A natural chin lift - I try it out!

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hi gang welcome back and I'm at video now you know this area this is a beauty product top tech new products gorgeous I don't you know this bit that's really not very attractive it's not that it's worst at the moment because I've been fasting but it could still do with a little tiny lift without surgery well the wonderful folks at chin up have kindly sent me the stuff which involves a bandage like thing that goes around the head which you'll see in a minute and a beautiful chin up mask infused with all sorts of gorgeous natural oils and stuff that actually tightens this whole area and what with the thing around the head it's lasted me two to three days which considering my age is pretty good if you're younger probably lasts longer and a really awesome idea to do for me just before shoot very vain very needed then oh just before a big event or a wedding doesn't ask forever only surgery well in fact surgery doesn't last forever does it so I'm going to show you how it works and I think you'll be is impressed as me with the option the before and after the first of all I have to put my specs on because the first thing you do they send you this lovely little tape measure and you measure your fatty bits of your chin and that is sorry to use you as a mirror that is 22 centimeters okay and then in 30 minutes after this concoction goes on we will compare before and after so here's the beautiful mask smells gorgeous it's very warming and quite tingly but it doesn't hurt at all I'm just not very good at putting it on as you can see let's try that way around that's better and there we are there we are I'm going to look quite attractive not okay get the idea and that all goes done they're not going to be able to talk much now and here is the band Oh for want of a better word so that goes around there really tight well strike I've had some some sorts of weird operation and everything's got to be kept in place that those behind your ears let me go really tight but that will hopefully help the effects there we go yeah come on in and there we are good to go I will see you in 30 minutes and then we can do some more measuring and compare the results hello welcome back right 30 minutes is up glasses will steam ducts I've been doing some cooking um so let's see what's what the proof is in the pudding oh what a relief that was quite tight oh okay some gorgeous oils left massage that end methinks and let's have a measure up a week how's it looking I'm gues looking good I can tell it's tight already nineteen it's gone down from 21 centimeters also 22 no 22 centimeters to 19 centimeters so that is that much that's pretty cool isn't it what do you think mmm do the Victoria Beckham chin down and pose so jeez light it always does it and it will last no I've got a big function tomorrow night so it will ask for that hopefully so thank you folks at chin up I think this is an incredibly good product all the details are below and I'll be writing up more about it on a blog coming later called my favorite beauty products because there are many this one you know me and my freebies I only publicize freebies if it's something I would buy myself and if I really loved it and I really would buy this myself so chin up - chin up and hope you enjoyed the Third's please follow me subscribe down there oops wobbly bobbly and please give me a thumbs up if you like or a thumbs down if you don't like and you're not impressed and I'll see you very soon bye [Music]
Channel: Alternative Ageing
Views: 1,693
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: chin lift, natural chin lift, banish double chin, double chin treatment, natural jaw lift, how to get rid of a double chin, beauty over 50
Id: GzB07F7dR44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 31 2018
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