A Look At Ubuntu Cinnamon 24.04 (Is This The Linux Mint Killer?)

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abun 2 and all of its official flavors recently released version 244 this is a LTS release of abun 2 and today I wanted to take a look at one of the official flavors of auntu I wanted to take a look at auntu cinnamon 244 I'm going to run through a quick installation of a boon cinamon 2404 in a virtual machine the first thing you notice when you uh boot the iso is in the live environment of course the installer is the new flutter based installer which is the same that the flag ship auntu edition is using so very quickly I'm going to run through the installation so English is my language so let's click next and then accessibility in auntu sentiment talks about some of the accessibility options I don't need any accessibility so I'm just going to skip that select your keyboard layout English us is my layout so I'll just click next on that connect to the internet I use a wired connection which is already selected that so I'm just going to click next so really nothing to do here right just click next next next next interactive install which is it's the normal installation or do you want to do an automated installation where you feed the installer a yaml file which is essentially a script to tell it what to do how to do the installation for me obviously I don't have this yaml file so I'll just do the interactive installation which again is the standard installation now do we want to do the auntu cinnamon desktop minimize so that's the minimal Edition or do we want to do a full cinnamon desktop environment I'll do the full desktop that's the one that's ticked on by default so let me click next on that do we want to install third party software for our graphics and Wi-Fi yes you definitely want to take that on to get all your drivers do we want to download all the additional media formats so that's all your multimedia codecs yes you need to tick that on as well so let's go ahead and click next on that and then finally erase disc and install Aon sentiment so this is the automatic partitioning we're just going to give the entire virtual hard drive of this virtual machine over to aun cinnamon or I could use manual installation and manually partition the drive myself but I'll go ahead and just choose the automatic option there is the advanced features here where you have options for lvm and also uh using ZFS as your file system as well but I'm going to go with the defaults here now I'm going to click next let's create my username DT and let's create a strong and complicated password for the DT user and confirm the strong and complicated password and then require my password to log in yes do I want to use active directory no let me click next on that time zone looks good I'll click next on that and here is our summary everything looks good I'm going to click the install button and away we go this portion of the installation typically takes about 5 to 10 minutes on my machine so I'm going to step away grab a cup of coffee and I'll be right back and the installation completed that took just about 5 minutes or so and now to finish the installation of course we need to reboot the computer so I'm going to go ahead and click restart now and we come to the login manager which of course is light DM if I click on the little cinnamon logo there is now a cinnamon on Wayland an experimental cinnamon on Wayland I'm sure it's going to be very buggy it's very early days for Wayland on Cinnamon but that is nice that they are at least you know thinking forward as far as supporting Wayland in the future for right now I'm going to stick with the tried and true cinnamon on xorg though so let me go ahead and log in so upon log in we get the familiar cinamon desktop environment cinnamon always kind of looks like cinnamon whether they see new releases or not you know cinnamon really doesn't change it's a very old school traditional almost like a Windows 7 kind of desktop Paradigm where you've got the bottom panel and you got your start menu if you will you know and the even the menu system it's very Windows like it's a traditional kind of menu system you've got some quick launchers down here you have the ability to put desktop icons on as well so most Windows users of course are using to throwing things on the desktop so cinnamon is one of those desktop environments that if you're coming from Windows you'll probably feel right at home with some first impressions are it looks gorgeous I love the wallpaper the noble numbat wallpaper of course it's colored orange for the cinnamon variant of Aon to I love you know the theming so the gtk theme the icon theme which is a aun jorro icon set although it's colored a little differently again more orangish brown for the cinnamon Edition but yeah everything just looks beautiful by the way this file manager if I go to about you can see they're on Nemo 6.0.2 for a file manager Nemo is a fantastic file manager if you hit controll h on your keyboard you will get the hidden files and directories shown because by default the file manager does not show the hidden directories and hidden files Nemo is quite a good file manager one of the better file managers available on Linux now let's go through the menu system and see what is installed out of the box so I'm just going to break it down by category if I go into accessories we have backups which I believe is that the deja dupe tool nice uh just backups I'm assuming it's a gnome tool here let's see Deja dup Becca so it is deja dup I hate that they rename everything because it's confusing is it Deja dup is it not just name it the right name anyway this is deja dup 45.2 so this is for backing up your system Deja dupe has been a part of auntu for a long time as far as they always uh put DEA dupe on the flagship edition of B to also under accessories we have our calculator which will be the gnome calculator if I open it up let's just verify that that is the case yeah that's gom's calculator if I go to about calculator this is calculator 46.0 so U going to be using a lot of gnome applications we're going to be using a lot of just gtk applications cinnamon being a gtk desktop and cinnamon defaults to a lot of gnome applications because cinnamon in some ways is kind of a fork of gnome when gnome move from gnome 2 to gnome 3 three you know like 12 years ago or so that was kind of how cinnamon came to be it's because a lot of people resisted the change from Gom 2 to gnome 3 and then we had a lot of new desktop environments spring up including cinnamon we have a few other gnome applications such as characters gnome disc file roller which is gnome's archive tool so that would be for zip unzip things like that viewing archives files which again is the Nemo file manager gome fonts gedit for a plain text editor which I really like gedit for a plain text editor it's not bad this is gedit 46.2 I like how it's defaulting to a dark theme that's very nice also under accessories we have gnote for note taking applications our screenshot tool and we have a virtual keyboard if we need it there is a games category and it does include a lot of gtk based games so a lot of the all Riot games so you've got things like maang and mines and sud Sudoku is here we have a graphics category where we have our document scanner for those of you that still need a scanning utility we have the document viewer which I'm assuming is gom's events which is the PDF viewer I don't have any about information uh can't really get any information about this particular program I don't have a PDF or anything to load in in this fresh VM but I'm assuming that's gnome's PDF viewer events also under Graphics we have installed out of the box that's very nice is fantastic one of my favorite pieces of free and open source software I use use all the time is what I use to make all the artwork for my YouTube channels all the headers and all the thumbnails I create everything using and they are shipping if I go to about 21036 also under Graphics we have G thumb we have our image viewer which I'm assuming is just going to be the standard image viewer that ships with gnome if I go to about image viewer yeah this is gnome's image viewer 45.3 is the version there on under the internet category we have Firefox for our web browser and Thunderbird for our email let's see what version of Firefox they're on see how long Firefox takes to load I don't know if they uh are shipping the snap I'm assuming they are let's go to help about Firefox it didn't take too long to load though but they are using the snap version of Firefox 125.0 do2 and you can see this is the Mozilla Firefox snap for a moon close that out and I would assume they're probably shipping Thunderbird as a snap too because uh the flagship edition of auntu has recently defaulted to shipping Thunder bird as a snap as well we also have hex chat for those of you that still need IRC chat we have pigeon for those of you that need a messaging client Rina is a remote desktop client and transmission is gnome's bit Tor client if I open it I have to agree but anyway this is a transmission transmission is probably the best B torant client available on Linux part of the gnome Suite of software we do have a office category we have the entire Libre office suite here as well under sound and video we have brazero which is gnome's dis burning utility cheese which is a webcam application Rhythm box which is a fantastic uh audio player which crashed the system well now this is a VM uh but that's strange that Rhythm box crash crash the system now that is definitely a bug that that is very strange I wonder if I try to launch Rhythm box again would it do that again yes it will hm well I'm glad I got that on camera because I think the uh the auntu cinnamon devs need to know that that's a problem now again that couldn't well now it it's not even letting me log in I may have to actually reboot this virtual machine let me go to shut down let's Force off and me go and reboot the machine and now let me try to get back in if the cinnamon desktop loads yeah it loads just fine yeah but we're not going to try to open Rhythm box anymore that's strange uh but you know what just for those of you that are going to try out a boon cinnamon 2404 just know you may want to install a different audio player if you also uh suffer from that same bug we have sound user which is a audio Ripper like a CD Ripper sound recorder and of course the videos is our video player which the video player also crashes the system oh that's interesting probably a dependency for both Rhythm box and and videos the dependency probably going to be something very common like maybe MPV or maybe a FFM Peg I don't know I could investigate the situation but I'm not going to do that uh not on camera anyway under administration of course we have a lot of our system tools including our terminal emulator that's nice that they're defaulting to aacr I love that elac is probably the best terminal emulator on Linux right now while we got the terminal emulator open let's do a uname dashr to see what kernel we're on we're on 6.8.0 now let me do a APT list-- installed to get a list of all the packages installed on a Bo to cinnamon and now that I've done that you can see it spits out everything that is installed line by line each package on its own line because it's all on its own line we can do wc- L for the word count program so pipe that command into W c-l to get a line count and you can see there are 235 packages installed with apt now how many packages are installed as a snap well we can do a snap list and let's see what is installed as a snap really uh nothing we have Firefox and Thunderbird which we kind of already knew were there and then just some core components of snap but really it's just Firefox and Thunderbird shipping as a snap out of the box now because I'm not that familiar with auntu cinnamon as a spin do they have htop installed out of the box they do not this is one of the things I hate about the flagship addition of auntu is because they don't ship htop which I think most Linux users in general want htop on the system do they have Vim on the system they do not now this is another problem with standard uh auntu vim and htop are such critical components to a Linux system just install them out of the box like somebody should really file a bug with that but I could do a pseudo apt install and I'll go ahead and install both them and htop I may keep this VM uh around for the future and if I do I'll definitely need both those programs on it and those programs installed just fine let's go ahead and run htop let's check system resource usage and we're using a little bit of CPU that could be because some updates are being checked uh this ISO by the way was released just a few days ago but there probably are some updates that I could take uh memory as far as the RAM usage we're using right at 1 gig of RAM of the 6 gigs of RAM I gave this VM which is pretty normal for the cinamon desktop some other things to check let's do a where is pipewire I'm pretty sure they're defaulting to pipewire as the audio server now they are let me go ahead and exit out of the terminal if I get back into the menu system under Administration some other stuff they do have the synaptic package manager which is a really nice gooey uh package manager it's it's not like a App Store where you get a lot of screenshots or anything like that no no no it's much more minimal but it's a lot more effective right it lists everything that is in your reposit atories that you could install you know you could actually do a search if you know for example if I didn't already have htop I could search for htop and it's going to return htop right here you can see that the check box here is colored green that means it's already installed so I don't have to install it but if I didn't have it installed I could check it and then I could Mark all upgrades and it would you know install that program for me synaptic package manager probably something you want installed on every Debian based and aom Tu based Linux distribution also under admin rtion we have terminal so we had a lacer but we also have gnome's terminal I'm assuming yeah this looks like the gnome terminal if I go to about this is gnome terminal 3520 for gome 46 so two different terminals honestly they probably could get rid of really they could get rid of gnome's terminal cuz it's not great I mean it's okay it's but you know alacrity is much faster it's just a better terminal if you're going to install it anyway just remove gnome's terminal but it couldn't just be a dependent thing where you know for whatever reason the gnome terminal was a dependency for something that's why it's there I don't know we have our places which are just file system bookmarks so you know if I click on documents it's just going to open the file manager at that bookmark which is the folder for documents which of course I have no documents in this fresh VM let's check some of the wallpapers that shipped with a boon cinnamon so if I rightclick and change desktop background uh we don't have anything we have the default background which that's interesting it's the default background but the default background was actually the noble numbet so what is this default background I I guess we have the subfolders here see ad we to so this is a gnome background is what I'm assuming we have a category here called blobs that's interesting drool so every so each one of these wallpapers is is in its own separate category that's kind of confusing could I just look at them all instead of one at a time like this I'm not crazy about how they have this separated like this let's just try something different morphogenesis yeah that's not great is there any kind of like nature photography well here's one says Moonlight let's see if it's a photo well that's actually empty how about this one here home world can I click on it what is this that's a Debian which I do like this wallpaper I've seen it before but that's one of the standard Debian wallpapers so really nothing interesting here oh there is a wallpaper category down here if you click on it then you get past Theon cinnamon wallpapers for example this one here which actually is pretty nice it's a little too bright well it's very saturated right it'll burn your retinas looking at that too long here's one more of like a peach colored with the auntu cinnamon logo which I really like it's a nice variant on the standard abun logo with like the little mountain range in it and of course here's one yeah this is much better you know much more minimal black and white I'd probably go with this yet overall I think auntu cinnamon is a nice addition to the auntu family it looks good it's very clean very polished I'm not crazy about the bugs with the multimedia software I don't know why Rhythm box and the video player which is probably totem I don't know I never got to see either one of them load but I'm assuming it's Rhythm box and totem both of them crash the desktop environment trying to launch them in this VM so that's unfortunate but you know what they'll probably get that bug worked out very quickly it may already be fixed I downloaded this ISO I think yesterday or the day before so I've had the iso for a day or two so it may already be patched and I think auntu cinnamon being part of the auntu family makes sense because so many people like the cinnamon desktop you know so many people gravitate to using a distribution like Linux Mint because they prefer a more traditional desktop environment over gome they don't want to use gnome 46 they'd rather use you know cinnamon so having that option in the auntu family makes sense uh so this is great and being a LTS these Community LTS well it's not a community it is an official flavor of auntu but these have three years of support for their LTS and that's very different than the flagship edition of auntu which has five years of support with up to 10 years of support if if you pay for extra support where these official flavors and they're ltss but they only get three years of official support now before I go I need to thank a few special people I need to thank the producers of this episode Gabe James Matt Paul Steve West AR otic armor Dragon Commander angry dof George Lee Matthew methos Nate Aran Paul peor spess rip profet Rolland Soul T tools and Willie these guys they're my highest tiered patrons over on patreon without these guys this quick look at a boon to cinamon 2404 would not have been possible the show is also brought to you by each and every one of these fine ladies and gentlemen all these names you're seeing on the screen right now these are all my supporters over on patreon because I don't have any corporate sponsors I'm sponsored by you guys the community if you like my work want to see more videos about Linux and Fran open source software subscribe to Dro tube over on patreon peace guys
Channel: DistroTube
Views: 44,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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