A most beautiful teaching on Heaven. You are going to love it!

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you know I'm thinking about a beautiful old song what you're coming on you sweet people drinking and the Springs of living water that's an oldie by the way happy now am i my soul is satisfied drinking at the Springs of living water a bountiful and glorious supply I used to sing that years and years ago when I got saved hello there - Angelo Isaiah from Denmark and Steven Sawyer and Dorothy tubby candelita I've told you already you have most beautiful names all you sweet people and hello to Mary Wilson hello to Sarah hen Krekorian wait wait Sarah Haines Krekorian hmm I I don't know if she's related to me or not but it's alright hello - Abigail bless you hello - Elma Shalom Danielle from Indianapolis Indiana and hello - who soon um yes please pray for me I'm gonna pray for all of you today get get ready for a blessed time I'm gonna encourage you strengthen you in the Lord a beautiful teaching you're gonna love this on heaven you're gonna hear things today about heaven you did not even know we're in the Bible so share this with your friends tell them we're on tell em that I were teaching on heaven we all need to hear today I promise you hello - Salah and stiff Stefan Stefan from sorry Steven Steven from I look to Craig Greg likes my song Greg Adams likes my song well the song is very very simple drinking at the Springs of living water happy now am i my soul is satisfied drinking at the Springs of living water a bountiful and a glorious supply hallelujah so being a Christian is the most exciting thing in the world I mean who wants to live another life who wants to live a boring carnal life bound by the devil who wants that think about all this and Jesus - I mean come on this beautiful life of salvation this beautiful walk with the Lord and then to know the Lord and to be with him forever I mean that's heaven that's heaven you know they they used to say all this and heaven - I say no all this and Jesus - because I without the Lord there is no heaven without the Lord Jesus what is there in what is that in heaven for us without the Lord the sea so David said whom do I have in heaven but thee and I desire none on earth beside thee hallelujah hello - Ruth and that's what we like to sing you know you wake up and these songs are in your heart like this drinking at the springs over and many songs I mean sometimes I just wake up and songs come to me I am sung in years she said good morning so you must be on the other side of the world there Australia side and look to Israel bless you and Moki sow and Korea now you see there's joy in the Lord at at all times you know do you do you remember the old song that's joy joy joy joy down in my heart down in my heart to stay yeah stay so it doesn't go when when when trouble comes it just stays hello to Shireen Thank You blessings to you too and alo Mandy and a look - Chris and Conda Conda says please pray for my marriage that's a very simple thing to pray for because the Bible has a lot to say about marriage the secret to a happy marriage if you really want to know okay be nice to each other just be nice to each other and spend time together so simple so simple but sometimes people don't want to spend time with each other that's the problem anyways hello to Jennifer from Cookeville Tennessee and Karen from Australia and yanita from India alright I'm ready to pray and ready to teach on heaven hallelujah now Lord you know what your people need today to be encouraged to be strengthened in you to hear your sweet wonderful word and to know your voice bless them Lord and meet their needs and that sweet lady who says that she needs help with our marriage now Lord intervene in her marriage give or joy in our heart and meet every need whatever it is in Jesus name oh man alright now let's settle this once and for all heaven is not a cloud with angels playing harps on it [Laughter] heaven is a real planet it's a planet did you know that Chad it's a planet because it says in the word of God in Genesis 1 verse 1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth so heaven is a real planet it's a heavenly planet in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth now when we say heaven in English the Hebrew shamayim Bereshit Elohim bara at hashamayim the etta Eretz translation in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth even though the King James and others translations they have and it's really plural heavens because Paul was caught up to a third heaven that's God's capital and it's a planet and in in Isaiah 42 verse 5 the Bible says that God stretched the heaven it's a big place by the way so go with me to Isaiah 42 verse 5 so we're just putting this in place now Isaiah 42 in our head I mean as a 42 verse 5 that heaven is a real planet thus said God the Lord he that created the heavens and stretched them out he that spread forth the earth and that which comes which cometh out of it so in the beginning when God created planet earth he created heaven at the same time in a lovely and the bob says he stretched out the heavens so heaven is somewhere in the spirit and it's a real it's more real than physically like the earth there is a spiritual heaven and that is a physical heaven so the physical heaven I am looking at it right now I'm looking at the first heaven and the first heaven is all liquid but I can't see the liquid I just see the atmosphere air what is air what's atmosphere it's liquid yeah I'm looking at water that's invisible right now I'm looking at invisible water when I look at the sky I can't see it I know it's there because without it we all die some says well I can't see heaven well you can't see the air either and you know it's there right so God created three heavens that's why it says heavens in Genesis one he created the first heaven by taking all the liquid the water on earth and creating a firmament a firmament and expanse it says that expanse he called heaven the first heaven then there's the second heaven process but we are seated in the spirit in higher heavenly places so when people say well I can't see heaven oh it's right there you know it's out there the first heaven is right in front of our eyes call atmosphere expanse no one denies it's there no one can deny that the third heaven is there - that's what the Saints are right now that's where your mommy or daddy your loved ones who are with the Lord are in heaven right now now heaven is as real as Earth may I say it's more real than the earth because the earth one day is gonna get old and God is gonna roll it away like a scroll it says the first heaven I mean and the earth will be will burn out with with fire but heaven where God is will never be destroyed God one day will make a brand new one the brand new having a brand new earth it says so now let's understand something about heaven heaven is a real country in in Hebrews 11 verse 8 and through 16 it said Abraham looked for a country as real as Iran Iran which was the country came out of he looked for a heavenly country so let's read Hebrews 11 verse 8 Hebrews 11 beginning at verse 8 by faith Abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should have to receive for an inheritance obeyed and he went out not knowing whither he went by faith he sojourned in the land of promise meaning Israel as in a strange country dwelling in Tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob ears the ears with him of the same promise for he looked for a city which hath foundations whose builder and maker is God he looked for New Jerusalem it says through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed was delivered of a child when she was past age because she judged him faithful but I love what it says oh this is so wonderful in verse 16 it says earlier these all died in faith having not received the promise but now they desire a better country so not only was he looking for a city he was looking for a country verse 16 but now they desire a better country that is a heavenly wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for he hath prepared for them a city now the city of Jerusalem New Jerusalem is just one city in heaven one city now let's understand like I said earlier the Word of God speaks of three heavens Paul speaks of three heavens so let's look at them Genesis 1:8 the first heaven I just taught talked about it the atmosphere the second heaven the second heaven this is very important Genesis 1:14 2:18 Genesis 1:14 2:18 and God said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven so he divides the firmament first in verse 8 and God called the first firmament heaven the evening in the morning were the second day but look at verse 14 now he said let there be lights in the firmament another firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and for years so let there be lights so the Sun Moon and stars are in the second heaven first heaven Genesis 1:8 God called the firmament heaven because God divided the waters from the waters in verse 7 in Genesis 1:14 the second heaven which is we call it the universe the galaxies second F now the third heaven the third heaven is found is found in 2nd Corinthians 12:3 monta : metro PL Bakura may we'll go and there get ready Saints it's almost time it's almost time the trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ will rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord Maru Cantillon metropole back in Germany I'm sorry I just had a little price break don't you love the Lord don't you don't you think about them all the time I do just to acknowledge him as sweetness sweet Jesus sweet Jesus what a wonder you are second Corinthians 12:3 you are brighter than the morning star you are fairer much fairer than their lily that grow by the wayside all right and I knew such a man whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell by the way this is real what I say is I'm just being myself a share do I sing all the time Chad speak up do I speak do I sing all the time yes or no in the car walking in my kitchen and I knew such a man whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell God knoweth how that he was caught up into paradise and heard unspeakable words so he was in paradise he went to the third heaven because he says so in verse two I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago whether in the body I don't but I canna tell God knoweth such and one caught up to the third heaven so how many heavens are there Chad give me the first one it's Genesis 1 and verse 8 the second heaven Genesis 1 and verse 14 and through 18 and the third one is 2nd Corinthians 12:3 and there is more about the second heaven by the way in the Psalms in some 8 verse 3 in Psalm 8 verse 3 we read about the second heaven it says when I consider your heavens the work of your fingers the moon and the stars which you have ordained so that's the second heaven so we've got three heavens don't forget what I told you Genesis 1:8 first heaven Genesis 1:14 second heaven and psalm 8:4 3 third heaven second Corinthians 12:3 in fact two and three so heaven is the capital of God's universe now in that heaven yeah in that heaven there are cities see it were were almost there I can taste it my mom is there my daddy is there your mom maybe your daddy maybe someone you have loved it and glory today I want to show you what they are living in and what they have all around them today and tomorrow revelation 21 verse 2 and then verse 9 through 21 talks about New Jerusalem now I'm going to talk more more about New Jerusalem later because I want to really talk about some details from revelation but think about a city that's 1500 miles in every direction that would fill almost the whole United States of America 1,500 miles is from Maine to Florida it's it's a square and it's straight up 1500 miles which means it goes into space if this was on this earth he'll go into space I can't imagine God building a city with just one floor like that I just can't imagine 1500 miles up and only one level adding that city has many levels Jules it's built out of jewelry those precious stones its gates just the gates alone our pearls all right now do you know Chad what's the biggest problem how big is the biggest pill on earth the biggest proton on earth they say it's the size of my fist the biggest pearl on earth that they ever found is the size of a man's fist now wait a minute wait a minute those Gates made out of pearls just to look good just to look good on a 1,500 mile wall think about think wait twelve gates twelve gates you're going 1,500 miles this way this way this way and this way three-eighths three days three gates and what do you have you have a gate each gate has to be at least at least 200 miles to even look right you got 1500 miles stretch 1,500 miles with three gates one two three how big must agates be to look right the way they can be the size of a man's fist that's the biggest pearl on earth they'd have to be 200 miles of a pearl 200 miles that's from Orlando to Fort Lauderdale right something like that something like that or west palm beach somewhere there that's from Dana Southern California here to to to to goodness gracious I came to think what 200 miles would be unbelievable unbelievable the the the gates would have to be 200 miles at least to just look right Marv accout Albanian taking two lemon now I'm gonna I'm gonna hold on this one because I want to teach our New Jerusalem later because I want to describe the details of it in heaven your house your home I'm gonna give you a tour now the Bible tells us that heaven is in the north the north of you of the universe it's it gives us its location Isaiah 14 verse 12 to 14 Lucifer said all right let's look at it and then Psalm 48 that does a number of scriptures that clearly state that heaven is in the north so Isaiah 14:12 2:14 Isaiah 14:12 2:14 the enemy says how well the Word of God talks about the enemy Satan says how are the fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how are you cut down to the ground which did weaken the nation's for you've said in your heart I will ascend into heaven like this I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit in the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the North the devil wanted to invade heaven well he lost of course and then in Psalm 48 verse 1 and 2 verse 1 and 2 says great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God in the mountain of his holiness verse 2 beautiful for situation that joy of the whole earth is Mount Zion we're on the side of the north is the city of the Great King so where is it in the north now scientists I don't think know where the north is truly I love what it says in jul 26 26 verse 7 he stretched it out the north over the empty place he stretched out the north over the empty place and hangs the or nothing heaviness in the north Psalm 75 six and seven for promotions do not come from the east or the west or the south but from the Lord he never mentions the north so where is the where is the Lord in the north psalm seventy five six and seven promotions don't come from the east or the west or the south but from the lord from the lord meaning from the north it doesn't mention the north because heaven is in the north so number one heaven is a planet number two it's up north your mama your daddy and your loved ones are in the north right now in the northern heavens one day we're going to join them now one thing about heaven is it's not an empty place because in sin in first kings in first kings 20:2 in first kings 22 and verse 19 first Kings 22 and verse 19 it says it says here thou therefore the word of the Lord I saw the Lord sitting on his throne and all the host of heaven standing by him on his right hand and on his left meaning heaven is a full place there's a mighty crowd of there a mighty host there are multitudes of angels and multitudes of saints one that one-city now when i'll duluth at when i when i talk to you to put to fill just one city if you take 1500 miles on go in every direction and up it would have to have levels most likely twelve levels up into space but at that time when that city comes down from heaven to the new earth it will not be space anymore it'll all be god's throne there will be more people in one city than the planet on earth today just one city think about that just think about what I just said all right now there are multitudes of saints that can't even be numbered in rev in Revelation 7 in Revelation 7 9 to 12 in the book of Revelation chapter 7 chapter 7 9 2 verse 12 I beheld and lo a great multitude which no man could number no man could number so now they invented a brand new number says goo-goo lien goo-goo lien Google e'en means was like no numbers you know the silly ins quadrillions that error Lillian sila said someone said goo goo Lian's goo goo lian's means like it can't number it a great multitude which no man could number of all nations Kindred's people tongues oh there Jesus there Jesus it's one prayer I pray all the time let me be among them Lord I want to be among I don't want to be counted among the wicked I want to be among the Saints in glory hallelujah and if we're born again we will be that's guaranteed already of all nations and Kindred's and people and tongues there will be different languages in heaven people will speak different languages it says tongues we're not gonna all speak the same language and glory but we're gonna understand every language they speak all nations Kindred's people tongues meaning languages monta : maybe Alba King Taylor Moe doodle and before the lamb clothed with white robes and palms in their hands do you sweet people know that the Word of God tells us that there and I just read I just read they were dressed in robes and had palm branches do you know that in heaven is clothing who's making the clothes we'll talk about that tomorrow there's trees there palm branches they had to come from somewhere and if they have palm branches then they have dates but let's talk about animals because everybody wants to ask will there be animals in heaven I'm gonna deal with this quickly and then we're gonna continue tomorrow sorry there are horses in heaven that are fire not flesh fire fiery horses don't you remember in in in second Kings chapter two when when Elijah was taken up to heaven he was taken up with a fiery chariot and fiery says have you ever seen a horse made out of fire you will they're in heaven there that the means of transporting glory fiery chariots that move with the speed of light my tale of Mark Antony no I'm sorry people I'm having a lot of place but breaks thread my teach and do you do you remember in in in second Kings six 13 and 17 when the servant of Elijah was all scared you know because he saw the Syrians and Elijah said wait a minute more be with us that be with them and he said Lord open his eyes and what did what did he see alright let's let's look at what I saw in second Kings chapter 6 in second Kings chapter 6 it's all there yeah because see I mean he was he was he was scared he said he said you know there's all these people here in verse 16 fear not for they they be with us are more than they with it that are with them and Elisha prayed and said Lord open his open his his eyes the young man and the Lord opened his eyes and behold he saw mountains full of horses and chariots of fire round of are Elisha horses of fire chariots of fire in glory a speckled horses white horses with riders on them when we come back to earth we're going to come back on white horses not fiery horses Jesus will be on a white horse revelation 19 not a fiery horse a white horse a horse that will be able to exist on planet Earth so there are horses that are not fiery horses there are red in color zechariah 1 verse 8 through 11 speckled white horses but then he also saw grizzled horses called bare horses and they call them the spirits of the heavens doing Scout work for God these horses go all over the heaven and the earth doing intelligence work for the Lord it's in Zechariah chapter six and I'm gonna go through you know what let me go through that quickly right now come on Zechariah 1 8 to 11 quickly now quickly Zechariah 1 8 to 11 and behind him were red horses speckled horses white white horses and I said Lord what are they and the angel that talked with me said I will show you what these be now in chapter 6 there's so much in the Bible about this so much in the Bible all right he saw chariots in the first chariot or red horses the second church had black horses the third chariot in verse 3 white horses the fourth chariot glistened the word grisilde means dappled horses and then he saw bay horses or strong steeds then I answered and said what are these and the angel said in verse 4 in verse 5 these are the four spirits of heaven which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth though the black horses which are therein go forth to the north country the white after them go towards the south country the bay went forth and sought to go that they might walk to go through the earth that's amazing these are horses spirit horses on that come to the earth and spy for God and come back and tell news what's going on which means they talk did you know animals in heaven talk you never thought about that Balaam's donkey talked because animals used to talk on earth did you not know that why you think Eve wasn't startled when the serpent talked when the snake spoke shoots Gigi she did run away she didn't run away because animals used to talk and one day they will again it says so in Romans it says so in the book of Romans I'll deal with that tomorrow I am NOT gonna do it now because they wait for the liberty of the sons of God the creature creation is groaning remember it says for our Liberty because they're bound to animals today are under the curse of the earth that's why animals today eat animals but during the Millennium Lions will eat grass like cows snakes will play with children but they used to talk they did him Genesis 3 when the serpent said and the Lord opens Balaam's donkey's mouth because they were able to talk I think I've said enough I want to continue tomorrow to talk about animals in heaven but listen listen this homily that's described the temple in heaven the mansions in heaven the rivers the mountains the fountains the food there's food in heaven there's a sea of glass there's music in heaven it says so in the Bible instruments of music in heaven there were clothes they have trees they have olive trees which means this olive oil heavenly olive oil there's walls and gates and pearls and diamonds and precious stones and so much more so don't miss tomorrow I am done for today so your mommy and your daddy are having a beautiful time in heaven it's not an empty place it's full of excitement it's full of glory it's full of fellowship and food and music and beauty beyond description imagine seeing talking animals the Saints included are listening to animals that talk you know you never thought about that father I give you praise come on I thank you for your word and I thank you for your promises I thank you for your goodness Lord prepared us for that day when we will be there to to see your sweet smiling face we love you with all our hearts bless your people meet every need answer every prayer in Jesus name Amen now remember what it says let your affections be on things above so start thinking about what I just gave you stop looking at this world stop looking at this world there's nothing to look at it's a terrible it's a terrible place and getting worse that's why today we have to give that the gospel we preach that we can give people the answer for the other troubles I'm going to ask you again to give and to activate that blessed supernatural law that gets activated for you every time you give to God's work Mara to talkback every time you give to God's work you activate a supernatural law what God begins to work on your behalf if I go to the store today but leaves my hand it comes back to my hand multiplied my court a landfill back in tamaƱo so it says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 beginning at verse 9 that God multiplies the seed we give him how by blessing it ii corinthians watch watch watch chapter 9 and verse 9 it says this he had dispersed abroad he had given to the poor his righteousness endures forever so only the righteous give every time you give you declare your righteous now he that ministers see to the sower both minister bread for your food and multiply the seed you sow and increase the fruit of your righteousness every time you give your righteousness goes up in God's sight amazing isn't it being enriched in everything to all bountifulness or liberality God will give you abundance which causeth through us things giving to God this is awesome so every time I give God blesses the gift I give the seed I saw he gives it right back to me and now it brings such bountiful supply and blessings and my seed is also used to destroy the enemy not only does God bless and give it back to me bless and multiply it he also uses it as a weapon against the enemy in Psalm 112 it declares in verse 10 when the enemy sees you prosper he'll melt away he'll be grieved and melt away prosperity our prosperity torments him to no end every time you give souls are saved every time you give bodies are healed every time you give demons flee from somebody's life because we were able to preach the gospel in see deliverance see freedom come to people's lives the enemy then is destroyed by that weapon called many-many is a weapon it destroys the enemies work Luke 6 11 Jesus said if you're not faithful with many who will trust you with true riches who will trust you with the power of God who will trust you with the anointing who will trust you with the coming prosperity and the blessings of heaven if we cannot be faithful with the money we see with the visible money we see there is an anointing flowing on me now this is the time to so don't so when they're knowing lift so while it's there because the ground is moist with the anointing of God right now to give right now to give a faithful man a faithful man proverbs 28 will abound will multiply with blessings in verse 20 and never give up on giving never give up never ever faint never stop giving because it says in Galatians 6:9 Galatians 6:9 that we must not faint we must not give up the worst thing people do is when they give up because they lose with God 4 it says let us not be weary in well-doing in due season we shall reap if we faint not never give up father I pray and I believe for Prosperity divine in their life as they sow that seed today again for your work and your kingdom Lord bless that's it and give it back to them multiplied the in Jesus mighty name and meet every need they'll never be like not a day of lack not an out of lack not a minute of lack in their life financially in Jesus name and the people said amen all right you can give right now to Benny Hinn ministries that's Benny Hinn ministries give it on the platform you can give it on Facebook and all the platforms you're watching me on if you cannot give it to just go to Benny Hinn dot org our website or you can text it be H M four five seven seven seven ehm four five seven seven seven I'll see you tomorrow I'm gonna continue my teaching on glorious heaven tell your friends love you much oh by the way by the way by the by the way I'm gonna do zoom again on Friday this Friday 2 p.m. my time on the west coast this time you'll need to register please you'll need to register so if you wanna register you got a call now or you gotta get online now and tell us do you wanna register to be a part of the live room meeting we can only take take about 40 of you 4-0 and you'll be able to ask me questions and we can talk to each other so it's this Friday 2 p.m. send me an email now pastor Benny Benny Hinn org pastor Benny Benny and org let me know you want to be on the zoom meeting for this Friday at 2 p.m. but you must register this time please there's a there's a registration that's necessary now ok blessings to you love you all and Shalom bye-bye
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 28,563
Rating: 4.9258637 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, This Is Your Day, Benny Hinn, Manna From Heaven, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer, World Healing Center Church
Id: a3nJHy7fOjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 25sec (2845 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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