Four Game Developers, One Art Kit, We Each Make A Game (Bryce Bucher, Pierre V, Daum Park) 8

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today i'm joined by bryce boeher pierre van der mazen and don park the art kit we'll be using is the modern interiors pack by lime zoo and to recap the rules we each have 48 non-consecutive hours to make our games we can use any copyright free music sound effects and fonts or make our own and we must use the art kit for our game's visuals that we're free to be creative with how we use it let's begin [Music] so when i first saw the asset pack my mind started racing and i originally heavily considered returning to my roots and making an atmospheric adventure game in rpg maker but after some pondering i decided it would probably be unwise to use an engine i haven't touched in like half a decade for a game jam and i got the idea in my head to make a 3d point and click out of the assets instead after a good deal of soul searching and a lot of bad ideas i eventually landed on the concept of somebody waking up in a basement with their goal being to kill everyone in the house via a death note so i began creating the basement in blender using simple geometry and projecting bits of the various tile maps onto it for the textures once i was happy with the amount of detail put into it i brought it into a unity project and i used the hps1 render pipeline to help me craft an aesthetic i set up the environment and a camera with a spotlight attached to it to add some interesting stage-like lighting it was now time for me to make the main character i noticed that the asset pack has a whole series of sprites meant to be combined in order to create your own characters so i quickly got to work making someone i thought would be involved in some dark magic shenanigans i call her julie ghoul she likes to make noise music on her hack nintendo 3ds from there it wasn't too hard to get the object interaction fully working after that i quickly got some character animation going on and put a corpse on the floor oh and the spell book that the players will use to kill like a death note it was at this point that i started worrying about sound design so i largely pulled samples from old cds that were used a lot in the 90s and i mixed together an ambient track and a bunch of sound effects after all that was done i started creating the hallway that would be the connective tissue for all the rooms housing characters and puzzles at this point i just started decorating a singular room model i made and placed characters in them all the while making puzzles up as i went along the whole idea is they use context clues and environmental storytelling to find out what all the characters names are i had no idea if they were going to make any sense and they were honestly probably going to be half-baked but i had no time to think about that i had to make an ending so i grabbed the four main mpc characters that you killed throughout the game and i started mangling them together into some sort of horrible chimera congregation i'm pretty happy with the visuals of the ending so i won't spell them here after all this the game was pretty much done so i turned to famous youtuber gamer plays for some play testing and feedback it says my two biggest complaints without the game turned out have to be that some of the rooms are just super rushed in lack detail the puzzles are probably largely uninteresting oh and i also feel like i need to issue a male flashing light this morning i don't think it's anything too bad but still be cautious and uh yeah that's necro night already this is really really cool okay necro night wow okay you've been out for a while on the production value your mind has been limited one you are a puppet two there's something horrible you found a book three you're in a strange house full of strange people it's like a normal day for me you get the feeling you need to write their names in that book okay interesting premise oh okay this is cool it's me hey okay whoa but great visuals whoa okay click to move wow this looks awesome a bit scary oh [Music] oh this is really really cool [Music] um okay paintings let's ignore these corpse so there's a corpse lying here for some reason i can't bring myself to worry about it now you can kill the book [Music] enter a phone okay can i kill myself okay i'm still alive framed painting looks like a still life in the top right there's a signature reads a and what looks like an e or an f maybe a poster this one is a little spooky yeah nice oh a nice effect on the text wow this looks awesome oh it's so like aesthetic bracelet really went above and beyond on this oh and then the world like twists and stuff over here taking the art style though wasn't like how they use the art the overall sound design is so clean everything is well balanced immersive is there another door i missed over here maybe we got this door is there oh there's two up on the walls there oh i didn't even see those this looks like the room of a lonely artist maybe i'm projecting a little pots so i'm guessing we have to write the names um in that book yeah big thing that is just some blobs oh can we look at it this must be this person's next masterpiece so far it's a vague humanoid shape with three eye holes cursed i wonder if it's like randomly generated what the correct names are just that way you have to solve it differently each time oh hello buddy you're not dead who's this shh miss martinez is sleeping please don't ask me why i'm in her room okay you seen my poem i handed it to miss martinez but she fell asleep while i was in the bathroom she even traded me one of her photos where it has to be around here somewhere but the rug who puts a rug in front of their toilet there is nothing interesting on the back pretty sure that's a dead body okay the fact that you can skip through text as well another great detail great polish aspect this is cool i like this puzzle horror maybe it's sally martinez [Music] is now dead holy [ __ ] okay um okay that probably did something i don't know why i'm murdering people they know what what happens now that they're dead it's kind of gonna be freaking out huh she turned into papers oh my god what happened to sally she just disappeared you gotta write a poem about this eagerness knows my soul the dialogues are on point the writing is really good okay copious amounts of cool nobody understands me okay so that's connor connor jones you are dead hell yeah wow cool transition what damn what a cool game so good great aesthetic great visuals really like went above and beyond on that cursed completely cursed [Music] looking at the asset pack i saw a lot of cool plants so i decided to make a simple matching game based in a plant shop since a lot of matching games follow the same core principles i wanted to try and make a game that would break a bunch of those rules usually matching games use levels to increase difficulty and complexity over time my idea was to sell plants in the matching game then use the money to buy upgrades for the shop like a bigger grid or additional turns per game this was a cool idea so i went with it first i made the grid and the swap object mechanic then i added different kinds of plants next i had to work on the most important feature the ability to detect matches to do this i scan the entire grid horizontally for groups of three or more identical flowers then i do the same vertically and finally i merge overlapping groups i can now simply remove those style and fill the grid again and it's already starting to look like a matching game i then went through the asset pack and tried out a few plant sprites with these sprites i added bombs that spawns when you match four flowers or more and i made sure that bombs can trigger each other for maximum destruction next was to add clients to give small objective to the player i then switch everything to 3d because i don't know how to use unity style system i spent some time working on the ui and the skill tree where the player can buy upgrades i added a small highlight on the tiles you can swap with i then added more complex objects to keep the game fresh for example these seedlings can combine to form a bush worth tons of money finally i worked on the title screen the end screen music and sound design added some flower in the shop so it didn't feel like an empty room i polished the ui a bit to make interaction clearer and voila okay so right off the bat i'm liking that there is options finally your very own flower shop try to please the clients once you've met enough orders word of mouth will do the rest open shop okay oh this looks really nice swap and match three files to sell them clients give you extra money if you complete the order i love swapping tile puzzle games it's very cute i gotta say visually this game is really nice it's really good sound effects satisfying music like very polished and like a lot of good game feel to it interesting combining a a shop management game with a tile swapper it's a very calm game this is very polished so this is my end goal here i want to make as many happy clients as possible i need 30 reviews i'm i guess the game ends once i've reached 30. i wonder if these big plants are worth more that's why they're less common or something i wonder if it's programmed so that it's like guaranteed to be winnable or if it's just random dirt bags can't be sold but they can be destroyed by explosions okay so these are just taking up space why why would i even have dirt bags if i can't sell them the lore does not make sense it's very unrealistic so you can still technically make money out of them oh nice so i got one then let me give you 50 are you kidding me i sold you like 20 bags of dirt at night let me give you 50. any idea how difficult it is sell dirt i like the idea of having to complete these orders in a very limited amount of turns or else you're just unable to progress will i make it in time can i i don't think i can if i were to swap this up one then two oh i could one oh no what how did that work i don't understand oh come on you're not going to give me a single one of those plants rip what does management do nine swaps per day oh wow okay that sold a lot of stuff but i missed that client order damn it oh my god these orders are getting ridiculous these types of games just kind of light my brain up this is what gardening is actually like people didn't know you ever sold plants before this is exactly what it's like oh okay i like that this late into the game we're still introducing new stuff oh wow okay this person wants a lot of trees i gotta say the sound design in this is really good too it's the the cash and it was very satisfying nice lots of money big money wow why does [ __ ] cheap skate over here let me give you 75 it's basically like unlocking a whole new mechanic here diagonal swaps so op it would be nice to see it like if you connect more than three at a time they all are worth like three dollars or something like that one two bam okay cool [Music] just in time time to win congratulations you've sold plants to 30 clients in just 22 days thanks for playing i like that it keeps track of the days there as well that was awesome i really like that was very chill and cool and great progression system time to delete my save [Music] hello my name is don park i am a game developer based in sydney and here is my devlog so i started off by limiting my scope i think that art asset pack had almost like 10 000 assets to use which was quite a lot to go through so i picked up one that sort of stood out to me which was this halloween pack i think the furnitures to these items had a lot of potential to become something interesting like this mask character and this doll with the x and this little creepy chalky face so recently i've been playing a lot of luigi's mansion 3 which became the inspiration for my game in my game i wanted players to play as a ghost hunter much like luigi chasing off the ghosts players would enter a room full of objects that can be possessed by these ghosts and hurt the player so simplified it looks like this players can kill ghosts whereas ghosts can possess furniture and furniture can kill players i thought this was an interesting and simple mechanic that can be easily understood and executed within the 48 hours another cool thing that i had in mind was that each of these items possessable items could behave differently when possessed by these ghosts such as the webs could slow down the player whereas the book stand can chuck out books compared to the shelf which could charge towards the player ghost okay i can already move maybe i can shoot so i got me a little spell book it looks like okay right click does some kind of which absorbs ghosts okay can't seem to hit it will it kill me no oh [ __ ] okay okay so they they possess things and then you have to get them to not possess things and then absorb them okay that's a very interesting idea this is really cool this is actually quite challenging oh oh okay so those the objects hurt you the ghosts can't okay so you can get killed pretty easily the fact that you can't move with the like magic ring open is really good what what okay so don't let them go in there that must have made making ai a lot easier oh [ __ ] oh that's really cool oh oh yeah this is a nice concept i could it would be cool if i could see if the object is possessed or not this is going to be tricky [Music] okay get out so wait if i just stand right next to it though like stay here so they can't get to the book then i'll just absorb all the ones that go near it i guess and choose it that way yeah seems to work oh my god they're so unpredictable all right this is this is really clever you're like the environment is dangerous but not dangerous and like okay let me take one hit though i guess i'd say i'd like more feedback for when you're hitting the ghost out of things it's like a sound effect or something also there's like no uh like guidance on whether or not they're about to shoot or not having to switch between like firing at the objects and killing the guys is really fun that's uh something about it's just really satisfying i don't know if this one's beautiful is that fun sort of pest control i like the overall book style like you use bookshelves and books as projectile and the [Music] the player as a book as well character as a book this whole bullet hell element as well wait if it possesses a book and i oh if i even if i just touch the bookshelf even if it's not moving it will still kill me that's annoying oh sneaky you thought you could escape i like dealing with the bookcase a little more because they they can't aim in all directions or what is this spike traps oh i see there's like some dislocated tiles around yes we have to pay attention to the the ties as well finn okay cool that was really clever it was uh it was well executed enough for me to want to see it be kind of expanded into something else [Music] i wanted to try making a fast-paced action stealth game i used a tile set with concrete floors and simple white walls and it was such a pain to get set up with godot's auto tile system i decided that this would be the only tile set i used in the game for the player i made a physics-y movement system with lots of sliding and then started working on npcs there's a whole bunch of pre-made characters in the kit that all have the same animation so i made so npcs will randomly select sprite sheets to use so that way i can easily have a variety of characters next i set up their ai they either start by standing guard or patrolling a set route if they spot the player they play an alert animation and then chase an attack there are two kinds of enemies melee and ranged melee enemies just chase the player and will kill on touch ranged enemies will spend a couple of seconds aiming and then kill the player if the player moves out of sight they chase the player until they're in sight again melee enemies randomly either have a bat or a knife and the ranged enemies have this microphone that kind of looks like a gun and i used this painting for a muzzle flash i gave the player the ability to throw flashbang grenades anyone caught in the flash is stunned for a few seconds once the stun wears off enemies will run to where the flashbang was thrown from and if they don't spot the player they'll either return to where they're standing guard or go back to being on patrol and you have unlimited but there's a short recharge time after every throw with the base mechanics done i did a bunch of level design threw around a bunch of detail visuals to make the environments look more interesting wrote a short intro and outro story and added some sound effects and music i also found some cool free voice packs on open game art which i use to give more character to the npcs this game is kind of inspired by hotline miami so i titled it flashbang florida hey pacifist pete bad guy bill has kidnapped your gf your ghost friend ghost friend okay i've seen some flashbanger dates i got on sale at the flea market it's time for you to get violent but not too violent so we're going with a pacifist run oh jesus oh okay so this is reminding me of hotline miami off the bat okay so i'm guessing that's the flashback oh god this is a wasd game like in france we don't have qwerty keyboards and so wasd is kind of a weird configuration but nice is that a gun oh [ __ ] this feels really polished honestly i remember i am a big fan of games where it's like quick respawn and it's really easy to die all right so there's a little bit of a puzzle mechanic in the sense of you using your flashbang to stun them you can throw it through the door i think the enemies are actively looking from where the flash came like it's like golf in fact like mini golf okay oh yes oh no no no no no no this is tricky okay close enough you get flashed go there yes now okay now go for it go go go go flush the sky and then flash the sky and then i'm a genius and ai is actually pretty good i'd say it's funny to see some of the characters i used in my own game in different contexts so i want to draw them into this room and flash bang them and then run up but having it be non-lethal does make it significantly more difficult because you still have to deal with them afterwards okay okay now now now now oh come on don't kill me no there has to be better ways to do this okay flash go back here damn it i feel like i'm not doing this the intended way or there's just a really big difficulty spike on this level uh this is insane i feel like i'm gonna be heartbroken to like see that one of the other devs beat this level on their first try all right oh yes oh music change nice this is my gf oh it's my ghost friend okay let's go flash okay go flash flash stealth oh [ __ ] oh okay flash beam let's go nice okay here we go the final showdown okay bang bang bang bang oh yes this is it this is it oh yes yes yes yes yeah i mean this one was pretty good i the the penultimate level was probably too hard or maybe i'm just very bad but overall i gotta say i really enjoyed it i do really like games like this super cool a bit odd but like i had fun it all felt pretty good like the controls were really really solid good job thank you to bryce pierre and dom for joining be sure to check out their channels linked below and if you want to play any of our games those are linked down below as well if you'd like to support me check out my game ai course linked below [Music] you
Channel: Miziziziz
Views: 228,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ws_77hH81ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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