After being cheated on by his girlfriend with a CEO, a chef swore to seek the perfect revenge

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the story starts with soong a very skilled Chef working at the giant hotel he always tries to create special dishes that you can't find anywhere else while he's doing great at work his romantic life is a bit messy just a week before his wedding he discovered that his fiance dalh was cheating on him with his boss meanwhile there's another woman named SE wo her dad is well known in the business world and she loves fencing and horse riding she does these activities almost every day she also has a love story happening at that time she's about to marry someone before her big party she went to a salon to try on her wedding dress but then she met a guy named Chill song who turns out to be a gang leader when Chill song saw SE wo he instantly fell for her he couldn't stop imagining how wonderful it would be to have a wife like her now Chill song is known as a bit of a tough guy and a person who lends money at high rates to keep this reputation quiet he and his group operate a Chinese restaurant right across from the giant hotel however the restaurant isn't doing well because they only have one elderly lady who sells candy as a customer at that moment his closest friend Mangal informed chil song that he would try to find out why the restaurant at the giant hotel is always busy despite the high prices but chil song already felt hopeless he didn't want to do anything else to keep his restaurant running he even thought about shutting it down a week later it's pong's wedding day with dalhi the atmosphere is joyful but some something feels strange dalhi doesn't appear very happy about marrying pong she hesitated when exchanging rings and only kissed him when she spotted her hidden lover at the wedding a month later SE Wu was spending time with her dad he then requested her assistance for a donation at an event and to invite her parents to a party at the giant hotel with such a grand celebration the chefs are working hard preparing a lot of delicious food for the guests after finishing cooking the head chef chef Wang talks to pong he advises pong to control his pride and follow the Kitchen Rules it's understandable because Chef Wong is leaving soon and doesn't want pong to act like he's in charge feeling a little annoyed pong leaves the kitchen to mingle with the guests then he runs into SE woo she really wants some Jang mean and asks the waiter for it unfortunately it's not available on their menu at that moment SE Wu saw pong working as a chef in a restaurant and quickly asked him to make some special ja jangan for her eager to please the guests pong went to chill song's Chinese restaurant to to place the order this made Chill song happy as he finally got his first customer however the kitchen was chaotic because the waiters and chefs weren't familiar with their roles causing confusion seeing this pong became impatient and decided to leave the restaurant taking only the sauce with him and canceling the J on me in order however PK's departure didn't make Chill song and his group Happy Feeling offended by PK actions they being gangsters quickly became angry and decided to go after him to teach him a lesson for what they saw as his arrogance meanwhile while SE Wu who had been eagerly waiting for pong lost her appetite and considered going home while waiting for a taxi she saw pong in a confrontation with Chill song Feeling frustrated seu hit chil song on the head causing an injury it was then that she realized he was indeed a gangster at that moment chil song was amazed because he unexpectedly met his first love SE wo again upon learning that she was getting married the next day he asked her to postpone the wedding however upon hearing this seu found chill song's request ridiculous and decided to leave before leaving she gave invitations to her wedding even though they had just reunited after sewu left chil song wanted to make amends with pong and suggested they all have jangan together however pong was very busy with work and had no intention of going back to the restaurant hearing this chill song's crew became even more upset and in their anger they ended up making a mess by throwing Jang mean all over pong's face after the chaotic incident pong returned to the restaurant kitchen suddenly like a nightmare dalhi appeared demanding that he sign the divorce papers immediately she admitted feeling embarrassed by their troubled marriage which had become a topic of Gossip in town and was ashamed of P's job as a mere Chef hearing this P felt disheartened undervalued and rejected by his wife's decision meanwhile after meeting pong dalhi went to see her lover s Rong who was in another room there she told him about her plans to quickly divorce pong so they could continue their relationship s Rong reassured Ed dalhi that with his wealth and power he could make her much happier however their private moment was suddenly interrupted by a loud bang on the door s Rong discovered a knife stuck in his bedroom door it turned out that pong had been aware of his wife's Affair for a while but hadn't gathered the courage to confront son Rong who was actually the owner of the giant hotel the following day P was feeling optimistic about work expecting a promotion however upon checking the announcement list he discovered he was being transferred to Dragon Palace instead this didn't sit well with pong as he would only have the opportunity to cook every few months during official visits without delay he went directly to Chef Wang and the director to express his discontent while pong was busy in the kitchen s Rong unexpectedly showed up and requested privacy with him aware of PK's actions the previous night s Rong was there to confront him pong not one to back down chose to confront the situation directly despite s Rong being his boss pong stood his ground resulting in a commotion in the kitchen soon after things escalated with a series of explosions leaving pong injured after the chaos settled Chef Wong was inclined to reprimand pong for damaging the hotel kitchen even though it was clear that s Rong initiated the conflict fortunately a colleague intervened stopped Chef Wang and allowed pong to leave permitting him to take his cherished frying pan with him on the same day sewu went to the boutique to pick up the clothes and shoes her husband would wear at the reception to her surprise chil song was also there shopping for a suit to to avoid seeming like he was following SE wo Chill song HIIT his face behind a magazine after SE Wu collected the items a problem emerged a boutique employee accused her of stealing a valuable brooch witnessing this chil song didn't stand by idly he intervened asking for 3 minutes to uncover the real Thief soon there was chaos in a fight between Chill song and some men who were revealed to be S rang's Associates shortly after the missing item was discovered proving seu innocent of the accusation seu hurried to her wedding reception dressed in a wedding gown and attracting the guests attention however when the M.C called for the groom he was nowhere to be found seu appeared confused by the sudden turn of events words spread that the groom had disappeared at the same time seu faced the harsh reality that her father had been arrested for corruption causing her mother to faint from shock in that moment seo's life seemed to be crumbling as all these problems hit her at once to make matters worse she received devastating news from the hospital her test results revealed she had stage four cancer the next day pong no longer employed at the hotel and holding on to his reliable frying pan went in search of new employment his quest led him to an advertisement for a lone business run by Chill song whom he had clashed with just days earlier seeing P's desperate expression chil song cautioned him against borrowing from lone sharks but pong feeling desperate was not inclined to listen pong mentioned chill song's struggling restaurant and proposed renting it with plans to draw a crowd and compete with the giant Hotel restaurant intrigued chil song asked what pong could offer as collateral for a loan pong then boasted about his lucky frying pan upon hearing this Chill song decided to lend him 50,000 but with two conditions pong had to teach his men to cook and have them as assistant chefs despite being a gangster Chill song showed compassion hoping his men could eventually lead Better Lives finding chill song's terms reasonable pong agreed he returned to the giant hotel to persuade three colleagues to join him however satisfied with their current jobs they declined his offer leaving pong feeling disheartened with a heavy heart he gathered his belongings and walked away from the restaurant the next day chil song was hanging out near his restaurant when he noticed a woman who looked quite sad she was walking around the town wearing a fencing helmet and leading a horse this woman SE wo felt hungry and stopped by a food stall but she didn't have any money she continued wandering until Nightfall and that's when she met pong at the edge of a bridge soon after things took an unexpected turn and SE Wu seemed like she might do something drastic after they both felt a bit better pong invited SE Wu to his restaurant hoping she would become his first customer but just as he finished cooking and was serving up some ja jangan he realized his first customer had disappeared he suspected that chill song's Mischief might be the reason behind it after leaving the food stall seu saw an advertisement for a loan and decided to meet with the loan provider located in the same building unbeknownst to her this building was owned by Chill song inside the room SE Wu saw news about her dad who was in trouble with the police shortly after chil song entered his office to find sewu looking very sad without hesitation she asked Chill song if he could lend her some money she pleaded with him explaining she needed the funds for cancer surgery feeling sympathetic chil song agreed but with one condition seu had to remove her fencing helmet when she did Chill song was surprised wondering how seu ended up in such a heartbreaking situation the next day P was back at work feeling a bit trapped as he was surrounded by gang members soon they had another customer an elderly lady who sold candy and passed by the restaurant almost every day at that moment dalhi and her lover also came in ordering two servings of jangan initially pong didn't realize that one of the customers was his ex-wife so he was enthusiastic about preparing the meal but once he found out he didn't seem bothered by their presence however a mistake by his colleague ruined the atmosphere and the taste of the dish he was repairing seeing pong in a less glamorous job s Rong couldn't resist teasing him in front of his ex-wife despite this pong tried to stay calm not wanting any more trouble as the evening approached pong was outside the restaurant when he was approached by a middle-aged woman named Soulja it turned out she wanted to work at the restaurant initially P was a bit doubtful about her skills but then Soulja had a chance to Showcase her cooking and wow she was as good as Chef Wang so pong decided to let Soulja join the team but she had one more request she wanted her friend G Jung to work there too meanwhile SE Wu wasn't ready to give up she returned to the restaurant hoping to secure a job she wasn't asking for much just a monthly salary of 15,000 since she was in desperate need upon hearing this Chill song wasted no time and appointed her as the manager which didn't sit well with pong the next day SE Wu gave Chill song a ring and asked him to come to the restaurant as she had something to discuss at that moment he couldn't help but feel a bit excited thinking maybe seu was starting to reciprocate his feelings soon enough seu arrived at the restaurant with a bunch of flowers meeting both Chill song and pong initially Chill song was all smiles thinking the flowers were for him but nope seu handed them to pong congratulating him on the restaurant's opening pong filled with excitement welcomed SE wo in and prepared some of her favorite dishes seeing SE wo paying no attention to him chil song felt a Pang in his heart and decided to leave after spending time with pong say caught up with Chill song she did everything to make him lose interest in her even showing him a photo of her husband and sharing some of his less appealing traits but Chill song who was already infatuated wasn't swayed by any of it as evening approached a mysterious woman named Juna visited the restaurant she claimed to be a former Miss Korea finalist but who really knows why she wanted to work there somehow she managed to win pong over and just like that she was in she ran into Soulja and gak Jung and it seemed like they were all in on some secret choosing to work at the same restaurant after closing the restaurant for the day pong went home and realized his recipe book was missing he quickly called his friend Bo asking her to check the drawer at the giant hotel where he used to work to his surprise he found an ultrasound picture featuring a baby with a big question mark on its heart getting into his car pong found dalhi with s Rong in a hotel room without hesitation he threw a knife in their Direction demanding to know what dalhi had done to their unborn child dalhi was speechless leaving pong feeling upset thinking she had an abortion he told s Rong to step back and wanted dalhi to admit her actions however security guards arrived took pong away and beat him up in the hotel bathroom leaving him in bad shape somewhere else seu receives a call from a woman abroad who spills the beans about where her husband has been hiding it turns out he's been avoiding her because he's planning to marry his secret lover suddenly SE Wu and pong run into each other again at the giant hotel lobby both feel feeling betrayed they consider being each other's support opting for a casual relationship without any commitments later pong offers to drive seu home unexpectedly he leans in and kisses her however seu isn't comfortable with it thinking pong is overstepping boundaries pong regrets his actions admitting he's still attached to his wife and their memories after the encounter with Pung seu returns home to find a wedding gift from o waiting for her to her surprise her in-laws are present waiting for her they urg seu to sign some divorce papers leaving her puzzled why oek isn't delivering them himself shortly after the in-laws informed seu that ojek doesn't want to see her again they also offer her a deal to sign the papers and the house will be hers hurt by this news seu signs the papers on the spot and decides it's time to leave maintaining her dignity meanwhile elsewhere Chill song the grandma selling gum and his crew are relaxing at a nightclub as the night windes down a little tipsy Chill song bumps into pong who's also dealing with his own life issues Chill song suggests they have a chat but pong is hesitant because their meetings usually end in arguments eventually they agree to have some Soju nearby shortly after chil song proposes a challenge an arm wrestling match if pong loses Chill song will grant all his wishes the battle begins and initially it seems evenly matched but eventually Chill song wins all he asks is for pong to rehire his crew but pong refuses unaware of this SE wo now homeless with two large suitcases is wandering around she stops behind Chill song and gives them both a piece of her mind that's when they recognize her as seu from the restaurant at that moment Chill song feeling sorry for her offers seu a place to stay However seu isn't enthusiastic about the idea she decides to camp out in her suitcases for the night eventually pong and chil song intervene taking SE Wu to chill song's place looking out for each other meanwhile elsewhere we find Juna Soulja and gak Jung hanging out in a house it turns out they're a family Juna is actually se's mom hustling to pay the rent after her husband got arrested and their money got frozen on the other hand it's revealed that Soulja used to be married to Chef Wong however after he took all their savings he left her then there's G Jung soulja's younger brother whom she's taking care of when Soulja was out of money and options she met Juna and asked if she could work for her all she wanted was 3 a day and school fees for her brother moving on to the next day SE Wu appears seeing her looking skinny shocks the trio they had no idea seu had separated from her husband Juna then reveals that she's been working to cover the rent hearing this seu becomes concerned and vows to find a job to help her family financially in another area of the city Chill song encounters s rang and urges him to stop interfering with his business associates initially s rang doesn't take Chill song Seriously Anno Chill song gets into S rong's car and gives him a thrashing meanwhile pong is still recovering from the beating inflicted by S rong's bodyguard one of his hands isn't functioning properly making it difficult to handle his cooking utensils soon after dalhi visits the restaurant pretending to care but pong dismisses her eventually dalhi admits she's not ready for children as she's focused on opening her own Clinic dal's confession about Desiring a lavish lifestyle deeply hurts pong to his surprise SE Wu over overhears their conversation shortly after seu enters the restaurant and notices her mom struggling even with simple tasks like peeling an onion SE Wu wants to help but they must pretend not to know each other so she refrains from intervening the following day during a rainy evening the little restaurant was bustling with customers seeking Shelter From the weather pong called out to chill song upstairs asking for assistance Chill song took on the task of taking orders from the customers while pong was alone in the kitchen doing his best to cook up the orders with one arm not functioning properly pong was visibly struggling SE Wu who happened to still be there tried to lend a hand pong directed her on what to do but SE Wu wasn't accustomed to it leading to mistakes suddenly pong's clothes caught fire prompting seu to panic and extinguish the Flames by hugging him tightly seeing the chaotic situation seu apologized explaining she was only trying to help meanwhile realizing the food wasn't ready Chill song entered the chaotic kitchen and understood they couldn't serve the orders he then went out to apologize to the customers inviting them to return the next day promising complimentary meals as compensation feeling bad SE Wu attempted to clean a burnt pan but chil song advised her to discard it and get a new one occasionally pong glanced at se Wu hinting that he might have feelings for her however he remembered her mentioning she still had feelings for her husband Chill song who also harbored feelings for SE wo tried to console her and asked if she felt the same for him however she honestly admitted she only saw him as a friend the next day the customers who were promised free meals returned to the restaurant pong eager to make amends instructed the kitchen staff to do their best despite not receiving extra compensation SE Wu returned to assist pong in the kitchen even though he raised his voice at her a few times G Jung and another colleague also offered to help but pong requested they focus on their assigned tasks amidst the bustling activity a man named jiun entered the restaurant it turned out he had a history with Chill song Being for enemies jiun had recently been released from jail and was there under Sun rong's orders owing him a debt however jihun's intentions were not benign he threatened to disrupt chill song's business and cause trouble for those close to him the next day jihun and his gang confronted Chill song demanding a book from him which seemed to hold great importance chil song refused leading to a rapid escalation with jihun's men attacking him initially holding his own against them chilong was eventually stabbed by jiun forcing him to flee injured chil song sought Refuge at the restaurant where he implored seu for assistance in evading his pursuers acting quickly seu hit him in the cold room meanwhile Mangal and others realized their boss was in trouble and rushed to the restaurant to Aid him but they were unable to shake off jihun's gang shortly afterward pong arrived and found chaos at the scene he promptly contacted the police causing jihun and his men to flee before departing jiun warned pong not to interfere and to steer clear of sunri y once the danger had passed P discovered an injured Chill song and a trembling sewo in the cold room shortly after they hurried Chill song to the emergency room however SE wo affected by the cold fainted due to hypothermia a doctor then suggested that pong should embrace seu to help raise her body temperature back to normal meanwhile in another part of the hospital Mangal was chatting with chil song who was starting to recover Chill song cautioned them to stay vigilant because s rang had joined forces with he also urged them to uncover the source of s rang's mysterious wealth after repairing The partially damaged restaurant chilong found himself facing some setbacks to attract more customers pong proposed changing their menu to feature dishes made with processed shrimp however there was a problem pong couldn't locate his recipe book he was certain he had left it at the giant hotel the following day while SE Wu was at work she noticed that the restaurant at the giant hotel was promoting a brand new shrimp menu she quickly informed the others about this discovery pong who was present became convinced that his recipe book had been stolen determined not to be overshadowed he promptly placed an advertisement right in front of their restaurant and urged the chefs to prepare even better dishes in the evening P decided to sneak into the giant hotel to search for his missing recipe book to cut a long story short chil song intervened to assist him in retrieving it unfortunately this Escapade resulted in Chill song sustaining some significant injuries upon hearing about the incident P hurried over and ultimately Chill song managed to return the secret recipe book to its rightful owner pong afterward pong and seu returned to the restaurant pong having been absent for a while resumed teaching her the ins and outs of the kitchen eventually they decided to cook some food together and enjoy a meal at the restaurant the next day pong went to the hospital to pick up Chill song on their drive back they noticed SE Wu heading towards the restaurant Chill song suggested they offer her a ride so pong stopped the car and invited her in despite feeling a bit awkward about it once they arrived home Chill song had a chat with pong advising him to be gentler with SE wo he was surprised to find out that seu wasn't intimidated by his past which left him conflicted about his feelings for her meanwhile with the Shrimp Festival approaching pong busied himself in the kitchen preparing the main shrimp dish as a token of gratitude for everyone's help later on Chill song returned to the restaurant and joined pong and SE Wu he asked SE Wu about her divorce and inquired about p relationship with his ex-wife hearing their updates Chill song suggested that perhaps it was time for pong to move on and find someone better shortly after pong left chilong alone with the Shrimp Festival coming up pong was determined to make excellent dumpling skins mixing and shaping different ingredients meanwhile when Chef Wong found out that his former partner Soulja was working at the restaurant he made her an exciting offer he asked her to join the giant hotel promising a salary Three Times Higher and she agreed the next day the festival day arrived and everyone had gathered in the kitchen except Soulja at first they thought she was just late but to their surprise Soulja arrived with Chef Wong pong not happy about this quickly took her back to the restaurant meanwhile the giant hotel had no trouble attracting customers thanks to a deal with a nearby hospital this was very different from pong's restaurant which was still waiting for its first customers shortly after seu decided to visit the hotel restaurant and coincidentally met the doctor in the lobby she praised their restaurant across from the giant hotel and mentioned pong the nice man who had helped her when she was very cold hearing this the doctor became interested and said she wanted to visit the restaurant at the same time Junia suggested to the Hotel restaurant customers that they should try out their place assuring them it was just as good as the one across the street some people were unsure because they heard rumors that the restaurant was managed by a criminal but Jun worked to reassure them that this wasn't true soon after SE Wu returned to the restaurant and she had brought a lot of customers with her everyone in the kitchen was surprised but quickly started cooking and showing off their new menu items SE wo felt like she was in a wonderful dream seeing the restaurant busy with so many customers by the second day of the festival the restaurant was full of people including a doctor from the hospital there pong introduced their best dish the special shrimp and it was a hit all the customers loved it and the team was very happy with how things were going the doctor was so impressed that she booked a table for 100 people For an upcoming meeting even canceling a reservation at the giant hotel amidst all the busy activity an elderly lady who sold sweets stopped by and accidentally left her wallet Chill song found it and checked inside to see who it belonged to he initially thought it belonged to a customer but he was amazed to find a name inside that matched his mother's at that moment he wondered if she could be his mother when the old lady came back chil song couldn't resist asking about her past suddenly she started crying seeming to regret leaving her son when he was young realizing that this woman was his mother and she had been alive and nearby all this time brought tears to chill song's eyes too shortly after Chill song introduced her to his friends explaining that she was his birth mother this surprised everyone including the gangsters and the restaurant staff but after the initial shock everyone was very kind and welcoming to chill song's mom meanwhile over at the giant hotel Chef Wong wasn't happy about the canceled reservation he contacted the doctor and offered to match the prices at chill song's restaurant this made the doctor reconsider and cancel the booking with pong's place however pong determined not to give up begged for a chance and proposed a cooking competition to determine who was better the doctor agreed and requested a meat dish initially hesitant to accept a less fancy order the giant hotel for the sake of their reputation agreed under Chef Wong's decision at that moment pong was overjoyed when the doctor chose them he hurried back to share the news with Chill song and SE Wu there seu wondered why pong had been distant lately suddenly he surprised her with a kiss and confessed his love a moment she had been waiting for Patiently hoping he would Express his feelings it was evident they both had feelings for each other so they decided to start dating but agreed to keep it secret for now meanwhile the next day everyone at the restaurant was busy with their tasks Junia was having trouble telling two types of shrimp apart which frustrated pong he scolded her in front of everyone causing a delay in the order and even warned her she might lose her job if the mistakes continued unaware that he had just scolded his girlfriend's mother since that day Junia hadn't been fond of pong she thought he was strict and unkind whenever she saw seu smiling at him she worried if her daughter was falling for pong meanwhile Chill song was getting worried because his mom hadn't shown up all day he decided to visit her and found her living in a simple apartment with a picture of his Champion father on the wall he asked his mom to come live with him promising a better and happier life shortly after pong and seu kissed out inside the restaurant unaware that Chill song was watching from a distance realizing PK's intentions Chill song who still had feelings for SE wo felt heartbroken soon after pong was driving SE Wu home when she asked him to drop off her wedding gift at O's Place oek had returned to Korea a few days ago and was staying there he tried to apologize to se wo for leaving her on their wedding day but she wasn't interested and told him to show up in court the next day meanwhile the next day was busy at pong's restaurant many of the customers were former patrons of the giant Hotel restaurant including the doctor and the hospital director seeing this change S rang warned Chef Wang that they needed to regain their customers as the restaurant was a significant source of income for the hotel on the other hand while the restaurant was busy seu had to leave to attend her divorce hearing at court her mom found out that oek was back in Korea and rushed over feeling sorry for her daughter Junia promised herself to find a better match for seu especially after learning that oji had canceled the wedding because family had gone bankrupt she even planned to pair seu with someone of their social status once her father was out of jail in the evening Pung was searching for some paper to make a payment slip when he found seo's old wedding invitation it had all the details including the names of the bride and groom's parents and their address when pong saw that seiu's Mom's name matched that of a former employee he became suspicious so he decided to visit the address and confirmed that they were all one family meanwhile Mangal and chilong were on to something important they found out new information about someone named sunki turns out he was not just anyone he was the big boss of Muji bank and sew dad in the past s Rong was involved in some shady dealings bribing people at the bank to secure an 800 million loan which wrongly implicated sunki since he was unaware of the whole scheme upon learning this Chill song wasted no time and went straight to the prison to talk to sunki it turned out that s Rong had borrowed money from Sun's Bank in the past and invested it in a business overseas unfortunately the business failed and he lost all the money putting sunki in a difficult position both financially and legally after sharing everything with Chill song sunki began to trust him and asked him to look after his family he revealed that his family was working secretly at a restaurant Chill song couldn't believe it because the workers at his restaurant were Sun's family after the conversation with sunki Chill song hurried away it turned out that jiun had been following him everywhere when chil song noticed he stopped ready to confront deun meanwhile back at the restaurant tensions were Rising the gang along with other workers seemed to be resisting P's orders Pung sensed the tension and felt like everyone was against him feeling guilty he tried to make amends he kept calling Juna asking her to meet up he wanted to apologize for his previous rudeness and acknowledge juna's significant help he asked her to come back and manage the restaurant in a surprising twist an anonymous person sent 5,000 to the restaurant for a reservation leaving the menu choice to the chef pong enthusiastically embraced the challenge preparing something special and even clearing the restaurant for this mysterious Diner and guess who arrived s Rong himself accompanied by Chef Wong ready for a one-on-one with pong pong being the skilled Chef he is treated both guests like VIPs serving up some exceptional dishes after they finished eating s Rong got to the point he wanted pong back at the giant hotel Chef Wong was shocked to hear this realizing his job might be at risk soon after s Rong couldn't stop praising pong's cooking admitting that the restaurant at the giant hotel wasn't the same without him he was so serious about the offer that he even offered to let dalhi go if it meant bringing pong back this made pong Furious and he was ready to give s rang a piece of his mind meanwhile on another evening Mangal and Soulja were having a secret meeting he took her out to a restaurant and prepared her favorite dish while they were enjoying their meal who should walk in but SE woo and pong before long SE wo and pong were in the kitchen cooking the same dish together and stealing kisses shortly after chill song's gang arrived causing a bit of chaos and everyone scrambled to hide Pung then revealed that he knew the truth about SE Wu's family he knew that se Wu Soulja gak Jung and junya were all living together caught in the act Mangal and Soulja came out of hiding explaining that they came to the restaurant because of how pong had treated junga Soulja even suggested that pong and seu should end their relationship since Junia didn't approve of it since she wasn't P's biggest fan Juna wouldn't agree to their relationship seu then asked Soulja for help in winning her mom over but Soulja refused to go against Juna she announced her plans to quit leaving pong in a difficult situation then she took SE Wu away leaving pong puzzled he wanted to follow SE Wu home but it was late and he wasn't sure if it was the right time the next morning pong determined as ever showed up at seiu's Place surprising everyone he apologized to Junia for his past behavior and promised to start a new chapter in his life the following day Chill song and his group who had gathered construction workers were causing a disturbance with a protest at the hotel creating chaos this didn't make everyone happy soon after jiun informed s rang about the situation he was angry and felt trapped if the chaos continued he would lose customers and the hotel might be sold for very little money meanwhile chil song left the chaos and talked with s rang he suggested aook competition between s rong's Chef Chef Wong and his own Chef pong if pong won Chill song wanted him to become the head chef at the giant Hotel restaurant but if pong lost chil song Would close his restaurant s rang agreed to the proposal however Pung was unsure if he could defeat Chef Wong and he didn't want to risk chill song's restaurant but seeing chill song's confidence pong decided to accept the challenge before the competition began pong visited the giant hotel and spoke with Chef Wong it turned out that 100 VIP Hotel guests would be the judges for The Cooking contest the competition required a team of Three Chefs a head chef someone in charge of cooking and someone for cutting at that moment pong planned to have seu handled the cooking and soul jaw for cutting but there was a problem Junia didn't want her family to team up with him the next day pong and his team went to the giant hotel with the main ingredients for their dish however junya didn't allow seu and the others to leave the house when the competition began p found himself alone in the busy Hotel kitchen struggling with various aspects of preparing Lobster luckily he remembered the advice Soulja had given him the night before after a while the first round ended and it was time for tasting both chefs presented their dishes for the judges to try pong had a hard time keeping up with Chef Wong in this round with the rest of his team missing Mangal decided to go and bring Soulja and sewo from their home meanwhile the two of them were trying to sneak out unnoticed under juna's watchful eyes to add to the tension jiun and his group were following them making sure they didn't reach the hotel then a Chase began with jiun attempting to stop them but suddenly gak Jung appeared joining the fry and disrupting jihun's plans shortly after the second part of the competition began with SE Wu and Soulja joining pong in the challenge both Chef Wang and pong started preparing the second dish eagerly when it came time for the judges to give their scores P was surprised because he scored much higher than he expected after adding up the scores from both rounds it was clear that pong had won as per their agreement pong was back in the hotel kitchen as the head chef the restaurant crew was thrilled they had secured jobs in the hotel restaurant soon after pong found Chill song and gave him a big hug grateful for his unwavering support at the same time pong was given a special room at the giant hotel however Chef Wong saw his long career as the head chef come to an end now as the top chef pong had the authority to decide who would stay even Samson who had betrayed pong by stealing a recipe was kept on along with the gang members and SE woo meanwhile chil song shared some great news with seu that her dad would be released soon seu was ecstatic and Incredibly grateful true to chill song's words sunki the bank director was acquitted and released after meeting up with SE wo Chill song seemed quite worried because he hadn't seen his mom for a while he returned to his mom's place and found a letter explaining that she had urgent matters to attend to it turned out that chill song's mom was battling cancer and was hospitalized he hurried to check on her condition arriving at the hospital Chill song was deeply sadden to see his mom in such a state she felt guilty for letting him down again and believed she hadn't been a good mother by leaving him if she could she would correct all her mistakes she also wished for him to find a better path and leave his life as a gangster behind on the other hand when pong was released from jail he took sunki to the kitchen to show him where SE Wu worked pong mentioned that se Wu really enjoyed her job there this made sunki imagine all the difficulties seu must have faced he felt responsible for bringing a lot of problems into her life then when pong confessed his feelings for SE Wu sunki cautioned him reminding him that he had just recently gone through a divorce meanwhile in another part of town s Rong facing Financial losses consider selling the hotel at the same time Chill song has his sight set on purchasing the giant hotel however he is just one of three potential buyers and he hasn't secured any funds yet in the evening Chill song and Mangal are seen enjoying Soju near a building shortly after s Rong arrives and causes a bit of a commotion amidst this Chill song brings up some past actions of sun rang on the other hand after parting ways with pong seu heads home and talks with her mom there her mom suggests that seu should start looking for a life partner however this doesn't sit well with SE wo especially since her mom wants her to end things with pong meanwhile pong decided to return to the giant hotel he gathers his friends for some chat and drinks at a local Tavern after feeling a bit tipsy he leaves Sam there alone shortly after pong somewhat unaware finds himself walking towards seiu's family home causing some trouble there as a result seiu's parents want him to leave before gak Jung intervenes despite juna's objections Pung stands his ground expressing his genuine affection for SE Wu whom he sees as the Fulfillment of his dreams skipping ahead to the next day the moment Chill song had eagerly anticipated arrived he and his crew attended the auction for the giant hotel they were surprised to see the nearly bankrupt Hotel fetching such high bids Chill song was almost ready to give up as their budget fell short however unexpectedly sunki aware of their financial difficulties stepped in with additional funds he paid off his daughter's debt and thanked chil song for taking care of her in short Chill song outbid everyone and acquired the giant hotel from Sun rang his crew was thrilled and quick moved chill song's belongings from the old place to the giant hotel on the other hand s Rong found himself in trouble arrested for fraud once the moving was completed the staff at the giant hotel warmly welcomed their new CEO meanwhile pong and seu gathered the courage to meet junya and apologize for the trouble the previous night to make amends for junya losing her job P decided to work for her for a whole month then on P's first day working at seiu's family home he prepared breakfast for Juna and sunki sunki seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the meal shortly after Juna allowed everyone to work at the restaurant however she had one condition pong had to do all the work by hand while he was at her house without using machines like before on another note despite not winning a woman's heart chil song did succeed in taking the hotel from Sun rang he left behind his days as a lone shark and gangster and regained his mother's love meanwhile after finishing their work pong and seu found themselves alone in the kitchen it was then that he realized he had found true love someone who genuinely loved and accepted him for who he was and that person was SE wo so the moral of the story is if you're going to compete in a cooking competition make sure you've got your whole team with you [Music]
Channel: Storyflix Movie Recap
Views: 197,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie review, movie recap, story recap, ending explained, storyflix, movie recaps korean, romance movie recap, romance movie review, n recap romance, n recap love story, n recap billionaire, n recap shy girl, n recap shy boy, n recap love, n recaps romantic, n recap love and romance, n recap love, romantic movie recap, romantic movie recap korean, love movie recap, romantic movie review, storyflix love story, storyflix recapped, story flix recap love, story film japanese
Id: ejoT91vvCWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 2sec (2342 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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