A Month into Game Development in 8 Minutes (With no Programming Experience) | Godot Devlog #1

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I was watching YouTube videos regarding game development and I have stumbled across this game engine called Godot were you know however you pronounce it and it quickly caught my attention it was only about 20 megabytes and file size fairly small compared to other game engines and as a person was a potato as a PC I downloaded it mm-hmm as a very bored person of course I quickly tried it out I decided to try and make a 2d platformer while trying to understand the language by watching YouTube tutorials and reading the GD skirt manual as expected it was a rough start 2 hours later this was quite difficult for me to start close to chance as the videos title mentioned I never had any experience with computer programming before getting into Godot but after a couple of tries later I got the movement as well as the jumping mechanics to work accordingly being able to achieve this for me was a huge milestone it all went through by trial and error may have failed a lot yet I learned a lot in the process [Music] aside from the basic movement I decided to take it a step further by implementing this wall climbing mechanic this was made possible by using in raycast as a ball detector programming it that once a player hits a wall midair the Y motion would be equal to zero [Music] why sure about it I also programmed that pressing W in the keyboard would let the character climb up while pressing Esther the keyboard buttons left the character just slide down creating sauce and move separately so just a little background story of myself I may not actually be that good with computer programming but I'm quite comfortable in doing digital art this gives me the upper hand when doing sprites and animations for the game I am mainly using Photoshop and I find it quite comfortable in doing sprite sheets instead of drawing the animations on individual frames I decided to create our you rogue ix fashion main character I was actually planning to do some sort of a roguelike make sure it being your style stealth game so here is how it looks like in game personally I think it looks really good so I was messing around with a few values of the main character in Photoshop and for some reason this gave me an idea of what to do for an enemy I thought it looked good so I did the same process for you train for the enemy animation I went on to create code which makes enemy move constantly from left to right changing direction once his recognizes it all or a decent selection I also copy the exact same code to be used for this cute little NPC that I made and it looks like a pretty big synth addition towards a game environment [Music] and what good is an enemy if it doesn't kill you so I then decided to create an aggression state in which if you are in sight for the enemy the enemy goes into an idle state for about a couple of seconds and rushes in for an attack run I also made it that if ever the enemy loses sight of the player he then turns around in search for the player and if ever deployer is again on site Erie Rose the idle state moving forward for another attack but of course it does come with a couple of bugs [Music] quite sure how to fix that I could personally say that so far this was my favorite part I wanted to have an attack system similar to Dark Souls and most RPGs in which the player would have an attack sequence with different animations I decided to stick with four different attacks so far this was the hardest code that I have ever implemented by myself it was made possible with a state machine and timers to sequence the animations and that each animation was numbered changing every time the player clicks left mouse button [Music] so far I am really proud of it I also juiced it up by creating this screen shake effect once his sword hits the ground or hits an enemy I also added in a damage indicator by making the enemy sprites flash once he gets hit likewise for the player [Music] and that was one hell of a month thank you for staying til the end of the video now hope you all enjoyed it big thanks as well to those youtubers posting tutorials for godot real great help you can check out their videos if you'd like to get into Godot as well and if you like my video and want to see more hit that subscribe button the light would be appreciated so I believe that's it you know whatever thing has gone crazy with this time of lockdown so y'all stay safe [Music]
Channel: Eli Cuaycong
Views: 53,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GameDev, Devlog, Indie, Game, Development, GameDeveloper, Godot, Game Engine, Unity, Pixel, Pixelart, 8bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, VideoGame, Game Developer, Game Development, GDscript, 2d, Platformer, Side scroller, Programming, Digital, Art, Code, Coding, godot, game, development, gamedev, developer, godot game engine, game engine, how, programming, coding, beginner, script, pixel, sprites, game developer, vlog, devblog, game mechanic, digital, ludum, dare, ludum dare, game jam, IndieGame, make, making, create, creating
Id: 6glEcDztnIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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