Four different looks with one pair of old jeans!

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hi Ron I'm trying to get as much use as I can out of old clothes so I'm doing four different looks with one pair of jeans so hope it helps you get the most out of your wardrobe because it's sustainable and will help save the planet instead of buying new things all the time so these were high street jeans are common beware from I think they were French Connection something like that yeah and they're really reasonable I love them because they've got that vintage look and I've lost weight so there anybody but anyway this is a vacation look so I hope you like casual but by making it look just a little bit more spiny um so this is a very thin little white felt like I got ages ago give it that little nice edge takes ages to put those on or I could since um sounds that so right excellent and then of course the absolute must the venture star Sammy's got my head cuz this is a casual casual look could be good for the beach I put my hair back and I'm just good I just don't think I'll do one of these we like this look don't we and it's easier to tie when my hair is tied up so sort of little Frenchie vintagey stylee look going on that's not and then these bad boys they're from fit flop and they're really really comfy and I think they just add that little gymnast way pop you'll see them in a sec and if it gets cheap on the beach this is ancients from River Island this was a cheapy as well from someone an ethical face inside but if you really want a little bit more warmth on a windy beach or wherever you are barbecue maybe this would be a good look for there we are that's casual one look through a pair of old jeans oh you've caught me still getting dressed right second look for the jeans the vintage looking jeans got school two shirt in Australia in the sale and I just think it looks gorgeous with this amazing scarf but lovely lady in Sydney gifted to me because she only works with indigenous artists and this looks very indigenous to me I'll put who it is cuz I can't pronounce it below so you know where it came from should you be in Australia or even living there now in which case good day so I think this is really really pretty scarf I said I have one I'm tiny I can't see myself sort of looking in the reflection of the television behind here who is on camera so all right there yeah they're very hard to do but I think you're getting too general idea so you didn't tuck it in tuck it in so it's not difficult we've got a proper mirror I'm wearing very light lipstick because this is very much the summery look whoa oh actually know what I forgotten my classes but these will do so my favorite vintage glasses I'm actually got any blue wants to show you I have got brown ones brown ones maybe look better and my summer this isn't this a beauty and finally this is Blake's pretty cool summer these fins is little boots that I got in Australia how cool are these so I think they and around handbag finished off the look just beautifully what do you think another take on an overpriced cheap jeans the sorts of finches style that's why these up them they're big and baggy so I'm making it look a little bit more dressed up and this is a lovely top from beyond retro who very bigger Goodwood Revival because they do vintage so well I'm trying to Center funk it up in little that popping lippy on and I'm now base time I these are called Suzie Suh scarves because why should really show it you must show it's you these I get made in Australia and it's a head scarf but it also turns into you can make it pull it down also turns into a little toppers it gets a bit chilly in the evenings oh you want to protect your arms from the Sun so one this is the citizens got made by a lady called sue and so by me Suzy on the websites of them here it's very cute they're very popular um that's it really vintage Sunny's of course I hope that looks the part and then I'm going to put these little sparkly trainers so smart yeah definitely smart top off I think this would be good for a lunch when I'm doing those and working okay like hi Horrocks one pair of jeans my lovely vintage style plastic jeans that I'm just trying to team up with as many old things as I possibly find in my cupboard so prove how you can get war where from your wardrobe so this is a cheap as chips little vintage top that I found the Buffalo Exchange in the states for anyone watching the states go and have a look it's not vintage actually I think it's just pre loves when it's so pretty too good a little puff sleeves so this to me says well I could actually go out in the evening in these if it was the sort of thing I couldn't wear jeans hat so I'm very happy with that but I need to funk it up a bit more make it look even better this gorgeous green scarf was given to me by a friend in Abu Dhabi so it's like Kashi Kashi I like a bit of clashing green and pink I love together I can't see how this is looking but hopefully you get the drift and my favorite Brown Sonny's and I think little pink shoes would finish off this outfit just perfectly what do you think so I hope you really enjoyed my four different looks with one item videos I hope they help hope they give you inspiration to dig up all your old stuff in the wardrobes please comment below please subscribe please tell me what you think and I Severson
Channel: Alternative Ageing
Views: 5,344
Rating: 4.9450173 out of 5
Keywords: how to update the clothes you have, sustainable fashion, wear more and buy less, how to style your old clothes, how to wear what you have in your closet, update your closet, preloved, vintage style
Id: Az2ul9ra56M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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