I share how I tuned my junk room into a beautiful coastal study/spare room.........

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hello welcome to another vlog still very windy i'm trying to show you i was going to show you before i went out but time ran away but look the brooch on that six-pound shirt works really well anyway it's a beautiful day but the wind's very cold um i'm going into brighton to my optician to pick up those glasses then i'm meeting a lovely friend for lunch who i know won't want to be filmed and then i'm meeting the girls who actually really hate being filmed because people keep telling them that they've been spotted on my youtube so um i'm sorry there isn't an awful lot again but i say that every week and manage to make it half an hour so uh i'll show you the new glasses and a bit more later in the week including the new room i have to show you this if i haven't already it's the oldest hardware shop in brighton where you can get absolutely anything i love going in here hello you're on my youtube channel thank you very much how long have you been here no the doc rules a hundred years there are not many left likes no that's fine love it thank you they've got all shy fifth generation donkeys i love it you're an instagrammer aren't you [Laughter] this lady is part of the doctoral family so tell me a bit more about the family any grandfather's left any of the originals my father's left yes and there is a fifth generation hiding he probably is hiding somewhere because he's shy my daughter's here somewhere is that him he's not one no no he's a customer i saw the cushion i knew there was and i've got the paint right i will explain i've made a mess in the new room so i'm trying another test to paint to cover up some bad marks right here the red frames and whoever asked what tint and percentage i'll let you know when he's told me but these are the new red frames oh my god they are heavenly i should be wearing these a lot these ones i'm about to show you you've got a special new lens in which are this is the occupational lenses occupational lenses and blue light blocks you can see there's a slight blue reflection on the lenses when you catch it in the light it just reflects away some of the half the blue line that comes from the huge screens let's oh i can't wait to try them these are my serious i'm working at my laptop for many hours or zoom or can i use these for watching telly probably not because it's further distance yeah no they will be but i love the color and before you ask yes i would have loved tinted but you can't get them anymore for doing it's a bit like getting a washer dryer isn't it one's just not going to work properly do you know what i mean love them love them and these you know they're my very very very favorites i live in them um but you need to know that these are original 50s frames that were passed on to me by a friend of a friend a dear friend and they were her mothers so they are 70 years old so they've been very careful here at bromptons to put new lenses in which was so scratched before i could hardly see um i think it's the second time isn't it jack at least the second time at least the second time and i've had new arms so my top tip is if they're really precious go to a small independent who will give you that extra bit of care meanwhile i've got to show you these orange ones it's because i'm wearing orange i can't afford these at the moment but how gorgeous are they i'm going to have to do my little chat with you like this because it's way too low um and i haven't got time to go and get another tripod because i'm off to play ping pong i think which you'll see next week anyway i'm wearing the red glasses um because i haven't got orange what did you think of those orange ones the thing is i don't really want any more sunglasses i quite like tinted orange ones um so that they match lovely outfits to the orange look i've got the brooch in that worked a dream thank you so yeah i think the orange ones that i fell in love with in the shop unless i wear them only as sunglasses are too big for my face um so i'd love your feedback after the opticians i went to see the new bond film um i couldn't film anything because the girlies that i were with as i told you um what you think is the hair like that by the way slightly to the side i know a few of you commented and me and the hairdresser thought that looked nice and then i can do my queef um yeah they didn't want to be filmed you can't film in the cinema but yes tyree enjoyed it but certainly wasn't my favorite um [Music] i was not overwhelmed sorry i think daniel craig is magnificent as a bombs i found the script you could i could tell i think and i'd love to know if anyone else feels like this i felt like there were two different directors and two different script writers and some prefer the first half because it's all bang bang with wiz with i didn't enjoy it and i hated the script it was really clunky second half was quite dark which i preferred and i think that's where phoebe waller whatever her name is that wonderful fleabag writer lady um i think that's where she got involved but i might be completely wrong and everybody has a different opinion um the three hours went like that i didn't have to go i didn't want to go to the loo so it was gripping um but i i'm not gonna say anymore because the spoiler alerts but do let me know if you've seen this and what you thought of it it was excellent and great to be in the cinema but it's not my favorite bond one if you want to know my favorite is skyfall right oh back to eyes um lovely jack at brompton's the opticians i have to sit down it's killing my knees i can't get the tripod lower sorry unless i do that anyway i'm wearing the top um i'm babbling because i'm in a hurry sorry uh because i must edit this and have some time off over the weekend um he gave me a great top tip for you for all of you who spent hours in front of the laptop like what i do um there's a 20 20 20 rule and i was told a long time ago because we thousands of years ago relied on catching up not thousands hundreds of years ago relied on our food by hunting and catching it we need to look into the distance often and frequently so the 2020 rule is every 20 minutes if you're on the laptop computer ipad whatever every 20 minutes put it on your watch or your clock and look up and look 20 feet away and do that for i can't do it because it's so bright 20 seconds and then back to your work and then i would add in there um maybe walk around have a glass of water oh yes my brother came for the weekend so you can see me waking him up i filmed nothing else because we were either cooking we were just enjoying each other's company with very good chefs together in the kitchen we're a brilliant team the weather was ghastly so we couldn't go out much so therefore there was nothing to film because all we did was eat drink be merry and watch movies but it was lovely to see him and he did all my chores and he find my found my diamonds on the monday oh my god this was exciting i should have filmed it i lost this precious the only apart from my earring little diamond um that i've ever had down the gap in the floorboards upstairs and it took me a month to find somebody a carpenter who could lift the floorboards and the carpet anyways very long story short he did it absolutely brilliantly left no mess you wouldn't know it had happened relayed the carpet outside but before that he and i were on our knees with very bright torches couldn't find it i called davis and that my bro and i said can you have a look i think we need fresh eyes and five minutes later he'd seen something glinting in an area near under the carpets i don't know how it got there must have bounced and gone under um and he found it in a great big ball of fluff so what a star very well my brother's staying for a long weekend it's 11 o'clock so i think it's time to wake him up don't you he has things to do for me today all to do with the room oh goodness it's still dark in here it's 11 o'clock you're joking no have you not slept all night i kept waking up you're kidding me no i slept like a log did you yeah till seven oh i've been awake since yeah i've done all my work well i hear it's raining yes it's it funnily enough it didn't rain for ages i could have easily taken jack out but no jesus i just wanted to finish my editing have you done that yes i'm going to do the cabbage now oh well done yes i'm hungry i've got to do my exercises first okay we'll go do your exercises um yeah sorry to wake you up but i thought i'd better because otherwise you won't sleep tonight no i won't you're right i'll need that okay oh jack's coming to see you oh good where is he hello jack why is he crying oh because he can't get down the stairs right what else am i going to tell you about oh yes the room the new room so let's show you what it was like before i had it redecorated in a beautiful blue which you'll see in a minute um it was a junk room it was a spare room that i never went into because it's north facing cold and i had wallpaper and lots of bread and it i never worked in it i never slept in it i never used it for anything except let's throw everything in there so look at the state of this it's become the dumping room look at it dreadful absolutely appalling so this is going to be oh and here's the cupboard under the stairs which is well at least it's hidden away it was exceptionally bad because it was straight after christmas so there was extra extra junk it never looked that bad all the year round but just looked very tired and very scruffy and tiny and cramped it's a small room so then i decided to go the great thing about lick was that they sent me samples so i could actually put them on the wall and see whether i wanted wallpaper or blue or green or gray so i had a great time trying out that before i made the decision to make it all blue so i decided the first job was when i was away in bath suez female decorator came in and painted it all blue so i think you'll enjoy seeing her at top speed so once it was painted i put a couple of things back in there but it wasn't looking right i met janie for lunch and with her designer's hat on and staging hat she came up with various ideas about how to make it just look a little bit special so this is the lovely janie who is a stager and interior designer and she did my beautiful room downstairs and what else helped me with the lounge and everything i've done and the bedroom and and the study so over to janie what do you reckon can i just show them the picture that's a picture i sent her my new study what are you saying about texture the designers always go on about texas well at the moment you've got a blue a beautiful blue box um you've got wooden floorboards which bring in a bit of warmth but you can bring in some walls with things like cushions throws there's some lovely wicker baskets i was in zara home never a lot of waker yeah just see how it looks so lovely here you've got the wooden floor so if i got a wicker basket i could hide all that stuff that's waiting to go yeah somewhere i could hide it in a wicker basket or you could put some on your shelves we're talking about floating shelves and painting the same color so that they blend in the wall brilliant idea and i love this boucle um they've got um cushions in this it's really soft superb soft texture textures mixing textures mix the textures yeah your top tip for today thank you jane anyway then it was time for the reveal so i did a lot of the stuff that jamie suggested um especially the wicker and the boucle so enjoy the reveal and i'll give you a breakdown of everything that was old and everything that was new it didn't cost very much i mean it's basically i was very lucky to get free paint thank you lick um but it was decorator and a new console which you'll see and mostly everything else i found elsewhere in the house that moved it in so i do hope you like anyway here we go after a huge decluttering chucking out giving away selling um destroying it is now a study bedroom ta-da so here it is on wide shot i'll do all the details because it will help you if you're redesigning a room i'll do all the details in a minute thanks to my wonderful friend janie the interior designer but look no clutter just a gorgeous light and this is a console table now i chose this because it's very narrow i'll shut those for you see i can put i i can put my current pending stuff that's part of the furniture in there tucked away there's no more mess that's a chair from the dining room with a pretend cat that's a light that i got in abu dhabi and that's a gorgeous falls i've knit from the sitting room and that's a beautiful microphone which is all part of my lifestyle right so this gorgeous console table i found on john lewis um absolutely perfect because it's very narrow reasonable and beautiful woods and i think quite sustainable wood um but my wonderful friend janie who suggested up there to have a couple three i like things and threes uh floating shelves painted in the same color of the walls now talking of the paint because of the blue floorboards and because of a kind offer from lick i think you might have seen me trying out samples i'm going to shut the door because it's distracting or will it make it dark no it's a very dark room because it's north facing which is why i've never enjoyed working in it anyway thanks to lick paints they sent me various samples of blues to match the floor or whites to contrast the ceiling is a white but a creamy white with a tiny tiny dash of black in it to make it more gray and me and the decorator sues who you've seen doing it at fast speed were absolutely thrilled with the results we only went that way because the white um from lick that i wanted um had run out but they very kindly gifted me all the liters i needed for this room and that great thing sorry to sound like an advertisement it's not a paid collaboration but the great thing is that this paints apart from being eco absolutely no smell whatsoever which always upsets me normally was that it goes on woods and over wallpaper that's three coats on ordinary ceilings i mean you don't need to keep changing paint i didn't know this existed still anyway so thank you lake uh right back to the details so i will put below if i have the details i found this gorgeous light ages ago in a little shop in sussex that's an old vars that i've rescued to put in here now this is where janie and i'll put her details below as an interior designer and someone who helps people sell their homes by making them look more beautiful as cheaply as possible she suggested um very well you saw it on the video adding a little bit of wicker so i followed her advice and that it's nice isn't it and i can put all my junk in here hidden away um and she also suggested lots of con contrasting cushions now i'm loving a that pop of green and b the pop of yellow um so i'm going to go for much brighter cushions when i can find them but there's no hurry and i did follow her advice and get texture sorry this is very difficult to film and talk but this is blue clay it's very fluffy fluffy fluffy and the throw i got from zara i actually wanted the same color as this beautiful vintage bed that my ex gave me um so it looked more like a day bed sofa and the throw it's just to throw i think you know this is a wonderful room for when it's very hot and i want to be snuggly and cool and maybe meditate or read um that picture was here before we did swap it for one with cream flowers but it didn't work at all because of the frame and it was too large another top tip from janie is decorating the frames the woodwork in the same color as the walls and then just featuring the dolls themselves in white in my case and i love this contrast and as you can see i haven't filled it with rubbish anymore i'm being very strict that's surfboard staying there because i love the blue and the blue i'm going to have to change that radiator because it's not working properly that's a little bit yellowy but it would do sorry and look i have now got my entire office after a huge amount of decluttering good thing to do while you're watching telly just go through the mounds of paper as you can see i've still got a bit to do but look how neat it is and everything's tucked away including the printer i can actually do printing from inside here so what you think girls and boys i'm absolutely thrilled with it it's now a very clean beachsidey north facing but can be still cozy room i do hope you like i'm going to walk out slowly now bye bye beautiful room i leave the door open now what a lovely room for guests to put their coats on that bed when they come in so i do hope oh there's a cushion that's very untidy so i do hope you like um but i think the most important thing i can say about doing up a room is a you don't need to spend much money on it so that's an old little table from upstairs um sorry um you don't need to spend much money on it let's have a last look at the console now it's all closed up and b if you declutter like mads it makes such a difference hope you enjoyed i'm going to sit up again so what do you think girls and boys did you like i love it and it's going to be a really good extra room especially during a hot summer lovely and cool to go online or a cozy winter for meditation um oh let's try the other glasses while i've got you here i'm going to say goodbye oh dear they're dirty they're great aren't they excuse me these are my close work ones which you saw um right last top tip those of you who follow me on instagram will know that i've just done a big thing for pride beauty i really like them um you know them in the states p-r-a-i um they sold them m s here in england um but i'm very fond of their product and i did do paid collaboration on instagram this is not paid because you know i always share with you things that i truly genuinely love whether i've paid for them whether they've been gifted or whether i'm being paid to talk about them i will only talk about things i truly love and would buy anyway and this you all commented on my skin last week so half of it was this gorgeous new cc cream from it cosmetics but the other half was this stuff i have to read it because it's such a long um title ageless triple action radiance tonic for face and neck and decolletage peel reveal glow well after two weeks of using it night and morning you literally pop it on cotton wool and i do that i even did my arms because i'd heard from a beauty editor that lactic acid which has got lots of and many other ingredients have a look i'll put the link below um is really good for lifting and tightening so all i do is that up up up up and well here is the before in case you didn't see it on instagram here's the before and after photo i could tell such a difference in just two weeks and you noticed it last week so i'm sharing that with you because some of you aren't on instagram and i know you like my top tips so that's it i expect i've made this uh what looked like a really short vlog a really long vlog now because i've whitted on forever i haven't got jack jack's disappeared i know you always love seeing jack i'm really sorry that he's disappeared but he's very very well sox is very very well but she's got a limp in one of her legs so i'm going to have to keep an eye on socks the fox and call the wildlife man if it looks really bad what's she done i hope she hasn't been hit by a car she's very limpy looks more like a strain like us when we've strained an ankle maybe she'd jump too high getting away from a dog or a cat anyway that's it for now um thank you for watching thank you for commenting thank you for subscribing spread the word we're growing our little tribe is growing all the time take care big love and we'll see you next week more jack next week promise you
Channel: Alternative Ageing
Views: 14,992
Rating: 4.9609756 out of 5
Keywords: #interiordesign #cottagebythesea
Id: EW2eMMowrpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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