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hey guys it's bella welcome back to my channel hope you guys are all having a wonderful day today i hope you're ready to get stuck into one of the craziest mystery mondays i've ever done because this one is almost too crazy to be true it's like something out of a book or a movie i can't even believe this one is real i know i say a lot of mystery mondays are crazy but that's because they are this one in particular is totally wild seriously you guys are going to be shook it is insane it's like the craziest love triangle i've ever heard of before we get into the case i just quickly want to thank today's sponsor caystify for making this video possible i don't think it's a surprise to anyone here that case defy is my right or die like i don't use cases from anywhere else on my phone they have so many different cases something for every aesthetic no matter what you're into and you can personalize them too you can add your initials you can add your name a monogram and your favorite font and you can also even add somebody else's name or initials if you want to give it to them as a little personalized gift and on top of being really cute they're also super protective i mean you wouldn't guess it from looking at them because most protective phone cases are so bloody bulky but they have a protective lining called chi tech which actually protects the phone for drops of up to 9.8 feet which is almost three meters so they're perfect if you're clumsy like me and you drop your phone almost every single day but you still want a cute phone case and they're also wireless charging compatible they're 5g compatible they have an antimicrobial coating which kills 99 of bacteria and the impact in ultra impact cases are also made from 65 recycled and plant-based material and their packaging is also made from 100 recyclable materials so it's all good stuff currently i am using this really cute little heart case which i'm obsessed with and then one of my all-time favorites is this mirror case because the mirror is actually insane like if you wear this in a night out or a date night or whatever you can just you know fix your lipstick up in front of it whatever you need to do check if you've got a little sun something in there i have this personalized monogram case which is adorable and i just love the pattern on this one i cannot recommend case to fight enough i am obsessed with them and you can get 15 off your order if you go to caystify.com bella so make sure you check that out i will leave all of the information and the link below and speaking of cases let's go ahead and get into today's case okay so this story starts in 2012 with a guy named david cooper who goes by dave he is 35 years old and he was just this nice you know normal dude he had recently separated from his girlfriend named amy they had been together for 12 years they had two children together so he was on his own for the first time in a really long time and he moved to omaha in nebraska after the split you know to get a new start he got a job at an auto repair shop there and got a small you know bachelor pad apartment for himself and he was not ready to get into a relationship or anything because obviously he'd just gotten out of a really long term serious relationship but he did kind of you know want to meet new people get back into the dating pool a little bit of you know what i mean so he starts up an online dating profile and one of the first women that he meets on there is a woman named liz guaya or her actual name is sharna elizabeth goya but she went by liz she was a single mom with two kids and her kids were about the same age as dave so they definitely bonded over that and you know being single parents liz had her own business called liz's housekeeping and dave was attracted to her right away so they set up a date and they went and got coffee and you know just chatted as you do they had a lot of fun together it went really well but dave was very upfront with her and he told her he didn't want a commitment or anything he just wanted to have a little fun like he was always really upfront with all the women he dated he would always tell them i'm not looking for anything serious and if you're cool with that we can start and sort of continue with the date and this was cool with that she wasn't looking for anything serious either and so they dated for a couple of months and you know they were actively seeing other people at the same time you know dave was getting around just living his best single life and it was very much like an on and off again sort of situation hookup situation so about six months later he's working and this woman brings in her ford explorer to the auto shop company that he's managing to get it you know looked at or fixed or whatever and immediately he's like wow she's really good looking she's got a really good air about her and apparently when they looked at each other dave felt sparks and her name was carrie father she was 37 and she was a single mom to a 14 year old son named max so i'll tell you a little bit about her she was born on the 30th of november in 1974 to mother nancy and father dennis and she grew up in a small town called macedonia in iowa it's really small town it's got like a population of like less than 300 people and carrie was really close with her mom they spoke every day on the phone carrie had a lot of friends she was known to be this really vivacious woman she had a beautiful smile a great laugh and people were just kind of drawn to her she was really smart even back in high school she was amazing with numbers and computers and then when she was 22 she felt pregnant and the relationship with the father didn't work out so she became a single mom and she decided she was going to raise this baby by herself and she was going to be the best mum that she could be so max her son was really the apple of her eye he was just the forefront of everything that she did but being a young single mom i mean being a mum alone is a lot but being a young single mom she was really overwhelmed and she became kind of depressed and then she was also diagnosed in her 20s with bipolar disorder and it was just very overwhelming for her she went through a period where she didn't even get out of bed for over a week she was just very scared about her diagnosis but she was taking all of the steps she needed to take she was on medication she was seeing a therapist and she was just kind of doing everything she could to keep on keeping on there were a few times where she went off her medication because she complained to her mum that it just made her feel very numb and she didn't like that feeling but by 2012 she was in a really good place she landed a good job as a computer programmer at a big firm in omaha she was on good money she was always talking about how life-changing this new job was for her and how she was going to be able to better provide for max and max was also just about to start high school and carrie was super excited about that and all of the classes he was taking and the sports he was playing and she was always there to cheer him on all of the time so when carrie took her car into dave's auto shop he didn't like get her number or anything even though he's really attracted to her but a little while after they met he actually found her on an online dating site so he asked her out they went on their first date at an applebee's they hit it off and went really well and so dave asked carrie to come back to his place and she did and you know they kissed a little bit it started getting a little spicier and just before they were about to do the deed carrie stops him and she's like look before we do anything i just want you to know that if we have sex it's just sex like i'm not looking for anything serious i'm not looking for a relationship and dave was like whoa i hit the jackpot here he's like you know i've got this beautiful girl here who just wants to hook up with me no strings attached he felt like he had won the lottery so later that night after they hooked up dave was walking carrie out of his apartment building and liz was actually there because she had like left some stuff at dave's house and she didn't tell him she was coming or anything but she just kind of showed up so that she could grab some of her stuff and they kind of just passed by each other in the hallway and that was it like that was their whole meeting they didn't even talk they didn't say hi they didn't introduce each other they just like passed by each other so over the next two weeks dave and carrie continue to see each other they really liked each other it was going really well and then carrie got put on this really big project at her work so she was working late almost every single night and she worked about half an hour to an hour away from her work lived half an hour to an hour away whereas dave just lived like half a mile from her work like just around the corner so he ended up saying to her look here's the key to my apartment feel free to stay there while your project's going on so you don't have to work really late and then drive an hour home every night you can just crash at my place so they've been seeing each other for two weeks and she already had a key to his place you know he was obviously feeling really comfortable with her things were going really well and they were both on the same page that it was just while her project was going on you know she wasn't going to move in or it wasn't getting serious or anything like that it was just purely for convenience so then on the 13th of november in 2012 dave wakes up he gives carrie a kiss and he leaves for work at around 6 30 a.m and then while he's at work at around mid-morning he gets a text from carrie basically saying i think we should move in together and dave's like hold up you know like he texts her back and he's like i thought we were on the same page like we haven't known each other that long i don't really want to do that and then she texts back and she just like says really mean stuff to him she's like you're a horrible person she's using a lot of profanity she's like i'm dating someone else i never want to see you again and dave was so confused because in the space of a couple hours this woman who was so kind and easy going and chilled out just all of a sudden flicked a switch and turned into like a raging psycho so he gets home later that night and carrie's gone all of her stuff's gone she's cleared out he's like you know whatever it is what it is and then the next day his phone starts blowing up with text from carrie basically just saying i hate you you're a horrible person you ruined my life and he was so confused because they had been dating for all of two weeks at this point so he was just like well phew touched a bullet there he just thought that maybe for the last two weeks she'd been putting on this really nice act and then she just flicked a switch and was like yeah let's turn the crazy on she got the key to his apartment and she was like let's go and i'm not one to call a woman crazy but in this scenario like you guys buckle up so at around the same time all of this is happening carrie's son max has been staying with her mother nancy because obviously she's been staying at dave's while this big work project's going on and she texts her mom nancy and she says look i've got a new job in kansas i'm moving there i'm going to start a new life and nancy's like what the heck so she goes and talks to max and max is like yeah well she did get offered a job in kansas so maybe she's just decided to accept it and nancy's still a little confused so she tries to call carrie to find out what's going on and carrie doesn't answer and they talk on the phone every day so nancy was kind of like okay like what's going on she's thinking maybe she's like gone off her medication or something like that and she's not like immediately concerned because carrie's half brother was getting married and max was going to be an usher at the wedding and carrie had promised max that she was going to be there to pick him up from the wedding so she thought you know when he gets married she's got to come back from that so i'll see her and i'll talk to her then but then the wedding rolls around and carrie doesn't show up she doesn't call she doesn't text and she's not answering her phone and nancy is really concerned by this because she's like you know max is really upset because he doesn't know why his mother's just left him she's not telling me what's going on so she decided to contact the sheriff's department and report her missing and the sheriff's department came out spoke to nancy and nancy did tell them that carrie does have bipolar disorder and immediately the cops just kind of jumped on that they were like you know she's a grown woman she is still communicating with people via text so she's probably just gone off her meds and she's having some sort of manic episode and they didn't really take it seriously they didn't really look into it or anything like that and so her family just kind of felt like they were on their own they were trying to text her still they were trying to get her to come back home to macedonia and come get max and stuff like that and over the next couple of weeks back in iowa dave is still being continuously harassed every single day by carrie they were bad and they were just all about how bad of a person i am she's going hard right she's calling him names telling him how much of a horrible person he was she was harassing him stalking him she was texting him like over a hundred times a day she was emailing him as well like over a hundred times a day and he changed his number a bunch of times but she just kept finding out his new numbers kept texting him kept harassing him kept stalking him and she would text him sometimes being like i can see you you're wearing a blue shirt you've got your feet propped up and you're watching tv and dave would be like what the hell like all of these things are true obviously she can see me from somewhere so he was feeling really unsafe she would always text him things like my favorite thing to do is just stand outside your window and stare at you and she wasn't just harassing him she was harassing people that he would speak to like other women he would speak to he was harassing liz goyer because he was still you know kind of on and off seeing liz goya if you remember the first woman he met on the dating website and they were really confused as to how she even started contacting liz because literally the only form of contact they had had was passing each other in a hallway for five seconds so liz is like how did she get my name how did she get my number like how is this woman contacting me she would text liz things saying like you're a fat cow and why don't you do us all a favor and kill yourself and you know just saying if you put your hands on dave then i will personally come and i will find you and i will hurt you and liz obviously told dave and she's like what the hell like why is your ex going crazy on me how did she even find out my details and she was spamming liz with texts and emails as well and dave obviously felt really bad for bringing this crazy psychotic woman into their lives i mean obviously it's not his fault because how could he have known this was going to happen but he just felt really bad because it wasn't just him being stalked and harassed it was other people he just felt really terrible but it did bring him and liz closer together because liz kind of just stuck through him by all of this and she was like you know i know that your ex is going crazy on me but i'm here for you and we can help each other and look out for each other and then on the 23rd of november so 10 days after all of this craziness started and dave started getting harassed by carrie and all of that stuff liz gets home from work and finds that the inside of her garage has been vandalized so someone has spray painted the words from dave on the inside of her garage and she calls the police she's like look you know this guy that i'm seeing his ex-girlfriend is crazy she's been harassing me and now somehow she's gotten into my garage to spray paint these words on the inside of my garage and i want to file a report for harassment and the police are like okay we'll look into this so now carrie is being looked for in two different states for two different reasons so back in iowa they're looking for her because her mother nancy has reported her missing and then in nebraska they're looking into her for harassment and stalking dave and liz and all the people that dave is seeing and then one night in january dave gets home from work and there's this car in his parking lot and it's actually carrie's ford explorer obviously he worked on the car that's how they met so he knows what the car looks like and he takes a photo and he's you know freaked out because he's like what if she's here what if she's in my apartment or what if she's gonna do something to me so he takes a picture of the car and the number plate and he sends it off to police police come and they search around the car and around the apartment block for carrie and she's nowhere to be found so they take the car into evidence because obviously the stalking and harassment has gotten super out of hand by this point so they take it into evidence they search through it and there's one fingerprint in the car just one on this little mint packet that was in there and it's not a match to anyone it's not a match to carry or anybody that they have in their database months go by and the stalking of dave and liz is just getting worse and worse they are getting thousands of texts and calls and emails every single day and they actually nicknamed her crazy carry so every time one of them would get a text they'd be like oh crazy carrie just sent me another text oh i just got another email from crazy carrie she was saying all of these crazy things she was saying things like i hate you so much i want to drive a knife through your heart she would tell him to stop talking to liz that liz was a worthless just charming there would be times where dave and liz would be hanging out and both of their phones at the same time would just start blowing up like she was out the window watching them or something knew they were together and was like hahaha here we go and then she would just you know ruin their night by sending them these crazy harassing stalking texts like they'd be cuddling and she would send them texts being like oh you're cuddling must be nice and it was to a point where dave was just kind of becoming numb to it you know he had been receiving these crazy threatening harassing messages for months now and nothing was being done about it so he was just like you know this is just something i have to deal with and then one day he gets this crazy email and there's a photo attached to it and it looks like a photo of a woman who has been tied up in the trunk of a car and the email says i have liz tied up in the trunk of the car and you need to call her right now and tell her you hate her tell her she's a fat otherwise i'm gonna kill her so he calls liz and he's like you're not tied up in the back of a car right now are you and liz is like well no and he's like okay cause i just got this crazy email and he wasn't even shocked by this point because like i said he'd just become so numb to it and carrie actually also emailed him an obituary she had written for liz which basically said i didn't know her very well but she's a and a man stealer and thank god she's gone meanwhile back in iowa carrie's family have no idea that any of this is going on all they know is that she's bailed on them she's bailed on her son max she's still texting them occasionally but she won't come and see them she won't come and see max she won't call them back or anything like that and they're obviously getting really worried by this point it's been months now at one point carrie actually texted max and she's like we're going to move you down to kansas with me you're going to start coming to school here and he was obviously really worried about his mum and so was carrie's mother nancy so much so that she actually took over guardianship of max while all of this was going on and carrie was missing big family events like she missed christmas she missed her own birthday she missed max's birthday and she even missed her own father's funeral and she text her family and she was like oh i'm so sorry i missed the funeral and nancy was like no this has gone too far like something is not right here something is going on here so she texts carrie and she's like look the only way i'm gonna know this is you is if you call me and carrie just replied to her and was really mean and she was like look you're a horrible mum you're not a good person and you're being really controlling you need to back off at one point they had a little bit of hope because carrie text her friend amber and said that she'd made a really big mistake and she'd taken off for a while but she wanted to come home and amber was like okay you know let's get you home but carrie would either flake she wouldn't show up she'd cancel last minute like she would just never show up and she was just very clearly going through something big and then about five months after carrie left her mother nancy gets a call from some man who says i've got carrie here she's at the sienna francis homeless shelter and she wants nancy to come and pick her up so nancy calls the police and she along with an officer go down to the homeless shelter the officer goes into the shelter while nancy waits in the car and the officer comes back out and tells nancy that carrie isn't there so this man whoever called up nancy just kind of got her hopes up for no reason at this point carrie's son max was also losing hope so he messaged his mum and he said hey and carrie replied almost instantly and was like hey little man how you going and max replied and he asked her to answer three questions so he asked her what their first box's name was what his middle name was and who his best friend was as a little kid and she actually never replied to that message instead she posted this big message on facebook which i'll read you she said i have answered enough questions to prove myself to everyone i am done you can either believe i'm your daughter mother sister and friend that you have known your whole life or you can just leave me alone i've proven myself over and over and i'm done i left on my own free will and i am sick of everyone giving me a hard time for doing what i needed to do i'm not missing i just don't want to come home right now i'm a grown woman and if i feel like leaving home i have the right i asked my son max maxwell james to come with me but you didn't want to so when i'm ready to come home i will i'm sorry for hurting everyone and just up and leaving i know i have upset some of you but i needed to do this for me and her family basically were all like what the hell is going on here like something is not right and then back in nebraska the craziest thing happens to liz and dave so in august of 2013 so nine months after all of this craziness started dave gets a call from liz and she is freaking out because her house is on fire her house has been burned down and dave freaks out he goes directly to her house and there's fire trucks everywhere all up and down the street and if you don't like hearing things about animals then please just skip forward like 15 seconds but luckily liz's children were not in the house but unfortunately a lot of her belongings were ruined her two dogs her cat and her snake all died in the fire what i've seen so far looking inside this is it's pretty obvious just an intentionally set fire the guy that i've seen he has a girlfriend he did for two weeks and she's been stalking me since november do you know her name it's caring but she has made threats towards me and my kids she would text me tell me she want to kill me and my kids you'd think they were married as much as she's stalking me she won't leave me alone she will not go away i just wish we'd go away it's honestly so incredibly sad that this happened these poor animals were brought into all of this and dave just felt terrible because he felt like he was responsible because he had brought this crazy person into their lives even though you know it's obviously not his fault he could not have known this was going to happen and then about two months after that happened dave's auto shop was also vandalized in flora orange spray paint they had written dave beats women on the outside of his store and you know dave was obviously mortified because this is his job it's also on a main road and people are seeing this i mean dave basically became a nervous wreck while all of this was going on because he had been dealing with this crazy woman he had known for two weeks stalking and harassing him and burning his girlfriend's house down and vandalizing his store that he worked at for almost a year now so he actually went out and bought a gun just in case things ever escalated in case she ever broke into the apartment because obviously she was threatening him and threatening liz and he was just always on edge wondering when things were going to escalate on the 23rd of november and 2013 so on the one year anniversary of everything you know kind of going down and all of this craziness starting dave got an email from carrie that was titled to my husband and she basically said you know i've been creeping around your building and she also attached a photo of a knife to that email and like i mentioned carrie wasn't just harassing dave and liz either like while dave and liz had been brought closer while all of this was going on it was kind of bonding them they still weren't in a serious relationship they were still actively seeing other people and new people that dave would meet carrie would message them and she would start threatening them as well and sending them horrible messages there was this one woman for example that dave spoke to they hadn't even met in person they had spoken on facebook for all of five minutes and carrie found out and she started messaging this woman threatening to kill her and her kids she was also messaging amy if you remember it's dave's ex who he dated for 12 years they had two children together and carrie was messaging her and calling her dave's and all of these other horrible names and dave was just feeling so bad and he was scared because he's like you know all of these people are going to be mad at me because i brought this crazy woman into our lives it was just a huge mental strain on everyone involved in january of 2014 dave's friend heather drove from sioux falls to omaha to visit him i have known dave since high school dave and i have just always had a special connection we've always been more than friends within a couple of hours his phone was going crazy apparently carrie saw her come in i actually got a text to the effect of i see you in there with that and they'd been friends since high school so they were just catching up and they were hanging out in this living room just chatting and within a few hours dave's phone starts blowing up with text being like i can see you in there with this and like all of this other crazy stuff and then a couple hours after that they're in bed they're getting ready to go to sleep and they hear this massive smashing sound and they run out to see what it is and a brick had actually been thrown through dave's window and the next thing i hear sounded like a gunshot to me which was actually a brick being thrown through the bathroom window i was in a panic i didn't know what was happening police they came over and talked today for a few minutes so they called the police immediately and the police come and he's like look it's my ex carrie like she has been harassing me for you know over a year now at this point and then after the police leave he grabs heather and they both go directly to liz's house because obviously liz has been getting harassed this whole time as well so he was just worried that maybe carrie had gone and done something to her but liz was okay and she was very supportive she was always there for dave and she was like you know we just need to look out for each other watch each other's backs because they had to they didn't have anyone else the police weren't really doing anything in the case it kind of gone cold and they had just kind of given up and dave had resigned himself to the fact that this was his life now it's just something he had to deal with but then about two and a half years after all of this started these two detectives back in iowa pick up the case and you guys can be shook at what they found out that's where i'm gonna leave part one for now sorry so i'm gonna be posting part two literally tomorrow morning so don't stress it'll be up very very soon if you guys want to know exactly what time it's going up i will be doing a countdown on my instagram stories if you want to check it out or you can you know turn on the post notifications for my youtube channel and be notified when it goes up but it's crazy you guys are not ready for it you are not going to believe it this is actually one of the wildest craziest cases i've ever looked into so stay tuned and when it's up i will be putting the link in the description down below as well so see you tomorrow hopefully enjoy the rest of your day
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 837,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J4fVEMM6uCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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