Surviving Mars: Below and Beyond - New Ulm (Part 20)

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hey there my name is pravis and welcome back to more surviving mars below and beyond in new om we are in the course in the middle of a dust storm what else is new the good news is this might actually be one of the last dust storms we are going to have to contend with because uh very soon we're gonna hit that 25 mile marker on the temperature which will let me start digging out some lakes and with those lakes we can start increasing the water value and as the atmosphere temperature and water go up eventually those dust storms are going to simply have to go away good lord double leakage over here this is terrible it sounds like some sort of an awful medical condition someone needs to get that looked at please and thank you holy crap let's go ahead and get these pipes set up like so boom and fine okay uh so beyond that what else we want to do well i'd like to go ahead and try to open up a couple of additional shifts here for our metals extractor make sure we do have a good strong source of metals coming in and just having those four jumps is more than enough actually to make up for whatever we're using at the moment i am a little worried we're not gonna be getting enough um machine parts because you do need lots and lots of machine parts to build out a meaningful amount of lakes it's going to be a little while but oh well we can also set up another dome spire i'm thinking a medical center right over here reason being we do have the technology to increase the birth rate but it has to be at the spire usually you'd want to place this in a really large dome to affect as many people as possible what we can do to maximize the impact here is banish all children youth and seniors anyone unable to get preganant is going to be kicked out that is the new plan i promise this is not draconian at all all right very good incoming meteor well it appears to have immediately disappeared somehow so that's fine someone stole fuel gosh i don't even want to think what you guys might do to that fuel really does sound absolutely terrible uh no more deep uh metals and stuff down over this way let's go ahead and increase the scan looking for any other deposits we could exploit if i so desire to get the technology which as of right now i don't have so i'm not worried about it how doing on water well we were doing great until we had you know another round of leaks i'm i'm so looking forward to being done with this nonsense i really am no more dust storms please and thank you uh how we doing as far as research we are making pretty solid progress here on the prefab refab it should only take me a few more days in order to finish this then we can go for lake crafting and the lake evaporators after that i think we're gonna go for some technology that lets me get to uh the asteroids a little bit faster because i do plan on extracting as many exotic minerals as possible and we are going to try to go for the base now in order to make this all happen by the end of this week because i don't want the series to go on forever uh we will be employing some jump cuts going forward whenever we're kind of getting into the boring stuff good news is as you've all seen we're pretty darn self-sustained right now so barring anything really horrible happening uh we're kind of set i really don't have a whole lot to worry about so you're not missing much if i do some jump cuts let's go ahead and make sure that we get these upgrades including the holographic scanner then i'm going to take these medics i'm going to reassign them all to the medical center i could just get rid of this and remove the jobs but i'm kind of worried they'll be stupid and go to different places and i don't want them doing that so that's your job there and we're basically just giving you an upgrade instead of having this tiny little infirmary you get to control the only hospital on mars all right let's go ahead and get rid of this infirmary because i don't think i need it at this point we might as well just go ahead and salvage those resources so this shouldn't take very long and we'll have that rejuvenation treatment back up and boom we'll be all set and ready to go okay all is looking pretty solid here um anything else you need to worry about let's see it's gonna be just another soul or two until we are going to have this temperature taken care of we're only two percent off and it gets one um temperature per sole right now so two soles is all it's gonna take they should be able to fix this leak in no time flat right gosh you'd like to think that there we go they're working on it this is why i just don't like relying on these guys at all the question now is once this dust storm is done in 10 hours or so are we still gonna have a cold wave and i really wouldn't be surprised if the answer to that question is yes we probably will uh i have no idea how that calculates maybe the cold wave is like delayed while the dust storm is going on or something i don't know we're gonna find out with any luck this ends and it turns out we just skipped the dust of the cold wave entirely but i doubt it you have to get up to 50 percent temperature to get rid of the cold waves permanently which will happen over time i mean this is why we've got four of these greenhouse gas factories going we could just build more of them and really speed this up but i'm lazy on that i don't really i don't really feel like it okay dust storms about to end and boom all right and sure enough we have a cold wave still there you go what do you know all right well good thing i have subsurface heaters we are now suddenly losing a load of power but the good news is the solar arrays will be turning on soon enough and alas into lack that asteroid that we wanted to go to is indeed now out of range but we would not literally have been able to get to it until right now anyway by the way let's go ahead and turn back on these fuel refineries i know we have to do some repairs we got plenty of water that's not the issue gravitational discovery astronomers on earth predict gravitational waves of two merging black holes will reach us soon well that sounds kind of cool some straight out of star trek scientists from earth are suggesting we collaborate with them in their studies all right uh we could either say pay us which i don't need a billion or i could just take 5000 signs here's the thing this billion dollars would turn into 5000 signs spread out over time why not just take it right now for free instantly boom that's that's all i wanted so that helps with the prefab refab a little bit more uh let me guess we'll be draining a lot of power here yep so that's another 50 power gone there it's another 10 over here this one i might actually just leave on i can accept a little bit of power loss right but the carbonate processor during a cold wave is a big no-no that's not gonna work out too well for me all right well the cold wave is gonna be fine i mean we're making a fair bit of power we have plenty of water and stuff being generated so as long as our power needs are taken care of throughout the day before the solar arrays go down i don't think we got a whole lot to worry about i am definitely concerned about this machine parts factory all right how are doing on the martian university we still have a ton of students oh my god it just goes on and on only 10 children i feel like we should have more children than that by now you guys should be you know there was a bug a while ago where births were not working properly i think they fixed that but let's just temporarily say that births are allowed regardless and if this dome is full well who cares just move the child to a different dome problem solved see it was so easy so don't even worry about it oh yeah something i wanted to show off while i'm here in the underground you know how i've talked about how very important it is to be wary of mars quakes especially with some of the modifiers we have in this campaign here's a very good example why this was all cleared a while ago and look at all the cave-ins if we had a dome down here everyone would be very very dead so yeah that's why mars quakes are dangerous and that's why you absolutely need to be having those support struts am i right of course i'm right hey we have some terraforming progress liquid water is now very much a thing that's great now i can't craft any lakes until we finish up with prefab refab but this isn't going to take much more longer than a day at this point so pretty soon we can work on this and yeah we're going to need a lot of machine parts for that i am going to make this into a higher priority everyone get over here and start working on these dang machine parts please there we go that should solve all my problems consumed star another star similar to our sun has been swallowed by a black hole was it the same one during this disruption event half was consumed while the other half was torn apart and flung into space was that a thing okay increase the morale of scientists and make everyone else upset okay i mean what just because this could happen in a star far away shouldn't upset everyone oh yeah it could happen to our solar system is there a black hole anywhere nearby probably not so don't worry about it increase all colonists morale if you were a politician you'd be fine um [Music] okay i guess we could just increase all colonist morale a little bit i mean do i really care if i make scientists super duper happy i guess they're just a little bit more effective if we did that but all right whatever it's probably fine i like how the geysers by the way look kind of frozen during the cold wave i think that's kind of a nice little touch in the game thank you for that prefab refab tech is done so this is really cool check this out we can click on something like this fusion uh reactor and i could just literally pack it up and just make it into a prefab so what this means is for almost every building now even the ones we want to send out into space or the ones we want to send underground we can just build them out over here in a big construction site and then just pack them all up and send them down the elevator it's way way easier kind of cool right lake crafting tech is done all right let's go to terraforming and see if we can place a few of these down some huge lakes you should pretty much always be building the largest lakes that you can uh because it's gonna cost the same amount of machine parts either way what it does is usually cost you a lot of extra concrete which is admittedly a little annoying and kind of expensive but all right it's probably fine right um let's see uneven terrain i mean we could just go ahead and clear a lot of this out that's the wrong button let's go to terraform landscaping over here and just flatten out a pretty significant area kind of like this i guess and the rover exists for a reason so they can take care of that now we have the breakthrough lake vaporators tech which means these things should automatically fill on their own and it's not even going to cost me much of anything uh what else we want to do we would like to have what would be like actually um we don't need to worry about micro g mining operations i don't think that's a thing we could do but meh deep asteroids no don't care about any of that right now how about we go ahead and just start researching the expanded cargo modules so our asteroid landers can take on more we'll also get the low g tunnel supports and let's just go ahead and get the underground dome i mean there are other things that are probably more important but let's finally make some progress down this deng tree oh we have another one of these uh recordless asteroid types okay uh let's go ahead and do a do want to just do a visit we want to do a plans do i want to scan it you know let's just go ahead and spend this we haven't spent any uh electronics on scanning an asteroid yet we might as well just go ahead and do it now so now we know for sure what they've got on here they've got uh two deposits of exotic minerals two deposits of rare metals so that means if we want to take full advantage of this we need to bring along probably at least a couple of those uh micro extractors no deposits of polymers one of metals and there is some water up here as well okay so we could send the rosetta uh first off let me just double check something how are we doing as far as like time so we have 27 000 research going into this is going to be most of the way done um we should be able to expand the amount of time available on this asteroid by a bit so it is worth spending some time up there but here's the thing with only three souls like we can't really mine a lot that's that's the main problem i've got with this uh this asteroid it's only useful once this is done but i don't know if this retroactively adds a lot of extra time on there i guess for the sake of science we're gonna have to find out am i right so let's go ahead and visit um we do want to bring along at least just enough fuel to make this work we're gonna need to bring along at least a few machine parts plus some polymers so i can build my own micro g auto extractor plus we'll bring along some metals and if i can fit it we can actually bring along enough to build an extra one of these yeah so we can build two of these micro g extractors if we do something like this can i also bring along an rc explorer the answer is yes that takes up most of my cargo space but we could explore some anomalies while we're there i'll also bring along a couple more drones which is not a lot to work with but oh well this isn't going to leave a lot of cargo space is the other problem we're not going to leave ourselves very much cargo space to actually gather up things like the exotic minerals but we're going to lose some of these resources along the way right we probably don't need to bring along this many polymers because we know that there are more on the surface yeah and maybe not this many machine parts maybe this actually works okay all right let's go ahead and request all of that and we can send them off to the asteroid by the way we have successfully dug a lake it's right over here and sure enough it is filling despite the fact that it's not hooked up to any life support huzzah so it'll take a long time because these lakes have limited use but we're gonna start getting some water so terraforming progress yay so let's see um this is actually really unfortunate positioning oh crud okay so there is an anomaly here there's not much i can do about anything about it because this asteroid is actually split into two separate groups so how i'd be able to join these together i'm not too sure both of the exotic minerals deposits are on this side so this unfortunately does have to be the priority the good news is some of the polymers i need are over here so we will be able to build a lot of the stuff i need okay um could have been a lot nicer but this is gonna have to be all right let's go ahead and place you right over here like so and let's place down a universal depot and of course an exotic minerals depot and i'm curious that the allergy extractor can work on both of these simultaneously given that you know there's actually two right on top of each other hello mr rover you look kind of cool it's hovering it doesn't have wheels because we're on a micro g atmosphere like there's there's no gravity here micro g atmosphere that's not even a thing what am i talking about let's go to our production and build one of you right over here and one of you right over here okay and then of course set up at least a couple of these solar arrays let me just go ahead and do this and that's fine i'll worry about batteries and stuff later let's just go ahead and prioritize at least having this thing run pretty much non-stop so my question then is can we maybe create a very tiny ramp i don't think so i'd be really surprised if we could ramp from here ah i mean maybe it will require 129 waist rock to fill this cast that's not gonna happen all right so we're missing out on a bunch of resources over here and i'm missing out on the fun stuff with the anomaly but oh well that's just how it goes let's go ahead and start building all this stuff up and let's remember when we're ready to leave we can just simply pack this up as a prefab so we did just finish researching advanced landing techniques and sure enough it did just add about two souls onto our time on this asteroid so i guess it does work retroactively excellent that means i actually have a chance of getting some stuff very good and up over here we're finally to go ahead and start exposing some other areas of the underground we've more or less ignored up to this point an entire branch not far from our elevator already found another anomaly pretty sure this doesn't do me any good at all but who knows maybe it turns into something kind of useful clear out some more of this rubble and stuff boom boom boom and there we go yeah we can find a little bit more stuff up here but again i'll just do that in the jump cuts because well it's going to take a little while for that to be any fun for you guys to watch probably so how we doing on some of these uh exotic minerals we're up to three good but oh really this micro g auto extractor is extracting the um rare metals not the exotic minerals that's interesting so let me check something what if i just break you up into a prefab like right now and move you could we just do that maybe hang on i've got a prefab so this should i say should specifically only work on exotic minerals and all i gotta do is set up a quick little power cable like so costing me very little and with the prefab tech this becomes super easy and now we're getting exotic minerals all i wasted was an amplify hey i like prefabs let's see in the underground we actually found something new a device of unknown origin okay could gain some science gain 40 scientist applicants my gosh or locate a temporary anomaly so be it where is it it's all the way up over here good lord it's so far away and it's going to expire oh golly gosh dang okay um abandon your efforts way over here it's no longer relevant get over here quickly everybody over here all hands on deck all right unfortunately not a lot of time left on this asteroid i guess we can apparently just go ahead and prefab all of the solar panels i didn't know that was going to be a thing interesting never tried that prefab power accumulators too the thing is i don't know if we're gonna be able to fit this all onto the rocket i'm kind of expecting we're gonna have to abandon some equipment in favor of taking the exotic minerals but it's something hi gimli gimli hello can you do me a favor give me come here can you speak speak speak again speak oh sorry that would be my little quirky puppy all right let's go ahead and prefab this thing up as well yes i know you want to play we're gonna have to worry about that a little bit later though so at least the prefabs everything actually deconstructs remarkably quickly which i'm a big fan of that arrangement wow so we're not gonna get any more exotic minerals um what is gonna be our final haul at the end of the day we're gonna be able to get about 36 maybe 37 if there wasn't a rounding thing i was terrified of of these uh exotic minerals we can load up our machine parts our polymers our rare metals and certainly all of our drones and that still leaves me with a fair bit of space left so yeah let's just go ahead and load up whatever metals we can and i guess that's kind of the end of the arrangement no wait no no no no no what am i talking about hold on hold on forget the medals right prefab buildings more important haha uh you and you okay and then we can bring along [Music] i guess a couple of batteries sure and one solar panel whoopty frickin do that's amazing all right no i mean this is still a pretty good haul and at the end of the day we gotta take a lot of our equipment back with us which is great we love that i do not however love the fact that once again you can see this four out of five rare metals yeah we actually don't have enough rare metals there's like half of a rare metal on here so i gotta reduce this down by one does that mean i could fit one more solar panel answer is yeah now let's go ahead and request that and that should be everything so i guess at this point we go ahead and return to mars with all of this requested equipment yes so 36 more of the exotic minerals not bad not bad at all and hey look we made it to this anomaly just in time okay that wasn't too bad it turns out awesome so we have a whole new bunch of tunnels and i found even more rare metals and water and stuff we're definitely finding a lot of resources in the underground it's just a question of how much it's worth bothering to extract it but i mean like it's definitely a bounty there's plenty you can extract down here if you really want to put in the time oh this is fun by the way so uh water extractors when they're done you just refab them that's so convenient so i can just place these down anywhere i love that all right let's get back down to the underground and see what happened with that anomaly so we found 3 000 research as well as 30 uh machine parts okay well that lets me finish up deep metal extraction just like that that's nice what is this another event from our recon center a super habitable planet oh wow um well we could publish the findings and get 5 billion dollars i mean this would be pretty exciting i don't need the money i'd rather hold off on publishing until we're sure just in case that leads to a negative event if it turns out we're still sure well then who really cares we'll publish the results and we'll be famous oh this is fun you can even refab your internal buildings here too oh me likey so we're starting to have some housing issues uh for the most part as well as some jobs being poorly managed and this is one of the reasons that i generally prefer to have all of my domes interconnected because over here we have a fair bit of housing space but we had no work slots available at the time or rather we had way too many un uh unemployed people now over here we're starting to have some housing crises and they're not reshifting all of their jobs quite the way that i might have wanted them to but oh well i think one thing we will do is go ahead and set up a small basic dome over here and this is going to become a retirement dome right we're just going to get the seniors out of the way so they're not taking up any more of my job space in the actual main working domes that's gonna be the idea hey sure enough we did confirm the planet was super habitable so i get the money anyway nice i'm sitting on more money than i've ever had at this point oh here's something interesting so we have an asteroid with metals rare metals polymers water but also strange readings let's do a detailed scan and see what comes out of that i'm curious uh we are gonna find it's going to be here for a good long while i'm not sure what strange readings they're talking about and if we need to be afraid um not much in the way of exotic minerals so it's not like this is a fantastic place to go but i mean it's here for a long while we could certainly extract all the rare metals and stuff the only thing i'm concerned about is whether or not uh it's going to have something on it that destroys my rocket because that could very well happen um all right now we'll visit this we'll see if there's anything exciting okay we've arrived looks like this is the prime location so we're gonna go ahead and set up right here in the middle we'll build a ramp if needed later so what is the special thing that we need to be worried about i'm expecting a pop-up right about now we found an anomaly and well hello there's a rover what do you mean there's a rover hello rover where'd you come from this is the rover we are looking for it's russian oh we discover what appears to be a rover from the russian agency the rover is incredibly well built overall but appears one of its components failed in these harsh environments nonetheless the rover's memory contains some valuable data and our engineers reckon we can learn a thing or two by dismantling it it isn't our property though and there might be consequences if we proceed without the owner's permission hmm our asteroid our rover not our business or send the data back to its owners and keep the rest what can we possibly gain out of this i'm keeping it all right so wait did you just oh we we got another mystery log we get another mystery log wait a minute does this mean we just created like another another um catastrophic event you know like the dredgers more mysteries all right i think we're gonna really upset the russians that's that's what i'm pretty sure we are doing here probably not a very good idea but you know what we we already defeated the aliens what am i worried about really we're going to be completely fine up accusations all right so the russians somehow found out who told them they expect me to hand over 20 years of research uh okay pay the fine pay 300 that's nothing did i even gain anything out of that arrangement though like what did we actually get was it science i didn't even see what the benefit was from keeping the thing but all right fine i mean 300 million dollars is nothing to me at this point is this what it's like to be rich i can just do whatever i want with impunity and there's no consequences to worry about that's great i like it currently dealing with an electrostatic dust storm over here but so far i'll admit this has been not too much of an issue it certainly helps when you have a ton of water that is being stored did build out another uh dome over here that we're gonna fill out with just some generic jobs and also some more housing maybe another electronics factory since we've got loads of rare metals we could start converting and the seniors area is seeming to fill out fairly nicely right now i mean yeah we've got somebody that's unemployed and that's probably a bit more than i want but we'll deal with some of that later in the meantime the population uh sorry the temperature of the planet is definitely going up we have some atmosphere finally coming into play soon we'll start losing some atmosphere and water is getting somewhere and i'm building the moho mine which will take care of my metal needs for pretty much the rest of the game the other thing i want to get is the excavator which will get me loads of concrete but we need lots of metal and lots of machine parts to make any of that work for now i think this is a good place for us to end this video certainly made a lot of progress in this particular run so i'm hoping we're going to see that happen over the next couple of videos maybe we can even finally get the last of these exotic minerals build up our base and call it a series thank you all for watching hope you enjoyed if so then i would actually hit that like button leave a comment and subscribe and i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Pravus
Views: 26,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, surviving, mars, below, beyond, new, expansion, guide, gameplay, strategy, underground, asteroids, ulm, part 20
Id: 7znLVTK7lEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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