The Godot Game Engine Explained in 5 Minutes

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Big thanks to Nick Saporito who suggested the video topic - he's the author of the Inkscape tutorial channel Logos by Nick, he did the same kind of video for Inkscape.

In the past, I've made powerpoint-like video presentations to promote Godot and they were too long and a bit boring with static slides. Hopefully, this one will help new people to learn about and try out the engine.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 23 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/NathanGDquest ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 18 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
in this video you're going to learn what the go to game engine is and what it can do for you we'll talk about its pros and cons so you know if it's a good fit for you finally i'll give you some free resources to get started with it let's jump right in goto is a free and open source general 2d and 3d game engine it's a program that allows you to create games or even applications that you can then release on desktop and mobile platforms you can also make console games with it although you need strong programming skills or a developer will port your game for you a general game engine means that it's packed with features to help people create all kinds of games you can use it to create a no match to star fox like xzodiac a 2d action adventure game like dolphin a 3d tower defense like tail quest or a beautiful side scrolling action game like primal light the limits are mostly your skills let's now look at the program good comes with a complete editor in which you can design scenes a scene can be a character a weapon an entire level or your game's main menu for example you can do everything with them including what other engines call nested prefabs scenes are trees of nodes in godot nodes are building blocks of your game let's take the character we just saw as an example it's composed of a physics body node a sprite node a camera node an animation player node hopefully you can tell what each does from the name goodo comes with an extensive library of these base nodes that you can compose and combine to create more powerful ones and that's the core of the tool from a user's perspective 2d 3d ui you do most things with these nodes in written code of course talking about code you have two main gameplay programming languages at your disposal gdscript go to simple domain specific language or c-sharp a popular programming language if you're a beginner we recommend you to start with gdscript that's the simpler of the two also note that to use c sharp in godot you need to download the engine special mono edition on top of these two languages you can also use c and c plus plus to write high performance game code without recompiling the engine using gdnative ah and there's the visual programming language visual script it works but the interface lacks some refinement to be productive at the moment let's talk about some of godo's more prominent pros and cons this is a subjective list based on my experience i'll start with limitations or things that can get in the way right now with goto 3.2 some specific editors like the tile map or that node-based interface lack maturity and can be a bit unintuitive or get in the way at times while 3d is pretty easy in godot the user experience is way behind an engine like unreal level editing and animation tools aren't fantastic at the moment for now though you can use blender 3d instead to do all that good o can import levels designed in blender directly there is no market for add-ons and assets there are still few of them overall and you get limited support good has a free asset library and you can find some decent tools there still we're missing something like the blender market where creators can get some financial support and maybe donate some of their sales to godot now here are the aspects i like the most about it first there are tons of features for 2d and this side of the editor keeps getting better it's really mature at this point go to being free and open source software means that you can access the source code learn from it and as a professional you can hire people to fix bugs or add features we're seeing companies do that more and more it's the main specific language gdscript has a lightweight syntax leading to code that's short and easy to read overall add-on development is terrific goto's editor is implemented in the good engine so you can extend it with the same code you use in your games you can also run any gameplay code in the editor with its tool mode feature you can get started fast goto is lightweight it's just a 40 megabytes download for the full editor with no install required starting your game is also pretty fast with short compile times and as it's free in open source software you also get a lot of people from all around the world fixing bugs and making improvements from which you benefit with over a thousand contributors and counting it's growing fast now godot is completely free it just takes a few seconds to download well with my internet more like a few minutes but you should try it out to see if you like it and to do so here are some great resources we wrote two curated guides with only three educational resources for beginners and professional developers respectively here are also three tutorial series to get you started on gdquest we have a 5 hours free course make your first 2d game with good oh to go a bit further heartbeats action rpg course takes you through the complete creation of a zelda-like top-down 2d game and kitscan code makes a wonderful site called godot recipes with short beginner friendly tutorials that cover a specific problem and give you an efficient solution you can find the links to all resources in the description below if you have more questions about godot you can leave a comment below or join our community on discord at gdquest we contribute to godot and teach it release our code and tools as free software on github we have a ton of resources for developers like our go-to shaders and procedural content generation our 2d space game we're also on kickstarter at the moment to find a great new course and more free content for everyone check it out if you're interested as always stay creative have fun let's see one another i hope in the next video bye
Channel: GDQuest
Views: 319,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what is godot, godot explained, godot review, godot game engine
Id: KjX5llYZ5eQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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