Giant Cod Fishing - Catch and Cook - Fish and Chips

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well you caught me right in the middle getting read that for a boat trip I do enjoy my boat fishing I'm using my breaking a boat gear so 20 30 pound outfit leave your drag real sharp lie which is 50 pound which does pretty well anything stewing about the UK's I'm gonna land all that running ledger yesterday runs up and down a bead so that they're not here doesn't bash into the boob itself that's the theory behind it or not really bothered about it everybody puts beads on someone's not to be the same i swivel then i've got a long flowing trace here this one is oh it's a spanish only six feet long halfway along I've got a longer snoot or dropper you can see that they're quite a long one about 15 inches breaking the hook and they right at the end obviously say another three feet are you know the reason behind that is sometimes you want a fish sea bass not through being greedy but because you have two different types of bites now you could be having let's say mackerel and squid standing on the south coast pretty well full-on you guys go fishing now first let's hump we don't know what squid smell result unless yesternight unless you leave it in the car forget about it for three days in the sunshine and then by golly you know it smells but generally when you get fresh food out the packet I could smell it I can't really smell anything but Mac what smells fishy is blood coming out of it so with that blood covered a bit I figure if I head on the up tide any smell going down that way it's going to attract a fish to either the mackerel or as good at the end now follow tip big tides fast tides I fish would just say that a teenager a short length a tail well if you want to call it the trace to the first hook I won't be using to looks like this I just have a single look and make it omelet on the seabed it's the bulk of our sea fish are on the seabed because we have say medium range times and that would be from between spring tides and small tides which is the neap tides there's less water movement less can't spend less tide spread I'd like to go for a longer trace gives me a little bit more movement in the tide spaces it out and therefore you can use two boats it's nice I don't do this all the time yeah just occasionally I fancy putting two different types of baits on but I tell you what is nice when you go fishing and you finally bang it to a fish you don't want you go by golly I don't know what the hell I have hooked I had a day like this out with Wayne check the fish out and it appeared that the rod just bent and bent as i whirled and pumped it just got heavier and heavier no I thought obviously conquer Wayne's giving it ready we're not still sure between the two of us waiting think of it he might be a caught because it's hanging deep and they get a saw nod not fight they get to it you know you get when you get big God and this struck me as being a really really good fish I've had strike Marlin on this blank so I know exactly how hard to I can I could put it and this was one of those days when we both heard be just fish in a fish in a fish no we didn't exactly know what it was the fish got closer my nose got more frayed no doubt waist nerves got more frayed because it's his boat on but eventually we get up to the surface we can see it was indeed and could jumping great big sea Oh Dee I catch on delivery yes I can't a target species for a winter's day hence the net when he's straight in there because he knows the flavor of conquer beard he's a first-class cookie knows how to cook I mean knows that an M in the net my beauty there's one place you're going not waiting the fish and it's a frying pan [Music] well I don't know you get that fish is the first time I've used my camera here hope you got a bit that's got its huge fighting it when Wayne kept calling the car all the way saying it's coming up coming up very very deep so lucky and that was on some Weymouth squid will get away now hold him up for you and take a look at it but we figure it's high teens to walk 20 but probably looks about 18 so we'll please took a nice piece of a nice piece of squid can be good scrap - yeah we go 17 17 - 18 s maybe it's a good good good decent double well as Graham's called I'm holding up by the way and hold at other people's fish but he's filming what a lovely fish this is I think he's got to be got to be 18 who knows closer that is a very very nice fish very liking colour steak deep and you find with Cod when you get a bite if it's a ray or Conger they tend to light up with the tide and go right back beyond the boat this state deep which maybe think was a cod all day long and took the most big piece of squid bait big baits people catch big fish on small baits we know this but the problem with there we go the camera I'm pulling drag oh and he's off yep good pull down that one right here there's not a lot you can do about that I'm gonna just leave that back down he was actually taking line off the reel that's only well there's not actually people say I'll give him Lauren give him time if you're taking it away like that I'll tend to sort of lean into it and see if he's on but so what's that about you got there Wayne different type of squid just show shows yeah this is an unwashed squid at the moment bigger than your normal work calamari it's got that sort of great into it's full of guts and stuff you open a tartness full of that brown mustardy substance inside them which people call custard and you fish those how would you brain yeah you fish them whole fish ahead you feel like really something and what you're fishing for but it's a decent value does get bites and I say at the moment were a little bit stuff with bay army because the price of calamari is high there's not a lot of been a very poor season for cattle so we've can't forgot the Catalan cotton.expensive as well so I mean it's getting to the stage where it's costing you more for bait than it is for fuel which it's a bit of a shame but it's the way the world isn't it we had another boy after Wayne had that fish we lost just now and he called this one right again small Conger on the old way more squid again let's get him in I think I'll take this lid off cause I don't need to be clout here and hit with that only a strap but listen it's a fish on a nice mild winters day and it's chance something else as well I feel there could be something big coming today wait that's tea pot a kiddy Oh Deepti bar the microphone off as well the best paper haze I cut the squid yeah lovely and tough well just got a whole squid Wayne's got what the body and stuff you're gonna carp there we're not gonna put the header I'll just show you in the ward with a big tentacles and you may be able to see that one down there I've got a bit of the guts the head and you can see the big long catching tentacles on the squid they're already catch your prayer I'm going to leave that at the back now cause small fish can peck away of that but I'm hoping that big fish is gonna eat a lot let's drop this one down when we got the grams lovely Cod that you caught earlier I'm going to fill it off on the boat now personally I don't eat the belly fill it and grams not that fussed either so we're gonna leave this pod intact and take the fill it off while it's gutted nothing goes to waste boil the wine Casey wants there's a lot of terrible waste there's the liver in there that could be used and andro potentially that belly fat for instance nothing will get wasted what's left we're all going the old Rubby bin and that hopefully go towards catch now so nice big fresh shark in the summer so nothing at all will be wasted on this fish okay so it's basically our eye to fill it's often a fish like this is nice-size fish this one as you can see as you can feel there is picture often he's got a bit of a lump there well that's just where he's picked all joins into his body there now there's a lot meat behind the head here so what I tend to do is make a cut just behind the head like so and you go in there right like that and I'll turn that around slightly and go down in there now I can feel that I've just got that bone now I just need to just crack through that bit there we go so now through there like so there's his backbone there I want to just go literally just this side of the backbone and the fins and I don't want to go in too deep I just want to start the car there and I just want to just carry that car literally just as you can see this side of the fin so there you go so he'll go along just inside not too deep just down inside get to about just past the vent and there's the vent there and I'll put the knife in up and feel the backbone there I just want to go just over the backbone I feel I'm just over the top of the backbone there and you can see the nozzle come out and if you stay close to that backbone all the way along taking the meat off there's the background there that I said I stayed close to now it's just a case of trimming keeping the knife angled down you can hear it rattling ence the bounds and as you trim like so you just lift that foot it clean off so basically what you want to do there it's just you can feel the bones for yourself go against those bones and then you lift that and fill it up and away from all those bands when you get to here you have to angle it back in again because it's quite a bit of meat around that bit you go straight you will leave a little bit of the meat on there but what I do is I'll take that flip this fill it off they say they can see the bones there listen to the knife there the bones you want to stay real close to stay close to and gently lift that fill it you lift that whole fill it off and you see it coming up now look and as I say when you get to about that point there you want to angle that back in because there's a lot of meat there anyway we'll lift this fill it off and I'll show you where we are so as you can say see here lifting it lifting it now because we don't eat the belly flap will lift all that meat up along those wid bones and you'll get so far and the bones stop when they stop there you just cut the skin lifting all the time tucked up and lift that fill it clean off and they'll come off and it should be relatively boundless well you see it's like oh my god you should see the size the fill its I got from them what I did when did they are really chunky finished look at the size of those but what it tells me that the best way to do these is between beer batter and the secret is to put a little bit of flour just regular flour into a bottle just dust them lightly first now I've dried them off with a paper towel and I'm going to put these chunky finish I've got this three to five thousand into the flour and apparently that helps when you do the bathroom when you put the batter we're gonna make the batter up as well now what we're going to do is in that batter stick into it and you want it to act as a seal you don't want to move it around says Wayne do not move it he knows of a real message for moving stuff around so I'm gonna put some flour on these two cheap chocolates I've left the skin on these just work just what if you tell me is the skin can be actually good as well no I said Chris between so there we go just dust it though slightly next we'll make up to be a batter right to make that beer batter got my flour in there tended to cover too much too little quarter bit of flour in there don't eat much salt if you want some then I'm just using a large I'll put my hand over says no advertising but the secret is is to get the consistency right do this if you're what you think is your duty you want those fish pellets as big as they are to actually stick to the fish so it's best like groundbait officially look if you put too much in you can't take it out can you it's better to just make it up and add bits to it gradually and what happens is I think is the the bubbles in the beer right now you can use way of the really workhorse that does actually make that batter nice and crispy get it to the consistency or something like sort of gloss painters I think they're working but we forget that loser make whiskey old-fashioned but nothing about these actually don't work but these folks can't cook we throw those you actually work if you were could seek that is now getting to the consistency of gloss paint one more repainting like that I'm using there is a sauce pan full of regular sunflower oil then you could use this again you can use it over and over again but just make sure that you use is just for fishing don't want to cut it again and have your chips in it or anything else just keep that full fish let's get it on the gas the other thing you can do centralize your pan on the gas so you get maximum heat if you put the lid on that would actually boost the heat and you'll get that oil cooking quicker and for those who don't know a lot of modern sort of us have different vents here you can see the curve pouring lit there if you put those holes by the vent that allows any excess steam to come out different sizes small holes there hopefully to see that larger holes on that side and obviously when you're cooking fish make sure you put your extractor on I'm assured a good way to test the oil is put a little piece of bread in there and there we go it's probably the way I flew that's hot enough right we've got the batter there let's get the fish in ready give it a good covering of that thick batter and get it into the oil now this is a gargantuan piece of cod there I'm gonna low it in slowly it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan be very careful [Applause] don't move that at all you can see that's just started to go gold I'm just hoping I can get both those huge minutes out the pan is one piece now there we go lovely piece of golden deep-fried beer in beer batter so Ted potatoes hair and for me the healthy weather wife's giving me said green peas only one thing dread some tartar sauce and obviously the obligatory glass of wine [Music]
Channel: TA Fishing
Views: 272,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: giant, cod, fishing, catch, cook, fish, chips, fish and chips, cod fishing, giant cod, monster cod, huge cod, huge, monster, giant fish, uk fishing, boat fishing, cod rig, rigs, sea fishing, beach fishing, boat, bait, cod bait, best bait, how to fish, tafishing, totally awesome fishing, how to make fish and chips, homemade fish and chips, fish and chips recipe, fish recipe, fish cooking, cooking fish, fish in batter, battered fish, fillet, clean, how to fillet a fish
Id: GetDqu4ghVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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