A Non-Cuber Ranks my CRAZIEST Puzzles!

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hey guys and welcome back to Z3 cubing today I'm going to have a nonc rank all of my craziest puzzles I have a lot of twisty puzzles ranging from the most basic Rubik's Cube to whatever the heck this thing is but the problem is I've been collecting these things for most of my life so I'm extremely biased about which ones are my favorite and which ones aren't so that's why I brought in my friend Adam the nonc to give a more objective ranking on my craziest cubes so I've laid out this table in front of us into boxes ranging from 1 to 10 I'm going to give Adam one puzzle at a time and he's going to give it whatever ranking he thinks it deserves so I was going to start out with the WCA puzzles first one being the pying you seem to give that a pretty definitive eight yep okay next up how about the scube oh yeah one time I tried to destroy one of these with a sledgehammer but it turns out they're indestructible the sledgehammers and that frustration uh gives it a two okay we've got a tetrahedron a cube how about a doc hedrin with the meaming do decahedron more like a circle but I do like these Stars those stars are pretty cool so I get it's a six next WCA event the square one the square one I thought they were all supposed to be square ones well not quite square but what are these hey you're not allowed to move them there okay 1X one one 2X two four 3x3 nine 4x4 uh 16 that's not an option but it's the right answer okay Adam this isn't multiplication you're going to rank the 7 by seven based on how good of a cube you think it is okay so since there isn't a 49 here I guess 16 is the Clos one all right the final WCA event I have for you to rank is the Rubik's clock a clock that doesn't even tell the right time that get a one okay time for some nwca puzzles what do you think of the Shing sha void pyramix well I normally wouldn't appreciate this because it's not a cube but it is Holy so I can't not give it a 10 how about the Lego Cube oh wow this would really hurt to step on but this would hurt way more to step on so this gets one less point I agree with most of your nwca rankings so far so here's a controversial one the YJ super square one star super square one star that sounds so cool let me just wow I just love how it doesn't turn where I expect it to that's really surprising and cool I'm giving it an eight it's terrible okay well here's a much cooler one the chi Pentacle Cube what's wrong back back back okay something a little simpler totally uncontroversial the shiny 2 x two oo it's so shiny it's solid eight fair enough the efforts Mini a cube seriously I've talked about this so many times if it's going to be a cube it should commit to being a cube I don't want it covered in balls two okay how about this one it's definitely a cube wow that's a big strong boy but I need to see exactly how strong he is so I have a tool for that okay super strong so he gets an eight how about some more differently sized 3 x3s this is the Y mini zong well this one's a little smaller so it gets six okay how about the mofen XI mini keychain Cube um five Okay g 330 uh four world's smallest Rubik's Cube three uh the Marino Cube two the cube lab minu 3x3 one and the one cube a 10 here's a classic the banana 2 x two X3 wow it twists and it's edible that gets a nine okay what do you think about this really old 3x3 mine wow that is really slow it's a good thing though that I have the best brand of lubricant here Mrs Buttersworth which is thick and light wait no you're not supposed to so we're just going to turn it and get it really mored into the core of the cube and it's going to help it turn really good so you see like I think that's a really solid cube now it's at least a six listen Adam we're not here to lubricate cubes we're just ranking them objectively what do you think of the Ghost Cube well well I don't like ghosts ever since the incident in '94 so it gets a three good here's a real big one the Shang sha 10x10 morphix wow that is a very big pillowy Cube and I don't know if I can really properly put the right judgment on it so I'm going to call upon my friend Mrs thimble bottom Mrs simble bot what do you think of this Cube well it's just too awfully big for me to carry I can't possibly do anything with that put it down on a two thank you Mrs thimble bottom how about a 3X3 made out of paper well it's very lightweight but I can't be certain that it's actually made out of paper cuz I don't trust you but I can do a paper test with this stapler what I can't seem to get a staple in it so it gets a four what do you think of the Z3 Cube ew two what here's another classic the YJ Yeet ball ye no no yeting since you won't let me throw it it get to three here's the one from the intro the mf8 sun Cube wow that's some really good Corner cutting well that gets an eight how about the Christmas tree Cube oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree you get a nine here's a fun one the world's strongest magnetic 3x3 magnetic huh well it has to pass the Buffalo test what it passed the Buffalo test 10 here's one of my best creations the dangly jangly 2 by two nine the mirr cube oh yeah I'm needing this are you going to give it a ranking yeah this is really convenient I think it'll get at least to six how about the 1X 2x five well it seems very long it seems like it might be a bit too fragile let me check yep hey I get a three what it's too relatable how about the gear Cube it's got a lucky fourleaf clover there in the middle and as an Irish citizen I find that offensive four this is the 3X3 calendar cube well that's a cool concept but the date is wrong what it says Sund dog 5 that was 3 weeks ago two what do you think of my quad fuse 2 X2 X3 donut thingy donut hey doesn't taste like a donut hey you like donuts what you try he likes it are you going to give it a ranking he like it's in his stomach oh I can't believe I forgot about the classic 13x13 well 13's an unlucky number so it gets a one okay how about the 1X 3x3 spinner ooh let's compare it to something else that spins you mean like everything else on this table oh my gosh it spins pretty good but it doesn't unscrew things so it gets about a five oo it's a barrel exactly that's pretty cool that's about a six the shinga Dino Cube I love dinos but it doesn't quite look right let's compare it to another dyo yeah this looks a lot more like a dyo one and now that I think about it it makes perfect sense that the simpler version would be called The Unicorn Cube that looks really complex I have the power of the Unicorn 10 the yian gigamix oh it's like a big version of this one you going to give it a grade four how about the Inside Out 3x3 the world's heaviest 1 by one huh that's a nice little Cube the world's lightest 1 by one oh my goodness that is ridiculously heavy the world's heaviest 2 x two another nice little Cube the world's lightest 2x two holy cow where do you get these the world's heaviest 3x3 these are some nice solid cubes you got there the world's lightest 3x3 holy cow there's another one the Cube but there's nine of them yeah but there's eight around the outside it's a lie the Oscars Treasure Chest go ahead and open it up treasure there's no treasure in here oh yeah I can fix that though oh okay five but you just moved the 3X3 what 3x3 the super Cube it gets a nine how about the super floppy Barrel that's not very floppy four this is the Cubix tube whoa tubular multi-purpose I love that eight the mag 1 by 1 by two that looks easy I could solve this blindfolded well go try it okay it's a blindfold right there all right I scrambled it up for you okay go done two the 8 by in a jar huh I guess because it's an 8 by8 I might give it an eight but the jar is more like a six I told me there was something between an eight and a six oh well I guess I'll give it a two the Rubik's Tower 2x 2x4 16 no fine I think this is called the Z mini keychain pyramix cool little Cube what are you doing very effective six this is the pillowed vcube 2B oh let me try it out that's a terrible pillow one this is a fun one the world's worst 7 by7 let me see I think it needs some loop it's a good good thing I've got my good old fashioned Mrs Butters and we can just put that in it gets a seven what's a seven here's the 2x 4x4 didn't we already do a 2X 2x4 no a 2X 4x4 oh is that like like a 2x4 no where'd you get that doesn't look like a 2x4 I think I'll put it between two and four is that like three where'd you get three this is my vcube 3 Minecraft Cube diamonds it's a good thing I've got my iron pick ow I can a two and this is the bandage Cube seriously one and finally I got one last Cube for you to rank the biggest and best cube of them all the giant 30 cm 3x3 3x3 nice all right these were definitely some interesting rankings this is the objective truth take it or leave it but I really hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you guys next time unless we [Music] die [Music]
Channel: Z3Cubing
Views: 3,933,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rubiks cube, rubiks, cube, cubing, cubes, puzzle, puzzle cube, magic puzzle, magic cube
Id: EzCSx0Jjnws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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