The Richest Twins In Roblox! *Full Movie*

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[Music] oh welcome home little caleb and liam this is our mansion yes we hope you find the uh a custom suitable for you darling we live in pure luxury of course these children will be happy they're each getting their own wing in the house i hope they do anyways nanny come here uh yes ma'am are the rooms ready for the babies yeah but uh we weren't expecting there to be twins so we've only prepared one what this is unacceptable all children need to have their own master suites with at least three balconies a complete walk-in closet and their own private ensuite bathrooms um yes sir yes sir uh we'll get to that right now anyways you know that massive gala that we were planning why don't we surround that with the twins make it like a welcome home party darling this is why i married you because you are absolutely brilliant perfect yes let's throw a massive gala just so everybody can look at how beautiful our children are [Music] oh my gosh is school almost over yet i want to get out of here we're almost done caleb i promise but i just wanted to let you guys know about your progress liam you've been doing great in your tutoring sessions you're passing with flying colors oh wow that's great to hear thanks man you're actually such a great tutor but unfortunately caleb you are not doing so well uh what do you mean well you actually haven't done a single assignment that i've given you who has time to do stupid lame assignments um people that are in school that want to pass like your twin brother unfortunately i have to let you know you're not gonna be graduating uh that's impossible okay i have to graduate i'm sorry caleb it's too late now caleb i can't believe you're failing mom and dad are gonna be so upset at you i happen to have what is this about 50 000 in cash um how about you take this and you give me an a for the whole year and i graduate caleb are you bribing our tutor this isn't right shut up liam did you say it was 50 000 yeah that's right 50k what do you say i say that's incredible i need to buy a new range rover immediately see that's how it's done liam [Music] hey caleb you wanted to meet me here what is this place check it out this is my brand new house you can't be serious oh no i'm serious dude i already talked about it with mom and dad and because i graduated with such great grades i decided to treat myself to a brand new house what do you think it's like totally cool super modern i think i'm gonna put a fountain in over there and i'm gonna have so many parties here caleb this isn't right you bought this as a graduation gift you didn't even graduate you bribed our tutor you ended up with better grades when you didn't even work at all dude so what i had the money to buy myself a couple grades i don't know why you're acting like a total nerd i don't know dude you're just extremely irresponsible with your money and you didn't even earn any of it we were both given this money by our parents yeah and i can spend it exactly how i want to dude you should start spending some of your money as well i mean look at your car it's a total piece of it's my first car and i don't need anything special oh i see what this is okay okay dude i completely understand okay you're just jealous that i have a mansion now and you don't what you can't be serious caleb yeah it makes total sense it's the only reason why you're acting like a total loser if being responsible and working for what i get makes me a loser then i'd rather be a loser you literally don't work for anything you just get stuff handed to you all the time i worked hard did the assignments and graduated on my own and that makes me feel good while all you did was pull your wallet out and threw money at your problems yeah and that made me feel pretty good you're my twin brother and i don't want to see you in that stupid ugly car ever again we have to go buy you a new car i really don't need a new car though uh yeah you actually do come on let's go [Music] so boys uh what do you think of this one here this is the newest model it is completely electric and fuel efficient it is in this bright candy red color that we normally don't sell so you would only be getting it here whoa super exclusive that's awesome liam you have to buy this car i don't know caleb i don't think i need it it seems just like it's a waste of money a waste of money oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm so sorry for my stupid twin brother he doesn't understand that we were actually born super rich and money is awesome it's fine i completely understand liam stop being such a stick in the mud okay this car is super exclusive and it's probably really expensive right actually so the base model is uh eighty thousand dollars but to have it in this limited edition candy ride color it would up it to ninety nine nine nine nine that's so much money there's no way i'm buying this i'd rather get an suv or something an suv over a sports car seriously yeah at least that would be useful for my hiking trips well you know what if you're not gonna buy it i'm going to in fact i'm gonna buy two of them hey car salesman lady i want to buy two of these cars can you have them ready in like five minutes two oh yes of course we'll have them right in a jiffy all right awesome thank you thank you so much why do you need two sports cars caleb well one car can be for when i go buy boba tea and the other car i'll use to go get sushi totally makes sense this is what i'm talking about caleb you don't think smart with your money you just throw your money like it's nothing yeah because it is nothing oh my gosh dude i don't know why you're being so difficult today ugh caleb i just wish you were more responsible with your money yeah and i wish i had a cooler twin brother thanks for meeting me today for lunch mom i feel like it's been so long since i've seen you yes it's been quite a while i've been visiting all the islands trying to figure out which one to buy and i was able to schedule you in for a lunch yeah this is really nice i love spending time with you yes darling when i have the time i love spending it with you as well um sorry sir but um you're a card was declined what what are you talking about hmm declined what a what is that i've never heard that in my life that just means he doesn't really have any funds in his credit card i'm sorry but you don't know who you're talking to okay i'm one of the richest kids in the whole world just here take my second card and use this um okay we'll go try that one [Music] oh i'm so sorry about that mom it's so embarrassing that's fine mistakes happen all the time i'm sure it was just a faulty wiring on that other card yeah it's probably because i use it so much now it just like doesn't work anymore i need to call the bank and get a new one so i was thinking what if i redesigned your home mansion you know it's very um old style very 20 20. we should be looking towards 2021 yeah i think you're totally right sir uh this one also didn't work what what do you mean it didn't work this card always has money on it um i'm sorry but uh we'll need somebody else to pay for this meal ugh fine here take my card caleb why isn't yours working i don't know mom this this never happened before there must be something wrong with my cards that's all i'll get it figured out what is this note rental notice what what does this even mean let me just see what's going on with my bank account what no negative fifty thousand dollars what oh this isn't good oh no this is not good hey caleb i want to talk to you wait is everything all right you look upset yeah no i'm fine dude what do you want mom just messaged me and asked me what declined means she was out eating lunch with you so what happened well we went out to lunch and the server kept saying my card was declined caleb that means that you ran out of money you're broke yeah i know i just checked my bank account and it's like negative money what is even negative money dude i'm scared that means that you spent more money than you actually had and now you owe the bank money what no that's where i put the money and it's just supposed to be there dude what is going on i need to figure this out can i borrow fifty thousand dollars maybe actually just make it even hundred hundred thousand dollars dude no i'm not just giving you my money caleb you need to learn how to work for something for once well i'm asking you for help and you're my twin brother why aren't you helping me i need a hundred thousand dollars it may not seem like i'm helping you right now but you'll thank me later you need to figure this out on your own well if you're not gonna give me any money i'll just go ask mom and dad [Music] mom dad i gotta talk to you guys something's going on darling what's wrong well guys i just need to borrow like a hundred thousand dollars real quick that's all why would you need to do that we gave you so much money in your savings account yes not to mention your trust fund is about 70 million dollars so why do you need an extra 100k well um the thing is i i actually don't have any more money what what do you mean sweetheart what's going on i'm confused i'm also confused does this have to do with the whole decline thing i still don't know what that word means yeah i just ran out of money i guess so how about you guys just give me some and i put it in my bank account and everything's gonna be fine uh no son no actually it doesn't work like that we gave you about 70 million dollars and you spent it all are you joking this is extremely disappointing i thought you were gonna at least be a little smart like your twin brother and save some of your money but you just blew it all dad were you upset of course i'm upset i worked extremely hard to build our family fortune and you just throw it away like it's nothing you need to learn a lesson caleb but you guys are rich that's supposed to be the whole point my parents are rich i have money too no caleb it does not work like that you need to go get a job or something honey i agree with your father you need to work for your earnings learn what a dollar means but working is for dumb poor people and we're not poor well technically caleb you are now poor i don't even know where to start where do i get a job why don't you go talk to your brother liam he has a job he can help you i don't have time for this i have to get on a private plane i've got a very exclusive business meeting going on so if there's anything else you need to discuss do it with someone else okay caleb get out of here i'm very disappointed in you dude why would you take me here what even is this place this is a work office caleb it's where people come to work and make money but it looks so sad where are the gold pillars in the fountains and the butlers and everything you have a lot to learn don't you this is where i work and i'm gonna try to help you get a job here i talked to my manager and after a little bit of convincing they agreed to meet with you dude i don't know if i could do this like work huh i don't know if i can do that i mean if you don't want to sit with your account being at negative 50 000 you're going to learn to have to ugh all right fine give it a try i guess just never really worked before caleb you need to go in there and whatever you do do not act like yourself act responsible all right fine fine i got this [Music] liam where is your brother and why are you wearing such fancy clothes oh no i'm caleb i'm liam's brother oh you guys are twins whoa freaky just have a couple questions for you all right excellent because i have a couple questions for you as well and i'd like to start um so how much am i gonna make i'm thinking i really need to start about like 200 dollars a week oh my gosh oh my gosh are you that was a funny joke man you're funny i wasn't joking well there's absolutely no way you're making that as a salary i don't even make that well that's the money that i need okay and honestly i should probably just be running this place i should really be your boss it doesn't look like you're doing your job well i don't know who you think you're talking to but liam went out on a limb here and he said that you really needed this job you're acting like a complete spoiled brat and you're acting like a total loser there's no way i would ever hire you for any kind of job i wouldn't even hire you to mop the floors people mop floors get out of my office oh what am i gonna do now liam's gonna be so mad at me that i didn't get this job i hope he doesn't get in trouble i've got myself into a total mess now i've got to figure something out i need to get some food or something i'm so hungry i can't even think straight i think this place has food [Music] hey you working idiot do you have food here i'm hungry well this is a store so of course yeah i would think i would have food all right just give me whatever you have here just take my card all right let me just scan this and um oh well it looks like the card is declined yeah uh it just it the first time usually happens like that you've got to do it like three or four times so like can you do that please i'm really hungry all right here goes one nope here goes two nope didn't work uh three no uh and four uh yeah no this card is literally useless what are you talking about you don't know what you're doing you're just stupid i'm not stupid and look i'll try to swipe this card one more time it actually it now switched to destroy on site so here we go destroying the card now what no what are you doing to my card that's all i have you're so dumb why would you do that you're a total jerk i'm gonna tell my mom and dad they're gonna buy this whole stupid store and get your dumb stupid face fired thanks for coming to the corner shop have a great day caleb what's going on i'm out of money i'm broke and that stupid store clerk just destroyed my card liam i just talked to my manager too and he told me that you totally flipped out in the interview how can you do that you completely blew it and not to mention you embarrassed me i'm sorry liam i just didn't know what to do i asked him for a bunch of money and he just laughed in my face and i just got so upset i just feel lost caleb i've already told you what you need to do you need to put your ego aside work hard and everything will be fine everyone starts from somewhere and right now you're starting from rock bottom but you can do this i know you can really of course man you're my brother and i love you and i always believe in you oh thanks liam i know you're just trying to help i promise i'll do better i'll show you [Music] well caleb you actually turned yourself around you're a model employee you've been working so hard you've earned this promotion congratulations well really thank you so much so dude what do you think this is my new place this place is really nice caleb and i just want to say how proud of you i am you really proved everyone wrong well you're the one that taught me to stop being such a spoiled jerk and honestly working really hard and buying this house it actually feels a whole lot better than just spending money on a mansion that i didn't earn now come on inside dude just wait til you see the kitchen twins ricky and james were born to be famous but their fame came with a price that neither of them are ready for [Music] oh my god i can't believe it twins i know isn't it just amazing and look how fashionable your babies are i don't care how fashionable they look i'm not ready for twins i cannot do this i i gotta go i'm sorry i don't think i understand what do you mean you gotta go hey wait lady [Music] you can't just leave your kids here this isn't a daycare oh man what am i gonna do um excuse me uh did someone just abandon these kids you're heather the heather um yes that's me oh my gosh you're like a huge celebrity yes i've been an actress all my life but um if somebody abandoned them i can take care of these cute little babies yeah that would actually be great let me go grab some adoption papers from in the hospital sounds good oh man ricky today has been a crazy day huh why do you think that well all those people that were around us earlier asking for our autographs and stuff it was weird i mean i barely know how to write really you think it's weird i love it i love when people recognize me and and want to talk to me makes me feel great hey really you do yeah like everyone in the world knowing who i am everywhere i go someone knows my name and and i think it's great i think you should see it that way too yeah i guess it is kind of cool yeah and besides ricky we're like obviously the most talented kids ever hey i know you guys we go to the same school don't we yeah you're walter right yeah do you guys want to hang out maybe we can go use the swings or something yeah that sounds cool uh yeah sure we'll we'll meet you over there okay sure but james what's going on that kid he's kind of boring i don't think that we should be around him he's not famous at all well he seems really nice and i think we need to make friends we barely have any friends besides well you and me ricky that's because we're obviously the most talented people in the industry and if you keep wasting your time on these boring people that won't help us at all you'll never change and you're always going to be the same boring person just like the rest of them well i don't want to be boring and that's why you need to listen to me okay we can't be wasting our valuable time on these people yeah i guess you're right [Music] dude those paparazzi are crazy yeah i think it's super cool though we're gonna be all over the blogs yeah but they were just kind of out of control i don't know i was kind of scared well you're both correct this lifestyle can be very fun but it can be dangerous alright so you just need to be careful heather heather please i've got a few questions excuse me this is our property please leave right away or i will call security heather please just a couple questions you and your twin boys ricky and james are the hottest celebrities right now please just a couple questions fine well what are you doing i said that if you wouldn't get off our property i would call security and that's what i'm doing very sorry heather very sorry just another picture before i go all right thank you so much i'm so sorry [Music] now that boys is an example of how to deal with it all right don't ever let them get their way you are still a human all right and know that yes mom shoot i think i blinked in the picture whoa james look it's that playground mom used to take us when we were little don't you remember yeah yeah i guess so i'm just glad that we can finally relax that shoot was so long i can't believe it took all day and we just get to hang out just you and me now i actually didn't mind the shoot i love when people take pictures of me yeah i know you do but come on let's check this out i wonder where all the other kids are there just doesn't seem to be anybody around which is weird too don't you think yeah yeah whoa did you see my new tick tock already has a million views uh no i haven't looked what do you think maybe we should just hang out here you know kind of like old times uh-huh uh-huh yeah yeah yeah what what are you doing oh sorry i was just uh replying to a comment so is that what you want to do just reply to all your comments well yeah i mean we're famous right it's just part of the job yeah i guess all right you go do that i'm gonna hang out at the playground oh man this burger looks so good my agents got me on this crazy strict diet for the movie coming up but i think i can cheat a little bit yeah hey hey you aren't aren't you ricky oh yeah that's me hi uh are you a fan uh i wouldn't say that i saw you in the movie the apple fighter because green's my favorite color and i thought i'd give it a watch and i uh i thought you were the worst actor i thought your performance ruined the movie for me wow um i worked super hard on that role and i thought it did really well sorry you didn't like it but if you wouldn't mind i just kind of want to be alone and enjoy my lunch yeah well besides you needed to take acting lessons i also think that you're just fat and stupid maybe you should not eat that burger it's gonna make your gut even worse seriously you don't even know me you can't come up to me and just call me fat well you're fat okay bye oh my gosh that guy was a jerk yo ricky i caught that entire thing on camera wait you did so you saw that guy being a total jerk to me huh yeah sure more like i saw you yelling at a fan what i didn't yell at him at all that guy was just being mean you paparazzi you're all the same yeah whatever you say listen dude just please don't post anything about that okay oh you don't want me to post anything huh but what's in it for me uh the fact that you're helping out a celebrity i think that's kind of cool right [Laughter] you think i care i want money pal all right fine if i give you some money you're not gonna post anything right listen man this is my job and this is how i make my money so if you don't want me to post it you need to pay me back for it all right fine here couple thousand dollars work for you this is perfect thank you yes ladies and gentlemen that is right celebrity twin ricky absolutely screamed his lungs out at a fan you can see here in the footage this poor fan just wanted a nice autograph and ricky lays into him i can't believe this huge celebrity is rude to his fans what that didn't happen and that guy said he wasn't gonna post anything ugh i can't believe this i don't want to be famous anymore i don't want this life oh i just can't figure out what i'm going to wear tonight we've got that big red carpet event what am i going to do i don't know dude where some supreme or something yo but i feel like i've been wearing that a lot lately i don't know ricky james it's nice to see you hey juno what's up nothing much but i wanted to invite you both to a party i'm hosting oh that sounds great yeah we'd love to go yeah when is it it's tonight and only influencers are going we're gonna have so many people there it's gonna be crazy and i'm sure there's gonna be some drama wow that sounds great we'll be there yeah i'd love to go but i actually have some assignments for school i should probably get those done ricky of course you're gonna be a loser again you know what james you should just come to my party instead okay yeah absolutely i'll be there all right tata boys later juno man she's awesome she called me a loser are you kidding well why didn't you just go to the party is school really more important i mean it's not going to matter you're famous i can't believe this [Music] dude wait where are you going i'm walking away from you what why what's the matter with you because you didn't stand up for me back there dude she straight up called me a loser to my face because i want to do schoolwork and then you just didn't say anything you're my brother you're supposed to stick up for me oh my gosh dude grow up we're in the real world now i know if someone called you a loser i'd tell that other person to shut up you're being such a baby dude yeah whatever mom can i talk to you real quick ricky what's the matter what happened james he's acting like a total jerk like he's too good for me now and stuff brothers fight that's just to be expected but what happened i just get the feeling like he doesn't care about me as much as he cares about being a famous celebrity he's all about his fancy clothes and cool parties and fast cars he just doesn't get i don't care about that stuff ricky your life is nowhere near normal at all and you guys are very famous and yes that does stem for me and i'm sorry but it is something you'll have to get used to and maybe you're taking a bit longer to get used to it i just don't care about all this stuff the fancy clothes and whatever else comes with it ricky i'm sorry but this is your life you're gonna have to get used to it yeah well but if i have anything to do about it ricky don't [Music] goodbye designer clothes goodbye fancy stuff i don't need it anyway i'm just gonna be normal just the way i'm supposed to be man where is ricky he was supposed to be here like an hour ago james where is famous brother i don't know he should have been here by now i'm sorry i get paid by the hour i am a famous photographer i'm supposed to take pictures of famous twins there is no twins there is only one okay well if you're being paid by the hour you shouldn't mind waiting a few more minutes you'll twins unprofessional hey i'm really sorry i'm late what is this what you wearing well they're just my clothes that's all no this is not right no no that's it i'm out of here i cannot take this ricky what are you doing nothing i was just coming to the photo shoot that's all yeah well you were super late and then you show up wearing these horrible clothes mom's gonna be so mad at you okay fine mom grounds me or something i don't really care i just want to be treated like a normal person why do you want to be treated like a normal person being famous is awesome no it's actually not everything james maybe if you got your head out of the bank account mom puts money in for you you'd understand whoa are you serious dude you're gonna stoop that low you really think that of me dude you haven't been acting like my brother for a long time i don't know what to think of you anymore get over yourself dude i'm gonna go to that party tonight and make sure that our reputation isn't ruined by you oh yeah i think i'm gonna go to the party too don't show up dude especially not looking like that [Music] hey juno what's up oh hi james i knew it was you with how fast and crazy you were driving yeah gotta dodge the paparazzi am i right totally ugh you're so wild and that car is so sick thanks yeah it was only three hundred thousand dollars wow that was really cheap well i have a more expensive car at home this is just my casual car oh i would love to see the other one someday oh my gosh james hi james i'm a big fan can i get your autograph yeah of course who should i make it out to just make it out to stuart please okay here you go dude have a nice day james touched this piece of paper and he signed it oh my gosh and in person i have to say your hair looks so so much better than real life wow can i touch it please uh no dude step away from me oh oh oh i'm so sorry what a weirdo wow you handled that so well you're famous and strong you know i wasn't gonna say this because i didn't think you were good enough but do you maybe want to like go out with me or something yeah that sounds lovely cool let's take a photo for the instagram and this town is certainly lonely i wish i was hanging out with james but he's been acting like a total jerk i don't want to be anywhere near him i just don't know why he's acting like this towards me hey kid you look sad is everything okay i'm sorry no i'm just really stuck in my head you know i just don't know what i'm gonna do what you're gonna do with what oh with my brother and my family to be honest they're all just obsessed with how famous they are and how much money they have there's only one happiness in life it's to love and to be loved yeah that's what i think too all the money and fame really doesn't matter it matters about who you are who you're with and your loved ones right exactly he thinks oh it's actually really nice talking to you yeah it was nice talking to you too it honestly gets pretty lonely out here are you homeless do you live out here yeah i've been on the streets for a while now uh you don't happen to have any spare coins on you do you coins uh no i don't but i've got this here you can have it no no that's too much that's too much no seriously here take it i don't really need to use it thank you so much wow this is amazing i'm gonna go buy a shane place poster with this that's an awesome plan well i hope you enjoy it dude i will thank you [Music] oh i'm getting a new alert on my phone james is out with juno huh oh great he decided to make a red carpet appearance without me how nice i can't believe you do that and her with all people she's really not nice i gotta go talk to james [Music] tag you're it mel get back here hey james can i tell you something yeah what's up ricky mom says we're gonna be really famous and i'm kind of scared i don't know what to do hey don't worry about it you'll always have me by your side and whatever happens we'll face it together yeah twin brothers forever right right [Music] uh james hello james uh what uh what's wrong with you are you good people are starting to give us a weird look oh i'm sorry i'm just thinking about ricky that's all um well you should be thinking about me i'm your girlfriend now and look at all the people that are taking our photos we're gonna be on the cover of every magazine for the next week yeah yeah of course i'm just wondering if maybe i should check up on him [Music] hey james ricky hey well i can't believe you totally replaced me huh don't need your twin brother anymore now that you've got some super famous girlfriend huh dude ricky now isn't the best time there's a bunch of people around well when is it gonna be a good time james later okay just not right here who cares about what's going on here you're supposed to be my brother and i need to talk to you i can't believe you just stooped to the level of every other dumb celebrity who cares about fame and fortune and everything that doesn't matter dude you're freaking out calm down stop acting like a loser don't call me a loser [Music] dude what is wrong with you can't believe james [Music] james you're my best friend you're my best friend and i'll always be there really are you sure you've changed james you've changed a lot ricky everything will be okay you don't need to be scared are you sure scared i'm gonna lose you forever that'll never happen everything will be okay you just need to wake up wake up yeah wake up ricky oh oh man what's what's going on james oh my gosh you're okay what happened you got in a little car accident but everything's okay now i'm sorry i was just just so upset i wasn't paying attention listen i'm sorry i should have remembered that family always comes first like i said i will always be here for you brother i was scared i just thought you were changing and you didn't like me anymore and we weren't going to be brothers we're close like we used to be of course not i changed and i'll keep changing but i'm always gonna be your brother well it makes me feel a little better well you'll feel better once the ambulance comes they'll be here soon [Music] beat you again conor jimmy that's so fun you're always cheating at these games dude it's just because you're not that good at it that's okay whatever i'm the best i'm just gonna buy all these upgrades all right you can buy all the upgrades you want but i highly doubt you're gonna beat me it's about skill dude ugh whatever i'm bored of playing games anyways we should do something more fun well i thought we were having fun it's only fun if you win jimmy it's not fun if you lose all right fine fine so what do you think we should do i don't know we're bored we've got a ton of money we're billionaires dude yeah yeah i know we're billionaires oh let's go mess around with people in the town laugh at poor people and play tricks on them or something really that's what you want to do yeah doesn't it sound like fun uh i guess so all right come on dude let's go let's laugh at some poor people all right connor so what kind of ice cream do you want hmm well i think i really want the gold-infused ice cream i think that sounds perfect for us yeah that sounds great can we get two gold infused ice creams please um yeah no we don't we don't sell that here i don't even know what that is uh what what do you even mean you don't know what that is it's ice cream infused with edible gold and it's so expensive only rich wealthy people can buy it uh okay cool uh yeah no i have like vanilla or you want like mint chocolate chip maybe okay well clearly you can't hear me that well i'm gonna repeat myself one more time gold infused ice cream why don't you go mine some gold and bring it back here for me i mean i'm the customer you should be doing what i want um i'm the only one on this shift so i can't like leave the store also i don't know where a mine is um listen lady um i think you should really get him the gold ice cream if he doesn't get it he's gonna flip out uh again i guess i could like try to do some magic be like boo buddy uh it's gold you know and then you believe it and you eat it will that work jimmy i'm sorry i have to do this i've had it up to here with you and your attitude lady do you have any idea who we are my dad basically runs this whole town okay he owns like half of it and you know what you're fired what are you kidding me i need this job i just bought a 1996 ford mustang hey guys wow what's going on um how are you really cool cars hey timmy hey thanks they're pretty new yeah our dad got them for us last week pretty sweet huh wow yeah super sweet they look like they go pretty fast um so i have like a question for you guys or for jimmy specifically so tammy what's up what do you want well i actually came over here because i wanted to ask jimmy if he would go out on a date with me maybe yeah jimmy will go on a date with you but you have to prove something to us first prove something to you um okay what you have to tell us which one of us is jimmy oh wow that's hard you guys are identical twins um okay let me see um you're um you're jimmy right you're jimmy nope i'm connor but you lose wait no fair i want to redo i want to redo yeah no way tammy get out of her face come on guys please just give me a second chance come on tammy everyone in school knows you're just a gold digger okay you only date the rich guys um no that's not true well maybe but i can't help it if all the rich guys also happen to be attractive so it's like a coincidence it's not like that's not like a thing well tammy if you can't tell us apart you've got no business dating either one of us so why don't you just get out of here we don't even want to look at you anymore ugh fine whatever you guys are both losers and i think you're stupid i don't know dude i've just been so bored lately you've been bored of what i don't know there's just not a whole lot of fun things to do in this poor stupid town wouldn't it be funny if we just landed our helicopter in the middle of the soccer field during a game um no not really dude what if there are people there and what if they get hurt not my problem i think it would be cool we just show up in a helicopter and we walk out like oh sorry was this happening today i think that'll be so funny hey i gotta talk to you guys well look who it is it's big tough logan yeah i am logan and tammy's my girlfriend apparently you made her cry earlier today which one of you idiots is connor uh him he's conor what conor you're a total jerk i can't believe you'd make my girlfriend cry you totally deserve this oh man my head hurts what happened you totally got knocked out dude conor i can't believe you would do that to me that guy was mad at you yeah yeah listen i understand i'm sorry dude but it had to go down like that oh really it had to go down like that i don't know maybe you think you should have told the truth yeah but the whole point of that was so you know i could have some fun have some fun by watching your brother get knocked out no no no see dude i totally let that happen and afterwards while you were here i went to the principal and i paid him so now that guy logan's expelled wait i'm so confused so after all of this you did this so that you could get logan expelled from school yeah he's a total jerk don't you think you're kind of being a total jerk no i think i'm bored and i'm messing with poor people and it's funny it's really funny i don't know man i don't like any of this uh just cause you got your head knocked around a little bit you'll be fine beat you again connor oh you're so frustrating dude hey hey guys um hey man what's wrong you look really upset well yeah i'm super hungry i haven't had anything to eat all day i know you guys are like super millionaire billionaire whatevers um i was just wondering if there's any way i could borrow like a couple bucks to get a sandwich oh yeah of course listen we'll pay you about 10 grand if you eat this sandwich right here connor where did you get that sandwich i found it on the sidewalk ew dude that's gross yeah man i don't know if i want to eat a ground sandwich i mean i'm really really hungry and i haven't been able to eat for a while well man do you want the 10 grand or not yeah i could really use it okay i'll give it a try oh this is gross is there mushroom on this dude i was just joking with you i can't believe you'd actually eat it what what do you mean you actually think i was gonna give you 10 grand for eating a sandwich please you're pathetic what you're the worst i thought you were gonna help me nah i don't feel like it get out of our face loser oh connor dude that was rough yeah whatever dude come on all right man our birthdays are coming up we went big last year but we've gotta go even bigger this year yeah but what are we gonna do i mean we've kind of already done everything you can you know we rented out the arcade we rented out the movie theater we rented out the club last year there aren't a whole lot of places to hang out in brookhaven well there is the hub yeah but we've already been there dude no no no no no dude i think we should buy the entire hub really well actually that does sound kind of cool we can invite everybody in the school and there'd be plenty of room for people to hang out and play games watch a movie eat food do whatever they want yeah see we're on the same wavelength here well we are twins yeah i know whatever but i think it'd be better if we charge people to enter what like charge people to come to our birthday party yeah we can say it's like uh i don't know something small like a thousand dollars or something and if they don't have the money they can't hang out with us i think that's a little too insensitive dude i mean i don't want people to pay to hang out with me well if that's not what you want to do fine i'm just going to have a birthday party without you dude we're twins we have the same exact birthday yeah and you're not invited to my birthday how about that no dude we have to spend our birthdays together that's like the whole thing well this is what i want to do so you better get on board with it dude all right fine sure whatever all right so we'll buy the hub and start charging people a grand this is gonna be awesome uh connor did you send out all the invites for everybody yeah of course dude i sent them all to their student emails there you two are i have a bone to pick with you losers oh not this guy what do you want logan you totally ruined my life my parents think i'm a total failure because i got expelled from school and i know it was you guys that did it uh no definitely wasn't us i know it was you i'm not that dumb well actually you are pretty dumb so dumb in fact that you didn't even see this coming oh you guys are the worst ew dude that's it i've had enough of this yeah i know that guy logan's a total nerd no that's not what i've had enough of i've had enough of you and your attitude you always have to ruin everything and now people hate us that's probably why no one's here for our party i don't care i don't care about anybody i'm super rich that's all that matters i don't want to be a part of this anymore dude if you don't stop then i'm done hanging out with you you're joking right we're twins yeah and i can't believe my twin would be so mean and heartless like you jimmy wait come back stop jimmy jimmy are you here oh man i can't believe he would just ditch me at the party like that he's such a jerk jimmy where are you oh darling hi hello how are you hey mom have you seen jimmy anywhere oh darling yes jimmy headed over to the airport he needed to take a vacation he seemed very upset oh man i can't believe this i feel like this is all my fault and i think jimmy's mad at me all i wanted to do was have fun with my brother and show that we could be happy without all those poor losers well darling you know jimmy he's never been one to care much for money okay i don't understand why it's literally everything yeah but i mean i didn't need to upset my twin brother and all oh man i gotta get to the airport before jimmy leaves yes darling of course go ahead take the porsche and make sure you take the express lane you'll get there quicker and in style yeah thanks mom [Music] [Applause] jimmy you're here i'm glad you didn't take off yet what do you want connor can't you see i just want to be left alone listen dude i'm sorry for doing all that stuff to those people i just wanted to hang out with you that's all yeah of course i want to hang out with you too man you're my twin brother but those things you were doing weren't right just because we're rich doesn't mean we can act like that you have to treat people with respect no matter how much money they have just because we're billionaires really doesn't mean anything i know i'm sorry i was acting like a total jerk and i wasn't thinking straight you forgive me well yeah of course dude you're my brother it was just weird seeing you act like that that's not who you are yeah you're right that's not me and i promise i'm gonna make everything right again i'll go back to school and i'll apologize to the principal and make sure he gets logan back from being expelled well that's a good place to start that guy was really upset see how that affected him yeah i see that now i'm sorry oh it's all right dude whatever i just appreciate you coming to your senses i mean you were getting a little crazy yeah i guess i was huh yeah totally crazy but i'm just glad you're doing the right thing [Music] jasper do you think someday we'll be able to get famous i don't know we don't really have a lot of money i know we're really really poor i know someday i just want to be rich and famous don't you yeah but i don't know what to do i mean it's so hard i know i'm really hungry we haven't eaten in like days plus everybody hates us because we're noobs don't say that don't say we're noobs we're trying well i don't know i've always been really good at dancing and we do have a phone maybe we could try making tick tocks well yeah i mean that could be cool maybe we could come up with some funny dances or something i can record it okay okay check this out ready oh wow this is awesome i mean i think it's funny huh me too me too so maybe everyone else will like it who knows i'm just gonna upload it now [Music] my gosh i need to find a way to make money fast i am super broke all of my clients are not making me any money it's very very frustrating hey mr norman do you like have a second to talk yes kathy what is it i'm very busy making lots and lots of money well look i was on tick tock and i saw these amazing noob twins noobs huh this is pretty funny yeah and they have like a ton of views and they would be definitely good for our brand don't you think you know kathy i think that you're right these two noobs are gonna be big money for us yeah so like do you want me to reach out to set up a meeting yeah we'll make these noobs the biggest tick tock stars that exist and i'm gonna make sure that i get all the money cool i'm like so excited to meet them maybe i can record my own tick tock with them [Music] casper we got so many views on that first video people actually like it oh my gosh people actually like us yeah it's the first time people aren't really being mean everything's pretty positive really no it's calling us noobs well they're calling us noobs but they're saying that like we're like really cool noobs and we're funny oh my gosh i cannot believe this this is unbelievable this is all i ever wanted yeah i know but i don't really understand how we're gonna make any money i mean we're still really poor yeah but think about it people saw it and they liked it they weren't mean to us that's a huge win yeah i guess that's true actually [Music] hello noobs or should i say casper and jasper i'm just kidding oh hi who are you oh my name's norman i'm a big big talent producer agent slash manager oh my goodness hi hi there what can we help you with well we're looking for some new people to sign and we saw that you guys were really great at tick-tock and we wanted to work with you and make you the most famous tick-tock stars that exist oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh wait a minute how is this gonna work look it's gonna work because i have a ton of money and i know exactly what you guys need to be making i'm gonna help promote you i'm gonna make sure you make a lot of money okay i'm gonna tell everyone about you oh my gosh can we do it jasper this is great i mean we're finally becoming famous [Music] [Music] alright so there's plenty of videos that we need to make to get you guys as famous as you need to be and i think that casper should be the main star what why well i think it's cause i'm awesome that's why i think we should both be in the videos don't you no no casper's more the dancer jasper you can just film everything i'm so excited this is amazing look at me go i think that i could make casper here a giant star yeah but what about me i'm his twin brother we're supposed to be a team look look we are you are still part of the team of course and what you're doing is gonna be very very important yeah come on jasper you know i'm not gonna forget about you or anything you're still gonna be rich and famous just like me we're twin brothers we can't separate all right that's fair i trust you plus we gotta get out of our house it's terrible yeah it really is all right well it's time to make some money wow this place is so much better than our other house huh yeah i guess what's the matter with you man i don't know we dreamed of both becoming famous together and i'm not even on camera oh with this again come on man well look i mean you could at least let me in some of the videos look i think that you're just jealous that i have better dance moves than you that's not true i'm not jealous it's just i wanted to be a part of this with you uh it sounds like you're jealous to me man i just can't believe that you were acting like this i mean this isn't what we dreamed of what are you talking about this is exactly what i dreamed of i just thought that you would be more understanding that's all no i think everything's going really great for me right now i really don't like the person that you're becoming well i like it because now i'm super famous and you get to live in my house hey this is our house i get some of this money too yeah but you don't get all the fame none of that matters i can't believe that you're really thinking like this oh whatever jasper we got work to do i got a bunch of new dances i gotta try kathy this is great the noobs are making me so much money they're gonna be trending on all platforms soon but like i don't know mr norman i don't really feel good about this it's not really nice what you're doing to the noobs first of all they're just stupid noobs they don't know anything anyway i could just tell them that i paid them they'd probably believe me i guess but like you never even gave me a raise so like am i working for free now i don't know maybe i'll pay you when i become a billionaire i don't know mr norman like shouldn't you feel bad that you're using people to be rich like this like this is gonna put out so much bad karma into the atmosphere the only thing i feel bad about is how annoying you are right now my goodness if you keep complaining like this i'm gonna fire you on the spot do you understand oh my gosh yeah uh i'm so sorry mr norman forget i said anything you're like the best boss ever that's right i am the best boss ever now go get the noobs ready for the fan event tomorrow thank you [Music] me casper i have something like super important to tell you oh hey what's up yeah sure what do you have to tell me so like norman is actually planning on stealing all of you and your brother's money when you reach your peak of fame what how why would he do that he's supposed to be our friend oh my gosh this is so sad he's like not your friend wait really why would he want to be my friend i'm famous look i'm really really sorry but he has been using you and your brother this whole time and like i just wanted to tell you what was going on oh my gosh this is horrible well maybe jasper was right about this guy he didn't really like him all that much oh yeah no he was totally right to not trust him norman's like kind of the worst well thanks kathy i appreciate it i'm gonna tell my brother at the fan event tomorrow when i see him [Music] [Applause] hey jasper i gotta tell you something yeah what's going on hey jasper you gotta get out of here what are you talking about why don't you get out of here no no no i need to talk to casper alone not with you what casper this can't be true casper you gotta ditch your brother okay and we gotta cut him out of the videos he's useless and he's taking away your fame but that's my brother he's not useless look you got to go out there and make us some money people want to see you not jasper but uh but that's my brother i don't know i shouldn't turn my back on him yeah i mean come on norman this is kind of messed up you know what's messed up is the more you stand here and waste my time the less money you make gasper get up there and see your fans [Applause] wait so it's true normal was just trying to steal from us yup it's true i knew there was something bad about that guy i know i mean he did make us famous but at the same time he tried to tear us apart yeah he really did look jasper i'm really sorry for how i treated you i mean you're my twin brother you're the most important person of my life uh it's okay i understand i know that the fame went to your head yeah exactly plus i was jealous i wanted to be the one on camera i wanted to be the one that everyone thought was so cool oh everybody thinks that you're cool jasper don't worry about that well i think it's time we finally tell norman that we don't need him anymore we can just make videos together i mean we're already famous enough i would have want anything else more than that bad well we have another fan event coming up tomorrow let's just talk to norman then oh yeah i forgot about that sounds good hopefully he likes getting fired [Music] norman we gotta talk man okay what's going on well i don't like the way you've been treating us and i know your plan to try to steal all our money what are you talking about you stupid noobs you'd be lost without me no you tried to tear us apart so that you could steal from us how do you even know any of this stuff we have our sources man we know and i'm done having you take my money i want to work with my brother yeah i do too and i think you're a big phony man you two are just a bunch of stupid noobs no one even likes you that's not true everybody likes us we're super famous and that didn't even have anything to do with you we were the one posting the videos yeah and i'm the one with the sweet dance moves well we'll see about this we'll see how many people care about you when i'm not around yeah i'm not really worried about it because there's a whole stadium filled with people there to see me not you so see ya [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: ShanePlays Roblox Movies
Views: 3,020,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, ShanePlays, ShanePlays Roblox Movie, FullRobloxMovie, Roblox Story, Roblox Animation
Id: iqBSLoffk9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 19sec (3619 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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