Dropping the Reel, Making Connections, and Baiting Hooks

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all right guys we're just down at the plant here about to get our reel offloaded there's our man ian forklift there's mom hey guys all right so we'll just wait until he comes over here with forklift get lifted out pressure's on [Music] [Music] okay that makes a nice yeah i guess we're flipping it with the train here yeah just lift it forearms yeah right one two three four five six people here yeah nine that's your bad you know we just lift it up feel better about the train too so so perfect comment yep thank you here we go matt god bless them all right guys that was easy enough can i run over here on the boat pick it up marvin we're gonna put it right here okay [Music] all right full spin dad [Applause] actually spread the pinch on hinges uh it's the bars forward let us screw it forward a little bit just come up a hair that's good yeah nice and smooth yeah just like that just like that thanks marlon you want me film sure right in the splinter maddie i don't know did they all skedaddle yeah we didn't tell them all right so we'll just slide this reel forward into place get this bar on there hold it in slip a couple bolts through it and good to go all right is that less slippery now must be dirt on the bottom oh yeah probably huh do you need to wax the deck next time anyway 1500 pound reel still slides good on gel coat well i think we have just about everything down here except for control yep i'll take a little extra make sure we're good here yeah yeah we just washed it up real good yeah like if i chopped up tomorrow and there's too much i hear it yeah okay guys we're back hey guys looks like we're baiting up getting ready for some halibut so coming your way soon yeah just leaving mom and dads oh looks like the competition's already happening he got a whole 10 minute head start on me so oh i don't need a head start against you oh so what's on the menu here anyways well we've got some cod some squid some pollock from last year we're just gonna mix that in across the whole set because it's old and we have some new pollock plays over there that we'll get to here in a minute nice yeah these squid baits are hard okay they just came out of the freezer i know but i'm too weak sorry mom no easy bait today that's the thought all right well pretty simple towels yeah put some meat on a hook put it in the tub it'll take us about an hour and a half to bait all these probably yeah is this over here getting my controls hooked up gotta go grab a little never seas for these bolts i think i'll get a nylock on there too get this tightened down and run my cables in from the engine room they plug in right to the bottom here then we'll have throttle and steering on the back deck here there's a jog stick that turns rudder back and forth this is the throttle and gotta get my hydraulic lines hooked up so i guess that's my chore now okay i'm going to deny that pine needles all right guys so we'll keep on going here got one down like mom says four to go pick you up once we're done so dad's uh hooking up these hydraulics over here just the just the usual before so show you again but there's two hoses here this valve is a cut off for the for the flow to the motor safety feature don't need that part safety and also speed regulation when when the reel is full like this it schools in really fast so when it starts doing that that's when we slow it down so you said the black is a yep [Music] okay drive just the way you like it yeah so once uh yep so where do i want this to go under huh you got shot now yeah once you dip it down under both of these uh yeah so i know everybody keeps asking or suggesting that we put quick disconnects on these but yeah i'm just not a big fan of them to be honest i'm not going to do it it's just something else to fail i know they're pretty reliable but they do leak got o-rings in them they leak and for as much as we put this equipment on and off every year it's just not worth the hassle not to mention i think we literally need like four sets of them and uh 100 bucks plus a set yep yeah do the math if they're not stainless steel or uh brass bronze they're just going to turn into a big rusty mess not worth the worry and headache so these work fine as long as you get the right wrench they can get rusty doesn't matter so we're fine so we're just gonna stick with these not worry about it [Music] you tied that down weakling first wrong order operation okay shouldn't be too bad quick as lightning that didn't spill much a couple drops you know the other good thing about doing this is you can see what your oil looks like if you got a problem with your oil you're gonna know it because you're actually gonna see it otherwise there's a good chance that if you don't have any leaks in your system you're never gonna know if you got water in your oil that's nice clean oil right there yep nothing to worry about we've seen uh seen we've had water get into our system before because we had a bad spool all these spools are stainless on these valves but we had a valve up on our anchor winch that was uh chrome plated steel and the chrome had chipped off and the spool was pitted and even though it didn't leak any fluid at all the water would pool up on it and when you'd uh engage the lever down it was actually forcing water into the into the valve assembly and into the uh oil and so we started getting emulsified oil and we couldn't figure out why and uh we finally figured it out that's the only place it could have came from took a little while too yeah it was really annoying so that's the only reason that we knew that we had water in the oil is just from uh busting lines back here to hook up our hydraulics otherwise chances are it would have run like that for some time this is hard to see you don't have a like a clear sight glass or anything on our hydraulic tanks so one of those things we didn't really know about so it's not all cons about being this way there's actually pros too i never remember if it's the 16 or the one inch like that both of them it's the one inch and the 7 8. okay what do we want to do with these houses um this blue one we'll just wind it in there because you might probably have to get broken i just snuck yep good for now it doesn't really matter too much though yep all right i guess i'll get back to cutting bait i want to share that with you easy yep easy work yeah these are pretty easy to to put on and off it just takes a couple of minutes so i mean that's a good suggestion it's totally feasible in a lot of applications but this just isn't really one of them yep if you're taking the stuff on and off a couple of times a week sure could be a different story but usually when this reel goes on here it stays on for a month or so anyways or longer okay so i just got these hoses back here to hook up and one over here to swap and get to go there all right guys everything's all wrapped up got four tubs faded we'll be playing for the line we have here on the reel so i got all the hydraulics hooked up yeah good to go no leaks let's place this uh ceiling back on this shot that we broke off last year so we can school this back nothing on just broke right at the i think last year so you don't have to worry about the length or anything our markings are still good on that we've got these marked in 25 thousand uh increments so we know how much gear we're setting out we use this for our buoy line also so we'll go ahead and put this back on because we don't have to worry about it so yeah this has a safety valve right here on the inside so if you ever happen to get hooked and pulled in you can just reach over here and stop that drum good thing to have right there you get pulled into here you'll do some pretty serious damage to your arm or your hand or whatever if you're hooked ran a buoy through here last well a few years back it was enough to break the love joy that joins these shafts together so there's a lot of pressure there yeah yeah the love choice are these basically just two interlocking pieces with the rubbers flying in the middle kind of gives it some cushion but yeah i wasn't paying attention and movies came over the back and hit the level line right here and and cracked one of those love joys so that's a lot of force right there if you ever got hooked and pulled into there that probably shatter your hand or your arm if you're hooked through the flesh it's gonna rip you up so it's good to have some kind of shut off close by at least it gives the guy a chance yeah gotta be quick we're careful though yeah but it's it's slow enough fit and we don't actually haul this fast either so there's time as you get more and more line on the spool this falls faster because you're turning a bigger diameter but usually we throttle it back a little bit which we also just use the same valve for which makes it really nice we can slow our reel down right here with that to a more manageable level when we're hauling here it's kind of something like that i think just coming up too fast over the rail you just lose fish and it's tough yeah it's going too quick it's hard to unsnap you get married and hooks [Music] that valve for emergencies everybody knows where that is if these guys ever hear us yell for help they know where to where to stop it we yelled to stop if they know where to go to [Music] anything else no i guess that's it yep bring you back in the morning when we start laying some gear out until then thanks for watching thanks for subscribing bye guys
Channel: EIS Alaska
Views: 27,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emerald isle seafoods
Id: GuG4mz-arm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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