A Nice Stringer! - Jigging Cod in Alaska

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good morning guys so we're just leaving town and this time we're gonna be turning codfish beautiful day out really start the green up really nice pretty exciting time the year the snowpack is really melted up on the mountains quite a bad they're a bit more there than there was last year so yeah we start our journey here so update you as we go along [Music] we can stop partway down a few spots not really sure we haven't looked too hard not yet this year so not really sure what there is around but we'll get there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys so we're just here in the cabin probably along we usually do some gear work on the way to the ground [Music] just by where I am or anything but I'll tie loops and then we'll come back in cut them here [Music] that allowed these two to spin as the fish come out - so eventually they'll spin the fly a little break right there we'll rotate the battery got on the MA we use the swivel okay that's pretty simple with my life we got mark here at that that establishes the distance bring it over that way but more twists than [Music] to create a bike in the line [Music] screw right here a little bit tight and I got a mark right here and that kind of gets me a pretty consistent move kind of stiff so usually take a couple wraps on my hands then I pull it tight you can see how it just pull those in together real nice that's real strong not usually when we break off it'll be because Marauders Robin well it is by way like that get a couple of done [Music] feathers [Music] the department on the side of them got the things you got here [Music] and endorsed or anything so we've got our crimp and our [Music] blonde and and I think those are number of like that you got a little slack there in the loop just take it against the hard edge and just pull it in like that fence it right up and a fond of crimping it yes the other crimper here custom-made yeah this is our troopers so I forget the brand of this it might have been a Jin Chi also but it just had a little hand line it was extremely uncomfortable to use at very sharp edges on the end here - angle cut [Music] just took the jaws made a nice stainless mount for [Music] down wherever last leverage yeah good leverage so I'll usually take it and again pull any slack out of this tail loop right here keeps it nice and tank keeps a bobbin but in the designated slot and trimmed way these dick we do - usually rockfish ones only take one but there's two ray holding strength down these we've never pulled a print unless they were under print from the kindness not being correct they were great don't do that for all these kind of a custom yeah it's basically just to knock off on a gun town [Music] you're going about one of that [Music] alright guys so we're just arriving on the fishing grounds pretty nice down here just a very light Southwest breeze but overall beautiful out here yeah yeah long rundown but yeah four or five hours anyways it's 11 o'clock yeah getting the idea getting the idea of what's down here [Music] yeah the green already got real beautiful very very nice so we'll start hunting for some codfish here and hopefully got a couple bites before the evening is over okay guys so we're back started on the meter oh yeah look at that oh that's a nice fish cutes there you go nice 3-pack dad heck yeah nice big God you have a color on [Music] nice rock fish this little black rock here yep so we're not targeting flat rock fish on this trip we're targeting college and lap rock fish is actually close in this area now so we can keep five percent by weight of black rock fish on the target species which is Cod so every thousand pounds we get we can keep 50 pounds of black rock solid fish bodybuilder eight [Music] good morning guys so just whipping up some breakfast real quick before we start our fishing day off just a really simple easy meal of quicker quick oats brown sugar flavor nothing fancy here just run some water through our coffee machine over here already got the coffee brewed go ahead and pour that so yet nothing really to fancy on our boat it as usual but it's supposed to be a beautiful day out I think it was calling for like v10 there's a really nice night sleep in just the very light swell rolling in but Stern kept pointed into it which is nice so yeah I guess we'll eat some breakfast and wake up drink some coffee and yeah get rolling on our day start looking for some fish banker morning out nice little bay here this is ocean vandegraaff so we slept real good things that we always do is we sent up anchor watch when we regardless the column or how rough out it is this is set point 0 1 nautical miles so anytime the boat leaves that radius this alarm will go off all righty then radio depth finder and we'll putt-putt out here and see what we can find [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys Bashan looked around a little bit this morning hopefully 66% [Music] let's guess conceivably them out right away get the blood out of them before you throw them down the hole to these bruising blues barracks product uh yup nice white blaze yeah that's Christine after bird you'll see we rinse them off and then they throw them down the hole [Music] and how the curve itself I mean Jetley would be impressed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys so that was about fifteen minute drift 14 fish so about the best but just they add up over time so we'll keep going here hopefully get another cup you are thing okay guys new spots getting a few here see how long [Music] that's right beautiful dad it's almost like ya know if I could be able to like be on the net while you're pulling baby but it's like so hard to manage too because yeah pretty much [Music] touch new 28:56 twenty-eight may be back yep okay guys oh well yeah not too Pleasant oh the weather yeah hopefully it's a happy yep alright guys so just a little update for you we've just been working our way up the line it's been kind of slow in the last hour a couple hours I don't know yep for a while so just lost in the fog yeah fog rolled in on us as you can see so anyway I want to show you one of our vital pieces of equipment on here it's our give you a brief overview of it yeah pretty simple operation electric motor belt driven yet got 12 volt DC belt goes around the run the pulley there yeah just a little dog that stops it from freewheeling back out and then brake right here and kind of acts as a drag too which is nice when it's rough out you can loosen this up and allow the line to slip a little bit when you're bringing it in with the heavy load of fish take some of the surge out of it so when it's up you just turn it counterclockwise it's bottom and then you set the brake and yeah yeah they're pretty bulletproof we've had these for as long as we've had the boat and motor is just about well that one's original motor this one's a brand new one and these two were probably getting close to 10 years old sometimes got popped them apart you can see I've rebuilt those a couple of times bust them apart clean them out yeah hard to beat so we'll keep cruising up line hopefully find some more Cod right I've got the camera on you this time I took perspective hi tubes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's get some top ice on this fish make sure they stay nice Oh [Music] [Music] catch nice [Music] a little bit of tight grip the waves especially in [Music] a real big [Music] [Music] splashed through and [Music] [Music] alright guys well [Music] get free low there [Music] hours out [Music] anyway [Music] one day trip [Music] kind of sure probably around 2,000 pounds we're so caught in there all nice stuff slushy [Music] a little batch of rockfish around 80 pounds not a bad haul for day [Music] I tried to peel over regarding gear and with our setup here interesting and learn a little bit [Music] morning guys so this over here pacific seafoods we're getting ready offload the cod that we caught the other days so we're gonna have these guys custom process down drop a Brailler to us and Wilfred guys off today the yeah yeah so we'll just wait for these guys to drop a trailer down and we'll bring you back now to settle out from this ice nice-looking codfish yeah be a bigger toward the bottom [Music] my fingers are cold good [Music] [Music] it was fine get poked makes election a lot quicker good yeah you know I have to dig around gingerly reach in there and grab [Music] knife and repeat here so nice a coupon [Music] getting bigger yeah [Music] yeah a little sludgy if some locals in their nice dish yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] eyes are straightening up down there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so that's it for this video this time around I went with a longer format and tried to include more the day of the day of life of the fisherman some days can get a little bit boring when the fish aren't biting or you have to run around and try different marks and really start eating away working hours it's not always hot and heavy and this trip we ended up with most 2600 pounds so not too bad at all and we had to cut short do the weather changing but I guess that's how it goes well I guess that's about it thank you all for watching and let me know what you thought the video down comix below and be sure to leave a like and subscribe for more from is Alaska we'll see you next time
Channel: EIS Alaska
Views: 538,827
Rating: 4.7610312 out of 5
Keywords: emerald isle seafoods, A Nice Stringer! - Jigging Cod in Alaska, jigging cod alaska, Jigging Cod, cod fishing alaska, commercial cod jigging, cod fishing, hook and line cod jigging, jig method for jigging cod, cod jig building, jig setup building for cod, jigging in alaska, kodiak alaska jig fishery, kodiak cod jigging, alaska cod fishing, pacific cod jigging, pacific cod fishing
Id: Ezz2IK337so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 53sec (3053 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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