Axiom Verge by SaberaMesia in 36:56 - Flame Fatales 2021

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to get somewhat glitchy we're going to be passing it off to sobera macia for the axiom verge any percent no major glitches run so sibera whenever you're ready please take it away hi everyone um i'm sibera today i'm going to be running axiom verge uh any percent no major glitches as mentioned um before we get started uh i do want to uh tell you all i'm gonna be playing a little bit of a donation game with this run today um see the save points in this game are big eggs i love eggs you love eggs they're brain food so every time we see a big egg my commentators and i are gonna count off and at the end of the run i'm gonna donate five dollars for every big egg that we see now we see more of them if i die or take safety saves but i'd love for chat to play along with us and count in chat as we see these big eggs um with me today on commentary i have uh orloff roloff do you want to say hello and uh willow also from the axiom verge speedrunning community both uh experienced runners of this game uh we're all particularly kind of best at 100 category but here we are doing any percent oh that is not speed run that is randomizer uh we're not doing rando today so we're gonna go ahead and get started in five four three two one go one one right off the bat uh we have one big egg um now if we see the same big egg twice we're gonna count it again every time we see one doesn't matter if it's the same one we've already seen uh so we're gonna start off just going left here uh and and picking up a gun um because when you accidentally transport yourself to a strange alien world using theoretical physics uh that you don't tend to have a gun with you uh two two and now we're going to do the brinstar climb willow orla take it away for a little bit while i do this yeah though if you want to start us off oh um i'm just kind of marveling that this game isn't axiom verge 2 right now that is a yep she's she's doing the brinstar climb this is the only room really that that resembles this sort of platforming and it's right up front and it's a huge reset point and several did an excellent job um so that's true i didn't catch did she get the drive-by snailing i didn't see but she got she also got two forward boosts in this room here which is very good as well and the swag and swag excellent so that was actually a very uh competent brinstar climb overall i will say of myself that was really clean like everything here hits like a truck and there were so many uh like minor bits of movement tech like a coyote jump also three three we've seen how many bits of like minor movement tech and like coyote jumps to go clear the beehive real quick or the second beehive without getting hit so you have enough uh health to face tank the rest of that room it was just well thank you um so now we have a nova which is this weird little ball of death um fun fact nova is theoretically the highest dps weapon in the game we use it for almost nothing in this run it is one of three weapons that we pick up and it's basically here for us to hit switches just like that uh well we'll see it a couple more times um but uh that's that's pretty much what you see nova for despite its possible high dps potential because it's incredibly hard to use um and the second best weapon is not that much worse uh welcome to the first boss cedar i'm gonna put a lot of bullets into his body and make him move in very particular ways by positioning myself here-ish and dodging some bullets um and yeah we're basically gonna uh we're gonna jump around and dance around and jump around and then cedar is going to explode um a common theme with all the bosses in this game is that they are 100 manipulated yes uh the ai is pretty simple and they have simple patterns basically the only exception to this uh are uh like the last two bosses that we actually encounter uh sentinel and athetos like they're technically manipulatable but like mostly we just let them do their thing drone patterns can be very difficult um to manipulate i believe the task does it with some remarkable fluidity uh the quick six minute randomizer run that we did as a release trailer for the randomizer beta uh in task format actually could only damage via grapple and don't have any microphones so that was like a five and a half minute long yeah so there's a randomizer for this game by the way uh thanks to the hard work of willow and several other developers in the community who tom hat graciously let have the source code to this game under nda so that they could make an official version of of the unofficial randomizer that existed and it's a lot of fun and you should play it um it is currently in the beta category on steam no it is not or it's not anymore nope as as of today it is in the stable release so on steam and epic games uh whenever you go download axiom verge randomizer will be in your main menu hooray congratulations so announcement coming to console soon tm uh working with nintendo is a long long bureaucratic process uh i mean you know corporations be like that sometimes um uh so we have exited the first area arabou we got this laser drill this fancy laser drill for beating zetter that lets us bust through blocks it actually also does damage to things a property that we we will be making extensive use of throughout the run ooh that was a little bit silly um and we are actually going to be combining it with the third weapon that we pick up in this run the third and final weapon that we pick up in this run which is here in this room along with our giant robot friend elsa nova um tell elsa nova she's beautiful give her a kiss on the way best kiss oh gorgeous chin jump that is way harder than that that jump is nearly impossible in the fact that i got it in a live marathon run is is ridiculous and i thank you everyone for being here to to see that uh so what you were saying so we have all these catacombs underneath here uh something about the plot of the game and like a mass die-off of people so there's lots of skeletons in the basement um you know sudrens don't really have closets uh so i mean you know they're they are not prejudiced against uh you know gay people and trans people so uh there's no there's no purpose on it um this is my head cannon let me have it that's why they have no closets and they have to store all their skeletons in the basement okay that's um okay so here we have the second boss um it's a little bit of a stretch to say that we manipulate talal um mostly we damage boost behind him and then shove a bunch of bullets into his cauliflower um and uh you know i don't i don't know if somebody if somebody damages my cauliflower i don't die but i'm also not a gigantic tank so that's you know what do i know um so uh that's tell-all now you may notice that we only have a third of our health bar uh left um this is fine um and when i say this is fine i mean this is actually fine because we're gonna get a full health refill in the not too distant future but first we're gonna pick up ooh what's this address disruptor address disrupter one look at that does that mean that there's a there's a two i i hear that the sequel has a subtitle and that was a plot point or something but all right inside jokes oh look at that you got first bubble not even for 75 percent off you got it for free um so those floating bubbles are on a very strict pattern um so if you don't touch the first possible bubble it costs you about five seconds in that room waiting for the next one to come by um and that is just uh that's no fun at all um so we try very hard to catch first bubble my assertion is that first bubble is free orlot disagrees um i think that that's fair i think i think we have a very healthy uh and vigorous difference of opinion there uh welcome to squid room i'm gonna be doing what i call a yolo squid room um and that was the yolo squid room um oh my god uh everything everything in this area in this green section does tons of damage um so i'm i'm trying to be very careful to avoid everything and yeah and then good satellite thank you and then are you gonna get the duck you got the duck you know this is the easy game easy game right like this isn't that yeah easy game nothing here hits like a truck this definitely isn't impossible yeah no it's totally um no in hard mode it's impossible unless you unless you have major glitches and then it's free um so we're coming up on uh the third area of the game z z has a room called yolo room and i'm gonna be doing a strat there called jump rope dragon slayer um just so you know i just wanted you to know the name of it before before we lose the chance to tell you we have about we have about a dozen different strategies for yellow it's very preference-based yes it's called yolo room because you pretty much just kind of have to go for it like everybody does it their own different way um the theoretically most efficient way is only gone forward also four four we're not playing golf yeah golf joke here oh tripped by the roller coaster okay so now we're gonna have less healthy yellow scary we have enough health for yolo room it's fine we're as long as we're not doing ant hill worst case scenario that's okay we're gonna take the worst case scenario i will do the the slowest possible safety for yolo yeah there is a strap for that previous room where you basically face tank everything you can locate on the way up it saves i want to say um a little bit under a second overdoing what siberia just did um super not worth it but like most people go for it and uh here we come very nice that was very intentional i was taking that safety health on purpose so don't yeah the spiders in there basically deal um very very little damage if any uh everything else however deals with five five five uh really quickly uh the speed run mode of this game has a fixed c for rng and very few enemies draw on the rng frequently enough to make that not predictable those squiggles in that room are that one of those enemies that is true that is one of two things that use something different than the default random number generator um the other one being the like second to last boss that we bother fighting um i shouldn't have taken a hit there i disagree with that but that's fine welcome to mission impossible um mission because there are lasers tom cruise and tom cruise i'm taking a hit there either i super disagree with that it's fine everything's fine we have plenty of health which is the main thing that we're worried about but um uh here we are so this is juicy room yes we have names for several rooms in this game um it's not like super metroid level most of them of of naming for rooms but it is there are it's getting there but with the randomizer uh i forgot about randomizer there are so many new names there are so many new names for rooms i don't know and now we have wi-fi um so we can uh we can connect to the internet from pretty much wherever and on sudra how high you can jump is determined by how good your signal is um so uh that this is uh this also functions as a high jump power for us that is canon by the way yeah it's not tremendously far off from the truth do i have we have cracked the 60 000 mark we have a couple of really great donations so just let me know if i ever have time but i wanted to let everyone know that we've cracked 60k i'm gonna take a small safety on the way down here um to uh just account for the fact that i had a little bit of a bad juicy exit um so this is about how much health i would normally have coming out of mission impossible 2. um we're gonna we're basically just making kind of a long run for the next boss so actually now it's a really good time to read donations if you've got them oh i got him i have a 75 donation from zanik saying i always love seeing my favorite games thoroughly demolished in speed runs until hardly a trace is left best of luck on the run sibera oh and i vote to hack the animals i have i have a 25 donation from railcoon saying i have a 25 donation from railcoon that says i have a 25 donation from real with no comment stair games rise up so uh wow um yes to understand recursion you must first understand recursion hilarity ensues but only once you reach the base case welcome to our uh third boss of the run uruku uruku is has a lot of weaponry but like talal cannot turn around so we're basically just going to hang out here in this little safe spot and uh and pelt him with bullets until he stops existing he's he looks like he doesn't really enjoy existing anyway so i think i feel like i'm doing him a favor there is a developer intended cheese for pretty much every boss in this game um notably this is not the one for aruku uh the one for aruku is to sit up top and just like take pot shots at him uh but this one is a lot easier and now we come up to our first favorite power-up and not a save work yes oh thank you for reminding me that this is not a safe work because in uh in any percent that is a safe work um so uh this is the lab coat um and as we all know lab coats give you super powers uh facts yeah is that is that that's right right like lab coats give you okay so what this gives me is a whole bunch of uh damage reduction um and also the ability to walk through walls you've already seen the ability to walk through walls you haven't really seen the damage reduction yet um we don't strictly speaking need to take this health node but um i want to make sure that this is a good safe run for y'all so i'm gonna take it um despite the fact that i want to show off um you know i don't want to show off that much god forbid something should happen during i don't know drone climb uh which is coming up soon uh but so now we're just gonna make we're gonna go ahead and make our way back that was a little spicy um so uh yeah so now is actually another good time for a couple of donations i would love to i have a 15 donation from stuff is stuff saying shout out to samara macia we love you which true we do i also have a 10 donation from laser trap saying i've been addicted to axiom verge 2 since it came out and hadn't donated yet so i felt that this was the perfect time thanks for supporting more awesome causes same by the way yeah you have time for one more it sounds good i have a 20 donation from salmonar not donating for a specific game just donating for a worthy cause as well as a great event i love watching all the people involved in running the event as well as the runners themselves thank you for putting on this great show for a great cause good luck to all the runners thank you thank you to everyone who donated um that little like crane game enemy that i sort of dodged i was actually trying to slip through the one tile between that enemy and uh oh ouch okay well there goes my fast dillo cycle which is fine i wasn't gonna do it anyway because this is a marathon run but still um anyway squeezing in that one tile uh is a strat called g-squeeze um bonking on the platform underneath it and then waiting until it starts to go back up is called cheap squeeze um so we got a cheap squeeze this time and that's okay everybody loves a good cheap squeeze i don't and then this room is this room is a clockwork uh if she's absolutely on pattern she'll beat this boulder here uh so very good yeah so it turns out there are a couple of other things that you can do to optimize the run through that room that wasn't the fastest possible version of it um but one of them is extremely dangerous so and now we have a friend yes you're supposed to send the drone around somewhere to hit the switch that's on the other side of the room but it turns out that you can just use coyote time jumps uh to um to get up there without bothering to hit the switch and so that's what we do um i think that one is the one that's called task jump even though it's actually not used in the tests um a task jump is the one next to that that skips getting drone entirely that's right like you have to alter the frame rate mid jump to get the physics right right that's uh that's such a thing um so uh you may have noticed that i haven't bothered saving the game over the course of the last almost 17 minutes now um this whole section of the game that we've been going through is called the gauntlet in uh no major glitches um because you cannot save the game during this at all it wasn't i wasn't doing that to go fast i was doing it because it's a required part of the route um in a little bit i'm going to pick up an item and then i'm going to save warp all the way back to the beginning of the game uh and if you save anywhere else then you lose it um so we are almost done with the gauntlet now there is basically nothing that can go wrong at this point with the amount of help that i have remaining um unless like the game crashes uh which please don't do that you just had to say it this game rarely crashes unless we do something very unintended a marvel of stability and six six six welcome back to the beginning of the game we now have significantly more than we had uh typically to get back over here to proceed to the next area we would need to venture back up into upper kerr where we got our drone friend and uh kill a big scorpion so that we can get a grappling hook um because i mean it's probably essentially just the scorpion's tail like i assume that that's what the grappling hook is um it's not dropped by the boss you find it later but you know why not um they'll explode it goes it goes places it fits it could be his tech they just left it by by save warping here uh we omit the need to have to collect a grappling hook and most of what we would like to use the grappling hook for is illegal in no major glitches so it's very broken if you ever want to watch a yes major glitches run now i i want to tell you um we are coming up on an area where uh it will look like you need to adjust the um the tuning knob on your tv screen um everybody has tuning dials on their tv screens right like that you have the right kind of tv but you don't actually need to adjust that um this is a normal part of the video game i assure you everything that you are going to be seeing here is completely intended um so so just you know rest assured um that it's uh all in your head are you going for the telepathy strat and the area boss seven is the seven i've lost count yes um sorry the telepathy strap yeah the telepathy strays where you put down the controller and you beat them with your mind oh um no i won't be going for the uh telepathy strat i'll be going for the mind control strat where i make the boss do exactly what i want him to do um whoop um so in this area there are a couple of different ways to manipulate these sentries which are otherwise can harangue quite a lot um if you glitch them that's actually kind of the easiest way to go about this but you also can uh just get them stuck in the ceiling i this that was not the most clean uh on that last one but we're totally fine i managed to not take any hits from it which is very impressive yeah it's not it's not good um in this room you're supposed to have a grappling hook to get you through it but you can just kind of jump um and i want and i want and one and if you just keep going um if you don't bother to stop uh then the faces will never shoot you at an inopportune time um ooh we've got sea urchins coming up or anemones or whatever the heck these things are there um yeah and they only appear in this section of the game um once we're done with this sequence uh we never see them again which thank god because they're terrible that was very clean that's a good hallucination sequence um so now um this is the boss um this is vision um called vision because the boss is not real this whole thing is a hallucination um sorry spoiler alert um but basically i'm i'm controlling the boss i'm not controlling trace trace is just automatically doing whatever trace does um and that poop was a little too early that's a shame you can't see it but there's a little invisible drone coming out of the left door here that is coming off to drag trace's unconscious slash dead body off uh but because we didn't activate those drones uh they don't show up in the cutscenes so shout outs to lore continuity and code yes i do um and i believe that we are coming up on uh eight is that right we've already done seven so far yeah we did last one okay all right eight hey um so we save warp down here uh so that we can go get uh so the the movement power in this area is an upgraded coat um so the thing that i like to say about uh about this is that lab coats uh they give you superpowers but they're not particularly fashionable so we're gonna go get a coat that's a little bit more dashing um so we're gonna go find ourselves a trench coat and to find ourselves that trench coat we're going to go we're going to retrace our steps a little bit retrace we've got all the jokes here don't worry about it folks um and uh we're just going to hop hop hop we've been here before you've seen this before it looked a little spookier last time but it's the same general idea um we're gonna go up up up up up and right into the shaft this used to have a ton of faces in it that spat fireballs at us they're not here anymore um which is uh good for us um and we're gonna shoot our drone up here and pick up this coat uh incredibly clean pill dodge thank you and nine nine nine yes nine no nine means no so we have a trench coat now and like i said it's a little bit more dashing um actually it's a lot more dashing i'm gonna be double tapping a lot from here on out um we're gonna be doing almost nothing but dashing as we proceed into one of the most dangerous areas of the game uh owl city yeah so this room is called owl city uh it's called owl city uh because of these like firefly enemies that sort of look like owl eyes if i'm remembering correctly uh it's because it's because owl city made the song fireflies and the name of those fireflies uh right uh that was actually a really good blade buddy dodge i call these things blade buddies that's not what they're called um they're called they're called something else not your friends they're called blade vines but they just want to give you a hug um so i call them blade buddies and then this is the just the corruption here is thin enough that you can just go right through it yeah so uh that's not a glitch um it's just my normal coat dash goes through two tile walls and that wall happens to be two tiles so uh despite the fact that it's uh it damages me when i touch it um it's still normal operation of whoop yeah we can still do it during invulnerability frames and that saves uh one night a lot of time yeah just to backtrack to get the one item to unlock that normally all right if you don't like bees or wasps i would look away now um because uh this is a big old trigger warning this is one of the bosses that gave a lot of people a lot of trouble casually and i think you'll find uh that the way we kill him you might get some catharsis from it yeah uh uku is one of those bosses that's like extremely hard cash all the bosses have a really hard casual uh i got a he's basically free in a speedway mode there you go got it look at that recovery he spawns off some some little subwasps that uh that show up and you corrupt them and they turn into bombs and those bombs fortunately only take one hit to trigger and they will trigger off of other uh other explosions from other little wasps so uh we set them up in just the right way by moving it uh into specific spots there and then we hose them once once ooku's mouth is open and therefore damageable and then it dies in one hit because it's great awesome um so now we have a drone teleport which lets us swap places with our drone which is good we like our drone a lot um our drone also has a nice property it takes less time than trace does to go through doors um no wrong way um so we're gonna go ahead and uh use this drone to get to places that we couldn't uh mister and teleport to get to places that we couldn't before we have to return to uppercur because uh our drone moves very slowly and we want it to move faster so we have to go pick up something called the enhanced drone launcher while we're backtracking we could probably do some donations oh yes that's a good game let's do that i have a 10 donation from happydog271 saying thanks for holding these awesome events and good luck to sabara macia thank you have another 10 donation from stuff is stuff saying oh and thank you for teaching me to respect the sanctity of the learn you make me want to learn this game i won't but you make me want to i'll just live vicariously through you i might have another unless you yeah go ahead okay sounds good um i have a 15 donation from ghost lad s a and this is written in code so this might be butchered really bad uh while cause dot is good open parentheses close parentheses open bracket add funds to cause open parentheses close parentheses close bracket wow that was a really good rendition of that actually thank you well the code seemed to have worked so it did yes it absolutely did it wasn't primordial codes so it's a little bit easier to debug um so uh now we're navigating through uh snowy curves these hedgehogs all deal a lot of damage so i'm trying to not get hit by them uh so we're gonna send our drone over here uh and pick up enhanced drone launcher what does the hamstring launcher do it lets you throw the drone really really really far and also yes um and uh that is oh no that was wrong well i got i got too used to axiom verge 2 and pressing the same button to recall the drone it's fine this is fine i do know how to get out this is the start of our primary uh speed tech as far as movement goes so uh this is this is called drone swapping it's a combination of using a dash to impart more momentum onto your drone launch as well as using enhanced drone launch to get it going very quickly and then chaining and then canceling the cooldown on drone teleport um when done optimally this is about six inputs and three quarters of a second which is a lot easier than it sounds you hit a rhythm with it and you can go really really fast which is great because acting verge is a game that otherwise doesn't have a concept of momentum for its main character you're either moving or you're not um so using the dash and the enhanced drone launch you can impart a lot more speed now uh we're coming up on one of the most dangerous rooms of the game the the sudren key yes uh so the golden the golden sentries here don't do a ton of bump damage but they do do a lot of damage with their lasers um which you are vulnerable to if you are underneath them um i'm gonna i'm oh gosh spooky spooky we're fine good recovery you're good okay so basically um there's a limited number of hits that my drone can take from those and you wanna basically get in here because it doesn't matter how many tiny fragments of health i have left on the drone if i can get to the key then i'm oh no you did it again again i did it again uh we're gonna wait until our drone recovers some health we're gonna give it all the help that it can possibly have and then we're just gonna sneak out of there with iframes um we're just gonna do this and then that um and that's my recovery on that one oh good recovery so yeah axiom verge 2 came out less than a week ago and we've all been playing it badly so um yes uh so i i got a little bit uh yeah i there you can there is some safety health you can get off of the first century in there and i was debating taking it but in the end it's not really easy to get it's not easy to kill that one um there's a better place to take safety health in the future that was kind of dangerous lots more navigation through these golden oh no no no no no no why did i do that i don't know why did you do that uh oh no okay at least i only took bump damage from them it's fine everything's fine like i said everything is fine i'm not used to recalling those eggs don't count right uh yes the the little ones don't count okay um we're only doing we're only counting big eggs and we're up to 10 is that right that's a 10 yes yes ma'am well good news because oh fantastic so this area is called green hill yeah well yeah green heck sorry for marathon safety it's called green heck it only loses a quarter of a second um so there's a lot of things in here that are green they will heck you uh the lime green guys are kind of like metroid's where they'll just climb on you and drain your health and never stop until you're dead uh and they're really really hard to dodge but siberia did a fantastic job of it and now she's in the free part where all you'd have to do is just throw your drone out and you're fine yup and now we get the last tech item so now we get our last movement item uh oh please go ahead no you've got the puns so far i have no idea what you say about the red coat oh uh oh i don't know it's red coat i don't have a pun for red coat it's red and it's a coat had all of this for the other two coats about how stylish trench coats are and you got nothing for this very fancy red coat we could use the dashboard it's so functional i'm not gonna reuse the dashing pun but also twelve and this egg has been counted five times yeah this is kind of our hub it's very like central on the map so it's really a really convenient spot that the game gives us an auto save too we didn't even have to take like the what eight seconds to save to it manually yes uh i think that that's correct so we have here's another display that i've stored but that doesn't matter because the end game sequence unlocks basically when you get red code so this is uh this is uh who cannot climb uh that i affectionately refer to it as rsi because you have to do some very very precise drone swaps there and through the roof first try easy look at that yeah that is a lot harder than it looks um so now now that we're here we basically have uh just like amazing movement the redcoat um gives you not only a three tile dash instead of a two tile dash so that's a 50 increase in dash range um it also gives you insane iframes um which is so good we haven't explained the damage per frame yet should i uh and and yes it also does damage per frame um so you've seen me dash through drill blocks um but also or lost please um so there's this funny thing with the the damage per frame calculation it is actually done by computer frames not uh rendered frames uh so we turn vsync off so that we get more computed frames and i have no idea what your frame rate is right now uh but we can get it to tick where it's intended to take 60 times per second it takes like a thousand times per second so red coat does stupid amounts of damage redcoat doesn't actually uh get damaged ticks that often there is a little gating on it but you do get more ticks with higher fps um so with uh with vsync on you actually do less damage um which means unfortunately console players are out of luck because consoles have forced vsync um unless you're falc in which case it doesn't matter yeah unless your falcon your strats are just way too good all right we're going to take another safety health note here everybody loves a good safety health note um everything so even red coat brown coat and red coat both improve your damage reduction uh again uh please okay there we go there you go um and uh even with that everything here hits like a truck still everything just does tons of damage so it is very important that i avoid taking damage where possible uh it's not always going to be possible but uh as much as possible so this is the hardest boss in the game this is setter whole um and the way that we defeat zetter hull is by walking out of the room bye butter hole he's fortunately weak to leaving the room uh which makes him the easiest boss fight in the game uh in ind uh which is our 100 category he's the only thing actually capable of killing you by the time you get to this point uh so this is disco hell uh so named because it has both discos and hell um i am going to head go ahead and 13. start to take a safety safe um uh and i have actually lost some sound effects uh we actually about uh 20 minutes before this run started uh discovered the cause of that uh so we'll have a patch shortly yes um so i'm missing some sound effects uh but this is the final boss athatos and basically the way that you uh you beat athatos is by destroying his shiny gemstone collection uh three times um so that's one and then elsa nova again hi elsanova you're looking beautiful so the way that we do this uh basically as you can see is by uh dashing in uh into this and spamming our drill and kilver at the same time so we get uh several different kinds of tick damage all at once um and as orlov mentioned we get a boost from not having vsync on so we are also using the uh iframes from the coat to uh uh do our best to um not take damage from these a very aggressive sentinel or uh they're called uh what uh beholders entries um or doughnuts now that was the third gem so uh the the boss is entering death animation state um but unfortunately we have to wait until elsa nova does this gun thing to kill everything um and then now we're safe but you can actually die in that intervening period time time's on fade to black by the way yes time is on fade to black and time oh my gosh gg that was an incredibly good run especially for a marathon you got yeah you got a 1737. to gauntlet and then a sub 37. that was that was uh i'm not gonna lie that was a pretty pretty solid run so the grand total was 13 big eggs um so i will be donating 65 for those 13 big eggs i hope some of you will join me in donating some amount uh for our big egg count um i know uh willow you were planning on on doing some of that as well yep all right um and and thank you uh to to my wonderful commentators to our host corerium for counting with us and being just a generally gracious person um and to all of you for watching and to gamestone quick and the frame fatales staff for putting on such a wonderful event flame fatales um yeah uh that does it that does it for axiom virginia no major glitches thanks everyone thank you make sure to check out axiom verge 2. all right everyone so that was axiom verge not my first time seeing that run all right so that was axiom verge that is not my first time seeing that run but it is nonetheless always very entertaining uh gigi to sibera always a very very wonderful uh and super thorough explanation of speed runs i always learn so so much from her every time i watch things uh okay so we have a couple of donations uh we have 25 dollars from scooty to fruity saying have to donate during siberia's run can't wait for the akron bridge 2 speed runs to show up on gdq we had a 25 donation from lofty saying egg and i have a 100 anonymous donation saying greetings from thailand this cause is important now more than ever good luck with axiom verge i think there was some pretty good luck involved in there for sure all right we will be moving on shortly to the final fantasy 7 remake intergrade run to close off this wonderful day do keep in mind we still have two count em two incentives open for said run we have the blindfolded dance off if it is met it's your girl c will do the dance off sequence blindfolded we are currently at three thousand eight hundred eleven dollars towards the seven thousand dollar incentive so if you want to see this blindfolded dance off now is your chance and i highly recommend putting your donations toward that because i really want to see that that sounds really cool uh do keep in mind we also have a bid war between taking the stairs and riding the elevator in final fantasy 7 remake currently take the stairs is up 1 141 to 627.77 for the elevator so if you want to see the elevator being rid you should donate towards that as well keep in mind that all donations do go towards unlocking our final bonus game uh our next bonus game of new pokemon snap any percent and yeah that is going to be it for me today it has been an absolute honor to host for flame fatales 2021 i had a blast and i learned so much about sonic today and i also strangely enough really want a pair of knuckles gloves now so there's that i will leave with that hanging on my conscious um with that we'll be uh seeing nicole goodnight taking over for hosting duties past this and i think that now is a good time as any to switch on over to our uh prize segment with scent so scent whenever you're ready i say take it away i am always ready to talk about some of the amazing wheat prizes we have welcome back everyone to flame fatales 2021. now while you're getting those donations in for that blindfold to dance off you're also getting entered into a chance to win some of the amazing prizes that we have on offer today and i really want to tell you about some of them so first off for a five dollar minimum of donation all you need to donate is at least five dollars a day you're gonna get entered in to win into a copy of legends of localization volume one zelda from the legends of localization team it's a super cool book uh detailing the localization and translation of the legend of zelda both the original game and a bit of the series i actually wanted to pop open my copy here and uh talk about a specific passage that uh clyde nato mandolin the author kind of really goes into um now you know when we think about ganon's minions from the zelda series we often think about the moblins you know i'm sure you're imagining them right now those pig or sometimes dog-faced spear-wielding shield having uh monsters that impeded link's progress in just about every game well funnily enough in the first two legends of zelda games they weren't moblins they were mole bins with the l before the b no one's really sure uh when they started being called moblins although nato does note that the zelda cartoon from the early 90s officially calls them moblins and then moving forward from that a link to the past uh calls the moblins in the game as well as in the manual so it's you know kind of curious well which one of those is correct did the incorrect name kind of take precedent and interestingly enough if you transcribe the japanese name it literally translates as moriburin which is pretty much assuredly a combination of the word mori which means forest and the word guberin which means goblin it means goblin so absolutely no ambiguity there they are forest goblins although here they became known as the moblins and while that name might not be perfectly accurate it's just a really cool example of how you know a translation of a localization can stick with a franchise forever there's tons of more interesting facts just like that in this book only five dollar minimum donation you could win a copy get those donations in for sure we also have a set of lovely sonic themed iron-on patches from our friend wolf shadow they look great you get a set of three a sonic head a tails head and a knuckles head so you can represent your favorite member of the original sonic crew iron them onto your shirts iron them onto your pants iron them onto your walls i'm i'm not your mom i'm not going to tell you where you can iron them and where you can't iron them put them where you'd like they're absolutely beautiful you can see a lovely picture of them over at check out the prize page it's all there and thank you so much to wolfshadow for sending them out to us again only a five dollar minimum donation and every dollar counts every dollar matters so thank you all so much for donating now for a ten dollar minimum donation we have some really cool prizes as well first off from house of pocket taku we have a set of four lovely final fantasy plush buddies here they are adorable felt covered bean bag characters of the final fantasy 7 cast of course we have aeris or aerith depending on your preference and generation we've got barrett the man with the machine gun we've of course got red 13 everyone's favorite doggo friend and we have sans undertale the most important final fantasy character i'm not going to get off this joke i am going to continue to make it because i just love that there was a sans undertale thrown in for no reason other than hey why not everyone loves sans 10 minimum donation you get the full set up for thank you so much to house of pocket toku for sending those out to us and from kinda nerdy housewife also for a ten dollar minimum of donation we have a set of six absolutely lovely final fantasy themed parlors you of course get the fighter the red mage the white mage the thief the monk and the black mage everything you need to make yourself a final fantasy one party of your choice with no duplicates of course uh you know if you want duplicates might be a little bit hard i might have to talk to kind of nerdy housewife about getting some more perlers but these things are absolutely beautiful you can tell from a distance here that the melts on them are incredibly smooth they look absolutely wonderful thank you so much for sending them out to us and again only a ten dollar minimum donation to get entered in to winning that perler set of six how could you not like that only ten dollars also for a ten dollar minimum donation from artsy robot we have this absolutely beautiful aloy print from horizon zero dawn unfortunately the physical print did not make it here in time for the event but beautiful picture of it regardless you can see a larger version of it on the tracker as well absolutely love the shading and it absolutely love the detail into it it is beautiful thank you so much to artsy robots for sending that out to us and again only a ten dollar minimum of the nation that's all you gotta donate to be entered into all of the amazing prizes i've talked about so far but there's more of course there's more there are so many great prizes like this beautiful holographic metroid dread print sent to us by vats of goop it is so cool you can see it sparkling under all of the studio lights we have right now that's the holographic finish to the print the print itself is of course samus walking down a hallway bathed in red light with one of the i'm gonna call them the hunter robots the hunter robots from metroid dread stalking her from the rafters almost like a xenomorph from aliens versus predators i'm super hyped for this game i love how well vats of group has captured the atmosphere we saw in the trailer in this poster super cool you could have one 15 minimum donation thank you so much to vats of group for providing that now from our friend here having a little bit of trouble with it mecca momo we have this absolutely adorable sonic adventure 2 battle poster i love the characters in this i love the personality in this you can just see it sonic and shadow with that friendly rivalry sonic kind of thinks it's friendly shadow's kind of gruff and mean tails is just happy to be here knuckles is looking smug everyone is here everyone is just exuding personality i don't know how you can capture this well in a 2d medium it's beautiful 20 minimum donation and we have a pair of posters to give away thank you so much to mekomomo for sending those out to us also for a 20 minimum donation uh from our friend and runner of cat quest elijah we have this beautiful cat quest cross stitch it's it's a beautiful cat crush cross stitch i have nothing to say about this other than i mean come on look at it it's amazing yeah it's this is a framed cross stitch i know it doesn't look like it it looks like a print on kind of a rough canvas it's not these are all individual stitches i'm going to start counting them here one two three way too many this kind of hand crafted work takes so much time and so much patience and so much dedication huge shout outs to elijah for not only running the amazing cat quest game in the marathon you should check that out if you missed it live but also for donating this absolutely beautiful cat quest cross stitch 20 minimum donation any point today just to make sure to get those donations in today now for a 25 minimum of the nation we have an amazing gt omega element chair and i've said a few times you know i'm sitting in one myself and you know i kind of realized you could say anything on camera like how do people know that's real well i was gonna bring the chair down here to prove it and then i remembered i'm surrounded by about six full-size studio lights because apparently my house is like invisible without them so i brought down the pillow uh but seriously this chair is a very very comfortable chair it's got you know very nice reinforced leather on the seat it's got some suede wings on the back retails for like 330 dollars it's a luxurious chair for you to sit in while you're working while you're playing video games while you're just relaxing doing whatever it is you like to do and it could be yours for only a 25 minimum donation thank you so much to our friends over at gt omega for making that possible and for giving us a couple of chairs to give out to all of you now of course while i'm talking about prizes i gotta talk about the grand prize we gotta talk about it because it's a playstation 5. and the best part about having to talk about it is i don't have to talk about it because i mean come on it's a playstation 5. how could you not want to win it people been trying to get them for months there are discord servers set up solely to ping people when they're available on websites there are skype groups available to try and get your hands on a ps5 you know something is in demand if people are using skype to try and get it let me tell you that right there it could be yours for a hundred dollars cumulatively throughout the week so get in 25 right now to get into everything i've talked about and more there are so many great prizes like a sega genesis many from the stevens family like those beautiful sonic tails and knuckles patches that i talked about you gotta check out all of them over at the website i'm getting 25 tomorrow getting 50 on saturday and that is gonna be enough by itself to get you entered into our amazing grand prize that playstation 5. now that's going to be all the time i have but again as always if you're curious if you're just tuning in to the stream if you're not sure what's going on you want to head over to because has everything you need it's got the stream already as well as the virtual crowd with velocity and all of velocity's cool velociraptor friends reacting to the emotes that are going out in chat it's got the schedule so you can see all of the amazing games coming up tomorrow only one more game coming up tonight in final fantasy 7 but it is a doozy of a game you definitely don't want to miss it it's got all of the incentives you can see how they're doing you can see what you can put your money towards because remember you don't got to donate specifically for the prizes you can put those towards incentives like that blindfolded dance battle in final fantasy 7 and of course it's got all of the prizes that you can donate to be entered into a chance to win not just for today but throughout the entire marathon anyway that's going to be it for me i believe we flame fatales will be back after a short break so take a minute stretch it out get some water get some snacks but don't go too far because final fantasy 7 remake amazing speed run you do not want to miss a second of it stay tuned as far as the dance off goes we are four thousand seventy nine dollars out of seven thousand we only have two thousand nine hundred and twenty one dollars to go chat i believe we can do it we're only two hours off before we have to get that met and i think it can be done so if you want to see the blindfolded dance off go ahead and put in your donations towards that incentive and with that we are actually all ready for the next run so i'm going to go ahead and go over to it's your girl c with final fantasy 7 remake integrate 80 new game plus e
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 18,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Competitive Gaming, FLAMEFATALES2021, Fast Gaming, Fast Run, Flame Fatales 2021, Hasty Play, Legend of Zelda, Mario, Mega Man, Speed, Speedrun, Super Mario 64, Video Games, Zelda, eSports
Id: iv7ImhGWyJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 27sec (3507 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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