don trying to save Kong Jaw from her supposed mother because he thinks she got abducted a politician who works with the congressman visits hen's Cabaret Bar konga pretends she is the MC for the night and she approaches the politician when everyone leaves pouring him a few drinks and putting him in a good mood kjaa feeds the man's ego and manages to get him talking the man says that Congressman suchan has a secret son this kind of rumor is not unusual for politicians but it can still make out for a big Scandal if it circulates the next morning Nim finds out the truth about kja that she is pretending to be a student and that she is causing trouble to the president's Corporation Nim grabs her by her throat but Bach dong sees them and decides to intervene Nim slaps Bach dong but that's not the worst part kja visits dong later on and she sees him beaten up in addition Noah joins them and he asks the woman he knows is bang of her real name is kja Nim exposes kja but in any case Noah proclaims that she is still his student but Bach dong is also his student so he wants to take him away from Nim the man tries to stop them but Noah tells the boy that this is not an environment he has to grow up in the boy kneels in front of nim and thanks him for everything that he has done for him up to this point however things have gotten sideways and he has to go live his life the next day the president visits the school to get a report on how the construction is going the president wants a specific layout for the new establishment but jean sang tells him that they should not do it that way due to efficiency issues the president is mad and makes it clear that things should happen the way he wants them in the meantime hyen and her guys steal hair from everybody who's involved with the president and the congressman in order to find out who is the secret son of the congressman elsewhere Nook treats bachon to lunch the two of them have gotten close together because the teacher has invited him to stay in his house this causes Bach Dawn to open up when he tells Noah that D was the one who killed eang at school Oran and a few of her new friends fall into a big hole kjaa is notified and she runs to help her daughter that night she and Noah decide to investigate the construction site to their surprise they realize that the building is full of flaws but that's not the only thing they find they also find a man stealing some of the material when they catch him the man says that he is the owner of one of the construction companies that are building this place the president is not paying them them for the work they are doing so this man steals some material every night in order to keep his company alive kja doesn't like what she hears because the president has supposedly asked for $3 million of funds for the new building Noah and kjaa get to work first they spread the rumor that the school is not safe for their kids and then they gather the mothers of the students to protest against the construction of the new building principal o gathers everyone for a quick conference and Noah voices all of the problems he has spotted one of them being that water is leaking in various areas around the school the principal uses these words as an opportunity to tell the parents that they are doing some construction work because they want to fix these problems but then Noah plays a recording where the principal clearly states that this construction is dangerous due to the fact that the president has decided to take a supporting column off the plans the mothers are infuriated and do has no choice but to stop the construction work for now he assures them that he will hire Specialists who are not associated with the school to go over the plans and also review the destruction the mothers are happy to hear that but not everything can work in favor of kjaa when she visits her daughter in the hospital later that day s sees them and Aran calls her mother s confronts the girl about it when she is left alone and threatens to expose her mother Aran follows the boy back to his house and tries to change his mind but she has to hide when the president appears STI changes his mind and does not expose kja then he has a moment alone with aan and he shows his true feelings about her however they are interrupted by kjaa who takes her daughter away before they leave the house they overhear the president asking JW to bring him the stuff do was holding against the congressman and uses to blackmail him when the president leaves kja asks JW to deliver that evidence to her instead of the president saying that both do and the president will just use her and then throw her away the next morning Kong J sees the politician she met the other day at the Cabaret she takes him aside for a talk and asks him to check the construction site properly or else she will tell everyone about that night despite her threats the man claims that he has no power in his hands the orders for this construction site are coming from high above later J searches du's house for the evidence she is able to find a recorder but du catches her in the act in the meantime kja and Noah set up a campaign against the congressman when she returns to hen's Place JW appears with a copy of du's recording which she made without him knowing they play the recording and they hear that the congressman had a fight with D's mother asking her to get rid of the baby which was du the mother couldn't do it so the congressman threatened her that he would kill both her and the baby when the rumors spread reporters storm into the school to ask do about it the congressman appears as well and the two men turn everything into a show pretending that they are good men who forgive each other kja says she has evidence against them and a recording starts playing however this recording just exposes kjaa as our rants mother when Jew appears a flashback shows us that Jew actually told do the truth about kjaa and they came up with a plan to defeat her in the aftermath of these events the reporters start asking around about KJ while the congressman is invited to various TV which he uses to promote the image of the good man he is supposed to be meanwhile kja and hyen are being questioned by the authorities but the judge who is also Noah's father manages to bail them out kja is not about to give up so she visits the school again and picks a place to set up a few signs she wants everyone to know about the corruption going on in this school a few reporters invite her for an interview but that doesn't go entirely well since they mostly ask kanja about irrelevant topics such as her beauty secrets Noah tries to help jaw so he crashes the president's house and tries to steal some of his files the president almost catches him in the ACT but sang appears to save him the next day it's time for the president to fight back and he leaks to the Press K ja's old trial case when she was blamed for the death of Nim's brother that night the president also tries to intimidate aan but he is interrupted by his son first and then by Nim who says he has a gift for him once they are alone nin shows him the video shot by E Kung the night she died obviously he has restored her broken phone Nim will give him the video of the president allows him to convince K ja and Aran to leave the country without hurting them in the meantime ja's Team figures out that they can bring the president and the congressman down if they steal Sayang box accounting books Jew was trying to do the same thing but kja arrives and steals the book for herself jeu threatens her with a knife but kja smacks her and tells her that the lives of dozens of kids depend on this book unfortunately the president watches everything through his cameras and orders Nim to take care of it after beating up Noah Nim takes the book from kja and warns her to leave because this is a war she can't win then Nim meets with a defeated Jew who's preparing to leave unexpectedly Nim gives her the book and tells her to go to do their conversation reveals that had testified against kja in the past because Nim had paid for all of her studies abroad eventually juu visits du and tells him that she has nowhere else to go Nim keeps pressing kja indirectly and he calls the police on hen's business then he threatens kjaa that he will keep hurting the people she loves until she moves abroad the next day at school du calls Jean sang in the office and tells him that their time frames for the completion of the construction work are even tighter Jean sang complains that they can't be faster because they will be compromising the necessary safety measures but du replies that they have no other choice he also asks the man if they are moving abroad and Jean sang exclaims that his wife wants to do so during the following days everybody tries to get an advantage over their Rivals Shu finds the construction plans for du which prove that the building has many flaws du intends to use these plans in a presentation he has set up for a few reporters but the president crashes the party and tells D that the book they stole from him is fake only the president has the real one he also shows do the video from E Kim's phone a flashback shows us that the president asked Nim to set Jew up as well the congressman smacks do and instructs to reveal the faulty plans after the upcoming election and also take the blame for them meanwhile the president takes JW to a room and beats her up a few days later Aran returns to school to greet her friends goodbye before she leaves while Bach dong tries to steal some of Nim's files from his office the kids spend their first day in the new building but every goes to hell when water starts leaking from the tubes soon the entire building is brought down kja rushes to the school and thankfully her daughter is alive six students die in the accident and 18 of them are injured but the number of deaths gets higher considering the adults that died as well one of them being Jean saying the president pretends he has a health issue and is inserted in a hospital du visits him and the two of them agree they need to find a victim to blame everything on however ean's mother who works as a reporter has shot a video of them which she shows to kja and Noah saying that it is time for her to be a real mother the case is taken to trial and do has hired the best lawyers to protect himself however the Angry Crowd presses for justice when the lawyer of the good guys presents the video shot by eek Young's mother the trial can't reach a verdict this fast so it will continue the following days shu is dinner with du who tells her that he and the president decided to use Nim to blame everything on the mothers of the students stay outside the court while the president bribes everyone he knows to take the attention off him while the president gives a statement Jew's bank records are manipulated to show she received a bride from Jean Sang's account meaning that they are going to take the blame at the same time Arin gets Bach Dawn's phone but she sees e Kim's files in it a flashback shows us that when Bach dong entered Nim's office he switched the SD cards of the phones despite this development Nim decides to switch sides because he loves Bach dong he helps the mom set up a trap for the president and the reporters catch him right inside the secret vault in the library the bad guys are taken to trial and Bach dong appears as an eyewitness he was present on the school's roof the night when eang died and he says that du killed her then he blamed everything on Bach dong du is arrested but the fight is not over yet however the moms have another asset Sang's mother who flies into the country to assist the good cause the president kidnaps his son in order to threaten his ex-wife not to talk but Kong ja and her group help her get him back the congressman tries to bribe them but that's not going to work in the meantime the good lawyer is being stalled in his investigation by his higher up in the Justice Department who is trying to help the congressmen the two powerful corrupted men are taken to trial and s's mother testifies that she left her son behind because the president was making her life miserable by beating her up every day as the trial progresses the president and the congressman turn against each other but that's not all du comes to the court to testify and he has also revealed his secret recording where the congressman is heard threatening his mother with that the congressman is about to be taken to jail as well the authorities are finally cleared to search the president's house as well as the safe in the library now everything is revealed and everybody is about to get sentenced not only for the deaths of the young students but for the money laundering scheme as well however the president gets it easy and is only sentenced to two years in prison not only that but he is set free after 3 months in prison because the country's primee min Minister granted him favor Nim decides to escape when he hears about this and he meets Ouran to tell her that her father was nothing like him he was kind and caring in the meantime the president has abducted kja but Nim appears and saves her while the two of them have a talk the president tries to hit her with a metal pipe but Nim prevents him and pushes him through a wall the president is hurt and they lead him like that but then somebody with white shoes appears and kills him for good with that everybody is free to continue their lives and Justice is served one way or another
Channel: Queen Recaps
Views: 644,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recap, movie recap, recaps, movie recaps, mr recap, movie summary, mystery recapped, daniel cc, prime recap, how to beat, beat movies, sumarring movies, defeating movies, horror movies, scary tales, film summary, film summarizing, movies recap, mr recap movies, mr recap animes, queen recaps
Id: KCOEmcwtbhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 36sec (2316 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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