A Penny Turned Him Into A Billionaire! (Full Movie)

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for those of you who are now just tuning in I have buried a key in the sand and if you find it you can open this Vault and win a million dollars the oil detector I know I'll find that key It's gotta be around here somewhere whoa there's something here A Penny stupid worthless piece of junk oh oh what was that oh it's just a penny where did this thing come from you know what this is a sign I spent my entire life being homeless and I'm done I'm gonna change my life with this Penny and finally be the person that I've always wanted to be hey what are you doing with that Penny man what I just found it oh you're stealing you're a thief hey get off of me get back here all right first things first I gotta figure out a way to make this into more money Joe I just won that tournament that guy's driving way too fast yeah this car totally rips man whoa wait oh my gosh is that guy okay oh man it's on fire hey man you gotta get out of there ill no you smell like a poor Loser come on dude you don't have to be rude I'm trying to save your life fine whatever are you okay or are you hurt yo it was a Tesla I'm fine dude this car is totally useless now how am I supposed to take a selfie with this if you don't want it maybe I can buy it from you what dude you want to buy a crashed car what's wrong with you this thing is worthless like you oh yeah well I got a penny right here and I'm willing to trade it for the car yeah fine whatever I'm a billionaire now if you want this trash for a penny you can take it honestly if I can fix this thing up this is gonna go great hey what's going on here another you hurt no I was able to get this guy out safely I drove 40 minutes blew through 10 red lights thanks a lot for completely wasting oh man this is a lot more stressful than it looks uh Luke what are you doing oh hey Dad why I'm trying to fix this car trying to fix this hunk of junk why because I think it's a long overdue that we start making money and creating an actual future for ourselves I don't know son I mean this looks pretty hopeless we're just homeless all right that's just who we are I'm tired of being like that Dad and you've been sick for years now if you don't get you medical attention soon I don't even want to think about what's gonna happen yeah well that's why I'm out here got stuck inside all day I need some fresh air why don't you take a break and take a walk with me all right yeah let's go you know Luke you should worry about yourself getting out of this homeless Camp you don't need to worry about your old man what kind of talk is that of course I need to worry you're the only family that I have left I know I know we only have each other but I want you to have a good life as your father that's my goal and I plan on making that goal happen but I'm bringing you with me you deserve a better life just as much as I do and I'm gonna do whatever I can to make that a reality all right all right you're not gonna do it fixing this hunk of junk quit wasting your time and do something more real that attitude's the reason why we're still homeless come on just just a few more fixes and look it turned on see Dad whoa press that's okay I'm gonna be right back I'm gonna see if I can sell it see if I can make more money Clarence did you see what I just saw nah I ain't got that 20 30 Vision but I did hear what that idiot just said Josiah he really thinks he's gonna make some money yeah that's right man Josiah you're louder than a chicken in the morning what now shut up for just a second I'm thinking of an idea and I got it that idiot Luke thinks he can make a bunch of money and leave us to suffer I think we need to take that money and make it ours all right well this building looks like it'll be a good place to see if I can sell this car oh my gosh what's going on over there look buddy do you want the car or not it's great low miles and it's only twenty thousand dollars twenty thousand dollars take it or leave it I'm not going down on the price no wait pal you know what you're wasting my time if you're not buying the car get off my lot uh Hey do you run this place yeah I'm Al and this is Big Al's the used cars look buddy I don't do Charities okay so get lost no no I'm not asking for anything listen I fixed up this car a little bit ago and and I wanted to see if you buy it from me you have this car you know this is a Tesla right I mean look at you you're obviously homeless there's no way you could have afforded this car did you steal it look I bought it fair and square okay and I repaired it myself if you want to test drive it you can but it works and you want to buy it or not whoa you don't cut Corners I like that how about I give you uh 50 bucks for it 50 bucks this is a car we're talking about here yeah one that was completely broken and trashed after an accident take it or leave it I'm not doing anything lower than 100. you know what fine 100 bucks it is all right perfect wow I did it and hey you fix any more crash cars you know where to bring them yeah for sure this is the most money I've ever had in my life can't wait to show my dad look at this place Dad when was the last time we've eaten in a restaurant honestly I can't even really remember well get used to it because in the direction we're going we're gonna be having food even better than this one day man this is some good eating really proud of you Luke hey thanks for the money hey what's your problem man no problem at all I just got rich 20 30 Vision here I come come back here ah you gotta be kidding me man finally did one good thing for me and my family and then this happens Luke you see to count our losses with this one let's go back to the camp no Dad I'm not going home I'm gonna figure out another way to fix all of this well there has to be something here just just anything oh great another homeless guy rummaging through the trash hey buddy get out of there wait a second you're that guy that sold me that car what are you doing listen man a guy came and stole all the money that I made from that car it's either I do this or I just give up and I'm not giving up you know you look like a complete mad man doing this right that's fine I don't care what other people think I just gotta find some money and supply for my family uh look buddy get out of the dumpster okay come on look clearly you don't have much if anything but I have some respect for you from our business deal earlier if you want to make some money why don't you just come work for me seriously you're gonna give me a job yeah sure why not but I'm not going easy on you okay don't expect any sympathy for me I expect nothing but hard work out of you I promise sir thank you so much for this opportunity I won't let you down feels great to finally be at a homeless close oh that guy looks like you need some help wait a minute I recognize you of course you do I'm Chandler what's up little man you work here or something little man yeah I work here sweet as you know I am a billionaire now a billionaire and I want to buy a new fancy car all right uh do you know what kind of car you want to buy this one over here looks sweet but I need to test drive it okay yeah sure let's go no Chandler's the kind of guy that fly solo okay I want to test drive it by myself yeah sorry man I can't let you do that it's against the company rules yeah well I Break The Rules sorry man hey hey get back here my guy's a billionaire and he still stole a car Luke what just happened why did that guy just drive off the lot with our most expensive car listen he he just I don't even want to hear it okay you better go and get that car back Pronto you understand me how am I supposed to go find a car from a criminal your resource we'll figure it out and if you don't get that car back it's coming out of your paycheck oh man I gotta find this car all right here you go this is all the medicine I want to buy all right this will cost me about 500 bucks I mean 500 bucks I checked all the prices in all these it should be like a hundred yeah but you don't have insurance I really need all this medication okay it's for my dad look man I'm just doing my job I don't really care who you are or who your dad is and I'm getting sick of repeating myself you can't buy the medicine oh they're God you don't have to be so harsh man I'm just a customer I don't know what's going on with your day but you don't to take it out on me yeah well at least I'm not a poor loser I have a job and insurance wait you don't have insurance shut up I'm trying to make a point whatever I'll find another way to get my dad his medication man he's starting to get really sick I need to find a way to get it soon you hear that engine purr man this car is lit wait a second that's Chandler hey that doesn't belong to you oh no you don't hey get back here so long soccer you're never gonna catch me come on I gotta keep up with him we'll get him wrong with his little legs keep running idiot keep oh no come on man this is the second car accident you've been in like two days give me that whatever man this is stupid I can't believe I have to deal with this I'm calling the cops all right good I hope the cops are able to find that guy oh Luke he brought the car back with about 25 000 pieces listen there's like nothing I could have done all right this guy stole it he could have stolen it from you too I can't control him crashing it uh yeah I guess you're right kind of impressed you actually brought it back I genuinely think you weren't gonna be able to do it but you're a pretty hard worker thanks that actually means a lot and look I can't let that money come out of my paycheck okay I have a dad I need to take care of him and I'll do anything I can to help him well you did bring the car back so I won't take it out of your paycheck actually I'll uh give you a little extra you're giving me extra why what did I do yeah actually did what I told you to do which is a lot better than half the other dimwits I have working for me yeah I'm talking about you James you did a good job and you earned this now take it and go take care of your dad okay wow thank you so much of course keep doing what you're doing prove the rest of those idiots wrong you see that Dad say goodbye to sleeping outside on the streets I finally got us an apartment look buying me these new clothes was more than enough you don't have to do this listen to yourself of course I do me and you promised each other that we'd always be there for each other and plus you raised me into the person that I am today it's the least I can do well you're right I did raise you that's all I could do you feel okay you look a little off what are you talking about I'm fine dad dad wow a few months really does change a place the dealership has more cars than ever and it looks great hey good morning Luke great news we just sold the last Escalade that's three in one week I'm sure you know what date is today it's payday here you go here's your paycheck oh awesome and you said I can go home early today right yeah of course you can cut out early today no problem how's uh how's he doing I'm about to go find out I'll keep you updated though ah come on you call that a pass but pathetic Hey Dad how you holding up I'd be holding up better if this football game was any good all right just just take it easy yeah don't worry about me all right I'm fine fit as a fiddle Dad you can stop lying to me okay I'm not lying to you I'm fine now you do me a favor and go get me a glass of water or something yeah yeah of course I'll be right back all right thanks I don't want Luke to worry about me no nonsense and worrying about something you can't change I can't let him know the truth yeah so at this rate if we keep going we should be able to expand the business by twice its size oh my gosh what's going on right here oh it looks like some kind of traffic jam and something else is going on down there let's go check it out Hey listen here buddy you better move out of my way right now oh I'm sorry man I don't know what happened to my car it just won't start I don't care about you all you stupid car okay stop crying what there's a lot going on look that poor guy's car broke down the other guy is laying into him honestly don't blame him you know this gets me thinking what if we can somehow make better cars out there for people you know that's actually not a bad idea yeah we should get started on that right away then it I'm driving into your car yo dude I need help over here hello wait a second you hey you're not welcome back here man on the toddler mod I get where I want dude you can't just talk to people however you want to what are you doing selling cars pathetic I'm trading nfts I'm making billions in my sleep I don't care right just leave me alone the idea I've got in mind I'm gonna be making plenty of money too uh yeah what's your big idea then huh I don't have time for this I have to get back to work and make something out of myself you should give it a try what did he just talk back to me the Chandler absolutely not that idiot doesn't think I work hard oh yeah who earns his own business the Chandler does that's her Walter where are you cha this video game is so sick Walter stop playing Smash Brothers pay attention to me oh my goodness Chase dude don't scare me like that what you weren't expecting the Chandler of course not you're like never at work this is actually the first time I've seen you here yeah well it's my company you're my assistant and I do what I want so just shut up okay I have a new business idea and I need you to start taking notes kid you know I don't know how to write I'll try my best to remember it just wait that's perfect so I was doing investigating on that stupid poor loser Luke and I found out something very interesting he's patenting an idea for an electronic car cha sounds like a great idea it's like more Teslas yeah I know and I can't have that idiot having better ideas than me so I want us to create our own electronic car that's way better than that his I'm gonna run this idiot's business into the ground and I really want to start this business but there's this jerk that seems like he's just gonna get in the way you really think he's gonna be a problem for your business I don't know this guy just seems like he always has a trick up his sleeve and I just don't want to deal with it all I want is to make the world a better place this guy's only in it for himself well you can just keep doing what I told you to do all those years ago keep your head down and work hard and remember where you came from look you grew up here so keep humble son of course I'll never forget where we came from that's been one of my biggest motivators since day one just keep doing what you're doing and you're gonna be fine now let's get going I'm thinking we should probably go out for dinner oh oh my goodness Dad hey are you all right yeah I've got a little light-headed for a second I'm I'm fine I'm fine let's just uh keep going all right here it is our new Factory time to start working on this car company first we've got to build ourselves a good prototype get some investors in and then the business will take off well first things first let's get to work I can't believe you designed this yourself you know Luke you got some really good talent for this here yeah thanks just glad to see it's actually becoming a reality so this is gonna be what the battery that runs the car I know it seems weird but just trust me and here it is it's finished I really hope this works we got a lot of money riding on this don't worry it'll work let me go try this come on come on look hey it's on it's it's working let's go this is incredible I know it's oh man what just happened looks like my math was a little off on some things uh this is an honest attempt Luke but honestly we should just give up we don't know what we're doing oh we're not just gonna give up here just give me a couple days I'll figure it out all right come on it's working great so far just just keep going everything's doing fine and yeah this this works great my son actually build a car this is crazy man I just I don't know what the investors are gonna think they're gonna look at this and say wow incredible they want to give you billions and billions of dollars yeah you know what you're right they will now come on I think it's best we go home you look pretty tired maybe I could use a little nap all right let's get going then I think this is where that idiot is keeping his prototype huh There It Is Well actually this car looks sick dude I can't let this investor see this they're gonna pick his car over mine and I'm not gonna let that happen sir if I just take this huh looks like the battery yeah let's see if your car runs now you big fat idiot Luke today is our meeting with the biggest investor we could possibly have we can't mess this up we're not going to okay we just gotta stay calm and be confident all right I'll just use those breathing techniques you taught me and through my nose oh through my mouth yeah okay nice and relaxed nope I'm still stressed out all right I'll just just look I'll calm you down here I'll show you the car's gonna start see wait what no it was just working yesterday um Lucas must be calming me down right now what is going on this this doesn't make any sense it doesn't make any sense all right so we gotta find a way to power this car um let me think uh how about this that is just a solar panel what are we supposed to do with that I don't know let me see hold on come on come on all right let's try to start it all right awesome it turned on but uh it's really low on power I'll take it for now come on we gotta go before we miss the meeting so what do you think of the Chandler mobile pretty sweet right yeah this thing's actually very very very impressive it's just uh man what is it too lit no I'm just waiting for my other client there's no need for another client when you've got the Chandler man Mr Bronson hey thank you so much for meeting with us today yeah I'm so sorry we're late I'm just I'm just so happy you guys are here now what do you guys have to offer there was a lot that happened over the last few hours but we were able to make it work so follow us is the car even on oh no ran out of power power wait is this a solar powered car uh yeah actually it is we figured we might as well use some renewable energy am I right oh my goodness just way better than Chandler's car excuse me what did you say take notes Chandler because that is lit listen Luke I'll think about my final decision and I'll call you and tell you what I think that's amazing thank you so much come on come on he said he was gonna call by now well you just calm down and relax do those breathing techniques you taught me our entire future depends on this right now are you really worried about that guy rejecting our offer he'd be an idiot to pass this up and I would say that right to his face maybe don't do that until we find out what their final decision is yeah all right all right fine wait the phone okay this has to be them all right stay calm professional and answer the phone come on hurry okay huh hello hello is this Luke yeah yeah I'm Luke oh um my name is Dr Armstrong uh okay why are you calling me it's your father he's in a coma wait what you think it's in your best interest that you come down here right away Dad can't believe this is happening how doctor how did this happen your dad has been extremely sick for months and it looks as though it's taking an immense toll on him do we know how long he's just gonna be in a coma for I mean can't be in one forever right actually we have no idea how long this will last sometimes people actually don't wake up from their Comas okay well well I'll do whatever it takes to help him I'll pay what I need to pay just I want to make sure he's okay for now just maybe talk to him they say people can hear things and they're in comas man 10. why why didn't you tell me anything why didn't you say it was getting worse I should have been paying more attention Luke I'm uh really sorry I holding up man I'm doing terrible right now I don't know if I can continue working I need to be here for him the last thing your dad would want is for you to just sit around here and be sad the whole time yeah you may be right I don't know you just keep working you have an idea that could change the world Luke and you should stop at nothing to make sure that you make that happen and no that's what your dad would want you're right I'm gonna do what I can to make it a better place oh another phone call hopefully this one isn't as bad as the last hello yeah are you the investor yeah yeah yeah well it's a net I regret to inform you that uh we're gonna go with Chandler's car what when I was there you said you liked mine more yeah but Chandler wouldn't stop crying in my front door so I'm giving it to him I hope you understand ciao guys you all want the Chandler mobile because you're the elite the best of the best oh I'm gonna really give it to this guy don't do anything crazy Al let's just still talk to him but look who it is my so-called competition are you guys just like so sad that the investor went with me over you no I'm just sad the investor decided to go with someone that doesn't care wait a second that looks familiar is that mine uh no that's the Chandler mobile duh no that battery that's my design oh Luke you better hold me back I'm about to punch this guy right in the face accusing me of fraud you're disgusting man you are a fraud and you're a thief no if you'll excuse me I have some fans that want to buy my car if you're not looking to buy then you need to kick rocks loser fine but this isn't the last you're gonna hear of me hey Luke oh hey Henry you're late on your right listen there's a lot of stuff going on right now and I'm a little low on money because of my dad's medical bills did I did I ask you all I want is my run all right uh just calm down jeez I'll give you the rent by the end of the month okay better because if you don't you're gonna be back out on the streets you hear me loud and clear good I got some more resonance I gotta yell at hey George where's my jeez okay I gotta start thinking I still have that prototype car I think I have an idea yeah the car is really great it's actually one of a kind I like things that's individual men's blocks my two tapes y'all and this car oh is she pretty y'all that's great so you're gonna buy it oh my God would love to buy this vehicle from you y'all okay I got this jar of columns I think there should be like 300 in here or something like that honestly at this point I'll take it oh hold on a second there's a penny right here so I got three hundred dollars in one cent thank you Rufus it's all yours all right Luke what's the big deal what have you got going on this time I've had enough of all this stuff going on with Chandler we're gonna make a solar powered car that's gonna top his car without a doubt yeah that guy really gets to me you sure I can't just like punch him We're Not Gonna stoop down to his level come on let's build this thing you know I actually think this is better than our first one this might actually work Luke oh hey oh hey what's that oh this is our new car we're really trying to change the world just looks like a normal car man what's so special about this huh this car's solar powered and no other cars like that in the world that's impossible no it's not look it's literally done it's right in front of you it's just gonna rip up just like the Chandler mobile I'm not anything like Chandler okay yeah shut up Chandler 2.0 all right I'm out don't let that guy bring you down we still have a lot of work to do oh my goodness look at this car it's incredible Yeah we actually invented it it's solar powered in everything solar powered I am a billionaire and this is one of the most impressive things I've ever seen in my life well if you want I mean we can take it out for a spin yeah let's do it I mean everything worked there was no problems or anything and then you don't ever have to worry about gas this car is amazing I could drive this thing forever you know Luke I want to pay you a billion dollars I want to put all that money and invest in your company because I believe in you you do of course someone will be stupid not to you have no idea how much that means to hear it's just things haven't been going that great lately and yeah it happens kid when you're going against the world No One's Gonna believe in you just gotta keep pushing forward you know exactly why I'm doing this so is this a deal or what it's a deal I promise I won't let you down I'm willing to put 45 000 into this company how much are you gonna put in I'm doing 46 000. what come on that's not fair look at all of these people they just want a bit of the action this company is blowing up see all it took was his hard work and we pushed through everyone's doubts that's right folks Luke's new solar powered car business is sleeping the nation soon everyone in the world will be driving these solar-powered cars saving the planet if you don't have one of these cars yet then what are you doing stop by now no one should be buying that stupid car everyone should be driving my bills I need to do something I'm not gonna let my business fail all because some homeless idiot got a chance of luck well as luck is about to run out so says the Chandler all right Luke that's the last solar powered car of the day that's like what twenty thousand in one day our productivity is flying crazy to think that half a year ago I was on the streets and it's just weird to think about you definitely have come a long way by the way how's your old man doing man he's not doing any better there's not much I can do when he's in a coma all I could do is just talk to him and keep him updated on everything that's going on I hope that he's listening he's got to be and don't give up hope that he's gonna wake up you've got to have faith say why don't we go out to dinner to celebrate I think you could use a break you're right let's go the Chandler's back on it again big a locked door is gonna stop me well you can play at this game it worked before this will work again I'll just take it and make it my own ah sweat Hey what how does he have a lot of customers again ladies and gentlemen the Chandler has done it yet again I'm introducing my brand new solar powered car I call it the Chandler mobile 2.0 this car will change the world and the way we think about energy and stuff and I want you all to know that it was I Chandler who brought this incredible wait a second that's my solar panel Chandler oh stupid idiot I'm so sorry but you don't qualify to buy a Chandler 2.0 you're a thief that's my solar panel uh no it's not why do you keep trying to steal all my glory dude you're the one that's stealing from me why are you trying to make me feel sad yeah why is he trying to make him feel sick looks so bad for Chandler listen man this is not over do you understand me I don't know how I can let this happen what am I supposed to do now I can't just keep upgrading cars and have him just keep stealing my ideas I really need you right now dad I I don't know what to do please just just wake up soon you can stop crying first of all that's what you can do wait wait Dad Dad yeah I am here just quit yelling I'm sorry I'm just I'm excited I am so happy you're okay yeah I'm fine but you need to stop worrying about Chandler and find something else that you can do so you did hear everything of course I heard everything you said all those days you came by and visited me I meant a lot Luke I could hear you but there was nothing I could do but listen I know you can do this don't let that idiot stop you you know what you're right thank you Dad I'll be back in a little bit once you're ready for the hospital I just uh I gotta go handle something real quick all right let's turn this on and see if it works excellent yeah it works and it makes me think we know how to set up the solar panel but Chandler he has no idea what he's doing so in hindsight he definitely doesn't know how to set up a solar panel on its car it's all looks and we're gonna go prove that right now Chandler Chandler all right everybody calm down calm down I know you're all excited for the reveal of the Chandler 2.0 solar powered car and your moment has come here she is isn't she pretty the entire world is watching Chandler is going to show off his new solar-powered car no he's not Chandler you're a thief what you again he has no proof and he's just a sad pathetic poor loser oh yeah then why don't you turn your car on then if it works what turn the car on this is a prototype yeah but it's supposed to be the real deal right show the people what they're going to be buying yeah we want we want to see the car we're going to be buying I heard the grill lights up fine whatever here I'll turn on the car oh no oh my gosh see caught on fire because you didn't know what you're doing because you stole my solar panel I heard that someone's committed the crabs and I'm here to put someone under arrest y'all no Chalmer can't go to jail oh yes you can you eat under arrest and that's for sure y'all Fire's getting out of control oh man this is really really bad I can't lose this dollar I think someone's still inside hey man you gotta get out of here this place is coming down let's go oh I got it oh my leg come on we gotta get you out of here thank you all right there you go are you okay you just saved my life of course no problem what were you doing in there anyways I was trying to save this here please take it what after all of that you just want to give this to me yes absolutely this is my lucky dollar it was the first dollar I ever made and if you take this I promise it will change your life change my life wow okay thank you what do you think you're doing well I just saved this man's life yeah right you were probably running in there trying to steal from all these fancy houses you don't belong in this neighborhood get lost unbelievable that's right you better keep walking poor loser well home sweet home I guess that firefighter was right this is where I belong Billy just leave me alone don't chance we're on the street is that an old man gave you a million dollars what he gave me a dollar Billy it was perceiving his life yeah right you're just a liar you're probably stacked with dough from that old man give me the millions no leave me alone I'm sick of you picking on me he only gave me one dollar not Millions it's more than I've ever had in my life I'm not gonna just give it to you give me the dollar I'm gonna ruin all your stuff Billy I don't have a whole lot of stuff as it is well this is where you live ain't it wow I never seen traps burn so fast what the heck man you are out of your mind I'm even worse if you don't give me that dollar there's no way I'm giving you this dollar I'm out of here I'm not letting you without giving me money I can't believe Billy burnt all the stuff I had left he's one of the worst people I've ever met in my life and all I have now is this dollar man I am so hungry I don't want to spend this dollar but I'm really tempting oh my gosh that guy's choking oh he's got to do this quick one two three oh oh my goodness well you're okay oh my gosh I tried to take a really big biom Microsoft really dude a croissant I was really hungry would you just saved my life here take this oh my God I wish I could give you more this is a hundred dollars no sir I I can't take this no please I insist oh great another homeless person no sir you don't understand he saved my life you poor people need to stop coming in this coffee shop and using all free Wi-Fi get out of the coffee shop goodbye you're useless goodbye but she's good you know she's got solid bones it's got no heat no hot water no water at all actually water at all nope but it's 50 bucks a month I've got 100 bucks on me right now I'll find a way to make that money and get you that rent no problem I can't go back to where I was before yeah I literally don't care about what your story is okay I just want the money by the end of the month all right I can do that no problem well that man at the coffee shop gave me a hundred dollars I think for the first time in a while I'm gonna buy myself a slice of pizza I think I'm gonna go to that pizza place down the street well would you look at that I knew that little twerp was lying to me he's probably loaded with though at this point now he has a place to live look at it all beautiful and fancy it's a palace oh I'll show him now this smells good oh man fresh pizza it's been a couple years since I've had some uh excuse me sir can I just get one large slice of pepperoni pizza please what how you can't even afford it excuse me look at that dude you're obviously poor I can afford a slice of pizza yeah well show me the money dude fine here you go oh my gosh here take it wow thank you so much hey man I hate to ask you this but are you guys hiring oh you kidding I'm not gonna hire some homeless loser got your slice of pizza now get out what is all the commotion going on in my restaurant oh my gosh it's it's you oh Richie yes the young lad who saved my life hey uh you said your name was Winston right I'm glad to see you're doing okay I'm glad to see you're okay too do you still have my lucky dollar yeah of course I do and you know I think you were right it's helping me actually make more money see just as I said that dollar will change your life be dead do you know this guy this loser trying to get a job here Ronnie quit being so rude this man saved my life if he wants a job here so be it wait really what Dad no I've made up my mind Richie would you like to work here at my pizza place it's just a small pizza shop but there's a lot of opportunity here young man wow I can't believe this yes sir I would love a job here no wait dad you can't do this I don't want to whip with a boy losing shut up you're gonna have to deal with it he's your new co-worker now and I expect you to get along Richie I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning you got it sir I'll be here what's going on here oh my gosh no no oh it's too late everything's ruined oh gee Richie tough luck there buddy Billy you did this didn't you I didn't do nothing I'm minding my own business I ain't got no proof at least you could spend some of those Millions to get yourself a new place Billy how many times do I have to tell you I only got one dollar I don't have millions of dollars just lying around where would I keep it I don't know you obviously have millions this Trail costs way more than a dollar you're a liar but Billy things are changing and I'm working hard to change my life and get a different future good for you but I don't like liars oh I'll get those Millions from you Richie if it's the last thing oh man so you hate that guy so much hey hey what happened to my trailer I'm sorry sir sorry I'm down property now I ain't fixing this hunk of junk so now you're on the streets wait please is there any other place I can go maybe you have another trailer I can spend sixty dollars a month this was the last one that was cheap now get lost well my first day of work this is so exciting oh hey Ronnie what are you doing here it's my first day on the job oh wait a minute you're actually here on time oh that's so disgusting yeah well I plan on making a good impression and working as hard as I can I think this is going to be a great chance for me yeah I don't care I'm just doing this because my stupid dad wants me to I'm already rich I shouldn't have to work well there's nothing wrong with working Ronnie and you should have some respect for your dad I mean he owns this place after all I think you should shut up and mind your own business you're just a homeless creep that no one likes don't talk about my dad I saved your Dad's life but regardless I'm just gonna do the best job I can and that's it and look there's a customer coming in right now oh create another annoying customer well then don't worry I'll help him out hi sir thanks for coming in today give me the biggest slice of pizza you've got I don't want to see a single vegetable on there yeah sure no problem I hope you have a great day are you crying look I'm uh I'm just really having a hard day oh wow I'm really sorry you're the first person that uh that was actually nice to me uh sir don't cry everything's gonna be okay it's all right here the thousand dollar tip it's for you a thousand dollars I can't take this this is just a pizza shop I I insist you're so kind thank you again did that guy just give you a thousand dollars yeah I guess so he said it was for just being nice to him well hey man I helped you out kind of give me some of that money yeah right there's no way I earned this and I know we don't split tips Ronnie yeah whatever well Ronnie I'll see you tomorrow yeah whatever whatever man that was a long first day and I can't believe I actually earned a lot of money people were actually kind of nice and I got some pretty good tips yeah I've got nowhere to go that might be easier to just sleep here behind the restaurant in the trash that way at least I'll be close to work I just really hope no one sees me Richie oh my goodness oh uh Winston hi hi sir what in the world are you doing young man why are you sleeping in trash well sir I really don't have anywhere else to go my trailer the place I was staying at burnt down and I'm kind of out of luck right now oh this is ludicrous you shouldn't be sleeping in garbage I own an apartment building Richie you can come live in one of my rooms no I I can't do that I don't like taking handouts Richie you're clearly a hard worker and I'm willing to help you after all I did give you that lucky dollar you just need a chance to grow Ronnie told me about that man who gave you that a thousand dollar tip you know that wasn't an act the first dollar you earned saving me that night will change your life do you really think so sir oh I know it and now you're going to take one of my apartments and learn more from me well sir you haven't steered me wrong yet I'll take one of the apartments thank you all right thanks again man this place is starting to get busier I feel like but gee I cannot believe how good the business is today I know I was just saying the same thing look at all these satisfied customers excuse me dad why aren't you proud of me I'm right here I'm not proud of you because you're a terrible worker you show up late all the time and you take more money than anybody else who works here you need to be more like Richie why why would it be more like him he's pathetic well this man is going to be your manager soon so you better treat him with respect what did you just say old man I'm promoting Richie to manager he's going to be running the whole store and be your boss oh my gosh that's that's incredible I haven't even been working here for that long no he hasn't he's not qualified oh shut up Ronnie listen Richie I can teach you all I know about investing money and you will get a raise for 50 000 a year what are you kidding now he's gonna make more money than dad this isn't fair this is how business Works Ronnie deal with it oh this is dumb I'm taking a break well Winston really means a lot to me thank you so much don't worry about it Richie you've earned it I can't believe this I can't believe a poor loser like Richie's making more money than me yo did I just hear Richie's making money uh who are you my name's Billy I know that Richie fella you're talking about I hate that guy yeah I hate him too he's ruining my life don't worry my friend I got an idea on how we both can get back at him uh on listening can't believe Winston said today was the busiest day he's ever had this restaurant the most sales in the company history that's so cool and I can't believe Winston trusts me to take this money and bring it to the bank man this is everything the pizza place brought in tonight I need to get all this money to the bank and deposit it what you're going to do is hand over the money but hey Hey sir this isn't my money I can't just give it to you give me everything you got or else you'll get a knuckle sandwich why are you here just don't hurl that felt good hurry up Fancy Pants we gotta get out of here get up and get in the car can't believe that actually worked I'm so jealous you gotta punch him in the face yeah don't worry you can punch him next time right now we got a great business opportunity we're gonna be rich yeah super rich man it's been three months and hoping the restaurant still is not easy I've gotta wake up super early in the morning for this what I mean the job is good so no use complaining oh hey Winston good to see you Richie uh good morning what are you doing here I just came to open the restaurant that's all I thought I told you no more over time I know I know but I still owe you 537.27 for the robbery you've got that number down to a science yeah it was my fault the business lost all that money after we were robbed well after I was robbed it was weighing on my head and I have to pay it back oh Richie you're such a hard worker I wish my son was just as hard as worker as you say have there been any leads on who exactly robbed me no unfortunately we have no leads the security cameras were off when we looked that seems a little odd doesn't it I suppose so but I don't know technology right now we just have to focus on the future and do the right thing which I want you to come to an important business meeting in a few days an important business meeting yes and I want you there by my side well that'll be great sir I'll be there for sure this is the thought of something new Richie hey you rich weirdo we gotta talk oh I'm kind of busy right now what's up what's up I need more dough you said that we'd be rich from now from all the money we're taken at the moment it isn't liquid right now it's gotta be processed I don't even know what that means it's a bunch of complex Bank Financial stuff that only I can handle you just need to trust me if you want to make more money why don't you try robbing some more rich people for cash yeah that sounds like a pretty good idea unless it's always fun well hold up am I getting paid for this or what oh yeah sure I'll give you a small fee okay I'm cool with that no Rich so that must be a lot we should go steal from I have some ideas man this luxury apartment building is super nice Winston and there's a whole concierge service here absolutely we spare no Hey listen are you okay just an old man dinging an old man ah come on Winston you're not that old hey watch it now we gotta Focus okay yeah no definitely I'm learning a whole lot of stuff from you I've got to say no I'm impressed you have an excellent understanding of business reminds me a lot of how I was when I was young oh really see I too was raised pretty poor I didn't have any money the first dollar that I ever earned I saved for all these years it reminded me to work hard and that someday I could also help others now I kind of understand that dollar really has been giving me good luck or at least I think it is if it gave it to me then it's definitely giving it to you now what do you say about this building well sir I think you should buy it it seems really nice and like you said it would be a great return on your investment see that's the thing I want you to go in on it with really buy half of this building with you I want to teach you how to turn your money into millions and the only way to do that is to get you involved on the ground floor I'm not really sure I have the money for this we can work out a deal in the meantime you can live here and watch over the place live here now that would be pretty sweet you know what Winston I accept your deal ah fantastic now I must warn you we're in some competition there's a bigger Pizza chain floating around Checkers Pizza Checkers Pizza our pizza is way better than theirs we have a much better product theirs tastes like cardboard it's absolute trash well we're gonna have to come up with an idea in order to beat out their business well we should probably open a second store then you know what Richie I like where your head's at that's a great idea let's do it [Music] hey Ronnie what is going on oh I'm busy can you give me a minute busy there's a line out the door and there's a ton of hungry customers what are you doing well I'm tweeting what does it look like put your phone down and get to work Ronnie no you can't tell me what to do um yes I can I am the manager here do you see how angry these people are oh you're just jealous of me Richie my dad owns the company and you just can't stand it at all honestly I think you're the one that's jealous of me why would I be jealous of a stupid boy loser who runs a pizza joint because I got the promotion over you oh shut up you're literally the worst person on the planet Richie and you know what I've had enough of this you're fired what you can't fire me yes I can I have full authority to fire you if you're not doing your job oh yeah just wait until my dad hears about this you'll be back on the streets porzy Dad hey Dad what is going on Ronnie you won't believe it I got fired fired what are you talking about your new best friend Richie thinks he's gonna fire me am I still gonna get my one million dollar salary a year this isn't fair oh well oh maybe this might be a good thing for you what why Ronnie I have something to talk to you about I'm very sick I tried to pretend that I wasn't for a while but I think it might be serious whatever I'm sure you're gonna be fine I need you to help me find a job and get some money I'm not going to get you anything you need to learn how to stand on your own two feet I shouldn't have spoiled you so much as a child if I knew you were gonna turn out like this I would have raised you properly you made me fine dad I can stand on my own two feet and I can wear Yeezys while I do it oh Ronnie you need to be real about this I'm Ill and I don't know how much time I have left you're just being dramatic you're just making this all about you it's supposed to be about me I'm the one who's out of the job right now it's time that you earn it that the doctor's appointment doesn't go well tomorrow I want to know that my son can take care of himself whatever I can take care of myself just fine thanks for nothing dad you're the worst oh unbelievable my own dad turns against me hey Billy hey what do you want I think I found somebody for you to Rob man I feel like I haven't had a day off in Forever this is so nice and this park is close to that new apartment I'm living in I don't recognize this number um hello hi is this Richie yeah this is him uh how can I help you my name is I'll be right there Winston are you okay uh I'm sorry Richie I'm very sick but how did this happen you seemed fine the other day well truth be told I've been feeling sick for quite a while now you just need to rest that's all where's Ronnie oh yes well recently Ronnie and I had an argument and I don't think he's going to be showing up maybe I could give him a call or something oh don't worry about it I'm sure he'll be fine wait what is it I'm not sure what's wrong with me but I feel strange Winston Dory I'm sure everything will be fine and we're gonna get out of here soon okay once the doctor comes in oh he must be Dr Stillwater well how's Winston doing I take when can I get him out of here he's not going anywhere anytime soon is it that bad doctor it's a lot worse than we originally thought Winston I'm really sorry [Music] can't stop thinking about Winston being in the hospital I just hope he does okay and pulls through all this craziness has kind of inspired me I really want to give someone the same opportunity Winston gave me I don't really care so much about the money now it's about changing people's lives oh hey guys wow if it isn't Richie what do you want Richie I'm here to brag about your Rich lifestyle to us yeah he thinks he's better than us now no guys that's not it at all I know exactly where I came from I used to live here with the rest of you and I never got an opportunity or a chance but once I did things started to change yeah okay so what big deal well I want to give you guys an opportunity too opportunity what kind of opportunity well I'm starting a new restaurant and I need a lot of people to come work for me I know you guys are good people and and I want to help you guys get some housing too yeah right that sounds too good to be true no I'm serious I'm investing in a new property and I already got approval to give free housing to people in the area wait did you really no lie guys I promise well Richie never lied before yeah and he said he's going to give us jobs I need the money is this really for real it's for real guys I promise oh I'm definitely in yeah me too yeah you know what Count Me In as well well guys I'm glad to have you part of the team now come on let's get you all out of here okay dude keep quiet we don't want to get caught and this is a big fancy neighborhood yeah yeah it's real big and fancy now come on it should be a really easy robbery just some old man ah just an old man super easy okay there's a safe in the other room no one should be home by now so we should be good how do you know that uh instincts you know Ronnie Ronnie is that you oh what you know this guy dad what are you doing here you're supposed to be in the hospital whoa what you want to Rob your own dad Waits Ronnie are you robbing me oh well uh yeah ah no this is way too messed up I'm out of here Billy wait no it was so close to the cash Ronnie after everything I've done for you how could you steal from me you stopped giving me what I want Dad how else was I supposed to get it I I don't believe this I don't have much time left and I am so disappointed in you oh stop being genetic dad you're just exaggerating you're not that sick I am sick of you demeaning me all the time young man you know what Ronnie you are on your own when I pass I am leaving you nothing you'll have to work hard just like I did now get out before I call the cops no dad you can't do this well Winston what do you think it's the brand new pizza place built just to your specifications I promise oh Richie this exceeds my expectations I can't believe you've done this well you were the one that gave me the opportunity and the strict plans to follow I have to admit though this place looks pretty darn good Richie I am so proud of you I've never had someone tell me that before thank you so much Winston Richie you've listened to what I said you've done well and you will keep growing because of it I think you'll be the richest person in Roblox yeah maybe one day I want to keep making money and giving back I think that's the most important thing I think that's fantastic all right why don't we take it easy uh why don't we go sit down somewhere no come on come on [Music] no he can't he can't he can't go now please just just don't let him die my only friend in the world my mentor he's like a father to me please pull through uh Richie oh Dr Stillwater please tell me Winston's okay I'm uh really sorry young man he he didn't make it we did our best but he was just far too sick are you gonna be okay I just I just don't know what to do now well it's not like you really have to worry about it you're rich now I'm rich now oh yeah you didn't know the old man changed his will right before he died he literally left his entire Empire everything he had to you wow that's so kind I'm gonna do whatever I can to make him proud that's for sure yo Winston I really wish you could see me now I wish you could see what I've done with your company I've got a brand new corporate office and it's been a really really hard Year I miss you a lot my friend but I'm gonna have this dollar with me no matter what hope that if you were here you'd be proud hey Richie we gotta talk I need money and I need it now Ronnie what are you doing here I just let myself in considering my dad started his business and I should be the rifle owner well fortunately for your dad's company he didn't leave it to you he left it to me oh you're so stupid you're probably wasting your money no doubt wasting my money I earned all of this on my own what your dad taught me I still can't believe my dad left you all that money I'm his son and he left me with this and Ronnie that is your fault it's not like your dad gave me all this money to just throw around and throw parties and go on yachts and stuff I'm supposed to use this money smartly to invest and help people it's what your father said to do in his will something you never do who cares about helping people give me that money but get out of my office if you want some money go earn it the days of free handouts are over my life is free handouts I don't believe this just you ain't Rich I'll get rich again you'll see excellent job Richie well done incredible presentation it's absolutely very nice Richard thank you guys thank you so much this year we opened a hundred new pizza places and bought a thousand new properties the profits are gonna go through the roof everyone's Investments are going to be doubled if not tripled by the end of the year well how incredible I love money all this has been really fun and it's great to see the company succeed I just wish our founder Winston was here to see this I know he'd be proud of each and every one of us you know I've been thinking a lot about our future and the future of this company let's make more money oh yes yes of course the future is gonna be us making more money but what I'm really thinking is our future should be giving back to people that was the biggest message that Winston never taught me and I wanted to expand our charity getting affordable housing for people is great but I want to keep growing I want to help them get on their feet well if that's what you want to do Richie you are the boss that's right I am now let's get to it guys man what happened to fancy pants's mansion all this furniture is gone hey Ronnie what's going on man I don't have a job so I ran out of money and I had to sell my stuff to keep up oh gee are you serious that sounds terrible I know oh by the way you stole me for those last two robberies I did what didn't you just do what I said I'm broke I can't pay you that's not my problem you made a promise now pay off you have no idea what it's like I'm absolutely broke I can be on new streets tomorrow I'm literally homeless I know exactly what that's like oh yeah listen I can still pay you I found a way to get some money back oh really how lose this big shot rich guy in town right oh Big Shot rich guy huh I like the sound of that Ronnie tell me more about it thank you so much for meeting me Mr Mayor I really appreciate all your support of course Richie I mean you all the biggest businessman in town right now and it seems as though you've got quite an idea under your belt well I've got a couple that's for sure I'm sorry but there really isn't anything I can do to help you wait what do you mean I know you're trying to do a lot of the free housing for people who need it unfortunately the city has run out of land and you own the rest of it oh really oh man and the worst part of it is the city doesn't have any money either did he doesn't have any money don't say it too loudly oh I can't get rid of any of the businesses I have they're all really important and it'll hurt the people that work in those businesses too oh man what am I gonna do I don't want anyone to lose their jobs I'm really sorry Richie I wish there was something more I could do unfortunately the last mayor left this place a terrible mess and I've been doing cleanup for years well no Mr mirror it's okay thank you for all your support and help actually you know I have an idea that might work well this is the only land that I technically don't own because it was given to me in Winston's will really not sure why he left me this in the first place kinda sucks seeing this place reminds me of Winston oh what do you think you're doing here Ronnie what are you doing here are you living in my house Oh you mean my house dude uh no Ronnie this is not your house your dad actually left this to me in his will have you been living here the whole year yeah of course I have this is my home stupid well unfortunately I'm tearing it down what you can't this is the only place I got left making this property the next spot for my new shelter we're gonna help a whole lot of people here you're knocking down my Mansion for a stupid homeless shelter I don't want a bunch of stupid homeless people living where I used to live it's not right look I didn't know you were still living here honestly I should have figured it out by now but I don't want you to have no place to live either I could give you a free apartment at one of my buildings for a month or so if you want yeah right I'm not gonna take help from some poor loser I mean technically you are homeless yeah whatever it's just poor people money I don't want your stupid charity I'm out of here don't believe this Billy first he took my job then he took my money then he takes my house enough is enough we're finally going after Richie and we're gonna take everything he has let's go that little punk has it coming to him oh this is so sad dude the place is already gone what do we want but they left all the construction equipment I bet we can make a fortune if we sell them and while we're at it let's destroy this stupid construction piece over here oh okay that sounds like a lot of fun uh what was this place supposed to be anyway uh it was supposed to be some stupid homeless shelter or something it doesn't matter start smashing stuff over there wait a minute a homeless shelter are you serious yeah so what hey I'm homeless That was supposed to help people just like me so what I'm gonna pay you plenty of money why does it matter to you this is messed up and plus you haven't paid me a dime since we started walking together did you just shut up once we get this job done you'll get the money and then we'll be rich got it oh okay whatever you say Ronnie it's been a lot of hard work today is the grand opening of the new homeless shelter I cannot wait to see how this turns out hey Billy oh you are Richie let's go you and me what you know what I'm talking about put your fist up we're gonna fight you Billy I don't understand it why are you so angry why am I so angry because my life is terrible Richie that's why I'm homeless I'm hungry I don't have any friends you're hungry maybe we can go get some lunch I'm about to have a big event but I can stop and eat I can't eat I have no money it's my treat come on wait seriously yeah of course so what'd you say the pizza's not bad huh it's better than Checkers Pizza that's for sure that place is garbage yeah I know I think the same thing look man I understand why you're so angry but what you don't see is your potential my potential what are you talking about all you do is focus on the bad parts of your life yes right now you're homeless yes right now you're hungry but look you just ate and now you're not hungry anymore you've got to start thinking of the good parts of your life otherwise the bad parts are just gonna take over and consume your life completely what's easy for you to say you're rich I don't know what to do with my life I want to change I do but I'm scared well it's okay to be scared your life needs a really really big change but I'm more than willing to help you out I can offer you a free place to live and I can help you get on your feet are you seriously offering me a place to live you know who I am right I burned your house down you did burn that down but look I'm more than willing to give you a chance listen Richie thanks for lunch but I don't know about this this is a lot I have to go I'll talk to you later ladies and gentlemen thank you again for attending the grand opening of this homeless shelter I really appreciate all the help and support of each and every one of you and I see some of you here are people that want to take part of this program and I say good for you you're taking the first step in bettering yourselves and your lives I may not look like it now but I was in the same shoes as you but someone gave me a chance man named Winston he gave me an opportunity that changed my life forever if I can do that for one other person I'd say my life is pretty darn good I want to give back to this community and help you all thank you so so much now let's get this homeless shelter open let's change some lives oh my gosh it sounds passionate like he actually means what he's saying he really does care about all these people does that mean he actually does care about me uh excuse me I want to sign up for the program okay just gonna pick that lock and we'll Rob this entire company all the money will be sent to me hey Ronnie what's up oh Billy help me get into the office we're this close I'm not helping you Ronnie what Richie's right I was inspired by his speech and I don't want to live like this anymore I want friends I want a family I want a roof over my head what are you trying to say I'm saying that I'm done wait a minute what Billy what did you do called the cops Ronnie you're done well well well well what have we got here huh this is what it looks like I promise this looks exactly what Billy said it would look like you're under arrest
Channel: ShanePlays Roblox Movies
Views: 1,503,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, ShanePlays, ShanePlays Roblox Movie, FullRobloxMovie, Roblox Story, Roblox Animation
Id: ZqJR3vWqiVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 27sec (3687 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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