A look at President Biden's speech in Normandy

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closer look at the top political headlines this week joining us our Deputy political director Avery Harper and ABC White House correspondent Mary Ellis Parks welcome back to you both good morning morning okay so let's talk about the president's speech in Normandy okay he was celebrating democracy of course and talking about the need to fight for it how's that resonating right so these remarks were not just about defending democracy on the world's days they were also about defending democracy here at home and Biden didn't make any clear references or mention Trump by name but they were definitely parts of that speech in which he was trying to draw contrast between him and the former president and in fact for the Biden campaign uh it is a Cornerstone of that campaign to frame Donald Trump as a danger to democracy and yes it does have the capacity to resonate I'll tell you we asked in our May ABC News ipsos poll about the issues that were going to be the most important to voters as they decide who they're going to vote for and the uh notion of protecting democracy 76% said uh protecting democracy was going to be important to them the only issues 76 the only issues that ranked higher were economy inflation crime and safety wow all right and coming back home to another topic here Mary Alice uh President Biden took executive action this week essentially shutting down the southern border to most Asylum Seekers what are the political implications on this yeah I mean this was a huge move I mean make a mistake this is going to impact thousands of people basically you won't be able to claim Asylum if you don't cross at one of those actual ports of Entry you know I spoke with Biden's former head of of Border policy there at the White House she did want to underscore the fact that you will still migrants will still be able to get protections of Asylum if they make an appointment and cross at the border they're still going to process about 1500 people 1500 cases a day that's a pretty big difference between what Trump tried to do when he really tried to just cut off the right to seek Asylum alog together look I think that there are some moderates some Independents who are going to like that Biden did something especially when Republicans walked away from that deal but it's not like he's winning Republicans over on this ISS is and he does risk alienating some progressives we saw even Progressive members of Congress saying that they thought this just went too far and Avery let's turn back to Donald Trump and his possible picks for vice president he's got a short list what is he looking for who does he need to help him well sources tell ABC news that they have asked a short list of candidates for some vetting information including North Dakota governor Doug bergam Senators JD Vance Marco Rubio and Tim Scott Congressman Byron Daniels congresswoman Elise stonic and former HUD secretary under Trump uh Ben Carson if that list is any indication Trump is looking for someone who is going to be an Unapologetic Defender and supporter of him many of those folks turned up at the uh New York City Courthouse to support him amid his hush money trial and all of these folks have been very visible in their support for Trump uh Trump says that he is going to make that decision and announce his pick during the RNC convention time is ticking that happens in just about five weeks it's really interesting that three of those candidates were black men and that Trump has has been critics have accused him of being racist in the past so that is very interesting to watch yeah a lot of people are going to watch that also a lot of people are watching Mary Alice what happened with Senate Republicans they blocked legislation that Democrats say was designed uh to protect women's access to contraception arguing that the bill was just a political stunt yeah absolutely sorry I but I think I think it people are talking about this one it's interesting right access to contraception I mean Democrats were just trying to make a point Republicans do that all the time though too by the way they bring up messaging bills on their own and it was interesting that two female Republicans did cross party lines and voted with Democrats on this I mean look it was just a few weeks ago that former president Trump made a comment in an interview that he was looking at ways to restrict contraception he walked that back uh but Democrats point to what happened in Alabama when that judge threw access to IVF up in the air uh in Virginia we saw the governor of veto of Bill that had to do with contraception so Democrats are saying look without National legislation without National protections what could happen to access to contraception Plan B IVF uh they say that there needs to be National laws and they're going to keep bringing these kinds of bills to the floor including next week when they're going to bring a bill about protecting IVF but our Republicans are likely going to block that one as well okay Mary Ellis Parks Avery Harper as always thank you so much we appreciate it
Channel: Good Morning America
Views: 22,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 80th, Biden, D-Day, Donald, France, Francis, Joe, Macron, Normandy, President, Trump, abc, anniversary, campaign, gma, news, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-110950942, speech
Id: codUV3lvpxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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