I Survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 8!

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before your eyes are villagers that are actually building and expanding their town on their own this is just one of the hundreds of mods in this insane mod pack even as far as dungeons that actually push your survival skills all the way down to Kitty slippers that make Creepers run away now welcome to all the mods 8 or more like 8 minutes to load the game okay so two crashes just trying to load up the world later uh welcome to this absolutely insane mod pack is that God so we're playing this in regular instead of hardcore because I've been advised to by my editor because apparently there's some uh mods in here that either require you to die or just really cool if you die we're not going to die in this mod pack whatsoever there's no way that we're going to be finding a dragon or something right away that just kills me right and given since this mod pack literally just has everything oh my God beautiful oh I I love this mod pack already okay this is going to destroy my ax isn't it but please work a there's no tree cutting mod no ooh I feel so special but not as special as I feel right now now with full stone tools and oh my God there's almost more ore than there are Cobblestone here or stone here so without hopefully getting overwhelmed first off we need sheep immediately that's the first thing to always go for in anything in Minecraft oh it's the same thing from bu don't run no no no no come here don't don't run for me oh wait I don't even need to kill sheep we just have a village right here I'm so sorry for always hunting you guys down okay now given that this mod is actually just so unbelievably massive and for me personally I like to go around and just explore big mod packs usually they have really nice terrain generation or dungeons ooh with fire damage Base Life steal oh oh that's so cool it actually spins when you look at it well I look fly oh my god dude I look so quiet I forgot what I was talking about before but basically I just really want to explore there is one very specific mod that I saw that I'm excited about if it's the right one that I'm thinking of where are the grown-up villagers why is this place so Barren did Davis come through here or something are there ghosts oh God even worse first there's children oh okay good good good the village is actually huge wait I think I just saw some grown up villagers yes okay so now if I have an empty hand and I WR yeah yes okay so I'll probably just be kind and only take two hi okay let's also go through take all of the oh no wait is it because I have the villagers in my inventory am I going to be hearing them the entire time that I'm carrying them that is like one of the most cruel punishments I can think of giving someone oh God it is because they're in my inventory okay so maybe we'll need to find a place to actually build a base relatively soon or I'll just drop them off somewhere well lello what is that that's not a turtle you silly gooses what what that has no shell and it's not green what apparently it's tweaked out though oh and then a printer Shir okay so we got a printer over there and then we have an advanced monitor I don't know why they're building with such advanced technology oh perfect okay so you're actually somewhat trapped if I stand here I should be able to kill you right I'm hoping you can't touch me but o and I can light him on fire I want to get the iron from him so I can make a bucket that'll save me from having to go mining because I have a even greater feeling that mining is going to be very scary and dangerous if you give me anything four yes okay beautiful God what a beautiful start just go to a village and then just yink everything that they've built and worked hard for okay so you do a lot I've never figured out this mod before that like gives you like gems and stuff and they usually give you like nice power ups and stuff I've never been able to figure them out so hopefully in this mod pack I can oh my God wait this is an actual dungeon uh put on oh yeah look at that oh yeah look at that nice leather armor that I got oh God it looks so cool watch just not be a dungeon or anything scary and I'm just psyching myself out I drop this down can I see of course not doesn't emit any light here go what we can do is here we can take a villager plop you there and then we can watch and then be like whoop there you go okay so we got a villager doing some work for us down there have a whole lot of zombies got some spiders maybe some creepers down there and uh well um I don't really have any armor or like anything good to fight with you know I kind of just started so um yeah this place is really cool it's probably really rare that I found that um I'm kind of okay however super cool so there are some new places and very luckily I was able to find it like actually quite fast kind of impressed with myself oh in Jungle yes yes yes oh my God it's more vill are there villages everywhere are you guys not that rare flawless tyrannical gem shirt and Supply cam empty map wow that's so cool and rare wait wait wait okay so oh wait wait wait no no no maybe we use that as a base once we get get some nice opening or just like a nice enough place to build then I'll plop that down it'll save us some time and Hello beautiful how I've missed you absolute most favorite things to play with just because of just how much time that'll save you running around every oh that's a tortoise can we use both as a shield and as a glider hello and hello armor and I guess also more food oh more total speed I like that and more total speed I really like oh my God I'll take you like I really don't know if I should be I will be taking this cuz I'm too lazy to craft my own god dude no like it's only day three and I'm already hitting the awful issue of too much loot o wait base experience gain mining SP what is that green Carpenter be oh my God you're disgusting I mean wow you're so cute oh God it's disgusting ooh a dungeon oh my God nope no one's here no nope no one's here no one's here no one's here no one's here no one's here oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God okay just run just run just run I run faster than them oh my God so many of them is that a creeper what is that why is the bamboo moving we need to destroy this really fast go go go go go go go good perfect okay thank you for not shooting me and just watching me destroy that that was awesome why is the bamboo moving where did the bamboo go oh God is it on the loose oh my God oh my God oh God it's you again what are you bamboo creeper oh my dude you're disgusting and I love that design you look so cool but you're gross oh God it looks even more like a wiener now what is that in the sky I don't have any way points huh wait is that a beacon I think I see what it is however we have like way more daunting issues to handle right now now so we need to figure out how can I carry more loot that that is a very big issue that I have right now and I'm going to hope that there's some sort of backpack right like I can make a backpack okay there are backpacks can I make it though oh God uh leather some string but then just a chest I need something that can actually drop leather you know preferably cows cows yes okay perfect uh please don't mess this up okay beautiful hello please give me four uh we got three okay that's a little bit of an issue need one more cow I need one more MooMoo ooh more iron yep just don't touch me don't don't touch me or hurt me thank you now the next thing is going to be getting string and that's where all of you are about to get very mad at me uh did you know that cats can drop string allegedly I wouldn't know though very luckily a spider came by and dropped that for me so you guys have nothing to be mad about oh God that is a bamboo creeper goodbye no way more string yeah just double- checking but very sadly for us there doesn't seem to be any backpacks in here oh yeah more string okay beautiful magically I got four string we just need one one cow please I just need a cow please oh my God uh I'm not going to get closer but we will be checking that out once I make this backpack where are the cows you can you get leather ah but I don't know if I can mix and match leather also I'm pretty sure that was me that was probably venison yes oh my God yes okay we can make a backpack actually wait I can just make it right now okay do you make that backpack yes okay can I wear it though that's the next thing I can so now if I just press that boom we can now throw away everything into our backpack and and it's already full again well at least I can uh loot another inventory of stuff also by putting the Villager into here we should hopefully not hear them anymore let me go back to this little lovely weird dungeon I guess I should be taking these capacitors tablet of warping zoomed wait consumed on use I'll take those o yep I want that ancient Scroll of flight I don't know what that does I don't know what this does why not mhm so I'll take the bones why not I feel like that's useful well I don't have any boots on so hello which oh we swim a lot faster oh empty socket oh these also have empty sockets okay now if only I could figure out how to add gems ooh programming puzzle piece sure yep that sounds awesome Mana in a bottle sure now I'm hoping that this doesn't kill me but here let's go check out this lovely little Waypoint over here delicious water bucket our way up environmental accumulator okay if I loot this chest are you going to kill me well I'm hoping that it's a no but hello cool looking stuff m missiles now we're talking Kitty slippers I don't know what that does either okay wait wait so if I do this can I put on Kitty slippers oh my God you can wear a lot I can no way I can actually walk around with little cat slippers on and then the best part is that creepers will avoid me apparently so that's awesome love that so no tool to break this it's part of evil craft I mean is it even possible to break it oh you can break it it's just unbearably slow unless maybe I need like an empty hand for it no okay well I'm going to go before it explodes and it breaks my eard drums and scares me but um very interesting I have no idea what those are for ooh I'm sure you're safe and totally not going to kill me we're just going to keep you right here in case I die hi can I help you that was really creepy and weird uh like how you just showed up there while I was sleeping ah an advanced Turtle uhhuh yep I guess they have evolved over the Millennia but um yeah uh I don't believe there's anything that I like really want in there but um yeah I'll say goodbye to you what is going on with my screen you've earned one levels what is going oh my God I kill one dude and I get like 500,000 popups did I do something good or bad what is that is that a water creeper for the love of God don't tell me that's a thing please pretty please don't tell me that's a thing oh Trader cloth piece that probably won't come back to haunt me for anything and then okay wait Iron Forge chain mail boots of the ocean is actually better than this just drop you off and here since I do have some wood we'll just somewhat set up base right here so I'll just have like a nice little chest there yeah we'll just drop off everything into here same with the backpack okay beautiful so totally nice and organized but now spawn point is set there kind of want to check out these places since I do want to explore maybe we can actually find some good loot or is this literally nothing and I just wasted all that time preparing stuff for no reason oh wait nope nope we can go downstairs of course okay well there sure are a lot of stairs uh is there anything down here or am I in the back rooms and I'm stuck going you know in the endless Circle oh God so we are definitely in a dungeon and I do not trust that cake very sneaking suspicion that you're not good hello o name tag just quickly go around oh my God I thought that was a creeper oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no thank you for watching me destroy that and not trying to attack me at all I greatly appreciate you and your cooperation but I mean it doesn't seem entirely useless to go through here wo very fun side I'm hoping that the rest are exactly like that let's go check out the middle section now we'll kind of make this relatively fast it doesn't really seem like that big of a dungeon okay now we're getting oh my God what is that what is that oh that is so cool how it's coming over here at me can I damn it oh no no no no no no no I didn't block it off in time okay well it didn't really do any damage wait is it did I actually block it nope I didn't I didn't okay wait I can somewhat hit it I just need ow need to dodge these flying balls of his okay now he's going even faster oh my God he hurts he hurts he hurts he hurts really bad wait wait now he's running wait why are you running wait wait wait wait wait why are you running from him you don't have those balls anymore okay don't know what I just killed didn't really get to catch its name but at least it's gone hi what's in uh what's oh my God there's another oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no God I wish I had a bow I mean I have this but I don't have any arrows I mean it keeps taking damage somehow and relatively not that hard to kill like I probably don't even need to run from it so at least for those it's mainly just run at it not away from it there's no point to this place whatsoever so that's cool we just go through this very spooky one that uh has a lot of enemies oh God you can already see them don't spawn don't spawn don't spawn don't spawn o it's spawn but don't hurt me oh God no this room is totally not a trap and this will definitely not kill me me right now right it's all useless in here Boop wasn't me boop wasn't me stay down there let me get this hello I I won't lie like I just I'm I'm really losing interest in this why did that just get so much louder wait it's SP like a fire demon Satan coming for me Oh that's oh wait 3.5 Max Health okay well I'll just put you on Strictly just for that extra Health hello ah slow to regen okay well uh sure I guess for the first time in my life I'll actually use a shield D these creepers are so weird why are you running from oh it's because of my SHO Sho okay I thought I was about to take offense to that never mind okay yeah so this is what it's like to have respect around here a that's a trap uh let's set it off oop run waiting for the explosions uh-uh I do not want to go back over there this is where there's no explosions I guess it's safe wa oh okay nice okay so we're underwater at this point NOP block you NOP mm- nope uh-uh n nope don't damage me n mm- that's right see I'm a master now I actually use Shields now people won't get angry at me now they won't question why don't I ever make a shield who oh oh my god oh dude we could just cheat oh you give me more max Health hello is this normal to get this much Max Health oh yeah I'm going to cheat uh we do have a Waterway going down wow look at that I somehow managed to hit one of the lowest levels on the dungeon dude that's so insane uh where are the chest up here yes beautiful I'm too scared to sleep in that though I don't want to make that my spawnpoint Barrel booty yeah it's barely any good booty in there okay so it doesn't matter how low you go I mean we got a diamond pick which is really cool I'm still getting nothing oh God okay so we can go even deeper here let's get rid of you first hello uh don't really care to go in there I I have a faster way of getting down deeper into the Other M sections I swear I played this dungeon back in my old 100 days of modded Minecraft like back in 2019 or it was like 2020 when I did it it's been like 3 years but I swar my life I played this before yeah the nether one is very very dangerous and very difficult to get to oh hi why oh you're better than mine maybe I went too fast for the dungeon cuz you know things just aren't spawning in anymore okay I wasn't saying that was an issue you don't need to start spawning things ooh he has a backpack ooh that could be really good o please drop it please drop it ow don't hurt me but please drop it dang it dude can you believe that man like he just he didn't want to drop it you know like I I can't believe it either just so rude no no nope n uhuh oh ow get rid of these spawners ooh chest oh my God fin oh my God yes we're finally getting the good stuff we could just have it all I guess we'll we'll try out a horse why not you know what fine here we we'll actually sleep in here I just hope this isn't a bad decision okay now we really need to not die cuz even though I'm playing this on regular and it's not hardcore I I still treat it the exact same oh you actually open up into a cave oh wow wow yeah that looks insane in there uh don't think anything can spawn on those sides I do know that I need to be careful of the floor because sometimes there can be lovely silly goofy whack trip wires that can set off a lot of TNT oh my God we're deep that's what she said don't mind me I hear spiders and I don't see spiders that is one of the worst combos sure you know what here as long as you guys don't come over and start fighting me hello hly you know here we we'll start taking that you know I'll start collecting those oh hi at least I don't need to worry about you I do need to worry about you and you and yep you're setting off the creeper that's a good job okay oh my God oh my God dang it how did you how did he infect me more this is still going fine still going fine still going fine uh I don't have anything to shoot him with that sucks oh dear God okay uh very quickly just boom boom uh that's as much light as I could put down that sucks I might just leave I'm getting a whole lot of loot this is going to be very difficult for me to carry this onto our next location oh my God augmented split Arrow what am I dealing with wao oh that's so cool it actually tells you the max for the uh the enchantment as well I actually love that condensed blood sounds delicious why do I have a red line on the right side of my screen oh my God there's so much we can at least breathe for a second we can figure out what is the best I don't care for that I might care for you I 100% care for you we'll just be a little bit slower but that that's so much better stuff sort inventory wait now there's a sort feature wa did I pick up an enchantment that does it for me I I'll do like a little uh little peeky here and there but for the most part I think I'm good down here we just have too much stuff too much stuff I can't really loot anything else we just we need to set up a base and then we can start looting every single thing that we find I don't think I need any of that stuff oh no yeah I went down there uh God we could take a little look down here see if there's like any immediate chests maybe God that scares me uh this makes me nervous to go down there I mean I'm probably strong enough at the same time I'm just so nervous to do it I don't know what I just picked up that's my water stream over there ow okay that was cool didn't realize that was a slab okay just get out we'll take a little peek over here as fast as we can just need to quickly don't don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me stop touching me stop trying to touch me oh no wait what what what did you just do to me man I'll just punch you with my fist I could use my axe but I don't know what you just did to me why do I have a reward what happened to my sword there's no way it was that low right was I just not paying attention to it I swear in my life my sword was not that low do I really not have a sword now really well I don't know if I have any anywhere else unless maybe okay no never mind just run just run just run just run just run is he following no good okay well I don't really have anything to close that off I will eat all of this cake nummy run okay well for the most part really good guess we got some nice stuff gave me more max health and he got me to use a shield so I'm guessing a lot of The Shield users out there are really happy now now I get the fun time of getting organized reward received by completing advancements Coral tombs I have I have no idea what I just got wait I can place this huh that's kind of cute no idea what I got like at all what wait that's a sword in a way it's almost taken me the entire day but I actually managed to find a bundle I don't know where I got that but apparently I got it from one of the chest so I managed to put a lot of the ores and then the leads in there and then all of the other stuff into this chest which I had leather there and then I also got reminded that I have a lot of string so then I made a second backpack which this you know holds all of this stuff I can sore everything into there so now there's nothing in the chest and we can actually take everything imagine that like actually destroyed the backpack this is amazing so now I can take oh wait and the iron is all the way in the bottom that and I have no idea how to scroll through this it honestly annoys me like I really hate that I can't just scroll through it since we have so much iron we now have another sword which I still refuse to believe that allegedly that one skeleton destroyed it like I just don't believe that I refuse to believe it so I still don't know what happened to it we put you into there so that's an extra slot even more gone and then now we can pick up our camp and we are all ready to go oh my god dude I am amazing I can't believe I managed to take everything oh boy so we're going to get a boat I just I really don't trust the water I have a strong feeling that there's probably monsters in there that want to kill me and fingers crossed that we come up on something cool please don't be like rlcraft please just be kind ooh what are you you look fun wa it's another one of those really weird orbs that I have no idea what they do wait wait wait wait maybe something directly below it is cool maybe it's like x marks the spot wao wao my shovel is amazing I don't know why it does that please don't Dr please don't drown if there is anything called down there then I'm fine you know we have too much loot we need to find a house oh God oh God please don't tell me that's a guardian Temple oh yeah that is a guardian Temple and that looks almost like the guardian capital with how massive that is I don't really care to build on an island and I don't really care to live on a pirate ship they usually have some nice Loot on there yeah never mind Smoke on the Water yeah no more like the smoke coming off of my boat as I row Away really fast it's another one of these really weird Beacon Towers I mean last time I had a chest up there so maybe you know we can find like a little bit of loot if I'm lucky like another bundle Vortex Cannon sounds really really cool I I'll take that why not it's looking like a really strong no so here we can have you I don't care for the one stick so we'll take you and then I feel like these are important I feel like the scrolls are actually useful here we'll get rid of the sand I'll take you and then I don't care for Kelps I'll take you but I feel like the scrolls are actually useful I'm hoping that I'm not just wasting inventory space on them it's another Island which I really don't care for I really don't want to live on an island and I'm hoping that this is a Mainland right in front of us no it's more Islands okay wait oh you're not an island okay we might have a home so I think it'd be kind of fun to live in the mountains but kind of you know act like it's old Minecraft where you just dig into a mountain and you just have like a lot of rooms in there I think I just leave the boat actually right here I'll I'll at least leave it in the water like that so if I ever come back here I can just use that boat but I doubt I'm ever going to come back is that a Sheba oh my God that's that's actually a Sheba that's adorable I love it another Village no wait ooh maybe a witch owns that either a witch or maybe pillagers come on man I want some like nice terrain I I want something huge very Rocky looking I want to be able to build Bridges across some stuff what on Earth are you I I actually really want that stuff don't care for that I'll take the Earth crystals we can get coal later doesn't matter I'll take that H I don't care for our chest I'll just make another but I'll take that ooh I just wish that it wasn't ow snowy up there this spot's looking kind okay if we could see anything why is there a random Way Stone I guess thank you for the free wayist Stone okay so we're not really close to any Village oh and I only have one villager so we actually do need to find another Village but this could make for some really fun building what is that so we might have some like relatively fun things but I think I want to build here at least if we go down like a little bit more so we're not at the very top here maybe we have like an entrance up here but I kind of want to go back to like the 2012 Vibes of playing Minecraft where you dig through a giant Hill it takes absolutely forever but you just kind of like hollow out an entire area and you make like a nice base like that you have different rooms everywhere and like nice tunnel systems before we get settled down on a spot I just want to double check you know the immediate area see if there's anything nicer ooh well the more that I look the more that I like newer areas so I hello don't think that I will be going back it has stuff that I want but I don't have room don't don't worry about looting don't worry about looting we'll be able to loot a lot just need to get a home need to make some chests oh no way there's this in this mod pack 300 blocks that way ooh that is so right game this must be a sign okay so yeah if we just go this direction we should find another Village don't die and hello Village oh no I can already tell there's so much loot here well I mean this place is beautiful okay yeah here you know what I know what we could do we first go and find the way point and then boom or way ston yeah so boom now we have that and then we can just teleport back here since I have two of the way stones oh no oh no way it's one of the greatest places to get loot oh oh I'm excited oh my dude yeah we're we're coming back here oh oh my god oh yeah I'm excited once we're actually situated then we'll come back and get all that loot and have a whole lot of fun what are you that is not dirt oh there's a lot of villages around here which is really fun nice and easy ooh there's also a meteor crash to the left now I just don't know where I would want to build a home like I'm not finding any nice mountains like nothing screaming to me ooh maybe that's screaming to me that's a big boy I think this is actually speaking to me I actually kind of like this now back back in the day you would usually try and find a nice flat area like this you'd go for a Giant Mountain and then boom you have like this nice little walkway going up and yeah we can we can build a front door H about here why not okay so then oh God that's right my shovel is very weird so we first built a nice little tunnel going all the way inside we light it up and then we start digging out give ourselves some nice room so we're not so claustrophobic in here and then you end up with a super duper nice room just like this wow so beautiful okay so where oh god oh wait did I not bring any of the chest that's a little silly of me okay well what we can do here we'll dig into the wall right there and then we put you there and then we'll put a chest right there we break these two things which we can then go and make some staircases I mean I guess that works I'd like to place it a different way just so you don't even see these steps at all but you know boom we can get inside of here we can now go and get organized think we'll just put a smoker down right there cuz we do have some food to cook I believe and then boom we go through this stuff The Way Stone we'll just put you here uh and you will be home and we just need to clear out a little bit more of that wall oh man look at how beautiful our home is coming along oh this is going to be so much fun just imagine what it's going to look like on day 90 okay anyway so I want to try out this I want to see what a supply Camp is like and we'll just put it a little bit away from the house so use the arrow buttons on the right to move the preview around or use the configure Keys what am I moving around use the tool on a solid block first wait what oh wow would you look at that we can actually see it now oh okay so then guess right there want it like there not solid oh wait you want to be like in the ground like that oh dear God what oh go oh my God this is huge that's what she said WAOW oh this is so weird to see a ghost image like oh that's that's kind of cool oh that is trippy that's kind of cool now that I know more of how to place it so here let's go more this direction and this direction and now oh welcome to mine colonies now that you have your supplies how about searching a nice location to place your town hall to create your Colony wait what so I need to craft a supply Camp or ship huh what mod pack is this this is so cool is there anything in these no they're strictly cosmetic okay that's kind of cute though whole lot of seeds but I think this is just because we just destroyed the ground I always get like a lot of the veget vegetable and like fruit seeds and all that stuff thinking that'll start it but like I just I never do so I just I don't really care to carry them a l please stop giving me stuff you're funky oh that's really weird an architect's cutter wait that's an actual thing Oh I thought that was a stone cutter that was just messed up ooh thank you for the 32 coal and oh my God hello okay that's actually really really cool though I like that okay build Tool Town Hall let's go see what this does what we suggest use the build tool to place the schematic this will allow you to adjust the position uh okay uh I I wasn't ready to try it out I wanted to like walk around first do I really want to put this in front of my house man I should not have put that in front of my house God I'm going to have to delete all of that stuff wait what oh my God I'm sure this has to be placed inside the colony this is a lot of stuff I might wait for like a co-op video to get into all of this yeah I don't want to mess up anything but um yeah at least for the most part I'm happy that I did this just so I can get like some nice free resources out of this but yeah that that that stuff's insane that that is kind of like some wild stuff speaking of wild okay no no we need to go chop down some trees cuz speaking of wild I need a door okay there we go now we're nice and safe in our lovely home oh my gosh I am finally organized there's nothing left in my bags or my backpacks I had to make six chests just for a whole lot of just random stuff in here I had to keep going out chopping down trees replanting them so uh kind of an important thing right now but yeah we really just need to go and do a resource run cuz I mean I just I need a whole lot of wood we might not be building for a little bit but you know when the time comes I most definitely will be needing this stuff plus I would like to go around and just chop down a lot of trees just so I can get a lot of saplings and then just place them here cuz I mean over time I'll be getting a lot more saplings but right now we are very low so now comes the boring part of starting every world and very soon I'm going to want to get rid of this I I really don't want this in front of my house anymore I should have been smarter and not put that there I just I wasn't expecting an entire Village to pop up it's time to go have fun so oh wait wait wait wait wait okay sorry you know we're not we're not peasants anymore what we do is click this and let going go to whatever this word is and hello food I am shock that instantly loaded I I was totally expecting my computer to crash oh which yeah we're definitely going to be stripping this entire Village down I really don't care toh come back here and hello I did need a second villager if anything I might collect multiple villagers but I mean I I think we're good with just two and we don't need to go crazy I can just set up like a villager breeding Place o another one of these weird things that I have no idea if it's useful or not ooh oh you too oh my God it's a nerd y don't mind me yep yep just taking those sorry see you later wow these are kind of beautiful nice building blocks bud pressure mechanic oh God okay so there's going to be a lot of special villagers in here if I ever even dive into those parts I don't know if villagers are actually useful to get into oh my God finally it's someone that doesn't have a white or a PE PE bed oh my God it's insane omnidirectional Hopper kiss your what oh my God okay well first off here I'm going to take that from you and then I'm going to take that from you which it actually kept all of the stuff in it no I have a shulker ooh and a display cable you s f what breaking machines like that is so un civilized consider sneak right clicking with an manic runch instead especially if the machine has any store air or upgrades oh I'm so sorry trust me I will never do that again my apologies oh my God what You Spin Me Right what I I have no idea what I just did oh okay okay I don't think it has any pressure can I please stop getting achievements home sweet home oh I need that please stop please I don't need anymore I'm literally Suffering From Success out here it's so tough being me o I will be needing you in the future thank you very much no way and you guys brought me some free Iron like thank you guys so much hello buddy you can't touch me right okay beautiful let's keep it that way and thank you so much for the three iron I appreciate you bud ooh well you're kind of cool I'll take you these modded Villages are always so cool wow you look sick I love you no way the first chest on this entire Village ah not the worst okay I believe I've gone through and I've looted this entire Village I don't believe there's anything left to it so it served its purpose and I love it next up is this fun boy of which okay we should probably go home first drop off everything because that dungeon or building whatever you want to call it has so much loot and you have no idea how excited I am for it oh God we're going to get so much good stuff as long as I don't die I mean actually never mind doesn't even matter you know I've seen you before but I've never checked it out for obvious reasons uh maybe I should it might be fun or something I don't know maybe good loot bump bumblebee Nest huh are you are you okay what is that that's a bumblebee have you been getting pollen from like donuts or straight sugar my God that thing is Hefty what does the queen look like yes okay so it hides the uh the furnace and we have this beautiful message I just I don't know how strong my armor is but I mean I I have two health bars so I think I can uh tank quite a bit I'd be very surprised if this dungeon proved like too difficult to actually do cantaloupe oh kind of adorable I'm down for that and for some reason there's random glass was this an explosion Zone kind of looking like one not really seeing anything else to it oh maybe it was supposed to be like a meteor or a nuke okay let's see free chest right here sure oh God okay well the fun has started in oh my God is it dark under there oh new we are we all lift together am more like you all stay away from me together oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God why do you have to be right here just waiting for me hi bud nice nice yes okay zombie come on there you go okay good good got a teammate out here God why do you have so much HP at least they're not really doing any damage to me so we are ow really ow really nice and tanky am I doing half a heart to you oh sometimes I'm not even doing half a heart oh you're just very very overly tanky okay dear God Quest complete what loot Barrel okay basically yeah we're just going to be taking everything and then we'll just organize once we get to Safe places uh which is basically most definitely not right here I need to get that that is really important because that's usually where they keep some of the best loot why are the children coming oh Jesus are you both super Tinky like the last one yep you are at the very least there's no such thing as a baby skeleton and I think I need to invest into a lava bucket oh my God stop moving I just want to sleep please you're only halfway dead no here I'll just stand right here and you keep running at me let's go yep lot faster than being on the TR please just die thank you oh my God okay oh my gosh it's actual normal bees wait can I pick you up at all a man no carryon mod ah man I can't no carryon mod and no uh tree cutting mod kind of L and I thought you were supposed to have all the mods okay please don't shoot me please don't shot me go go go go go go go go oh my God there is so much right there uh who's just go off get off get off get off it's mine my area go away oh nope okay come on I I thought I block that no okay God I'm really bad at blocking this why I never use Shields they suck please get off oh come come on let me guys and you have a shield on so you can actually survive out here uh okay so we need to start getting into there ah okay buddy I'm going to really enjoy killing you actually here just so we can start making this safe going to run around as fast as I can hopefully not really getting hit too much creeper is helping me and I'm putting down all these torches okay I need the skeleton to shoot the creeper I need the creeper to be mad at you there we go okay good good okay he should hopefully be going for you okay or you should hopefully be doing absolutely nothing and being useless that's awesome you get off gee if I had to take a guess I would say that there's maybe zombies above me and maybe a few skeletons how did you get down here God oh God it's two of the tanky ones uh don't worry that just means loot that don't fall oh my God okay God there's so many of you okay well but thank God that I had two health bars or else that could have been an issue uh I'll just pick up new water God I wish I didn't spawn in with helmets how is a mushroom protecting you from the Sun both of you oh stop shooting me stop shooting me stop shooting me oh my God okay maybe maybe a different spot maybe a different spot there's too many uh mini Mei doooo heads right there come on come on come on come on that's right that's right I'm better than you I'm better than you I'm better than you okay there we go now can actually go up for the good loot the very least I'm going to keep this right there just in case they shoot me off go up on top of this get my water stop shooting me owie come on come on come on come on there you go okay at least he's gone okay just one left block you hit him there we go okay dear God loot these man these chests really suck I am really hoping the top level is not the same oh my there we go this is the loot I'm talking about and we now need to start deciding what do we actually want to keep this backpack since it's empty we can just very quickly get into this and drop off everything we're all about speed right now uh I will take the Slime balls don't really care for anything else we could take the easy route go up here and instead of going out to there we do need a sleep and there's another lovely skeleton absolutely love them I hope they never leave us I think I can actually sleep up here okay beautiful you if you can actually get into a position where I can hit you yep just like that yes yeah don't heal don't heal don't block the witch please come on please kill the witch kill the witch yes okay thank God man I would have been thrilled if I was going for some villagers right now and I had some zombified ones kind of like really need to heal before you shoot me ow please stop trying to shoot me really really really the others can live you have to die so a lot of the good chests are going to be over there I honestly think that we just run for it nice and low hopefully without them noticing me trying to loot trying to loot go as fast as possible luckily does seem like some of them are fighting my plan is somewhat working luckily every chest that I have touched so far has been cleaned out so you know you can tell the difference between them because some of them like the ones that I've touched are blue the ones I having R gold still feather falling five oh but you don't give me any extra extra Health oh my God that sounds so amazing though ooh and it will stay on me even if I die cuz I think the biggest thing that I care about right now is actually just max HP hello you're beautiful ah I'll keep it I'll think about it we still have some daylight sadly it doesn't sound like they are fighting each other anymore oh okay well he can't even fight anymore oh my God hello hello hello and hello you my God I'm so slow yes okay good good good only zombies are left I think we are all good let's see anything good wow you are really good I just wish yeah that's 7 max HP I can't get rid of that plus it's protection too you might be good for Mining and I have Fortune one uh The Ore would be nice okay good good this one has fortune on it oh my God you are so bad oh my God oh my God that is so bad okay nope never mind not using this or else I will be here for another 19 days please stop trying to touch me please pretty please whoa did you dig yourself down there how how did you get there uh anyways so now the last place to loot that is insanely nice and good is if we come over here put water down there and then we just head on down to this lovely chest oh my God please don't show me please please please please please please please please just stop just stop stop you're doing way too much you're doing way too much just get everything boom there you go that chest is usually really really good sometimes you can get lucky and have a what are you okay dude anyo oh my God I forgot yeah I hate those stupid new leaves wow oh my God oh God what is that oh that's that's not all right that that needs to go that's that's that's a no no what is it going to do bite me oh my God it can't it can't spit it actually just bites oh dude you're weird you're really weird for having that ocean ancient city map that actually sound SS really dope yeah but that that's weird yeah you need to go down there with all the enemies there you go he actually you're actually running in there you are a very brave uh villager oh my you're going straight to them but Super Fun Dungeon got a lot of stuff out of that now we just have a lot of stuff to go through at the base again which that's amazing however I still want to explore this is actually seeming really really fun and there's a lot of stuff I'm kind of curious of the Twilight Forest is in this because I always just enjoy playing that mod it's usually like a fun time in there especially the Hydra Billy pepper seats huh all righty not looking forward to this absolutely whatsoever but don't mind me I'm going to go through get or ow that's loud and with barely any time left in the day yeah so that that was so much to go through and get organized since the day is almost over don't really feel like exploring for today so yeah we're just going to go around clear out all the trees get some more resources and then we go have fun why do you keep coming back you're spawn like every 5 minutes leave me alone but very luckily from us going on just those very few Adventures so far uh we have a few uh iron so at least now we will always be in the Iron Age and so it looks like you always get like a random stat whenever you make a new um pool or armor piece even I'm guessing ah the sun is shining and we are good to go now ideally it would be really nice to find a dungeon that can give me a better sword because I would really like to get a better weapon than something that takes 80 hits 60 hits to kill an enemy and I'm still very curious to see if the Twilight Forest is in this CU I have no idea what is in this mod pack I didn't look into it at all Hello beautiful oh wow this one's spoiling me two chest instead of one I still wish I knew what to do what if I standing okay well it's not making me feel some sort of way never mind whoa bamboo spikes a true source of evil oh God no is that a fanfic uh wow so getting that seems like it's incredibly difficult so I'm happy that I just found it for free in one of these and then he makes dud okay you are you friendly why why you coming at me sure I'm down to go and see some danger okay wow that was really dangerous I would take these but like actually you might look nice never mind these would actually look really really nice in hallways once we actually get to those part of the building what is this for like I keep seeing a whole lot of witch oh maybe witch in here which would be kind of cool if she had some loot o mix cauldron I've never actually tried it out before but I will be taking you okay and then if you go over to the opposite are those crows huh that's cool it's a gray infused carpet that's actually kind of beautiful wi is hat em dog this entire place is just confusing me so much I do kind of like these I won't lie this is actually looking really nice to me we'll be taking you could use you in some hallways or like a room cuz I don't know how to make this stuff oh maybe it'll reveal something secret like right here or nothing whatsoever okay well I mean crows are cool so you know what I'll leave the doors open so if they actually want to escape okay so super interesting building kind of like it I'm not going to lie I kind of like the aesthetic of this entire thing ooh especially under ground actually yeah here cuz if I get the Moss I'm pretty sure I can do it with carpets actually here let's be smart let's just put all of this back down and let's go be some smarty pants right now there's a lot of moss up here so now once we actually start building inside of the mountain and whatnot we can use this instead of waiting for dirt to grow inside which would be an absolute pain that by itself would probably take 500 Days C little pit stop ow and let's continue going I really want to find another dungeon W don't oh God don't make that noise nice oh wait wait wait wait I actually have a diamond pick oh my God this is slow but I mean it'll save me some trips you know instead of going and getting a lava bucket and you know using that to create a portal I might have enough obsidian here to just make one oh my God we actually have like just enough for it okay beautiful so we can actually go to the nether when we get back home cuz every single massive mod pack always makes the nether insanely dangerous and difficult okay I mean it's not looking good for us finding places but at the same time I also kind of need to find a village because ah I don't have any way stones and I kind of don't feel like traveling 1,200 blocks back that way yeah it looks like we're going to be going for quite some time oh oh no don't tell me it's not the same Bridge ooh hi random chest wao oh God it is the same place it's just this one is actually really high up okay but who knows maybe this wait wait wait this is actually looking lived in there's actual multiple W places with a whole lot of lights and I'm going to be stealing oh my God item frames yes ooh I don't have to make my own that is oh okay now okay I thought that was filled with something what my sword back and given how massive our base is going to become yep definitely collecting all this where my life I just saw some movement hello is anyone home hopefully not why are there never any witches here they're supposed to be in here okay yep basically the same thing pretty pointless but we got some more lights for future building and well yep let's just keep running this way maybe we'll find something nice wao that looks sick oh that thing is so huge oh dear God okay we need to get out of here brto wa wait okay wait run run run run looks like we found another dungeon oh God I don't know if I want to do this one uh what are you why do you have a shield no ow stop hting my cat ah stop burning my cat oh God no okay another one coming in cool you have a sword God are you tanky okay okay pH finally at least it's enemies that don't take like 27 hits oh my God I don't know if I care for broken spawners I honestly never use them or I really just don't need a saddle don't really care for bat wings hi don't touch me what are you what by kill 10 zombies thank you I feel so accomplished what is this Enchanted Scroll of diamond sight 2 can be used on an ally huh I don't understand that what's over but we keep it going to assume it's good get rid of you immediately okay ah what's shooting me of course you're behind me okay at the very least this place seems to have some pretty good loot and the enemies are not difficult I'm pretty sure I'm like overleveled in a way for this why you walking over there come here come here what you doing ow I don't know why I'm shooting you okay now I'm being really stupid yeah nothing above more loot hello oh gotcha okay so this is the exact same dungeon as before like that first one that I went into where you can go down to like another looking area ooh we'll look around a little bit it gives you loot it's just not good loot am I actually starting to get to the point to where I need to have re backpacks better I just I need to figure out how to make them bigger I know for a fact I don't have the largest eh have a lot of iron sure let's go this way take it nice and easy that does not sound easy please don't spawn anything please don't spawn anything don't spawn anything whoop okay hopefully thought that light cancels you out say like I don't know it just it doesn't seem worth it like none of this is screaming out ooh this is amazing some there I don't know if I should stay in here looting this place oh my God I almost just fell down into there that that would have been exciting fine well we'll check it out a little bit maybe I just never got to the good sections maybe I'm always just doing like the beginning ones golly G Willers I mean we could just skip to the good stuff that's totally possible right now well maybe we do it I am tanky I just I'm not used to being strong so early on in a mod pack so that's why that's why like I'm usually just scared to go anywhere is that honey from bees nope those are those are skeletons with arrows what is that row light snack I'm okay eating stuff off of dungeon floors doesn't really sound the smart Okay well I'm not going in there way too many skeletons now they will just continue to make that very difficult to enter okay well I wasn't expecting them to follow me over here okay well things are definitely going to be getting interesting right now oh dear God of course you guys are following me who just opened a chest who's opening who's looting in my world who it oh my God that's a mimic that's a mimic please just die there you go away get away oh my God I need to escape okay I need to light this up we need no more skeletons in here right now go go go go go go go go on delay on delay on delay oh my God oh my God okay start eating start eating hurry hurry hurry I need to start healing through all this damage get out of here oh my God the mimic at least I'm a little safe through the water there we go there we go just got to get used to using a shield come on okay there you go big boy dead Guinea boy is gone dear God what did it give me strike attackers with lightning yeah I want to try that out that's going to scare me and possibly deal damage to me but that sounds fun yeah let's try it out okay I think I'm okay to loot Demon's dream seeds eh it's like kind of good but not really that looks dangerous if I go through there want to see what's down here the nether okay well instead of taking the staircase we could go right through the ceiling of it so what's down here huh is there anything easy is there any nice and easy loot what am I what are we looking at for oh my God hi okay well I'm okay with that I don't know what else was in there O block of coal I don't what shot me not even going to check anything we're just going straight for the rapid looting there's no what is there a lower section or is another the deepest gosh it's so dark oh I know this hello oh okay wooden Spike I thought those were 50 caliber rounds load up everything can I just do this okay good good good yes okay good backpack has inventory in it okay uh let's just get it out of here I have a lot of loot I I need to check through everything plus I'm always just nervous to be down in the nether section no you oh my God I saved that go go go I heard something open up a door oh dear God okay we just need to get upo that was fun that was adventurous some might even say exciting are swords just non-existent in this mod pack like did they download all of the mods except for any that give you actual weapons wo okay these can't be rare now that we can breathe I need a look into this I really need to see if that's actually worth it or not don't think you're worth it no what wait resurrects you once in breaks wait wait so can I do I have to like hold it or drink it or something can't drink it yeah I'm hoping I just keep it on me and then I'm fine I just put this into here and then I get a witch's hat I'll keep that but I don't think I care for the witch's hat cuz I'm kind of rocking with the uh little straw hat I feel like monkeyy Luffy right now okay I think we're good to go the very downside is that our armor is taking a lot of damage which you know does worry me two I really just need to find a village soon kind of really just want to teleport back home I'm starting to get into a building mood kind of want to make a nice space right at least just some rooms whoa what are you I'm pretty sure that's just a lone Tower but it could have some nice loot in there my my my is a dark absolutely no loop it's the same dungeon I can't lie I have I been in this one no wa wait no okay wait I might not have been in this one before this is really starting to feel like I have ooh aqua affinity finally an actual good one that I will be taking I have been in here okay wow gotcha that was really tripping me out especially don't care to be in there anymore uh dude why is that sound continuing that's not a cave sound anymore yeah now the sound is disappearing so I'm guessing some sort of Boss down there very good sign to run and then just fingers crossed that we don't out hit any powdered snow ooh hello you all of you another banana do I look like a monkey or something uh sure I'll be taking that huh oh okay uh absolutely don't mind if I do I would not mind finding a whole lot more of those okay I love exploring oh my God wait please village Village okay and more loot don't mind me taking all these lanterns oh these will go so much better than torches in my house uh not yet but it soon will be hey there we go our ticket home don't mind me I will definitely be spending the rest of today looting everything oh my God so no no no no no no NOP NOP oh my God I love this shovel yep hate this stuff oh cool everything falls into the snow as well can you stop I'm not in you not not like that like pause okay where are my stolen lanterns doesn't water also get rid of this yeah it does oh yeah beautiful well I can't exactly tell if I collected all of those lanterns is there a baby zombie waiting outside this door for me no hello did someone lose a baby dang it I thought I was safe okay I'm going to get through this this is my hardest challenge yet I have natural defenses for Goblin looters ooh thank you I've been meaning to get one of these okay I think I've gathered everything that I want from here I don't think I left anything important and now and then I place you down then I can go like snow village and then we can go back home beautiful oh my gosh it's so nice to be back here oh so nice oh dear God what is going on up here so I just finished getting organized and yeah you just nonstop just hearing them grunt like please stop and probably the same for you yes let's just get rid of you and then you for constantly dangling them and making all that noise no no no wait what are you selling oh protection 5 mending Unbreaking Five Holy hello God Armor I'm so sorry about hitting you honestly kind of shocked that you never raise the price whenever I do that uh well I only got 17 emeralds and that's 45 I mean I got to be honest you guys aren't really that rare you keep coming back you really doing too much here bud and well since diamonds don't really appear to be that rare hello Diamond Sword but I think it's time that we finally start working on our home uh just maybe not that part of our home what is that are you kidding me you're back oh dear God dude I have to have a curse or something there's no way I think I've actually seen more wandering Traders than I have sheep there there's no way this is normal okay what are you selling 64 diamonds and 32 Phantom membranes and you give me that sharpness 10 okay I understand that now uh I I will always collect Phantom membranes I'm really hoping that you will be selling that again soon W hi welcome back but um yeah you guys are really not rare or even uncommon like you're actually common and I don't really have any of the stuff to trade yet so goodbye again I'll see you once again within like 5 Seconds see are you back up there finally I'm free now as I was trying to say working on the house but you know instead of working in there yeah let's go through and just remove this like this is a super duper cool thing it's probably like really awesome probably really bad idea to uh do this and remove all of this but yeah I didn't exactly expect it to be this massive I thought I was just going to get like free stuff out of it and I really don't want this in front of my house blocking everything oh God I might resort to TNT got to be honest that that's a lot to remove I here first we'll just get rid of this but yeah I think I'm going to resort to some TNT we'll have some fun okay a slight issue with using the TNT apparently that entire time that I was exploring I kept throwing away all of the Flint would have no fears that was fast so boom boom now we can go and remove it you do mind me I'll just do a little one right here Boop oh yeah that did so much work oh yeah that did so much right there oh this is 100% going to be worth it I'm not going to regret using all this okay there we go see that was some actual damage that actually did something and at the very least it looks like I kind of get some of the resources back there we go that was six TNT I mean at the very least it helped me out with the roof I really don't understand why this is better with an axe ooh emeralds ooh and some gold okay maybe removing this was actually kind of good it only took all day but at least it's gone and I'm really happy that it went through with that now that we're completely organized and that's all put away we now have this beautiful looking hole and I could go and terraform off the mountain a little bit you know make it look a little bit cleaner but I think I want to actually leave this looking as natural as possible however that's it's not the same for over here and I believe to use this properly you go with the block you know above it and it gets rid of it below no okay so it's whatever I'm looking at however I need a lot of dirt so I can actually plug up all of these holes okay now with all of this done let's attempt to make this look good I think if I just replace all of this stone with dirt we should be fine I don't think I need to go crazy out here cuz I just I don't really care too much about the front now there we go beautiful wow it's like ah yep can't even tell now the first blurring issue is you know the chest I think just to Future proof this because maybe in the future I'll want to actually make this place super Grand and big and I don't a lot of stuff it depends if you guys want me to continue this into a series so actually don't I have a pick that has like destruction on it I do oh oh that's so cool and it gives me a grid oh I like that so I can just do this oh my god wow that is that is a lot faster that is actually very incredible okay but what if I do this oh okay beautiful beautiful even though you guys were not able to see any of that now the only downside is that this pick goes away unbelievably fast I think at least having it go this far back I mean this is mainly just supposed to be the general Hub so then we can have passageways going left and right plus we are really close to the edge of the mountain as you can see on the mini map so we really need to push this back quite far which I think all the way back there that should be enough space oo beautiful a lot of playing space now quite obviously for storage room you're going to need it to be very massive so we'll need to be going left and right quite a bit meaning I think this entire side of the hill is just going to be for the inventory maybe there's a mod that can you know be just like one chest big and it can hold like all items in the game who knows so here I think if we go like a nice little 3x3 right here since that just always seems to be like the perfect size for hallways and then once we go and we build this nice little hallway we can now go down the stairs just for some kind kind of a difference just so everything's not so flat also maybe then we could also like build a room there that leads over to the left so you know it just so we can stack multiple things and at least just for a beginning I think like a very simple six over there six over there with like three in the center okay it's like 15 so maybe like a 15x 15 should be fine because you know we could put other I don't know furnaces or something here oh no am I going into a cave oh my God oh my God oh God oh God oh God hi hi yep I I think I found my gosh I think I found where every was coming from oh my goodness there is horse spawners in there okay wow I really don't want to hit the Enderman that's not good that is really not good that is really not good that it's really not good oh no oh never mind that's actually pretty good I'm a lot tankier than him and he doesn't deal that much damage I can't even hear myself talk with how loud this is right now this is really bad I don't even know if I could ever get in there uh I might actually have some lava nearby let's go have some fun we can leave our water right here the trick is going to be not lighting those chests inside there on fire but looking at the mini map there oh those are pumpkins that's lava that's too light over there to be pumpkins there we go the ultimate way of killing large groups of mobs without having to get your hands dirty dude man Minecraft doing too much trying to make me blush I'm so sorry Master I know I said I would never go all out but I have to just this once rolls up sleev so my forearms are exposed H take this zombie where did everything actually go did it all despawn just like that really that's all kind of expecting to do more I went down and I I got this lava ow hi climb up the oh God uh climb up this ow spider go away go away go away no shoot shoot okay then we rush into here and then we start breaking all of these okay I really wasn't expecting it to go like this at all I was actually like kind of down for fighting all those enemies with my lava also that is so cool oh that looks so cool I kind of like it how it has like the very old Minecraft look of cobblestone if any of you remember that and hello a whole lot more stuff to loot oh boy oh boy and and once again no swords I don't know why but swords seem to be uh allergic to this game or this game seems to be allergic to swords I can't tell the difference throwing knife ooh Some Fun new stuff huh oh no please don't tell me there's another one right over here oh hi oh God okay well apparently I am a little bit too good at guessing um do you guys like some lava oh hiop don't come in here there's lava okay wait wait wait there you go thank you okay my joke works okay fine come over here and see what's in here you wanted to shoot me yep there you go well given how my base is going to be right here let's light up this entire cave just so nothing spawns in here anymore it's okay lava take your time you're doing your best it's okay so there you go okay perfect so our base should be uh all nice and spawn proof so now we can kind of work on the beautification all right at least make it a little bit more functional like getting these I need a lot more ah beautiful given the building materials that you know Minecraft mainly has it's mainly just going to be wood in here and then maybe some just for some nice splashes of color boy I barely have any of these oh I think I have a good idea okay so first off let's go around and we're going to make a nice border with logs everywhere around this entire place just so it's not all Moss of which I very Sly cannot complete I don't know I thought I just saw Herobrine right there however we do have a lot of trees out here all right there big bets so you see I don't have my usual Cho and de hickeys here so oh yeah this oh my oh no it's two of them combined oh yeah we're going to be here for a hot minute and then I huff and I puff and I knock this tree down okay I think I have enough wood to actually complete my building there however we now have like almost no trees out here except for in the far distance so since this area right here is kind of devoid of all grass let's just go through we're going to make a nice simple little checkered Tree Farm I find this just so much easier to chop down and manage compared to trees that are just spread out everywhere plus this way I can get a whole lot more trees because yeah if we're building an underground base I want to be able to add a lot of wood in there and then just hopefully make it not feel like it's underground Ooh So Beautiful the only issue is that right here there are two things of coal of which I need to make it actual stone for this however while that's cooking we can atast start work over here so if we just take one of these and then I get some of these and just like that we can now have moss in here which again like at least I'm really close to the the grass the grass is already coming in but I also never build with moss and I feel like this just looks kind of cooler down here maybe this way you it'll be like a nice fresher look cuz you know I just I never build like this oh don't break the floor other issue is how much you have to clean up from it but also it's so easy to break the floor oh just use a water bucket yeah but I don't want to use one cuz I I'll get rid of the Torches and I'm just really lazy as soon as I clear up all of this look at how nice and pretty it is yeah I don't it's something new I mean it's really like nothing new whatsoever just because this is quite similar to that but I think I like this more since it's a little bit darker so it gives us a a more homey feel in here okay so I think I'm going to be leaving this for future me I kind of want to go around and explore and there's a cool way to tell about what dimensions that we can actually go to like if I look on here and then I just go to way points and we go to Dimensions all there's there there's quite a few and then you know we got the Twilight Forest been through there so many times could probably go through that relatively fast see if I can get some nice armors and stuff from there but I already know if I go for all of the modium stuff then we can become a lot more strong so for that I'm kind of interested in going to the mining Dimension which in there it has a lot more of that super super rare ore however we need to go mining because I need to find at least four nuggets to make myself a teleporter pad so we can actually get to get to the mining Dimension now first off I want to make a repair kit I'm like 50% certain that this will work on diamond tools I know it works on iron one so th this will be pretty interesting okay so first off I want to repair my tools especially the pick I really would rather not lose it and I could have sworn that I had some kind of Flint apparently I don't can can I stand thank you a hello there brother totally forgot that was my shovels enchantment yeah don't really want to use it then okay beautiful with that to that yeah yeah okay good good so we get some template boards and then next I don't know if this is going to work with this kind of stone if anything I might just have to go and smelt some of them but then if I do this I should yes okay beautiful and then I'm pretty positive if I just go like this yes yes okay so that will actually repair it a little bit yep it's a nice slow process yep just whole lot of clicking okay then I believe if I just do this and I put you there okay no do I need to do in an anvil no okay uh one last check can I put it in there no okay so I think that's is it because I put iron in there I am so confused I could have sworn it was just like that oh God I hate having to think and use my brain and actually learn new things uh so I got some good news and bad news apparently you can't do it to vanilla tools and everything no no no so what you have to do is you put your vanilla tools into any kind of crafting and then you get the silent gear which it looks like it actually does change the stats of them which it might be fine it's just by doing this I can now actually use a repair kit and then probably should have figured this so um I can only repair iron tools with this right now so if I do this and you know Boop and then we get that and then I put you into here and then wow I can actually repair my iron axe because I have iron in here which I think I can actually just Stack Up multiple kinds of ORS into this yeah so I have like iron and diamond in this which we should probably do so that now if I wanted to repair my sword I totally could now the issue is that when I put this into here you know it has this really nice specs yeah we kind of lose them I mean I get to keep Nature's men so at least that part is really cool it's just ah we lose that 50% base experience gained and Mining speed reach distance so so it's like if I can't really keep that stuff then there's no real point in actually repairing it because then I kind of just don't care about it if I'm being real we have to take diamond with us if we find all the modium I think it was called and then boom here we we'll just you know change out that pck so we can at least keep on repairing something while we're out and about and then another cool thing that I found out while we're going out and about if I want to fall asleep we can make a sleeping bag and then by using that I won't remove this very beautiful respawn point so in case if I die we can actually come back to our house and now we can actually go out and have some fun hopefully okay now for something to make my editor happy so apparently if I hold this key wao wo I feel like I just unlocked the superpower I can see everything now okay so we want to go mining and there's a mod on here that can actually make us tunnel a lot faster it just seems a little bit difficult to actually do it or control it in the beginning hold down a special key and then it shows me this really cool little outline and then you know I just dig whoa okay let's not do it so close to water whoo oh my gosh I can see everything everything W so okay well uh there goes that shovel yeah so it's it's you know it's a lot faster it's just something to actually get used to in the beginning but you know my editor was telling me that I should really get into this cuz apparently it's super duper nice so at least it looks like we should be able to get to mining a lot faster with this okay I mean yeah it seems like it's working until we hit some ores oh my God hi hi bud yeah oh that's right the shoot okay don't have to be scared of them and then we can put down our lovely little sleeping bag and we can now sleep through the night without resetting our respawn point oh game hey can you go away buddy I'm trying to fall asleep here yeah no I I need you to go away thank you very much no no you go away oh wait what okay am I going to be getting an achievement for everything that I do in this game like sneezing and breathing feel like I'm just getting participation trophies at this point I'm going to get you I'm going to get you what oh hi oh my God oh my God stop it stop it stop it ow God I can't hit hit you stop it oh my God why is there so many of you well someone was a little grumpy wumpy apparently I'm not welcome down here oh no I thought I was digging far back enough to where we wouldn't have this issue okay so we should probably just go and try and find a nice low point because for the ore oh dear God dude I'm just swimming you you don't need to give me all these participation trophy Awards oh God I don't want to drown I don't want to drown no I can't swim fast ow oh oh God no oh God no my poor cat now I don't know if I need to find a deep dark for this very specific ore which sounds like there's a cave right below me so we might actually just want to continue this direction but I'm most definitely not getting rid of all the water or if the ore that I'm looking for is just really far down which you know most likely wait I just realized this is a dungeon hello if I open this up and let some water in are we going to be some friends huh yeah you guys want to be friendly in here that looks like a lot of spawners down there o wait wait wait ow for later on in the game there's actually something really cool that we could do with any kind of spawner I just don't know how to make the block but I believe it's not that difficult okay so we need to get sawdust a block of sawdust okay okay I think I may have figured this one out too so the easiest way for us to actually get sawdust which this is going to take a little bit of crafting okay so we need three of you and then we just put everything into a very weird formation like this we then get a sawmill and then the Sawmill we can what need to place a town hall first am I playing Clash of Clan wait huh of course no no it couldn't have been that easy what is this a okay so we just have to make a few more okay so we need to make two more of these what are these okay good good okay so it's just any kind of what so you're not actually that bad you only seem bad huh okay so you go there you there there there and then boom Oh oh wait that's really bizarre so I don't lose this at all when crafting okay I hey yeah I'll take that's kind of cool so we build it out here so none of that is making sense to me oh God my head is hurting oh no sure let's place it anyways why were you making it so scary if you just go down like that you little silly goose you okay so can I put you need to place a town hall first wait was this not it it literally says Town Hall okay uh create new Colony okay so if I'm understanding this correctly now I'm want to have some weird people coming by because it's been announced that I just started a new Colony wait so am I going to get free villagers can I place this now yes place anyways yes okay what this block is missing its respective building wait now I have to make a build what who are you Roco X Clark wait who are you I that makes me really uncomfortable apparently uh it would be a good thing for me to make a builder hut for that we need a door door goes right there actually wait wait here uh you do it fing oh thank you God I love being lazy like that ah don't place it there who are you who are these people get oh go God D I'm so happy I didn't put you actually in my house okay fine here so I place you there anyways blah blah blah great job on the placement of the builder hut however that's not enough you need to access it and click the build build building button senior citizen will start creating new structures for the colony huh I can't read that please stop talking to me you're so weird Okay so building options what okay can I have something other than a Desert Oasis I kind really don't want that build building wait the Builder begins wait what are you building I I didn't stop talking to me that's so weird oh hey welcome back Rocco are you going to be shouting that the British are coming I've started work on the Builder's Hut where are you guys getting the material I'm not giving you anything who's johnon can I access this now oh Sawmill okay wait so manage recers dude can you guys not I'm the main character here okay I don't I don't need you guys to speak for me you little weirdos okay so if I put you into here can you turn into sawdust for me pretty pretty please task yeah can you make me some sawdust I still don't know what you're building okay building Builder's Hut okay so you need blocks are you going to tell me what kind of blocks you need actually here uh I can give you Cobblestone and then some Oak planks there you go yeah you like that you know you can definitely build a very beautiful place with that who are you God you are such an NPC sure okay so I can teach you crafting recipes so you automatically do these so yeah make some Cobblestone bricks I didn't even know that was a thing but that looks pretty cool okay so if I look in here okay so you still haven't taken anything Rocco I'm starting to not like you I need you to start working faster okay bud this is really important I need to get sawdust can't believe I'm I'm going through all of this just to get some sawdust okay let's see so I went to sleep I came back now who are you I don't want to talk to you are you building yet I'm no bad day to you okay well you still haven't taken anything yet and I'm not seeing any kind yeah building Builder's Hut okay but zero blocks I'm not seeing oh oh God God wait so I have to give you all of this and it has to be like this specific stuff but I don't want it to look like an oasis okay well here we comply cuz I do have a lot of that stuff from that uh magically disappeared place and Y oh okay good good so this stuff didn't get destroyed where did a creeper come from oh dear God so apparently I haven't started anything in this world yet according to all of those items that the builder needs which I'm going to assume that they need 100% of the material before they even start building which kind of sucks we do need some sand we need at least four of these and then we need to go make one glass actually no no here we'll make eight glass no you you literally can you're you're creating so many issues for me I'm pretty positive that this is actually a glitch it says cut Sandstone but that's very clearly stairs cut Sandstone stairs what is an architect's cutter oh so I need that one which I'm actually pretty positive that I have already from one of the previous buildings so I take this one ah oh my gosh there's so many cool things okay wow I I actually like this one a lot more and I I I don't like it anymore do I need to use this one for the stairs ah okay gotta okay beautiful now the very last thing that we need are Spruce planks which I don't have that and I don't think that there's any spruce trees around me and now I'm getting scared because I just looked at the mini map and there's a giant white box around my entire base which makes me think that those AI are going to building everywhere so this should get fun I think we're going into very fun times what are you oh okay yep you're a bad thing oh my God you have so much health oh dear God nope nope nope no NP no we have to break that I do not want more of it are you on fire my oh my go did he just kill himself or was that for me I don't know how that's working but it seems like whenever something attacks me they get hurt really badly oh my gosh wow that was one of the most random chests that I've ever seen in my life and it was absolutely amazing so I hope I can find more oh wow look there's actual Spruce you sounds scary please go away from me if I do this and then boom yes okay so I was able to get the enti tree and one G okay but very beautifully we do have some saplings from it so we never really have to travel super far away all righty bucko so that should be the last one so you should start building right or do I have to tell you where to build I really hope I don't need to what no I'm trying to wait what do you mean you can help me with that I need you to build it do you mind starting or we going to have an issue here oh wait wait wait okay maybe he needs you know just a whole lot of space so maybe what we need to do is just go around start chopping down all of these trees this is such a bizarre mod ta all righty Rocko X Clark if that's even your real name going to assume that maybe you'll start building over here and then here just for some fun we'll just have this very random player head right there be kind of funky if it could talk as well okay now please Rocko you still haven't started building if I right click on you ah so I need shears to continue working I will work on that oh God so much reading e okay fine so you want some shears G I sure hope I have the iron for it you really are asking for a whole lot for me man what do you mean wait no I you need living Rock shears oh God okay wait so now I need to go and find what are you doing wait who's doing what now wait what are you doing why are you acting like a real player this is really trippy wait did those work I need shovel to continue working okay wait so that actually did work actually here have my shovel not are you good now we're fine you can actually start building where are you building like I never told you where yep okay how's it going out here huh okay would you like some help you're kind of like really slow there you go see teamwork now you can start building faster no you're building right in front of my home no this is exactly what I removed a building for cuz I didn't want it oh man like I mean looking at like the giant white box around this area I thought I was going to be able to at least tell you exactly where I wanted it oh sorry sorry I feel like you have performance anxiety so I can't actually watch you or monitor you else you just stop working no you can't stop offering me help I don't mean to critique you whatsoever but what are you building so I mean this really doesn't look like it's going to turn into a good building you know oh God do I have to worry about his tools and like his durability on them oh no I actually do anything that he breaks he actually just collects it here let me steal that from you thanks so now I'm just really into this now I just want to watch him actually build it ah okay few man I was worried that you're going to build something that was actually pretty and would bring up my property value God you're just like an HOA but I can't lie this is really cool watching them actually build and not be mindless oh God wait is this going to become an issue oh okay so I probably shouldn't have just put everything right next to each other if I remove you oh my God that wow that that is going really fast so if I remove these and then I go and place them I don't know right here know what actually uh let's use a build tool I have a feeling that's quite important and it will actually help us out tremendously so we can actually plan out everything searching for what what is it searching for waa it's like the gods are talking to me so if I rightclick wait we can actually build Parks oh my gosh wait so we can actually do a lot of stuff okay wait wait what were you call the gun okay so Sawmill I can build a husband is it carpentry no wait yes The Sawmill work car is research that that oh dear God you are so loud WOW Rocco I am so proud of you you built such a beautiful place hello there have you heard about the resource scroll I really need one but I don't have the time to go and find it myself would you be willing to bring one to me okay so a resource scroll sure I can actually just build that really easy we keep playing along with Rocko because I don't really know how to use that Builder tool yet to figure out where to put down a sawmill isn't this in the game like if I make a drying rack I can put rotten flesh on it and get leather boom resource scroll I'm hoping that this is the right one oh wait when did you get here absolutely nothing useful don't hit me please I don't want let in here oh my God stop moving stop juking me there we go cool is that all you needed for me oh dear God so thank you so much for bringing me the resource scroll you know all you have to do is shift right click on the Hut block to activate it it will help you gather resources more quickly and efficiently not going to lie that kind of went into one ear straight out the other and then I'm too scared to break the town hall but I feel like I really should and then what I'm gathering is that the building tool is actually completely useless because I need to research things I think I'm far enough away from that building put you actually we'll line it up there and we'll just put you there yeah sure place anyways so then if I go and talk to you oh God wait did I just do the wrong thing wait upgrade oh no I need 1 to 26 Sandstone oh no oh God why did I do that oh I regret it oh my holy okay well since I don't really know how anything on here works so here we'll just pick up you and then we're just going to really hope that nothing bad happens wait did it just like break wait where did it go I swear I just saw it become like small did you just pick it up uh your inventory there it is I was like I SAR I saw a drop and then to be smart we'll put you there fine okay so we should also build a university apparently very important this will actually allow us to start building all of these places why am I doing this and then since we're running out of space actually wait how far okay so we actually have a lot of room I feel like it might be best if we just put a university up here like right there sure why not yeah place anyways and then build options build building so building requests blah blah blah not going to lie I thought that said Karen it looks like we have to start from both of these so you know three books got that and I think I have a carrot can I do that right now or do I have to wait until it's actually done why are you just standing around it like that it's a little bizarre so out of everything in here I don't have a carrot the one vegetable that I haven't collected yet okay well at least now it looks like we will need to go exploring wait wait you said something about a resource scroll what is this oh okay okay so resource scroll will then just tell me what I need for oh okay I like that wait so can I relink you to the university over here that's pretty useless now so instead here we'll build another one and then with you we'll link it to wait what do you mean I can't okay so I just made a second one for absolutely no reason because I'm a little silly goose okay so what do you guys apparently you need something please bu the restaurant or give me something to eat yeah sure thing Bud food I have is too raw to eat man that sounds like a you problem I I really don't want you to help me with anything so weird so actually here well let's just finish up this guy first do I even have any of this stuff whatsoever I kind of feel like we just need to go exploring and then we'll just find all of the stuff that we need for all of these new buildings okay so we're ready to head off we just need to find a desert first well at least I am down to go exploring because I wouldn't mind finding some kind of dungeons or more stuff I definitely think that we need to go find a desert first and then I just want to remind you guys that I'm doing all of this just so I can get some sawdust like this entire Journey has started just for some sawdust oh guys you could build a jetpack or a flying broom I don't want to make an even longer to-do list is that an SCP cthulu is that you loot ooh well I thank you so much for all of that random stuff I have no idea if it's good or not what are you you know what I kind of feel like collecting all of you especially since you're not vanilla I don't know maybe I'll need you in the future I'm still so curious what these are oh I know what that is that's a dungeon and speaking of dungeon I don't think I want to go up there uh not until I can actually fly which there are some items that I can build in here to actually do that so we'll just come back because as much as I would love to build up there which trust me I totally would I'll definitely save it for the future o hello what are you is there something underneath the carpet like some kind of dangerous sorry Shrek I will leave your swamp and hello Village ooh I wonder if they will have anything that I need dude I'm already foaming at the mouth to loot everything in here oh especially the Torches heavily important ooh this stuff might actually be in por here I'll just take all of that stuff that might be useful for some later on mods and hello my way back home oh ooh I don't think I have one of these and I really just want to take any kind of important work block back home Also should probably plug some of these lanterns don't really feel like crafting them and what are you you look really ominous and dangerous and scary oh dear God what is that noise oh oh it's you guys wow okay um hey you guys should definitely follow me back to this Village there's someone that I think that you would love to meet don't be shy come on keep goinging buddy don't worry we're almost there you think it would make him angry if I kill a cow right in front of them hi buddy yeah hey uh would you like to deal with them for me thank you so much there we go ah yes D such good teamwork love you I hear more I should be able to look in here hello I take everything we'll look at it later hello oh God found you wait no don't tell me you actually smart enough to go down the ladder please okay I don't know how that hit me there so many of you please stop throwing stuff at me me please they don't stop how does someone actually go about doing this oh my God take everything Faster come on come on come on come on hi please don't punch me off there's so many of you okay wait wait wait we're actually working together and now I feel really nauseous can I climb this oh my God I don't know if I want to be up there there's so many of you ow at least they're helping me out with the skeletons okay just keep lighting as we go up light go up there we go put down a torch yeah there you go get rid of this oh my God nope didn't want to go down there like that hi guys nope don't want to be down here don't worry about it you don't need to come after me totally fine actually I think this is the only chest up here bizarre loot no I I'll take the fall damage I just want to get out of there woo there we go beautiful see you why are you already looking at me oh you want the smoke H why is there just two of you just randomly here in this Village no this is my place I've already started looting it no wait wait wait wait wait wait please please I I just need leather thank you ooh you might actually be the building that holds that one little storage thingy that I want which I haven't seen in quite some time but I do know this mod it should have it ah man I really want to get get it so I can at least show you guys it but oh well don't really want to waste any more time here I just want to keep on moving and go go go because at the rate that we're going I would really like to try and finish off that little village that we're starting in hello you have a lot of chests oh my God who oh okay wait wait wait we might have found some actual like useful stuff which I keep thinking that that's a Barett 50 cal bullet ooh what are you you seem insanely dangerous and dead I'm good no it's okay I don't really want to see Jak okay fine I I'll go through this one oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God jeez you are really freaky and fast don't touch me don't don't don't touch me no no no don't a you have wings but you kind of like run at me you're a little bizarre oh wait no no no never mind no no you can fly oh my God no no no no no no no no no no no ow oh good don't worry though we're we're handling it pretty decently you know what actually what is in here okay is there any kind of chest wa what's what's the point of this place other than just having n ah there's the chest fine here okay we'll say hi to the locals hello yes love you guys too here's an autograph take everything and then we put back all the stuff that we don't want which I'm not going to lie we're starting to actually run into a really big issue already of having absolutely no room I really don't want to but I kind of feel like making another backpack or we should probably look into actually upgrading them because I'm pretty sure this is the backpack mod that lets you do that like yeah I can at least increase the storage amount on it like I don't really care for any of the other advancements that you can have on them ooh you look pretty ominous with very promising signs of having loot wow you look actually kind of dangerous ow I'm not a caty I'm not a catboy why do I keep meowing Kitty slippers hello okay you guys are actually building with some wealth oh dear God dude I'm allergic to not getting achievements apparently hello anyone home hopefully not hi you look creepy I actually have kind of a cool head I actually wouldn't mind it okay so we can either go up the stairs or we can just go right through the doorway probably be a lot safer in here loot Barrel kind of gives me a bad Vibe oh okay never oh carrots yes okay wait wait I actually really needed that one but a vampiric trident of distant battles oh bless you you're a mouthful ooh so I would take you however I kind of just don't really need anything that's not a silent tool anymore like these like silent gears don't really care to take these anymore like and I do like the residence here oh God I spoke too soon never mind they are coming ooh block of coal ooh another block of coal hello trust me okay if you guys don't want to come out and see me that is totally fine by me Jesus God that one like powered up it was making sure that I really heard it I would take that stuff in there but I don't care wow you guys are like really creepy and ominous God okay you are chunky big boy aren't you okay yep you hurt oh God oh God and we have potions a really cool I was so worried that you guys just wouldn't be able to have stupid junk for me Centennial trophy is that a really small version of me looking in a chest I mean thanks I think hi I do mind you though oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God dear Lord okay can you stop it oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God no no no no no no go go go go close the door go go go go go okay we need to be careful especially since I can't see I've never been that low before at least recently okay let's take a nice little breather so they do have this place pretty much on lock down got to give them props there so happy for them what if I just water bucket to the very top wow you actually came downstairs I am so unbelievably happy that I jumped away from there dude there's so many of you inside of each other that's kind [Laughter] of so happy for you guys uh don't mind me though okay I will be heading up here you really don't need to follow me whatsoever yeah I think I like my idea of just water bucketing up oh my God hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi oh my god oh Jesus oh God it's all going wrong okay oh God he just fell okay well he is coming after me go in there go in there yep there we go okay so we just come up here okay nice and safe no dang it no don't lose progress nice see easy ah is there really nothing up here is this actually a waste L's my loot if I go out the front door it's looking like it's friendly in here with really bad loot now let's be smart okay so if I break you and I just peek over how safe is it in here is I mean I I am hearing stuff and that makes me a little nervous God wait you guys don't have a way down here right it's looking like a no however unlike all of these enemies I actually have a brain so what I'm going to do is head up to the top HP and then being up here we could just skip all the fight which oh yeah that sounds really nice and pleasant we could break inside and we can look at absolutely nothing because apparently this place is just completely empty oh my God it's not oh d i that block right there yeah that scared me I thought I was looking at a skeleton's head however hello beautiful ooh okay well I'm too scared to go in there I'm not going to lie so boom oh okay you're actually not too shabby uh let's see I don't really care for you or you or that don't really want that but I will take you oh wow that is really really bad no wonder my Max HP was going down and why I was taking so much more damage this is why I love mending so either really really soon or once we get back home I need to make some silent gear armor and then we need to figure out about some enchanting there you are I was like I have more iron somewhere you're you're not coming in here right that noise is getting a little bit too loud for my comfort okay so I'll take you put you in there which I don't think I lose anything at all oh it actually gives me something and then here let's just make some helmet for us and then I just I I can't do this stuff is too nice so we're just going to leave it just like that try to get as organized as possible which is not looking good okay well actually here we can just take a Way Stone and then we can find a nice little spot please don't kill me okay yep that was cool yep that was that was such a good little water bucket man I suck oh God it's the bad version water just goes through leaves for whatever bizarre reason oh my God almost fell okay I can I can redeem myself I can do this I can do this I can make it yep I still can't make it okay I am so good at this is water bucketing even possible in this mod pack or did they remove it oh my God what is that noise I swear to God that sounded like a dragon just keep running don't want to fire lizard on me oh my God I think I see a desert what the heck oh it's it's a baby bear Jesus you sound terrifying thought that was a witch Dragon combo there we go okay so they didn't take it out I just suck okay yep nope I I think they took it out oh no it's a beach oh maybe I can be lucky please be a cactus somewhere maybe that counts well I mean it's an aurora Cactus or an aura Cactus okay let's see if I put these in there okay wait what if I do it like that okay still no I don't think that's the right Cactus ah oh man dude I thought I was going to be lucky and actually find it so now we can just head right back home very beautiful and then at this point I kind of don't really care to be organized I'm being totally honest it may be organized with just our little ores like this but then other than that especially just so we can actually head back out a lot faster I kind of feel like just throwing everything away especially because it's actually really cool there is a mod in here that can make us a unlimited storage system St and it can be like one or two blocks big like it's actually really really cool so I'm kind of really tempted to just go ahead and build that so yeah let's just throw away everything into these chests oh dear God I don't really have any space okay beautiful now we can just go right back to here we can break you and now we can just head right back out because I mean realistically probably don't need to do this but the other really fun fact of doing this is that we can actually explore and then find more dungeons which you know we just did even though I kind of didn't really take it on please be safe oh my God okay I'm I'm going to make it my goal okay I am most definitely going to be able to do a water bucket at some point like come on there we go wo oh this place is beautiful I love this oh I love these trees and how everything looks ooh this is a really good one okay so coming up on another Sandy looking area it's just please please have just one Cactus that's all I need if I can just get that one then I'll just make a cactus farm it's not looking promising but what does look promising is how there's a boat over there please come here Lou well this doesn't really look like a good one okay yeah let's just continue and then here if we're going to be going out into the water probably would be smart to actually build ourselves a boat just so we can actually go a little bit faster however the Sun is going down so yeah let's just fall asleep here before heading out just in case of it's only water out there okay well to be fair you know I was actually expecting a really big ocean are wait are you just a little island you silly little Willie oh man you got me all go so never mind I guess I was technically right you see we must continue on the one piece is real we need to find it watch me I'm about to go gear five you like me teasing about one piece wao wait is this a meteor spot yeah it is yeah we just went over the meteor wow that looks so cool I kind of wish that there were events that you could watch and then just see this giant meteor come out of the sky and boom just blow up the ground like oh that'd be so cool why is there like nine drown why is there like nine drown over there wait why is third wao you don't have a tridon right oh this is so cool no no no don't dry Don't Drown wait that's so cool it's a sunken city oh this is so cool hi this is a door right oh my God it's not a door uh water bucket go oh God yeah there we go I can actually see now oh this is so cool this should be in vanilla Minecraft and once again no door no time water what about oh my God children oh God children what the Trident oh God this is really bad really bad really bad really bad break the roof we have to swim out okay this is really awkward really awkward this little brat right here won't get out of my way I now drowning get some oxygen with that okay start eating this oxygen please I do not want to join the residence down here my God there we go oh my god dude why am I constantly being smacked back in there what was holding me in oh my God Jesus man man nothing I was doing was working okay I I'm playing like a little scaredy-cat now absolutely not going back into any dungeon looking area huh nope I am playing like a rat very luckily I have five of these so I guess I lose my experience but I will happily take that and you know I got three left over so it wasn't a complete waste the words that I wish I could say but if I did I'd be demonetized there we go see nice little peaceful place nice and easy torches that I can steal and stock on and that is a really big inconvenient tree don't worry in case you're surprised that I lived I'm even more surprised than you I kind of forgot about those little vials plus I have no idea how to use them so I guess I use them correctly ooh hi I need you yes yeah more leather and then I would like to take the hay in here and some of the food items it's just my chests are so full that I kind of really don't care I'm more interested in oh no I didn't bring the list with me oh well I got always just teleport back home but right now my main focus is just finding some Cactus which I'm kind of surprised with how rare it is yes perfect thank you starting up my collection nicely okay there's no way that there's not one chest that that's not really normal come on guys you know you want to give me something what are you wait wait wait come back here what are you there's no that is not a cat wait that's a lizard what is the US government doing here okay that's weird now as I was saying time to go back to to the scary water I could have sworn that there were some dragons in this mod pack sure is a whole lot of water out here oh wait wait wait I think I can be fast enough for this yeah you guys don't really scare me anymore boom boom Oh God try to pick up everything don't touch me there we go okay at least down here I can actually breathe woo get some oxygen in us very luckily you're not like trying to come after me which is kind of nice you're a little bit of a sweetheart okay that doesn't mean come after me though just cuz I compliment you doesn't mean that you can advance on me come on I thought we'd been learning this in 2023 oh my God wait how did I not realize that there's another backpack in here ooh okay oh my God who was there yeah okay I think I got everything out of here that I wanted that was weird that was like actually good stuff and we got another backpack out of that a little speechless I'm not used to modded Minecraft worlds that you know actually be kind to me oh no way it's that one ice cream that you can buy where it's chocolate vanilla strawberry I don't know I always forget the name of it I don't know oh oh my God it's a desert oh my God d i I see Cactus yes and I also see some potential juicy loot oh I am totally okay it's another one of those like sunken city drown places disgusting wait don't I need another villager I swear back in my house I only had one sure here I'll just you know like yoink three of you why not and then I'll just throw you into my backpack so I don't hear you in my ear super loud like that oh my God there's an actual chest yeah yes you're not useless hello beautiful H but you're useless ooh uh what turns the wear invisible wait hold up oh it's my necklace when something hits me they have the chance of lighting on fire oh okay wait but what if I wear that wait that's actually kind of cool wait I I I actually kind of really like that I think I like this more now I don't know if this is going to have any effect on any of the bad mobs hopefully it does because usually I'm pretty sure if I to be invisible I would have to be completely naked or actually work any I know we don't want any footage of that eh I'm okay I don't know if these are useful at all wa I'll take the tablet yep I guess it was a good idea to take the tablet because I got another achievement oh I'm actually curious here if I'm invisible with that cat run from me wait they might not actually be able to notice me whatsoever cuz I'm pretty sure that cat would be running away for me if mobs and you know anything could actually see me here how about you never mind okay that cat in the water is just blind righty so I might not actually be invisible he well we'll try it out if I find some more baddies oh wait and here we go we can try it out with you oh my god nope I Am Not Invisible no nope nope it's okay it's okay you don't need to hit me nope it's fine I'm leaving nope not even going to loot anything ow okay never mind never mind sorry sorry sorry I know I looked at that chest I was about to lie I know I'm sorry who I'll loot this one though then if that's the case I'll just put back on my little shocking necklace feel a little bit saer with that on some more free loot I don't know if any of you are actually useful that looks disgusting oh God I don't like that whatsoever button minus sand g but finally our journey of running around for so long trying to find some Cactus we finally found something let's also get some sand while we're herez I don't exactly oh wait wait sorry here go if I hold this one there we go there we go nice and perfect but yeah let's just get some Sandos so we can actually make a cactus farm back at base I be I don't think you know I don't want to make assumptions here but I don't think that's actually comfortable to lay on you know a cactus wouldn't be my first choice not even the second or 10th wait is there a beehive here oh that's a beehive inhabitant chocolate mining bee chocolate if I break this and run what happens oh wait you're not mad oh wait wait I I feel bad wait wait wait come back here I'm sorry there you go I'm sorry buddy wait there's bees in there wait never mind I'm not sorry never mind nope sorry that that's my house now I don't know what bees are in there but I will be happily taking them thank you so much okay perfect we don't really need to explore anywhere else around here don't really never mind I I do care about the loot in here let's go check it out wait is there no loot in here a this Tower sucks can't believe there's not even one chest okay however here we can leave this here we'll just call it desert and then we can always come back here if we want to and then now we can go back home and I can go and get organized yeah this ain't going to take forever oh my God oh my God I I have Cactus I just spent like the last 10 days I think running around trying to find Cactus and I had Cactus this entire time well hey at the very least man we had a really great adventure that you just can't get anywhere else oh I did have two villagers okay well now I have five I then on day 53 I just spent it going through all of my chest and then attempting to get every single thing in here it's just taking a really long time to find stuff okay so we got five left which I'm I'm just really hoping that they're actually easy how however I kind of really want to clean up my inventory kind of really tired of it being that busy so I believe if I just go over to you right it's been a little bit go through just click all of this get out of my inventory and nice rare 93% done already now for the fun stuff so first off I need aaca wood I've started work on the Builder set wait even though I don't have everything you're going to start building it oh no please don't tell me you're going to slowly be building this direction and then just take up my entire front of the house I believe there should be AA I don't think it's around here I have a strong feeling that if we head back to the desert somewhere around here and speaking of right direction hello possible loot what H wait Blaze gold nugget oh I will take you you might should be really important ooh another banana that sounds so delicious actually I think I can complete this portal I'm actually really curious what the nether looks like in here and especially what this links to I think I hear lava Le for the love of God do not hit the portal okay never mind I guess I was hearing some stuff but I kind of want to complete this portal wait I I'm a little Silly Willy I don't need any form of lava I just break it right here and then I just put you right there and then we can actually just take it from here and then Boop wait I knew my Goblin no smelt something hello possible loot what wait drenched iron ingot oh God someone get it a towel don't mind me if I can figure out a way to get into this portal why am I moving really fast ow when I crouch waa wait huh I never put that there uh thank you interesting hey I guess I can actually leave that in the Nether and then we won't have to build a portal back at base I could just teleport in there please be friendly please be friendly please be friendly please be friendly oh my God I can't see okay oh God I can't see oh no no no oh my God I hear him already oh my god oh no this is easily the worst place Possible Oh my god there could be hoglands everywhere whatever this is there's blazes all around and I'm guessing it's like an upgraded nether fortress oh my god wow I think they need a few more what were these called again oh shroom lights there's just not enough around here I'm not really able to see because it's just so dark what are you Soul Stone okay we need to figure out a way to get through this entire section for the love of God please do not tell me that that pig right there is wearing netherite zifi piglin okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait pause pause are you coming after me I'm very happy I didn't swing I was actually really close very easy ways to die in here actually no I ow okay no you got to die for that okay but you know what in here you want to run away from me run from this who what sure kind ofal doesn't look like it belongs in Minecraft whatsoever but that might be a really cool building thing oh hi buddy oh W that's so cool you're the one with the bow so you can actually shoot me wa okay wait wait wait we need to get to that okay well let's make it fast I'm not really feeling like making some form of platform to collect everything oh oh that was so cool beautiful two stacks of glow stone so that'll be really nice whenever we get to building oh my God I see a Bastion who is Richard what is a Richard what the freak Richard what kind of boss name is Richard that's not scary at all that I just want to come and say hi to you richer chill relax boss modifi 160 Max Health okay let's not touch you however I will be touching this dimensional Shard am I supposed to fight you like I I kind of don't really feel like it because you kind of have a lot of health and other stats and if I attack you then the others are going to attack me wow oh my you are a big boy aren't you huh oh that's another Fortress okay man that would be really unfortunate if a Blaze would just just shoot me right now wouldn't it yep another advancement what can I say oh my God I hear so many weather skeletons oh good God yeah let's get out of there I don't want them to start chasing me I'm just trying to find a nice easy pathway through here so I can get to that Bastion wa oh my God just like your forehead this place is huge so much room okay if I'm lucky nothing will shoot me and I have an insanely huge suspicion right now that something is going to be shooting me what kind of keyboard spam the sticky has a woken my God are you okay oh no that that's an actual piglin that will actually come and attack me so don't mind me let's just break this a little bit so there's no chance at all of it jumping over here at me yeah nice no one is really noticing me yet I am starting to hear a lot of them as I talk oh my God there's so oh there's so many of them you guys don't notice me right oh Jesus nope no no uhh for the love of God please tell me nothing can make it in here let's just cover ourselves up just a little bit oh my God there's so there's so many in here oh I don't like this I do not like this one bit you have 50 hearts or 50 health is that normal I'm down here and you're going to get knocked off into the lava what lady who oh I'm scared of females no oh thank God she's down there what what kind of mob is that that's not vanilla I mean it might be a skeleton that's just aiming at me yeah I think it's just a skeleton aiming at me as long as it doesn't come over here it is a little weird to me how they're starting to spawn in a lot more rapidly the longer I'm here oh God just making sure that no one can come in okay okay I think I can this one wo yeah please more yeah yeah more loud sounds in my ear yeah dude what is that noise what is that noise what I don't think I want to be an adventurer anymore oh my God what is that noise why is it playing me music I I don't want to go anywhere around this Bastion is the monster trying to serenade Me Maybe oh God hi okay so you weren't there the entire time that I was coming up and then the one one second then I make it so you guys can actually wait am I that repulsive that you guys would rather end yourselves instead of hang out with me wait guys I I thought we were friends wait is this not a joke anymore that's the thing that I was hearing gotcha okay that that so much more Suns oh dude I Oho man I thought there was actually something scary here what Sean oh my God please not Sean please no oh dear God where's Shawn first it was Richard and now him oh no Shawn the lame is a blaze and they conveniently always spawn away like 500 blocks from me okay can you stop with the music um hi bud okay so I need you to not die okay because your backpack's kind of cool to me but I know the second that I hit you okay well well it doesn't look like you dropped it hi do you want to run off the edge too like everyone else no okay few okay so at least I don't have that curse for people are just repulsed by me I mean I do make Minecraft videos so I thought that would really work on it but I guess I'm safe you I'm doing variety survival games will help out with that tremendously hi oh my God don't don't don't no no no no no no oh my God there's two of you oh my god oh Jesus oh my God there's so many of you that poor lady down there oh my God your poor mother just four of you with the biggest of heads ever this is a little awkward can you guys die please this is starting to get really uncomfortable okay thank you you you guys dropped one durability oh but it had Unbreaking too oh wow so many uses oh wait I've never been here ooh o okay I will actually wear the Jim oh no and jy's near oh my god dude they're just bringing out all the big heavy hitter like Jim no please anyone but him oh God I didn't know you guys hated me that much going going against Jim Sean Richard oh God what's next I going to bring out Dave please don't tell me that they would be brave enough to bring out John might go a little crazy and introduce Michael to me don't mind me oh man I was so worried that you were actually going to make it up here and then I'd have to fight you guys barely no that's never happening I'm never going to fight you guys fairly we're friendly right right you and I we're best buds huh yeah thank God okay I think we need to do some smart planning here so first off I need to get out of here and actually leave a way point to where I can come back into the nether but at a safe part because right now we're we kind of not in a safe part I don't have enough blocks to build over there so here actually we're going to go back to the very top like up here to this roof and then we will leave one waystone right here I we'll just call you NE which I don't have any other ones right okay good good while we're a gee so while we're also up here we should look around for some more wood which oh God it's not looking good in here well I don't think we're going to be lucky whatsoever with getting some more building blocks because I really need some if I want to get to that location that I haven't told you guys about yet but there's like a spot that I really want to get to cuz I kind of just want to skip a lot of this place okay here we're going to just start taking some stuff off of here which here we can do this right oh my God please don't kill me oh God this is scaring me uh don't fall so we're can to head back down so we come into here and then usually a lot or if not all of the good loot is going to be at the very bottom I forgot if they get mad at you if you loot but I don't know if they get mad at you if you loot any of the chest in here so we're going to start being risky okay we're going to keep dropping down my biggest worry is that I'm not seeing any brutes ideally I would love it if there were just no brutes in here but of course no they just had to be invited I don't think that the brute will actually follow me down there we'll just be fast and then we're just going to go around start covering up all of this get you cover up these don't want anything thing fall down on top okayo okay beautiful then we just get rid of you we we get rid of you oh my God no there's a spawner oh god well this is awkward I really need you to die there we go break that is there one on the opposite side no perfect just die just happy thoughts happy thoughts and you go away there you go let's go and kill all of these little boogers oh my God Joshua oh no oh God there's Joshua in here at the very least we might be really lucky and never have to deal with Jim but I won't lie if they ever spawn in a Matthew in here then I might just have to quit and this would be the last day for this movie I oh god dude they're just bringing out all the scary names I can't get over the fact that these are supposed to be like scary bosses they're called like Jim josua I can't get over it this is so amazing I love that mod so much okay well making it all the way down here we're going to go for the gold l because that's going to make all the little piggies in here are little grumpy wumpy so with you okay wait mother Al cow Al cow mother Al cow very weird but there we go at least now we actually have like a real boss name that one could be spooky like who knows maybe it's I don't know like a bloody menur cow thing coming after me who knows but nether i in it ooh and it wait increases the wear's movement speed after taking damage W that's actually so fitting for me but wow this is one of the wao first chest where I actually want to take everything and we now have a fourth backpack this is incredible it's insane how easy these backpacks are to get oh my good god there goes my ears it's all right I didn't need a here very nice now we have four backpacks we're slowly getting to a point to where I never need to return home I will just always have room to loot and then that's going to become an issue for me because I just I want to loot every thing oh this is actually like insanely nice we just have to be incredibly careful with where I break because I could just get rid of the floor and then boom I fall and die Donovan there we go see now we're getting the cool names you see now we're getting the scary bosses I need this brute to actually chase after me but fall into the lava oh yeah just like that thank you very much see so by doing that I don't think anyone else around here should be mad at me because technically I didn't hurt him I I did not kill him I did not hit him I did not uh we're just going to go through all that loot later I'd rather just pick it up really fast and get back to safeties so this one has preserve items on death does that mean that it preserves all of my items that I hold because it says items not item there's one more spot that I really want to get to because I see a chest in there hi bud yep thank you so much I I didn't even have to explain anything he already knew the rules I think I'm still safe I don't think any of them are mad at me hello beautiful that's act like very weirdly an incredible armor piece that's very sadly not good at all I I think I'll keep it though you you might actually be useful to hold on to okay now for the Sweet Escape so the reason why I put a waist Stone back up there on a normal little Forest area where I can actually move around in the nether is so I can actually come back into The Nether and then in here boom I can just come right back into the Bastion I now have two points back into the nether but I at least have a point to where I can still play in the Nether and then who knows maybe if this movie or the next one oh hello chess never mind we're not leaving yet but maybe if I ever get to a point where I can have one of those like Tyler oh no and he's odd Tyler's very odd oh God not Tyler but maybe if I get to points where I can get those like anti-gravitational boots or whatnot then maybe we'll go through here and I can just fly around and loot everything like I'm doing right now okay I think I'm good to go I'm not noticing any other chest around here I mean this entire Journey was just is me trying to find some acacia wood so we did a pretty decent job trying to find Acacia you know we're in the Nether and back into the fun area we might as well just run this direction no oh God wait do we need to return home ah did it unlink we're we're not going to go back home just yet I do remember that I don't remember how much of qua W that I need but I think it was like one or two but we just need to at least find one of those trees hopefully get a sapling so running through here I'm realizing that this is probably a really bad place to find AA wood but this looks sick wait there's actual villagers up there wait this is a village okay I was expecting this to be abandon but okay I'm my God a hopper hello yes come here beautiful what is in here absolute garbage okay good good to know oh oh God it's you again this is such a bizarre Village why do you have a murderous axe I I got to go back I need to collect all these axes I axes all these lanterns can I help you yeah that's what I thought and to give me them googly eyes and smooch me up what do you think this is hi yes I'm a little stuck here you go let me help you there you go Jesus God oh my can I help you what is that was that Zeus oh is he jealous that I'm smart enough to go around and loot all of the lanterns and he's not why am I hearing absolutely terrifying sounds hopefully no one that wants to Hur me right oh my God I literally just took damage that's it I I just took damage and I was breathing and then boom I get an achievement why am I being harassed with success oh my God hi come here don't don't run away come here you can't run no no no what is that why did you have a ghost what hello did it drop anything is that a villager what are you doing down there bud oh there goes the village oh yeah that'll do it Chief Sandy Way Stone why thank you don't mind if I do okay well at the very least the part of the village that's burning down is the part that I've already looted so we literally have nothing to worry about master I don't know if I can do it anymore Master there's just so much to loot I'm becoming numb to waa I'm becoming numb to all of the loot master I don't know if I can hold out much longer oh dear God can this place please end please please I can't help it but loot everything but like please for my sake just stop having stuff finally oh another random moist okay oh but finally I'm free oh we can actually just keep exploring and going ooh another place for me to loot immediately hello wao wait wait wait wait wait wait wait why does why does this backpack have so much room wait wait wait wait wait you're amazing oh this one has so much room oh okay so yeah we definitely need to go and actually upgrade our backpacks wait how expensive is it wait that's it just that and I get double the space we need to find some wood I need to make a crafting table we're about to get some crazy storage in here so I know for a fact I don't have more iron okay never mind I will be taking this just in case of if I find more iron later on I can't believe it's that cheap and easy to actually get some more inventory spaces on these oh dude we're going to bring looting to a whole new level yooo ominous building do you happen to have any oh God wait it's it's one of these dungeons God I really don't feel like exploring that right now it takes so long I just don't have the patience to go and do one of those right now if I need to help out those weird talking villagers back in my house of which I've accidentally kind of began this Quest with them in a sense yep that was good are we in Egypt like hello obelis let's see do you have any loot no okay well don't mind me see you oh God hopefully nothing spawns please nothing spawn oh my God oh my God sorry sorry I I I just I wanted to release some oh god oh I'm sorry not really I'm actually going to go over here and do it to these guys as well here we goop you're free oh they don't like that oh no I'm making them a little grumpy wumpy speaking of grumpy here you go iron Golem ow there you go go free please help me H YouTube buddy thank you very much oh when they die they're going to drop iron where's the entrance to your home there we go thank you don't mind me no one come up here please thank you ooh okay you guys actually had some stuff in here wait you guys live you actually killed every single one of the pillagers oh that's awkward I I was actually kind of hoping that you guys would die there we go thank you okay please do some damage to him y okay at this rate we will be here all day so I'm really sorry guys but I will have to start doing this really sorry bu I just I need that iron like you have no idea how badly I need it just to make my backpacks bigger so I can actually loot more thank you and thank you ooh and this looks like a good spot to sleep for the night plus there are chest up here yes more Kitty slippers beautiful now here comes the bad part so I don't know if I do this while it has stuff in it is it going to delete all the items or do I get to keep all the items oh wait I think I actually keep all the items yes I do get to keep all the items oh yeah I'm definitely going to have four iron backpacks oh that is going to be one of my focuses is actually maxing out these I wish that there was a button that you could press in every kind of like a backpack or chest you just press it and then any item that you have in your inventory that can go into it but just go into it it would make getting organized a lot faster and you know just more enjoyable and then the laay they're just so cool I love this mob I really wish that I could take him back home but it's just not really possible it take way too much effort for the love of God please do not tell me that this is thunder I think we're safe I can't say the same for these villagers though okay maybe they're actually safe because wow this is some really bad Loot and then at this point a lot of the stuff that we're looting is just bad oh thank God there's water ooh I think you're actually important what I mean uh yeah I did that all by myself I think I've gone through here oh man we need two more iron we can get even more space ooh so I mean another dungeon up there but but at this point I think we should just start ignoring everything unless it's something that I actually need because at this rate we're not going to find AA wood by the end of the movie finally oh we finally got to the end the desert it always looks so trippy to me I don't know why ooh oh actually here we're going to start collecting some of these I don't think I have any kind of birch sapling now I do very interesting looking be hello iron ore wait wait that was actually two of them I don't think I have a friend on maybe but here let's see do I have anything I can actually cook it no okay so what we're going to do now let's hopefully get enough Cobblestone so we can actually make okay that that was just three uh well would you look at that I have a lot of stone right here furnace goes under there then we got the raw iron oh this is looking beautiful Jesus God okay I heard walking behind me I ignoring that boom perfect we now have even more space oh dude this is making me so happy you have no idea hi do you have anything useful for me that is such a silly question since when do wandering Traders ever have anything useful other than leads you know they always got those useful things okay let me take a wild guess I will probably need jungle wood at some point okay can I get something other than fruit please don't break okay good wait oh man you just gave me wood oh and bamboo yes very beautiful I I might have this back at base but at this point I really don't know we need to get away from the jungle this biome doesn't have anything that I really need okay just running through here I don't care to loot this place I just want there you are just want to find your way Stone so I can go a yoink oh God I want to see it oo I want to tickle you so bad oh I want to say hi to this Golem I think I'm going to do it I I can't help it actually wait right here hi bud there we go perfect yeah yeah just stay right there no no no no no come back come back yeah right there yeah there you go that's a good iron donation thank you three okay I'll take that wait don't you have a blacksmith no blacksmith don't mind me just going to keep on going on my way ooh you might actually be really nice to collect right now since you're right here I at least like a little bit of you God this mod is insane oh okay yep speaking of insane I didn't realize that the durability on it was that low at least now I'm using a tool that I can just fix up with my repair kit however wow okay well you might be a really fun block to build with so I don't really mind collecting so much of you is that just straight up an underwater Forest but not like a lush cave just an actual Forest oh oh my God it is this is so cool why is this a thing oh my God there's iron oh I think I want to get you oh and then with that I can actually make another one yes oh wait I can actually make a gold one as well oh my god oh we're we're about to go absolutely crazy with storage oh yeah we got gold oh this is going to go so incredibly insane oh this is going to be nice I'm pretty sure this is more than a double chest two more rows all right let's go through and upgrade all of you and then this backpack will go straight from absolutely basic nothing straight to gold and with that sound that is my cue that it is time to leave this place oh my God we actually have so much space that I could actually just become my own mobile base like at this point we don't really need any kind of base with storage because I'm just carrying more than all of the chest back in my house maybe not actually okay so we're in a special place and maybe if I'm lucky one of these are actually just Acacia maybe maybe pretty please what if I say pretty pretty please please I just want AA please okay well if we don't find it soon maybe we just go back home cuz maybe if I'm lucky there's going to be one oh you're actually very important maybe there's actually one near our house maybe I'm just looking in all of the wrong places somehow cuz I mean I really feel like it shouldn't be this hard to find a Cas I mean especially going nearly 7,000 blocks away from this wait horse weed okay well we don't don't want our horses getting that high I thought that was an acacia sapling oh I got so excited for a second but yes I feel like I'm just heading in the wrong directions just like how you have the wrong accuracy there we go oh my God I actually made it thank you oh hi wao a star bunkle dude you look so cool oh I love it it's so adorable okay it's not exactly looking promising anymore just heading in a straight line This Direction I mean that is a really cool spaceship I'm pretty positive that these are supposed to be like pretty rare and I like how I've been seeing more of these than I've been seeing AAA wood imagine that there's quisha one on top of those boat Dungeons and that I could have just had that wooden you know checked it off of the list here we're just going to check just like one or two more islands and then after that we'll just head back home head a different direction we got to find one soon these dungeons look look so cool oh I really want to take them on wait am I going crazy or did I just randomly lose 40 levels I'm not going crazy right no cuz I still have three of these how did I just lose about 40 levels wait when did I lose that wait now I have it back huh is it because of a glitch in the boat oh it's a glitch in the boat very bizarre glitch a good troll I'll collect you just cuz you're cool do you want to know how I got these advancements why is it called blazing wait what your iron ax is broken you should fix that consider craf and repair kit wait it actually just doesn't leave my inventory oh okay that's actually kind of cool okay now don't worry just give me 47 minutes and then I'll be able to find where I put my repair kit okay this is bad I'm not seeing my repair kit but I swear my life I did bring one there's no way I put it away oh there you go actually we might as well just go through and repair everything beautiful okay I would but I know for a fact that's not one dungeon that I've already been in we run down the stairs for like half a century and it has like four different path Pathways that you can go through yeah it's that one oh dear God it's another one of those boat dungeons please for the love of God I just want in the ca sapling that's all I want please I found so many areas to go into and then at this point I just feel bad because I could have gone to some other dimensions or like fought a boss tried out some other things to do it's just I don't know why it's just I'm kind of intrigued on that villager mod just because I don't know maybe it can have like some like fun stuff in it and plus you know exploring is fun it's just man specifically searching just for aaca wood feels like such a waste you know what I think we need to cut our losses we need to stop running this direction because very clearly we will not be getting it into any kind of Savannah biomes we can get that tree but being that we are at a village there it is okay beautiful we can just use the teleporter here I can get up to it and then we'll just rename you do 8K Village why not you know that sounds pretty appropriate and then I shall be where's my house here we'll just teleport back home oh dear God um yeah this is oh God I don't want to do this oh I I want to get that infinite stored so badly I really don't want to go through and organize all of this this will actually take me a day or two even just by not organizing it just taking stuff and throwing it into chest takes a while okay beautiful now we're just going to be going through and throwing absolutely everything into any storage I can't even describe to you just how much I just just want to sob but at the same time you know exploring was fun I need to check my chest a lot more before I decide to go out and start exploring trying to find something cuz apparently I just have them in my chest and um apparently there there's just no point in me going out and you know exploring for something because I already have it apparently you know I'm alleged I I I have it oh my God I can't believe that and then it only took me till like the end of me getting organized for me to notice this at the very least we can start planting those we can start growing them and then no more exploring no more explaining we're just going to get to work on stuff we're going to finish things nice and fast and I need to find out where I put my recipe scroll yeah this thing yes yes resource scroll wait now you're linked again you weren't before GE I sure hope I have the cactus for it huh why are you showing me this now wait no I want to see what do I need brocco go you're making this very difficult for me you're making me actually do work oh you can help me with having to do more work do you not need any more resources I'd really like a house to live in I would it would make my job much easier if I had one to two ACAA logs just ask for everything in life why don't you you know wait so am I just supposed to guess what you need I really like the house live I know you literally just told me all of this I I understand but okay so what if I just put you in there is that fine skip the chitchat yeah oh wait no oh hey welcome back wait wait hold up wait I can just straight up buy diamonds wow oh my well you shut up you can't help me with this oh my God wait do I actually have enough for that oh my God I have 51 oh I don't care what anyone says this is 100% worth it for the first time in my life oh yeah let's actually trade with a Wandering Trader you are 100% worth it mending Unbreaking five and protection five yeah absolutely yes look how perfect it is please do come back if you ever have any other kind of armor trades like that I will very happily and proudly take it just to show you my gratitude for that um here let me just get rid of these guys thank you and I'll keep you alive you uh earned your life I know you want a house have I really oh that's right because the ACAA hasn't grown yet I should have some form of Bone meil I have bone meal huh okay I'm starting to get nervous there you are can I pick you up darn I can okay well can't steal okay beautiful a lot of AAA wood hopefully get more saplings and then we'll just plant these just to grow them in the future I have a feeling that I will be needing even more AA wood for other stuff your inventory one two there you go hopefully that's enough you sto talking about it next up okay so we need five frame chiseled stone bricks I'm coming to a very surprising conclusion that I have no idea how to do this oh now you actually pop up and work okay so frame chiseled Stone I'm pretty sure I put you in there we need this do I just get regular planks and I just put them both into here and then frame chiseled stone brick oh God there's a lot okay uh specifically what does it look like I believe it's this one uh let's test it out oh for the love of God don't tell me that was wrong please hey bud oh dear God will you shut up I'm not reading all of that okay I don't like reading okay if I put you in there are you good now that is really weird couldn't be that simple okay I think I need Birch 69 funny number so hopefully it's this one if not things are going to be getting pretty Prett awkward around here I'm here butthead I'm inan Rocco how is that not it there's no way wait is that Sandstone around the edges wait that's not any type of wood maybe you should make it a little bit more specific in there bud okay well that's a little awkward I need to go get me some more sand I need to make Sandstone because no it can't be Birch has to be a Sandstone frame no can't be wooden must be Stone no I don't like that one that you just made me for free I want this specific block that I'm not going to tell you all of the parts to it I just want you to guesso aren't I cute are you darker oh read us this is so bizarre if I break it o wait I think I actually have the be in there okay cool yeah this mod is insanely cool I like it it's very fun being able to dig that fast and such a massive area okay please will the love of God actually work please please I'm so sick and tired of making these actually I can just check here that's not it dog there's no way no no no no no what what is it how is that not it no you literally can't help me with it because you're creating all the issues I'm going to do my best to not hit you how is that not it material cut Sandstone Center chiseled stone bricks this it because it needs this even the modded villagers are making me lose my mind okay please please I I'm begging you begging you yes finally oh my gosh oh man don't worry it only took me all day to get you these so I hope I no you literally cannot help me with that I hope to God that this is actually going to be making something absolutely tremendously beautiful okay please tell me that these are all easy okay sweet yeah that's actually easy so not waste any coal we might as well just put eight in there okay then we take you right I'm I'm hoping to God I'm doing this right okay beautiful yeah and oh thank God okay that one worked okay last one is just a fancy Cactus extra door I'm going to take a wild guest here do I just go into here and I put like one of you down and then no wait do I do like this I'm genuinely shocked that it actually opened up more recipes okay wait so what if I do that let me take a wild guess here you need some of the die no why does this require so much brain power that's what I'm trying to do I'm trying to figure out how to make a stupid door do I just not have enough in there wait wait do I just need to make more God forbid just enough items actually tells me how to make the door no please I love guessing wood blocks go in there getting my butt whooped by a door not just any door just a crafting recipe is this thing in the game or am I being trolled I don't think this is in the game okay but here well let's try with this boom boom boom boom boom and then I make that and I go boom boom Oh hey look there's a fancy Cactus extra door oh that's cool the mod Creator just updated the game as I was playing this and implemented this door in here that's cool oh wow hey look at that I actually completed it now wow that dude that's kind of crazy kind of wild how nature do that hey what's up buad boom boom there you go okay you now have 100% okay Rocco I swear to God if you ask me for another house I'm going to take your mother on a find dat am I able to build you I mean I probably could if I just kind of guess and then just get all of this stuff and this could probably be built so how do I learn how to make the Sawmill cuz apparently I can't build this build the university and research this Hut to un loock it you're like shlock I just need to wait for Rocko to be done maybe that's it I need to wait for that to actually be built hey wow look at how beautiful this place is I'm very happy that I went through and decided to upgrade this you seriously needed these stupid ugly looking blocks for the corners that was the entire Point why is there Cobblestone right there dude you ugly ugly design there's no Cobblestone over here you made it with that ice block well your best work is bad work I don't want it do you want me to kill this guy for you I have no issue doing that at all I think I will you've served your purpose bud but now you're kind of being a nuisance and yeah I kind of need to progress in here thank you very much there you go see he was blocking Rocko and I got another advancement or oh no goal reach okay but you're finally done okay beautiful hey what's up bud hey there can I ask you for a favor I lost my glasses the other day and I can't see very well without them do you think you could give me a new pair of Builder goggles no I'd really like a house to work in really don't care oh please shut up okay so you want Builder goggles oh God these look expensive and never mind those are actually really cheap okay thank you for not asking for a lot that is my favorite from people I don't ask for much where are you going what are you doing to my house wait what what are you doing do I need to punch you off of the mountain where are you going I got beautiful is he still up there stop running up there stop it stop it okay yes here you are I'd really like a house to live in yeah really don't care where okay wait please don't run away though I need you to build this okay build options yes build building please okay you I guess cancel build build okay now build build okay build request created the Hut blog blah blah blah okay cool what do I need for you manage workers you must construct this cut before you can hire a worker then who's going to build it how does that work I feel like I have a psychopath what are you doing to my house wait what what are you doing to my house why what are you doing over here what are you doing I never gave you permission or told you to do this stop defacing my house I give you glasses and then you attack me oh I'm so glad that you can finally see clearly what I'm building again dog you're not building anything you're destroying my house you're destroying my property go stop it no no fall off yeah take damage that's what you deserve what are you doing I'm not building you a house now working on what what no oh my God please stop please please please yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever uh okay wait no not that one you yeah yeah was shut up okay you cancel what are you doing stop do I need to kill him I will I have no issue whatsoever killing you I'm going to kill him okay I need a pickaxe to continue working oh yeah of course yeah I'm uh I will get right on that as you're defacing my house I I will very happily go and get you some tools to continue doing it you can't even open a door don't shut it in my face please remind me later I don't care can you start working on the University you want to come over here and start working on it tell me what I need for it okay let's see if I start building university yes wait building town hall is Roco turning my house into the town hall even though it's over here cancel that building university okay Rocco now I need you to build a university but there's something very important that I need to tell you it's not going here it's going all the way over here okay so if you start building it on top of my house or into my house I will kill you I I want to make that very clear I don't care about the repercussions like at all where are you going why are you running from me I'm going to hurt you I swear to God don't no I I I swear my life I I swear to God don't do I just oh my god do I just need to like block you from coming up here why are you using shears did you just hit me there you go Chief now you're figuring it out there you go oh my God I'm so proud of you I'm so proud of you that I would almost call you my son wao oh no oh oh so that's why Builder goggles are really useful oh my God okay so we might need to move you and also the town hall okay well Builder goggles are really cool I just I don't know what I need to do unless maybe I just wait and he has to clear out the land first and then he tells me but here uh I guess we can help them okay there you go bud I just sped you up by at least 17 days all righty bud what else are we trying to do around here huh all right fine let me help you out oh dude you're just hurting me with how slow you go the harder part is figuring out what thing actually need to go and which ones need to stay but I have a feeling this entire top layer needs to go God I really want to use this mod but I think if I were to actually use it it would just do more damage there you go don't mind me let's speed you up even more I mean at the very least once this is done it might look really cool like our entire base should actually end up looking really nice oh God hopefully we can get done with all of this before the night is over this is actually starting to worry me I believe it's been 1 or 2 days and it's still only Excavating oh man this is bringing back memories to my hardcore world just nonstop terraforming don't mind me let me just take all that from you Roco why are you heading this way Mr Roco X period Clark let's go come on chop chap we actually have a ton of work to do hopefully we're done with terraforming like I hope we don't actually have to fill in the ground give me your inventory actually here you can have some of this back just in case if you need to add it oh no can you stop trying to seduce me kind of working I I won't lie it would be really nice if I can actually tell white blocks that I should start getting just because seeing the sheer size of this place yeah we're going to be needing a lot of stuff so I would love to start on in right now are you adding blocks into this like I don't it still looks like you're digging oh yeah no you are still digging why are you digging what are you doing are you digging out dirt just to put dirt back down for you to later just use a shovel on it oh you actually are yeah this is for all of those spots are you okay are you good blood oh hey it's you again oh wait now it specifically says player but I wonder if any kind of mob would actually get hurt by this thing because that in the far future at this rate about like 300 days from now I could use that for a mob farm however man I don't really care for it right now plus I don't even have the emeralds for it jeez oh my God are you okay you're actually working fast for once someone had some G fuel which if you use code Sky I wish I wish I could be sponsored by them you're doing a beautiful job so far I'm loving the funu like I I don't mean Davis I mean Rocko oh no oh no so he actually has to go through and fill out all of the land oh God wa uh Bud we might be here for a while so yeah let me uh let me help you out because you're astronomically slow so let me show you how it's done he not bad I just sped you up by a day oh look a house to live in I just want to say this is insanely bizarre to build like this just going to take a wild guess here and say that we're going to need all of this dirt where you go Roco there you are who are you adelin what having a job would really be great cool can you help him build I'm not going to lie it would be really great to have like I don't know every single one of you over here to actually help build this thing so we could progress a lot faster instead of you guys just standing around the town hall I don't like staying out in the rain my clothes are going to get what there are no guard or Barrack towers near my workplace so I don't feel safe there I really would like a house to live in oh my do dog we need more Builders then can you guys actually contribute and help out wait do I need a sleep so that we actually continue if I use this like a sleeping bag I can actually sleep during the day I think I will just kind of guess and see if I can continue his work okay for the most part I think I went through and I actually created all of the pathways that are required for this building and then I think for this which is really difficult to guess but I think we just need to raise up the land all all along this it's just a little hard to tell because God forbid that we actually build and have some kind of holes in the ground or make it Hollow uh-uh we got to go around and make sure that oh I'm out of dirt no we have to go around and make sure that everything is filled in we do not like air pockets in this town I really just don't like you five wait five or four is there four of you oh whoops I'm inant four all righty Rocco it's a new day and no more rain okay please get back to work I have a feeling that while he's building because he doesn't exactly have that much more dirt I don't have any more dirt left in my house yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever okay so you have four and almost a half stacks left of dirt what I would like a house I haven't had one for over 2 weeks I'm getting really upset I will kill you I I will kill you NAA I I really I couldn't care less about you I really couldn't you three are just standing around doing absolutely nothing it's just Rocco over there and even then I don't really like Rocco pretty Justified reasons this mod is just causing me so much pain did you guys just come over here just to get in the way oh okay never mind oh oh yeah no you literally can't even get in the way wait what if I get in the way work work more like push push can I trap them like can I just put them in a prison you can help me put them in prisons okay I think I'm starting to like you Rocco how you doing on inventory please shut up oh God we might have enough dirt that's actually kind of incredible he's able to just place down grass even though he only has dirt what you doing bud you okay oh oh oh god oh no so funny story apparently I could have actually been collecting stuff for the University already um wow I'm really happy that I have a whole lot of ACAA stuff wait is this show oh okay good good actually does show me dog can you open the door and let us out thank oh God okay well let's get to work first offu yep needing all of you okay so we don't need any logs so at least we're good with that what okay so we luckily have every single one of the Acasa St done now comes oh God yeah now comes the really painful part so oh wow dear God are you okay man well time for me to go destroy a mountain what you can help me destroy a mountain the part that I'm getting a little nervous about is all of that Sandstone stuff that is not going to be fun whatsoever but here we can at least have a really easy time of collecting all of that dirt with by getting rid of this mountain but here if we just set it to the 64 blocks one and then boom boom boom boom just get rid of all of this okay Roco here at the very least here's all there you go yeah there's all of the dirt that you need I hope so you should at least be able to terraform the land completely now okay now comes all this super fun stuff oh my gosh that is so much oh boy okay that is actually a lot uh here let's just put everything away into there and then we are definitely going to be needing a lot more iron I need to repair my repair kit then we're going to go back to the desert actually wait wait wait I have a Way Stone to the actual desert uh yes beautiful okay now we actually have unlimited sand out here actually here here's a smarter plan so we're going to get all of this sand just like that which will then clear up all of the Sandstone which we can then just strictly start collecting you cuz I will need an ungodly amount okay so I think that I gathered enough Sandstone so we should be good with everything that we need from this maybe hopefully the fun oh God Granite oh yeah that's going to be fun really fun to go collect that one I think there's some clusters of it back at our house I think however before we go and do all of that stuff first yeah let's go and make all of this surprisingly not that much more Sandstone stuff needed okay so I just spent today just trying to get as much of the resources as I can and we're actually Rel relatively close to being done the part that's going to be taking up all of our time is going to be diorite and granite but at least the other stuff isn't really too hard and I saw that someone actually started working at the University oh wait never mind Rocco has just actually started building it now by sheer luck and slamming my head against a keyboard I've managed to get it all the way down to just the granite and the diorite okay well we still have a little bit more Daylight and I do have a m shaft oh hey look Granite wow exactly what I needed okay amazing and we can do it oh oh that's not what I wanted to do at all okay I thought it would actually just do the granite and we do have some diade right here and very luckily I actually think that that's all that we need hello Governor please tell me this is all that I need dang it okay beautiful now we're done all righty Rocko it's all up to you we're kind of homeless because of you and how long you take I don't want to put any pressure on you okay this is your best wow I'm pretty positive like a four-year-old can build faster but okay bud a look at the cute locals I'm going to rob the future generations of your family okay very obviously we can't have this here why does it take so long to pick you up now if I were to put on the goggles and then I hold down this can I see where you're going oh just use the build tool it'll tell you no it doesn't oh well so I guess we just have to wait until it actually starts building or once we're able to start building it I've been standing here all day Rocko is really slow oh I really don't like your best I'm not going to lie you really need to step it up where did you come from I was just standing there watching Rocco where wait where did that witch actually come from Rocco Rock Roco Rocco please please I need you to start building faster please wait where are you going Rocco no Rocco what yes I need you to start doing work please start building faster please okay that's not the worst at least you're 73% done Rock how did you get up there you're doing fantastic Bud only five more days of this I'm assuming assuming I'm never getting that Sawmill I'm never going to be able to make those cardboard boxes just so I can get that one spawner well we were making good progress for today and just by the side of this I want to say that we could finish this tomorrow the actually started working a bit faster it seemed very weirdly but it might be almost done soon and then we can actually start making that Sawmill and then you know we can we can progress towards more in the mod pack maybe oh man sh is tough being hard at work by standing here while Rocco builds everything and he's actually almost done I believe we're about 98% done with this build so we can finally go and have fun by having him build a sawmill and that'll probably take like another 10 days or something woo okay so this is a little awkward I think his AI kind of broke because he accidentally put himself in a spot to where he can't get down now unless he falls and for whatever reason he needs to go back to the town hall to actually complete the building oh Rocco don't you worry butd I know exactly how to get you down come on come on we can do this come on a dang it no please don't destroy anything down there please I'll take him forever to finish it okay good few don't worry bud I can help you out so easy here you go okay now you can complete the building baby and actually uh put in some efforts actually completing the place or you could just run back to the Builder's Hut okay yep that works too are you done are you done I don't even know what you're putting down anymore please are you done dear God that scared me my word hello there creepies how you guys doing uh don't really care for anything so that's really bad for you but at the very least thank you so much for the leads uh possibly leather as well and for the weird little fabric I don't know what that's for yes yes oh thank God oh we're finally done so I mean I probably could have been researching before actually no I don't think I could have Okay so let's see is it oh no so how do I unlock the Sawmill ah there we go okay so for this just six 64 Oak planks okay I don't know what that part means requires Foresters Hut totaling at least three levels but let's see what happens if I just give it 64 Oak planks oh my God Jesus hi you're really creepy oh God you look like you're from the nun that or you're from the Salem Witch Trials that's really creepy okay you Forester H okay do I just need to build three of these I mean you're nice and cheap so I get two if I just use a stone axe actually no here we'll build one first just to see what happens but please for the love of God don't take a long time please oh God I'm almost begging you and then we'll just go and put you we'll put it near the Sawmill Yes actually we'll put you here sure place anyway I I really don't care okay build options at least it looks like a good chunk of it is just wood in the Sandstone okay well you shouldn't be the hardest Now link it to that okay cool so this is now useless right no yeah no it's not okay beautiful actually uh before you go and ruin any of my things yeah let me chop down these trees and of don't trust you don't pick up my stuff please okay so chop down all the trees and then I just remembered if I put down this oh God uh I don't know if that's going to cause an issue why does it always place it the direction that I don't want it to go oh God I'm I'm actually considering picking this up oh okay wait wait no no no we we got to pick this up okay just give me 72 minutes and then I will have this on my inventory but yeah I don't want it to start going into the other buildings okay please tell me you're not going to build it there please I don't know where Rocco went but here we'll put it more over here then there we go I mean not the worst you didn't really destroy anything we'll pick up this but this is way better placement I I'm happy with this but a lot more okay well here just to speed a long time we might as well just help you out what are you doing what wait you don't need this here ah my bad okay here let me help you okay so once again uh wait actually here I can make two of you but once again let's go around start Gathering more resources for it oh God no please not more of them please oh God I have pdsd already oh thank God I destroyed that previous building cuz then I can actually use a lot of it for the the future builds that I'm trying to do right now ooo this might be the first one that we can actually complete really really fast because I very luckily have so many of these already in my chest wow okay we wait really only need three more huh okay sweet I'll H very very happily take that the hard part comes down to do I have Spruce I have Spruce oh no do I have more Spruce oh wait that stripped Oak log oopsies I just made a little silly okay so we'll just let Rocco go through and actually hopefully complete that building today I feel like it would I'm really hoping that this isn't going to cause issues but I think it would actually be best if I just move this a really don't want this to be absorbed into the building okay beautiful and then we'll just put it down later cuz next I think it would be best if we start building the town hall God I hate you guys okay then we quickly need to go put this down before it causes any sort of issues and then let's see here if I wear you can I at least tell where this is going down actually here we do have dirt and I want it to be the same height as the place up here so if we just kind of bridge our way over like this this should be hopefully good enough and then we'll just plop you down right here okay then is there no kind of like Town Hall okay build request over here okay beautiful I kind of want to push it over more this direction but this being this close to the university actually doesn't seem to off where did I put it where did my block go okay so never mind yeah let's just pick you up and we're just going to move you over oh wow that was actually a lot faster than I was expecting I think we want to place it like this yeah okay then we can go to build options build building okay now and I look at it there we go okay I like it being that farther back a lot more I think this is a decent location for it to be at so I think we're fine with this oh my God this place is huge oh my God it's like I'm looking at Davis's neck it's just so big okay this place is kind of cute are you the worker here so manage workers okay good wait so we actually have someone on that I'm pretty sure that worker right there uh Cohen they might go around and actually collect trees for us which would be really nice I think if I go into here I just look at you I can actually see it if we go to Citizens oh yeah okay Forester researcher Builder unemployed okay so not bad our little town is actually coming together oh god oh oh God I actually don't think that's that bad I actually think that we can get through that relatively fast wait wait wait I was just collecting some materials you actually finish the building people can die oh that would explain why he died now my issue do any of you have okay yeah there is a flag carrier ow actually here if I can make him walk through the fire kind of like that oh my God are these ghosts what are you don't touch me what are you are we haunted forever now wait what is this oh wait oh my God I'm so confused wait what is happening to me what what was that stop trying to touch me I can't hurt them I guess touch me okay okay that was really interesting rip now believe it or not we could actually probably finish up all of these with on a day it's just now we're kind of an issue with cactus which I think I can just leave you right there to start growing I don't think Rocco will come by and you know destroy this I'm pretty sure we're safe to leave that there but now we just need to go back to the desert which would also probably be really smart of us to just collect Cactus while we're here okay that should be more than enough Sandstone look pretty good with all of that and really just the last thing that's going to be really hard for us to get is just that Cactus I really don't feel like waiting for it to grow cuz I feel like that'll just take way too long cuz surely there should be a lot of cactus around here waa oh that looks so cool down there I think we'll really go caving as soon as I can get that one item to where you kind of play in creative mode you could just fly around and it'll just make it so much faster and easier to maneuver around in there plus I could run away really quickly if we see anything scary oh hello Way Stone Don't Mind If I Do welcome to my collection hi didn't realize that would actually damage me it's a cus of course it would wao I think that'll be a fun way to end off the movie o I'm kind of down to go dungeon crawling as soon as I give all the resources to finish off the town hall then most definitely we will be going to that and here just have to waste any more time I believe with 30 we should be totally fine with that and we do have this nice Way Stone which this wait this is actually a different dungeon oh this isn't the typical one that I go through ooh I'm really into you yeah this will be definitely fun to go through so I think we'll just leave a nice little teleporter like right here why not we'll just call you dungeon okay beautiful we can do this really quickly we jeez 909 dirt my God you love dirt but that really shouldn't take too long whatsoever we could just run over here and quickly make that S I wish he would just start building oh that's why he won't that yeah he has to have that dirt he has to have a good foundation very luckily for us we have a whole lot of dirt right over here oh my God oh I didn't realize how much hunger that actually takes woo I don't know if that would have killed me or just may me start taking damage but oh that was a closy like this stuff is nice but man do you die fast okay beautiful that should be all of the dirt that we need hopefully we can actually finish this and then since it's still daylight we can actually just head on over oh a zombie just died right there maybe we really should make some guards okay but fingers crossed this is enough right okay beautiful supplied 100% get work Bud then before we head out I just want to get hopefully very quickly organized okay beautiful I'm ready to rock now do I want to be respectful and go through possibly the front door which I already see a spawner right there I but yeah you can relax oh oh my God and it's actually full however you are absolutely not better than that one but eh I'll keep you just in case of that one breaking you know might as well be smart and yeah maybe we do go through the front entrance well we'll be polite I'm sure there's not going to be a trap in here or something that just wants to kill me right away what happens in Las Vegas are they trying to tell me that I'm going to be staying in here oh God there's pillagers wow oh this does not look like it's going to be easy there has to be an easier way to get in I don't want to drop down hello wow it's really dark in here jeez have you guys ever heard of lighting you're just trying to set the mood for me don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me oh my God you're use Rockets man you could have severely hurt me if I didn't know any better I think that you're actually trying to kill me jeez well it's a good thing that you can't aim I can barely see you there you you go now you're coming in saying hi to me miss me ow there we go okay jeez Don't Shoot Me with the seizure gun oh there you go yes yes fight each other yes wait did you already oh my God you do a lot of damage oh my gosh and you shoot fast wait is God you have so much heal okay who's the Pillager now wait have I never really killed a Pillager ooh skeleton head hello okay I got to know what kind of loot can I expect in here uh absolutely nothing I mean I'll just pick up everything for now and then we'll just go through later let's quickly go around hopefully light up everything before you guys trying to kill me don't touch me don't touch me oh my God I feel like you de so much damage don't oh my God ow yep you do a lot oh my God you do a lot oh god oh yes hi traveling Merchant again oh my God oh my God stop trying to hit me please okay good I didn't die you okay now why are there ghosts I like the only way to get rid of you is if you touch me like I really don't like that what hit me oh cool now I have to watch out for flying Zeus Gods that's coolow okay good at least you're weak uh thank you I actually oh my gosh you're actually not that bad nice we got even more max HP but uh yeah thank you I did need more boots don't touch me please God I hate it how I can't see them oh no there's a downstairs ooh more loot okay Jesus we're getting a lot of iron nuggets I'm going to come in here and take over your home and make you homeless ow please stop hurting me ow please stop trying to hurt me I can't even see stop uh hopefully we can start getting some actual loot soon I would be really appreciative oh my God don't touch me with those don't touch me don't touch me dual enchanted diamond swords yeah I don't see that going badly for me at all please don't touch me thank you oh my god hi okay you were not the traveling Merchant and I just shot the llamas now they're going to shoot at me oh no no ow ow ooh what do you do curse of Bones three what am I going to have like skeletons chasing after me now W 60% base experience gained Hello beautiful and before I go fall asleep do you guys have any yeah solid pie is wood okay beautiful beautiful cuz now I can actually make a crafting table because apparently this will be needed ow now let's be a little foolish oh wow I can't believe actually missed you hello but yes let's be a little foolish let's actually check downstairs okay it's nice and empty which is a little bizarre what was that noise I oh my God are those wraiths oh my God hello no those are vexes ooh I really don't like that please don't ever come in here I'm just a good boy that's just going around and robbing all of you guys I'm not doing anything bad or Sinister quickly quickly quickly o hello and I suppose hopefully without a heart attack oh wait ooh we might actually be in lock down okay never mind never mind I figured that it was going to be entirely underwater and I was going to be really happy because then that would mean that nothing could spawn down here is apparently the same with loot that's a really bad sign that's the most terrifying thing down here for me right now all righty I don't think I care to explore even further down then if there's another level there oh my God we got another backpack okay never mind I'm really happy that I just came down here we have so many backpacks I love this oh and I can actually make it iron and gold immediately yes okay beautiful so at least it wasn't a complete waste coming down here oh wait there actually isn't even a lower level okay well if we can find even more backpacks I think I will be heavily in love with this dungeon and then whenever we see another I will definitely go and explore it but I guess that's everything for down below so now we just need to hopefully make it up top oh God I already hear some enemies hello anything at all like any free chest you guys don't want I will very happily take any kind of loot from you oh actually we should make a pit stop out here oh hi hi yep nope it's okay nope don't need to touch me at all yep you can stay right over there bud wow you sure have a lot of HP there we go few okay before we go back in we have a lot of ores to make and then we're just going to upgrade this back backpack which did it come with anything like is that actually possible no okay there you go load you up with iron and then we're going to load you up with all the gold and beautiful now we have five backpacks I think it's very safe to bet and say that I will be able to loot everything in this dungeon like I really don't think we're going to have any issues whatsoever also here I'll might as well collect this there you go here I I'll set you free thank you very much we're now from Death three to death four crime in town wait that's not going to be bad right I'm not going to get in trouble for killing him right ooh hello gift reward for killing him and we just got plaguebringer three amazing so what you're telling me is is that I should just keep on killing them oh hello nope got to get rid of you oh wait that's nice you guys spawn proof this place for me oh that's so generous of you oh God I hear so many what are you player head very interesting head and hello good loot please actually be good ooh 2.5% you're better than mine right now hello nice at least upgrading to Diamond hello I hate it how I hear you but I don't say I see you oh God I see you now oh my God yeah wait wait wait wait wait oh my God you're so fast why are you oh my god sking up on me no no no no no no I'm okay uh it's my bedtime I need to go sleepy oh hi oh god oh oh wait you're a one shot wait wait wait wait wait where's the others this might be really fun oh I love enemies with absolutely no Challenge and I can just slaughter them all with one hit oh God oh God oh don't hurt me ow oh my God oh my God hi hi you're not a one hit you are not a one hit oh my God but you deal so much damage we need to like oh my God uh we just need to attempt to light up every place hello come around the corner bud don't shoot me oh my God hi don't don't oh my God there's so many of you ideally it's probably really smart if I didn't run away from them because ow if I ow If I Stay near them oh my God there's so many of you I can't see bow If I Stay near them though they'll at least damage themselves and each other too oh my God it's like a clown getting excited and shooting all over me like oh my god oh cool cool you killed yourself I didn't just say anything you can ignore that hi okay wait at least you're not melee oh my God there we go it's so nice being tanky but I wouldn't mind it if you just die there we go perfect still here some enemies I'm just not seeing them which again I hate oo but I don't hate loot hello oh God ah no no no no no no no no no no wait let me heal please okay come here buddy where'd you go huh oh God found you thank you for missing thank you for missing again oh God you didn't miss there okay good now is it worth it to actually go through and check every single one of these room oh yep it is okay never mind it is not yep nope definitely not okay maybe we don't check every single room yeah I don't know God no but we should be thorough because what if one of these has like an amazing chest you know what if it has I don't know maxed out all the modium ore item I don't know like to think that we're done with this floor mainly because I really want to get to the next floor so I can destroy their spawn want to get rid of these pillagers as fast as possible oh wait how do we even make it to the second floor o hello God it's so nice having huge backpacks oh we are not going to be having a fun time oh my God no oh my God no no okay wait wait wait wait a God we need to get rid of the melees before we go for the range ow there we go there we go come on please die thank you okay God it's like being at an LGBT parade ooh I can't pronounce that but militia oo why do you have so much health oh my God hi hi don't touch me you guys doal a lot of damage please let me eat let me let me eat thank you w that was actually really kind of you oh my God why do you guys have so much heal there we go oh my God please no now we have a ghost to deal with God just touch me there we go whatever oh that's bad that is really bad no no no no no no no no no no please don't burn the entire dungeon please not yet not until I'm done then we can actually burn it all okay I'm not hearing too much no yep never mind yes yes why they're not up here light it up oh God it had to be you oh my God it had to be all of you uh perfect oh my god there are so many of you up here uh really bad jump see if I could water bucket oh thank God I can okay okay if few oh no please don't tell me you're shooting me what are you fighting I mean it looks cool up there oh oh he didn't stick The Landing he didn't have any water buckets yes everyone fight each other yes help me out I mean this is kind of enjoyable to watch all of that oh no wonder I'm taking a little bit more damage I don't have my boots anymore yeah at some point we'll just start sleeping up here instead of jumping all the way down just to save ourselves some time hello I noticed that you guys were having a lot of fighting going on up here are you all gone and it's free for me to lo oh hi nope oh God nope don't oh God wait wait I just I just need to kill you please oh God this is really awkward really anticlimactic okay there we go NOP uhuh you come over here can I hit you oh my [Laughter] God wait I don't have to do anything yeah yeah oh God yeah yeah just keep shooting oh man you guys are doing so much damage to me and not yourselves Oh no you're going to give me any second now oh no okay well there goes him H I can barely see but I think there's a spider here okay there we go now we're getting some loot hello hear you but I don't see you I mean it sounded like you were next to me and not on top oh God hi no not an enchanted axe oh my God I could move backwards oh my God this is really awkward oh God this is really uncomfortable okay wait are you below me wait what how I thought I got rid of the spawners oh my God this is actually really difficult to enemy because they just block your screen with everything oh you have a spawner over here with no loot I feel like this would be a fun place to just turn into a home oh God I couldn't light it up okay oh my God you have a range oh my God why does there have to be so many of you oh God ow oh dear God you're spawning in so fast no there's vexes up here please anything but that don't touch me okay I just need to break that thank you very much oh dear God yep that's a good thing that there's so many of you gee I was so worried that I would have a nice easy time up here oh my God okay let's go for a walk oh dear God really bad really bad really bad really bad let's see is there any way that I can just trick you guys to falling off of the dungeon cuz so far we're just going for a walk and this isn't really going well okay there we go very nice ow very nice okay there we go ow hey you had to be here oh man I miss you so much God you're so bad to fight so many [Music] particles oh my God no please no please no please no please no please wait wait wait wait wait wait please wait please wait oh dear God definitely in Houston on Fourth of July right now oh my God there's like five of you are you outside what wait okay are you all dead okay perfect oh I just lost my pants ah well we got these but man we are really downgrading oh yeah this will take me a solid like 2 days to put everything back into our chest so here we'll just skip the guys that are on the outside of the building right now so they really don't matter hi I'm sorry for saying that you don't matter oh God I didn't mean to hurt your feelings God oh Jesus okay maybe we make an anvil while we're here actually wait no break these first break break break break break break the only issue is like even if I make an anvil I don't really have any diamonds to repair my stuff dear I can't see you oh God no no no no just just get off get off get off get off get off please before another spawns please is there there's not even any loot in there I really wish we could find some nice armor from these places it' be kind of nice but a lot of the dungeons that we find just never have anything of value ooh so much loot ooh oh my God how did you hit me man I would like something like that oh my God oh my God oh wow okay at least you guys barely have any HP and I think oh my God you're fast Jesus I'm scary oh my God you almost killed me oh please no enemies please no enemies please no enemies come over here God I wish I had a bow I don't know why I kept the crossbow oh God you're one of the ones that have like 30 HP huh and you have range just die oh my God the arrow went through you just die I'm just saying if they're skeletons and they're wearing this armor you know they have like these swords and whatnot why can't I just take it once I kill them you like I don't have to worry about any like zombie flush in there you know they're just skeletons so it's like why can't I just loot it well hello no wait so I did hear you behind me where did you come from your boots have been broken oh cool okay at least I can actually repair those please for the love of God don't tell me that you're right behind me yep you just had to be right behind me hi buddy run run run run run run run run run no no no no no no no no no no please don't tell me you're follow oh my God you're all following me why are you following me keep attacking me like that where you just damage yourself that it works really well o I can't believe I missed you okay just fall down take some damage thank you okay no no you're not supposed to damage me at the same time oh my god oh Jesus okay we might out want to just do some range fighting no no no no no no no oh hi okay yep for range people you sure like to get into melee range it's a little bizarre what is that okay yep I don't know why I'm doing range fighting with you kill 50 skeletons nice I don't remember killing the other 49 okay I'm not going to lie I'm actually kind of tempted to use this bow that's a bad land creeper gotcha yeah at this point you guys might as well just keep on shooting because you're just going to be lowering each other's HP are you friendly oh it's because I have the cat boots on that's right okay yeah so I don't need to worry about him whatsoever here we need to break this we need less of you a you killed the bad land creeper come on come on I can tank it I can tank it oh my God just break it I need less of you guys okay wait I can't really tank it that much please let me heal God you guys shoot so fast okay what if we just kind of Sprint around maybe we don't need to care too much about it being so dark maybe we just need to care about getting rid of all the spawn oh my my Lord what's going on up here oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my oh that hurt oh that that really hurt oh my God there's so many oh my God why are there so many of you o yeah ow I think it's time to introduce the bow fighting again you're going to jump right off the edge right at me aren't you oh my God don't touch me don't touch me is that netherite ow oh you should have thorns okay gotta I feel like any range weapon is just not worth it right now unless I had like power five on it I'm too pretty to get into a fight don't touch me don't oh my God I am never getting up there actually here wait what if we try something cheeky what if we' be silly gooses right now you know like hi wow this is exactly like the first floor oh my God do not hit me off the map please I should really invest into a lava bucket oh my God I know that there's actually some lava all the way down there somewhere I'm a little tempted to go down there and get it and then just come back up here and we could really fight so maybe what we need to do you can't touch me right don't shoot it don't shoot don't shoot nice I actually dodged that oh my God nope he is looking right at me oh God no no no no no no I just want to sleep I just want to sleep there's so many of you please sir I'd like to rest no no no no no no no no no no it's okay you can stay back there wao wait huh what did I just do wa that's so cool oh that's sick so you can like hot swap stuff that's cool I never knew about that okay I'm really hoping that this isn't what I think it is are you guys down okay oh no you guys are just out there okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm down for that if all of you just want to keep on like collecting down there I'm totally okay with that okay so maybe what we could do is we can see if we can get them to all come down here and then we run around go over here we sneak past you and you we then break that and then we break that and then I take a water bucket and then I put it into the leaves because that update is really annoying and then I come up here and I break you and then I go over here jump down water bucket there go to the staircase go down again and then I sit over here and disbelieve because I really cannot believe that I was actually able to do that and then we just sit right here and is perfect and see then you guys don't come over here to me whatsoever oh my God no no no no no no oh no I don't think I have pants or a helmet there we go oh my God okay am I safe can I at least loot please give me some actual good loot okay well for for the most part uh no hurry quickly quickly that Strat seems to work out the best when I just run and then I just quickly break all of their spawners okay then we run up here and we're going to Juke them out and then I run over here there's another spawner somewhere where are you buddy oh my God you're about to touch me there we go torch there torch there okay that was a good run I think that's how you actually get through this place that seems to be the best strategy ow oh God why can't you be a one shot like all the others oh no my helmet broke oh no way we actually got a bundle that's cool rarely ever get to use those well at least you actually have Max HP so that's nice man this dungeon is really starting to not be good yeah nothing nothing on this entire floor break break break break break break break break break break break break break break run run run run run all wow you look really friendly and like you're someone that doesn't like to shoot their crossbow at all miss me miss me miss me miss me woo now you got to kiss me oh no wait is there another spawner up there I thought I got all of you as Imagine Dragons say once said quickly we need to go around and light it up up up light it up up up ooh that was kind of cool wait what are you villager charm fragment wait can I wear you hello boys oh my God this is a new room oh new new type of room new type of room please please please okay there we go run run run run okay very luckily it looks like three of them up there actually fighting each other as there's no three down here fighting them there we go okay I'm going to try my best to actually use a shield for once in my life wow that makes combat so much easier how come none of you ever recommended me to use a shield like not not even one person ever commented that okay so it seems like you can hit him twice and then you immediately need a shield and you might be actually I'm not going to be using this anymore because it gives me armor but it also gives me four Max HP and I really don't want to lose that and then I need to very luckily repair you okay please don't be a lot please don't be a lot I should really have not come up here oh my God there's so many of you oh my gosh you hurt so much oh thank God love you crossbow never thought I would say that thank you for actually dealing damage it's terrifying how many of them I hear up there run around light it up light it up oh my God oh my God hi I think I can hide over here I can loot over here too ooh don't mind me nice thank you for helping me out with the other guy no thank you yep yep keep doing it like that yep yeah yeah just like that keep hurting yourself yep oh God no no no no no no no need to break it need to break it oh yes did I get it yes I did okay oh my God okay that was unbelievably loud how did I die wait what ghostly shape wait do I not take any damage okay so we might be able to just run straight back to our thing like our our grape I like how I'm level 33 still I didn't lose anything weirdly enough wow that is really really tall sugar can okay and then we kind of Glide when wa yeah we kind of Glide when we fall down a little bit so I guess if we jump down at all we'll be totally fine but yeah we need to very quickly get back up to our stuff hopefully before nighttime hits can't believe that killed me I thought I don't even remember ever using those last two or three potions that I had like I don't ever remember getting low cuz usually it would say something that or I just haven't noticed it whatsoever we got about 40 seconds my God how high up did I go oh dear God where is my stuff why is it so far no I only have like 3 seconds oh no I'm right there but I hear oh no I hear enemies there we go oh yes okay disappears okay got everything okay nice yeah I I get again I don't ever remember proing it but uh yeah need definitely need to go back downstairs but it ooh no no no I need to break you I need to break you need to very quickly go to sleep we need to get organized okay so sucks I died right at the end of the movie I was really taken a back by it but at the same time I think we actually unlock something by dying so maybe in 200 days if you guys want me to continue this we'll have something cool to do or at least something to check out for it but it doesn't even seem like we' really lost anything so I mean dying really doesn't seem that bad something that any mortal would never say but you know the worst part about all of this is that the higher up we're going it's not even increasing in value for all of those chests that we're getting unless I'm possibly just looking in all of the wrong spots which really doesn't appear to be the case like at all God I really don't think we're going to be completing this at all and by completing it I just mean getting to the top floor oh my God okay yeah here all of you follow me down here perfect oh my God there's so many of you oh my God oh my God oh my God okay and then run over here go go go go go go break break break break break don't oh no I messed it up oh my God I'm so dumb oh I messed it up so bad oh there we go don't take too much damage okay it will break it run run run run oh my God don't touch me oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God run don't shoot me I don't know if you saw that but there was a Pillager on the staircase looking right at me with that little rocket not not like that I mean like like an actual rocket hi bud okay so apparently you just really don't shot oh dang it well apparently he just really wanted to die and actually here just again actually just because we're so close on time it is nearly day 100 and I would at least like to attempt to put away some of the stuff into the chest think we just do a very quick oh my God never mind oh my God why did I come up here oh why did I come up here never mind nope we're going we're going straight down never mind move right back into that water totally fine we're already struggling a decent amount with our armor and I'd rather not lose like any of this stuff at least oh dear God we have so much to put away oh no back here and let's see I've started to work on Town Hall cool that's bad oh God yeah he hasn't even done anything whatsoever I mean you know we weren't here out but I kind of was hoping that even though I'm not in these areas that they would still update or there' be some kind of system where once you come back it would update everything being like Oh if you were here you would be at this point you know you get what I'm trying to say I hope I think I was explaining that somewhat well then speaking of somewhat well yeah we oh boy we have so much to go through dude just the iron alone yeah just in that one chest we had 85 and 12 more wow that was all just from the Nuggets oh boy well time for us to go and get organized at least with all those ores and just give me like a really hot minute and then hopefully all of this will actually be put away you have got to be dude I had three of them but I put them in my stupid back oh my God I could have survived oh my God that death was so pointless I didn't thought I still had them on me like I didn't realize that oh my gosh okay pH managed to go through organize everything we're finally nice and empty we very luckily almost survived 100 days still so disappointed I totally think that I could have done it if I wasn't stupid and I actually had these like on me so I wouldn't have died but you know we're just going to ignore that we're just going to count it as if I didn't die right and I barely if not didn't even Explore this entire mod pack whatsoever there is so much more to this I we haven't even touched any of the dimensions so if you guys would like to see 200 days on here or maybe even a 100 days with me and my editor just tell me in the comment sections down below but I hope you guys enjoyed the movie thank you all so much for the support and I will hopefully maybe see you guys in 200 days oh no no no I don't mean it like that I I mean like I'll see you in the 200 Days movie of this if you guys want that but um see you
Channel: Skyes
Views: 274,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyes, skyes 100 days, sykes 100 days, atm8 minecraft, atm8, i survived 100 days in atm8, i survived 100 days in all the mods 8, i survived 100 days in all the mods 8 on minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days in all the mods 8 in hardcore minecraft, the greatest start ever - 100 days atm8, i survived 50 hours in all the mods 8, i survived 100 days in all the mods 9, i survived 100 days in atm9 in minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days in atm9 in minecraft, atm9 minecraft, atm9
Id: lL92KfrhB7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 2sec (11102 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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