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hi welcome to another one of my mad YouTube physios now a few people have asked what I do on a typical day so this is a day when I'm being really good at home and going off to Pilates in the afternoon or maybe even having a nice long ladies lunch so I'll talk you through very quickly what I do the first one is please don't judge me I get a big glass of water down me I'm sure you all do that and I don't downstairs I'm not saying to make coffee now but I go downstairs little called sense an aging man and let doggie Jack out can you see Toby Jack can you see Toby Jack yes leaves behind the camera so she may join in come back with my one shot of organic coffee black no sugar and then I get on with my day's work because I'm usually listening to my favorite radio programming the morning which if you want to know is Chris Moyles on Radio X because he makes me laugh a lot Jay she's sick til the works on so that's from like 7:30 to 9:30 sometimes 10 sometimes 10:30 don't judge me cuz I'm in my pajamas but I'm working hard then we get on with exercise and the day and I'll talk you through it right and you can watch me strip now because I'm going to do a few I do a few exercises every morning minimal just that work every part of your body now you know that I've got um I'm gonna keep my glasses on cause I can't read things in the bathroom but you know that I have another video on the five Tibetan right so look that up if you want to know more but the difference is when we get downstairs and I show you is that I've added a couple of different yoga poses and I'm sure you are aware of the Hollywood plan there was some really good exercise there so I've sort of made up my own five Tibetan rights so into the bathroom good right so once I did we imagine I'm naked what a thoughts always to the skin brushing before the shower and again when we get onto skincare briefly if you look up the wrinkly chest gray products P or a5 I pronounced that right layer is it try or pray I'll get it out anyway skin brush which I'm sure you doing always towards the heart it's really good for cellulite and Mobley's skin really good for removing toxicity always up the legs up the fines especially around the tummy and then into the shower then what I do think I need my glasses for this it is very cold water three splashes on my face to just wake up the skin and get that going and obviously minimal make-up now my favorite products these are not freebies I'm not doing a collaboration they just sent me the odd freebie Sarah Chapman they sent me this and I wasn't like it I don't know if it's done any good but I've put it all over my lips it's called Liberty Bowl and it's rather nice for moisturizing then I put guards at home pronounce that Sarah Chapman skin insurance SPF 30 so this is a goodie because I also use it look at that color see can you see that it's a bit of color so that's the minimal minimal make-up but on the back there look and it just gives the face a nice sheen and then I don't need to do anything else I usually pop on a tiny bit of eyeliner and I also mix again a top tip from a friend little bit of tanning stuff it's called the tan luxe and I put that within the noise Raisa then of course the important cream this I have done a collaboration with prey pry on this look at the other video but this stuff the before and after pictures of my very wrinkled chest were unbelievable after just seven days so that always goes on in the morning and I started using it on my wrinkly arms and this is for decolletage and throat as well one neither of us can remember the name pry pray anyway Pete Rai for all the details underneath so is that sort of it of course brush your teeth I've started using Xindian again no freebies the only reason I use this one is because a brilliant doctor on his podcast recommended it because it's completely natural so that's it haven't done everything in here I think I have a tiny little bit of lippy and off we go downstairs and this is what we do next whoops Jack Jack yeah are you following me yep um Jack loves his toys and he usually does it while I do my exercises normally I will do my exercises before the shower but as we're going downstairs where there's room for the match we're doing them now so imagine that I do all of this before the shower in the other room to film me I hope we're not making you feel sick tell me when you're happy this is a mixture all the specified right yoga and a bit that's not taken Hollywood plan and I think this gives to me a proper worker I did it for a month in Australia religiously every single day along with my 10k steps and intermittent fasting which I'll get into in a minute and I can't really fix so the first thing which is very Tibetan rights is doing this you build up every single exercise doing spotting 221 I'm only going to do three or four because I'm completely dizzy but this apparently is very good for just waking up your body and one doctor those closest are saying an Indian doctor but if you do just this every day you'll have a stress-free day so get spinning imagine how happy kids are when they spin around and then the next thing I do is again selecting right sorry they have moving around and the oh no it's not sorry wrong the first one instead of the first American rights to the tummy the Tibetan rights is like that and I found that was killing my back so the Hollywood plan one what you much harder and it is very much parties so I do twenty one of these they don't look like much that's one that's two back three and by the time you get to twenty one you can really feel it's worked or tummy and it doesn't hurt your bloody back at all the other one that is Tibetan right I stood there and what this does but I always incorporate it is up to twist are slowly you start with one two exercises and build up slowly to twenty one your body tell you but that's the other one I do it works in front of the thighs big-time and the boots I support Lee for for far more fuel and then the next one is I think this is Tibetan lights that's what it is Monte's well build up again to 321 of these and the back of your arms will be singing and the final one which I've changed completely is thanks to my lovely friend Joe good middle-aged minx so go and check out her YouTube video because she does it far better than links and if any yoga teachers are watching is please forgive me I'm a Sikh rap at this but I'm still waking up my body and using I hope every muscle in it this is my adapted version so basically Sun Salutations with a little bit of work in between my forward plank this is a good team we also do this in parties bitter but plank then I have to use my knees then you go down to Cobra and then you go up to downward dog and actually the finally started doing these a little while back about eight if my hair is a mess now so I'll do one more but watch videos on this well after a separate one how's that I'll do a separate one when I'm up to 21 and I can do them properly plank and then down to call up lift your legs and that's my easy version but if you hook it everyone else's videos especially Jones um it's much tougher and as I said I can only manage each right now the kitchen and I'll talk through the rest of the day when we get there oh my god see how I was a puff on him right wanna be here so the next thing I do know this is not for everyone but oh my gosh I am now the same way I was when I was 25 with a thicker waist but I'm owing all that to not the five - its have always been a fan of not fasting in specifically for five days on end which I still like to do spring and autumn but this is what I did four months in Australia and alone lost heaps of waves along with walking 10,000 steps a day I don't eat anything to the eleven o'clock I do the sixteen eight so for eight hours I eat for 16 hours I don't eat so I have my last meal at 7:00 if I can possibly leave it that early it's difficult if you're meeting people I don't have to do it every day but I have my nice meal at 7:00 normally on a little more quiet day and then you're asleep for a good eight nine hours what to tell you whatever I don't have another thing nothing to munch and then I don't eat and then I have a proper brunch till 11:00 and that is sixteen hours and I thoroughly recommend it if it fits if you're not checking the doctor first words I'm sure you've seen it online it's so common now the only thing I do have again I'm not working with them I don't get a discount or anything but this again was recommended this is the cheap slave to him doing a smoothie or reduce athletic greens not cheap but I do a spoonful I'm not going to do a few but it's basically everything you would get from green vegetables all the visits and minerals plus probiotics plus a thousand ingredients it just goes into a glass of water on an empty stomach I know how much energy I have and I haven't eaten yet so that's it that is my morning and then dear doggie Jack meets it walk and I need to start my 10k steps a day and so we would go for a longest walk I need it by then and have brunch maybe out meet friends or have brunch before I go or have brunch when I get back and if I'm at home all day I might have a Pilates class or work a bit more or meet someone but whatever I do if I'm around two o'clock I have a little lie-down cuz the esters are very good for you our circadian rhythm actually forces us to want to sleep up to the clock this is completely normal nothing to do with what you've even no more than 10 minutes otherwise your night sleep will be disturbed but that's how I do a nice quiet day and then I might go out the evening or go to the movies or whatever but that's a typical day of the typical life of the Suzy grant from alternative aging I do hope you've enjoyed please subscribe and please leave comments and love in comments and I'll see you very soon
Channel: Alternative Ageing
Views: 7,590
Rating: 4.9477124 out of 5
Keywords: beauty tips, morning routine, how i spend my day, yoga exercises, tibetan 5 rites, ageing tips, aging tips
Id: 6on06J3i2Ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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