Best Linux Distro For Daily Use? Linux Mint Checks All The Boxes

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hi welcome to Jeremy's Tech Channel and today we're going to be discussing what is the best Linux distribution for daily [Music] use my name is Jeremy this Channel's well Tech go figure and today we're going to be discussing what is the best Linux distribution for day-to-day use for me this this brings in two major groups of people one is people who just want to get a system up and running to do daily productive tasks or someone who might be a beginner looking for an an easy way to get going learning Linux there probably are other categories of why you may want to choose this distribution but I think focusing on these two might be the biggest use case scenarios if you're one of those or if you're curious about this distribution continue watching the distribution we're going to be talking about today is Linux Mint if I were to suggest one distribution for people who are just wanting to install something on older system for Linux beginners for people that are wanting a system for day-to-day use checking email surfing the web watching a video those kinds of things Linux Mint is my number one choice if you were to search on the web this question you're going to get dozens of answers because there are a lot of great options but I will say Linux Mint probably comes to the top and a lot of people's lists of suggestions to use and to try Linux mitt provides a lot lot of wonderful support through their Community uh through the tools that they provide in the desktop environments that they offer and it's just a really nice smooth easy experience especially if you're uncomfortable with the terminal they really provide a lot of tools to make sure you don't have to get in there very much or at all so what I want to do is take a look at the lenux Min website and walk through the process of installing it onto a system if you're a beginner this is a great way to see what you need to do what you're looking for or if you're someone who's just researching Linux men is something that you may want to choose this will kind of let you see the whole process we'll walk through the uh download install process and then we'll walk through the tools that they offer and give some reasons why it is a great tool for daytoday use I feel confident to tell you that this is one of the best if not the best for just general use case distributions and uh you should download it and see for yourself but if you're not sure yet stick around let me walk you through some of this and see if this is for you so here is I believe this is going to start to help build some confidence for you to use this distribution but we're going to go through and just quickly look through a couple of things and see if this is something that interests you and shows why I think it's such a great tool before you even download and install it onto your machine they really decide and frame the language here the verbiage of the website and who they're trying to help they say it is designed to work out of the box and they put some quotation marks in there and comes fully equipped with the apps most people need for productivity web gaming multimedia and graphic design that sounds like you they're saying give it a try you'll love it okay whatever you can't trust someone's word for it right you got to figure it out just like Reading Rainbow you know don't take my word for it they do try to keep things simple people are are passionate about it and they love supporting it if you go here you can see the links you they have a Discord Channel they have a Reddit Community they have IRC they have a podcast there's social media there's blogs The Forum is massive with a lot of people and you can see right there beginner questions and there are tens of thousands of post just right there and so they really do try to help people out and try to work through and are ready to answer those questions which is important they are not going to be bothered by your new question not understanding how to say something they may help you work through that problem or how to ask the question but they'll do it uh at least in my experience nice and cordial when you click on download you have the latest version we're going to download today the cinnamon desktop Edition this is their baby this is their Flagship version of Linux men so I suggest you start here after downloading the ISO file now you need to burn it onto a USB drive you can choose the tool that they suggest in this awesome Linux Mint installation guide which man having this is really great for you to go step by step the reason why I found it so important to just go ahead and just walk through this piece is if you want something for daily use you want something just easy to make happen easy to get going and easy to continue to use so this is the phase of easy to get going and once you've downloaded that ISO file once you've flashed that USB drive now you're going to put that USB drive in your computer and boot into it there's so many different machines you will need to Google your machine if you don't know how to get into the BIOS and get yourself to boot into that USB drive to choose that USB drive device if you want more information on that there's a lot of resources I did a Linux migration checklist part one and part two that you can check out to see about getting a software inventory and a hardware inventory which includes setting up and booting into your computer to boot into the USB drive versus your local hard drive and let's continue on and see why Linux men is great for daytoday use so this is the install screen we will quickly walk through this remember if this is great for for day-to-day use we need to make sure it's easy to get going and then easy to get set up and use daytoday and that it's going to last us a good long time once we have it set up so that is why we're going through this quickly this states that multimedia codecs are required to play some video formats and to properly render some websites so we're going to go ahead and install media codex in this instance we're just going to use this whole drive for Linux Mint so make making sure that you want to make these changes on this disc and click continue make sure your time zone is correct I I am in Vietnam right now so it's all that but I if you need to change it you just click to your time zone and you continue you're going to set up your user at this point this is going to install and then once this is done I will reboot the system and then we will walk through and show why this is a great operating system for day-to-day use all right welcome to Linux Mint we're going to go through some of these first steps we're going to check and see what's already here on the system to see if you even need to install any packages at all for your applications and how userfriendly the tools are so that things can get out of the way and you can get right on to surfing the web or emailing Uncle Joe about something weird that you do I don't know so here we go let's go we're going to follow follow this you can change your desktop colors if you really want to do this I need to make sure that my system is going to be backed up uh so that I don't lose something if something goes wrong they go ahead and let you set up snapshots Through Time shift it's kind of like time machine on a Mac and it will ask for your password this is your password that you set up when you set up your user rsync next and I suggest you do this right at the beginning just like they show us this as a first step cuz setting up your backup will save you a lot of time if something goes wrong then you can set up how many times it's going to take a snapshot of your system and now you're done you've set yourself up your time shift and your Backup Tool you can go ahead and create one right at your install so that you have something that if you want to start over you can get right to where you started from just from this driver manager if you have a Wi-Fi card that needs a driver or a graphics card a GPU this is where you're going to go that will let you check and it's all graphically done and it will take care of it so if you got an Nidia graphics card which I've done on a Linux Min machine it just picks it up installs that driver and you're able to game away or edit video whatever you need the next thing it's suggesting is to update and you just click launch all of this is graphical and if you don't want to remember oh what's that command or oh how do I do that in this system I'm not in a arch BAS system now I'm in a red hat or Ubuntu or Debian I I can't remember you still can do that on a terminal and do that here which is also great but if you don't want to so easy and then you go ahead and you install your updates and then they go ahead and get comfortable in the system I want to address the backgrounds and the effects and the fonts and the themes the accessibility the applets the desk list these are things that you can put on the desk if you want to put a clock or a digital photo frame or whatever you want it's right here it's nice so that you can make the system more comfortable for you and then you can go ahead and configure your firewall firewall is enabled super easy one of the main reasons that this is a best for day-to-day use is we got it going and got this system up set up simply I never had to open up a terminal if that scares you if it doesn't scare you open up the terminal and do the same thing it doesn't matter there's a couple things I need to address right here my resolution is incorrect how do I change that I'm going to rightclick and I'm going to go to display settings and now my desktop settings is set the way I want it to I say that I'm going to make it 200% to make it easy for you guys to see for it to be a good for day-to-day use my understanding is it would already have things to surf the web consume content communication like email chat those kinds of things to be able to get your photos and things of that nature edit them download them manipulate them however you need and to be able to listen to your audio be able to set up your headphones easily things like that that you do that you could do dayto day you're not having to fiddle around with things so let's just see what is in each place this is the main menu application launcher they've got got some favorites over here and we're just going to just go through you've got this next layer all applications accessories Graphics so and so so for internet we have the Firefox web browser and that is a web browser that you could use and be comfortable with and never ever have to change anything got plenty of plugins plenty of support you can use the Firefox web browser you have the Thunderbird email client which is very easy and userfriendly to use setting up whether you have a Gmail account or your own hosted email account is very simple they have a way to set up web applications through run websites as if they were apps right here so if you like using the online version of Microsoft Outlook for example for your office setup to be able to create an Excel spreadsheet or to write your new book or whatever you're going to do they have Libre office which is a great great tool and is cross platform and it will open up your Microsoft Office documents so that is nice and easy here it's so easy and if you just absolutely don't want to use that you can use Google Docs no problem or Microsoft Office online but Libre office is great they have their calendar tool here you have music ready to go and this Celluloid plays movies and videos then you have some tools that you can use here it's all here ready for you to use which is nice remember I have everything scaled 200% to make it easy for you guys to see so normally it's not this massive but I thought it'd be easier for you to see the communication uh is nice I am not going to be confused by What's Happening Here in the file system with this file manager it's super easy notifications lets me know there's 75 up upes available I still didn't update yet and then making things your own adding a descal let's say I want to add a clock I can do that and now I have a clock here for day-to-day users you really want to make sure that you can set up your desktop for quick information and for ease of use setting up those diskets is a great way to do it you can download some more it's pretty nice and great having a software manager to easily grab what you need is nice and they have have not just open source applications which are great to use they have other things that you might need if you want to go ahead and download a Spotify client or Whatsapp client inkscape Skype Zoom then all kinds of fonts if you need more fonts if you want to get your game on it's all right here this is nothing new that you couldn't get on other applications but the way that they deliver it to you the way that it's communicated is hey we know you might need some of this stuff here's what we think you might use regularly and it's communicated well as much as Linux mitt provides there's probably going to be something that you might need more than what they provide they really provide most everything for day-to-day use but you want to edit that nice video that you got you can use Caden light and I just wanted to show how easy it is to use and install a piece of software and get out of the way there is the Caden live that you downloaded right where it should be it categorized the application great here's Caden live and since I've zoomed this in it's super huge and almost unusable but trust me when you have this said right it is going to work great and I love me some Caden live one other thing that you might need to get that's not there that is easy to set up in Linux Mint is KDE connect and the reason for this is it is a great way to connect your smartphone to your desktop so let's say you took a photo and you want to pull it in set up KDE connect on your device and it is super simple and they also have instructions on their website to add an applet down in your panel to let you know that you're connected and that is great it works with both uh Android and iOS and it's a nice way to allow you to have access to those photos and videos and your copy from your clipboard it is great to use navigating this desktop environment is very intuitive you're not going how do I do that if you right click you get everything that you know you would want or need here if I just want to change the desktop environment not that I really want to change that but it's so easy and it's just intuitive anything you would want to adjust is already collected here in the system settings blue blooth setup Network display setting up your printer it's all here made easy for you yes there are other Linux distributions that have those things but some of those front-end tools for drivers and codecs and all of that that's already set up when you get going through here is amazing for daytoday use and the underappreciated calculator is right here for day today use you've got your basic and Advan and financial and programming and all your stuff right there and setting up through their calendar and incorporating online accounts or whether synchronizing managing your calendars is great for daytoday use that was kind of fun scaling it extra big like that but you don't have to set it up that's an easy setting as well best Linux distribution for day-to-day use I think so I think the desktop environment allows you to navigate naturally and easy I think that most if not all the tools that you need for day-to-day use like web browsing email manipulating a photo listening to an audio file watching a video is there and ready to go adding extra quick information like clocks and calendars and things like that is very easy and thought through as well and then if you need more pieces of software like a video editor or Zoom or whatever your day to-day use case needs it's there and highlighted and easy to install and be set up setting up headphones setting up your drives it's so well communicated and so easy we didn't need to use the terminal you can use a terminal you can do power user things it is there for you to use but it is a nice stable system with everything you need to be successful when we Boot It Up in the system for the first time that install system getting it set up was super easy and included all the coduct and everything we needed to be successful then they walked us through what we need to do to make sure things were set up like setting up a backup and making sure it was super easy which it was and then giving us the tools to be successful on our daytoday life that is going to be a system that is going to be easy to to use dayt day another part of this is is it's a great BAS system to build into something a little more specialized whether you need to use an IDE um programming or you need a specialized piece of Hardware or you're a gamer and you want to set up steam and get everything set up with steam or or heroic games or whatever you use it is a great base platform for those more specialized use cases as well if you don't like fiddling around this really does a great job of communicating to you and if you do have an issue they are ready and wanting to help answer your questions to make your time on Linux Mint possible easy and fun I think all of those things added up together makes them the great option for beginners first timers people who just want to use something dayto day or people who just want to get system out of the way and just do what they want to do their Community is amazing and I just think it's a great place to start and sit if that is your thing I love checking out all different kinds of things so I've been using other Linux distributions but if I decided one day that I just wanted to not worry about things I could easily see myself using Linux Min are there other distributions that are userfriendly yes are there other Linux distributions that have pretty much the same software packages already installed on them yes there are but when you combine it with the tools the communication the intentionality and the understanding of the user through how the UI is communicated and set up and the tools that they have that Linux Mint provides it's just a natural nice choice what is the best one for day-to-day use that can work across the board Linux Mint is where it's at thank you for joining me today let's continue to do this Linux thing and I'll see you next time d [Music]
Channel: Jeremy's Tech Channel
Views: 3,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UuwJSUlxvLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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