Students Don't Realize that the Quiet Teacher They're Bullying is Actually a Brutal Fighter

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a young man named heragi a high school teacher is taking his class he is like a teacher who is often teased and mocked by his students because he is nerdy and quiet for example this morning when he was seen carrying some large boxes suddenly his students came and threw the boxes in an act of Mischief but today he is different heragi has made all of the class 3 students his hostages until his goal is achieved he announces that the students can't leave the class without his permission hearing this all the students are confused and some are laughing thinking that the teacher is just joking all of the students in this class are going to graduate within 10 days so they think this is some type of prank but haraki's Expressions don't change at all meanwhile a boy named Kai stands up from his seat and wants to go out but it turns out that the door is locked Kai then shouts at heragi and attacks him wanting him to open the door but heragi overcomes Kai easily and then takes a folding knife from his pocket saying that it is not allowed here two of friends also try to attack heragi but heragi fights them well after that heragi says that he is not joking about anything and then presses a button on his watch suddenly a large explosion occurs on the top floor which closes the way out of the building the other teachers and other students immediately go out of the building hearing the explosion but class 3A is still in there heragi opens the door now but the way out is blocked in the gallery they are the only students trapped in the school building and the only rooms that can still be accessed or their classroom the art room and the toilet heragi says that there are more Bombs all over the school area which are ready to explode at any time he then takes the cell phones and bags of all the students in a big container he even knows who has double phones and also takes the other ones he uses the fear of bombs to make all the students obey him then he asks all the students to guess the reason why he is doing this someone answers that he is doing this because students used to make fun of him all the time and now he is taking Revenge heragi says that all those students tease them a lot it is not the actual reason heragi then goes to an empty chair and sits on it making all the students immediately remember who used to sit there she was a beautiful and Charming female student named Raina her seat is empty now because she ended her own life it turns out that heragi captured them due to raina's death Kai says that raina's death has nothing to do with them but heragi doesn't think so he thinks that one of the students in this class took part in rain's death in today's ass heragi wants his students to answer the question of why Raina died he says that if their answer is correct heragi will release all of them but if their answer is incorrect then one of them will die today heragi will wait for their answer until 8:00 in the evening then heragi says that the person in charge of answering why Raina died is another girl named Sakura sitting at the front desk hearing all this Kai is annoyed and tries to break the window with a chair but it turns out that heragi has replaced it with thick unbreakable glass then heragi leads the class with bags of mobile phones and goes to the art room giving his students time to think about the answer the students try to get help by shouting and showing signs of help Through the Windows but heragi announces through the speakers that The Outsiders can't see them because of these glasses heragi has also installed cameras in the classroom so he can see his students outside the school building the Headmaster and other teachers are present police have also come to the spot and evaluated the situation but heragi has installed the speakers outside through which he asks them not to enter the building otherwise he will explode the bombs for proof he explodes a bomb behind them frightening everyone the scene shifts back to the class where the students are discussing what they should do they can only do one thing and that's to find the answer to the reason why Raina committed the unthinkable they also talk about heragi and why he went this far for Raina the students then say that Sakura was raina's close friend so maybe Sakura knows something but Sakura doesn't answer anything she is in her memories remembering how close she was to Raina when Raina was alive the first time Sakura and Raina met was when Sakura secretly took pictures of Raina swimming in the pool Raina was a national athlete and won many medals in swimming competitions her achievements made KO High School proud one day Raina caught Sakura with dozens of photos of herself on the table Sakura went to sleep seeing all those photos when Raina caught her she became embarrassed she apologized and said that Raina was like a goddess to her Raina likes that Sakura loves her so much in Disguise so they become good friends they then exchange their phone numbers and that's how their friendship started they often hung out together and used to go home from school together but after some days a video of Raina was leaked where she was seen taking some drugs before her match this indicated that she was doping in her matches back to the present when Kai suddenly says that Raina used drugs and the swimming club should be responsible for raina's death not them other students also agreed with him but several students from the swimming club in that class do not accept it they think that there should be some other reason that compelled Raina to commit the unthinkable at 7:45 p.m. heragi comes to class again and goes straight to Sakura to get the answer to his question Sakura after being silent for some time finally says that all the students in her class bullied Raina because of her doping Scandal it wasn't just her seat that was crossed up many times but the news was also very viral on social media about her doping she didn't have the courage to fight back also Sakura ignored Raina just like other students who thought she didn't even exist Sakura now thinks that this loneliness and bullying from her class fellows made her commit the unthinkable Sakura thinks that she is responsible for the death of Raina as she also distanced from her and ignored her during the days when she needed her most though Sakura makes herself the culprit for Reign's death all the other students feel cornered by her explanation they think that Sakura is blaming them for the death of Raina meanwhile Kai says that Raina deserves Des to die because of doping in the matches at this Sakura stood up and kicked Kai until he fell on the floor in pain Sakura says that Kai doesn't know anything about Raina she loves Raina so much that she can't let anyone bully her now she takes out the letter given to her by Raina it was mentioned in the letter to Sakura that she should keep her distance from Raina as everyone was bullying Raina she didn't want her friend Sakura to be bullied in the same way so she ended her friendship with Sakura at that time on the letter one alphabet was faded indicating that Raina actually wrote it when she was crying the tears implied a sign that Raina actually wanted to be friends with Sakura but circumstances forced them apart so now Sakura thinks that it was her fault that she left Raina at such a crucial time which made Raina commit the unthinkable when Sakura has completed her answer heragi starts speaking he says that the answer is wrong and the real reason for the death of Raina will come in front of everyone in these 10 days and now he wants one student out of the class to kill him because Sakura's answer is incorrect all the students start to panic but heragi doesn't care and even looks excited seeing this all the students attack him together but he blows up the roof of the classroom with a bomb making the students fall silent again one of the students asks heragi to just kill Sakura because Sakura has admitted her mistake so she deserves to die at this heragi shouts saying that they don't see Sakura's honesty they want their friend to die in return for their lives he doesn't want his students to GR graduate with such bad habits suddenly the alarm sounds and we see the troops trying to enter the building seeing this heragi uses a microphone in his pocket and announces to the police that he doesn't like an intruder coming in also there are laser lights all over the floor through which the police are trying to enter Then heragi picks a student named Ren for today's sacrifice he takes out a knife from his pocket and then sticks it right in Ren's chest the screams from students in the class were heard by the police making the troops finally Retreat the students stare in disbelief that heragi has really killed Ren after that heragi drags Ren's body to the art room there he announces to the speakers outside that if they want the hostages to be released every user of a social media app called Mind voice must give 100 in to him the police check the social media which has about 50 million users it means that heragi is asking for a ransom of 5 billion yen for leaving the hostages the following day heragi starts his lesson after a formal bow he is discussing raina's death again he says the news about raina's doping was spread on a social media app called Mind Voice by someone unknown now he has found an account that was constantly posting the news and posts against Raina one of the posts as highlighted by heragi was a video uploaded by that account it showed a person who was in raina's locker holding a bottle of some drugs here the video was cut and then Raina was seen taking those drugs in front of her locker of course from the video it looks like Raina is doping but heragi is saying that the video was fake and was deliberately made to harm raina's reputation he also says that the account owner who posted this video is in this class first he asks the owner to come forward on his own but no one shows up so he says that the student's task today is to find out who that person is heragi again gives them time until 8:00 p.m. and if they don't succeed then one of them will die today after that heragi goes to the room from which the police were trying to intrude the previous day he seals fills the passage with some metal object meanwhile the students in the class are discussing whether Ren is actually dead or not two of the students who went to the art room this morning say they didn't see Ren's body in hari's room that means Ren might still be alive and heragi is just pretending to kill him meanwhile a student named Yami sees Sakura holding a handkerchief and asks where she got it Sakura replies that it was a gift from Raina at this point Yami looks annoyed because she remembers the time when Yami had given Raina a similar handkerchief they also took a photo at that time and you saw me uploaded it saying that if she uploaded a photo with Raina her followers could increase hearing this Raina looked sad because usami just wanted to be friends with Raina for her popularity and not actual friendship so Raina returned that handkerchief to usami and started ignoring her later on she focused on Sakura as a friend meanwhile some students plan to attack heragi again two students came into the toilet room where heragi was repairing the floor with their sticks and immediately attacked heragi at the same time three other students entered the art room to check whether Ren was still alive or not but the alarm suddenly sounds when they touch the door knob and they also get an electric shock from the door propelling them behind heragi immediately comes in hearing the alarm sound his head is bleeding as he has come after fighting Kai and the other student in the toilet room after that heragi came to the classroom around 8:00 p.m. and announced that if anyone did this again again he would be punished accordingly suddenly he receives a call on his phone and someone asks him to look through the window outside when he comes near the window another student attacks him his fellows also join him and they together make heragi fall to the ground first of all they take hari's watch but heragi uses another watch around her leg to explode a bomb seeing this explosion everyone shatters off him the watch that the students snatched from him is fake now as a punishment he lines up the students in a Corner above them is a bomb and he threatens them to explode it but then suddenly a student comes ahead and says that heragi doesn't need to explode the bomb if he finds the owner of the account which he mentioned in the morning but no one has yet come to accept that he is the owner so Sakura comes ahead and admits that she owns the account from which the video was posted but heragi wants confirmation so he asks Sakura to tell him the password for the Mind Voice account but Sakura doesn't know the answer so it is evident that she is not the only owner and is just doing this to save her fellows then Yami comes ahead and says that she is the real owner of the account she even tells the password to the account heragi puts the password and it turns out that it is correct so she is the owner of the account all the students in the class couldn't believe that Yami could do it to Raina it turns out that before Raina new Sakura Yami was close to Raina and they often went home together but since Sakura appeared Yami felt neglected by Raina that's the reason why usam used to follow Raina and terrorize her she even threw Stones through raina's window breaking the glass Raina once begged usami not to bother her anymore but Yami said that she would stop teasing her if Raina ended her life however Yami says that she was not the one who had recorded the video she just uploaded it because she found the DVD in her locker left there by someone she was so jealous that she didn't think about the after effects of that video and just uploaded it to make Raina suffer now she is weeping and accepting her blunder saying all this meanwhile heragi comes near her and says that Yami has lived her whole life blaming other people and doesn't want to listen to anyone he says that she should now mend her ways of living but Yami doesn't like being lectured by heragi but heragi says that he is the teacher and that he must guide Yami that's why heragi is standing in front of his students today he asks Yami to imagine how painful it would be if someone cut her clothes threw stones at her window and also slandered her on social media hearing that Yami sits down crying to comfort her Sakura gives her the handkerchief from Raina after that heragi goes towards the door and says they will continue the lesson tomorrow one of them protests why they are still being held hostages as now the real culprit is captured but heragi replies that the person who recorded the video has not been found until that person is found they will remain here the next morning is the third day the students are held hostage heragi starts the lesson by showing the video that Yami post Ed on mind voice Yami did not record this video but the recorder is someone in this class this time when heragi asks the person behind the video to show up himself Kai raises his hand saying that he asked his friend satomi to record that video then heragi asks him to tell who doctored that video into the fake one in the original video Raina was taking some supplements but someone changed the label of the medicine showing that she was doping at this point Kai says that he doctored the video however heragi is sure that some expert has done it and Kai can't do this as he is just a high school student also Kai does not reveal the name of the person who asked him to edit it that's why heragi gives them the time to answer his question about who edited the video till 8:00 p.m. and if they fail to answer then 10 students will die today after that a student tells Sakura that Kai once saved Raina from a mischievous gang named BMS hearing this Sakura then approaches Kai and thanks him for saving Raina but Kai doesn't seem to care Sakura tries to ask ask him why he edited that video but Kai is still silent on this question the scene moves outside the school showing Kai's siblings approaching the police they want to ask about Kai who has not returned yet from his school even after 3 days seeing them two teachers take the children back to their home where they see that Kai's mother is sick and bedridden she injured her spine in an accident and now she can't move herself Kai has two younger siblings he has to look after as his mother can't do that now Kai's mother says that Kai once dreamed of becoming a dancer but suddenly Kai's mother met an accident so Kai was forced to work here and there to meet their daily needs and also to take care of his mother finally Kai buried his dream of becoming a dancer and started working hard to make ends meet at that time one of his dancer fellows asked Kai if he was raina's classmate Kai's friends said there are lots of raina's fans here if Kai can bring Raina to meet them then he will get 200,000 Yen and he can become a dancer again Kai didn't want this but he was forced to agree because he really needed money for his family so one night Kai convinced Raina to come with him and took her to a quiet place to meet her fans but unexpectedly the people who wanted to meet Raina turned out to be members of the BMS gang and they tried to forcefully take Raina with them Kai didn't know this would happen so he immediately beat them all to save Raina then Kai was offered money to make a video of Raina this time he was threatened that his family would be hurt if he didn't make the video recording so he asked his friend satom me to make a video of Raina back to the present heragi tries to talk to Kai he wonders if Kai is hiding something but while they're talking heragi suddenly looks very sick he can't even stand straight due to the pain and Kai is just standing silently looking at him in the evening heragi enters the class to get today's answer he wants to know who edited raina's video but Kai doesn't want to disclose the name of the editor so Kai invites heragi to fight with him if heragi wins Kai will say everything but if Kai wins heragi has to free them all though his condition is very bad heragi accepts The Challenge and secretly takes leutenant ganji on the call to let him hear everything then they start to fight in the middle of the fight heragi occasionally says that at that time Kai invited Raina somewhere just to get some money because of Kai Raina was almost hurt but heragi asks why Kai ended up saving her heragi also knows that the person who manipulated raina's video was a member of BMS at that time Kai handed over the video to BMS and in return he got money heragi thinks that Kai was jealous of raina's success because she managed to achieve her dream of becoming a national athlete while Kai's dream of becoming a dancer was destroyed at this Kai finally admits that it's true he was jealous of Raina he says that when students of his age were chasing their dreams Kai was forced to work for his family Kai felt that life was unfair to him because of his family issues but heragi asks Kai not to blame his family according to heragi Kai should blame himself for never sharing his sorrows and difficulties with others Kai endured it all alone until he was trapped in hatred for Raina then Kai screams and says that everything's useless because no one will help him hearing this Kai's best friend suddenly approaches him he feels like he isn't considered a friend even though he is willing to help him even if it wasn't with money at least he would help Kai to look after his younger siblings then heragi says that he can't carry all his problems alone Kai should ask for help if he feels he can't hold it anymore heragi wants him to remember that he is the one who ruined raina's life so now for the sake of Raina Kai has to tell the truth about the person who manipulated the video but Kai is screaming and saying that if he Reveals His name his family will definitely be in danger previously Kai was threatened by this goon not to tell the truth otherwise his family would be in danger heragi asks Kai to trust him but Kai asks how he can believe in a murderer then Sakura suddenly comes and says that heragi is not a murderer Sakura secretly went to the art room when they were fighting and it turned out that the students that heragi killed yesterday were still alive they are safe in hari's room hearing this everyone takes a sigh of relief also Kai reveals that the person who edited the video was Kishi who is the leader of the BS gang at this heragi gets up and takes his cell phone out of his coat's pocket he talks to ganji who is listening to the whole conversation here now with this information the police are able to raid the BS gang's secret place place they beat those goons there and arrested the gang boss Kishi back in class heragi tells Kai that no one can threaten his family anymore here we see that a girl in the classroom has the same locket in her hands as that of the Kishi around his neck after some time when the whole class tries to ask aragi about the hidden students he suddenly collapses and faints on the spot after some time in search of their fellow students they go to the art room where they finally manag to break down the door there they also take their cell phones again but they can't find their six friends until they see a door on the floor they open it and free their fellows from the basement heragi is still unconscious and the chief of the police igarashi calls heragi whose name is saved as eye on the phone it looks like he is also involved with heragi after that we see that there is a door to the outside and some students suggest using it to exit the building but those six students who were just liberated or silent as if they don't want to get out of there they say that heragi actually did all this for them at that time when the five of them had just woken up heragi said that his purpose in doing all this was to reveal raina's murderer they were all confused until heragi told them that this case had to be revealed otherwise the next victim might be one of them heragi admitted that he wouldn't have much longer to live which is why heragi teaches them the last lesson through raina's death so that they can see things more clearly in their lives meanwhile police again come to intrude on the building but this time students decide to explode the bombs to stop them however some students are against this idea and just want to go back to their homes the argument heats up and they start fighting with each other in the end when Kai is just about to press the button to explode the bomb heragi comes there he says that he should press the button so that all the burden of these bad Deeds just falls on his shoulders after that a girl named Susan mentions that yuzuki's boyfriend's name is Kishi and she should be asked if she knows anything about the murder of Raina yuzuki is the same girl who has a locket similar to kishi's yuzuki says that she was her girlfriend because she wanted to become a model and Kishi had connections that were very useful for yuzuki in pursuing her dream moreover she doesn't know anything and is not involved in any crime she yells that it's not a very bad thing to use such sources to fulfill dreams heragi also supports her statement that yuzuki did nothing wrong and that we should not condemn her for anything yuzuki reveals that Rishi gave her a necklace and said that she had to take care of it now yuzuki throws the necklace on the ground with so much force that it breaks out and a memory card hidden inside comes out of it heragi takes the memory card and checks what is inside it using his laptop it turns out that there is a list of clients in that memory card who ordered Kishi for fake videos it is mentioned in the list that a teacher from their school ordered a fake video of Raina heragi immediately sends the file to the police after that he goes to tackle the police troops who are trying to enter the building heragi explodes another bomb and makes them run back meanwhile the news about the involvement of a teacher in the murder case on the Mind voice app spreads very quickly everyone starts talking about it and condemning this act of the teacher when everybody is busy on social media heragi plans his further moves and secures the leftover weapons of the police troops many people now support heragi because they know that heragi took his students hostage in order to uncover raina's murder case even though harachi is considered a hero now then the following day someone releases a video where a person is taking Raina to a building and after some time he returns alone from that building through the girl's bag on which her name is written and a keychain it can be estimated that the girl is actually Raina however the man's face is totally hidden from the camera Raina was found dead there after a while so everyone is now suspecting that this is the teacher who murdered Raina but his face is not visible in the video in the night heragi then announces that the person who asked the BMS to make a fake video about Raina is take shei actually take shei is a narcissistic teacher at that school who just wants Fame and money he even uses this event of hostages to gain popularity and is now doing shows and ads while his students are kept as hostages under critical conditions hearing the allegations against him take she is also surprised he says that heragi is jealous of his charm and popularity and that's the reason he is doing this to him he announces this to each and every platform he can access and due to his already strong social media presence people start to believe him his popularity has increased and now he is constantly being followed by press reporters to get a chance to interview him on the other hand some people are busy matching the things of Tak shei like his shoes to the shoes of the man in the video who took rain into that building heragi calls Tei and asks him to confess his crimes otherwise heragi would snatch the most beloved of his things from him Taki doesn't take it seriously and he just ignores him he also ignores hari's warning when he asks him to confess and of everyone otherwise heragi would blow up the whole classroom in the class some students favor take Shi because take shei has recommended them for admission to a university that they would not get into otherwise also that University is their dream place so if take shei is captured for his crimes his recommendations would also be null and void hearing this heragi hands over the laptop to the student who is getting a scholarship for the University on toi's recommendation and asks him to find out if it is really Taki or not in the video those students don't want to take action against Tak shei even though he is involved in it because their score is not enough to secure admission to the university this way meanwhile the scholarship student and two others plan to attack heragi they find a moment when heragi is busy with work on his computers and attack him but some other students arrive there and save heragi from their attack heragi then says it must be very hard for those who are going to leave their scholarship because of take Shi but it is the responsibility of heragi as a teacher to to uncover the truth in the night Tei comes to talk to heragi Tei is confident that he is not involved in any crime but heragi shows him the audio recording in which Taki is talking about the fake video ordered to be made by the bounds gang Taki still thinks that this is how life works and he is not ashamed of his act regarding the fake video then heragi talks to him about Raina whom Taki also offered a recommendation to a university but when Raina refused his recommendation he tried to force her by giving her some money actually T shei gets a commission by referring the students to that University it's a huge amount of money that he makes by faking the Merit of students when those students go to those universities they cannot perform well their lives become difficult and they feel like they are poor people and they can't compete with other students in the end they drop out in the first year but this time take she wanted Raina to go there so that he could get a bonus amount from the University due to her extraordinary performance in the curricular and extracurricular activities but Raina even rejected the offer of money and didn't want to go to the university with his recommendations take she took this to his ego and ordered a fake video from BMS to make Raina suffer but still this is not enough evidence to prove that Tei killed Raina so heragi tells him that the video where a man is taking rain into that building has been buffered and it turns out that te's face can be seen in the mirror so take she is the person who took Raina to that building and after some time Raina was found dead seeing this take she becomes anxious he can't imagine that he is going to jail because of a murder case in his anxiety he confesses that he ordered bellums to make a fake video of Raina then heragi reveals that they are both live on the Mind voice app and the whole nation is watching their conversation through a hidden camera placed above the wall then heragi shows his extreme anger towards Tei he says that students are human not something that he can use to get money they are still young and don't know the right path as teachers they have to guide the students so that they don't walk on the wrong path and so they won't fail in life meanwhile the police come there and arrest te Chi the whole class is also listening to this conversation they now come to know toi's real intentions and hari's honesty after that heragi goes back to his art room and sits in front of his computer he then uploads a video on the social media mind voice app the following day students see a video that goes viral on social media it can be seen that the video in which Tak she was seen going to that building was fake and in the actual video heragi is seen to be the one coming out of the building students show this real video to each other and now think that heragi is the killer also people on social media now condemn heragi instead of praising him when the turmoil among the students taking that video increases heragi comes to the class to answer their questions he is now going to explain his whole plan he starts with the story of his girlfriend fuma who was also a teacher and a colleague of Taki when she found out that Tak shei fakes student Merit while sending them to the universities and earning money in this way she became angry at him she was going to complain against him but take she contacted bm's gang in ordered a fake video of fuma destroying her reputation as a teacher in society this broke down fuma and she started having mental issues Still fuma Remains in her home and doesn't interact with anyone when heragi found out the real reason for the emotional breakdown of his girlfriend he went to the school to learn about Taki as a teacher but there he saw another case of a fake video happening with Raina everyone weeps while listening to hari's story heragi then says that he made a plan to uncover the whole truth about these fake video incidents by making students his hostages he also took the confidence of the current father of fuma and the biological father of fuma named igarashi who is also the chief of the police after that we see heragi having taken a hostage of Lieutenant ganji when he came there to meet him the police knew that heragi wouldn't hurt any of his students and they plan to break into the building so heragi played a game with ganji and held him hostage instead now he is using heragi to stop police from coming to the building he takes him to the rooftop with a gun in his hand he opens fires in the air threatening everyone present there police immediately come to help ganji out of his trap but heragi explodes some bombs to make them run away again A Bullet is also shot at heragi but he is wearing a bulletproof vest which saves him from the effect of that bullet heragi announces that he will disclose close the truth about the fake video case in the coming morning he also says that he will come to the live stream on the social media mind voice app and will tell his main objectives there in the morning the police media and the whole nation are watching him everyone is interested in what is going to happen in the morning actually one of hari's objectives which was to grab the attention of the whole nation has been fulfilled here in the morning Sakura comes to her classroom and says that she has to confess something in front of everyone she thinks that she killed Raina because she was the one who took her to that building's rooftop on the day when Raina died Sakura wanted to sort things out between her and Raina and that's why she took Raina there to talk about all the matters but Raina was not feeling well at that time as her mind was not at peace Raina was facing an emotional breakout because of all the propaganda against her due to that fake video she was listening to Invisible voices which were torturing her all the time to avoid all those voices she left her bag and jumped from the building Sakura ran towards Raina and held her hand but Raina told her that she should let her go Raina wanted an escape and Sakura did it she unwillingly left her hand now Sakura thinks that it is her fault that Raina died also she thinks that heragi is going to take the charges of the murder of Raina to himself as he wants to save Sakura from those charges she tells the class that heragi had a dream that he was jumping from the rooftop of that building committing the unthinkable when his class finally ended so the students speculate that heragi will end his life after revealing everything to the public that is why they all run towards the rooftop but the way is blocked by the heavy Stones heragi did this to stop students from coming to the rooftop but students start to wipe out the stones and make way for them they start working like a team together taking all the stones aside one by one meanwhile heragi is on the rooftop in a live stream on the Mind voice app he is in front of the camera and people are condemning him because they think that heragi is the murderer heragi is reading all the comments simultaneous iously he says that the real culprit of the death of Raina is all of you people who are using the Mind voice app he then gives a recap of the previous 10 days to the public he talks about the first day when the public condemned him for taking the students hostage also the public poured out all their anger on him when they came to know that heragi had killed six students but after 2 days when it turned out that heragi didn't kill any of the students the public started praising him then he makes them remember the story of T Chi how the public loved him within a short period of time and gave him a lot of attention and fame but then the public started condemning him too when he was charged with the crime of ordering a fake video heragi wants to show how quickly their views against someone change while sitting on their home couches they also thought at one time that heragi was the hero because he was doing all this to uncover the truth about raina's case but when it turned out that heragi was in that video Everybody changed their point of view about him heragi also shows the complete video of that male and female going to that building it turns out that that the female is not Raina but is carrying a bag of her they made that fake video while working with the police chief to show the public how their views against a person change quickly they type and post anything they want but they don't think about whether it will affect anyone or not heragi says that it is the most modern way of hurting people without considering that they have actually hurt someone Raina was also hurt by all of these ordinary people who kept on blaming her without knowing the true facts about her he emphasizes the need to judge people based on their real life experiences and not by some social media app posts he also focuses on not sharing anything with others without any credential Source backing it here he ends his conversation and then exits the live stream he walks towards the bank of the rooftop meanwhile Sakura comes there and she sees him going toward the end of the rooftop when heragi jumps from the building to end his life Sakura comes there and holds his hand here sakur remembers that the same thing happened in raina's case and now again someone is asking her to leave his hand because he wants to escape this misery heragi asks him to let him go the same as Raina did but Sakura is holding his hand tight though it is slipping from her hands she is trying her utmost to hold him tears are flowing from her eyes as she doesn't want another person to slip from her hands then the other students come from behind and hold hari's hand they pull him up on the rooftop here heragi takes his glasses and teaches Sakura that she was not the reason behind raina's death as she did her utmost to save heragi she did the same when Raina was going to fall from the building but no one was there to help her as the other student did today so she should not blame herself for the death of Raina then heragi says that the class ended here and now his students have graduated now they can see through the things clearly in their lives he also reveals that he fears death and doesn't want to die when he jumps from the rooftop he just did this to teach a lesson to Sakura and his whole class meanwhile Lieutenant ganji arrives and arrests heragi for damaging the school's property heragi bids farewell to his students and then leaves after some years we see that the class has gathered in that classroom again for a memorial of heragi he died 2 years ago due to his cancer but still his memories are warm in the hearts of all of his students especially Sakura
Channel: Queen Recaps
Views: 587,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recap, movie recap, recaps, movie recaps, mr recap, movie summary, mystery recapped, daniel cc, prime recap, how to beat, beat movies, sumarring movies, defeating movies, horror movies, scary tales, film summary, film summarizing, movies recap, mr recap movies, mr recap animes, queen recaps
Id: JsGKEmBheIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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