A Link to the Past Randomizer | 100% Collection/Guide

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I mean I people asked for it before and then I forgot to highlight it we could watch the moths Tori help that was good that was good that's um dude I never seen that before that's not that be slack and I work the usual oh yeah I mean come on is do you actually do you any word back [Music] I'm just kidding you gotta you know hide from your creepers in the feces it's a tough day at work bottle and a arms alright so generally want to kill enemies and escape and hopefully you get a bomb drop since I got eight bomb drop right off the bat I don't have to worry about it too much but it's usually better to kill enemies in hopes that you don't have to make a second trip to the end of the sewer what's out of fairness yes she hides all her creepers in the freezer let's actually get rid of them [Music] all chess and escape they're all pretty much on the way except for the last three on generally you want to keep track of the map is if you don't get the map in any of the chests leading up to the sanctuary then you know that that one's the map and you can skip it but for the purposes of this run I have to get another one going to miss locations I only missed one last time as far as I know so the one thing that's weird is that um the other like includes like lose keys and stuff like that that are not required and randomizer [Music] this pens game is like watching an actual assault and Proctor it's I'm assuming it's six Oh penguins [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh all right everything's fine [Music] [Music] [Music] your boss is a sofa we shake Casey Yosef copter hmm go ahead too crazy and escape yo money hell yeah you need a lot of bombs early so go fire on and more money Maira is pretty cool it's an item that's almost always required [Music] [Music] so early game is usually pretty generic route [Music] got some money early just just in case you have to buy bombs or something like that pull the tree see what comes out and then check lumberjack also notice that I killed that Bush enemy just so I get one more kill on my counter so that when I pull the tree in the forest it gives me a different item than then the one that I just pulled there I have to get this yeah I did Kaiser player long time ago boom pearl moon pearls pretty good all right so now we pull this tree again we got green rupees all right so we're getting vanilla tree polls so far [Music] yeah I'm gonna kill a gif I don't have to all right so for the bombing ascii including the bomb wall in escape you need one two three four five six seven bombs so you get all of the early game bomb wall stuff just orinda yeah like eight minutes ago bigger how nice that's how to go second lets him quicker than usual that was about same as last week okay um a drummer to be about five minutes we were doing the same room but the drummers to get just good yeah well he's just good and the last thing we both had to do was make us a string which is [ __ ] dude what's wrong with major test of strength hey just as the strength was fine until you had to hunt above the entire map to find weapons because you got him loaded like holy moly I had to run into Hyrule Castle it's been like 20 mins gathering weapons just just you have enough damage to go ah yeah I guess they do have a lot of health that's the big thing is this the health I mean there's a shitload of good weapons in in Hyrule Castle yeah [Music] yeah I gotta get ready probably loaded up on bomberos yeah I had a ton of America and I zero so that I could like freezing during his laser tag get me that the book um probably this is a hundred percent oh just because people asked me to do one hundred percent one so they could see like what all the chests were how to like do dungeons properly and then I forgot violated so I'm doing it again Wow or sick kid gave me a bottle six I'm doing it again and then remembering the highlighted but go it like seven probably [Music] yeah I might just go you can just go yeah it's like it's only downstairs or something yeah all right so get the book highlight hard pieces I have so many hearts how many hard pieces do I have [Music] I've gotten four that's a good question doing Vyasa normally instead of actually coming up here right off the bat I'll check to see what's there [Music] I'll check to see what's there so I don't have to you know actually do the maze if I don't have to yeah I'm just kind of like playing through normally and then I'm still going to get everything I'm not like routing it for the purpose of collecting everything I'm still gonna route it like I'm doing a normal randomizer I'm just gonna pull clear all the dungeons so if you have the hookshot of the mirror you can do this little uh little sequence in one trip instead of two by getting either getting rid of her hook shotting through the middle block [Music] with Isiah Thomas out a lot yo Master Sword [Music] I'm still like I don't know Wizards couldn't play consistently at Boston [Music] that's the only reason they lost that series they all played Boston pretty much every game except for one which was really bad I guess game 7 was actually closed and game 6 was actually closed for the most part but [Music] but yeah Wizards for showing good signs they were both really bad but I would go with cabs for sure okay so my general route is do do the damn do the mold arm cave come up here to check ice rod kayuu and then go down and do fake flippers so that I can see what um what the lake highly alleged item is [Music] and get the hobo item [Music] oh yeah the wizard would have put up a much better fight against Cleveland like the Celtics are a one-man show essentially and Cleveland can stop that like the Celtics didn't have consistent other point producers other just like all-around threats how do I set up one pixel from the screen transition like with how many times I've done it I just kind of like no um but you can try to like sword buffer it if you want which is just like tap your d-pad and then right after you tap your d-pad and slash your sword to try to move one pixel okay so let's take a look at our map [Music] four three and two I don't have the bow yet so we're gonna go to Death Mountain we got the glove we're gonna go dead mountain oh yeah there I'm not saying the Celtics are gonna be bad but they just don't have the tools now to be Cleveland [Music] it's enough now Jesus [Music] your red shield [Music] you bombs and our peace so also go in there and check what that item is before actually going to get it because it's a little time consuming all the time probably they're just saving quit here since I'm just going straight I have one more art piece it's pretty uncommon obviously if you're talking about a key item you're talking about like anything like heart pieces or rubies things like that [Music] okay so right here yeah we got boots I'm also not gonna hover in this random just so I can show bomb jumps and stuff like that nice nice bong we got another heart piece bow tightens knits nice let's try that again okay there we go so you want your shadow like the edge of the shadow to line up with the edge of like the little ridges that are on the border of the hole and then you just walk down pretty close to the corner [Music] this bottle up there now we're going to do spiral cave and then we're going to go to Eastern Tuesday Wednesday Thursday be Barb's yeah we got a shovel so we're gonna go check shovel location before I do Eastern I'm also gonna go get the library item before Eastern I could have done hookshot cave actually yeah so that would have been the best choice there but it's not a huge deal because I got Titans myths in that cave and I already have one for all I could have done a tract cave but oh nice fetch quest for fetch quests [Music] so I'm not Kelsey a library upgrade why no hover because this is to be more like a guide for people who want to learn how to do things I like you know properly I guess and most people can't hover so the purpose of this is to be more of a guide used by others not for like me to do this quickly [Music] [Music] excuse me just teach them at Humber um yeah so big thing about randomizer is just being able to route on the fly like you know being able to quickly recognize you know you getting an item and what that opens up for you like right there like me getting Titans myths on death mountain they're meant I could hook shot caves as well since I already a moon pearl will just save me a little bit of time it's not a huge time saver because it's pretty quick to get back there it would've saved me like I don't know 35 seconds or so [Music] all right so with hookshot you can actually come down this way if you don't have hookshot you go through the upper door over here and then lift up the middle pot to hit the switch or with hook shot you can just hook shot to that chest peasy [Music] [Music] it is that me I got it first try I gotta first try since and since we got the big key I can come down here if you have boots or yeah if you have boots you can spin speed or you can also hook speed off of those stairs shops are not randomized well me pretty sure I was seeing double pixels all right there's two hearts in these pots all right so up next is the what we call the big key trick damage boost off of this Popo pick up the pot and you're good to go you can also just stand directly above the anti-fairies and walk down to them the the staircase will stop your knock back as well so whichever is easier for you yeah I'll try to find the lamp before I deep dark rooms yeah this game is pretty difficult I need heroes I just realized so there's a couple with boots you can - and - I like to play it risky and make that - hope for good rng make sure you go have a teenage rose when you go into this fight - David ideally I'll do an easier strat I guess coming up here shoot five i miscounted alright that's a fast and relatively easy way to do this fight quickly um as long as you can count to 18 [Music] um okay let's go back to Death Mountain how I shoot air is so fast consistently you just have to time the button press so essentially you know one arrow can be on the screen at the same time and it'll shoot a second arrow once the first arrow hits anything so I will time my and there's also a little bit of like there's a pull animation that link does before the arrow actually shoots so right before the arrow is supposed to hit something I will press Y again so the pull animation happens just before the arrow hits and by the time the pull animation is done the arrow has already hit something so it shoots another arrow by mashing the Y button is not good for arrows for shooting them quickly or because consistently all right here's a little trick you push this block up you stand not on the edge of the wall but you stand just to the left of it and you can hook shot to the other block and go right through easy peasy all right all we're in the dark world I'm going to take a look at my map we got powder I also keep a notepad a document open that I write down certain key things so like here I'll write down what the pendants are and I'll also note that knizia Meyer is the green pendant swamp palace and Palace of darkness and then five and six are these town and ice palace I'll do it a little more quickly than that but yeah so because I know that turtle rock is a crystal I need to know what a medallion is also write that down if I don't feel like you know actually trying to remember it I have time heart one money heart container heart piece all right so I need bombs one more heart container okay yeah I didn't mark any of Easterns did i ah all right some here here you can get this nice item over here so we're out of here um I have a fire sore so I can full clear Hera so let's go do that [Music] I love [Music] my counting chest now [Music] we also have the book so you can come up here and check how busy was it down require [Music] maybe hasn't left yet [Music] have you gone yet let me know how busy it is alright so now I'm gonna I'm gonna get everything so in this dungeon it's also good to note like how many junk possible junk items there are in each dungeon that way you can avoid opening chests that you don't necessarily need to open because you know nothing good can come of them so right there that was one there's two junk items in here oh I already got one so the likelihood that I have to go into the basement is pretty low every dungeon has its dungeon items oh did I not get the bombs uh I'll get them after and I can't do Tyrone's I don't have a small key [Music] as I got a small key in a map so if if Moulton drops me an item that I know that the that the basement tile room chests can't have anything worth value but if he doesn't then I know that the last item is down here I'm gonna get it either way but it's just a thing to keep track of so you don't waste time that you don't ask [Music] Oh Chris that's why if you have sword beams or something like that you can use them in here too to stop yourself on the peg right here so that you can just kind of chill put the controller down stretch a little bit [Music] there's a full magic there 50 reviews where all right let's get these bombs that I keep forgetting to get [Music] you know so let's get hi how you doing bud okay so we have the book on my next turn Aries Tuesday let's go do desert a [Music] lot of the light world dungeons you have to check pretty much entirely anyways to actually beat them because of how few chests there are um era being the only one that you like the big key can only be in three different spots so you don't really have to check that much of it and all the upstairs you can just skip if you don't need anything else but the other ones you you have to you know search for the maaske which could lead to you know looking through a lot of it [Music] [Music] okay so if that's not a small key then I go left here I'll check this there's the small key [Music] Mach EULA her skull would swamp Alice ice palace you don't need to begin [Music] what's a slouch no happens so need to see there's either half magic or quarter magic there's never both [Music] [Music] [Music] and get the ledge item down here and then after I do desert I'm gonna go get the Agena item piece okay a quarter magic is coated into the game but it was never used [Music] [Music] I know the limit was added separate [Music] harpy's dude I'm doing the same thing leader FB [Music] all right so now we're pretty much in done with the light world stuff that I want to do now so we're going to all we're gonna check a ganar first and then we're going to go to the dark world start cleaning some of that stuff out [Music] what Missy solution okay so we're gonna enter through the we're going to enter through the calculate door before I do that I'm gonna come over here and do King's tomb [Music] do it I just asked you stuff yeah nice flute that's actually pretty good I can unlock the flute long in Kakariko [Music] I don't want to do Zoey it because I don't have flippers I'd like to only go there when I can make one full trip and at the very least if I don't have flippers at least save it until I can also check catfish and all the other stuff on the way so I have 11 hearts so yeah that's right he ate hard pieces an extra ho hoo to get the ice rockier than bottom the nope it is only blocked by bombs so right now we have the ability to full clear skull woods um leaves town you can check everything about one chest because one chest requires the hammer so you can go in there but if that one chest requires or if the one chest that's blocked is an item then that'll be in the back you - - maybe it's a key item so we're not going to do that yeah we're going to check a bunch of the over woman just start oops so we got lamp so I can actually naturally go into all of the I can go into Palace of darkness misery mire to rock without having to do any dark rooms doing dark rooms is never required although learning how to do dark rooms will make it that you know you need one less item to actually beat the game so that's pretty useful once you start getting better at the randomizes to learn how to do the dark rooms anything to pretty much take an item off of your I need to get this to beat the game list like silver arrows or gold sword to beginning if you can learn how to fight gana with just tempered sword that takes a couple items off that list we're richest frick all right so I did digging game first because you can't do the digging in with a follower and since I'm going to be doing the Smith sequence right now I'm going to take and I haven't like explored any of the rest of dark world yet I'm going to take the Smith and why am i walking I'm gonna take the Smith here and then walk the purple chests to the to the old man that's next to swamp area [Music] Wow yo hammer dude they gave me a hammer and they use the hammer on the rig alright so we're gonna do this first before we do purple chest because of that um in the original game the dark rooms are dark if you don't have a lamp yes no one at mows yo mirror shield yeah you would never experience it normally but with glitches and stuff you can get into dark rooms and they're just completely pitch black [Music] that's key I just tried to powder - [Music] yes flour face there are two maps in the game there's the overall map and the underworld map which is all dungeons and most of the caves [Music] you well yeah they're layered but they're all on one map is what you meant to say [Music] [Music] [Music] yo Sakura with the 51 viewer hosts I appreciate a lot I hope you train well get what's up Patti [Music] all right so yeah you can see walking this I got to check the sacred grove near heart peace I can check stumpy I can walk down here and do the purple chest guy now you can just go straight to the Triforce if you want to Wow [Music] on the clock sprayed that is used in the timed randomizers is actually built into the game but never used [Music] [Music] yo what's up Patrick how are you doing my friend the the clock sprite [Music] how much time a bonk waste is pretty situational what you said depends upon like what the bonk does to you and what you're trying to do probably waste a little over a second okay excuse me all right so here's hype cave it's probably gonna be not very high Cape is pretty good though cuz it takes a half a second to charge a - it was probably just a little over a second I went to this already I'm stupid all right so now that we have a hammer I'm going to come over here we're going to check pyramid I'm going to catfish and then Zora red ruby explained Hammer - Hammer - Inge is essentially the Japanese one point will only glitch where you press the - button and the hammer button at the same time pretty simple um guess fine so I'm gonna do catfish first I'm also gonna meet her here what's up hugs [Music] nice Punk nice bonk into an explosion [Music] kill Patti Rose for chumps tell him tell him [Music] nice I didn't want to pick up that Bush at all it's gone pretty good quino's how about yourself [Music] I'm to our pieces [Music] [Applause] so hard container there so I'm have to come back here if so or doesn't get any flippers all to come back here and get the heart container later it's a little unfortunate that's good sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is relax [Music] and it's hard so we're gonna save them quit and we're gonna woo we're gonna take a couple things and we're gonna go do these town and skull woods where I forget I don't have flippers I can't get it yet [Music] oh I could just clip to it but that would kind of ruin ruin the point of this little guide although people know is they're like they know how to get there hopefully this is my first hundred-percent rainbow no I've done one more but I forgot to highlight it rewrite the game's code on the fly you can clip to it though patio like real [Music] where I get in that chest Oh pay attention not the one not the big key chest the other one the map I think oh I got armor that's what it was what I click on hanging in I'm really bad at clicking on things quickly there are you that's unfortunate what's that Lana [Music] that single era though wolf clothes oh I hope not I played some Super Metroid ROM hacks I beat goddess of Link to the Past goddess of wisdom I played through parallel roles but never beat it and I also played beat and speed ran for a little bit's conquers Hyrule tale now Mascis doesn't change what's under Potts and then I am gonna play secrets of the past soon [Music] yeah seekers of the past is one that sched made is IQ hack actually functional with ST disaster the other one wasn't I have no interest in playing on any later [Music] all right full clear thief's town if these powder was leopard fight paws I mopped it nice cuz that made me not want to play IQ hack at all oh snap do i golf I have golf before but I haven't golf in a while [Music] thank you very much for the 69 bit tugs I appreciate it I used to golf every Friday during the summers in high school yeah I'm playing randomizer on console oh whoa concert okay so now we're going to check bumper cave and then it's a card Weaver [Music] boom porque vengo de scole woods I am a purist I'm playing with an STD to sness the ax syndrome which allows me to play with roms on my cartridge 100% all-natural Hotlanta beef as me [Music] all right for school woods clear the most optimal entrance to enter is the far left hole then after this dungeon I can actually check pedestal as well see if there's anything there so I'm gonna open these two chests there's a small key in either of these first two chests then I can just its fastest to go through this key door here um because the other chest that's down below is guaranteed to be a small key but since I'm doing all chests I'm going to go get that one anyways oh yeah so because I got a small key from that one chest it would have been faster for me to to just go through the nother lock door [Music] optimal whole in drink this stream all right we got the big key so we're gonna bomb jump place the bomb down des to the left since the doors open you don't want to dash through the door and then you can bunk right back across if you have king of Samarra you can just put the block on that switch but we do not hold the thing [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so um you can actually lift up a pot right here and just walk up against the right wall there and just press a while you're facing upwards at some point I got a bunny you can pick up that pot and just walk right samatha was gonna have nothing important huh excuse me that was pretty close pretty close [Music] almost well the hands cycle was different than it normally is because I did the other thing first [Music] [Music] can't wait Patty's typing like Donald Trump Hoss I guess like Trump tweets embarrassing [Music] Donald Trump tweets are pretty good I like him on just couch cash okay so ice palace is a crystal dungeon we can fully I don't have flippers yet so we're not gonna do that hmm what do I want to do [Music] can't you swamp let's do pod pod is a [Music] all we have left is isentropic [Music] um so kinda dungeons are this admire I could check spike cave but one meter and in ice palace all yeah [Music] shut up patty you know Jimmy with the eight months in a row thank you really can't afford but I hope you're doing well hey what if what's the hammer Efrafa oh yeah they're all pretty straightforward texts [Music] [Music] all right so if you get a small key in that chest best way to do this dungeon is to come this way that way you can get this upstairs chest and then then use the teleporter I don't actually know I never gotten BOM loose [Music] you just have to know that that uh bombo's is the fire coin and ethers the ice coin I know that quake says it's off the Richter scale [Music] [Music] yeah it's not specifically Master Sword anymore because it's progressive he did an older version it would probably say Master Sword but I don't know if I'm not entirely sure actually [Music] I like that strap through on the bomb down and then just fall on an old cane [Music] very very low basics [Music] flippers we found them so we can do swamp and ice nice [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Music] the progressive gloves are the big while the bond and balota progressive glows changed a lot because you need to find both glove upgrades [Music] I have 14 hearts now [Music] so I have one more it's a brash gonna actually good luck there's healthcare that you can get you can also put the king of smarty blog on this switch you have it okay I wasn't sure that was going to press or not [Music] progressive words [Music] now they're not [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] well they're interchangeable apex you can you can select them both with the Y button and they both have different uses people have preferences things like that but like you wouldn't ever want to downgrade the mail that you're using so that's the reason why those are progressing they don't want to have like wasted items in the randomizer like once you got read male blue mail would be pointless once you've got gold sword master sword and tempered sword be pointless items same thing with gloves and mitts so [Music] so yeah that's the reasoning behind that [Music] all right now let's do ice palace [Music] I don't think standard will ever to get too much crazier than what it is now I don't need this but they're definitely there already variations coming out like the entrance randomizer and the enemy randomizer I don't mind the red boomerang too much it is a little laggy in certain places but the big places that use the boomerang are in gayness Tower and just knowing how to do those rooms with the red boomerang and a boomerang solve that issue all right so ice palace has three different possible routes you can do it has the get a small key from that first chest route it has a get a small key from the second chest route and then the didn't get a small key from either chest route [Music] so if you got a small key in the first chest I went one person too far down that was divorced okay so if you got a key in the first chest after this room down here you'll do a cool stratum here okay if you have a small key in the first test you'll go to the right here but we didn't so we're going to be going left first now if we get a small key in this chest um we'll go back up and go through the key door did not so third route is bomb jump I fell in that's not good I did get the big key turn right okay so we can salvage this so ideally you bomb from across that gap which I'm gonna go back up and show how to do that bomb jump anyways because it's pretty important to know if you don't do the ice palace bonjah then you kind of have to go this way [Music] but right salon we're gonna we're gonna shut this bomb jump on Fort Lee let's try this again place the bomb move link up just a little bit and that's it alright that's how you get bomb Joe yeah you can only bomb jump left to right you can't bomb jump right to left I don't think um I'm Kylee sure but there's never a reason where you would ever want to bomb them right to left so the little point me attempting to show it yeah I don't think you can place a bomb like in the doorway [Music] alright so with this specific routing I would have bumped up the cross and gone up to this area like I did and then you also want to save that chest for for on the way out because if you get it first then you have to walk across these spikes to get back to that staircase ok so then use the key over here you drop north up here and then you come down here you would go through this lower door to get that one chest I got already please then you come up here and just fall down and then so you'd still need to get big chests and with hook shot you can just easy peasy [Music] without a hook shot you have to to bomb the left floor in that upper room but you shouldn't really come into this dungeon without the hook shot because if you don't get an early small key you need the hookshot to get across that one gap [Music] [Music] easy-peasy um okay so the last crystal we have is to rock but but I can't do that yet because we still need ice wrong so we're still looking I'm gonna do [Music] we're gonna do fat fairy so fat fairy you need to you need to have crystals five and six for this bomb to appear I'm not gonna do the dumb bond glitch I'm just gonna do it normally I haven't killed a guy named yet so I'm going to get the walk around if you haven't kill a Ganim I can show you how to - after taking damage or after hook shotting there's a small window where you can - as you can see then I can also there I was a little late so did not - I would to do one here the hammer - and then damage there - up there change to the hookshot here and there I don't usually bother with one there because it's a little finicky me the way the enemies move there's weird and their positioning is usually pretty weird [Music] penis Marya that's good alright so we're still looking for ice rod so at this point um [Music] I'm gonna check Cana burn a cave [Music] and then holy swamp alright nothing there [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not going to explain any fairy skit because it's really hard what's up Piper's and Ben TZ welcome welcome [Music] okay I also still need quake I don't have any medallions you know a place I forgot I haven't checked the mire area at all so that's pretty unfortunate I wanted to check that a long time ago especially if my er is also a crystal you want it you want to know what what medallions you need as soon as possible because that way you know what you know what uh you know what medallions need being able to know what items you need for go mode is is really [Music] you're nice this is pretty sick a lot of people a lot of people that do the randomizer probably don't even know about the discord honestly and the discourse pretty active [Music] somebody didn't there were a bunch of people doing it at RPG on a break yeah is picky okay so if we have hookshot in here it's a little faster to unlock this door I was stuck or something [Music] um hit that switch and then go down this way it saves a couple screen transitions plus having to walk in water you just have to make sure to not drown this key guess that's bad [Music] [Music] I associate with the RL toxicity [Music] favorite excellently soft [ __ ] during a Rando what do you mean like if I ever drowned the key yes [Music] alright wait so there's one item that we needed so all we're looking for is ice rod and we're good to go yeah yet to leave you have to leave swamp palace and go one screen to the right or left and then go back and that will under Ain that will undrained swamp so you let the mirror back to the light world and then you also have to retrain everything in swamp [Music] well I wasn't wrapping myself in liquor it is very true [Music] some people also if they don't get big key early they will choose to come up if they have folks not ready they'll choose to come up here first because there's more possible chests that the big key can have pretty much just trying to avoid West Side or East Side East Side West Side West Side swamp because it's long and slow for two chests [Music] 50 and 70 [Music] [Music] [Music] ice rod [Music] alright so swamp had everything we need oh okay so we go to a rock now but we're gonna I'm gonna finish up everything else that I have to check before then so I need to do I didn't check everything that's here which is the three chests that's bombo's I can't even do that I might have to come back to misery Meier thank God thank God imagine if I needed to get bombo's in ganas tower or something the heart container near Zora what did I not get it the damn heart container oh never mind yeah the sword is the main heart a container that's what you meant okay sorry I thought you meant the damn item on how many heart pieces I have I got another four so I have two one sohcahtoa I was chat playing the game for me Titan ever migraine dang that sucks dude migraines blue [Music] oh my god [Music] start9 goodness I miss the jest [Music] you'd admire in Vargas your first time hell yeah Meyer little tricky alright so I'm going to do the getting every chest full clear out some people have different opinions on what the best route to do is if you're still looking for items in here but I'm just going to do the old-fashioned and energy route [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh we did swamp this sort of last dungeon before drill rock course so what else do I need to check I need to get the pedestal item I need to it's a hospital item I need to get these oars domain tart container that's there thing that might be [Music] and AG in him I get him in lumberjack yep out on the beach [Music] yeah I did spy cave I need to go left and left of the main hub room to respawn this bridge you need to go children's away for it to respawn [Music] [Music] I went back in gods [Music] I went back and got library [Music] yeah I think that's pretty much it AG name lumberjack mashed or pedestal Sahasra laws or [Music] [Music] and then turtle rock from a cave against our so with no silver arrows and no sword up Green is gonna be a little interesting right yeah [Music] [Music] so this bright pixel right here does not actually date machine part of this as far against the wall as you can get and to turn to stay on this pixel you can just - - buffer your turn that way you're still on the edge of the wall that's how I did all that shenanigans okay so we beat misery mire we got the green pendant [Music] [Music] that should only really be used if you don't have Silver's or a better sword or you have a better sword but you don't have if you don't have like the cape or something like that [Music] [Music] [Music] this room is nice and laggy with blue male and sword beams and your shield [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] um well just because there's so many sprites in that room that are loaded at the same time just adding different colors that aren't normal or bigger sprites uh they are blue switches Yzerman I like my blues a lot [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] all right we got we got a hanging him down [Music] let's go to Sahaj Allah so killing a genome actually changes over all enemies yeah we got either [Music] [Music] get this nice couch cash up here [Music] all right so now we need to go you go to Zora saving quick to sanctuary to get a lumberjack and then go to your death mountain [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well I mean you have to think about it like it's one specific location that can have a key item but also could have other key items that are required to get to beat those three pendant dungeons so like it has to be like it has to be you know a pretty deep-rooted item to be at the pedestal [Music] like you'll never find a hammer pedestal because hammer we need hammer to beat four dungeons and like the likelihood that the three Chris they're the three pendants or none of those four dungeons is pretty low things like that all right to Rock time hmm excuse me chris is killing him hell yeah my boy Chris doing it too [Music] no tell Kensi let that spud [Music] so we're missing red boomerang bow four heart pieces three containers red mail and the two swords and bottles [Music] how many Bibles I have I have three so we're missing one bottle [Music] [Music] [Music] all right this dungeon you put I mean it's pretty straightforward to check all the chests you got to do the same stuff [Music] pretty much the whole way through nice foot shot nice hook shot all right without the tampered sword you can't kill these guys with just one spin attack so it's pretty safe bet to just use the fire on all right so big key has to be in last chest normally they were pretty good chance of getting the big key early in those first four chests and if the big key is there and you get it upstairs you don't need to check this last chest essentially you need to go down stairs you need two small keys and the bait key to go downstairs yeah Jen C so that chest right there if you already have the big key you don't need to check it at very worst or absolutely at minimum you need to just come over here kill this pokey get this key and then leave and not use the key on this door because you need small keys for the basement anyways so it just gives you less possible things to check but I didn't have it yet so it was in there at a ticket exactly chance [Music] I don't think I missed anything this time I missed one chest in a dungeon last time I missed a chest and Ice Palace all right so you good to get these guys to move with you while you're holding on to the wall you just need to double tap this so I'll give you tap it once uh-hmm I usually don't move but oh well it works I didn't realize I was on my timer I apologize I apologize what's up Azazel what's that Tigers I need to set my timer so that it doesn't pick up my mouse but catching net I end up leaving my cursor on my ran net by HUD a lot so I set that up to not show cursor because I would get annoying that be of knowing for me this is a little tutorial I'll show you how to get unstuck from here too so you pick up the block throw it downwards tap up a little bit tap left and then you push it not all the way past the chest but enough so it's partially on the side you can - and then you set the time to Y press to hit thanks Patti in the rare occasion that you do get yourself stuff there no I got to get out prevents you having a mirror which is really [ __ ] also if you leave the poky room before the normal big key chest the pokey that drops the key and you you don't have magic then you're actually [ __ ] in the afternoon if you have two keys leaving the pokey room you don't have to check the big chest but any less than that this last small key unique could be in the big chest so it's not really worth a risk to not shake it if you're scared about try next you can always bomb this door open go out and go back in that way if you die to try next we're on a magic or something you will respawn there instead of another point of the dungeon I messed it up on metals at [ __ ] door alright so with the master sword the best way to fight shrine axe is with the hammer um hammer does temperance or damage so I'm going to do is I'm going to wait here fire had to come out ice rod in a hammer three times then you back to the ice rod hammer and twice on the second hammer hit the menu to the fire rod so that I can eat this ice head up if he starts shooting ice platforms because that's the last thing nice platforms [Music] and then Amer heading this guy hitting the hammer no problem you can kill that one with slashes - it's a little more risky if you don't have half magic to kill the normal heads with just master sword slashes because it takes a lot you can only get it a certain amount in before the head turns back to on but that last phase with the snake you can kill with a sword normally you don't have to hammer it if you're not comfortable with it what's the star on the FaceCam it's team Allegiance I am sponsored by that eSports organization [Music] yeah thanks Jesse this is my mighty spring stream shirt I need to make I need to get another one of those pretty soon I put this one on sale twice and sold over a hundred and total [Music] [Music] oh yeah I wouldn't put this one back up on sale anyways twice is enough I was really hesitant about putting it up another time but I figured they'd have been long enough and that my audience had grown enough since that it would have been okay and it ended up turning out fine [Music] yeah we got red now [Music] [Music] nice my boy Chris he's got a 120 hell yeah [Music] pretty solid I don't think I made predictions alright so going upstairs you need the big key and at least one small key before going upstairs West you leave the ability to finish Guinness tower a chance what you don't want to do there's one guaranteed small key upstairs but other than that [Music] our pattern there's baekje so I could go up and finish the dungeon now but we're gonna check the last the last eight chests nine chests I guess down here [Music] you know Silver's hand butter um I have two heart pieces I'm missing two heart pieces and one container and probably some ammo upgrades thinking too much about my HUD and I didn't menu to smari oh good stuff alright so normally you'd save this room for last like if you don't have the big key yet this would be the last chest you check this chest is such a time waster I'm gonna get rid of this idiot just to get room [Music] right so this room I always like to kill this guy I'll pick that pot up like that one on fire do this one I'm down here get the full magic refill fire odd fire odd and we're done all right doesn't really matter what where you open these chests up in as long as you open up the top left one last all right that's the last chest Wow you got the last heart the last heart container in the last bottle you [Music] 69th okay thanks for the 69 Genesee I appreciate it a lot [Music] the pink doesn't chromakey out as well as as the black does believe it or not there's four more chests up here I bought you cz thanks confiscates I [Music] like to use fire on that guy just because the fire rod on the pot pretty much always kills him whereas shooting an arrow downwards doesn't necessarily always kill him unless he stops right there that was close if you need hearts or magic or arrows there's all three of them in here [Music] [Music] I try and hover in the lag that mold alone causes when he kills when you die when you kill him I could be interesting then I have to kill him again at my fault so here's the games with small key there was one of the chests up here so it wouldn't have been that terrible but you never want to leave that to chance [Music] [Music] oh yeah you could see the lag as I was trying to her that was good stuff I said no hovering but if you can't figure out that you have to hope shot across that gap then probably shouldn't I almost beat the chest yeah [Music] alright so evident to you generally want to make a right angle between yourself and like yourself him and one of the other Holograms and then once you shoots you move out of the way and slash towards the real agonal some patterns don't allow you to do that very well um you know it's it's a very hard fight to optimize so going sort of this vise pretty easy six lashes per phase get all six in before even moves second phase starts when he starts twirling his Trident again two three four five six and use the hookshot to avoid damage if you want and also hook shot the pot [Music] so my general Stratfor the fourth phase is slashed him wherever he teleports and then I want to wait a little to shoot the first arrow so that the torch goes out while he's teleporting essentially teleport there so I'm going to wait a little bit shoot I could have got another one in there that's fine light both the torches so he stops really low on the screen and then you should be able to get at least a double [Music] timing errors is also very important cool GG you [Music] my stole in the tournament yes is a quad hit possible I don't believe so he starts teleporting pretty much immediately after the third hit [Music] so the there's the chess counter and the other counter the other counter is not going to be full because it also includes random keys that are in pots that I didn't get in that you don't need to get in in mire into rock and ice palace so that probably won't be full but the chest counter should be completely full [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right oh yeah I'm gonna use the restroom hold tight for credits [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] so [Music] [Music] goodness when I get my like to your burrito bull goodness you
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 68,002
Rating: 4.808219 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, alttp, randomizer, zelda
Id: T0sSrY44PQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 54sec (7974 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2017
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